
Young Writers Society

New Year's Revolutions

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Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:26 am
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Lumi says...


"Here meaning a precursor to a sentence, an icebreaker into one's thoughts whereas the traditional meaning would be an underground reservoir, a natural containment of water upon which one may draw when thirsty."

"Oh GOD, who let Lumi watch Unfortunate Events?"

@chibibo threw his hands up. "I don't have the family account password."

Lumi narrowed his eyes. "Don't you? I'm fairly sure you do."

@Rydia stomped her foot and nearly squished @Carl, who was Kawaii. "Enough expository banter! You'll have time to Net and Flick all you want once the dragon is slain!" She crossed her arms. "We seem to have a party of five dedicated fighters here...so that means we're rolling Final Fantasy 4 style." She sighed. "Thank God, too. Right in my wheelhouse."

chibibo and Lumi exchanged glances before @Nutty thwacked them with a Phoenix Down. "Rydia is a Summoner from FF4, you Slowbros."

"Hey, that's right!" Lumi said. "If we went with Pokemon, we could be a team of six and bring more peop--" Another thwack, this time from @Steggy, who was already dressed as a Bard.

"Take this away from me and I will restore mana by playing your ribcage like a marimba."

"Much brutal."
"So effective."

Rydia clapped her hands and focused. "Alright, so. So, uhm. Portals. Right. Lumi?"

"What, like Hunter's been doing?"

"And Fox."

"And their whole ragtag team," interjected chibibo.

"I, er. Well, see, the thing is."

"Dear lord," facepalmed Rydia. "You didn't pay your portal bill, did you?"

"I was on my way to pay it when chibibo stopped me to vote on the next Pokebook title since we had everyone in one place for once."

"Fiiiiine." Rydia tossed a SB CREW RULEZ bomb on the ground and opened a portal to the SB tower. "Everyone in! A battle awaits!"

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There, in the forest clearing beneath Storybook Tower, was utter bedlam and mayhem. The dragon let out a bellowing, calamitous roar; the earth shook. The party looked between one another, nodded, and jumped into battle.


As the others began slinging spells, arrows, and songs, Lumi suddenly dreaded his decision to don the role of tank.

"Stop dreading the decision to don the role of tank!" shouted chibibo, who emphatically cast CURE on him. "I got you!"

Lumi puffed out his chest and grabbed his axe, going after the dragon with a yell that ranged completely from the belly-shaking bottom of his register to the top of his voice cracking in fear. His axe planted in the Dragon's foot, and he was immediately taken for a ride through the air. His job as a distraction was working, though, because the others were getting their jobs done quite efficiently--why, Rydia even had a mighty bearded judge summoned, who was unleashing a flurry of storms on the dragon's underbelly.

Nutty kicked and punched in quick succession and with graceful movements, dodging brutal backlash from the dragon's appendages.

Lumi, finally having his axe free, lunged from the dragon's claw and towards its head for what was to be a heroic coup de grace.

But as sure as Steggy's arrows flew, and as clearly as chibibo's healing spells cast, I can assure you, reader, that in these scenarios, there would never be such a thing as a heroic coup de grace.

For at the last moment, the dragon, having reeled from an onslaught of attacks, reared his head, mouth agape, and, well.

Which in this scenario is a term meaning that I would rather not tell you how Lumi's HP was reduced to 0 in an instant, or how he could not be resurrected by spells or limit breaks.

In this scenario, well means that the dragon swallowed Lumi.
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Wed Feb 01, 2017 9:53 pm
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BrumalHunter says...

Reading the other users' struggles against the draconic monster was indeed amusing, but the Storybook Crew's first mate being eaten by the creature did raise a few concerns. Hunter sighed and switched off his PC. @Lumi had clearly taken the saying of "entering the belly of the beast" a bit too far. He radioed @TheCrimsonLady and enquired as to the status of the battle.

"All in all, things aren't going very well," she confessed. "@ReisePiecey and her warriors must recuperate, @TheSilverFox was knocked unconscious, Lumi was eaten, and the surrounding districts have descended into chaos. At least the rest of YWS is enjoying the pandemonium - @BlueAfrica and her television crew are broadcasting live."

"Hey, the more coverage, the better. Maybe the Knights of the Green Room will interrupt their perpetual struggle to help out."

"I doubt it. I saw @Hannah being interviewed earlier, but she simply provided information on the behaviour of dragons."

Hunter frowned. "Then I guess we're on our own."

"Aren't you the one who said you could use space powers but deemed it too over-powered?"

"That was before Final Fantasy IV rules were applied."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means I have a plan that adheres to in-universe rules and regulations. You just keep circling. Over and out."

Hunter would have dashed outside and halted in front of the battlescene in the background, creating an image that depicted his bravery and determination if the shot was angled behind him, but his quarters were located on the floor third from the top, so by the time he reached the tower's entrance/exit, he had to stop to catch his breath. A rather pathetic and possibly comical scene, though he was loathe to admit it.

"@AstralHunter, you're back!" @Persistence exclaimed. A look of confusion appeared on his face. "Where are the Lead Shields?"

The panting wolf looked up. "I forgot that we don't keep surplus shields of any kind; Rydia has to commission them beforehand. The only shields and armour we have are made of steel."

"Then what's the plan?"

"First, I wait for the stitch in my side to go away. Then, I ask @chibibo whether Lumi has any Pokémon that know Wide Guard. After that, I find said Pokémon and-"

"Don't people always tell us to show, not tell?"

Hunter rose and supported himself against the doorway. "I suppose you're right." He returned to the normal standing position before commencing the arduous jog to the clearing some ways off. Running up to the White Mage of Lumi's party, he called out the question as stipulated to the sugary wizard.

"I think he has one," chibibo answered, casting BLINK on himself so as to avoid meeting a fate similar to his leader's. "Well, had. He traded the Carracosta to @Aley two days ago."

Hunter, still bent over in fatigue, groaned. "Great. Fantastic."

He produced a large slab of concrete and dropped it on the grass before pulling five candles and a piece of chalk from hammerspace. He drew a shaky pentagram and placed a candle at each of the star's points.

"@SpiritedWolfe, oh magnificent canine spectre, I summon thee!" Hunter weezed. "Appear forthwith and-" he coughed "-obey my commands!"

Green vapours appeared within the confines of the pentagram. They swirled and congregated until an ethereal green head, it's ears flattened and lips curled back in a snarl, materialised.

"If you're looking for a malicious spirit with a ninety percent chance of double-crossing you to do your bidding, I suggest you try summoning somebody like @KingLucifer. I'm nobody's servant."

"I would," Hunter responded tiredly, "but I prefer not to have my soul stolen."

The snarl diminished into a suspicious sneer. "Then you should be fine, since you don't currently possess a soul. Last I heard, you deposited it in @ChildOfNowhere's vault at an interest rate of two eldritch cookies per month."

