
Young Writers Society

Location Unknown: Mission Failed

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Sun May 11, 2014 6:50 pm
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Lumi says...

The Year 2214

A mere two hundred years in the future, space travel and intergalactic imperialism have come to be. While on Earth the past century has been a time of peace and prosperity, across the vast reaches of space, mankind has encountered war upon war while vying for dominion of the stars. Planet Pepsi, which unfortunately had its naming rights bought off the military by a fortune company, has recently been conquered, and Earth is now in the process of colonizing Pepsi with adventurers, military staff, and general folks who would find life on this new planet easier. Whatever reason you have is good enough for Planet Pepsi.

Captain Roan Chbosky is the leader of the Twentieth Pepsi Brigade, commanding his beloved Persephone across the stars. Our story begins at the halfway point between Earth and Pepsi, affectionately and dramatically known as The Dead Zone, where the Persephone is undergoing routine maintenance.

You are aboard the Persephone--in whichever position you choose; however, the provincial life you dreamed of on Pepsi may soon be squelched.

Submit profiles via the profile system, and feel free to use the image upload in lieu of the appearance field. This storybook is permanently open for any passerby or bored whatever. Plot is determined by each participant if they so desire.

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I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Wed May 14, 2014 5:21 pm
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Lumi says...

Part One
Atomic Dogs

Captain Roan Chbosky

"I'm not telling you this so you can ask me how I feel about, Evi. I'm telling you this as your superior officer so you can analyze the potential meaning."

Roan sighed and placed a small birthday-style gift box on Evi's desk. It was re-wrapped just the way they found it on the bridge hours before, a neon pink box with an even more neon green wrapping bow on top.

Evi exchanged looks between the box and her captain, back to the box, back to her captain. "Roan, you're certain that a gift box is worth psycho-analysis?"

Roan shook his head. "It's what's in the gift box that needs analysis. The box itself is just tacky and juvenile. Wait. Why are you writing that down? Stop writing what I say!"

Evi held up her hands, clicking her pen closed. "Fine, you got me." She put down her tablet and pen and unwrapped the box, peering inside.

"Handcuffs," she deadpanned. "Handcuffs and a holiday sparkler."

"None of us could make heads or tails of it," Roan murmured. He sighed and relaxed into the cliched psychiatrist's couch, placed an electronic vapor cigarette in his mouth and sucked in a shallow breath through the tube. "The boys on the bridge had a field day with it, though. They say I'm into bondage, which is just entirely unprofessional." He smirked. "If I wanted someone tied down, I'd use rope."

"No," Evi remarked, "I don't believe this is about you, Roan, but rather a message." She shook her head. "Give me time to cross-examine the circumstances on the ship.

Roan kicked his feet up on the edge of her desk--the one place where she wouldn't complain--and closed his eyes. "We still have five minutes left. Just give me a moment to rest, wouldja?"

"Ah, yes. How are those anxiety medications working?"

"I've gained five pounds and I almost forgot my uniform this morning." He smirked. "A few more of those and folks who say I'm a lunatic won't be far off."

"Mmh." Evi looked up from her box of goodies and noticed something peculiar. "How long have you had that date branded on your boots?"

Roan cocked an eyebrow. "My boots? There's nothing on my--" He pulled his foot to the side to peer at the sole of his right boot, where there was branded, clear as day:

16 December 1773
Last edited by Lumi on Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Wed May 14, 2014 9:14 pm
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Auxiira says...

Technician Lizzie Elett - Day one

Lizzie woke with a start, curled up in a nest of cables, a welding iron him her hand. Putting it back in her tool pouch, she grabbed a few strands of hair and peered at them. The tips which she could see were, once again, singed and frizzy, not helping to keep it tamed. She sighed and ran a hand through it briefly, shaking out the tiny knots. A dust down of her jumpsuit and a survey of her tools later, and she judged herself ready to go find some dinner, which her stomach agreed with. Then maybe she'd visit Shaun.

As she paced down the shaft with light feet, she stopped above Evi's office, crouching down next to the grille. It made me slightly ashamed to spy on my friend, but she always had good conversations.

"How long have you had that date branded on your boots?"

"My boots?" She recognised Captain Roan's voice "There's nothing on my--" There was an exclamation from the room as he apparently discovered the date. "16 December 1773?" A small smile twitched her lips as she moved on. Boston Tea Party. At least the learning programs Nike, her adopted father, had given her had payed off.

Lizzie ran a gentle hand along the closest cable as she moved on, checking for any faults, any small tears or sparks which could cause any damage. The good thing about being in space was the lack of vermin, she decided. On Earth you always had to check that the cables hadn't been gnawed at or bitten through. Though then again, they were replaced by vermin in the human form, she reminded herself.

Taking a small metal cube from her pocket, she rested it on her palm, like ice on her warm skin. she stared at it, a frown creasing her forehead. A few moments passed before she turned her gaze away and put the cube back in her pocket.

