
Young Writers Society

Summer Camp - Chapter 1

by leeanna13097

“Inside, now!” a tall uniformed man yelled sternly, a British accent noticeable in his low voice.

Every person--adults and children, female and male--formed a neat line to a steel door. All the famished people wore the same red and black striped clothes that resembled pajamas. Only one tall young girl stood apart from the rest, tiny twigs and dirt particles tangled in her golden hair.

“Number 129, get in line!” the same man barked, infuriated, as usual.

She stared up at him, standing on his perch proudly. She took another confident step and spat on the ground below him. He swiftly blew a whistle wrapped around his neck for reinforcements. More men dressed in the same solid black uniform covered in badges ran up to the girl and roughly grabbed her scarred arms. They jerked her toward the line of people as she struggled weakly. When they finally got her to the end of the single file, they threw her on the ground, only making her dirtier. One kicked her stomach with a booted foot, not caring if he harmed her. She didn’t make a noise, but curled into a ball, bringing her knees to her chest. Since it was a weak kick, and the boot thankfully wasn't pointed, she just laid there for a moment, pretending she was in pain. She didn't want to acknowledge the fact that it didn't really hurt because, if she did, he definitely would make it hurt. The guards stalked back to their positions at the corner of the dusty field, chuckling to each other.

Number 129 calmly stood up, as if nothing had happened, and patiently waited her turn to enter the depressing gray building. The line moved quickly, though she wasn’t exactly thrilled about going back inside her home.

When she reached the heavy door, another uniformed man informed her, “Sorry, but we’re fresh out of water, sweetheart.” His voice was overly cocky. He smiled menacingly, silently asking for a sharp reply from her.

I've gone a day without water before, and I'm still alive fighting you morons. I think I'll be fine, honey, she thought sarcastically and sourly. As much as she would have loved to produce that answer, she shrugged ever so slightly and glared into his dark eyes, visually giving the sharp reply he wanted.

“I smacked you yesterday, so I’ll let you go today.”

The weak girl eyeballed him, faking a smile at the young beardless man.

He raised his knee, threatening another harsh punishment. “I never said anything about kicking, however.”

She started to walk off, limping slightly. I’ve survived one kick today, so another won’t hurt, she thought bitterly. With that, she walked behind the rest of the imprisoned people.

They destructed the line and spread out, some walking to big metal machines, others slowly walking around without a purpose. Most the children and teenagers just followed the adults, even if they didn’t know them. They had no one else to ask for help or follow around because they had been separated from their family against their will.

All these helpless and lonely people, Number 129 thought dreadfully, standing in the dead center of the space and staring at everyone around her, mentally crying. Where has your hope gone? Why do you bow down to these idiots? I can’t win this war alone. She wanted to voice her speech loud and clear, but she knew if anyone agreed with her, she wouldn’t be the only one to face torture and possibly death. Plus, she couldn’t withstand all the pain it would cause her throat.

She tiredly limped over to one of the large machines and stood beside a short man with a white beard. He didn’t greet her, not even acknowledge her with a friendly grin. Are you scared to talk? she wondered curiously yet heart-brokenly. Or have you lost the ability to speak over time?

Thinking of speaking darkened her all ready dreadful day. Her throat hurt so badly she’d just given up talking, trying to subside the pain as much as she could without medication, which no one would give her. Because she hadn’t spoken in so long, she was afraid if she spoke now her words might be jumbled and not come out the way she intended. Also, she had enough aches and pains all ready; she definitely didn’t need any more.

Suddenly, an ear-splitting buzzer echoed through the eerily quiet building, and she awoke from her sad reverie. The cogs on the heavy machinery started turning and screeching terribly, showing signs of age. When the rusty cogs fully turned, the equipment started. Time for work.

