
Young Writers Society

Event 10: YWS Scavenger Hunt

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Sun Aug 14, 2016 12:00 am
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Rydia says...

YWS Scavenger Hunt

Summary: You have 48 hours to search the entirety of YWS and beyond for answers to our fiendishly difficult Scavenger Hunt. Every person entering may also send Rydia or Meshugenah a pm after the contest is completed to request the correct answer to any one question.

How to enter: PM the entry to Rydia and Meshugenah!

Questions and comments should be made in the DT. If you want, you can post in this thread and simply say 'I've entered' to scare off the competition. In fact, there's a bonus point in it if you're super scary!


May the best YWS'er win...

Easy Section - 2 points each (10 questions - 20 points)

1. YWS celebrates Christmas twice a year but on which days?.
2. How old will YWS be on the 7th August 2031?
3. If I wanted to buy a YWS teddy bear and a YWS beach bag, how much would it cost me? (bonus point available)
4. On what day did we reach 40,000 members?
5. What colour user names did the instructors, greeters and mentors have?
6. In the 2012 Writing Olympics, what was the third task?
7. When were the first Writing Olympics held?
8. How many sections did the last Scavenger Hunt have?
9. Have we re-used more or less questions in this Scavenger Hunt than last time?
10. Who started Tuesday poetry jam parties?

Medium Section - 3 points each (10 questions - 30 points)

1. List all past and present crew leaders of the Literary Miscellaneous Crew.
2. What was the training area called before you reached the capital Sanctum in the YWS game Sanctum?
3. What were the names of the four teams for the Summer review event run by Rydia?
4. Name three Poetry Crew members who are no longer active (If they’re Audy active, they don’t count!).
5. Who has been featured member twice in December?
6. For Halloween in 2011 what did Demeter dress up as?
8. When was FRED born? (bonus point if you can also tell us where he was born).
9. What day/time (converted to GMT) was the “About YWS” section first created?
10. What happened to question 7?

Devilish Section - 4 points each (5 questions - 20 points)

1. What is the link to the old poetry forums?
2. My first is in our leader’s name but not in our site mascot
My second takes from the colour of our knights and also our chat room friend
My third is in writing but not in editing
My fourth is in debate and also in storybook
My fifth is in Olympics and also in two administrators names
My sixth is in poetry and also in novels
3. How many (to the nearest 5) Young Writers Society storybooks have existed somewhere other than the main site and where did they exist?
4. What year was the first YWS Writing Olympics held?
5. How many answers did you get wrong? (bonus point if you tell us how many points you’ve got to the nearest 5)

Heather and Bekah Section - 5 points each (5 questions - 25 points)

1. Name 15 YWS’ers who either Rydia or Meshugenah have met in person (1 point for every 3).
2. Do Rydia or Meshugenah play Pokemon Go and can you name their favourite pokemon?
3. How many questions have we re-used in this year’s Scavenger Hunt? (bonus point if you can list 3 of them)
4. What is Meshugenah’s sports team?
5. What color is Rydia’s bathroom?

There's 1 bonus point in each section and 1 in this thread so you're playing for a possible 100 points!
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Sun Aug 14, 2016 4:55 am
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alliyah says...

Well with a whole day to spare, I've entered my answers. Fear ye all other writerletes, you have a lot of work to do if you want to best me. :|

*evil laughter and the sound of correct answers being submitted can be heard in the distance*

you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

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Sun Aug 14, 2016 4:58 am
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tgirly says...

With the tenacity and speed of Michael Phelps, and the focus of a ping-pong champion, I, too, have submitted my entry.
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
-Abraham Joshua Heschel

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Sun Aug 14, 2016 6:40 am
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Mea says...

Well, that was easy.
We're all stories in the end.

I think of you as a fairy with a green dress and a flower crown and stuff.

I think you, @Deanie and I are like the Three Book Nerd Musketeers of YWS.

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Sun Aug 14, 2016 6:41 am
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Rook says...

You should all quit now, because I got a perfect score on every question, and I got all the bonus questions right. I found answer 7, and I tattooed it on the inside of my eyelids with my own knitting needle and ballpoint pen. You think you stand a chance? You'd better find a chair because it looks like your kneecaps were surgically removed by the sheer force of my amazing win.
Instead, he said, Brother! I know your hunger.
To this, the Wolf answered, Lo!

-Elena Passarello, Animals Strike Curious Poses

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Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:02 pm
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TheSilverFox says...

Boom, done. I answered every question. Yes, every one. Even the hardest of them. And it took me forever - hours of researching, pouring through the forums (and randomly liking lots of old topics, @MialyNire), profiles, and the like, but I completed it. I know that, if even I didn't answer them all correctly (which I seriously doubt), I tackled the questions many of you thought too hard to do, and I know I got many of them correct, and likely more than anyone else here. So, unless you're willing to devote as much time and effort as I did, I'd say you move along. I've already won. :twisted:
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

I also wish you good mouth rocks
— figget