Three more steps and she pushed at the wall of the shaft. Though it hadn't evidently sloped down, it had, and she was only a few feet above the ground when she dropped out into the corridor. There weren't too many people around, and she didn't feel cramped as she strolled to Shaun's bar.

He greeted her with a call and a beer pushed her way as she sat down at the bar, hopping up onto a stool.

"How are you, Paladin?" She asked, glancing around the bar and trying to pick up conversations. "Rescue any knights today?"

"Not yet, Sparky," he replied with a smile. "Started a fire in anyone's rooms recently?" She smiled at the reminder of the last time she had frozen someone's shower. It hadn't been her fault that the electrics on that particular corridor needed changing.

"Seeing as I slept all day, not really. No one's managed to annoy me inn the ten minutes I've been up though, imagine that." He smirked, then moved along to catch another customer.

Swigging at the beer, Lizzie swung around to watch the people come in and out. It was easy to pick out the military from the normals. Uniforms and a sharper manner made them stand out, though that was a generalisation, and it wasn't good to generalise. Waving a little at Imogen, she leaned back against the bar.
Just a few more minutes, then I'll go and look for work. It was easier to work during the ship's down times.

As she passed by Evi's rooms half an hour later, she stuck her head around the door, surprised to see that no one was there. Her friend sat staring at a small pink box with a green ribbon.

"Hey Evi!" She called. "Cute box! Where did you get it?"
You read faster than Usaine Bolt sprints xD - Deanie 2014

I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. - Cathy, Wuthering Heights

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Wed May 14, 2014 9:57 pm
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Leahweird says...


It turned out that life on a space faring vessel while lacking actual duties could be very boring. Adam was trying to make the kill some time by hanging out in any area the map told him was for Entertainment, but so far he wasn't finding much to do.

The games room was filled with the kind of "learning is fun!" garbage they used to make him do at home, which he hated for reason totally unrelated to being terrible at them. There were some arcade style monstrosities, but they had the the opposite problem of being much to easy for him and his accidental cheating as far as hand eye coordination went. And since the were no pretty girls around to impress with his awesome skills he decided to go , but see about getting something to drink instead.

The hallway wasn't packed, but it wasn't completely empty either. Normally he liked company he was pretty sure at least a couple people had glanced at his arm as they passed. Scowling, he wondered if he would be as bothered by it if his arm was a prosthetic and not just a poorly matched replacement, or whether that would just make it worse.

Luckily for him, there did in fact appear to be a bar. They man working behind it gave him a suspicious look as he perched on a stool. Adam grinned and tried to look friendly and innocent, which was difficult to do while also trying to appear to be legal drinking age.

"Can I have a beer?"

The bartender raised an eyebrow. "I'm not positive you're old enough."

"You're right I'm only five." This got a snort of laughter, as expected. No one took comments like that at face value. "Come on, I'm older than I look."

"Prove it."

Adam stifled a curse. He didn't have any ID with him, all his fakes were confiscated the last time he took off and they caught him. The ships computers probably had him listed as nineteen, but he wasn't positive whether that was too young in this part of the universe.

The bartender shook his head and went back to serving the other patrons. With a sigh, Adam simply swivelled his seat so he could watch the bar while he sulked. This trip was shaping up to be very uneventful.

Spoiler! :
ooc: Rydia, if that helps you get a post in before you're on you way, go for it. If not, you can ignore him and he'll find someone else to bug shortly. I was writing assuming he was talking to Shaun, and I'm praying I didn't do anything out of character...I guess it depends on whether anyone other than he and his sister work there XD.

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Thu May 15, 2014 1:22 am
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Lumi says...

Roan Chbosky; The Arboretum; Day One

"I'm telling you, Isaac, something doesn't feel right." Roan had his arms crossed, back pressed against the elevator wall as the two officers descended into the room responsible for supplying oxygen to the ship. The door slid open with a hiss, and Isaac tapped away on his handheld. "I have a bad feeling about this, and I can't shake it."

Lieutenant Isaac was a slender, frail young man with golden hair that most often stuck to his neck. Somehow, the military standards of short hair on men had missed him by a mile, though no one really complained. He was a handsome fellow, and completed the perfect god-like image of the Persephone's senior staff.

Roan and Isaac walked through the Arboretum: an entire floor of the ship dedicated to growing and maintaining a practical forest of trees. All of them were breeds of conifer--some dropping seeds and cones and bristles here and there that were trampled underfoot as the two men walked along. "You have to admit it, Isaac. Handcuffs and a sparkler...it just seems foreboding."

"Captain Chbosky, if I may be so frank, you get these bad feelings when your boots are unlaced. You once came to my cabin in the middle of our sleeping hours and were completely certain that our destination planet had been destroyed by Intergalactic Terrorists." Isaac shook his head. "Honestly, I expected Doctor Evi's medications to be working much more efficiently than they are."

Roan made a face. "How did you know about the medications?"

"You told me this morning when I asked you--"

"--where my visor was. Right." Roan rubbed the bridge of his nose, squinting with a stress headache. "The passengers are right. I'm practically a lunatic."

