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Event 1: Fanfiction Antics

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Sat Feb 08, 2014 8:13 pm
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Gravity says...

Snow White Fan-Fic
A More Modern Recollection, with a less ditzy Snow

“Snow, run.” Bob tells me. Bob is my stepmother’s magic mirror, and he is the only one I can trust. I don’t blame him, he just got so sick of telling her how pretty she is, when she isn’t. Honestly, she wears a skin tight hood to cover her hair, and robes that are so last year. My daily dress with the yellow skirt, annoying white color and blue top may be ugly, but at least it has a timeless look to it. Regardless, Bob is going to tell the queen that she isn’t all that beautiful, that I’m the fairest in the land. But he doesn’t want me to be here while he does it.

As I run into the woods, branches and brambles pull and tug on my dress. In frustration, I rip off the stupid white collar, kick off my kitten heels and tug my skirt into my waistband. After deciding that now I'm more fit to run, I continue to flee. I feel eyes watching me. This forest is too creepy for my taste, and I'm going to do something about it.

"Would you like a picture? Stop staring at me and acting like a bunch of stalkers. You're FOREST ANIMALS for pete's sakes! Don't tell me you've never seen a Princess in distress! There's Rapunzel, Merida, Belle, and all of those other girls that run into the woods. Mind your own beeswax!" The eyes disappear and I can hear the scurry of animals. Satisfied, I hurry off.

About three hours later, I find a cottage in the clearing. It's getting dark, so I knock on the door. No one home. I enter the house, and see that it's a mess. There are bowls and plates everywhere, and the floor needs a good sweeping.

"This shit is ratchet," I say. Then I kick myself for speaking aloud. Who does that anymore? I think that I probably should clean it, then I take one look at my dirty dress and assess my fatigue. No way. I've been romping through that forest all day, and I cleaned the Queen's room on top of that. If I have to wash another dish, I'm going to scream.

Spying a set of stairs, I climb up them and wince as I get splinters on the bottoms of my bare feet. I run up the steps and try not to hurt my feet too badly. When I emerge at the top, I see a bedroom full of seven beds, neatly made. I put my hands on my hips and think to myself, "So they make their beds neatly, but can't do a dish? And who sleeps in beds this small? Not to mention the fact that there are seven beds, do they organize orgies or something?" I roll my eyes and shrug my shoulders. I need a place to sleep and I feel gross, too. At this time, I notice there is a bathroom to the side.

"Plumbing isn't too cheap for them," I mutter as I draw a bath. My stepmother (or step monster as I prefer to call her) always thought plumbing was too cheap, so she always made me draw clean water from the well. Pushing this memory out of my head, I scrub all of the dirt and blood off me, and wash my hair. I spy some shampoo to the side, so I pick it up and squirt some in my hand. It comes out as a weird silvery liquid, so I check the label on the shampoo. I read it aloud because you know, cooking and cleaning already hasn’t exactly turned me into the best reader.

“Beard moisturizer, Use to keep your beard moist and silvery, for best results, start from chin and work down end of beard…” I drop the bottle and scrub the moisturizer off my hands. That was thoroughly nasty. I realize that I must be living in a house of men. really short men with long beards… dwarves. It must be dwarves.

As I get out of the tub and step onto the surprisingly clean bathroom floor I smile. Dwarves love to mine, jewels and rocks and all that. Maybe if they like me, they’ll make me rich and shower me with jewels and wealth greater than that of my stepmother. The thought brightens my spirits, and I walk back into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around my body. Now there’s the problem of clothes. my sweaty and torn dress just won’t do. However, if there’s one thing that Bob ever taught me, it’s that you can find an outfit anywhere.

So I start looking. At the end of each bed there is a trunk, so I look through every trunk possible. There are clean clothes thrown in each chest, and they are all very wrinkled. Regardless, this will have to do. Then I have an idea, and I walk back downstairs, still wearing my towel, in search for scissors.

When I’m finished, I survey my work in the bathroom mirror. My old dress is on the floor in shreds, with the top half missing. I scoff at how difficult it was to get the top part free, plus I had to cut the poofy sleeves from the ends. It was hard work, especially with dull scissors. I had used the cut out from my dress to create a tank top, after I scrubbed it in the tub, of course. Afterwards, I recall using a pair of a dwarf’s trousers and cutting it down to make shorts. I may look a little boyish, but with my red headband in my hair, and my now clean clothes, I definitely looked prettier. I was also very comfortable, more so than I had ever felt in my stupid dress.

Downstairs, I hear voices. I look up, and head downstairs to see a hag accompanied by seven dwarves. They startle at the sight of me, and I narrow my eyes at them. The hag gives an ugly smile, and she waves sweetly. The dwarves, however, look upset to see me. I’m bombarded with questions. I hold my hands up in surrender and I sit slowly down in one of the tiny chairs.

“My name is Snow White, I’m a Princess fleeing from my ugly stepmother who is not the fairest in the land by far. I just need a place to stay for a little while.” The dwarves narrow their eyes at me, but seeing the mess around me, I have an idea.

“I can cook and clean. I hate to, but seriously, this is ratchet. It needs a good cleaning. If you like, I’ll clean your place if you let me stay here for a few nights.” I notice one dwarf who refuses to change his sour expression, a dwarf with glasses who seems to be thinking, and another more goofy dwarf that keeps trying to pick his nose except the sleeve of his sweater keeps getting in the way.

The dwarf with glasses speaks up. “Fine. But you and the old lady have to sleep down here.” The hag looks up and then addresses me. She really is ugly with rotten teeth and hair that is almost non-existent.

“We women have to stick together. Apple?” She offers me a bright red, juicy apple. My stomach rumbles then, so I take it gratefully. As soon as I bite into it, I know something is wrong. I fall to the floor and everything goes black.

I’m awakened by the soft touch of a kiss on my lips. My eyes pop open and I see the most handsome man standing in front of me. I’m laying on something white with plush, and I have flowers in my hair. I look around me and see a glass top for a case. Like a coffin, almost.

