
Young Writers Society

Cry If You Must - Prologue and Chapter One

by *writewatiwant*

A/N: So, I didn't want to post this. Because I'm too emotionally attached to this, and I didn't want to see it get shattered. But! I'm here hopping for help on improvement. And stuff. So, have fun reading! (I hope.)


It hurt too much. I couldn’t handle it, and I hated myself for breaking under the pressure. I hated myself for breaking my promises to you. I’m really sorry, believe I am. I tried, oh how I tried! I cried out for you, but you were nowhere to be found. Yes, it did hurt. Of course it did. I was slicing iron through my skin, how could it not hurt? But, despite that kind of pain, I always did it again.

I liked the feeling of pressing and passing my fingers above the scars, feeling the cuts on my once soft skin. I sighed. Would this end? I’m sorry. I swore to you, I would stop. I tried, but I failed. I’m only human; I’m made to fail. Standards are there to be corrupted, to have disturbances, for there to be people that fail to achieve them. Well, apparently, I failed to be normal.

I wandered the paths; I fell through the cracks. I lowered my head and ran away from you, did you not notice? I felt guilty, I did. But I needed you, more than anything in this world. You were a far more powerful drug than this new obsession. But still, every time I found you on the everyday’s worries, I felt like breaking under your smile, since I knew where it was hidden. I knew it far too well.

Yes, dear, at the bottom of my backpack, of my beloved Converse backpack, it lay there waiting to be used. And that thought tortured me as you smile. My heart bleeds.

My utility knife was right there. Waiting for me to use it. I cannot break, can I? I cannot afford to lose you. I just hope you don’t find out, because I cannot bring myself to lie to you.

Chapter One

It was one day - no, not on a particularly special day, just a normal November school day, in 2008. I got a text message, right after classes had ended and I was back at my place. I had just finished eating my lunch, spaghetti with meat balls – not bad, actually. I was lying on a couch, having no life and being a teenager there was no other thing for me to do. I took my phone out of my pocket, intrigued. This mobile phone was only used to connect with my parents and my best friend. And Aurora, my childhood best friend, had dropped her phone into water. Yet again.

I opened it. It said 'hi' and was signed by Eric. That was it. That was how a best friendship started, with one single text. Later, I figured out he was talking to me because he liked Aurora and wanted advices. But when that faded out, he was still my best friend. Through a text message on a rainy day, I gained a best friend.

Today, I’m a shadow of what I used to be, to quote Brian May. I’ve fallen into something I thought I’d never do. But that’ll come later. I’d like to start on September’s 15th, 2009, the day junior year started.

I walked into the school's grounds, the pavement was all the same as it ever was: grey and with cracks here and there, and then ended at the entrance of the school building, a grey double door. People were rushing by, I saw familiar faces, but tried to not be noticed. I had no desire of talking to any of those, despite the fact of considering them ‘friends’. I’d have to smile for them, and that was something I was definitely not in the mood for.

My wrists ached, for I had fallen to my obsession the night before. On a corner of my room, I picked up the blade and ran it five times through the white skin. Blood immediately sprouted out, but I sat down on the piano and played one of my favorite melodies. It was called ‘Falling…’ and I believed it was appropriate for the situation. I was crying, on top of that. Made a good scenario, but made me fail a couple of notes.

I thought back and tears ran to my eyes. I had tried to get rid of this before school started, but now, that I was entering the school with my brand new Converse backpack, I felt guilty and like I could just sink.

“Leighton! Wait up!” I turned around in my heels, well, more precisely my flat black sneakers, to spot Eric walking fast towards me. Oh dear. Instead of stopping, I merely slowed down my pace; he would soon reach me. It was too quick, I wasn’t ready. I could hear my heart bumping too fast, like it always happened when he was around and I was hiding something, and I was afraid he would hear it, unveiling that something was in fact wrong.

“Hi.” Why had my voice came out lower than how I had meant it to? His smile was wide, and I remembered how we had ‘talked’ yesterday. Until about midnight, if I recalled correctly, until I told him to go and leave me alone because I needed my beauty sleep. Yep, I acted that cool around him, while I am craving for every second with him. I’m that of a fool.

He smile right at me, and it felt like something sharp and cold stabbed me. But instead of failing, I smiled. I kept my act up, and I did it well for Eric had no clue. I looked up ahead, and found Aurora waving frantically at us. “Lei! Lei!” She called.

I hurried my steps and reached her quickly. She smiled broadly, and I smiled in replied. It was easier that what I could have assumed. To smile, I mean.

After a quick hug, I watched her carefully. She was smiling, as usual, there was not a day where a smile wouldn’t plaster her expression. “What?” She asked me, noticing my stare.