Hunter growled. "My savings plans aren't the concerns of the general population! Listen, all I need you to do is teleport me to wherever Aley is. I'd warp myself to her, but I need to know her location first. You don't. If you help me, I'll owe you one."

"No deal. If you're going to employ me as a spectral assistant, you're going to pay me."

"With what?"

She tilted her head to the side for a moment, pondering the question. Then a smug smile appeared on her face. "All your portal bombs."

His jaw dropped. "What?! Why? You have your own!"

She shook her head, still smirking. "I'm retired, so my portal license has expired."

"But you can teleport!"

"Once a day, and you want me to use today's instance for your sake."

He grumbled. "I'll give you half."

"I want all 121 portal bombs or you can find another way to get to Aley."

Hunter wrinkled his nose in agitation. "Fine. But you're only getting 120 - I still need one to get back here afterwards."

"You've been warping yourself to places since the start of the tagbook. Why are you suddenly incapable of doing so now?"

"Because I've been warping myself to places since the start of the tagbook. I've reached my limit for the month."

"All right, 120. Hand them over."

Scowling, he produced the bandoleer and shoved it into the incorporeal face. Once it faded into the green mist, a pair of unimpressed eyes stared back at him.

"Childish, much? Since you're so into poking me, put your hand in my mouth."

"This won't be a repetition of the Fenrir and Tyr incident, will it?" he asked, angling his head slightly away from her.

She rolled her eyes. "Just do it."

Still hesitant, he slowly reached out towards her muzzle. She winked and snapped at his hand. In the second it took him to recoil, he was ripped from space and forced back in elsewhere. The shaky experience caused him to trip and stumble.

"And here I thought there was only one green wolf around," a voice teased.

Hunter fought back the nausea and rose to his feet. Aley sat before him, relaxing underneath the Poet Tree. A picnic basket was open beside her.

"I need to borrow your latest acquisition," he muttered, still recovering from the jump. "Unless you traded Pokémon after you got Lumi's Carracosta, in which case I just need your turtle."


"Long story."

She shrugged. "Sure, okay."

Aley flipped open her laptop.

ALEY booted up the PC. Which PC should be accessed?

She selected BILL's PC.

Accessed BILL's PC. POKéMON Storage System opened.

Selecting WITHDRAW POKéMON, she chose the resurrected reptile (which wasn't really a reptile, for the term was not monophyletic) and discontinued the box operations. A shrunken Pokéball appeared on her belt.

"Here you go. Just bring it back when you're done."

Hunter nodded and reluctantly used his last portal bomb. Stepping through, he emerged in the same clearing where Rydia, chibibo, @Steggy and @Nutty were still trying to slay the dragon. Their valiant efforts appeared to be wasted, for the dragon either had an insane amount of health, or it regenerated too quickly for them to be able to kill it. Well, he had a solution.

"Is that Lumi's first Pokéball?" Steggy asked, dashing past him to avoid the dragon's deadly fire. She didn't wait for an answer before playing a new song to fell the fell beast.

"Do you mind if i join you?" he called to the group.

Rydia eyed him wearily as she finished summoning Asura. "You have to fit into a class to join. And you need to dress for the part."

Hunter flicked his fingers, as if shooing a fly. "I'll classify as a Lunarian. Good enough?"

"Fine, fine, just help us kill this thing."

"Great! But first, we need the right music."

Spoiler! :
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He grinned. "It's time to take down a boss. Steggy! Nutty! Carl! Draw its attention this way!"

The bard, warrior and spider complied, harrassing the creature enough to get it to rush at them and, more crucial to the plan, Hunter. Stepping back and pitching the Pokéball better than he ever could have in real life, he called forth Aley's Carracosta, which appeared in the roaring dragon's open maw.

"Carracosta, use Aqua Jet!"

Just before the dragon could slice him in half, Hunter cast BLINK on himself, narrowly avoiding the razor-like claws. The turtle disappeared down the fierce lizard's throat.

"Is there any method to your madness?" chibibo called, casting CURE 2 on the whole group.

"There is," Hunter responded, dodging tooth and claw once more. "But I need you to cast TRAP on the dragon for the plan to work. Away from the tower, I should add."

"Then let's give it some prey to chase!" Nutty exclaimed, motioning for them to follow her.

The dragon, of course, fell for the ruse and stormed after them. Once they were far enough in Hunter's opinion, he gave chibibo the signal (so basically, he told him to cast the spell), rolled beneath the dragon, and called, "Carracosta, use Wide Guard!"

He dove out underneath the dragon, careful to avoid being trampled, and turned back. The White Mage did his work and immobilised the dragon, who could only thrash around inside the runic circle around it.

"Now what?" Steggy asked, stopping next to him.

"Now, I cast an OP spell as justification for using my OP space powers. Lower its health as much as you can until I tell you to get out of the way. Tell chibibo to ensure the TRAP remains in effect."

The foursome, unsure exactly what they were supposed to do, continued doing what they had been doing for most of the afternoon. Their exhaustion began to show: flailing limbs weren't evaded entirely; spells were cast with less intensity; blows were delivered more slowly... Hunter uttered the incantations as quickly as he could unti finally, it was done.

"Okay, you'll all want to take about twenty steps back now!"

Hunter cast METEO.

"But Lumi's still in the dragon!" Nutty objected.

"I know," Hunter called, already at a safe distance, "which is why I told Aley's Carracosta to use Wide Guard - Meteo hits everyone, so it will be blocked. Now run, you fools!"

As great balls of fire filled the sky, they realised how serious the impending danger was, so they heeded his advice, gathering at his spot. The dragon too looked up to the sky, its outrage evaporating. It seemed to realise it was doomed, for it stared fully at the largest of the meteors, expanded its wings, and gave one final roar.

The meteor's impact was louder.

chibibo and Hunter threw up several WALLs, shielding them from the dust and debris as several smaller meteors struck all around them. During the last wave, one of the meteors impacted right in front of them, smashing the magical shields and sending them all flying.

Bruised but hopeful, they rose, coughing. Rydia was the first to run over to the deceased dragon. Lumi was still unconscious, but besides being covered in slime and gunk, fortunately in one piece.

"Great work, Carracosta! Come back!"

Steggy whistled. "The shower actually blew the dragon apart. I don't think I've ever seen that before."

"At least nothing important was damaged," Hunter observed, scanning the surrounding buildings. Indeed, Storybook Tower stood tall and resilient.

Civilians and warriors alike approached to survey the devastated area. BlueAfrica reassured the site that all was well once more, Fox (holding a pack of ice to his head) kicked a chunk of flesh in disgust, and Reise complained how a real dragon would have burst into embers and cinders upon its death. Hunter was just about ready to correct her on how Skyrim's "dragons" were in fact wyverns, but an eerie purple glow nipped that thought in the bud.

