
Young Writers Society

White Lily, Lily White - Short Story

by H11mA1ex

Joseph held the little green watering can in a firm grip as he looked down lovingly on the dahlias. They had recently blossomed into one of the most beautiful plants he had ever seen, a magnificent shade of purple that he had tried to paint before but never felt he could perfectly capture its beauty.

A little girl bounced up to him, her golden hair in a messy plait. She pulled on his shirt, trying desperately to drag him away from the dahlias. “The lily whites, Jo. Water the lily whites.”

Joseph looked over to the only two calla lilies that the small child had made the centrepiece of their little garden. He smiled down at her, her cheeks rosy with life, her eyes bright and excited. “They’re white lilies,” he tried to correct her. But she shook her head, giggling.

“White lily,” he repeated, hoping she would get it this time.

“Lily white,” she said as she ran off laughing.

But then the whole world paused for a second, the sky darkening. There was a loud screech and a crash and Joseph felt himself begin to tremble-

Cold sweat slid down Joseph’s back as he awoke with a start. He was gasping, a few tears escaping his eyes. He quickly flicked his bedside lamp on. It took his eyes a few moments to adjust to the sudden burst of light but as soon as Joseph was able to see again, he immediately regretted it.

Across from his bed, there was a similar looking, empty one, the sight squeezing air from Joseph’s lungs. He closed his eyes and ran a hand over his face and through his hair. His heart was beating at a worryingly fast pace, the blood vessel on his neck threatening to burst with the pressure.

So Joseph decided to get up. As he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, several pieces of paper that had been nestled by his feet fluttered away. Joseph quickly caught one and looked down at it. It was an old drawing of his, unoriginally titled ‘Chrysanthemum’. But as Joseph looked at it closer, he noticed that someone else had scribbled ‘lily whites’ in big, wobbly letters on the back.

Suddenly, loud, insistent knocking rapped on the wardrobe door. Joseph stared at it in shock. His whole body began shaking, half terrified, half confused.

Tiptoeing closer, the knocking got quieter but there was no doubt that that was where the knocking had come from. Joseph pressed his ear against the door and listened, but all noise paused, a heavy silence invited back into the room.

Joseph, hand shaking slightly, reached for the handle, opened the wardrobe door and peered into it. It led to an upward, spiralling staircase that emanated a soft white glow.

Taking a deep breath, Joseph grabbed the handrail and began climbing the ominous steps, suddenly compelled to reach the top.

As he climbed higher and higher, his nose was greeted with a luscious, green, organic smell and he thought he could hear a soft, familiar song being sung. At the top he was greeted by a white room, beautiful pale pink and white fairy foxgloves adorning the walls, their green leaves decorating the four borders like banners. The floor appeared to be made of water and reflected the ceiling where cream petunias and magenta fuchsias trickled from hanging baskets.

And in the middle of the room grew row upon row of magnificent, radiant calla lilies, their white trumpets like full lips, humming sombre lullabies.

Joseph paused, and fixed his gaze on something else in the middle of the room. It wasn’t the flowers buzzing with music, it was a girl. A young girl with pretty golden hair tangled together in a messy plait. She had porcelain skin and wore a simple, plain white dress making her look like some sort of angel. She seemed to glow softly and she struggled to hold up a small green watering can that sprinkled water droplets like glitter over the lilies.

Joseph’s feet suddenly found themselves inching towards the girl, his feet creating ripples in the floor. He froze though as the girl looked up from the flowers and watched him curiously. For some reason, Joseph was nervous, an overwhelming sadness gluing his lips together.

A few moments passed as the pair looked at each other from a short distance away, before the girl’s mouth lifted into an excited smile and beckoned Joseph over.

Joseph walked carefully over to her and she handed him the watering can, gesturing to a sign hidden amongst the pearly flowers.

“Water the lily whites” it read, tickling the corners of Joseph’s mind.

Joseph looked back to the girl, who suddenly looked unsure of herself, a sight that Joseph hated to see. But Joseph understood. He nodded and began watering the flowers.

The girl slowly pushed herself into action, grabbing Joseph’s shirt to pull him down to her level. She planted a soft kiss on Joseph’s forehead and wandered out of the garden and up a different flight of stairs. Still humming her melancholy tune, she left, closing the door behind her.

Joseph looked down at the lilies, which seemed to glimmer like stars in a clear sky, and smiled to himself, an inner peace suddenly washing over him, a single tear suddenly rolling down his face.

Only one thought remained in his head: “white lily.”

And a small giggle seemed to sound out around him: “lily white.”

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Mon Jun 10, 2019 12:14 pm
silvermoon17 wrote a review...

Oof I loved it! And for those who said that the beginning wasn’t seen clearly enough as a dream.. and that it felt blurry or whatever.. well.. isn’t that what dreams are all about? Mysterious. Unknown. Blurry. It’s kinda of a hook ya know. I just didn’t really like the melancholic way you started, because you really needed to want to read it to pursue. It was a bit stark and dead at the beginning, (although I don’t think it’s bad enough to say it didn’t flow well enough) so you really had to have an iron will to continue. Still liked it tho. I’d suggest a hook at the beginning. Something really stupid, having a dream sequence; you could basically say anything ranging from “it was downstairs » to « she was murdered in the most unimaginable way » that way we continue reading, and it sets the dream tone for the beginning.

H11mA1ex says...

Thank you for you comments! I agree that it is somewhat bland at the beginning. Because I%u2019m just starting out sometimes I forget that nobody can see what%u2019s inside my head and they need more motivation to keep reading than I do. ^^;

Thank you very much for your advice though. It was a surprise to see a notification pop up in my inbox: I haven%u2019t been on this site for ages. XD

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21 Reviews

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Sun Aug 26, 2018 4:03 pm
Spilledink wrote a review...