“I’m Henry. The dwarves told me what happened, I’m a doctor. Tricky poison apples, it’s lucky I was in the village area. Sorry about the kiss… it’s a new method called CPR. I had to give you air.” I smile at Henry, and he smiles back. He really is gorgeous, and a doctor.

“So, do you have a castle?” He smiles and nods.

“No do not have a castle, but I have a nice cottage. I know we’ve only just met, but would you like to go out for tea sometime?” I blush and smile.

“Sure,” I say. Maybe this guy will treat me right. Then I realize that the jewels and riches I once hoped for may not be necessary. Maybe what I really need, is the Happily Ever After.
And the heart is hard to translate
It has a language of its own
It talks in tongues and quiet sighs,
And prayers and proclamations

-Florence + The Machine (All This and Heaven Too)

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Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:20 pm
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Elinor says...

The Next One

a How I Met Your Mother Fanfic

[written from the perspective of The Mother from the end of Season 9 Episode 16 (How Your Mother Met Me) to the beginning of Season 9 Episode 17 (Sunrise). Spoilers!

Spoiler! :
“Wow…I….wow,” Max said. “You’re such a great singer.”

“Really?” Redness crept into my cheeks. I moved from the chair to the couch next to him. “It couldn’t have been that good. I mean, I don’t even have a guitar…I’ve been saving for a new one, but…”

“I didn’t think anyone else in this school liked Edith Piaf.”

I laughed. Our faces were inches apart, and I felt myself shaking.

And then we kissed. It was the first time I’d ever kissed a boy, but it felt so natural, so right. Nothing else in the whole world mattered then. I forgot everything else in my life that I was stressed out about. Max kissed me. He had actually kissed me.

“I really like you,” he said. “I have for a long time.”

“Me too,” I said. We kissed again, and this time I let myself go.

That moment was almost eleven years ago, but as I sat on the balcony and sung “La Vie En Rose” as I looked out onto the ocean, Max was there with me again. Then another memory starts replaying in my head, one that happened less than hour ago.

“Will you marry me?”

Maybe while I was with Louis I made myself believe he gave me the same feelings that Max did. Maybe I really knew he wasn’t the one but I was scared to be alone again. I felt awful that I hadn’t ended things sooner.

It took all of my courage to utter one simple word. “No.”

The look on his face…that was going to stay with me for a while. Just the thought that I’d caused so much hurt was too much for me. I set the ukulele beside me and everything caught up with me all at once. The cold hard fact that Max had been dead for eight years. That I’d broken Louis’s heart. Almost losing my band. I let the tears come.

It was a warm night, the kind that felt rejuvenating after a long winter. I felt the salty air on my face, I thought of the long months ahead. Summer had always been my favorite time of year, and normally I would be giddy with anticipation for all the next few months would bring. Now, I just felt empty.

All of my friends were moving on to new adventures. Kelly was seven months pregnant. Cindy and Casey were adopting their second kid. I had just gotten my economics degree from Columbia, and while the band helped with extra money it wasn’t going to pay my rent so I was going to need to find a job. I was still living in the apartment I’d gotten after my first run at college. I’d play at the wedding tomorrow, go home, and then who knows what after that.

I stood up and looked out to the ocean. The sky was so dark that you couldn’t tell where it stopped and where the water began. Despite everything, there was something strangely beautiful about this moment, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. My body felt heavy and I wondered what time it was. But I knew I wasn’t going to be able to sleep.

Then my mind started to wander. I wondered what would have happened if I had said yes to Louis. I wouldn’t feel this awful, and maybe I could have made a happy life with him. But as much as I cared about him, I had a nagging feeling that went back to the first time I met Cindy.

“If you ask me, you know what comes after the one? The next one,” she’d said to me, and I’d never forgotten it. After she’d moved in and whenever we’d talk about relationships, she kept assuring me that I’d meet someone who I’d love the way I had loved Max. Louis hadn't been that. I thought maybe for a minute that he had. I still felt awful, but the possibility of what was next, like the ocean, was wide open. I wasn't going to lose hope. Max wouldn't have wanted that.

I went inside, changed into my pajamas, and laid down in bed.

“What do you have next for me, universe?” I muttered.

I was so uncertain.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:33 pm
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WritingWolf says...

This fanfic takes place just a few weeks after Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card. Due to it being after all the published Ender books (that I know of) there are a few spoilers in it.

Time for an Introduction
An Ender's Game Fan Fiction

Spoiler! :
It had been nearly three days since Wang-mu had received word from Jane and Miro. But she didn't need to concern herself over that too much. There were plenty of people back on Lusitania who could worry about why the two weren't responding. She had a war of her own to worry about.
Wang-mu stood and leaned back a little, in the way expected of someone who'd spent the last five hours sitting at a computer. She closed her eyes and let out a small sigh as she felt her back muscle tighten and then release. She still had a lot of work to do, but she needed a break. The political situation was growing worse every day, in her opinion. Her husband, Peter, thought that this was good. Tempers flaring, arguments that lasted for days, even a few riots. He claimed that they needed to get everyone stirred up and angry at Starways Congress for their attempt to destroy Lusitania. So that when the time came to reveal their secrets the people of the Hundred Worlds they would not be so quick to action. But that plan depended on two things. First, that everyone was tired of all the prior fighting and arguing. And second, that they were no longer so quick to trust their government, due to it's recent mistake.
She closed a few of the tabs on her computer, she wouldn't be needing those anymore. It had taken some time for her and Peter to reveal that the deadly disease on Lusitania known as the descolada had been completely taken care of. They had yet to mention that Starways Congress's attempt to kill an artificial sentience had failed. So there were a few holes in their story. It was a relief that people were finally believing them.
She walked over to where Peter was still typing away at his desk. She glanced over his writing, nothing too interesting. And article about the flaws in the schooling system here on Pacifica. It would probably be published by his online pseudonym Hui.
Wang-mu knew that her Peter was really Ender's aiúa in a different body without any memories of his time before he was Ender-as-Peter. But he still did mimic the original Peter Wiggin sometimes. One particular way was his love for politics and many, many, different names. His favorite was Loke. Wang-mu believed it to be an inside joke he had with himself. Picking something so similar to the original Peter Wiggin's favorite pseudonym, Locke.
"Hey sweetheart, you wanna go get something to eat?" Wang-mu whispered in his ear. "Just a minute" he mumbled under his breath.
She watched him type for a moment. The blue walls made the room look dull. Or maybe that was just because she'd been staring at a computer so long. It didn't really matter. In a way the dull color was a relief. The little living room that she and Peter used as an office in their apartment was like a safe haven from the bright vivid colors found everywhere on Pacifica.
A pinging noise came from her computer. She had received a message. She quickly went to check it. Just as she had guessed, it was from Jane.

