
Young Writers Society

12+ Mature Content

When one has lost everything....

by CcIsAwesome

This is going to be a short story.

My suicide note:

I see my scars. Plain and dull.

They were from a time when life was more complicated.

It all stared a year ago.

After I lost my sister.

She was the only person I could count on.

After all my Dad was a drunk and, my Mum dead years ago in child birth.

A year ago, my sister got cancer. My Dad did nothing to help her. "She killed your mother; it serves her right." he would always say. After Mum died, my Dad changed. He would always abuse me. I stopped him from hurting Emily though.

At nine Emily died.

I lost everything.

Then I found him.


He saved me.

He gave me a purpose.

He gave me someone to talk to.

He helped me stop cutting.

Then, last weekend, Austin got hit by a drunk driver, killing him.

My Father.

Now life is less complicated.

I know what to do.

That is why, at fourteen I am grading my rope.

Good bye Father.

Good bye cruel world.

Hello Mum, Emily and Austin.

I've missed you.

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121 Reviews

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Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:26 pm
WritingWolf wrote a review...

Hey there Cc!
I want to give you a review, but I'm not exactly sure how to review this. So instead of going through a writing what I think you did well and what could be better, I'm going to do something different. I'm going to tell you what I felt while reading this. What it made me -as an individual (not speaking for the majority of readers)- think. I hope that this will give you a perspective of how other's perceive your writing, and from there you can gauge if you did what you wanted to do or not, and what needs changing and what is perfect.

The beginning is very blunt. I think it was a very good way to start it. The bluntness prepared me for the rest of the piece. Nice job there.

I have to say I was a little disappointed when the story went to talk about the past, not the present. I understand that that is probably what you wanted to talk about from the beginning. But I think that the story would benefit from a little more about the present as well. Little things like why life isn't so complicated now, or how she now feels about what happened in the past, and little things like that which can be dispersed throughout the piece. I really want to know more about the narrator, and I think things like that would help.

I like how you didn't go to much into the narrator's mother. Usually when a child loses a parent they will want to go on about it, and a lot of writers go overboard with that and it ends up distracting readers from the actual story. I was quite impressed that you didn't fall into that trap.
But when reading that part I kept wondering why the father drinks. Is it because his wife died? Or was he a drinker before that? So in some ways not giving any information about the mother pulled away from the story, because it made me wonder about other things (I can be easily distracted). I think what is really needed is a balance.

I have to say I was very hurt by the father's reaction to Emily getting cancer. It pushed me to believe that he drinks because his wife died, but I'm still not sure (and it's still distracting me). I like how you pull at my emotions so easily. That is a very important skill for writers.

Then we get to Austin. I think he sounds a little cliche. Although it probably isn't so cliche in your head. So more description about him, how he met the narrator, and why she loves him so much (is it just because he helped her? oh look, I'm distracted again), would easily fix the cliche-ness.

Did her father intentionally hit Austin? What was he driving? Did Austin die right away? Did she have a chance to say goodbye? Oh! I am so distracted. :P

Now, closer to the end, things make a little more sense. The point of this story was to explain why things are less complicated (nice foreshadowing!).

Again, here at the end. you play with my emotions. Hearing about the narrator's story has made me care for her a great deal. And then she brings up the possibility of suicide? Every part of my body yearns to tell her no, don't do it, you can make it, all you need is to keep believing, just get away from your father, then you can start over, find something to believe in. All those thoughts race through my mind at once. Then they are quietly squelched out when you bring to my attention that she will see all those she loved again. Then I'm left wishing there was another way. And I'm left to wonder if she would try to go on, if only someone had told her she could?

What a powerful ending.

Now some stuff more like a normal review...

Overall this piece was very touching, and pretty good. The only thing is description. I found myself getting caught up asking whats whys hows and buts. A little more description would be helpful. Although you don't want to add too much. I think that the shortness is good. It enhances the solemn feel of the story.
Speaking of which, you did very good with pulling on my emotions. I think this is the only thing that has managed to get me so sad in such a short time.

Overall this was a really good story. I get caught up in the ending. It's just so... powerful.

I hope that the narrator figures things out and continues to try. And I hope that you continue to write such powerful works for a long time to come. Wonderful job. :) I look forward to reading more of your works. :D


CcIsAwesome says...

Thanks for the input but, it's not suppose to have detail. I really appropriate it, just spouse to be realistic. Thank you very much. :-)

WritingWolf says...