***Note to reader: I'd like to say that I do not have anything against any sort of religion. Please don't take any of this offensively. I usually don't write things this depressing, but I read a classic book and I guess you could say I got inspired XD It might not make any sense why I'm saying that, but it will! And does anyone know which category I should place this story in? I put it in romantic fiction because it will eventually be romantic, but it's supposed to take place in the future and is based off something that happened in the past. I know, confusing. One more thing: for people like me who hate blood, there will not be any gore in this, no matter how murderous the past event this is based on was. Maybe a little violence, but definitely not anything gory.

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Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:44 pm
<3Morgan,Dreamer:) wrote a review...

Oh my word, dear, I did not realize that you could write like this. (: Sure Written In Blood is good, but this I love. I think this genre or story type you write well, and I would love to see more out of you. :smt003 There are somethings though that I think you could add to the story to make it seem deeper if you get what I mean. Your characters are good, but I believe you could make them wonderful by making them deeper and adding some description. You can add the description and what not later on in the story kind of like a reveal of some sort or where ever you see fit. Also I think you should add more about the setting and more about how she got there, but knowing you, you are going to tell all in an interesting way in due time.
Overall, it was good and I wish you would continue writing this story. I have so MANY questions that need to be answered! PM when you post the next chapter. Hope I helped. Hope to see you soon.
Much love,

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:23 am
portersrose wrote a review...

Hey! This is reallly awesome! I hope you're a fast typist cause I can't wait to see where this story goes!


P.S I have no idea what to say as criticism. It seems to me all the other comments are sort of lenghthy, so I'm just typing randomly now. Okay, I have reach '250 characters' bye!

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:10 am
leeanna13097 says...

I got ten replies to this?! Wow!!! Thanks so much for the replies, guys!! I never dreamed this would get this many compliments and reviews :D. I'm still smiling from reading all those comments, hahaha. I'll try to get the next chapter typed and edited soon for you guys!

Thanks again! :smt003

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Sun Mar 14, 2010 3:45 pm
*writewatiwant* wrote a review...

Hey there! I'm Kat, and I'll be on to a quick review ^^

So, when I first started reading this I was like 'what's this doing in romantic fiction?'. That question was answered on your note. Some may say this doesn't really belong in this category, but I found it interesting. Many stories that start with evidence that it's romance turn out as boring or something of the sort. With this piece, I'm eager to find out how this will turn out to be romantic.

As far as setting goes, I think it was very well played. You made it all sound very real, even though I have absolutely no personal experience, I can understand the points of view. The details, such as not talking for long, make the story richer, something that was very pleasant to read. I must agree on one point of the previous reviewers: the main character. It's actually very intriguing how she's only designed as a number, but more to her character would be nice. We have a peek into her thoughts and feelings, but I'd like to see more of body language and such, from her and the people around her. Also, you mentioned children and teenagers followed the adults. If she wasn't following them, does that mean she's an adult? Or is she simply strong minded?

Overall it was a good read, and I'd like to see more. Have a good afternoon,
- Kat

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Sat Mar 13, 2010 6:42 am
UnderestimatedSmiles wrote a review...

I thought it was awesome! I have to disagree with some readers; the name of Number 129 is cool, and very fitting. I've written tiny things that I haven't posted about an orphan working at a factory and claiming a number as a name. Pm me when there's more story... don't forget! :smt005

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Sat Mar 13, 2010 6:21 am
MiaParamore says...

Oky, she can decide whta she wants so let her. If I made a mistake that doen' mean you will keep on stretching it like a rubber band.

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Sat Mar 13, 2010 3:18 am
Pozoe12 says...

Yes, you are correct in saying you are entitled to an opinion. However, that doesn't necessarily mean she should listen to them, especially if they are inaccurate. Understand, I am ONLY talking about your corrections with the grammar. Whatever other opinions you may have, you can have. I'm not criticizing that. I'm just pointing out the fact that in fixing the grammar in this piece, you're doing more harm than help. That's all. I didn't mean to cause any offense.

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Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:26 am
MiaParamore says...

Excuse me to both of you, I have a right to voice my views and she has that much sense to understand what is right. So please don't comment and Pm me unnecessarily.