“Nothing. I’m really glad to see you.” I hugged her one more time, to emphasise it. I really did miss her. Summer vacation was long, and she was up to the north, with her mother’s side relatives. I was down at the beach, with my parents. It was supportable, the loneliness. It wasn’t that bad, actually. Quiet was good, sometimes.

She wrapped her arm around mine, and started walking further into the school’s building. I glimpsed back, but I didn’t see Eric again. He just… left.

I looked back at Aurora, and tried to show interest in her babbling about how there were three new kids in our class. Yes, yes, because I love to socialize so much that I want to meet new people.

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Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:34 am
empressoftheuniverse wrote a review...

Everyone else has done such lengthy, informative posts that I almost felt like my two cents would go without recognition. But I'll say something anyways, because I deeply enjoyed the piece.
The Prologue
This was my favorite part of Cry if You Must- besides that terrific title. It really got me hooked, and immediately I wanted to read more about this girl and the person who she was calling out to. I also want to find out why this person the narrator was speaking to was so special, that her broken promise to him was a world of hurt. So I read on.
Chapter One
When you said

pudin.junidf wrote:I opened it. It said 'hi' and was signed by Eric.

you meant that the message said high and in the signature box was the name Eric, right? Because that made perfect sense to me. You could say
It said 'hi' and was signed Eric.
But I actually prefer your sentence to mine. And you could say by Eric, though it doesn't mean the same thing. My thoughts on that.
And on the cutting thing, which everyone has said something about, since it seems to be an important part of the narrator Leighton and her internal conflict-- I thought it was an all right description. Some people say that when they cut, they talk to the knife or the knife talks to them, others say that they feel the need to release blood, like they can feel it building up in their body until the pressure is unbearable. Some food for thought, since I'm sure may more of these incidents follow in your story.
The bits about her moving away from her friends so she didn't have to muster a smile, I felt, were really... on the dot? They were a perfect way to emphasize the fact that she is antisocial, instead of the cop-out thats used a lot, "I'm a quiet person and I like spending time alone."
All in all, I thought it was a pretty fabulous piece. I have the second installment waiting on the other tab, and I'll be sure to comment on that one as well.
***The Universe****

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Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:37 pm
pudin.junidf wrote a review...

Hey Kat!
So I have to say I like the idea of the story, the concept and how you wrote. I love your style, how it is written simple and understandable but still deep,that's what I love about how you write.
Now for the story itself. The prologue, I liked it for one reason, and didn't for another. I liked it because it is so emotional, and deep in its own way, it somehow puts us inside of her head and her emotions and it actually made me feel sorry for her. But, even when it was really emotional, I didn't feel a connection to her. It was as if something was missing. I want to know who she is, what has made her do that besides Eric of course. And something that is much more like a personal opinion is the second person thingy, but is your choice so...this doesn't really matter.

The first chapter now.
I liked the beginning but it was quite confusing how changed from one thing to another and in that part I would have loved to see something a bit more developed. You can expand this part and maybe spice it up a bit, a bit more description or thoughts from your MC maybe.
Now someone that intrigues me is Eric. We know he is important to her but why? He is barely mentioned and I'd really like to know more about him, or at least the effect he has on your MC. Because right now he seems a little random and flat. And the same goes to Aurora, she's interesting and it would be nice if you showed us more about her.

Main Character.
As I've said before, I feels as if I know very little about her besides the fact that she cuts. Well, it's only the prologue and first chapter, so you probably won't throw at us everything. But as it is above mentioned (the review above) I think you need to make a connection between the character an the reader. And also a bit more description of her and maybe some more body expressions.

So that's all I can say and I liked the piece, is really good but it can be improved.
So hoped I helped.

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Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:19 am
icanbefixed wrote a review...

As I tell you this, a dog sits at my feet.

I really like the whole thing, but why are you scared of Eric? I may need to read over it again, but I was confused a little there. I also would like a reason for why you feel the need to cut yourself and details on the melody "falling." It seems as if you really have thought over this piece and I enjoyed reading it. Please, write more.
Also, why is the Converse Backpack so important? you mention it multiple times.
how did aurora drop her cell phone?
Describe your cellular device.

Blood immediately sprouted out, but I sat down on the piano and played one of my favorite melodies. It was called ‘Falling…’ and I believed it was appropriate for the situation.

why did you sit down on the piano and where did it come from? I would love a better description of your room and the cutting. where did you learn the piano? Background knowledge is vital! :P

thanks for getting the courage to post this! It's very good, you have a talent.


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Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:18 am
Snoink wrote a review...

Hey wati! I know that you said not to shatter this, so I'm not going point by point on this, but I would like to point out some things that are missing which may help you turn this into a better, more convincing story. So no worries and no harsh feelings intended!