As you already know, we sent the Descoladores a copy of the recolada gene three days ago. Since then their behavior has become unusual. Their ships have come closer to ours than ever before, and there are more of them. Miro believes that they have mostly been ignoring us, and this new gene has made them reconsider.
We don't have much information aside from that. They haven't sent a response yet. If they turn hostile we'll need some back-up, so be ready to spread the word. We'll keep you updated.


"Hey Peter, did you get this?" Wang-mu said. "From Jane? Yeah. I've just started typing up and article on the descoladores in case we need it. Would you work on something motivational? Something to make the Hundred Worlds want to help out even though we've been keeping secrets... hmm..." He said, trailing off.
Typical, just as she was about take a break more work showed up. Very important work.


"Jane, come see this!" Mire said. He heard a muffled "alright" come from down the hallway. After their few weeks back on Lusitania Jane had decided she didn't like the artificial feeling of walking with greaves in null-gee. It only made sense that she would rather the pull of real gravity. She had spent the first 3,000 years of her existence as an entity inside the ansible network.
Jane came into the observatory of their little spacecraft. They had come to call it Columbus. Jane claimed that that was the name of some guy who had sailed around Earth or something. Miro wasn't that interested in early Earth history.
"What is it?" Jane asked as she walk-hopped down toward him. She had this strange gate when she was wearing greaves.
"The number of Descolador ships just doubled. I think there's about 20 of them now." he said "They're in a strange formation, I was wondering if you could find anything on it"
Jane looked at the computer diagram for a moment and said "No, not directly." She tapped her fingers on the desk. "What do you mean 'not directly'?" Miro said. "It just reminds me of something Ender once said. You see how you have a large group of ships here" She said pointing to the top left side of the diagram, "And then there's use here, and on the other side a few smaller ships scattered about over here."
Miro looked at the diagram. He hadn't noticed most of the smaller ships at first. There were actually more like 30 ships.
"This isn't the same, but it is similar to a tactic that Ender used in the final Bugger invasion" Jane said "I don't think they want to attack us, but I think they're set up to do so if they need."
"Wait... How would they know about something Ender used? Have they been monitoring Earth too?" Miro said. "I dunno. It could just be a coincidence." Jane said. Miro raised his eyebrow at her. "You know the chances of that even better than I do." he said. Even though Jane now had her own body, she still lived partially in the ansible network, and had complete access to any information put on it, or on any smaller system connected to it.
A pinging noise came from Miro's computer. Probably a reply from Wang-mu and Peter. Miro pulled it up, it was from an unknown sender. Funny. He opened the message.

This is Antioch Purplehull. Captain of the fleet ahead of you. Assuming you are representatives, or employees, or whatever, or your Starways Congress, we believe there is some important information to be shared with you.
You probably believe you have found another sentient species. We are sorry to disappoint you. We will explain more in person.
Our ship has docking capabilities that will easily connect to yours. We will be there in an hour.

Captain Antioch

Miro stared at the monitor. Some kid was playing a joke on them. One of the teenagers on Lusitania had overheard his call with Ela and decided this would a hilarious prank. Yes that had to be it. Anything else would be, well, to cliche.
A ship moving apart from the rest in the cluster at the top left of the screen pulled him out of his hysteria. This was real.
"I'm going to message Wang-mu. You talk to your sister." Jane said moving to the other computer.
Miro's fingers moved numbly as he typed up a message to Ela. She would notify everyone else. Something about this seemed all wrong.


"Cap'n, I know that you think the people in The Council are all being way too hesitant and all. But are sure you aren't moving just a little too fast? I mean the leguminotes have spent over two thousand years in hiding from the rest of humanity. There was a reason for that" Ander said as he scurried along behind Captain Antioch. He nearly had to run to keep up. At age seven it was still hard for him to keep up with his fully grown co-workers. And at forty three, Antioch didn't really bother remembering how frustrating that had been for him.
"I know what I'm doing Officer Ander. The reason we've been hidden so long was at first Ender, Carlotta, and Cincinnatus had been afraid what humanity would do if they found out about us. And not a single Council sense the Original has changed their feelings, regardless of how the regular humans have changed." Antioch stopped and sighed "Look, if you really disagree with my actions then file a formal report. It's my neck on the line, not yours. I'm already disobeying orders, you don't have to follow me."
Ander nodded. He understood full well what this would mean for his captain if things didn't go smoothly. But that's what Antioch didn't understand. Ander didn't care about his own career. What he was concerned about was Antioch's career. Ander hadn't been in the fleet all that long, but he could tell that it needed someone like Antioch to be in charge. While at times like this it would've been better if he had left well enough alone, most of the time Antioch's quick action was what made him such a valuable commander. Most liguminotes were so lost in their own thoughts it could take days for them to make simple decisions. They were always so afraid of making the wrong choice. To the point that Antioch's quickness looked almost human.
Ander continued stumbling along behind Antioch. Surprisingly enough Antioch seemed to have slowed slightly. Maybe he'd realized that Ander was having a hard time keeping up, or maybe he was just lost in thought.
Ander let his fingers run across the smooth metal walls as they walked down the hall in silence. Antioch was right. They shouldn't need to hide anymore. No matter what the Council said. They're just a bunch of cowards. Leguminotes were supposed to be a breed of super-intelligent humans. Not some strange menace that hides in the edge of the known galaxies that the humans have to observe from a distance.
It was time for an introduction.
~You can only grasp what you reach for~

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Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:33 pm
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racket says...