Ah this is beautiful! So flowy and special. It makes me think of my little cousin and her love for nature.

The only problem I have is that I don't entirely understand. At the beginning he is in a dream and then wakes up right? But then he goes onto another dream?

It's beautiful truly and I love the personality of the little girl but I don't entirely understand the storyline and who the little girl is at the beginning and is she the same girl in the second part?

Keep on writing these sweet short stories and in the future tag me! I would be especially interested in maybe a poem version if it! :)

H11mA1ex says...

Thank you so much. I appreciate the comment! ^^

That%u2019s actually a good point and I guess I knew it would be a problem when writing it. Basically when I first started writing I just wanted it to be like a secret room the guy didn%u2019t realise was there and I was going to leave it at that. This was actually before the little girl existed so, as you could imagine, it was quite a boring at that point. But then I decided that the vision of this secret room in my head seemed like a sort of personal heaven for the protagonist and that%u2019s when I decided to bring in the little girl. After that then I thought that he sees the girl again (after she died) in this %u201Cheaven%u201D. So, she could be considered a ghost or an angel. (But to be honest, she always had a different aura to me compared to the original girl so I personally imagined the current one to be almost just a reflection of Her. )

But yeah. After all those changes I guess it all got a little mixed up in my head and everything became a little ambiguous...

I%u2019ll be honest though, this kind of story was actually a first for me. I wanted to try something a little different and I had a lot of fun writing it. (Usually I write like suspense and thrillers and stuff.) I will be honest though: I%u2019m terrible at writing poetry ^^; If you have any tips for me I%u2019d certainly be interested, though. :D

Thank you for your support!

H11mA1ex says...

Thank you so much. I appreciate the comment! ^^

That%u2019s actually a good point and I guess I knew it would be a problem when writing it. Basically when I first started writing I just wanted it to be like a secret room the guy didn%u2019t realise was there and I was going to leave it at that. This was actually before the little girl existed so, as you could imagine, it was quite a boring at that point. But then I decided that the vision of this secret room in my head seemed like a sort of personal heaven for the protagonist and that%u2019s when I decided to bring in the little girl. After that then I thought that he sees the girl again (after she died) in this %u201Cheaven%u201D. So, she could be considered a ghost or an angel. (But to be honest, she always had a different aura to me compared to the original girl so I personally imagined the current one to be almost just a reflection of Her. )

But yeah. After all those changes I guess it all got a little mixed up in my head and everything became a little ambiguous...

I%u2019ll be honest though, this kind of story was actually a first for me. I wanted to try something a little different and I had a lot of fun writing it. (Usually I write like suspense and thrillers and stuff.) I will be honest though: I%u2019m terrible at writing poetry ^^; If you have any tips for me I%u2019d certainly be interested, though. :D

Thank you for your support!

H11mA1ex says...

Thank you so much. I appreciate the comment! ^^

That%u2019s actually a good point and I guess I knew it would be a problem when writing it. Basically when I first started writing I just wanted it to be like a secret room the guy didn%u2019t realise was there and I was going to leave it at that. This was actually before the little girl existed so, as you could imagine, it was quite a boring at that point. But then I decided that the vision of this secret room in my head seemed like a sort of personal heaven for the protagonist and that%u2019s when I decided to bring in the little girl. After that then I thought that he sees the girl again (after she died) in this %u201Cheaven%u201D. So, she could be considered a ghost or an angel. (But to be honest, she always had a different aura to me compared to the original girl so I personally imagined the current one to be almost just a reflection of Her. )

But yeah. After all those changes I guess it all got a little mixed up in my head and everything became a little ambiguous...

I%u2019ll be honest though, this kind of story was actually a first for me. I wanted to try something a little different and I had a lot of fun writing it. (Usually I write like suspense and thrillers and stuff.) I will be honest though: I%u2019m terrible at writing poetry ^^; If you have any tips for me I%u2019d certainly be interested, though. :D

Thank you for your support!

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Sun Aug 26, 2018 3:53 pm
RandomxStoryteller wrote a review...

This is really good and funny! Now, I'm just nitpicking, as the beginning dream part didn't flow really well. Maybe you can change it to a flashback, or maybe Joseph was telling a story to someone. The dream part just didn't go really nicely with the story. It ended the good flow in the beginning, and then you had to start over.

H11mA1ex says...

I see, yes. You%u2019re totally right. I%u2019ve been having a look over it recently to see what I can do with it. Thank you very much for your input and ideas!
: D

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Thu Aug 23, 2018 1:54 pm
TMonaa says...

The story is awesome and I loved it, the only thing that I can say is that in the beginning, the dream part didn't really flow well into the rest of the story.

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Thu Aug 23, 2018 1:53 pm
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TMonaa says...

The story is awesome and I loved it, the only thing that I can say is that in the beginning, the dream part didn't really flow well into the rest of the story.

H11mA1ex says...

Ah, I see. I kinda felt that as I was writing but I wasn't entirely sure how to correct it... I'll have to take another look at it. Thank you for the comment! :D

TMonaa says...

your welcome

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Wed Aug 22, 2018 9:29 am
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FlamingPhoenix says...

WOW!! This is a work of art. I love it.

H11mA1ex says...

Thank you! I appreciate you saying so. :))

Your welcome.

You wanna be a writer? You don't know how or when? Find a quiet place, use a humble pen.
— Paul Simon