
Young Writers Society



by kitkitkat

'Breathe', it says.

They have trouble with this command. 

'Breathe', the sign still says, unchanging. The sign does not care what they are doing. The sign doesn't even want them to listen to its command. How could it? It's a sign.

  Still, they feel apologetic towards the sign. It is such a simple request, to breathe, and they're only hurting themself by having trouble with it. Although it's not like they can help it. They would much rather not have trouble breathing, regardless of the sign demanding them, in deep purple letters, to breathe.

 The world is out of focus, they can barely feel their strained breathing, barely see the dark night around them. 

 only thing that they know now is the sign. Its a simple sign, a hard, dark, orange rectangle, with blocky purple letters spelling out 'Breathe'.

  Why is it the sign they focus on, of everything else that presumably exists? Is it the strange colors, and single word that would feel out of place anywhere? The sign is just one strange thing, in a world full of strange things, so what's so special about this one sign? 

No offense to the sign of course, it's a lovely sign to lose themself in. It doesn't really matter why their mind picked the sign, does it? Because it did, And now the sign is all there is. 

 Why are they focused so intently on a singular object? 

The sign, 'Breathe', reminds them that they can't breathe. They realize with a spark of satisfaction that this must be why the sign is what got their attention. 

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Sun Aug 21, 2022 10:09 pm
KateHardy wrote a review...

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night(whichever one it is in your part of the world),

Hi! I'm here to leave a quick review!!

First Impression: This is an interesting piece. Its naturally quite short and it seems to be trying to send just this one simple message which is usually a great way to go about a piece of this size. I think it manages to pull off what its trying to do reasonably well although there are a couple of place it could do with a bit more of an impact.

Anyway let's get right to it,

'Breathe', it says.

They have trouble with this command.

'Breathe', the sign still says, unchanging. The sign does not care what they are doing. The sign doesn't even want them to listen to its command. How could it? It's a sign.

Still, they feel apologetic towards the sign. It is such a simple request, to breathe, and they're only hurting themself by having trouble with it. Although it's not like they can help it. They would much rather not have trouble breathing, regardless of the sign demanding them, in deep purple letters, to breathe.

Well, this is a powerful little start here. It such a simple word that you've chosen to focus on. There isn't really a world here, just this one sign floating in a void almost with this one instruction and I love that. It instantly draws your right towards it and makes you ask so many questions about what this request is mean to represent and to whom its being made.

The world is out of focus, they can barely feel their strained breathing, barely see the dark night around them.

only thing that they know now is the sign. Its a simple sign, a hard, dark, orange rectangle, with blocky purple letters spelling out 'Breathe'.

Why is it the sign they focus on, of everything else that presumably exists? Is it the strange colors, and single word that would feel out of place anywhere? The sign is just one strange thing, in a world full of strange things, so what's so special about this one sign?

Okay...this is taking on a little bit more of a shape here as we continue. That's certainly an interesting addition. I wasn't expecting the world to be involved at all, but now we've got a few splashes of color and a blurred background. It does add wonderfully to the focus here though since all of it does have this sole purpose of emphasizing this sign and just continues to build the mystery of what this sign could possibly mean.

No offense to the sign of course, it's a lovely sign to lose themself in. It doesn't really matter why their mind picked the sign, does it? Because it did, And now the sign is all there is.

Why are they focused so intently on a singular object?

The sign, 'Breathe', reminds them that they can't breathe. They realize with a spark of satisfaction that this must be why the sign is what got their attention.

Okay...well that's an interesting ending. It felt like it was building up to something a little bit deeper than what we have right here but then it does still have a decent meaning I suppose with the whole mind latching onto it part. Its certainly a start as far as an ending goes.

Aaaaand that's it for this one.

Overall: Overall, I think the start is great here. The way it develops through the middle is also pretty nicely done, but towards the end it didn't quite deliver on the kind of weight that was built up. I think the same idea, just with a bit more meaning behind it could really improve things here.

As always remember to take what you think was helpful and forget the rest.

Stay Safe

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Sun Jul 24, 2022 12:00 am
vampricone6783 wrote a review...

And just like the people in the poem,I am intrigued! Who are they? What world do they live in? What are they? Guess we shall see.Just one sign telling them to breathe.Why can’t they breathe? What is this strange dimension of which they call home? Were they always there? Or was it forced upon them? Like the order to breathe? I hope you that you will have a lovely day/night.

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Sat Jul 23, 2022 9:11 pm
fantasies wrote a review...

hi! noticed you joined yesterday, so…welcome!
i find this interesting. i want to know more. is it an urgent situation? who is this ‘they’? i hope we get to know more, perhaps in a chapter of such! like the review below mine, it seems like the perfect prologue.
more questions to be answered, why can’t they breathe? who wrote this sign? what does it mean?
there are a few grammar mistakes, but would be easy to fix with light editing.
i hope you have a good day. welcome to this community, and good job with this piece. :)

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Fri Jul 22, 2022 8:51 am
MailicedeNamedy wrote a review...

Hi kitkitkat,

Mailice here with a short review! :D

First of all, a warm welcome here on YWS! I hope you have a lot of fun here!

Let's start with the review. :D It was a short but interesting piece. It seems like a kind of prologue and came across a bit mysterious and exciting. It set up a lot of questions, most of which were not answered. I don't know if it was deliberately chosen that way or not, but it does leave some thoughts in the reader's mind when they are standing there after reading it. I like that.

I also like how the text "lengthens" a bit with each new section, so where we learn a bit more, which makes the story open up more and more, like a breath, and you become clearer about what is happening. It remains a mystery, especially for a short story, but that gives it that air of eeriness that accompanies you.

Style-wise, I can't tell if it's more along the lines of danger or fear, because there's a little too much missing for that. I think you could try to expand it a bit so that it's at least clearer what emotions the reader is supposed to have when reading this.

Another thing I noticed:

They would much rather not have trouble breathing, regardless of the sign demanding them, in deep purple letters, to breathe.

I think you should put the "in deep purple letters" somewhere else, because it is a bit too much information in this context. It's a contradiction with what I said before, but I still think this information belongs more at the beginning.

In summary, it is an eccentric and strange story where I remain convinced that this is the beginning of a longer story.

Have fun writing!


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Fri Jul 22, 2022 7:47 am
cidrianwritersguild wrote a review...

Good Evening, Kit/Kitkit/Kitkitkat,

Now, I'm not really one for the deeper side of writing or thinking, but I figure you deserve a review, so here goes nothing.

Firstly: If you've ever read HHGTTG or your first few lines remind me of Douglas Adams' narration style. That slow, obvious, explanatory tone that can only be described as "uniquely British" is, I think, perfect for what you've written.

Secondly: Now, as I said, I am not an extremely deep thinker, so I am not entirely sure who "they" are. But, perhaps that is your point. Is this, perhaps, a commentary on stupid sheeple? Or perhaps it's meant to be the world through the sign's eyes. I don't truly know, but I can certainly say that it is written in an intelligent manner and I think that lends itself to your purpose.

Thirdly: Third paragraph from the bottom; "themselves" not "themself." Unless a number change somewhere, in which case, apologies.

I don't believe I have advice for you beyond "Keep writing." If you write over my head already, I don't imagine I can really help you, but you seem to have a promising career/hobby in the authoring sector. Much luck to you.

Slàinte Mhath,

The Cidrian Writer's Guild

Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances.
— Maya Angelou