The glow emanated from the dragon's scattered remains, which dissipated in front of them. The energy rose like steam from a vent and pooled above them. The dragon was reforming before their very eyes! But then, an icepack soared through the air and shattered the image, causing shards to shoot in all directions. A wind picked up and dispersed the shards like pieces of paper.

"Well, I've had enough action for one day," Rydia proclaimed and opened a portal. "I'm out."

Before she could even consider stepping through, each shard issued a screech and transformed into a minature phantom drake. About half used the wind to ascend and escape the crowd below, while the rest made a beeline for Rydia's portal, which closed behind them. Astonished silence followed their sudden, swift departure.

"After what can only be described as a fearsome attack from the heavens itself, the dragon was finally vanquished," BlueAfrica reported, recovering from the shock. Immediately, murmuring filled the scarred clearing. "Yet all that has been undone. Speculations abound as to what caused this sinister phenomenon, but it seems the general consensus is to blame AstralHunter, TheSilverFox, and, of course, Rydia for this disaster. One spectator in particular proposes a radical theory. We go to this individual live." She held the microphone out to the figure, who Hunter couldn't make out because of the dust cloud. "Sir, please state your name for the public."

"Hi, my name is @Hattable." He cleared his throat. "Since all those involved with the new drake outbreak are SB mods, it is clear that we have a conspiracy on our hands. AstralHunter provided the energy for the dragon's resurrection by summoning a whole meteor shower, rather than just one meteorite, TheSilverFox conveniently multiplied the possible damage output, and Rydia allowed the resulting drakes to spread across the site. This can only be an attempt to destabilise the sitewide economy so that the Storybook Crew, who are infamous pirates, may easily assume total control. But this is only the start. First, they take over the site. After that, they take over the world."

BlueAfrica turned back to the camera. "A most frightening declaration! We await the official response from @Nate on the situation, but in the meantime, we urge all users to exercise caution and be vigilant. As always, Squills TV will keep you informed. This has been BlueAfrica. Good night." She made round up gestures with her hand. "That's a wrap, people! Let's go, I want an interview with Nate as soon as possible. In the meantime, get me responses from the other Crew Leaders and what course of action they plan on taking."

She left with her crew in tow. The storybookers who lingered were uncertain what to do, but the three accused conspirators didn't wait to find out. Rydia opened another portal, Fox made himself scarce as only he could, and Hunter... well, he began walking.

"Where are you going?" Steggy called after him.

"Poetry section. I have a Pokémon to return."

The mischievous SpiritedWolfe materialised next to the dinosaur, startling her and Carl, who was Kawaii despite having faced a dragon. "Don't tell him it's February until after he returns. We don't need him warping all over the place again."
But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
— Paul the Apostle

Winter is inevitable. Spring will return eventually, and AstralHunter with it.

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Fri Feb 03, 2017 6:47 am
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Lumi says...

Spoiler! :
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Chapter 31H: Lumi Takes Motifs From Other Storybooks

The wind wafted against Lumi's face when he opened his eyes. He was laid easily across a picnic blanket beneath a ripening and constantly blooming-and-molting Poet Tree. As he attempted to rise, a small chorus of "shhhhh"s brought him back down.

A familiar voice crooned. "only the weak men refuse to heal."


"Yessss, Lums. They brought you to a safe place after the supernova on TV."

"I would call it more of a catastrophic cacophony," called another voice. This time it was @Kyllorac, who was peeling peaches precisely.

"You could interject chaotic," noted @amelie.

Kyllorac pondered this. Why hadn't they interjected chaotic?

"They're going to need me."

"Didn't seem that way when the meteors came," called @Aley from the other side of the tree.

"I did my part! I weakened the dragon. Stole his attention."

"Fed him a few thousand hit points."

Lumi sighed into the picnic blanket and gazed up at the tree. The poetry mods had attempted to grow a peach that inspired muse and restored writerly stamina.

Had they done it?

His hungry eyes fell insatiably on Kyllorac.

NO. No, no.

His hungry eyes fell insatiably on Kyllorac's Peach. Kyllorac noticed this hungry, insatiable gaze and held the fruit above their head. "Noooo. No."

"I need. That. Fruit."

"You don't deserve a fruit that has a better beard than you do!"

Well, this just plainly enraged Lumi as Kyllorac had seen Lumi's beard and known it to be at least a letter grade better than a peach.

Lumi felt of his beard and suddenly felt self-conscious about this post. Considered shaving. Ah, screw it.

After swatting Kyllorac with marmalade and bruising his head on Aley's new Carracosta's shell, he ATE the peach and suddenly understood what he had to do.

"You know that was a Wal-Mart peach, right?"


"Seriously, though. I didn't even buy the thing? It was stuck to a shopping cart I found near my car."



And he blinked from the Poet Tree into the top floor of Storybook Tower.

"Okay now. What's the spell Rydia taught me when I was a baby...?"


"If ever dragons plague the land,
summon the primal @Alteran..."

There was an instant, gargantuan, and frankly catchy pulse of energy that seemed to keep time to an electronica song. It was then that Rydia's commanding seat filled with a long-bodied blue-haired man with a 2000s fringe.

"Lumi, it's a busy season. Make it speedy. I gotta pee and I don't remember this place having particularly clean bathrooms."

"Right. So." He started counting on fingers. "Dragon invaded. Dragon died. More dragons spawned. Invading all of YWS. What do?"

"Oh, that's easy. Just find a way to trap them in my locker."

Lumi pinched his nose. More portal jockeying.

"Now, where's my thank-you?"

Somewhere with my dignity, he grumbled.

"Ah ah ahhhh?"

A sigh. "Thanks, mythological being whom most in this book will not know of. Your assistance is always appreciated."

"Just wait until you see what summoning me did to the ozone layer." And he was gone.
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Fri Feb 03, 2017 9:06 pm
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BrumalHunter says...

For some reason, there existed a stereotype about women stereotyping men by saying they couldn't ask for directions. Though Hunter could do nothing to disprove the first of the two, he certainly could disprove the second - except there was nobody around to provide the directions.

He consulted his map. If he had been keeping to the road, which he had, he was supposed to be in Novel City already. Instead, he found himself next to a mountain range. True, there was supposed to be a mountain range next to said city, but there were cliffs to Hunter's right, and as far as he recalled, he was not supposed to be in a valley.

Fortunately, he still had his radio. "@TheCrimsonLady, are you there?" For a moment, only static could be heard. Then a sigh followed, much to his relief.

"Yes, @AstralHunter, I'm here. And since you people refuse to serve alcohol, I brought my own. I'm drinking gin and pineapple soda."

