
Young Writers Society

16+ Language

Coffee, Grit, and my Dad's Best Shoes 2.2

by eldEr

Warning: This work has been rated 16+ for language.

Three days later, we had news of my discharge. The doctor was certain that I'd be good to go home in two weeks, "Give or take a day on either end," and I was too happy to point out the redundancy of his statement. My mother cried, and Francis had to be reminded not to hug me too hard by a nurse with blonde hair and pretty green eyes (the same nurse snuck me an extra butterscotch pudding at suppertime to commemorate the occasion).

Parker was the first to show up that evening, and even he hugged me. Only after my arms invited him, but I couldn't blame him for being hesitant.

"I kind of feel like I've been around the entire time," he murmured, lips far too close to my ear to be anything but hazardous. I had memories of those lips near my ears and, for now, said memories still hurt. "Is that... self-absorbed or something?"

I laughed under my breath and shook my head. "No. I keep forgetting that you haven't been here since day one, too." He'd only been coming to see me for five days, and the boy- the man, now, I suppose he was- was a permanent fixture again.

He pulled back, and I let him, but my fingers hooked around his before his hand could fall away completely. He tried to hide it, but I caught the smile. "God," he started. "You know, you already look... better." He looked up at my mother. "Am I just losing it, or has he massively improved over the past five days, Mai?"

Mom shook her head, and I swear it on my life, I hadn't seen her smile like that since Dad went missing. "He has." She chuckled, squeezing Francis's shoulder. "You haven't had anything but Tylenol One today, either, have you?"

I shook my head, falling back into the pillows, because I could fall into them without hurting. Well, badly, anyway. The thrum was still there, but it was tolerable. "Two doses. Nothing stronger than that."

Francis wiggled away from Mom, plopping herself down on a chair next to Parker's. She pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her chin on them. "Think you'd be better at Uno in our own living room?" she asked.

I winked at her. "Probably not." I raised a finger. "But, I bet I can still kick your butt at Scrabble."

Parker scrunched his eyebrows at us. "You could kick anyone's butt at Scrabble, dummy."

I didn't have time to tell him that Nicky was actually a formidable Scrabble foe before she and Michael were stumbling through the door, Michael with a fresh bouquet raised above his close-shaven head, Nicky ducking under his opposite elbow, which seemed to have been trying to collide with her sternum.

"Brazil," Nicky started, and with a level of enthusiasm that I hadn't heard from her in a long time. "We found lilacs." She pointed proudly to the bouquet that was hoisted over Michael's head, and he lowered it. "Like, in a flower shop and I didn't even know they could get them in this time of year."

If my eyes hadn't gotten a good two sizes bigger, I would've been surprised. The light purple kind and everything. I didn't have time to properly respond before Michael was shoving the entire thing in my face.

"Smell and believe!" he said, and I did, but I didn't know what I was supposed to be believing. I didn't ask, either- just took the flowers from his hand when Parker dropped mine, fingering the petals with the fingers of the other.

It may not have been exactly masculine of me, but I was observing every dip in every petal, then the entire petal. The blossoms. The branches. A thorough admiration, starting with the smallest, most minute detail, ending with the object of interest as a whole. It was something that my father had taught me, and I was glad that I'd learned it.

I looked up at Mom when I was finished, and she whisked over to take it, pulling the old flowers from the vase to put the new ones in. "Do you want me to dry these ones?" she asked, and I nodded when she looked over her shoulder. She laid them out on the dresser and leaned a shoulder on the wall.

There was a brief intermission, during which Michael and Nicky fought over the only chair with purple upholstery, and he ended up sitting on her lap in the end, anyway. My eyes rolled more than once, but I was savouring the atmosphere. Everyone was here who needed to be, and nobody looked ready to throttle anyone else (mostly, Nicky didn't look ready to throttle Parker), and it was... nice. For the first time in a month and a half, things felt nice.

I leaned back against the pillows and cleared my throat. "I have an announcement." I rolled my head around to look at Michael and Nicky. "Which is actually only for you two, because Parker's punctual and already heard." Michael blew a raspberry, and Nicky swatted the back of his head.

My sister giggled, and then she giggled again, and I swear, I thought she'd start crying. She'd always been emotional, and she'd always been a crier, and God knew how these past couple years had been for her. I made sure to smile at her before I kept going.

"The doctor thinks I'll be out of here in a couple of weeks."