"Now, sir, no one's calling you a lunatic..."

"They probably see me coming down the hall and hide their children!"

"We'll be connected with the General in five..."

Roan sat at his desk, holding his head. "I'm practically a joke to the public!"


"I may as well lock myself up!"

"And we're live."

"Good evening, General Grahn."

The man who appeared in the hologram assessed his surroundings, made note of the types of trees and their growth since departure. "Good evening, gentlemen. It has come to my attention that you have a number of civilians aboard your vessel who have yellow flags attached to their UN Profiles. All of them are in the same family, but the relation seems a bit sketchy in places." He produced mugshots of a family of six. Mom, Dad, two girls and three boys.

Roan squinted. "Doctor John...Smith? You've got to be kidding me."

General Grahn shook his head. "The father was dislicensed in England for his research on combining humans and non-humans."

Isaac looked up, his interest piqued. "Non-humans, sir?"

"Yes. Consider it in the same vein as the Android project twenty years ago, only with non-sentient biological beings."

Roan cocked an eyebrow. "So we're dealing with a man who likes furry humans. With all of our animals aboard locked in the Ark Facility, I'm certain we have nothing to worry about. No one can get in without government clearance."

The general nodded, but then turned to his subordinate officers behind him, dismissing them from the conference call. "If this were the sheer case, you would be perfectly sound in your lack of worry; however, there are civilian-level cargo that contain...government property."

Roan narrowed his eyes. "I was not informed of this."

"Until now, there's been no reason to worry you with pointless information; the thing is, though..."

Isaac accessed a file on his handheld. "Fourteen radiation-exposed canines were imported before the embarking of the Persephone. The date on their entry to our ship, however, is marked as today."

Roan groaned. "So your labcoats decided to endanger my people with atomic dogs?!" Roan stood, arms crossed. "How much radiation are we exposing our passengers to?"

The general held up his hands. "No more than they'll be exposed to on Pepsi." He shook his head. "Have some men keep an eye out for this family until you arrive. If anything suspicious happens...detain them without questioning. That is all."

The general vanished, and Roan sighed in frustration. "Isaac, have a team of engineers locate this cargo and transport it to the barracks. The radiation shields are strong enough there that the exposure won't reach any civilians."

"Yes, sir."
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Thu May 15, 2014 3:19 am
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Shadowlight says...

Evi Carter-Shipboard Counselor:

"Hey Evi!" Lizzy called from the doorway. "Cute box! Where did you get it?"

Evi looked up and smiled thoughtfully at her new friend, and without thinking she pulled the items out of the bo and showed her,

"Handcuffs and a sparkler, From the Captain." as soon as the words left her mouth she realized she said it wrong and the look of utter shock spread across lizzy's face made Evi grow red.

"Oh my God."

"No! Oh Heaven's no not like that! he just wanted me to think about them."

"Oh my god!"

"No! No not that!"

"I KNEW it. I knew it!" Lizzy cried coming into the room and closing the door behind her, "I knew you and the captain had a thing going."

"No we don't! I only misspoke!" Evi waved her hands wildly- horror in her face, she felt sick, she felt hot.

"He's giving you handcuffs and sparklers Evi..."Lizzy made a face, "Never knew you two were that serious."

"Lizzy for Gods sake listen! We're NOT involved! He just visits me for professional reasons. I'm a counselor, that's it. We're not romantically or sexually involved. that would be inappropriate. He just found these things, and asked me to help him figure out if it's just a prank or not." Lizzy didn't look convinced, she grinned and slinked for the door.

"Suuuure, he just "found" them. I get it- trying to keep it on the down low."

"Lizzy!" And with a roar of laughter Lizzy was gone leaving Evi red as a poppy- holding the tiny pink box in her hands.

Spoiler! :
sorry it's so short.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Thu May 15, 2014 6:20 am
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Griffinkeeper says...

Aboard the SPEW Gryphon things had become tense. Grif paced around the bridge.

"Did we lose them Adelaide?" Grif asked.

"Negative. With this many battle fleets tracking us, there simply isn't anywhere to hide," the AI responded.

"There is no way I can attend this meeting with fifty battle fleets on our tail," Grif said, leaving the bridge. He entered his private quarters.

"You've got a plan don't you?" Adelaide said accusingly.

"You're only saying that because I always do," Grif said.

"So what's the plan?"

"The plan is for me to leave the SPEW Gryphon. I'll launch with a probe while the Gryphon goes somewhere else. At this range, they're unlikely to detect the launch, much less me. Once the launch has happened, have the Gryphon go through the Delangi hazard and recall it on my signal."

"Where will you go?"

"Good question. Where is the nearest port?"

"The Dead Zone. It's a small maintenance station. I think there may even have been a ship coming into dock a day or two ago."

"Then that's the place. From there I should be able to find a transport to the Pepsi system. Configure the probe for stealth transport, unless you can shoot me all the way there."