You're welcome. :) If you don't want to put detail, then go right ahead. I just want to make sure you understand how the reader feels with so little detail. :)

CcIsAwesome says...

Yeah I do. Just makes it real. You were so nice about it. Thanks. :-)

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Tue May 20, 2014 12:50 am
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cleverclogs wrote a review...

Hello, there! I'm going to be really nitpicky here, so I hope you don't mind. If it seems harsh, just remember I want to help.

This is going to be a short story.

You don't really need this here. If you do, then mark it as an author's note and put it in bold or italics because it's a little confusing. :)

It all started a year ago.
After I lost my sister.

Now, since this is a short story and not a poem, as you've told us, this would be much smoother-sounding if it were all in one sentence, like this:

It all started a year ago, after I lost my sister.

See? It sounds much more natural and fluid now.

After all, my Dad was a drunk, and my Mum died years ago in childbirth.

No biggies here. ;)

"She killed your mother; it serves her right," he would always say.

I stopped him from hurting Emily, though.

At nine, Emily died.

Something about this sentence just gave me chills. Maybe it was the way it didn't gloss over the fact that a nine-year-old died, it just said it so simply and straightforwardly. I love this sentence so much. Great job there. Sometimes simple is better than wordy.
You don't have to, but you could reword this to say, "Emily died at nine." It might sound more natural, but whatever floats your boat is fine. :)

.He helped me stop cutting.

That period at the beginning isn't necessary.

Then, last weekend, Austin got hit by a drunk driver, killing him.

My father.

I don't understand why this line is here. Could you explain?

Good bye, cruel world.

This seems like an awfully cliche line to use. Maybe you could put something else instead.

Now, for reviewing content:

I'm torn between liking the sparseness of this story and thinking it should have more. If it was just a little different, it would be poetry, but if you added more description, it would be a true short story. Right now, it's in some sort of limbo between the two. Sometimes I think the writing could be more emotional. You could describe the grief she felt when her mother/Emily/Austin died, or how she felt about her father abusing her. Overall, I think going into some deeper detail would be good, but not too much. Keep the sparse writing style, but add some more writing in general. This piece did manage to evoke some emotion in me, but nearly as much as it could have if you'd taken it a bit further. Keep on writing! :) :) :)

CcIsAwesome says...

Woah...great idea on the first one. Never thought of that....and, no. It is a suicide note. It isn't a normal story. That is why the format is what it is. Thanks for helping with the grammar. I usily do that good but it is a semi realistic suicide note. So the grammar isn't suppose to be perfect. Thanks for pointing that period out...that was a mistake. XD And, Austin was killed by a drunk driver, that driver was her father....and, like I said. Semi-realistic. And, again a person would not write all that is their suicide note...it is suppose to be that way so it is realistic. Thanks anyways.

cleverclogs says...

Ah, I see. I will point out, though, that sometimes you have to make it slightly unrealistic for the readers' sake. The writer of the note might not have, in the real world, gone into more detail, but in this story, she might have so that us readers can understand. For instance, if I were to describe my science class to people, I would describe it totally differently to my parents than I would to my friends, so that they don't get lost with names of people or inside jokes or anything. The way I describe it to my parents would be the way I describe it to my readers. They have no background information on my classes, so I would have to describe it in a way that I normally wouldn't. I hope that makes sense. I think clarifying on the "my father" part might not be realistic, but it would help us readers. :)

CcIsAwesome says...

He father is a drunk and obviously an idiot....he is the kind to drink and drive...how is that not realistic? And, the point, why I put the short story at the begging part, is so it is realistic. I want it to be like a real note.

cleverclogs says...

I think you misunderstood me. I didn't say that her father drinking and driving was unrealistic, I said that the speaker clarifying on the line "my father" might be unrealistic if you added it. You see, the way it is, it just seems to come out of the blue. The sentence before that one focuses primarily on the "killing Austin" part, so it confused me when the next line said, "my father". The point I was trying to make is that even though the speaker might not clarify that the father was the drunk driver in real life, it would be helpful to the readers. Drunk drivers exist everywhere; nothing about them in unrealistic. I was just saying that the wording might not be realistic for a suicide note, but it helps the readers. :)

CcIsAwesome says...

I get it. But, each sentence is written like that because, she couldn't think striate. After all she was about to kill herself. If someone was writing it that is likely how it would come out. Not always 100% clear as they are about to kill themselves and, they just want to get to the suicide. Hence why it isn't long.

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Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:19 am
InuRa says...