There was a moment of silence, followed by the single most feminine squeal I'd heard from Nicky's mouth, and Michael finished with a very, very enthusiastic, "Dude!" Even Parker laughed, and I don't think that it would've been physically possible for me to smile any bigger.

"You're going home," Nicky whispered. "Freaking... gosh, it feels like forever, Braz."

I nodded, letting my head rest against the pillows again. I looked at Mom, and she shook her head disbelievingly- and tilted it in Parker's direction. I looked in his general direction, catching sight of his hand on its side, resting suggestively close to my wrist. I took it again, and when I squeezed, he squeezed back.

"I don't even remember most of it," I said, sending a short, single-syllable laugh at the ceiling. "But it does feel like forever." It could have been worse, and I kept trying to remind myself of that. From a year stuck here with a steady line of surgeries to stop internal bleeding and damage to six feet under in a wooden box.

There was a pause. Francis started squirming, just like she did when you knew she was getting upset by something. I looked at her and offered a gentle smile. "I don't feel like losing a game of Uno right now, but is our Monopoly game still here?"

The smile was returned, and before I could blink, she was nodding and digging it out from under a pile of jackets on a chair against the wall.

"I call the car," Michael chirped.

Nicky shoved him off of her lap, which warranted laughter from all directions. "I call the car to infinity and beyond."

The banter started- the kind that Parker always distanced himself from. I withheld for once, looking at him while everyone was distracted. "You'll be there, right?" I asked, voice barely above a whisper.

He blinked at me, eyebrows knitting together. "Be where?"

"Here. When I get to go home." I couldn't help myself; I gave him my best pleading eyes. It had been the stone in my stomach since he'd agreed to keep visiting- him falling off the face of the planet again- and I didn't want him to stop showing up once I was out of the hospital. Whatever pieces he was willing to give, I wanted to take back, and I couldn't do that if he disappeared.

He stared at me for a second. And then another. And another. The tray, game set up, was placed on my lap, and I let myself be stolen from the moment. My shoulders fell a little, and I picked the dog piece out of the box lid when Mom extended it to me.

I watched Parker take the thimble from the corner of my eye, barely catching the whispered, "Yeah, I will be."

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Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:19 pm
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Audy wrote a review...

and Francis had to be reminded not to hug me too hard by a nurse with blonde hair and pretty green eyes

Syntactically, the placments of your phrases in this sentence makes it a bit difficult to understand/read. I might rewrite like:
Frances had to be reminded by a nurse with blonde hair and pretty green eyes not to hug me too hard
A nurse with blonde hair and pretty green eyes had to remind Frances not to hug me too hard

Is that... self-absorbed or something?

LOL! This is really telling of what is happening in Parker's head right now, I can tell he's fraught with worries and I just see him as living with the burden of guilt/trying to make up some kind of
justification for his not being around -- but he's doing this well, he's being there for Braz now, and Braz absolutely loves the guy :) This is quite a warm, happy, lovely chapter, it's nice.

The light purple kind and everything.

Awwwwwwwww! There's something just so sweet and precious about a guy and his flowers.

Michael blew a raspberry

I dunno if this is just me being absurdly picky but grown people blowing raspberries is just such a weird image to me xD And this is twice that Michael's done that. I get mannerisms,
that's just a funny/weird one. There are a lot of mannerisms in this story come to think! Frances' giggling until she cries - I like that one, it's one that I find
believable and endearing because I actually know people who do that! The family's obsession with board games -- haha xD I love that one too.

That last sentence <3 Yaay for story movement! I actually can't wait to see these two out and about ^_^

~ as always, Audy

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Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:11 pm
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megsug wrote a review...

Just jumping in this time.

Three days later, we had news of my discharge

Eeeeh... Whenever a loved one of mine has been in the hospital, we haven't known until the day or two before. Different situations I guess... So maybe it's nothing.

I was too happy to point out the redundancy of his statement.

Maybe I'm just having a blonde moment, but... I didn't see the redundancy. :3

"Do you want me to dry these ones?"

I'd get rid of 'ones.' It makes the question sound awkward.

single-syllable laugh

I don't think that's the right way to describe a laugh? As far as I know syllables only describe words? I don't know what word I would use to replace 'single-syllable' that would give it the same feeling >.>

So, that wraps it up for me. I think it's interesting to see how different Parker is as his actual self which you see in his POV and then how people see him. It's like people see him as this withdrawn kinda guy when he's actually busy underneath with all kinds of emotion. It's really fascinating. I like it.
And he's so cute, putting his hand near Braz's but not taking it until Braz does.