“Don’t freak out; just...stay still.” Rapunzel drew a slow breath.
“Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine……”Her voice flowed like honey through the glade to the tan ears of a man beside her.
Flynn Rider sat awestruck at the glowing locks twisting and twining about his hand. He was staring in fascination at the golden mass when he saw the glow. His head snapped up and his gaze turned to the girl who owned the fascinating hair. What type of witchery was he in the presence of now? He’d seen many things in his life, but nothing could ever possibly top this. What was the hair doing to his hand? Rupunzel stroked the hand in question and he stiffened as a strange shock of light shot up his arm.
“What the..” he yelped, untying the golden locks from his hand. Flynn gasped sharply,standing quickly and nearly hitting his head on a large tree branch in the process.
“I’ll go get some more firewood….” he stated, glancing warily at Rapunzel as he backed away slowly. Would she follow him?
“Wait!” Rapunzel called as he turned and ran.
Flynn raced into the forest and viciously began swinging his axe at logs and trees as thoughts swirled maddeningly about his head. ‘That girl, or was she even a girl?, was freaky. How could one be so, so content with their life and hide such a frightening secret? No wonder she hasn’t been out of that hateful tower since forever, the people would have killed her. That hair…’
He shook his head and strode back into the glade, arms filled with timber. The wood in his arms slipped as his arms fell slightly at the sight of Rapunzel. She looked innocently over her perfect shoulder, her ever-present beam faltering at his cautious expression.
“Oh, I thought you might not be coming back!” Her face was flushed with relief and perfect blushes pulsed up her cheeks. She practically glowed..
“Nope, just cold! Uh, needed some wood for it, yup. Yeah.... Yes! Just cold!” This he stammered in horridly fake-cheery voice. Flynn stooped low to put the firewood in the fire where he composed himself. As he stood up, he stretched and yawned in an exaggerated manner.
“I think it would be...best...if we were to rest now. Big day tomorrow!” With a weary glance over his shoulder, he lay down in a corner of the glade as far from Rapunzel as possible. The fire flickered in an uncertain manner.
“Oh! Oh, okay, I guess.” She looked bewildered and tired all of a sudden. Flynn suddenly felt a wave of guilt crash through his thoughts. Why, did he do that? She was innocent, right? No, she was a witch and witches and their craft were evil. ‘Strange that I would cleanse the world from the un-holy, thief that I am.’ he thought in amusement. ‘What a strange man I have become.’
An hour or so after Rapunzel stopped moving, Flynn silently stood up. He slid his dagger from his belt and used all his devious thieve’s skills to slip silently through the night. Rapunzel’s unsuspecting figure lay peacefully on the ground beside the smoldering campfire. Flynn knelt beside her, grasping the dagger in his hand harder than necessary for the sweat that accumulated on the palm. As he raised his ready arm through the night, ready to kill the girl, he stopped. What had she actually done? Nothing! Just had the strange power of healing wounds and….glowing. ‘But who knows,’ he thought, ‘it could be used for harm rather than the good she portrayed it to be. I will not kill her, I will just rid her of the weight that has been literally on her shoulders for years.’ He lowered the dagger, then grasped it as a painter does a paintbrush. Arranging the hair in a more flattering style than the current one, he lowered the dagger to the back of her neck. The tresses slid through the blade like silk and slowly and dramatically turn a creamy brown color. He forced himself on. The last strand of gold was on the blade. He sliced.
"The one who reigns forever,
He is a friend of mine!
The God of angel armies,
Is always by my side!"
"I was cup-bearer to the king." -Nehemiah 1
"I've lost all my marbles, but I promise they'll come back."

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Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:42 pm
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Kanome says...

This fanfiction is based off of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, the time is sixteen years after the death of Romeo and Juliet.

Spoiler! :
The Reincarnation of Romeo and Juliet

As I opened my eyes, the sun beamed against my small, brown pupils, making me flinch from the beaming light. A woman came into my room, filled with ivory tiles, a queen-sized luxurious bedding with two red curtains hanging from the top of the carvings of pillars, also made of ivory. The woman sat down in a wooden chair that was next to an end table made out of polished marble that showed pictured of my parents. My step-parents, Sir and Lady Capulet.

"Ahh… good morning, dear." The woman spoke in a soft-spoken tone. More like an elderly voice yet at the same time, angelic.

"Where are mother and father, Nurse Grenna?" Nurse Grenna is my most trusted friend and the most motherly of all. Her hair was smooth as spider silk and her eyes shined brightly like a bird's view of the ocean seas. Her figure was slim, almost like a young adult in her late twenties and early thirties. Her hair was grey and so were her eyebrows that had little wrinkles on her lightly red cheeks as she smiled at me, showing her perfectly white teeth. "Your mother and your father preparing your feast for you, Princess Alexandria." I sighed softly as I sat up on my bed, my long black hair all curled on the ends of my hair, and I smiled at Nurse Grenna. "Just call me Alex, Nurse Grenna. No need to be so formal." Alexandria Capulet. I never liked the name, even though that was what my step-mother named me. My name had a meaning, 'New Beginnings.' That's what my mother said to me when I was just a little girl. Today… today is my sixteenth birthday, meaning the beginning of womanhood. There was a knock on my door then the person who knocked on my door entered the room with a huge grin on his face. "Father… what is it?" I slipped out of my bed, my feet against the tiles as the cold sensation shivered throughout my body. "I came to see how my princess was doing. Ah…" Father wrapped one of his arms around my shoulder as he closed his eyes, thinking. "My little girl is going to be a woman. So, daughter, how do you feel?" I looked at my father as I thought about his question. How do I feel, you ask? How does Princess Alexandria truly feel?