This is such a good story. I don't really understand why everyone thinks it was a poem. I like the fact that it was a suicide story. I also like the way you set it up. It looks more like a note.
Just a couple of errors.

"My Farther." you spelled that wrong. But don't think I'm being nitpicky.

All in all this was a really good story.

CcIsAwesome says...

*Facepalm* I need to edit this....but, don't know how...yay. Lol. Anyways, thanks for the review, and that's you understand more then most....you are the best. :D

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Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:35 pm
Dragon99 wrote a review...

I quite enjoyed this, you are a great writer babygirl, and a great reviewer. If you want to see a sucky review well I'm about to write one:{P alright I liked this poem because it reminded me of say a suicide note, very well written if I do say so myself, you could really feel an emotional punch reading this girls, story, I'll say. If I did find one flaw, its that you may have gone overboard with her story, I mean I like the emotion of Mikes death, but killed by her father? I'm sorry but it's a little overboard, maybe just say a drunk? Anyways great story overall, keep it up darlin:{D

CcIsAwesome says...

The point is that she BLAMES herself for him death! That is why I added that?! You really think I am going to add useless things?! According to Iggy I didn't add enough! And, it is NOT a poem!

Dragon99 says...

I'm sorry dear it just doesn't make much sense. I'm also sorry are people not allowed to have opinions?

CcIsAwesome says...

I blame myself for things like this. It makes perfect sense!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just don't understand!!!!!!!!!!!! GO AWAY!!!

Dragon99 says...

No I have my own opinion of it that's the point of writing so you can have your opinion just as others do ok?

CcIsAwesome says...

You do not understand what is is like for people like me! Go away already! Stop messaging me, stop texting me, stop commenting on my work! I am hiding this!

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Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:05 pm
Iggy wrote a review...


You've got a lot of spelling errors. Some were pointed out by FatCowsSis. Some were not. I recommend you go through and edit and reread this. A few examples:

They were from a time when life was more compacted.

Compacted is a word, but you're using it in the wrong sense here. The term you meant is complicated.

It all stared year ago.

I think you mean: It all started a year ago.

A year ago, my sister got canser.

it's cancer.

He gave me gave me someone to talk to.

You say "gave me" twice, so cut one out.

And that's just a few examples. You need to fix these, then go through and find the rest yourself.

I generally didn't like this. It didn't have a lot of emotion and detail put into this. By the way you formatted this, it feels more like a poem than a short story. Stories need more than what you've given. More details. More imagery. More words, period. I also recommend you combine sentences into paragraphs, because the constant line breaks ruin the word flow and generally make this look like a poem.

By the tragedy you put into this, I can tell it was angled to touch the reader and evoke feelings of relation and sympathy. But there's a lack of emotion into this, so I don't feel anything at all. I'm detached from this. I don't feel anything at all. There's barely anything I can relate to. You need to put more emotion into this; make it painful. Pour your emotions into the story. Make me cry. Make me feel something, anything.

Hope that helps.

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Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:05 pm
FatCowsSis wrote a review...

Hey CcIsAwesome!! Sis her for a review! I have my poem reviewing style down, but I'm not quite sure how I'm going to do Short Stories yet so, let's just go with the flow. I'm going to start with a few nitpicky things.

I see my scars. Pail and dull.

I believe you meant to say pale and dull. Not pail.

My Dad was a drunk and, my Mum is dead years ago in child birth.

I think this sentence would sound better if it said....
My Dad was a drunk and my Mum had died years ago in child birth.

Then last weened he got hit my a drunk driver, killing him. My Farther.

I know you mean weekend, but this sentence confused me overall. Maybe you could make what you are saying a bit clearer?

Also, I think you should've mentioned that the MC's mom died in childbirth earlier. It seems to make more sense.

Last nitpick. I don't know who Farther is. He seemed to just jump in there. Are you saying that her dad hit Mike with the truck?

Overall, I really like this. It could really go somewhere with some thought, love, and encouragement. If you ever want me to check for spelling or grammatical errors before you post something don't hesitate to ask! Keep writing and as always keep smiling! See ya in the reviews and around the site! (And in chat. I believe we are chatting right now! :D)

CcIsAwesome says...

Thanks! And, I don't know how to edit....or I would. Lol.

FatCowsSis says...

It's fine!

Iggy says...

Look to the right of your screen and you'll see a tab labeled "edit work."

CcIsAwesome says...


Poetry is the art of creating imaginary gardens with real toads.
— Marianne Moore