
Young Writers Society


Stealing Gengar's Original Character

by Spearmint

Author's Note: This story is the result of a challenge by @alliyah (issued here:  alliyah • Young Writers Society) to use a character that @GengarIsBestBoy created for @Elinor in the Worst Gift Exchange. Therefore, it is extremely cringy xD Hopefully it makes you laugh, though. ^^

~ ~ ~

Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters was furious.

Now, you didn't usually want to get on the bad side of Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters, because of the Esteemed Princess's 60 quadrillion ounces of awesome power and loyal animal sidekicks and army of boyzzz who would gladly take revenge for her. But clearly, whoever had stolen her secret stash of onions and raisins hadn't realized that.

The air around Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters crackled with frost as she glared at the empty spot in her gigantic closet where her snacks usually were. Snowflakes appeared out of nowhere and swirled around the Princess, making her look even more gorgeous than normal. She flipped her fairy dust hair.

"Now, who could have committed this heinous crime?" Despite her barely-contained rage, her voice was sweeter than the melody of a thousand crystal-clear bells. Which was expected of an ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS being like she was. "Perhaps I shall ask my mother, Elsa."

Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters flapped her beautiful butterfly wings once, then launched herself out the window of her bedroom, which was actually an entire floor of the castle that was reserved entirely for her. Because of course she deserved her own castle. It was called the Palace of Perfection and Beloved Home of the Amazing Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters. Anyways, she twirled in the air and managed to execute a double backflip too. The weather was cloudy, which lifted the Princess's spirits, despite her current totally-justified rage at the devious theft which had taken place.

The Honorable, Perfect, Paragon of Goodness, Faultless Princess landed gracefully in the midst of the Enchanted Forest, mere paces away from her mother. She curtseyed and every animal within fifty feet of her fainted from pure joy to see such an elegant being. "Greetings, mother." Then every living thing within a hundred feet of her revived because of her voice, which was more captivating than sunbeams through clouds and more invigorating than a mountain spring.

Elsa nodded gracefully (but not as gracefully as Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters. Because the Way-Better-Than-Sliced-Bread Princess is the protagonist. Obviously.). "'Sup?"

"Mother, I told you to stop using such vulgar slang." Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters sighed. She hoped it was simply a phase that her dear mother was going through. Elsa had recently stumbled across a strange rectangular device in the forest and was now "texting" people from some other dimension, or something of that sort. It was all very odd.

"I am here because someone has stolen my precious onion and raisin delicacies." Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters pouted adorably.

"Slay." Elsa looked up from the screen in front of her. "I mean, what? I'm so sorry, dear."

"Yes, I know you are. Everyone should empathize with me." This was really not a selfish thing for the Precious Princess to say, because of course, when she was happy, the whole world was happy. Conversely, if she was sad, the whole world was sad. So, it was in everyone's best interests to keep the Peaceful Princess happy. Preferably by playing music made after the 2010s or playing something from Disney Star Wars. Not that she knew what those were by name– she only knew that this dimensional magic was good on occasion, and that the music her mother played from her device was excellent.

Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters batted her eyelashes, and boyzzz halfway across the continent swooned. "Do you have any idea whom the culprit could have been?" (Some of you grammar-attuned folks may be complaining about how that was the improper usage of "whom." But you have forgotten one essential fact: whatever the Pretty Princess says is correct. Once again: Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters is always correct. ALWAYS.)

"Nah, dude." Elsa swiped at something on the glowing rectangle. "Brb. I gotta try this new filter."

And then Elsa wandered away through the trees.

The Passionate Princess sighed and accidentally killed the trees in front of her. "Oh, that was unfortunate." Then she sprinkled some of the fairy dust from her hair on them and they came back to life, better than new.

"Perhaps I'll find more clues back in the castle." Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters took to the skies again and returned to her castle, which was a marvel of magic and architecture. Every other modern palace was trying to imitate its precarious towers and waterfalls and flowers that floated in midair.

Back in her bedroom, the Positive Princess entered her enormous closet again. She looked at the empty spot. Then she looked a few inches to the right. "Oh? What do we have here?"

She pulled out a crate of onions and raisins from underneath a discarded dress. "Aha! The thief must have realized their error and quickly returned the edibles!"

Then the princess's beautiful face creased in a frown. She'd just remembered something… When she'd been leaving the closet after choosing a dress for the latest ball, her fox tail had brushed against something. Could that have been the crate? Had she been the one to move her secret snack stash with the power of her super-strong tail?

Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters grasped an onion and munched elegantly on it as she thought. "Fascinating. Perhaps I do slip up on accident sometimes. Then that means…" She gasped. "Am I not flawless?"