"Unlikely. You'd run out of power for life support before you arrived at Pepsi. Probe is ready for departure, it's in launch bay two." Grif grabbed his go-bag and made his way to the launch bay.

The probe was very small and was, in essence, an engine with sensors. Except this one had no sensors; but a small life support station. There were no controls to speak of; when Grif got close he would have to eject from the probe and leave using a portable thruster pack. Grif reflected that the plan was probably stupidly dangerous, then dismissed the thought entirely and entered the modified probe. The hatch shut behind him.

"Increasing power to catapult, opening launch doors. Transferring power to probe," Adelaide said. The doors opened and Grif looked out to see space in front of him. For a long moment there was a pause.


"Yes Adelaide?"

"You need to say the thing."

"What thing?"

"Don't you remember the Sunrise Protocol? You have to say the code name, your name, and then something about how you're leaving in order to leave."

"That sounds ridiculous."

"Well, it's true."

"Fine. What's the name of the probe?"

"This probe."

"Right. What is the name of this probe?"

"No, that's a different probe entirely."


"That's another probe."

"I'm confused. What is the name of this probe?"

"This probe."


"No, the name of the probe is 'this probe'."

"That is the stupidest name for a probe I've ever heard."

"We're running out of time," Adelaide said.

"Fine. This probe, Griffinkeeper, lauNCHINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!" Grif's sentence turned into a scream as the probe launched. It cleared the ship in less than a second and accelerated rapidly to it's top speed, carrying a screaming Grif with it. Behind Grif, the Gryphon made a radical turn and left the area.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Thu May 15, 2014 9:07 pm
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Rydia says...

Bar Owner Shaun Paladin - Day One

By the time Lizzie had swung by, Shaun had shaken off his morning face and was ready to be a social butterfly. He pushed a beer her way and knew she'd settle up with him when the wages were distributed. It didn't matter much either way - owning a bar on a ship was a really sweet deal. He got paid by both sides: he got paid by the captain for providing a service and he got paid by the workers and civilians for providing refreshment on the long, thirsty journey.

Sparky was a real live wire and Shaun was reluctant to turn away from her and go see what the kid was doing at the other side of the bar. Even from over here, he had a hunch that the boy was too young, but duty called.

As he stepped away, he saw how Lizzie waved at Imogen and his younger sister waved back and leaned over the bar to share words with the red-head. He caught the beginning of their conversation before he focused his attention on his own:

"Have you and Fli got any news from downstairs?"

"Nothing worth gossiping about."

Drawing closer to the boy, Shaun gave him a long, suspicious look, but it wasn't the mechanical arm which was bothering him. He'd seen all kinds in his life, he'd even served some aliens, if the stories were to be believed, but never had he given a drink to a minor. Or not to his knowledge, anyway.

Shaun thought the kid took the refusal well and he served a few more patrons after their chat, then came back to where the youth was still sitting.

"We do serve drinks other than beer," Shaun prompted. The boy started slightly and then shook his head.

"I don't like pop," he said.

Shaun wondered if this was another way of saying he didn't have any money, or at least not any money he wanted to spend on a drink that wasn't beer. He gave the boy a rueful smile and pulled down a glass.

"I've been told that I make the best water in the house," he said as he drew a pint of soda water. "No charge."

The bar was quiet this time of day, there were no good looking men to talk to and Lizzie was heading off, so that made the kid the most interesting customer he had.

"Do you want to hear an adventure story? It looks like you've had a few adventures yourself." Shaun nodded at the boy's arm and didn't mind which of them did the talking. If the boy wanted to tell his story then he was all ears but if not, he had a few tales to tell.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Thu May 15, 2014 9:49 pm
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Leahweird says...

Adam was tempted to tell the man to back off, but the questioned didn't seem mocking. More like respectfully asking how a soldier got his wounds, which was acceptable. He picked up the glass with his good hand and raised the other, flexing the fingers.

"I've had some adventures," He explained. "But this wasn't one of them. Not really. I got a few cuts and when in to have them treated, and a machine went haywire."

That's what he usually told people that asked. It was a bit difficult to really express the intensity of torn off bit by bit by a piece of equipment that was supposed to fix him but instead turned vicious. The Doc said that the machine didn't have any intelligence, it was just Adams own internal signals interfering and making it do weird things, but that wasn't comforting. After all this time he still didn't like being held down to be fixed, like he was then, and he didn't really trust other mechanical entities.

He took another sip and rested his arm on the counter. Soda water was better than nothing it was true, but it wasn't really what he was after. Actual beer "tasted" better to his sensors than other drinks, and alcohol was more easily processed into other chemicals that could be used as back up fuel in case the worst happened. Still it was nice to be offered something and not just kicked out. Maybe he had something going here.

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Sat May 17, 2014 6:40 am
Auxiira says...

Technician Lizzie Elett

After flitting through the levels, catching the various faults that needed her attention, Lizzie moved down to the lower levels skipping through the Hangar before stopping at the Ark. She didn't normally have any business there, but recently she had found something. The Persephone had always carried cargo of differing levels of illegality, but growing up where she had, it really didn't bother her much. Especially when there were enough locks to break a shnoiger's neck on the door. But she had found something in one of her recent secret surveys of the ship that made her doubt her loyalty.