First, let's talk about conflict. Now, what is conflict? There are tons of different opinions on that, but the only thing that comes to my head right now is it's "a disturbance of the force." And yes, I'm totally quoting Star Wars. But remember how the Jedi can sense when there is something wrong happening, both within a person and outside in the physical world? This is conflict. A conflict is a disturbance which shatters and must be reacted to for survival. So, let's say you take my critique the wrong way and it totally shatters your confidence in your writing. Mind you, I really hope this critique doesn't do this, but just for example's sake, let's say that it does! Now, this is something that exists in both the physical world and in your internal world. Someone (me!) has directly impacted you in the physical world by presenting you some opinions about your story and by doing so has effected your mental framework. Now, you are forced to react to my critique. Will you quit? Blow me off and continue writing? Suck it up and write according to my comments? Do something completely different?

And that is precisely what conflict is. There is a prompt and a need for a response. Also, notice that there are two major kinds of conflict -- internal and external. Internal is the sort of conflict that happens in your mind. So worries about what somebody thinks about you, worries about your own sanity, etc., go in that category. And then you have the external conflict which is largely physical. What do other people actually say to you? What actually happens to you?

Both internal and external conflicts need to be combined to make a story sound truly convincing, and you can probably intuitively see why that is. If I say, "I feel bad" and you wanted to know more about my condition, you would ask, "What happened?" Or, if you knew that my dog died or something, you would ask, "How do you feel?" Why do we ask this? Because we get a better idea of the story when we find out both parts of the conflict and a better picture of the character when we know these answers to the question. We just want to know people. And that's why these sorts of stories are so interesting to us--they make us wonder why.

Now, let's look at your story. Right now, the emotional content seems largely disconnected with the physical content. For example: the prologue. When I look at it, I see emotional tear after emotional tear, but I have no idea who the main character is, why she is feeling the way she does, or anything unique about her. Oh yes, she's doing this all for somebody else who makes her feel some particular way... but what makes her unique? You see, you let us have a glimpse of the character's life, but you didn't show us who that character is. I don't know her, and she doesn't care about cluing me in. So, why should I care about her?

And yes, that sounds awful, but I'm not saying that I don't feel sorry for her. I do, to a certain extent. I've known cutters and I've stressed out about them and I really really wish I can love them into stopping. But there's the thing... I know the cutters. But I don't know who she is. She hasn't told me, and it looks like she won't tell me about this. She'll tell me that she cuts, but not anything else. She needs to give out the full story.

Now, for your first chapter, you really need a hook. You need to have a conflict (both internal and external) that draws us in and makes us want to read more. And it has to be exciting and it has to follow through. You start with telling us about the text message, then you tell us that narrator has done something, then you tell us about the first day of her junior year... and as I'm reading this, I'm just thinking, "When are we going to get to the interesting part?" Focus on one life-altering event for the girl for the hook. If you want to describe the relationship between her and Eric, then do it. If it's something else, then do it. But it must has conflict both inside the mind and outside to her body. If it's solely things that are happening in her mind, it's just too boring. And yes, she cuts, but there are reasons why she cuts other than inner turmoil and her being hurt by people, and we need to know this.

Also! Other people. We need to see her interact with them more! That will help add external conflict to it and show us who she really is. No offense, but people lie and I never trust them. It's more helpful for me to see how she reacts with other people to determine who she is. I don't know if you like Twilight or have read it or whatever, but even though Bella (the main character) is telling the story, a lot of people look in to her reactions to events and her interactions with other people to conclude that she doesn't deserve Edward or Jacob. Having read only the first couple of chapters, I don't know whether she deserves him, them, or what, but it just shows you how a lot of people can form different opinions of the character, based off of the character's interactions with other characters... and this is fabulous! Now, you may say that Stephanie Meyer does a poor job with this, but hundreds upon thousands of writers have used character interactions to strengthen their characters and make us really like/dislike them, so never fear. It'll take some practice to write good character interactions, but it'll be soooo worth it in the long run and it'll make this story that much more awesome.

Anyway, I hope I didn't completely shatter your story! Or, if I did, I at least hope I unshattered it to a certain extent! If you have any questions, feel free to bug me. In the meantime, good luck with your story, and keep writing!

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Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:37 am
Mo. wrote a review...

Hey KAt!

Loved the prologue! :D

I opened it. It said 'hi' and was signed by Eric. That was it. That was how a best friendship started, with one single text. Later, I figured out he was talking to me because he liked Aurora and wanted advices. But when that faded out, he was still my best friend. Through a text message on a rainy day, I gained a best friend.

I like this bit, but earlier, youstated that she used her phone to keep in touch with her best friend, and now she gains a best friend? I know that you can have two best friends, but it makes it a little difficult when you've used the best friend title earlier.
Also, it seems as though, seeing as Eric isn't her best friend, and doesn't seem to be a friend *before* this message, shouldn't she be a little more confused about him?