I feel kinda awkward following all of these rave reviews with nitpicks, but I do want to tell you that I'm in love with your characters (You've built them up since 1.3 where I told you you needed to build them up a little xP) and I really do like the story. :3

So... yeah.
Give me a heads up when chapter three is out. I'd be happy to drop my opinions.

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Sun Jan 26, 2014 7:32 pm
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deleted30 wrote a review...

Hi again!

This was possibly my favorite part so far. I really love the differences between Braz's narration and Parker's. It's subtle, but they each are definitely different from one other and that comes across perfectly.

As usual, everything was amazing—the flow, the character development, the dialogue, the realism. Honestly I can't nitpick anything. It's just so flawless.

I agree with what Iggy (much more entertainingly) said, all of that praise. I love how you're subtly explaining their past, too. Some people on here give way too much information and backstory within the first chapter, and the reader ends up getting whiplash from information overload. What you're doing is much more organic and awesome.

Overall, complete and utter greatness. Keep up the good work! :D

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Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:24 am
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Iggy wrote a review...



I knew they had been a couple. I JUST KNEW IT. Oh my god, I was smiling the entire time I was reading it because IT'S SO CUTE.

I seriously, I love this. It's getting better and better because a.) Braz is going home, b.) you switched POVs which is always a nice thing to do but c.) Braz is perfect and d.) we're finally getting to see more of the two main characters' pasts. Finally. We're getting closer and closer to the root of the problem: why everyone hates (or hated?) Parker and why they were beat up. I mean, I'm fairly certain it was because they dated, but why exactly? Was it homophobes that attacked them? Or for a different reason? Are you gonna pull a wonderful plot twist? (oh please do)

I really am terrible with critiquing stuff sometimes, especially when I'm too busy squealing over a couple (Parzil?! <3) to focus on some things. But from what I could see, nothing was wrong. Grammar seemed to be in tip-top shape, no spelling errors, and perfect storyline. Beautiful writing, as usual. You win bonus points for some more background information. :D

My favorite part was when Parker and Brazil hugged and Braz recalled how those lips were closer to his face and asdfghjkl write more and let me know next time. D:


Isha says...

So this was the single most entertaining review I've ever gotten on one of my pieces before xD I am soooo glad that you liked it. Braz is SO HARD TO WRITE I DON'T EVEN (Parker's just like "here words write them", so).

I'm still trying to find a time to get all of the extra background stuff in without dropping it in a giant paragraph somewhere. D: Like, the only real way I can slip it in naturally, that I can think of, is if Parker and Braz's mom talked after Braz was back home, but to do that, I'd need to wait until chapter three, because I need Parker's POV again. xD

Do you think I could pull off dragging it out until then, or should I try to think of something else? o:

Iggy says...

I think you should wait, or have Braz overhear it. Switching POVs is confusing! <3

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Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:47 am
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Deanie wrote a review...

HI Isha,

So, I read this is and it was also nice for me to know Brazil is getting out of hospital because I can feel the story starting to progress and it would be a great moment to progress plot-wise, even though I'm not quite sure what you want out of this yet! I'm enjoying it, and all the characters are 100% there and realistic too. I loved the moment when Brazil is looking around the room and just being happy that everyone is there and enjoying themselves, and it was a very clear scene that made me smile just reading it! Friends as family are the best <3

One nitpick that's not even really one:

Parker was the first to show up that evening, and even he hugged me.

I feel like it should just be 'he even' because it sounds less awkward that way. When I first read it I even read it the way I suggested ^^

I feel like quite a lot about all the characters now except for Frances. I would like to know a bit more about what's going on with her, and what she's like as a sister. Then I'm pretty sure you've got all the characters covered.

And erghhhh you've left us hanging in the dark about Parker and Braz's past for so long I want to know what happened, please? :D So this was short again but you know, good writing doesn't call for long reviews. It's just too good for that. Let me know when there is more!

Deanie x

Isha says...

Thank you so much! :) I'm glad you're enjoying this as much as you are (and I HOPE it's genuine enjoyment xD). I'm going to try to work on Francis quite a bit in the next few scenes, but she's a bit tricky to squeeze in. Nine year olds. They're difficult creatures to write.

Thank you so much for the review <3

Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity.
— Charles Mingus