
Young Writers Society

E - Everyone

To the monster under my bed

by kaceymackwriter

To the monster under my bed,

When I was little, I did everything that I could to hide from you. My parents would tell me to go to bed and I’d pretend that I couldn’t hear them. As long as I could, I stayed put downstairs hoping that I would never have to walk up those loud and creaky stairs, that I wouldn’t have to face the dark of my room. Every night, I silently prayed out of fear that you would grab my arm when I reached around my door frame to flip on the light. Because if you didn’t, that meant I would have to turn it off again. And once the light when out, I had to stay in the dark, I had to make it to my bed.

Now I look back and that space between my lightswitch and my bed was just a few feet. But to a child that tiny gap was a chasm that I couldn’t cross. Not without my heart bruising my chest and my mind racing to every dark possibility it could find in the crevices of my brain. Sometimes I wonder where that imagination went. The one that saw the darkness, the one that saw lava. The one that looked into the shadows instead of through them. But that’s for another day.

You see, I used to curl myself up in the middle of my bed. I tucked my covers around my toes so you couldn’t pop up to nibble on them. I’d never let my arm hang off the edge. Night after night, when I wouldn’t find sleep, my hands trembled at the thought of finding you as I yanked my blankets up and over my head.

But, to the monster under my bed, I’m not afraid of you anymore. Growing up let me forget you were there. After all, you can’t fear something if you don’t remember what to dread.

I used to fear the gashes your long talons could make; now I’m the one who’s left them on my arms. I avoided my room, didn’t want to go to bed. Now I barely leave it because closed doors keep me hidden. Sleep was an invisible mercy to me, one that let me escape to morning. I can’t remember the last time my mind was quiet enough to let me be much less when I was last allowed to sleep.

And I suppose, I owe you an apology. For calling you a monster all these years. I’ve met real monsters and they didn’t have fangs. Real monsters don’t have claws, in fact, they look just like everyone else. Appearance is not what makes a monster, I should know, you can’t put a face to the ones inside my head.

You know, the ones that keep me up at night with hateful, angry whispers. The ones that leave blood on my breath after I bit my nails until my fingers bled. You’re not the one who dropped stones on my chest to hold me to my bed. And you’re not the one I’m afraid to see when shadowy figures loom outside my door.

Late at night, when the only light in my room was an orange glow from outside, I would cry to myself in the sweltering air that grew hotter the longer I hid under my covers. I had to keep my breathing low, if anyone knew I was up, well the idea of that terrified me more. More than you under my mattress, more than any moving shadow. Being caught awake scared me so much more than anything.

To the monster under my bed, I want to thank you. Even if I always feared that your outstretched arms would swallow me whole. I guess, I finally realized that you were never there to harm me at all.

There are monsters in this world beyond the depths of the dark. They don’t hide under the beds of children. They’re not warped or born from nightmares. These monsters wander down the streets, disguised with cloaks and lies. And you, the monster under my bed, you were there to protect me from them.

Thank you, thank you, my dear old friend. For being there, for protecting me, for watching the shadows from under my bed. I never thought I’d miss you until I realized you were gone.

To the monster under my bed, who was there in the weeks of endless grey. Who didn’t leave when I was so consumed by hopelessness that both my angels and demons had abandoned me. To you, who taught me how to breathe and stop shaking through the worst of the moments when my panic pounced.

I’m not afraid now, you taught me the strength to stand even when I’m alone. 

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22 Reviews

Points: 54
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Sat Dec 28, 2019 12:43 am
Josie24 wrote a review...

Okay, that left me with chills! I was sitting in the dark, but halfway through I had to go turn on the lights. I thank my lucky stars that I live a sheltered, safe life with my family. I wouldn't wish those kinds of monsters on anyone, and detest that some face the harsher side of life, often alone. Your story left me with a feeling of melancholy, seeping right down to my bones, made me feel those sad, angry vibes which seem to be emanating from this story. I congratulate you, for every great story should leave the reader feeling something strong, an emotion they hadn't been feeling previous to reading the story, and yours did that.

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Thu Dec 19, 2019 1:58 pm
SimiDeJoie4 wrote a review...

Nice work,I must say. Planning of writing my first review in YWS. Here is a chance.
In the first paragraph,I quote 'and once the light when out'. I believe you mean 'and once the light went out'. In the last paragraph, I believe 'my angels and demons' should be 'my angels and my demons' except you are trying to refer to the same people.
Keep expressing yourself but don't forget to read through.

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Wed Dec 18, 2019 4:26 pm
chelle934 says...

wow great work!

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Wed Dec 18, 2019 2:29 am
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Atticus wrote a review...

Hey there kaceymackwriter! Tuck swinging by with a review for you tonight. Let's get into it!

First off, you explore a lot of deep concepts in this short story, and it honestly feels more like a poem than a story. You do a great job of using metaphors to describe the transition from childhood to adulthood, and the writing is clear and exciting to read. You masterfully use prose to craft a poem-like narrative that's easy to follow and is engaging. Props to you for that!

Since this was so wonderfully done, I'm going to spend the majority of my review focusing on the areas in which I think you could improve this. Please don't see this as a sign that I didn't like this story; on the contrary, I liked it so much that I've worked to provide you with feedback to make it even better.

Firstly, it feels as if you bounced around from topic to topic a little. For that reason, I found it hard to extract a clear message from this. You explore a lot of topics here, which makes this feel like an exploratory first draft than a polished work. While there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, ultimately where I'd like to see this go is having a clear focus. Whether that's what the beginning is, which focuses more on dealing with the fear of the monster under the bed, or it's where the ending is, with how the monster was never really under her sheets but rather pacing the streets, zoning in on that topic and fleshing it out even more would strengthen this. Personally, I felt that the end was more hard-hitting, but it's completely up to you which one you feel you should write about.

Secondly, this felt scattered, not because of the flow, but because there were a lot of thoughts all strewn together. This is closely related to the first one, but the difference is I'm speaking on a paragraph-to-paragraph level. Within each paragraph, you tend to explore different ideas, and while they're within the same topic, there's a lot of movement. I honestly think you have enough material to write a series of essays on this, but I think that you should work to hone in on this and have one main point. That will help your flow and also ensure that the reader has a clear takeaway from this.

Hopefully you found this helpful, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out! I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have about this review or the site in general. Once again, absolutely awesome job on this, and I can't wait to read more from you or see some future edits of this!

For a short space of time I remained at the window watching the pallid lightnings that played above Mont Blanc and listening to the rushing of the Arve, which pursued its noise way beneath. The same lulling sounds acted as a lullaby to my too keen sensations; when I placed my head upon my pillow, sleep crept over me; I felt it as it came and blessed the giver of oblivion.
— Mary Shelley, Frankenstein