"It feels great, father." I smiled at him and pressed my lips against his soft cheek, kissing it gently and lightly. "Father, I must ask you something… strange." Ever since my tenth birthday, my father told me that I was an adoptive child, that my biological parents abandoned me on the day I was born. Obviously, father knew my biological parents, or in some way, connected to them. "My real mother and father… who were they?"Father's smile slowly turned into a frown as I asked my question. His eyes were filled with sadness as he turned and walked out of my bedroom. I lowered my head in guilt, wishing that I had never asked that question. "Well… let's put on your outfit, shall we, Princess Alexandria?" Nurse Grenna held up the most elegant dress I have ever seen. I slowly put the dress on as the dress puffed out in a shape of a bell after it passed my hips. My breasts were barely shown on the torso part of the dress. The color of lavender sparkled throughout the dress as I stared into the mirror, smiling at the way the dress appeared upon my body. "You look so beautiful, princess."I turned and smiled at Nurse Grenna as she sat me down in a chair and began running a hair brush though my hair gently. "Nurse… why does father seem upset every time I ask about my parents? My real parents I mean?" Nurse Grenna kept brushing my hair as silence stood upon the bedroom. I just sat there quietly as Nurse Grenna positioned my hair into one large braid and tied a white ribbon around the top of my braid, making it into a bow. "There, sweetie. You're all ready." I smiled sadly at her as I stood up from the stool I was sitting on and looked at the clock right above the mirror. "I would like to go explore the town… let father and mother know." I slipped on my white heels and walked out of my bedroom, into the halls and entrance way of the Capulet Kingdom. There was a dirt road path that must go to the town. I've never seen the town before, I only heard about it. The town was always lit every night for parties and drinking, and so much more. At least that's what my father told me. As I reached the town, people stopped whatever they were doing and stared at me, like I am a threat or something. As I kept walking down through the town, people murmured things that made my head wonder with questions, begging for the right answers. "It's Juliet! Juliet Capulet…" One man murmured.

"Don't be a fool! Juliet is dead remember?" A woman murmured back to the man as I kept walking, looking at the buildings.

"Come back here, Montague!" A young man shouted from one of the buildings as a man in a black hood ran from the building. In a blink, the hooded man clashed into me as we both fell onto the harden ground.

"Ugh…" The hood fell off the man's head as he looked at me. My eyes widened as I noticed that the man looked exactly like me, except his hair was shorter than mine."Who ar-?" The young man gripped the hooded man's arms and pulled him up to his feet.

"Got me again, Heroc." The hooded man chuckled softly as he averted his eyes back to mine. "Sorry about that. Me and my buddy, Heroc, were playing a game." The man bowed, with one of his arms across his chest and one of this knees extending to the ground. "My name is Lucio Montague. What's your name, young lady?" This Lucio looked just like me, like my twin. I get the feeling I've met him once before, but I can't recall when.

"Alexandria. Alexandria Capulet, mister Lucio." Lucio looked up into my eyes with a shocked look on his face, like something spooked him. "You're… a Capulet, madame?" I nodded once as he got up on his feet and gripped my arms tightly. I looked up at him, thinking that I am looking into a mirror. "Why is it that you look exactly like me, Madame Alexandria?" I wasn't the only one that noticed the similarity between us, so I was kind of relieved. "I do not know, but… maybe we ar-." A line of knights surrounded me as I heard my father's voice echoed throughout the town. "How dare you get near my daughter!" I only saw Lucio, who stood away from the knights. Something wasn't right about this. Something in my heart, I needed to know who Lucio is. "Father! Wait…" Father seized his shouting and motioned the knights to open a path for me.

"This man… This Lucio. Why does he look exactly like me? I am an only child, right?" My father stood silently as he stared at the ground. "Answer me, father. Please." Father sighed softly as he looked at me then at Lucio. "Both of you come with me. Guards… you are dismissed." As the knights left, Lucio and I stared at each other for the longest time. His eyes were brown, just like mine. His facial structure was just like mine, except that his was more masculine. His hair was the same as mine, except shorter. "You two… let's go. We are going to see the Friar." The Friar? I wondered why father suggested him as we all walked to the town limits. Father then spoke in a soft tone, yet had a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Alexandria… you and Lucio are twin siblings." Twin siblings? That's why he looked exactly like me. That's why it felt like we met before. "Your mother… happened to be my daughter and your father… was the son of Sir Montague." My father… my real father was a Montague and my mother was a Capulet. My step-father is actually my grandfather and my step-mother is actually my grandmother. "Father… you told me that Capulets and Montagues are enemies… so how…?" Father turned to me and placed a hand on my shoulder gently, then released his grip and kept walking. Lucio walked up to my, now, grandfather and placed his hand on grandfather's shoulder. "Sir Capulet, why do you tell us now? Why on our sixteenth birthday? Do you know how much I've wanted to know about my biological parents but people choose to ignore? Sir Capulet, we must know… who are our parents?" Grandfather sighed softly and looked into Lucio's eyes as I stared at them intensely. "Friar will show you." Grandfather pointed up to a church that looked ancient, like it had its own history from a thousand years ago. As we walked inside the church, an old man walked up to us, wearing a white, worn-out robe. His eyes had crow's feet on the edges of his eyeballs and his forehead had three… no… four wrinkles at the top. His lips were cracked and his face was pale. The old man spoke in an elderly cracked voice. "Ah… you look just like Juliet…" I felt my cheeks get hot as I looked down to my feet. Grandfather stood beside me as he smiled sadly at the old man. "Show the kids THEIR graves." Graves? What does he mean by that? The Friar nodded as he motioned me and Lucio to walk with him. Lucio gently grabbed my hand and pulled me slowly as we followed the Friar. I looked around the halls of the church in awe. Pillars around every corner, portraits of Jesus Christ hung on each wall, and the light shined through the glass windows against the chairs in the church. We walked to the back of the church, outside in the grassy field filled with graves of many creatures, out far in the grassy field, was a small building that was sealed closed. "Where are we?" Lucio examined the sealed building as I stared at the Friar, who was looking through a ring of kings. He held up one of the keys and opened the lock that was chained to the door. As the door opened, Lucio and I slowly walked inside as torches were lit throughout the small building. I noticed two graves sitting side by side; one was engraved Juliet Capulet and the other Romeo Montague. "These are your parents. They were in love, but their love was forbidden. They both died from poison, and their love is still intact… but knowing they had children… I'm afraid you must join them… Lucio and Alexandria." Suddenly, I felt a stab within my breast as I coughed up a red substance out of my mouth. I turned to Lucio and noticed he was stabbed within his breast too. I fell to the ground, flat on my stomach as my vision started to blue. Everything turned black and it felt like the world suddenly stopped, like I was gone from the world… forever.
Knight of the Green Room