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Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:59 am
Lena.Wooldridge wrote a review...

I totally agree with Pozoe... For example:

One kicked her stomach with a booted foot, not caring if he harmed her

Change 'he' to 'it nad the red word with 'hurted'.

Ummm, "hurted" isn't a word! Don't listen to any of Shubi's edits, because they all make the writing sound worse!

Anyway, what is the historical context of this? I'm actually really interested. When I read the part about the striped pajamas, I assumed it was the Holocaust. However, the Russians were actually fighting the Nazis during WWII, so they weren't instigators of the Holocaust, remember? Haha, so that wouldn't work out.
My next guess was that it took place in the soviet labor camps known as the GULAG. However, if this took place in the GULAG, the guards would not talk to the people, and definitely would NOT refer to them as their numbers. I don't even think they numbered them.

Would you please PM me with more information? I'm currently writing a novel about labor camps as well, so maybe we could help each other out.

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Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:21 am
Pozoe12 wrote a review...

I'd just like to say that, with all due respect, shubhiloves2write doesn't seem to have a CLUE what she's talking about. Sorry. It's just, you're taking the author's perfectly good sentences and warping them around when they really don't need to be. Virtually every sentence you corrected was fine in the first place. Sorry, I honestly don't mean to come off as offensive or arrogant....I just don't want the person who wrote the story to go changing things that don't need to be changed. That's all. Also, about the characters, I like it so far. And I'm pretty sure that if the author decides to take this further, they will definitely manage to work in a description and whatnot. But, overall, it was pretty interesting. I'm really hoping you decide to take this further. Hope I could be of assistance.

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Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:31 pm
MiaParamore wrote a review...

Hi there. I am here to review for you today. All the words or letters that I have added will be in blue nad the ones I need you to change or check in red. Hope this helps.

They jerked her toward#0000FF ">s the line of people as she struggled weakly.

When they finally got her to the end of the single file, they threw her on the ground, only making her #0000FF ">more dirtier.
delete 'only' from the line.
One kicked her stomach with a booted foot, not caring if he #FF4000 ">harmed her
Change 'he' to 'it nad the red word with 'hurted'.
When she reached the heavy door, another uniformed man informed her, “#FF0000 ">Sorry, but we’re fresh out of water, sweetheart.”

The sentence should be,"Sorry, but we're out of stock for fresh water."
Most #0000FF ">of the children and teenagers just followed the adults, even if they didn’t know them.
They had no one else to ask for#408000 ">(delete) help #0040FF ">from or follow around because they had been separated from their family against their will.

Story: Okay, so is it based on WW2 where jews were exploited or some other historical period? I think the story line is not so great in itself but you can develop this into an interesting read. The story is quite predictable now or maybe I am wrong. Would love to see where it goes.

: No. 129 needs a name and detailed description. Maybe you will introduce new characters in forthcoming chapters.

Grammar: It is okay- okay but you need to work on it more. You miss out some words. So just read it aloud before posting.
Overall: It is a decent story which cna be made more interesting. I hope you will do that.
BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!! Let me know if you want to get something else also reviewed.

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102 Reviews

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Reviews: 102

Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:22 pm
Sionarama says...

Hey leeannerz! I love your story! It's interesting how she's only a number. I know you wroter this in the bottom, but I WOULD like to know where we are and something more about #129 . Overall great work. PM me when the second ch. gets out!

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Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:41 pm
possibleintrovert wrote a review...

The setting and current situation sounds a bit like the Holocaust. However, it was really interesting. I think that you should place it in Russia, actually. For some reason the cruel climate in Russia and general intimidation persona that Russians have make it seem perfect for this story. I think that you should definitely keep it in Romantic Fiction and have maybe an authoritative person be her lover. Whether you want it to be a happy ending or not, is up to you. But this was really captivating. Please PM me when your next chapter comes out!

the only theft here is of decency when carina decided to rob me of my pride and put me on a banana
— veeren