
Young Writers Society

18+ Language Mature Content

The Auction

by Milky

Warning: This work has been rated 18+ for language and mature content.

As the women sized me up, I lit my cigarette.

I could feel their eyes on me, but I couldn't see them behind the one way mirrors the room was walled with. The ceiling and floor were plated in steel, which felt quite cold on my bare feet. Air vents in the ceiling, almost 30 feet up, made a slight whirring sound. The trapdoor I had come in from was behind me, securely fastened, almost impossible to make out.

Yep. I wouldn't gain my freedom anytime soon. I took a drag of my cigarette, and watched in the mirror as the smoke I exhaled traveled up, past my emerald green eyes and raven hair.

I never thought my good looks would get me into this much trouble.

A cool female voice suddenly echoed through the room.

"Ladies, take your seats. Break time is over. Our next acquisition is Caucasian, and grew up in the United States of America. He was a university level swimmer, and majored in computer science. After graduation, he joined the United States Army special forces. During a tour in China, he received several decorations for valor in combat. Upon China's fall, he returned home and was treated for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. At the age of 24, his stunning features landed him a job as an underwear model."

I silently smoked my cigarette, wincing a little bit as I listened to my life story being laid out for these women to judge. Flashbacks of China rose to my mind, and I did my best to block them out.

"Age is 26. Height is 1.9 meters. Weight is 84 kilograms. Penis is 10 centimeters, flaccid. Erect it is 17 centimeters. Foot size 12. 20/20 vision. Scored a 448 out of 450 on the Physical Fitness Exam. No family history of disease or illness. Has had four sexual partners in the past. Virility stats are off the chart, standing at a 94.3 VPA. Hair is black, eyes are green. You can find the rest of his information on page 13 of your itinerary. Bidding will begin momentarily, with a starting price of 100 million euros. Bidding increments will be in 50 millions. Good luck."

I took another long drag of my cigarette, staring at myself in the mirror. If only I had been worth that much money a year ago. I exhaled and chuckled to myself. At least I was alive.

A soft beep filled the air. The bidding had probably started. I looked down at my feet and shivered. Whether it was from the chill on my naked body, or the fact that my future was being decided as I stood there, I don't know.

"Do I hear 100 million?"

The woman had barely finished speaking when another soft tone filled the air.

"I have 150 million. Do I hear 200?"

Again, the woman barely finished speaking when yet another soft tone filled the air. On and on it went, the woman speaking, and tone after tone filling the air. Such was the speed of the auction, that the sound of one tone was still in the air when another sounded.

The women were voracious, they refused to be outdone by one another. Each of them wanted dearly to claim me as their trophy, so that their clan would rise in power and rank.

"I have 650 million. Do I hear 700?"

No tone rose this time.

"Going once."

Nobody was going to outbid that number. A bit of anger stirred within me. I had always prided myself in being the best, and pushing myself as far as I could go. Fuck, if all I was in the world now was a trophy, then I was going to make these cunts pay top dollar for me.

"Going twice."

I still felt the eyes on me. I lowered my cigarette to my side, and looked up to the middle of the mirror, and flashed my most charming smile.

A second later, a tone filled the air.

I chuckled. I still had it, damn it. I was one of the best looking guys in the modeling game before the plague, so I was practically god tier now.

Tones continued to ring through the air now, spurred on by my smile. I dropped my head again, slightly proud of my accomplishment. My happiness faded as the reality of my situation set in once more. I was a prisoner, about to be sold into slavery.

The tones stopped again. When the announcer spoke again, she had lost some of her coolness.

"I have...1 billion. 1 billion euros. Going once."

Silence filled the air.

"Going twice."

I smiled inwardly. That's a number dad would have been proud of. He always was about the numbers.

"Sold, to buyer number 16. This concludes our auction, ladies. Your acquisitions will be brought to your lounges momentarily. Good night, and thank you for participating."

The trapdoor behind me opened. I threw my cigarette on the floor of the auction chamber in a feeble attempt of defiance, and with nowhere else to go, I climbed down the trapdoor, into another metal plated room. Two attractive young women in pantsuits were waiting for me, a brunette and a blonde. The blonde unceremoniously grabbed me and slapped a pair of handcuffs around my wrists.