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Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:54 pm
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Willard says...

Probably the worst Fan Fiction ever, but oh well.

Breaking Malcolm

A Malcolm in The Middle Fan Fiction

Spoiler! :
“Hal!” screamed the nagging voice into my ear. I roll over to see Lois, in her blue top, hands on her hips with that angry look on her face. “I’ve told you for the last five minutes to get Dewy’s lunch ready! Maybe if you wouldn’t have stayed out last night with the boys, you would have been up!” She takes the blanket off of me and tosses it to the side.
For a minute, there was complete silence. I start slipping back into sleep, where no one can bother me. Then, a splash of cold water hits my face. My eyes open to see her again, but this time with an empty 16 ounce cup. “Get up already!” She yelled again.
“Lois, can I just dream? I never do this to you!” I screamed at her. I always wonder why I ever married her. Maybe it was for how she looks beautiful sometimes, or how she has this hard work ethic, or I just lost sanity.
“Maybe, if I wasn’t the hardest working in this family!” She replied. This has been going on for the past three days, ever since I got the first dream. I escape into this new world, a perfect one, for eight hours a day. I have to live 14 hours in this crappy one.
After a minute of rolling on the soaking sheets, I get up and walk to the kitchen. First thing I see is Reese drinking Purple Fizz with his cereal. In one hand his spoon; the other is Dewy’s favorite toy. “Come on, Dewy. Come and get it. Do you think it was funny to hide my underwear?”
“Reese, just give him his toy back,” said Malcolm.
“Shut up Malcolm. I’m asking Dewy a question. Dewy, did you think it was funny?” Reese said, holding the toy to Dewy’s face. Dewy shook his head, tears slowly coming out of his eyes. “You must of thought it was, you twerp. I think this is funny!” He then swings his arm towards the window, and the toy comes loose.
The window breaks, and so does Dewy’s tears. “Reese, go to your room!” I yelled. Instead of going to his room, he smashes his bowl to the ground. The three starts fighting, and throwing dishes around. Dewy is sitting in the corner crying, Malcolm and Reese pushing each other.
“What is going on?!” is heard from the bedroom. Here comes Hurricane Lois. She comes stomping in, with a furious face. She starts with grabbing Reese and making him clean up. She then yells in Dewy’s face and making him cry even more, and tells Malcolm to yell. To make it even worse, she yells at me, saying I should take care of my children.
Once this five minute debacle is done, we sit down to eat. Lois starts arguing with me about the dream. Malcolm then turns to an empty space and says, “Lately, my dad has been having this dream. He can’t stop obs-“
“Malcolm,” I interrupt, “I never question your choices and how come you keep on talking to empty space?”
“Hal, that’s no way to talk to your son.” Lois snaps.
“Don’t question me Lois.”
“Only if you were a good father we wouldn’t have this mess!”
“Maybe we should get a divorce!” I screamed. They all blankly stared at me. Lois coughs, goes to the kitchen counter, and pulls out a knife. She then dashes towards me. I toss down my chair and dash towards the door.
It was a five minute chase down three blocks until she finally quits. I’ve been hiding in this bush now for three minutes so she doesn’t find me. Wow, this bush is so comfy. I decide to lie down and go to sleep. It’s time to go back to my beautiful dream.
“Mr. White, Mr. White,” the dream says, “are you awake?”
“I’m awake.”

"Words say little to the mind compared to space thundering with images and crammed with sounds."

stranger, strangelove, drstrangelove, strange, willard

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Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:02 pm
TakeThatYouFiend says...