She crawled through the vents until she found her marker, then stopped, taking deep breaths to stop the anger before it started. Opening the hatch below her, she checked no one was around and set the cameras on a loop before dropping down next to a cage hidden by a curtain. Whimpers and murmurs came from behind the curtain. Lizzie watched her knuckles turn white on the edge of the curtain before she stepped around it. Fli light up.

Crowds of humans, shrinking away from the light, crying out in fear. Humans of every shape and size, every age, crammed into the space, dressed in hospital robes.

A block of bathrooms stood next to the cage, and during her few visits, Lizzie had learnt that they were made to wash every few hours. She could guess from the clothes and cleanliness that they were meant for science, but it somehow made the reality worse. She would have never, not in a million light years, thought that the Persephone would ever carry humans as cargo. It made her sick to the stomach to think that she had helped transport humans as livestock for science.

Pushing down her nausea, she stepped up to the bars. "Hello." She whispered softly. "I'm looking for Isati. Can you find him for me?" The whisper spread through the people, and soon a young man pushed his way through the crowd. She could only just see him in the light Fli offered, but he looked better than the last time she had seen him, though bruises still peppered his skin.

"Lizzie, what's wrong?" Concern leaked into his voice, and she realised that anger was making her shake.

"Nothing, Isati. Listen, I'm going to get you all out of the cages, but it may take some time." Hope shone on his face as he clutched at the bars.

"Really?" He hesitated, frowning. "What are you going to do?" When she didn't reply, he shook his head. "Don't put yourself into danger for us."

A beep from Fli told her she needed to leave. "I'm taking a risk, it's what I'm known for." She stepped back around the curtain as he opened his mouth to protest. Taking a deep breath, she hauled herself back up into the vents. Her hands shook so hard that she couldn't screw the cover back down. She drew her legs up to her chest and took deep breaths, resisting the overwhelming urge to hit the metal wall in front of her. When she had calmed down enough to stop shaking, she stopped the loop on the cameras and screwed the cover back down.

She made her way up to the military quarters and re-entered the corridors, keeping her head down to hide her shaken expression. She had things to fix, and a plan to get started on, but right now she needed rest. Or something exceedingly strong. Changing tack, she made her way back down to the bar.

So no one knows that she knows, and she isn't going to tell anyone. No one can coerce it from her until she decides that she'll tell.
You read faster than Usaine Bolt sprints xD - Deanie 2014

I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. - Cathy, Wuthering Heights

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Sat May 17, 2014 3:16 pm
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Shadowlight says...

Evi Carter /Hallway then Bar:

Evi made her way from her quarters on the civilian deck to the deck with all the shops, restaurants and the shipboard bar. She had puzzled over Roan's questionable object till her brain hurt and she needed a break, or a drink, preferably both.

Sighing she put the small box in her locked office drawer- blushing at the handcuffs and Lizzy's words passed through her mind again.

“why would she even think that? Oh heaven's... horrible things... I don't know why people even USE these.” she locked the drawer cheeks on fire and slipping on her shoes she left her quarters heading to the deck that she wanted.

The halls were bustling with both civilians and staff of the Persephone, the civilians excitedly chatting about their new lives on Pepsi or still enamored with life on board the ship and testing out the different amenities. Evi didn't blame them, there were shops to buy things, different places to eat, there was even a spa/salon on board.

“I should get my nails done...” Evi mused as she stepped into the turbo lift and pressed a few buttons.

Seconds later brought her the floor she wanted- thankfully the turbolift stopped right near the bar so it wasn't long before she was perched daintily on a stool, her pumps, skirt and blouse made her look more like a 40's pinup girl then a counselor on-board a spaceship but Evi didn't care- she liked he classics.

“Hey There beautiful.” Shaun leaned on the counter in front of her grinning,

“Hi Shaun.”

“What can I getcha? Are you going all the way tonight or staying virginal?” He winked, Evi laughed-she liked Shaun and all his flirting, she knew it didn't mean anything coming from him an that's what made it fun, he was safe to joke like that around and that's why more often then not she was found of an evening sipping a Shirley Temple or other virgin drink down at the bar.

“Um, can you make Orange blossoms?” Shaun widened his eyes,

“Wow going all the way? Sure thing Beautiful- tough day?” Evi shrugged- putting her glasses to rest on the top of her head.

“Not really, just long. Oh don't add to much gin, I prefer more orange juice to gin, oh and can you make it slushy instead of over ice?”

“Sure thing, I make special orders all the time.” Evi admired how easily Shaun flipped bottles, and made a show for his guests- she would just end up breaking everything. “It's odd you know.”

“What is?” Evi cocked her head to one side,” Shaun twirled a bottle on his finger and dipped It just before it hit the floor,

“Your drink ordered, you in general. You look liked you stepped out of the 40's or something.”