"Follow her," the blonde said, pointing at the brunette. "Your owner awaits."

"And if I refuse?" I asked coyly.

She scowled. "Then you're going to get a couple of bruises, and your owner won't like that."

A smile came to my face, and I practically laughed in her face. My muscle tone was well defined, and I was two heads taller than both of the women.

She saw my amusement and opened her jacket, revealing a holstered Sig Sauer. It made my amusement fade slightly, but just slightly. I looked at the brunette.

"A couple of guns don't scare me...I have my own pistol to fire." I winked and the brunette blushed, her eyes quickly dropping down to my penis, and then back up to my face. The blonde rolled her eyes, sighed heavily, and pushed me in front of her.

"Walk." She ordered.

Bitch. I never did like blondes.

As we walked, we passed a large number of cream colored doors spaced evenly along the dull metal hallway. The brunette stopped at one.

"This is 16, right?"

The blonde sighed again, impatiently. "Yes."

The brunette cast her a sideways glance, and pulled out a set of keys. She unlocked the door, and opened it.

As the blonde pushed me inside, I winked at the brunette. "See you around." She blushed again. Who was really in power here, I wondered?

The door slammed shut behind me, and I looked around. A lavishly decorated room greeted my eyes. On a gold trimmed bed sat a rather fat, older woman wearing a beautiful silk night gown. She stared at me greedily. Behind her, the entire wall was a window, overlooking a city skyline.

"Well, don't be shy, come here darling. Let Franny take a look at you."

I grimaced inwardly and approached 'Franny.' She got up from the bed, with slight difficulty, and trailed a finger from my chest to my abs.

"Oh yes," she muttered under her breath. "Worth every euro." She circled me, finger trailing all the time. I stood there impassively, contemplating the fact that I was genuinely worth 1 billion euros. I didn't know who this woman was, but she must be the head of a very prestigious clan.

She stopped suddenly in front of me, looking up into my eyes. I stared out into the city skyline, over her head. I saw Big Ben; we were in London.

"You're perfect, aren't you?" She said.

I didn't respond.

"Oh, the strong quiet type? Franny knows how to get you making sounds." She grabbed my penis gently, and began fondling it. I continued looking out into the skyline.

"Oh yes, I used to be quite popular with the men. I had many the suitor, and I knew how to make a man's cock rise fast as lightning."

Despite the proclamation of her skills, I was quite flaccid. She continued fondling for another minute, and then spoke angrily.

"Are you gay? They assured me you weren't gay! Franny is going to raise quite the shit storm if you're gay." I continued to not look at her,and she suddenly grabbed my chin and forced my head down.

"Look at me!" She cried. My eyes met hers; they were filled with a mixture of sadness, anger, and longing. I could tell that she used to be quite attractive, but her best years were behind her. "Are you gay?" She asked quietly.

I stared back at her for a second, thinking about lying, just to see what the look on her face would be. I decided against it and told the truth. "No." I raised my head back up, observing the skyline. She was quiet for a moment, and then spoke.

"Well, thank God for that at least. If only I was ten years younger, I would ravish you m'dear. Ah well." She released my member. "Perhaps you're just nervous right now....yes, you're just nervous! It's ok dearie. You'll get used to us."

Us? I was curious but my gaze remained straight. Without removing her gaze from me, she yelled.

"Megan! Your birthday present is here!"

A door opened behind me, but I was too disciplined to look around on my own, despite my curiosity. Thankfully, Franny helped me out by spinning me around. Before me stood a beautiful young girl, she couldn't have been more than 20. Brown curls cascaded around her shoulders, and her hazel eyes twinkled as she examined me. She wore a simple sundress, accentuating her killer figure. Unbidden, something stirred within my loins.

"Oh.." she breathed. "He's perfect, Nana." She walked up to me, and traced a finger around my jaw. Her touch elicited a tremble from me. Confused, I turned my head away, and she withdrew her hand, saddened by my rejection. Why did she have this effect on me?