"Wait, are you in The Search Bar now?"

Sip. "No, love, I'm in the Squills Resort. But they don't sell alcoholic beverages either."

"Okay, well, do you still have your helicopter?"

"I fenced it. Sorry."

Hunter frowned. "Err, well can you procure another helicopter and fetch me? I get the feeling I'm west of the Novel Mountains, which I just named."

"I could, but that would be stealing, which you think is a bad idea. Mr Conscience would dare to break his own rules, would he?"

The Space Wolf scowled. "You'd never let me hear the end of it even if I did dare. Fine, can you procure a helicopter through any legal means?"

"I could perhaps, but I'm feeling lazy."

"Great. Thanks."

"You know, you can always hire somebody to come pick you up."

"Do you know any pilots?"

"I don't, but if usernames are anything to go by, you should try... hold on, I'm checking the memberlist. Hmm. Okay, try @Skye and @Icaruss. They sound like they'd know something about flying."

"Did you just recommend I contact ancient and possibly long-dead users for assistance? Don't you know what happened when I recently summoned a spirit?"


"That would have worked, but I think @Steggy beats you when it comes to using usernames in ordinary sentences."

"I would point out that I'm not trying very hard, but @nevermind. I'll just enjoy my tonic. Have fun exploring the valley." She disconnected before Hunter could stop her. (Not that he could have stopped her anyway, since his abilities could do nothing to impede free will or control objects over vast distances.)

He sighed. "Well, great. I've basically accomplished nothing but write useless filler." Pulling out a writer's manual, he skipped to the chapters that discussed making boring writing less so. "Save a princess from a dragon? Really? I already did that, although the identity of the princess is uncertain."

"Somebody, help!"

Hunter facepalmed. "I'm being mocked, aren't I? If this is the universe's idea ofa joke, it isn't very funny."

The nearby roar of one of the phatom drakes he had inadvertently help create cautioned him that maybe somebody really did need help. He trudged towards the sound and saw a @FirePrincess being chased by a little draconic devil.

"If she left the beaches of People Isle to seek excitement, I think she got a bit more than for which she had hoped," he mused dryly. With a great amount of effort, he raised his Ruby Shield and cleared his throat, causing the princess to skid to a stop and the drake to collide with her back. (The moment created a queer sense of déjà vu, which in itself was part of the experience. His facial expression must have shown his confusion, for he earned two who-is-this-guy-and-what-is-he-doing looks.) "Welcome to YWS, if you ever need help, blah blah blah, I don't need to say any of this because @Mage does her job well. Prepare to die, drake."

He yawned. It was going to be a long day...
But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
— Paul the Apostle

Winter is inevitable. Spring will return eventually, and AstralHunter with it.

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Sat Feb 04, 2017 8:30 pm
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Rydia says...

The good news was that there was no longer a large and fire breathing dragon blocking the way to her quarters so Rydia had called council in the heart of Storybook Tower in the Captain's study. It was a circular room reached by a very long and spiraling staircase and it looked not dissimilar to an 18th century captain's cabin, complete with bookshelf, telescope and maps of the world, as well as the all important swivel chair. The rest of the gang, namely @chibibo, @Nutty, @Steggy, @Lumi and @Sheyren were seated on an array of rugs and cushions in front of the tall desk.

"You really need to get more chairs in here," Lumi suggested as he towel dried his hair with a handkerchief.

"That will take long time hermano, don't you know where your towel's at?" Chibibo seemed the most at home on the floor and had in fact laid out a checkered picnic blanket and started to assemble a very tasty looking sandwich. Nutty and Steggy were both eyeing it with jealousy but a certain amount of comradeship had grown between the fantastic group and they both decided they would at least wait until the assembly was complete before trying to take the snack away from him. Carl was less patient and scuttled down Steggy's arm and toward the picnic blanket, trying to huddle into a small ball to camouflage as an ant.

Lumi shrugged. "I think it was somewhere with my copy of Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy but I probably left them on a spaceship somewhere."

"Where have you been anyway?" Steggy asked Rydia. "I mean, you've been here, but not here so everyone else has had to write for you."

"That's because I've been here." Rydia gestured around the room. "My body was out there but my mind was still in the tower and with the dragon in the way, I couldn't write for myself, otherwise I'd have been a lot more mad about Astral vanishing my ship."

"Ah, that makes sense."

"Uh- I don't mean to interrupt but, what exactly am I doing here?" Sheyren was sitting slightly apart from the group and seemed half worried and half in awe to find himself in the fabled office of Captain Rydia. His eyes flickered around the room when he thought other people were't looking at him and then back to the floor when he knew they were, like a nervous school kid sent to the principal's office. Rydia swiveled in her chair. She swiveled left and then right again and then she brought her fist down on the desk in front of her.

"I want my ship back!" Rydia roared.

Sheyren swallowed thinly and tried to look small but this was made harder by the fact that Lumi and chibibo were trying to hide behind him.

"But- ah- I didn't take it. I think I heard AstralHunter-"

"I know you didn't take it!" Rydia huffed. "But we were told that you'd seen it so we went looking for you and then there was that summons about the dragon and I had to re-prioritise my needs because as much as I want my ship back, it would probably be irresponsible of me to let Storybook Town get eaten by a dragon. Probably. And I can't even be mad at AstralHunter now since he mostly took care of that - urgh! I just want my ship back." The captain leaned tiredly back in her chair and closed her eyes.

"Oh, I did find your ship, but then I lost it again. Sorry, that's all I know."

Carl the spider watched chibibo's abandoned sandwich but Nutty got there first and while the boys were busy cowering behind Sheyren, she gobbled the sandwich up feeling safe in the knowledge that nobody ever attacked the bard.

Then Steggy attacked the bard on the discovery that she'd tried to eat Carl (who had been trying to eat the sandwich) and suddenly there was a lot of hair pulling and screaming and someone started chanting 'fight fight fight'.

"Enough!" Rydia complained. "It's time to start looking again and we'll have to do something about all those smaller dragons while we're at it. Lumi, grab some maps, chibibo pack the supplies, Nutty and Steggy we need the Trojan horse dragging out of the back yard. And I want rope, lots and lots of rope. Sheyren, think you can handle that?"

"What did you have in mind, Captain?" Lumi asked as he started pulling maps off the walls.

"We're going to round up those baby dragons and we're going to rope them to the Trojan horse until we can fly. Then we'll be able to see where my ship's at."

The plan sounded a bit ludicrous but nobody dared to disagree.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Sat Feb 04, 2017 8:56 pm
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sheysse says...

Sheyren needed rope.

He had learned how to make rope in rope creation class, back when he went to school in Frost Lark. But he didn't have three snail shells and the emotion felt when a car crashes into your kitchen from the road in front of your house, so he'd need to get it another way.