The Poised, Playful, Pleasant, Philanthropic, Polished, Popular Princess quickly smiled again. "Absolutely not. My occasional mishaps only make me more relatable, do they not? Yes. I won't listen to those HATERZZZ!!11,1"

And then Elsa got 10k followers on Instagram, Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters ate the rest of the crate of onions and raisins and got 100,000,000,000k followers on Instagram and became the ruler of the universe, and everyone lived HAPPILY EVER AFTER. *sparkles* *confetti* *cute dancing puppies*


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Fri Feb 02, 2024 2:07 pm
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alliyah says...


Spearmint says...

hehehe thank you =P

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Fri Jan 05, 2024 4:27 pm
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Snoink wrote a review...

Okay, so this is just going to be a quick review, but, as a mother, I was absolutely horrified that Elsa didn't pay 1000000% attention to Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters when she spoke to her about her plight and related to the mystery of the missing onions and raisins. How dare Elsa ignore her plight! It really made me emphasize with Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters as a character and made me love her more. After all, with such a neglectful mother, it would seem like an insurmountable challenge to become as perfect as she is... and yet Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters is such a graceful elegant young lady who really is a paragon of pure perfection. It really makes the excellence of her character really shine through, and that is not an easy thing to do! Well done!

The other thing that I thought was a missing opportunity was the whole castle part... I know it says that her bedroom took up an entire floor, but really, I think she should have several floors. After all, this is Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters that we're talking about. Several castles is not too much for her, if you know what I mean.

Otherwise, I want to point out that the unlikely combination of raisins and onions is a very good move. At first, I was going to point out that it sounded disgusting, but then I thought about it more and realized... Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters is perfect. Everything she likes is the epitome of good. Maybe I was just being unjust to her taste. So I decided to give her another chance. And now I am eating onions and raisins and I have decided that, once more, Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters is right. I was wrong.

What a delight!

Spearmint says...

i mean, absolutely. even a thousand castles would not be too much for our Beloved Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters *nods sagely*
i am glad you have come to accept and love the correctness of Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters in all things =PP
(oh gosh this sounds so much like Big Brother (not the good boy on YWS, the 1984 one) hahaha)

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Fri Jan 05, 2024 1:42 pm
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GengarIsBestBoy says...

omg this is amazing and very bad all at the same time… maybe I should write that story with the love triangle in not my circus (it’d be like a non-canon short story or something)

Spearmint says...


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Fri Jan 05, 2024 8:50 am
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fatherfig wrote a review...

this is gem stopping to leave a quick review.

the thing i liked the most about this story was Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters, in fact Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters' fairy dusted magic hair probably compelled me to write this review in itself from its complete and total glory.

i saw an error but saw the note 'Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters is always right' that the narrator wrote so i will not pay attention to the errors.

I will not pay attention that Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters said whom instead of who on line 41 of the text (counting from after the ~~~). or that at the end of the text there were '1's mixed in with Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters' exclamation marks.

or that Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters put a comma between these assumed exclamation marks.

or that the text included capital letters. or that it was never explained how intedimensional play came to happen in the story.

or that the story seemingly had no imagery in any way other than what was immediatley near or happening to Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters.

beloved Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters is art and all she says and does is correct by any means, so mentioning those things is of no value of course.

but i must say elsa's instagram is the last straw. Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters wasnt mentioned in that entire sentence and it's just not right to disclude her when the world depends on Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters' happiness.

the world is teetering on the brink of destruction.

keep writing

this is gem signing off

Snoink says...

I want to point out that Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters is the one who should have her own Instagram account, not Elsa. Elsa is the worst...

Spearmint says...

*gasp* both of you are absolutely correct. how could the narrator have made such a glaring oversight??
it has been fixed, because obviously Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters has 100,000,000,000k followers on Instagram ^w^

fatherfig says...

XD <3 how do i follow Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters

Spearmint says...

um. look for the sparkles. >.>
kinda tempted to actually make an insta account now, but i have no idea what she would post XDD

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Fri Jan 05, 2024 7:44 am
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AlienPoetry says...

This is amazing. Princess Ashhgleigh Reighven Shadow Dark'ness Winters is clearly the most perfect person in the entire universe. My heart nearly stopped in sheer admiration when she batted her eyelashes.

fatherfig says...


Spearmint says...

as expected :3 XD

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Fri Jan 05, 2024 7:16 am
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Irishpride13 says...

you too much lollolololllolololololololo

this is the best madlib i have ever read

Spearmint says...

hahaha thank you! XD

In short, Mrs. Pontellier was beginning to realize her position in the universe as a human being, and to recognize her relations as an individual to the world within and about her.
— Kate Chopin, The Awakening