Suddenly, anger rose to her eyes, and her cheeks blushed. She reared back and slapped me. Hard.

"How dare you?" She cried. "How dare you, do you know who I am?"

The slap barely hurt. She was beautiful, but a brat. Figures.

Franny rushed to Megan's side, consoling her and glancing dirty looks in my direction.

"Hush darling, it's ok, he's just scared. You don't want to go hitting him now, he has to look pretty for the wedding." Megan had tears in her eyes, but nodded. She looked at me angrily. "You're lucky you're pretty." She spat. She flounced past me to the window, and sulked, staring out at the city.

Franny looked at me and whispered. "I would behave myself if I were you. That girl is the next in line to rule the Barzul clan."

The blood drained from my face. The Barzuls were one of the first clans of women to rise in existence after the destruction of the majority of the male race, and were now one of the most powerful clans in the world. They owned a large part of what used to be China, and from what I could remember, lived primarily in England. Franny noticed the change in my face, and clucked approvingly. As she watched me, her face softened slightly.

"Did you have anyone special before this, dear?"

I looked at her for a moment, and then nodded my head in affirmation.

Before she could say anything, I was spun around again, this time by Megan. I was face to face with her perfect face.

"It doesn't matter if he had anyone else before this," she hissed. She stood on tip toes and brought her lips right next to my neck. "He's mine now." She kissed my neck softly. "He is going to sire the most powerful empire the world has ever seen through me...and he is going to like it."

She bit my neck, and an unwilling erection rose from me.

Well shit. I guess Mom always did want grandkids.

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Sun Dec 29, 2013 11:37 pm
crossroads wrote a review...

Hello there, Milky~ I see you're kind of new-ish, so also a belated welcome! I hope you like it here so far c:

Now, onto the review. Not too surprisingly, I liked this for the most part. I like your style, it flows nicely and it's not at all hard to follow, and I enjoyed the way your main character was portrayed. Even though his physical description and the part about his past are all telling and no showing, it doesn't give impression of an info-dump at all because of the setting and the atmosphere. I think that's pretty brilliant.

I must admit I'm not particularly fond of the ending, though. It seemed kind of.. rushed might not be the best word, but cut off, not really seeming strong or adding to the whole feeling of the story. The last line is humour-ish, and while it's not bad, it doesn't quite go well with the rest of it either.
I think Megan's last sentence was far more effective, and you could've ended the story with that. Even without the part about his unwilling erection, we'd get the picture that he (or his body, if you wish) likes her way more than he thinks he should, and that her touch can do wonders with him.

However, if you really wanted to say that, and that last line of his thoughts, perhaps try incorporating it into her speech?
Something like

"It doesn't matter if he had anyone else before this," she hissed. She stood on tip toes and brought her lips right next to my neck, kissing it softly. "He's mine now." She bit my neck, and an unwilling erection rose from me. "He is going to sire the most powerful empire the world has ever seen through me...and he is going to like it."

wouldn't be too different (I only slightly changed the order of things, as you see, not what they're doing), and, in my opinion, would make a far more effective ending.
It has just wonderfully conflicted emotions in there, and awakes them in the reader as well. He doesn't really want it, but he also does, and he doesn't really have a choice - which isn't a happy ending, but at the same time it is obvious that she's right and he will enjoy his future, in a way, and the reader can relate to him regardless of their gender.

Apart from that, I really liked this, and I think it works well as a short story - or perhaps a series of short stories or random fragments, but I would rather see it stay short than get forced into something novel-length.. though I will read any possible sequel to this piece regardless of the way you decide to write it (if you do) ;)

I hope I helped, and see you around~

Milky says...

You're absolutely right, I did rush through the ending.

crossroads says...

Mm.. I'm kind of glad it wasn't just a false and/or insulting impression c:
It is a really good story regardless, though. Have you decided on whether you'd write more of it?

Milky says...

I'm toying around with the idea...keep your eyes open ;)

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Sun Dec 29, 2013 10:53 pm
deleted30 wrote a review...

Hi there! Lucrezia here to review.