And he had no ideas. After all, where can you find rope on a writing website.

Any given website only has what's been created on said site, so the only thing he could find would be the results of a writer's wild, and well, let's face it, horrific mind.

Then he had an idea.

What if someone wrote about rope?

Sheyren ran to his wall, and made a post simply saying "a large quantity of rope." The hope was that a large quantity of rope should appear.

No rope.

Wait, this was writing. It needed some deeper, more powerful meaning. Like the meaning of life. Rope. Rope. Rope? What's that got to do with life?

"A large quantity of rope" would be a metaphor. It would reference the large quantity of emotions tangled in everyone's mind.

And with that, a massive pile of tangled rope appeared before him. He realized untangling it would be a hassle, so he began writing a metaphoric phrase about rope, but rope that wasn't tangled. However, he couldn't think of how to connect it with some deep meaning, no matter how much he tried.

He looked at the tangled rope disappointingly. Looks like I'll have to do this the hard way.

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Sat Feb 04, 2017 9:20 pm
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ThePatchworkPilgrims says...

No one ever considers the Sorcerer from the broomcloset. He got peeved when being constantly called upon, yes, but not being called at all? That was just as infuriating.

Thus, when he heard his YWS mother @BlueAfrica report of the dragon attack on the SB tower, which up until now he hadn't even known they had, he was at first confused at how @Persistence got there without him, and then frustrated that none of his crew considered calling for his assistance (he thought this as he slowly strung @AstralHunter and @SilverFox up in the Poetry peach tree and... Nevermind what he would have had done to them... It was them who got them into this situation of losing his username, after all)

Anyway, the Sorcerer proceeded to where @BlueAfrica had reported the dragon having been, when he heard the unmistakable sound of baby dragons. At first, he had not known what it was, but he soon saw that the source came from a flying Trojan horse, his very own Admiral @Rydia steering the dragons as @Steggy, @chibobo, @Nutty and @Lumi held on for dear life, the Admiral sounding like an extremely hyper cowboy crossed with a drunk pirate.
Knowing he could not catch up by foot, the Sorcerer took out all the brooms people said would be too many when he wrote his first post, and neatly tied them around his waist,putting his hat in his satchel before it blew away. Saying the latin word "Irem" (technically an entire sentence in itself, he mused) the brooms buzzed off into the sky, dragging the Sorcerer along as they attempted to catch up with the flying Trojan Horse (which btw, wouldn't have helped the Greeks take Troy, but @nevermind that)

As he wizzed (the h had fallen out when the brooms started flying... Also, now it was a reference to an older username of the Sorcerer's...) through the air, the Sorcerer saw @AstralHunter force feeding cookies to a drake, most likely trying to get it to die of sugar overload, while @FirePrincess was idly chatting to @Celticdeer at the edge of a forest. Then just as a little bit of @foodforthought, the Sorcerer started wondering why he was hearing @16Knolls at noon.

His musings were ended rather abruptly when the brooms landed on the Trojan Horse, the Admiral turning around to look him up and down.

"Is this really the time to arrive?" @Rydia asked.

"Hey, its not my fault I somehow got lost in the @Pages of this adventure," the Sorcerer replied, tying the brooms to the Trojan horse to help the dragonlets. "Besides, I was looking for my new username, when I found these new members I wanted to introduce to our realm."

The part with the new members seemed to satisfy the Admiral's inquiry, as she returned her full attention to steering the dragons and brooms again. The Sorcerer sat down beside @Steggy, watching as the clouds passed by, and wondering where this tale would take him next.
Former incarnations have been:
And, TheMaieuticMesmerist

Proudly [They/Them]

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Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:22 am
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BrumalHunter says...

"Wake up, you lazy article!"

A kick in Hunter's side made him gasp and roll away from the source of the pain. He glared at his assailant, @TheSunderedSorcerer, and got to his feet. Only once he was standing did he realise he was surrounded by angry storybookers.

"Err, good morning?"

"That's part of the problem!" @Rydia said behind him. "You not only neglected to finish the CC stats by today, you didn't even publish the newsletter. And why? Because you fell asleep at the keyboard. No member of my crew sleeps on duty and gets away with it! @Wolfical, the fish."

Hunter gazed at the lycanthrope fearfully. "Please, don't."

She shrugged. "Sorry, Hunter, but orders are orders."

Spoiler! :

Hunter staggered backwards, taken aback by how hard the impact was. He cringed upon touching the slime on his face and produced a handkerchief, hoping that would suffice to get rid of the gunk.

Bemused laughter echoed around him.

"Could we have that in slow motion?" @TheSilverFox asked, apparently having joined the circle of discontent.


Spoiler! :

"My turn!" TheSenileSorcerer cheered. "I've been waiting five years for this..."

Hunter spun around, hoping to block the incoming blow, but surprisingly, the old man was fast. Hunter only had time to note the intent on his face before, well.

"Feel the wrath of my mjort verjiba!"

Spoiler! :

That fish slap had been made with enthusiasm, causing Hunter to stumble into Sheyren, who shoved him back inside the circle. Little fish splashed around the wolf's head and filled his vision. He shook himself like only a canine could and gazed at the gathering with resignation.

"Anybody else?"

Lumi raised a toy fish. "Well, seeing as we're adhering to the rule of three..."

Spoiler! :

Hunter never could help but flinch when something hit his face. At least the slap had been done for humorous effect and not physical punishment.

"@AstralHunter will henceforth be known as the thrice fish-slapped space wolf," Rydia announced.

"Does that mean I can go now?"

Rydia slammed her fist on an invisible platform that had apparently just materialised out of the air. "No! I thought stringing up some of those little dragons-"

"Phantom drakes."

"I don't care what they're called! I thought stringing some of them up to the trojan horse would allow us to soar through the sky and search for my flagship, but the only thing we managed to spot was you sleeping next to an empty cookie jar."

Hunter rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "I did steal the cookies, yes, but if it's any consolation, I didn't eat them."

"Yes, we know. Sorcerer already reported your drake's death by diabetes." She slammed her fist on the invisible platform again. "But that's besides the point! I. Want. My. FLAGSHIP!"

"Did our captain just go all-caps?" Hunter whispered to @Steggy.

"Hunter! The angry pirate is over here, not next to you!"

He quickly looked back to Rydia, grinning sheepishly. "Sorry. Oh, but by the way, you don't have to worry about your ship anymore. I found it."

She scoffed. "In your dreams."

Hunter made to correct her, but he lowered his index finger, flabbergasted. (He tagged @Omnom because of the individual's love for the word.) "Actually, I guess that's true. But I really do know how to get it back. This is my twenty-first post, which means I completed the Captain's Challenge. That means I can summon your ship."

"So do it!"

"I could, but if I do it here, it'll be beached."

