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Info About London

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Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:23 pm
Ross says...

I had this idea about this first-time teacher in London working at a private school and there is this outcast who is basically in hell. But I don't know much about London. Can any of you who live there or have gone there help me out please?
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Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:09 pm
Cpt. Smurf says...

Well, is there anything specific you need to know? And I suggest you PM Alainna as well, she lives there.
There's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me, and it's not so much that I want to kill her, it's just, I want her to not be alive anymore.

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Sun Jun 15, 2008 2:02 pm
Gravityisdead says...

It depends what you need to know about London because there’s so much to know that it would be difficult to tell you stuff about it being so brief, but if you leave some questions or things you want to know about it I’m sure I can back to you on that. :)

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Sun Jun 15, 2008 3:36 pm
Ross says...

What are the most upper-class sections called and what kind of buildings do the people there live in?

What is the weather like in winter?

How about domestic violence? Is it higher or lower than the USA?

Is there like a mix of races and ethnic cultures and stuff or is it mostly white people that populate London? If a mix, where do Spaniards mostly live?

How is the equiette in London? If someone is mean to their spouse, do people turn a blind eye or step in and help? Are love affairs common in London or are they a sure way to get knocked off your high pedestal in society?

How is the deaf people treated in London? What about deaf children?

Okay, those are your VERY detailed questions. :lol: Please answer ASAP!
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Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:32 pm
Novelism says...

1) Hmm... There aren't really upper-class parts as far as I know, but places in the city centre will be far more expensive and areas like Downing Street and Buckingham palace are... pricey, shall we say.

2) Cold, rainy, sometimes snowing, windy... just like Summer!

3) Generally, lower.

4) They tend to all live in the same place really, London is great for cultures, they just don't divide and lowers racism. However, on the outskirts of the city there will be more immigrants in the cheaper side.

5) It all depends. In the main city, it will be busier and not many people will notice. In the suburbs however there will be more of a neighbourhood background and trust.

6) I'm guessing around the same as the USA, but the care is free if the deaf person is in a worse state.

I hope I helped :P
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Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:55 pm
HC says...

What are the most upper-class sections called and what kind of buildings do the people there live in? Upper class areas include Victoria, Chelsea, somewhere called Maida Vale is. Lots of middle class people go to private school, though. I live in Ealing, and I know lots of people going to private schools.

What is the weather like in winter? Like the rest of the year, only colder. Lots of rain, but mostly just strong winds. It rarely snows.

How about domestic violence? Is it higher or lower than the USA? I'm not sure what the statistics are for domestic violence are in the USA, but I know 1 in 4 women have experienced or are experience domestic abuse, if that helps.

Is there like a mix of races and ethnic cultures and stuff or is it mostly white people that populate London? If a mix, where do Spaniards mostly live? It's a huge mix of races! I know in my class, only one person is fully British, let alone English. There is a large population of Indian people in Southall, and many Polish people live here. I can't really pin point a place lots of people are Spanish.

How is the equiette in London? If someone is mean to their spouse, do people turn a blind eye or step in and help? Are love affairs common in London or are they a sure way to get knocked off your high pedestal in society? Well, in the city, out in the open, as in on public transport, people completely ignore everything. You wouldn't suddenly start talking to people randomly. And if something happens, like some one starts fighting, people ignore it. "Society?" Generally, love affairs just affect the person who committed it, meaning people will of course think of them badly - wouldn't you? I doubt it's any different from the USA.

How is the deaf people treated in London? What about deaf children? The same as in the USA, probably.

If you need any other questions answered, I'd be happy to help - just PM me.

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Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:28 pm
Gravityisdead says...

1. London is generally quite an expensive city but areas such as Chelsea, Kensington and Westminster are where alot of rich people tend to live. However throughout the city there is expensive property in all the boroughs. There are alot of apartments and Victorian styled houses around the city.

2. In winter the weather is usually fairly cold and rainy. However on the occasional day it can be cold and sunny. Its quite windy during winter aswell.

3. As far as I'm aware domestic violence is lower in London than the USA.

4. The city is very multi-cultural and the population is a huge mix of all cultures from around the world. There arent certain areas where Spanish people live they tend to be all over the city.

5. London is one of the cities where people live there lives how they want to and people wont always step in.
I guess it all depends on the person to be honest and how they feel about the situation but alot of the time people will turn a blind eye to it because its such a big city and it happens alot. I guess some people think its down to them to sort the situation out themselves. But thats not to say that people wont try and help.
I'm not sure about how common affairs are in London but I guess it would be the same as everywhere they happen and its not down to other people to sort them.

6. I guess the same as the USA really.

Hope that was helpful. :)

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Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:33 pm
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Gahks says...

What are the most upper-class sections called and what kind of buildings do the people there live in? Chelsea, Kensington, Fulham, Hyde Park... basically, west London. And Islington, although that's getting a bit grungy now. Many Victorian townhouses but apartments are increasingly becoming the trend.

What is the weather like in winter? Cold! English rain! Plus the occasional bright spot.

How about domestic violence? Is it higher or lower than the USA? Wouldn't know, sorry. Try Metropolitan Police website or National Crime Statistics.

Is there like a mix of races and ethnic cultures and stuff or is it mostly white people that populate London? If a mix, where do Spaniards mostly live? Chinatown! There's also a large black community particularly in east/south London (places like Peckham) and also substantial Asian and Middle Eastern minorities. There would probably be a Spanish community, but it's not really tied to any particular area.

How is the equiette in London? If someone is mean to their spouse, do people turn a blind eye or step in and help? Are love affairs common in London or are they a sure way to get knocked off your high pedestal in society? Wherever you go, adultery abounds, my friend.

EDIT: 6. I assume the National Health Service could do something. Otherwise, I'm at a loss and I'm sure the character would be too. There's so much red tape with the NHS nowadays. For instance, a Welsh farmer had to cross the border with England to get the treatment he desperately needed for his cancer.

Hope that helps.


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Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:53 pm
gamechanger10 says...

I honestly don't know that much about London, personally.
However, my twin brother (on this site as well), Bookmarker, I think his username is, is in London right now.
I'm not sure if he can get on a computer out there or anything, but he's getting back on the 28th (if you can wait that long).

He researched it and all before he left and would probably be able to answer a ton of questions if you PM him...or if you want I'll just ask him questions when he calls next...actually, he has a bunch of books about it laying around the house. I'll just check those out and get back to you...
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