Okay, so like everyone else, I loved this. You're probably sick of hearing that by now, and I don't blame you. ;) Point is, I thought this was a great story, blah blah blah, please continue it, et cetera... instead of gushing like a rabid fangirl, I'm just going to get straight to the nitpicks.

At the age of 24, his stunning features landed him a job as an underwear model.

Age is 26.

I believe age is supposed to be spelled out? As in, twenty-four, twenty-six...

I was face to face with her perfect face.

"Face" is a bit repetitive here. Maybe:

'I was face to face with her perfect features.'

Or something like that.

"Hush darling, it's ok, he's just scared. You don't want to go hitting him now, he has to look pretty for the wedding." Megan had tears in her eyes, but nodded. She looked at me angrily. "You're lucky you're pretty." She spat.

There should be a paragraph break after Franny's dialogue and before Megan's. Also, the S in the second "she" doesn't need to be capitalized.

The idea's intriguing. You should consider continuing this. Maybe not even with these same characters, but set in the same world?

So, yeah. Keep writing! :D

Milky says...

I am thinking about another story set in the same world.

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Sun Dec 29, 2013 10:27 pm
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ulala8 wrote a review...

Excuse my Tumblr heavy comment there.
This is an amazing piece of writing! If you don't mind, I'm going to print it out and keep it in my library. I highly suggest that you enlarge this into a novel! I would buy that and read it until my eyes bled. The concept is so thrilling and fresh. I struggle to find any sort of error.
The only suggestion that I can find for you is for you to mention his "someone special" earlier in the story.
I love this so much! Please write more to this!

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Sun Dec 29, 2013 5:11 pm
UneFille says...

I love this! The concept is very interesting; a post-apocalyptic world where men are rare. Your writing is really entertaining to read. I hope you continue!

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Fri Dec 13, 2013 11:32 pm
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malinda542 wrote a review...

You have so skillfully created this amazing world and society in such a few short words. This is wonderful. The characters are very well developed and I love the whole bravado the character has. I would love to know more about him as well as about this world and society that you have developed. I think you definitely rounded out the character to with the last line, his last attempt at trying to have any control over the situation he's in. Amazing. I am thoroughly impressed.

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Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:02 am
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Panikos says...

Damn, son, you'd better carry this on! :)

Milky says...

I'll let you know if I decide to write further :)

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Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:47 pm
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Iggy wrote a review...

So why is this under "short story"? From the looks of the ending, you mean to continue this.. don't you?

You better. I want to know how this goes!

I continued to not look at her,and she suddenly grabbed my chin and forced my head down.

You'll need a space there.

Okay, so let's start from the beginning, which was great! I loved the way you started this off, with the man and the auction. The entire process was well written out, especially with the announcer as she laid down the details of the male. It literally read like it was an actual auction.

When I first read the description of this work, I didn't expect this. I naturally read that he was being sold and I thought that this was the regular old slavery, not sex trafficking. And a man being sold, at that! Nice plot twist, very nice. I loved what you did with this work, and so I ask that you please continue this. :)

My biggest nitpick came with my confusion. The old lady. She obviously bought the guy (who needs a name btw) for her granddaughter, who's name is Megan. But then, before Megan came in, she's referring herself as Franny. So I'm confused. Why is she referring to herself in the third person? You think she'd be referring to her granddaughter, but she isn't. So I was pretty confused about that.

Overall, excellent job! Please consider continuing this and definitely link me when you do. :)


Milky says...

Thanks, and I'll let you know if I plan to write anymore.

Milky says...

Also, some people just refer to themselves in the third person. Franny is one of those people.

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Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:34 pm
Bugslake wrote a review...

This is a great idea, it's to ba that you didn't take it any further. Your main character is well developed and the characters that interact with him are well developed as well, even if we only see them for a couple of seconds. The description of the entire auction makes me feel like I was there.

There weren't any other grammatical errors or spelling errors. I wish that you had kept this idea going, it could've been a captivating novel.

Milky says...

Not sure if I want to keep writing or not!

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Bugslake says...

You should totally write more. Everyone wants more of this story.

I will not condemn you for what you did yesterday, if you do it right today.
— Sheldon S. Maye