
Young Writers Society

Need some help, ideas, feedback please

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Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:45 am
violetxorchid says...

I haven't had access to a computer with internet at all hours of the day like this in awhile. I'm wanting to work on my writing, and come up with things that I like and express how I feel, but also convey to others so they can figure out what I'm saying but in their own way. I feel like learning to "hone in" my writing will make it easier to communicate in other parts of my life. But how exactly do I do this without schooling or anything? I'm basically a housewife, which is fine I'm pretty happy with it, but I don't have very many outlets. My SO and I keep snapping at each other because neither of us really have friends or outlets so we're constantly butting heads, not exactly a new thing but it's been worse lately. So how exactly do I get better at this but in my own way? Part of why I hated writing classes was because the teachers usually project their own feelings about what's going on onto the children. "Oh you're having trouble with your peers, that must be why your writing style is like this..." or something to that degree. I want suggestions and help but it seems like most of the people who care about me, or who I've previously felt like I could talk to just want to tell me exactly what I need to be doing and how to do it. I want suggestions, because other people might know better, not "hey do this it worked for me at one point therefore it will help you" This is full of so much crap I'm kinda excited/scared to see if I get responses and what exactly they will be. Oh and I know I'm crazy, so if that's anybody's thoughts I'm already well aware of that.. Ha. Thanks for reading if you got this far. (:

Maybe blogging would be more of my sort of thing? Just read this and am slightly embarrassed I even felt the need to say all this, but what's done is done. I'm in a slightly happier mindset and it's only been about an hour maybe? I'm going to sleep now and will most likely be on here at some point tomorrow during the day. Thank you to anyone for reading this, and anybody's thoughts are very much appreciated.

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Thu Apr 23, 2015 4:13 pm
birk says...

Are you only wanting to use writing as an outlet to certain parts of your life?

Blogging is indeed a good way to get things off your chest, but that's not to say that any other writing isn't either. You can express yourself and relieve stress just as well through writing fiction and stories. To some degree it could be an even better outlet. And as someone who doesn't blog, it sounds a heck of a lot fun to be writing, instead of blogging.

Maybe if you'll elaborate a bit on the issues you're having with writing, people would be more able to chime in? You said you'd attended writing classes, so that's good. And hopefully you're able to find time in your schedule to spend some considerable time on your writing?
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Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:34 pm
violetxorchid says...

My issues are mainly that I just don't know how to express myself fully. I have about a million ideas, just don't know how to really wrap my head around them. I think maybe poetry would be something I could get better at if I applied myself. I'm not just using it as an outlet for other parts of my life, but I feel like if I got better at putting my words into poems, or essays, or stories that expressed myself I could get better at communicating with the people in my life. I get confused with words and use of them because different people use different words for different reasons. I'm also not that great at spelling, or grammar. Hopefully this is helpful. Thanks for responding, Birkhoff!!

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Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:13 pm
Holysocks says...

Hello violetxorchid! I believe we talked a bit in chat.

It doesn't really seem like you're having trouble expressing what you want to express, but rather, expressing what you want to express in that way you think it should be expressed.

I think the best advice I can give, is to just practice writing. You seem like a figure-it-out-for-yourself kinda person, and really writing is one of the best ways to get better at writing.

In your Welcome Mat thread, you mentioned that as a younger person you'd kept a lot of journals. Do you still keep journals? If so, awesome! If not, you might want to try doing that again! Perhaps practice writing your thoughts down there... I've personally found that writing your feelings in a private place ( like a journal ) and writing them in a public place ( such as a blog ), each have their own unique way of releasing emotions and things that would otherwise bottle up inside you until you explode! But of course it might be different for you.

I personally think you'd like blogging! It's a lot funner then you'd think, in my opinion, anyway! But why not explore and just see what kind of writing you enjoy most? There's all kinds of different things you can try!

Side note: Feed back is kind of what YWS does, so feel free to post any poems, stories, or whatever you end up doing and you'll hopefully get some tips. Generally with advice, you do have to figure out what works for you, but generally some of the advice should be helpful.

I'm not really sure that I answered your question, but hopefully I at least got close... o.o
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Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:56 pm
LadySpark says...

You do not need writing classes to be good at writing.

The majority of YWSers don't take writing classes, and we have amazing writer's in our midst. Because you want to use writing as a creative outlet and not as a career, I'm going to suggest you experiment.
Try everything on, like you're trying on clothes at your favorite store. Try poetry, try romance, try writing essays about world issues. Find out what fits you, and makes you happy. You might find that many things make you happy when it comes to writing, and that's totally okay!
Blogging is very therapeutic, but I've found I actually feel better writing something that's completely separate from what's on my mind. I still get my emotions out but I don't actually have to think about what's bothering me.

Anyway, try anything and everything that might interest you in writing, and when you find your niche, the good parts will come. Really, all you need to become a good writer is practice, and the ability to learn and grow. Everyone starts somewhere!
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Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:59 pm
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violetxorchid says...

Thank you both! I'm trying to use it as both a creative outlet, and possibly get good enough at writing to make a career of it someday. I don't keep journals they way I used to. I don't feel very safe keeping my thoughts on paper in journals because I had an old roommate who stole one of my old journals, then used my thoughts to make fun of me and make me feel like a crazy person who doesn't know what's going on. I'm in a better living situation now but I'm still scared of people finding my journals, there's some pretty messed up stuff in some of them. I think trying out a bunch of writing styles is probably a fantastic idea so thank you for that! I am kind of a "do it yourself" kind of person, but mainly because most of the people trying to help me haven't known what they were doing and ended up hurting me further. I don't know how to express myself so people will see things how I see them, it's difficult when everyone has their own perspective on everything.

Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true.
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