“I like the glamor of that era. And the dresses. And red lipstick- whats wrong with that?” Shaun handed her the glass,

“Nothing at all, catch you later.” He winked an went to help his other guests, Evi slid her cash card into the little machine on the counter- the money would be taken out of her account- saved everyone the trouble of carrying loose bills.

“Evi!” Evi turned and groaned, Lizzy slid into the seat next to her grinning,

“Hey Lizzy.”

“You use them yet?

“Use wha-” Evi's eyes went wide as Lizzy imitated her wrists being held together, “Lizzy Oh my Gawd not here!”
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sun May 18, 2014 7:21 am
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Griffinkeeper says...

Grif surveyed the Persephone from the Dead Zone station. It was a long ship, with a hanger deck and adequate space for a couple thousand people. Grif entered the small line of new passengers with a ticket he had just bought, under an assumed name of course. Grif handed the ticket to the ship's quartermaster, who immediately assigned him quarters.

It was on deck five and Grif found the quarters easily. It was a small room, with a bed, a locker, and a small shower stall. Built into the wall was a data panel. Grif touched the screen and a spark shocked him. He tried again, and this time a small orientation video came on. It was what you would expect: emergency evacuation plans, restricted areas, areas and amenities and when they could be accessed.

Grif laid down on the bed and listened to the video half-heartedly. He wished Adelaide was there, but she had promised to take the Gryphon to safety. On the Gryphon, Grif was master and commander and the entire ship beat in time with him. Here, he felt like a stranger.

Fortunately, Grif knew how to remove that feeling. So, he left his quarters and went to visit the Star Lounge, which seemed to be the name of the local bar.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Sun May 18, 2014 3:41 pm
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Lumi says...

Roan Chbosky | Captain's Quarters

"Alright, so our surveillance footage of the docking area showed no signs of Grahn's men, nor any Conscripts from the Andromeda Mercanarium." Roan gave a sigh of relief and ruffled his hair. A few strands came loose and landed lazily in his lap--which made him groan.

"There were also no signs of the "Smith" family leaving the ship, nor any suspicious behavior out of them...except for one daughter."

Roan raised an eyebrow. "A daughter? What the hell did she do, bake a cake that's half radioactive pie?"

"No, sir," Isaac cut, "she made three visits to Mr. Paladin's bar within an hour, but either she ordered nothing, or was turned down each time--sir?"

"Yes, Lieutenant?"

"Why are we having this conversation here?"

Roan blinked several times, considering the circumstances. The two were curled up with their knees to their chests in the bottom of Roan's shower room, packed so tightly that not even Roan's squeaky boots could squeak. "Consider it complete and utter distrust of the public."

Isaac shook his head and stood, leaving the tiny room. "Sir, Grahn's orders stand: we have to investigate what's going on with The Smith Girl. I suggest we speak with Paladin first."

"Great idea," Roan chirped, hopping out of the shower basin. "Glad to have you aboard, Lieutenant Goodbrain. I could use a drink, anyway."

Isaac rolled his eyes when Roan strode away.

Roan thrust a fist in the air. "To the bar!"
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Sun May 18, 2014 5:51 pm
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Auxiira says...

Technicial Lizzie Elett

She perched myself on a barstool next to Evi, putting up a smile at her horrified expression. Unlike Evi, her feet didn't touch the floor, so she propped them on the rest. The darkness of the bar reminded her of the cages, and she quickly ordered a Long Island Tea from Shaun. The raise of his eyebrows suggested he was going to ask what was wrong, but she shook her head at him, sending a silent plea. Taking a quiet gulp of the drink, she grinned at Evi.

"Why not here?"

"What do you mean why not?! For goodness sake Lizzy we're in public someone might hear you!"

"Pssshh, you know I'll just turn their showers cold if they say anything against you." It wasn't easy to play lightheartedness, but she thought she was doing well as she chuckled. Evi's cheeks were clearly on fire, and she shifted in her seat- tugging the sleeves of her white sweater,

"Please just stop talking about it.... if somone heard and started spreading rumours... I'm the captain's psychotherapist, this is a delicate time and I really need you not to insinuate things like Captain Roan and I having a sexual relatioship. Yes I find him attractive but I find the first mate also attractive- and that man who just walked into the bar. the point is I am the ship-board counselor. I have a professional boundaries I have to work withing." Evi turned away from Lizzy, her thin shoulders shaking slightly, she drained the rest of her drink, nails drumming on the glass.

"Hey, don't worry. I won't bring it up again. Stellar promise." Lizzie raised the glass to her friend, taking a few gulps. She suddenly noticed Evi's expression had changed and she was eying her with a strange expression in her eyes,

"You're normally not a drinker." She stated flatly.

"I felt like drinking tonight," Lizzie replied with a small beam. "I like to have fun from time to time, like everyone else."