Today, I’m a shadow of what I used to be, to quote Brian May. I’ve fallen into something I thought I’d never do. But that’ll come later. I’d like to start on September’s 15th, 2009, the day junior year started.

Okay, you've skipped years a bit, and it makes it a little bit confusing. Especially the fact that you haven't changed tenses. Maybe you could fix that up with a bit more definition in which year/time she is in.

I picked up the blade and ran it five times through the white skin.

Now, I know you probably don't want to make this part too descriptive, or gross, or emo. But I think you should. I picked up the blade and ran it five times through the white skin - could be: I picked up the cold, harsh peice of metal, and slices my bare, pale skin. Pain shot through my arm like electicity through a cord.
You could even evalutate a lot more. If you were cutting yourself, would you 'run' it through your skin, or slice it. I know, it may not be fun to think about, but cutting doesn't go without pain, and the pain would be too hard to bear, if you were slowly cutting yourself. In most movies, they cut slowly, but, it's unrealistic.
I'm a little creeped out by this^. :?

Blood immediately sprouted out, but I sat down on the piano and played one of my favorite melodies. It was called ‘Falling…’ and I believed it was appropriate for the situation. I was crying, on top of that. Made a good scenario, but made me fail a couple of notes.

Maybe you should mention more of the emotion, why she cut herself? You don't have to give away the ending, but more description would help. Also, more pain. It would probably hurt a lot to play piano with freshly cut, bleeding wrists. Did she get any blood on the piano?

This is a really good peice. Only a few things, Is Leighton her first or last name? I think that maybe you could've mentioned her name earlier, but it doesn't make that much of a difference. Is Arora her sister or best friend? I'm pretty sure that she's her bestfriend, but at the begining it seemed like they would be sisters. I don't know.
Apart from that, great work! Can't wait for more!

Sorry if I picked at it too much.


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Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:05 pm
StellaThomas wrote a review...

Catarina! 'Tis moi! So I take it this is the one we've been talking about, yes? Well. *rubs hands together*


I hated myself for breaking my words to you.

You could say "word" (singular) but maybe promise sounds better.

I wondered the paths;


it laid there

lay. I think. Sounds better, anyway. To me.

It said 'hi' and was signed as in Eric.

Could you phrase it better?

wanted advises.


I had no want of talking to any of those,

desire might sound better than want?

while I an craving

Yeah, that's an m.

[quote[She was smiling, as usually,[/quote]


to emphasis it.




I want to know why she felt like she should cut herself. In a nutshell. It's well described, as is her reaction the next day, but I still want to know why she felt like she had to do it -that's the part that we don't get much of a sense of.

Also, it's her first time, and I want you to imagine it. Did she get blood all over the carpet? How long did it take for her to stop bleeding? In future times, you won't need as much information, but the first try... I want to feel her shock, her hurt, her relief? Enlighten me as to the how and the why of it.

Also, is there a particular reason as to why she won't tell Eric, or does she just not want to tell anyone? And did she do it before or after he called/she called him? And what about her parents? Were they there? Did she worry they would come in?


It wasn't bad, or as emo as it could have been. So relax, nice job :) I'm hoping to see a bit more of our lovely Eric's character though!

Hope I helped, drop me a note if you need anything!

-Stella x

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Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:53 pm
peanut19 wrote a review...

Hi Kat :) I'm glad you finally posted this. I'm going to try not to shatter it as you said.

It hurt, too much.

You don't need the comma after hurt.

I hated myself for breaking my words to you.

Okay, I know what you meant when you said this but I think it would sound better if you said: "...for breaking my promises to you." This way we know what the words were and it makes me want to know more about what happened.

It said 'hi' and was signed as in Eric.

....was signed by Eric.
I walked into school, the pavement was all the same as it ever was: grey and with cracks here and there.

If she was in the school it wouldn't be pavement, would it? It would be tile.

People were rushing by, I saw familiar faces, but tried to blend in.

Maybe you could say but tried to disappear. When I think of blending in I think of her talking to her friends so they don't think anything is wrong.
Why had my voice came(come) out lower than how I had meant it to come out as?

This just didn't flow right in my opinion. I think you can just drop the striked part

But instead of failing, I smiled.

Failing seems like an odd word to use in this situation.

Okay, overall I love the story and the idea. It's just the way you wrote the times confused me(if that makes sense). You skipped from the text message from Eric to the school day. But the text was after school started, I think. The times were the most confusing and I think you could probably sneak that part in somewhere else, as a flash back or something.
I don't know if that makes any sense. If I have you totally confused PM me. Good job though.


“Sorry about the blood in your mouth. I wish it was mine. I couldn't get the boy to kill me, but I wore his jacket for the longest time.”
— Richard Siken