
Young Writers Society

Favorite Female Characters

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Wed Jul 30, 2014 11:31 pm
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ExOmelas says...

For me, it is Skeeter Phelan from 'The Help'. While there are many inspirational women in that book, in fact it's what the whole thing is about, Skeeter is the one I most relate to. At the start of the book, she is only beginning to see the injustice of the Deep South in the 60s. She could have ignored the horrible situation if she'd wanted to but instead she chose to put her own neck on the line to help strangers, many of whom hated her for the status she'd been born in.

She and the housekeeper of her best friend get together to write a book about the experiences of black housekeepers in the neighbourhood. She is risking a large part of her life - her reputation in doing this and to many white women that would have been enough to scare them.

She also breaks up with Stuart, who is one of the only men in America taller than her, because he doesn't share her fury over the race situation. Her mother is constantly making her think that he is the only man who will ever suit her and it takes a lot of guts to go against that.

I know that she is probably not the most inspirational person in that book but she is the one most like me and therefore she is the one who inspires me personally the most.

What fools these mortals be!
William Shakespeare
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well I do.

Linkin Park
One More Light


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Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:47 am
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Iggy says...

Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter saga. Need I explain why?

Creel from the Dragon Slippers trilogy. Creel is amazing. A strong, young woman who befriends good dragons while fighting the bad ones, tells snotty princesses where to stuff it, tells the pompous king how stupid he is, and just tells off lots of people while kicking butt. She's just a kick-butt chick with amazing embroidery skills and the love of a wonderful prince. @Holysocks AMIRITE?

Mia Hall from If I Stay and Where She Went. Just... no words.

Violet Baudelaire from A Series Of Unfortunate Events.

Wanda and Melanie Stryder from The Host.

Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games series.

Samantha Kingston from Before I Fall.

Now, for real people? Probably my momma and Jennifer Lawrence. <3 My mom for obvious reasons and J-Law because, well, she's a weirdo. And she's proud of it. And she's the bae ♥
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:54 am
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Holysocks says...

A very wonderful prince indeed, @Iggy. ;)
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Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:57 am
Holysocks says...

OH I'M SORRY! Are we talking about women...? >.>
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Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:04 am
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Cole says...

StellaThomas wrote:
Emma, from Emma by Jane Austen

Emmmmmmmaaaaaaa <3

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Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:40 pm
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BluesClues says...

@Holysocks yes, we are talking about women. Heh heh. :)

I actually stopped reading Emma halfway through because I didn't like the title character (a first for me, since I adore Pride & Prejudice and enjoy Sense & Sensibility), but after what you guys have said it sounds like she gains a bit of humility throughout the book. I'll have to give it a retry at some point.

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Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:24 am
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GreenLight24 says...

Essentially every single female character from Nickelodeon's Avatar:The Last Airbender. There was amazing depth to all of the characters, but it was particularly enjoyable to see such strong female characters from a cartoon series in the action/adventure genre, as those are relatively hard to come by outside of the Anime realm.
"My Wellspring of Wisdom told me so!"

-Victorique De Blois, Gosick.

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Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:54 am
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StellaThomas says...

@BlueAfrica I'm sure you're probably aware of how Jane Austen said that she didn't think anybody would like Emma xD I mean, she's incredibly vain and snobby at the beginning of the book. But I never minded that much because I just found her hilarious, and not malevolent as much as ignorant of how her behaviours might affect others. I also think that Emma's character - the snobby and arrogant part at least - crop up a lot in male characters who are then seen as attractive and deep and well-developed. Whereas Emma is just seen as a bit of a wagon.

@Iggy this Dragon Slippers thing sounds amazing. I may have to hunt it out.

All the females in TLA, you're right, they're amazing. They kick butt.
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:12 am
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Auxiira says...

DRAGON SLIPPERS! If it's the books that I remember then I love it and it's awesome and asdfghjkl
You read faster than Usaine Bolt sprints xD - Deanie 2014

I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. - Cathy, Wuthering Heights

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Sat Aug 02, 2014 1:49 pm
BluesClues says...

@StellaThomas The only man I remember getting to in the book was that one Emma was trying to stop her weak-minded friend from marrying (at least, that seems to be Emma's opinion of her friend, like, "The poor dear doesn't know the mistake she's making! He's a sop who doesn't even have money!"), but I don't recall liking him either. I think that's part of the problem, that I got like a third of the way through the book and hadn't found ONE character that I really liked. Wanted to slap all of them, which really makes it hard for me to keep reading. But as I said, it's still on my bookshelf and I'd like to get back to it at some point...which may be easier, with what you guys have said about it. Who knows? Maybe I'll get to the end and realize I really like it--it took me three tries to read Pride & Prejudice the first time, after all, and now it's one of my favorite books.

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Mon Aug 04, 2014 1:11 am
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Rook says...

I'm just going to keep this short.
My favorite book is The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.
My favorite character in there is Auri. She's a girl. My favorite character anywhere is a girl~
I like her because of her refusal to sink to something beneath what she is. She's practically homeless, but she keeps herself clean, doesn't accept clothes that have been worn before, and is wary of strangers. I also like her rare gentle kindness and concern, and her fire when someone doesn't strike her as "good."
She's a bit insane, but in the best of ways. And she has such an imagination!
Plus she knows she's beautiful, enjoys nature and small things, and don't need no man. Aw snap.
Instead, he said, Brother! I know your hunger.
To this, the Wolf answered, Lo!

-Elena Passarello, Animals Strike Curious Poses

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Mon Aug 04, 2014 1:26 am
Iggy says...

@StellaThomas and @Auxiira: The author for Dragon Slippers is Jessica Day George :3
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:06 pm
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TriSARAHtops says...

This thread's a little old (I remember the Squills post that accompanied it), and I'm surprised I didn't reply sooner, but I thought I'd contribute.

ALL the female characters from Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan trilogy. There aren't all that many of them, but those that are in these books are brave, intelligent and resourceful, but still diverse. Deryn Sharp (one of the protagonists) is one of my all time fave characters, partly because I wish I could run around calling people 'bum-rags', but mostly because of the fact that she is incredibly brave, and so determined in chasing her dreams. She's tough and loyal, and I love her willingness to defy society's expectations and restraints in order to achieve her goals. She's barking brilliant! XD

Maddie and Queenie from Code Name Verity are two more of my favourite female characters. Just beautiful, and they break my heart every time.

Another favourite female character is the Princess of France in Love's Labour's Lost. Her intelligence and quick wit are brilliant, and I loved the fact that she didn't instantly accept the king's offer of marriage - she had some control of her own fate.

Blue Sargent from The Raven Cycle. Just perfection.

There are so many more, but I'll maybe leave them for another post.
if we wait until we're ready
we'll be waiting
for the rest of our lives

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Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:12 pm
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BluesClues says...

Now I want to run around calling people bum-rags.

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Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:58 pm
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ThereseCricket says...


My sister read those books, and that's what she does now! She calls me bum-rag when trying to get a rise out of me. xD You should try it. :P
In Truth Unity,
In Doubt Liberty,
In all things Charity.

I’d heard he had started a fistfight in one of the seedier local taverns because someone had insisted on saying the word “utilize” instead of “use".
— Patrick Rothfuss, A Wise Man's Fear