"But you're not "for fun" drinking Lizzy," Evi said lowering her glasses to look through them at her, "You're drinking too fast for that, and your evading eye contact, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Evi, really. I got shocked by the wires earlier, and it fried me a little, that's all. It reminded me that we're humans." Humans in cages, crammed into the space. Her hand shook very slightly as she set the glass down. Evi leaned closer laying her hand on her knee, Lizzy focused on the bright red nail polish instead of her friends face,

"Lizzy, if something is bothering you I want to help... I'm here to help."

"I know you are. See, it's right there: Counsellor. You help everyone." Evi visably flinched and pulled away, setting her glass on the bar top.

"Not because I'm a counselor, because I thought I was your friend." there was a tremor in her voice as she spoke. she stood an began to walk away and Lizzy saw her dab at her eyes. She bolted from her seat, grabbing her friend's hand.

"Evi, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Please, I'm sorry." Evi allowed herself to be lead back to the bar where Lizzie grabbed a napkin from Shaun's outstretched hand. "I'm sorry. I really am." Evi's only response was a slight shrug- her eyes on the bartop. "Please Evi. At least look at me. You know me, you know I don't mean it when I say things like that. Of course you're my friend."

"Everyone thinks I'm just the counselor, like I'm the enemy or something..." Evi mumbled picking at a scab on her elbow, "That I'm always trying to get in their heads and I'm some horrible person... I'm not." she looked up big eyes full of tears, "Even I need friends who are just friends."

"You're never going to be my enemy. Really." She sniffled, then blinked, alarmed at the sudden tears dropping down her cheeks.

"Then stop acting like I am Lizzy... I see you're upset I want to help, end of story I'm not trying to get into your head..."

"I know, I'm just really stressed at the moment, and it's making me say things I don't mean." "Don't put yourself into danger for us." She shook her head and swiped at the tears to no avail. "I'm really not good with friends..." Evi leaned over and hugged her tight,

"It's okay- just, if you need to vent, bitch about life or go shopping, talk boys- come see me okay? We both need to just be girly and relax everyone once in a while."

"Me? Be girly? That would give the guys a good laugh." She sighed. "Maybe I should... How about we let Shaun get us drunk then keep an eye on us right now?" She giggled at Shaun's sigh. Maybe getting overly drunk was what she needed before putting her plan into action.

Evi's eyes widened and she shook her head,

"Oh no I can't! what if I do something racy? Or.... that wouldn't be right."

"Don't worry Beautiful I'll keep an eye on you." Shuan said smiling, Evi fidgeted,

"Aw hell fine. but don't let me get too drunk, and don't let me throw myself at a man or anything okay? I'm a bit of a affectionate drunk or at least my ex said I was."

Lizzie chuckled, then dumped her toolbelt on the bar. "I am giving you that, but I need it back. Thought I don't want to hurt anyone. Just don't let me leave without it, Paladin."

"Sure thing, Sparky."

"And I'm sorry if I start a fight."

"No, you're not," Shaun snorted, before sliding two shots across the counter. "Have fun, ladies." Evi took the shot glass and fluttered for a moment,

"Oh good lord I'm gonna regret this tomorrow I just know it!" before she downed the shot- turning the empty glass over on the bar, "Hit me again Shuan!"

Lizzie smirked before gulping her own shot and banging it down next to Evi's. "I'm regretting this as soon as I get a black eye, probably. Or, you know, not at all."
You read faster than Usaine Bolt sprints xD - Deanie 2014

I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. - Cathy, Wuthering Heights

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Mon May 19, 2014 4:05 am
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Shadowlight says...

Evangeline Carter:

Another empty glass hit the bartop and Lizzy squealed in triumph.

“Beat that!” Evi exploded into a fit of giggles, Shuan leaned on the bar watching the two women, grinning,

“Risk, she's beating you by three shots.”

“Shaddup- I'm winning!”
Evi Spun around in her bar-stool, taking in the rest of the room, people sitting at tables, happy couples hiding in booths, she sighed and pushed her hair back

“ I wish I had a boyfriend.” she said suddenly- squinting through her glasses at a old couple in one corner holding hands. “I want to be that old person someday- you know?” She looked back at Shaun and Lizzy, “I'd like to grow old with someone.- you know? Don't' you want that? Well.... Shaun you'd grow old with some cute old man...” she mumbled on then looked horrified. “Oh I'm sorry Shaun!” Shaun laughed.

“It's fine beautiful- I would like a ”cut old man” someday.” Evi giggled, Lizzy grunted and turned to look at the boy at the end of the bar- who was drumming his fingers on the counter,

“But seriously... I'm Twenty four and I've NEVER really had a boyfriend... I mean I had one in college but he, he really waned my best friend so he was going out with me to get to her- I mean he never even like kissed me- I'm twenty four and never been kissed Shaun! I mean.... that's gotta be some kind of Record. Am I talking to much?” She blinked, trying to clear the slight haze she was thinking through, clearly her normal reserve was gone and that bothered her....

“You'll find someone, don't worry. Here-drink this.” he handed her a glass of water, Evi grabbed his hand.

