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i need info on the Joker

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Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:05 am
RedEyedRunt says...

So I'm writing a new story focused on the Joker's point of view and I need some background knowledge on The Joker. I need Quotes, background story, general info . . .
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Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:42 pm
fallenoutofgrace says...

Did you know batman inadvertnally created the joker. Before he was known as the joker we was called red hood. In the orignal stories he was a chemical engineer who quit his job to try stand up comedy to which he failed miserbly. He was desperate to Support his pregnant wife so he agreed to these two criminal to break into the chemical plant him being the inside man. Though he gets news that his wife and unborn child dies in an accident though he was forced to keep his promise with the criminals. The two criminals died by death by cop(bonnie clyde moment ) and red hood ran To be confronted by batman investigating the disturbance. Red hood jumped into the vat giving him the look he has now thus the joker was born, his personality shifted to who he is now from all the events of that day stacking up. If you need or want more information let me know

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Tue Jan 27, 2015 10:13 pm
RedEyedRunt says...

Thank you!!!
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Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:25 pm
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TinkerTwaggy says...

@Jokerwritingworks Go to the DC wikia for all the info you need about the Joker, as there are MANY versions of him.
That aside, as he's one of my sources of inspiration, here are a few quotes:
-"You're crazy"
-"And what's wrong with that? It's done wonders for me..."

-"you're a really sick man!"
-"Flattery won't save you!"

-"introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything turns into... Chaos. I'm an agent of chaos."

"-...How far can this chair go?"
"-Madness is like gravity. All it takes is a little... Push! HAHAHAHA"
I got so many more, but you can find all you need on Youtube. If you I need any more info, PM me. Personality, quotes, reactions, background story, I can provide all of it, if you wish :)
"Is there a limit to how much living I can live with my life? How will I know if I've gone too far?
And why did I spend my life savings on sunglasses for a whale?
I shall find the answers... to these questions."

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Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:18 am
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Vervain says...

One of the first things that I would recommend in this situation is reading. Get your hands on comics heavily involving the Joker—online, in real life, wherever you can get your hands on them—and devour them with the ferocity of a hungry wolf. Read the character, read how the character interacts with other characters in his canon, read how the character interacts with the world of his canon—and how the world of his canon interacts with him.

Doing a bit of research on my own, I discovered that you also would want to determine which canon exactly you're going to be following. The Joker has had multiple origin stories throughout his lifetime as a DC character, and none of them are confirmed definitive because the Joker himself is an unreliable narrator who has admitted in canon that he cannot remember his own past correctly. While the story that fallenoutofgrace recited is, in fact, correct in one version, there are any number of other origin stories that you'd want to read up on.

Because there are a lot of alternate universe versions of the Joker in the DC comics multiverse, you'd want to establish which one you're using—the universe, the origin story, and the character arc you choose to follow will all impact how accurate your portrayal of the character is.

Even looking at the Joker's individual personality traits on a dry site such as Wikipedia, you see the paradoxes according to who's writing him in the comics and which origins and interactions they're sticking with: This is explained away in one graphic novel, Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth, as the Joker being incapable of processing sensory information except by adapting to it, which allows him to make up new personalities as the need arises.

I would also recommend, if you plan on creating your own alternate universe version of the Joker—or even if you stick with a canon alternate universe—figuring out how he would interact with the other characters and settings in your story. No (conventional) story is complete with only one character sitting in a soundless, colorless mass without all thought or interaction with themself for all eternity, because stories are almost by definition based around interaction and forms of conflict.

Even if the conflict or interaction is internal, you would have to figure out how the Joker would interact with himself, and how he thinks of himself as a person.

I wish you luck!
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Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:34 am
Zolen says...

Recently, the games, movies, and comics are playing off that, where now, he changes his background every time someone ask him, as if he is intentionally making it impossible for anyone to figure out why he does what he does, and what made him.
Self quoting is the key to sounding wise and all knowing.

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