Rydia eye-rolled and opened a portal. "Fine, then you can put it back where it's supposed to be." She stepped through the portal, motioning for them to follow. Once everyone was on the other side, at the harbour of Storybook City, she looked at him expectantly. "Well? Can't you just click again and summon it?"

"So no flair?" When his captain begun vibrating intensely, he said, "Never mind," and snapped his fingers.

Just as suddenly as it had disappeared, Rydia's flagship reappeared a bit off the coast, displacing the waves around it.


"My ship! It's even more glorious than I remember!"

Hunter frowned. "That's because it is. It didn't have the gold on it before."

Rydia was too ecstatic to pay attention to him. "Quick, somebody get a dinghy!" She didn't wait for somebody to react and instead commandeered a boat herself.

Squished onto the same tiny vessel, Rydia, Lumi, Hunter, Wanderer, Wolfical, Fox, Steggy, Carl, Sheyren, @chibibo, @Nutty, @Gravity, @Mage, @XxXTheSwordsmanXxX, @Craz, @Persistence, @Sacredlege, @Mea, @Holysocks, @AnarchyWolf, @LeftyWriter, @NicoleBri, @RavenLord, @Tsunami, @Remembrance, and @Dreamy (rent-a-crowd much? XD) slowly made their way towards the gilded ship. Once the physics-defying boat drew near to the ship, the captain jumped onto her first mate's head and hauled herself aboard. Hunter and his two fellow canines casually jumped onto the deck, leaving everybody else to fight over who got to climb the ladder.

Rydia kissed the wood. "I finally have my ship back!"

"Isn't that unhygienic?" Fox asked, leaning towards Hunter.

"Wanderer finished scrubbing the deck just before I made the ship disappear, so she should be fine."

"But it's been stuck in Oblivion for a while now. Isn't it dusty?"

Wanderer skipped the line waiting to climb the ladder by apparating on board. "If anything, void dust seems to turn wood into gold. I wouldn't mind storing stuff there more often."

Hunter looked at his literal old friend skeptically. "Your username won't be gilded when you get it back because-" Hunter pulled out a megaphone and pointed it at the wizard before shouting, "-it doesn't exist yet!"

Sent flying by the sheer volume of the latter half of Hunter's sentence, Wanderer spun into the air until he was barely visible and then disappeared with a glint, Team Rocket style.

Hunter blinked. "Oops. Well, at least he didn't get to hit us with brooms."

By that time, Lumi and his gang had dragged themselves onto the ship. Ever observant, he said, "Look, a previously non-existent treasure chest!" He didn't get very far with trying to open it, though, for Rydia appeared in his path and batted his hand away.

"Nobody touches my pirate booty!" Glaring at her first mate, she turned around and opened the chest herself. She scratched her head. "Err, this is just a lot of golden junk."

Lumi peered over her shoulder. "Hey, that's my lucky Pokéball! Why is it gold?" He collected the charm and turned it over in his hands.

"And that's my rainbow!" Mage exclaimed, picking up the optical phenomenon and stuffing it in her pocket.

"But if it's gold, doesn't that mean it's not a rainbow anymore."

Mage's one twitched. She fell down to her knees and cried a dismal, "Nooooooooo!" to the sky.

"All the missing items are in here," Rydia noted. "Sheyren, take Mage with you and return the contents to its owners." She opened another portal. "Off with you."

Sheyren picked up one end of the chest, while Swordsman picked up the other. With Gravity holding the wailing Mage behind them, they carried it through. The portal poofed.

"Now what?" Lumi asked. "All the items are being returned to their owners, and rounding up the drakes won't take very long. What's left to do?"

"I still have stats to finalise," Hunter offered. "Oh, and by the way, since I neglected to update my challenge for this tagbook, 'dealing with the aftermath' counts as any action taken to rid the forum of the drakes, whether it be preparing to fight one or making a deal to arrange a prison for them." He wearily eyed his captain. "I suppose using them as free labour works too." Something in the water "caught his eye". "Rydia, what's that among the waves?"

She approached the railing. "Do you mean the fish? What do you see?"

Hunter walked up to her. "A wet administrator."

Before she could react, Captain Rydia found herself swimming with the fishes. She blew out a spout of water and glared up at him. "Hunter! What is the meaning of this?!"

The Space Wolf crossed his arms. "That was for making me write twenty-freaking-one posts. I gave you your flagship back - apparently in better condition than when I had made it disappear - and returned all the other items too, somehow, so I'm going to- Did I just feel a sharp point being pressed against my back?"

"Yip," Fox replied.

"Why? Because the items everybody's been finding in the storybook were decoys that I planted so they'd have something do while I worked on getting the real ones back?"

"What? No, this is a mutiny."

Hunter stepped forward so as to remove the blade from his back and turned around. The silver fox was indeed pointing a rapier at him. The majority of the other users did the same to Lumi & Co.

"Arranged by whom? You?"

Fox laughed. "No, I was bribed to gather support, which is why the others are here." He tossed a portal bomb to the side. "She is the new captain."

All eyes on turned to the portal. They waited with bated breath for somebody to appear, but the portal just swirled. Hunter was about to comment when, cue gasps, @JabberHut stepped onto the deck.

Lumi scowled. "Of course it had to be her."

The DM ambled towards the GM, tilting his chin upwards with her finger. "I thought you'd at least have a decent beard by now. How disappointing." She waved dismissively. "Make him and his friends walk the plank." She walked away, approaching Fox and Hunter. She didn't pay them any notice, however, and instead looked down at the swimming Rydia. "Hello, Kitty."

"I just got my ship back! How dare you try and steal it from me?"

"Apparently everyone but me has forgotten that anything sent to the void returns covered in gold. Who would pass up an opportunity to acquire a golden ship? Besides, I'm told this story needs an antagonist now. Your futile efforts to retrieve this vessel should prove entertaining enough." She turned to Fox. "What is this wolf still doing here?"

"I haven't exactly been allowed to leave, you know. If you had- look, a Phanpy!" He pointed at the air behind her, prompting her and the whole mutinous crew to turn towards the imaginary Pokémon.


Hunter grinned. "Sucker!" He produced a Premier Ball and threw it calling, "@Charizard821, I choose you!" He clambered onto the back of the dragon before Fox could restrain him. "Use Fly!"

Somewhere in the Poetry section, an envious @Aley cried in sorrow.

"Let him go," JabberHut ordered. "The ship is ours; that's all that matters. Set sail for this new land called 'Discord'. We have plundering to do."

Rydia, Lumi, Wolfical, chibibo, Steggy, Nutty and Carl floated in the water, each of them a little confused and definitely irked. Rydia especially was furious.

But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
— Paul the Apostle

Winter is inevitable. Spring will return eventually, and AstralHunter with it.