This story is set on the moon Io, as per Philip Reeve's Larklight series. It is a detective story, and includes a unfit chase and a lost cat. :-) Let me warn you now, the has approximately no plot.
Laurence of Io
Chapter one.
A single torn page of the evening rag blew around the street, much like a butterfly would in any less industrial place. But on Io there wasn't any less industrial place. The whole moon was a gigantic throbbing city.
"As if this moon in fast thick pants were breathing." thought Lawrence, as he leaned out his window in the side of one of the dirtier sky-scrapers. He was rather pleased with his simile (or was it a metaphor-he could never remember), until he remembered he had read it yesterday. Sighing he removed his head from the frame, and closed the window. Then he slunk of to behind his desk, took a cigar from his inside pocket, and slumped down onto his revolving chair, allowing himself to spin a couple of times before bringing himself to a rest by crossing his legs on the desk. Here he lit his cigar, and did his best to look nonchalant. It is in a private detective's interest to look nonchalant. But unfortunately Laurence wasn't very good at it. He looked to shabby; his shirt cuffs were frayed and his hair was too long and unkempt. The shoes resting on the desk were worn, and he looked uneasy. It wasn't as if he hadn't tried. He had purposefully made his room messy (the only thing that was in the right place was the portrait of Queen Victoria, which he saluted daily) to match the other private eyes on Io, despite the fact he was very tidy by nature. He had even invested in a book on local slang! But nonchalance was just not Laurence. His name didn't help either. Laurence just wasn't a detective's name. He had thought about getting it changed to "Johnny" or something similar, but he never had enough money to afford it.
A knock at the door (a very classy knock) brought Laurence out of his day-dream. Instantly he sat to attention, cursed himself, and got back into his "nonchalant" pose again.
"Come in!". He had meant it to sound relaxed and manly, but it came out as more of a boyish whimper.
And then in came the beautiful platinum-blonde.
This is not what Laurence expected. Not that he had been expecting anything; more that this was exactly what he hadn't expected.
"My name is Ruby." she said, and her voice sounded like liquid gold, expensive and viscous.
"I'm Laurence, pleased to meet you.". He knew he didn't sound like any of the detectives in the movies, but it was the best he could manage in the circumstances.
"I need you to find my cat."
Laurence looked incredulous, and he knew it. This wasn't the sort of dame with missing cats, this was the type up to their neck in mystery and intrigue. But apparently this one had lost a cat.
"I assume you can do that." she said, and her voice sounded slightly ridiculing. "I was under the impression that was what cheap detectives were for."
Her remark was scathing, but it didn't seem to matter when she said it.
"Of course." Laurence stuttered, and then, regaining control of himself, "what does he look like?"
"Here is his picture." she said, and pulled out a picture of what must have been a picture of one of the ugliest cats ever. It's face was squashed, and scar ran in a diagonal from one cheek to its forehead, twisting its features.
"It answers to the name of Tiddles. My address is written on the back of the photograph." she said, and with that and a twirl of her ankle length dress she left the room.
Laurence sat and stared. He had just seen the most beautiful woman ever. True, she had just hired him to find a lost cat, but still...
He must find it at once, he decided, and pausing only to extinguish his cigar, shave, find his tailcoat and top hat, salute the Queen, and load his revolver, he left the room.

Chapter two.
Io's streets were packed full of all kinds of humans and aliens, all going somewhere or doing something. Carts and carriages (and the occasional steam powered vehicle) rolled among the people, making slow progress in the crowds. The city itself was a maze of roads, streets, passages, alleyways and paths, and Laurence prided himself on knowing his way around them all. He had bought an A-Z map two years ago, and memorized a page a day until he could find his way blindfold.(He hadn't tried, but he guessed he could in theory.) The first place to go, he decided, was the cat shelter. Somebody could have handed it in, he supposed, and it certainly seemed likely. It was on the other side of Io, and with this much traffic it was both quicker to catch a sky-bus. Laurence decided to head to the bus-station, but he didn't get there. for, slipping through a narrow alleyway, he glimpsed a ginger cat, with a deformed face, on a narrow roof. This was a very lucky break, normally only found in cheap detective novels when the authors are in a hurry to write to a deadline. But in this situation it was just what Laurence needed. As nimbly as, well, a cat, Laurence flipped onto the roof where he had seen the cat. The cat was a couple of roofs away by now, and so Laurence gave chase. On his side was the fact he new where he was going, and the cat did not. However he had the approximate fitness of a sack of potatoes. A particularly inactive sack of potatoes. Across the rooftops the cat leisurely tripped, Laurence panting behind. He was getting a stitch in his left side, and that cat was still a rooftop ahead. It wasn't that Laurence was fat, just rather inactive. To cut a long story short, Laurence arrived, in pain, back at his office with a rather disgruntled cat. Slowly, to avoid stressing his already aching muscles, he walked to the bathroom, closed the window, and put the cat down. Laurence backed out, cutting of the cat's escape route. There was no way that thing would be getting out of here.
Who said detective work was exiting?
You know that studded leather armour in films? Nobody wore that. I mean, how would metal studs improve leather armour?

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Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:14 pm
Winchester says...

I decided to re-write and improve and old Teen Wolf (TV Show, not movie aha) one-shot I had.

Spoiler! :
Finally, it passed.

After the last time Lydia had read up on how to deal with them in better ways than kissing him and hoping he would catch his breath. Looking back on it, the idea had been stupid and impulsive but at least it had worked.

This time, she’d seen the panic attack coming straight away. He’d told her earlier on in the day they had been becoming more and more frequent, of course they had, Stiles had more than enough to panic about.

She heard the glass smash first, she spun around from the montage of photos and newspaper clippings she and Stiles had stuck onto her walls to find him stood at the door way surrounded by smashed glass and blackcurrant juice slowly spreading across her pale carpet. “Stiles” She said softly, walking over to him. Lydia went to touch his arm but then pulled back and tried her best to guide him over to the bed.

He sat down and started to count on his fingers but gave up because his hands were shaking so badly, in desperation he looked up to the ceiling and then back down to his hands. “Stiles” Lydia said again, “I need you to concentrate on your breathing and count backwards from 20”

She’d been told to try and keep him distracted, he looked away from her – unable to steady his breathing. “Stiles. Look at me, I’m real, this is real, you’re safe here” She said, sterner this time. He looked at her and slowly, together, they counted back from twenty.

His breathing started to return back to normal pace, and the colour returned to his face even though Lydia had never thought it was possible for him to get any paler, for anyone to get any paler actually – and she was ginger. “What was it about?” She asked him.

“I just keep thinking – what if they’re right? Scott’s dad, and everyone else? What if it was me and I just can’t remember it? I’m having these blackouts and nightmares, I’m losing my mind” He replied, sounding desperate.

“Stiles I have been there, I know how it feels to feel like you’re not in control of yourself anymore” She slid her hand over Stiles’, the ring on her index finger cold to his skin. “How could it have been you? I was with you at the school the whole time. I was in your room, you told me to stop doubting myself and then told me you’d search the school all night to find proof I’d been right if I wanted you to”
Stiles looked at her, she could see the tears in his eyes. His mouth parted slightly, shocked that she had remembered she’d said that.