“Oh you, you're the best.” She sipped it- dangling her legs, her pumps falling to the floor, “I'm sorry... I'm talkative when I get like this, its just... nice to unwind.”
“It's fine- Bartenders job.”
Evi settled comfortable into the bar stool- her loose curls falling about her face, she had lost her hair-clip and she didn't know where it was, she played with them, Doll curls her mother called them, because they were perfect little ringlets, she often woke up with amazingly horrid bed head but she didn't mind her hair most of the time.

“Well Hello there Captain! Haven't seen you in a while.” Shaun's voice pulled Evi back from her thoughts and she looked up- Captain Roan and His first officer Mr. Issac were walking towards the bar with the purposeful step only military men seemed to possess. Evelyn felt her stomach clench tight and her cheeks grew warm, the captain was smiling a easy smile, and that certainly didn't help settle her nerves, only added to them, usually he was the nervous one when they talked. .

“Evening Shaun, Evi.” He nodded as he got to the bar.

"H-hello Captain." Evi squeaked and Roan looked down, one eyebrow slightly raised, Evi gulped and tried to smile. "I didn't know you came here."

"I do once and a while." He smiled and took the barstool next to her, his first officer taking the one beyond that.

"What willl you have Captain?" Shaun asked wiping a few glasses dry.

"I'll have a Long Island, Thanks Shaun." The Captain slid a folded slip of paper across the bar to Shaun before turning to smile at Evi.

"And for you Issac?"

"Just what's on tap- my usual."

"Sure thing- coming up."

"I didn't peg you as a Long Island kind of man, Captain." she said quietly- looking up at him, he glanced at her- brows slightly knit,

"Oh No?" she shook her head, "What did you have me pegged for?"

"Oh I don't know, something sexy like a Martini or an All Irish." she shrugged,
The Captain gave a small, deep laugh.

"Only a therapist would think a drink order sums up a man." He leaned an elbow on the bar, chin resting in his gloved hand. "What does Long Island say to you?"
"Well," Evi said thoughtfully,

"It's a classic drink, means you value the past and things that have stood-." she blinked stopping her thought, "Roan I've had an Orange blossom and five shots- don't ask me to be philosophical about booze- order me a drink." she grinned,
Roan cocked an eyebrow, running a sole finger down the edge of his glass.

"What if I showed you something incredible, instead?" He hardly waited for her response before standing from his bar stool and sliding his drink to Isaac. "Milady?"

"wha-Roan where the hell are you going?!" the chief officer looked mildly horrifide but Evi was curious, she grinned and untangled herself from her chair,

"Ooh, sounds fun," she slipped into her pumps again and smoothed her skirt- taking his arm. "Where are we going Captain?" she held his arm a little closer then she needed too but she was emboldened- he was actually almost flirting with her!
He stopped only when they reached the inside of the Military Staff elevator, where he pressed his thumb to the panel to open the door with a gentle shhh. The Captain led her inside and tucked a strand of Evi's hair behind her ear.

"How many stars do you think you could count, Evi?"
Evi stared up at him, her heart threatening to hammer its way out of her chest, she wondered if he could hear it...

"I-I don't know...how many do you think?" she almost whispered,
Roan pursed his thin lips, turning his eyes to the ceiling.

"I try each morning, and I can never get past fifty-eight without something distracting me." He nodded. "It's a law of the universe, I think, that after seeing so many gorgeous things out of your reach, something so close should steal you away." Evi was about to reply when the doors of the lift opened and Roan led her out onto the bridge, Evi without thinking grabbed his hand,

"I did't think Civilians were allowed here..." she looked around, eyes wide in awe at everything around her. The entire ceiling and forewalls were pure glass, displaying the vast galaxies ahead and around them. Blue and red vapor trails wove together like silken threads lost in deep water.
Roan was still, statuesque, and his eyes were far-off from the Bridge, from Evi and The Persephone, and she wondered how many stars he'd counted. Roan slowly raised a hand and gestured to a darker green nebula off to the right of the Bridge.

"That's where we're going," he noted, moving his hand to a brilliant white swirl of lights and spots of darkness, "and that's where we came from."

Evi stared, open mouthed her eyes wide as saucers. she had seen space, pictures, small views through glasses but this? this was something utterly mind boggling, enough to make one weep, and the tears did start to her eyes.

"Oh Roan....it's..." she trailed across the bridge- timidly resting a hand on the glass as if she could reach out and catch a handful of the fiery little gems burning away in the heavenly vault, "It's so beautiful..." she covered her mouth- it was almost too much for her.
Roan's expression warmed as Evi endeavored to subdue her gasps.

"Speaking as a Captain who keeps a log of his journeys, we're halfway to our destination." His eyes turned again to the winding green cloud to the right. "But I'd say that you and I have hardly--"

"Captain Chbosky," Isaac's intercom, "there's a situation in the mall."
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

You must never give into despair. Allow yourself to slip down that road, and you surrender to your lowest instincts. In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength.
— Uncle Iroh