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Mon Feb 06, 2017 10:58 am
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cheeb says...

"Oh, heck no!"

@chibibo folded his arms indignantly. He then quickly uncrossed them as he found out, the hard way, that he needed them to remain afloat.

"Okay, I'll admit to having been a little... indifferent about that ship before," he said, "when it had just wandered off of its own accord..."

somewhere in the cosmos, @AstralHunter lets out a slightly guilty cough

"... but I will not stand for outright piracy! Literal piracy, even; it's a ship for crying out loud!"
"Calm down, cheeb," said @Lumi, although it was just for show because he was fairly sure chibibo was leading up to something.
"I will not! I'm leading up to something, you see," chibibo explained under his breath. "You keep everyone distracted until I get back."
And without any further warning, he thrust a green crystal into the air, shouted "CHAOS CANNOLI!" and was gone.

Lumi did his best to entertain the group in chibibo's absence, but I-Spy in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight gets old pretty quickly. Fortunately it didn't take too long before everyone turned their heads at the sound of a motor and saw a van flying towards them.
"I was lucky," chibibo called out from the driver's seat, "that I hadn't specified what kind of '82 Volkswagen this was back in Cookiebook II. Means I didn't have to retcon anything to establish it as a Type 2, so it should be able to fit all..." - chibibo did a quick head count - "seven of you with reasonable comfort. Especially since @Carl probably doesn't need a full seat to himself."

He hopped out and tossed the keys to Lumi.
"Just six of us?" Lumi said curiously as the keys bounced off his forehead and sank into the water. "What do you mean?"
"A more pressing question," chibibo replied, climbing onto the roof, "would be how the car is able to continue hovering without the keys in the ignition. The answer to which is - it isn't. You'd better hop in and start it up before gravity re-asserts itself. Or," he added as an afterthought, "before @Gravity re-asserts herself."

Carl, being the resourceful and kawaii spider he is, had already taken the initiative to dive down and retrieve the keys; Lumi hurried into the driver's seat and the rest of the group (which, for tagging purposes, consisted of @Rydia, @Wolfical, @Steggy and @Nutty) boarded the van.
"Okay, but why aren't you getting in, cheeb?" Lumi asked, unsure whether chibibo was leading to anything this time.
"Roads?" chibibo said with a wide-eyed grin. "Where we're going, we don't need roads!"
"That's not what I asked -"
"Haste!" chibibo shouted suddenly with a fist in the air; he began glowing and emitting sparks of light. He jumped off the van's roof, did a few quick flips in midair and, just as he landed on the water's surface, took off running at an incredible speed, leaving a spray of white seafoam behind him. Lumi hit the gas and the van followed chibibo quickly.
the user formerly known as chibibo

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Mon Feb 06, 2017 12:17 pm
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Mea says...

Mea had told herself she wasn't going to get involved this time. She had plenty enough going on over in Novel City, not to mention the never-ending hordes the Knights fought at Green Room Bay. Despite this being an immensely entertaining tagbook, @Rydia losing her flagship simply wasn't her problem. At least, until @TheSilverFox had come to her with an offer she couldn't refuse. And so she had dumped everything on the newest Gen Lit mod, @ElizabethLovelace, which definitely wasn't going to backfire, and turned traitor.

@Iggy is going to be furious when I get back. If I get back. For now, Mea planned to lay low and figure out which of her fellow mutineers were a) bribed, b) genuinely treasonous, or, most likely, c) bored.

@JabberHut had immediately put them to work sailing the ship, and Mea was already starting to see the downsides of throwing most of the SB mods overboard - she had no idea how to sail a ship. So she tugged randomly at the sail, figuring if that wasn't how you did it someone (probably @Sacredlege) would shout at her. She didn't know where or what "Discord" was, though the course they were setting would take them through those abandoned waters where, only a few weeks previously, Chat Island had mysteriously vanished. Some said there was only a great whirlpool left, while others claimed there was nothing at all, but had ventured on to find something even more strange than the old island. If that was possible.

"Enough exposition!" shouted Sacredlege, who was manning the rudder. "Don't you know that's not how you write a post?"

"Well it's not like much else is happening - "

Right. That was a bad thing to say in a tagbook. Or anywhere on YWS, really. Everyone on the ship spun around and glared at her.

"Oh, come on, it's not as bad as saying 'Could it get any - '"

The glaring intensified. Mea shut up.

One moment. Two moments.

And then JabberHut burst into delightfully evil laughter. "Landlubbers, the lot of you. Have none of you been paying attention to our position? This is not YWS. We have crossed out of our fanciful land of story structure and poetic license, ventured forth into a great unknown. There are no plot-burrowing worms nor Fate Temptresses, no" - her voice dropped to a menacing pirate's growl - "there be real life monsters here."

Everyone gasped in horror. Not YWS? Real life?

"Hah," JabberHut said, waving her hand dismissively. "Don't look like frightened worms. I have sailed these waters for four years. The piratey voice was for dramatic effect. And believe me when I say the plunder to be had is unimaginable. Say what you wish. Tropes do not bind you here."

Mea had to resist blurting out an obligatory joke about jabbering on. Obligatory jokes were less obligatory if by saying them you wound up walking the plank.

"Yes?" JabberHut spun and barked at @Mage, who had her hand up.

"Doesn't Murphy's Law exist in real life too?"

JabberHut considered this, but soon realized that nobody was looking at her anymore - they were looking over her shoulder. And that she was suddenly in shadow. And that her brand-new, gold-plated ship was rocking as if...

a real life monster had surfaced.

We're all stories in the end.

I think of you as a fairy with a green dress and a flower crown and stuff.

I think you, @Deanie and I are like the Three Book Nerd Musketeers of YWS.

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Mon May 01, 2017 9:59 pm
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BrumalHunter says...

And indeed a real life monster had surfaced - for Hunter, at least. It could be considered ironic, seeing as he had departed long ago and wasn't even on the ship, but real life had struck nevertheless, and it had been vicious. He would not go into the details in this post, however, for this was to be a conclusion!

He had intended to lay the first tagbook of the year to rest thirty days prior to its actual funeral, but the aforementioned monster hadn't been conquered yet. A pity, for it would certainly have been poetic; the second tagbook of the year would have been launched on the same day as the previous one's archiving (don't go into the semantics of it having been launched on that day anyway). But since Hunter was the so-called April Scrooge, as alleged in Fools!, he decided to wait until April was past to comment on it.

...Actually, he decided not to comment on the April Fool's tagbook, seeing how it was by far the most random, chaotic, and absurdly crazy tagbook ever. And that was saying something. He didn't regret not posting in it despite several invitations to do so (no proper April Scrooge would stoop to such lows anyway) and remained blissfully immune to all the madness therein. (Yes, this is the third parenthesis in three paragraphs, but Hunter's surprisingly overzealous use of brackets wasn't the subject of this particular set, it being: In fact, even just acknowledging it could bring disaster, which made the delayed conclusion and even better idea.) But he did Rick-roll at least one person, so his prank quota was more than fulfilled.

No matter! With the extraordinarily tedious and cirumlocutionary exposition over, it was time for the report on all the participants' current whereabouts. In reverse order, of course. And take note of the tense switch.

Disclaimer: The former participants' actual current whereabouts are unknown, as revealing their present locations would subject the author to legal action. Moreover, the adjective "current" is defined as up to the last post of this tagbook. Whatever transpired in the previously mentioned latest tagbook will be disregarded for spoilers' sake.

Since the attack of the

Real Life Monster

on Captain @Rydia's gilded flagship, the mutineer @JabberHut has mysteriously disappeared. It seems she did not account for life's unpredictability - the flaw of many a great scheme. As for her rent-a-crowd mutineers, they all dispersed shortly after the estimated time of her disappearance. What exactly their role in it was or how they got back to the lands of YWS is uncertain, but we do know all of them are still miffed that @TheSilverFox laughed evilly and fled with the second half of their bribes. He's likely spent it already, so if he's reading this and the affronted mutineers are also reading this, it would be best if he avoided them - namely @Craz, @Persistence, @Sacredlege, @Mea, @Holysocks, @AnarchyWolf, @LeftyWriter, @NicoleBri, @RavenLord, @Tsunami, @Remembrance, and @Dreamy - for a few more months still. Then again, since they had all forgotten about their bribes prior to this post, it might not take as long as that for them to forget again. Oh well.

Meanwhile, @chibibo was running on the ocean towards an undisclosed location, with @Lumi, @Rydia, @Wolfical, @Steggy @Dino, @Nutty, and @Carl following in their hovering van. It is assumed they have since reached this destination, but their means of transport now lies abandoned somewhere owing the smell of wet dog perpetually lingering within its cramped space (sorry Wolfie).

@Mage's rainbow is still pretty much golden and this fact still pretty much causes her despair. @Sheyren, the good younger brother that he is, consoled her for all of five seconds before moving on to pranking someone with @Moonwatcher and @ZeldaIsShiek. @XxXTheSwordsmanXxX departed in search of some beasts to slay (we hope @Nikayla isn't one of them, considering their argument), and @Gravity has re-asserted herself as the force that keeps all of us from floating away from the planet.

@Aley is no longer crying somewhere in the Poetry Section, but she is likely still envious of @Charizard821 who knows the move Fly. @TheSunderedSorcerer @TheMaieuticMesmerist found his previously non-existant new username and now wears it with pride, though it is still not gilded for reasons stated in earlier in the tagbook. He still hasn't gotten the chance to whack Hunter with a broom and probably never will. @Omnom still loves the word "flabbergasted" as much as always.

The phantom drakes have integrated with the Storybook Forest ecosystem, but may or may not go extinct soon, depending on the actions of the local adventurers. @BlueAfrica and @Hannah will likely be the first to report on the matter, once they're finished interviewing the confused @Pages, @16Knolls, @foodforthought, @Celticdeer, @FirePrincess, @Icaruss, @Skye, @Ghost, @MeAndMyThoughts, and @JadeBunny, who still aren't active enough to wonder why they were tagged or why they are being interviewed.

@TheCrimsonLady is probably still on holiday in the Squills Resort. The mysterious madam that she is, nobody can be sure - for all we know, she's running errands for the even more mysterious @Alteran the "mythological being whom most in this book will not know of".

@amelie, @Kyllorac and @marmalade are still pruning the Poet Tree, for it never ceases to grow and its peaches must always be sprayed to prevent them from being eaten by bugs. (Especially bookworms. They have no place in the Poetry Section. Unless @Nate says otherwise, being the supreme ruler of everything.)

@Hattable returned to his normal duties, @ChildOfNowhere returned to her normal eldritch duties, @KingLucifer returned to his normal infernal duties, and @SpiritedWolfe returned to her normal spectral duties. Normal duties for the win, right?

@ReisePiecey and her band of Nordic warriors - @Messenger, @captainearth, @Caerulean, and @tigeraye - have returned to Skyrim to fight wyverns erroneously known as dragons. An interdimensional @Poopsie now badgers them instead of @Falconer, @Carina, @Robusto, @reikann, @Nike, @StupidSoup, and @Deskro, who chased the pigeon away from the Order of the Storybook's tower.

@Demeter, @Firestarter, @Snoink, and @StellaThomas are too ancient and unfathomable to have their current activities classified by a simple Junior Mod. @Kelpies', @Basil's, and @HazelGrace16's activities are not protected by such unknowable laws, so they can be classified, but ironically, they are also unknown. Oh well. Maybe they're off drowning people and/or growing plants somewhere. At least Hunter can accurately say that @Craz and @Auxiira are still retired pirates but that @LordZeus in the meantime has stepped aboard a ship. (He refuses to speak of what @EvangelineFire has or has not done so as not to ruin the recovery.)

Hunter is supposed to comment on the whereabouts and status of @AllisontheWriter, @Love, @Malamaya, @JennyImStory and @SirLight @Light, but he's not omniscient and they were mostly used for filler, so he apologises and shamelessly skips on to the next part. (The idea was to diversify the conclusion paragraphs a bit.)

@Ventomology is doing ventomological things while still having her warnings ignored by Hunter. He regrets nothing.

@JuliasSneezer is avoiding an individual with "Brute" and Latin suffixes somewhere in his name, claiming a conspiracy to be afoot (@Caesar agrees) while appearing and disappearing through vents once again. The @queenofscience doesn't understand how this is possible and is researching the subject. @ChieRynn is her (un)willing assistant.

@Rosendorn has ceased chanting spells from Teen Titans and now debates with @Griffinkeeper on time paradigms. You'll have to ask them whether they came to any noteworthy conclusions. Only if you're @soundofmind, of course - quantum physics is a complicated field.

And as for the @AstralHunter? Well, he will still be the thrice fish-slapped Space Wolf, it's just unlikely that anyone will remember a few months from now. At least he doesn't owe @AlexSushiDog a million points, unlike his Crew Leader. (Perhaps she ought to sell her flagship after she's retrieved it from the dangerous waters of Real Life...? No? @nevermind.)

The End

PS: Hunter fittingly forgot to report on @TheForgottenKing. He could hardly be blamed.

EDIT: And he totally didn't edit in stuff afterwards. Nope. Not at all.
But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
— Paul the Apostle

Winter is inevitable. Spring will return eventually, and AstralHunter with it.

sometimes i don't consider myself a poet but then i remember that i literally write poetry
— chikara