Sometimes he forgot that this was them. That she wasn’t the popular girl who he used to obsess over anymore, they were two kids who had accidentally become stuck in a mess they couldn’t escape and they needed each other to help themselves cope with it.

Lydia placed her other hand on his cheek, sighing at the dark circles under his eyes – starting to tear up herself, because she remembered him as the loyal friend who would follow Scott around, making sure he was okay, trying to help him stay in control with a side serving of sarcastic comments and smirks. This wasn’t Stiles anymore.

She squeezed his hand, “Stop doubting yourself Stiles, we’re going to figure it out, me, you, Scott, Allison, Derek and Isaac – I’m not going to give up on you, I’ll find proof if it’s the last thing I do” She looked at the ‘wall of evidence’ as Stiles had called it, and then to the remaining police documents scattered across her floor before looking back to Stile who was looking at where he’d dropped the glasses.

“I stained your carpet” He said sadly, sighing to himself. Lydia widened her eyes and tried her best to stifle a laugh.

“Do you really think I care about my carpet?” Lydia asked him, and he looked back to her to see her smiling. He smiled, and her smile widened.

For a moment they both sat there, slowly, Lydia leant towards him and brushed her lips against his.

It wasn’t like last time. It was brisk and sweet, not rushed and desperate. Lydia pulled away but kept their faces close, Stiles studied her expression terrified of finding a look of utter regret. Instead, she was still smiling, her green eyes sparkling and her ginger hair tickling his face. “I decided it’d be a better idea to kiss you after the panic attack this time”
"Winner, winner, chicken dinner" Wise words said by the one and only, Dean Winchester.

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Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:27 pm
GreenLight24 says...

Hiya everyone! This is a fanfiction I wrote for the Nickelodeon cartoon series, ATLA (Avatar: The Last Airbender) a few weeks back. It's centered around princess Azula after her nervous breakdown and is set in the mental facility on her sixteenth birthday. (Two years after the end of the series.) Enjoy! P.S I would have used the spoiler button but this show is half a decade old and if u haven't seen it or finished it, u don't need much context other than what I've already provided here. :D


Azula let out a low scream as she jerked violently up from her fitful slumber. The fallen princess felt the rhythms of her heart rise and fall in uneven disarray as she frantically shed what seemed to be an endless series of prison blankets. The dry cell air felt cold against the sticky dampness of her cheeks and the unforgiving darkness exerted a claustrophobic effect upon her. She felt her throat grow sore and her lips begin to quiver. "Tears?" she thought with disgust, "How dare they! How dare they try to make a fool out of me!" Azula rolled restlessly from one end of her cot to the other, all the while struggling not to let them come flowing from her puffy golden eyes. Just as she was ready to burst with heaving sobs, there came a flash of blue light and the very soul who had caused her to awaken so abruptly entered her pitch-black cell. Azula could not see the visitor, but she could feel their prescence with every fiber of her being.

"W-who's there?", she cried meekly. Azula grabbed one of her blankets off of the ground and pulled it over her face in an attempt to hide her shame, for she was well aware of who it was. Besides, nobody else had ever come to visit her here. Nobody real, at least.

"Hello, 'Zula. It's just me again. Please come out from there. I want to see you." The gentle sound of her mother's voice made Azula feel sick to her stomach. Still hiding beneath the cover of her blanket, Azula took a deep breath before responding. She mustn't let her mother see her cry. That was shameful. It was dishonorable. Her inability to reproduce an authoritative tone of voice made her eyes water even more. Instead, she spoke in a cracked murmur as she desperately pulled the blanket off of her head.

"W-Why do you want to see me?...I lost. I know who you want to see. He's been wanting to see you too. Now i suggest you leave me immediately." There was a long silence. Azula felt her mother coming closer to her cot, but could not see her. All she could see was darkness. She had never been so afraid in her life. Once again, Azula attempted to put on her battered facade and once again, she had failed. The frightened prisoner felt the stingy warmth of large and unwelcomed tears trickling down her face and her hands began to tremble lightly.

"What are you doing?", began Azula in what sounded to her like more of a tortured gasp than actual words "Stay back, fool!" Silence. Only the darkness seemed to have heard her. Azula stood up from her cot and stepped into a loose fire bending stance. She let out a frustrated screech before speaking to her mother again in the same tortured murmur.

"Listen, Peasant...go away...get out of my sight...leave me be..." With each empty command, Azula felt a fragment of her false confidence begin to come back to her. "Father banished you for a reason. You...are weak...and you have brought dishonor to our family. I suggest you-" Just as Azula began to step back into an offensive stance, there came another flash of blue light in her cell, this time much brighter than before. A glowing blue likeness of her mother appeared in front of her, a somber frown upon her face. The vision towered over her and it's shiny golden eyes peered sadly into her own. Azula staggered backwards in a confused state of panic.

"Oh, 'Zula," began Ursa in a soft, affectionate tone "Please get your rest. I love you. I really do. It's you I wanted to see. It's always you I want to see...Especially today."

"No! You've always hated-"

"No, Azula. You are just lost...so, so lost. And you've always been lost...because of me." Azula's lips began to quiver once again as she backed into a dark corner of her cell. She opened her mouth to speak, but all that came out was a dry cackle as she attempted to mask her pain. She couldn't let her mother see her cry. She couldn't give her the satisfaction. She couldn't take her eye off of the ball.

"Azula? What are you so frightened for? Please don't be frightened. It's okay to cry. Besides, it's your birthday...The big sixteen. I couldn't miss it." Azula's blood ran cold and her legs felt wobbly. How hadn't she remembered that herself, and how had her mother remembered? She felt the unforgiving cold of the iron walls of her cell against her fingertips as she came tumbling down from her standing position. The girl buried her face in her hands and began to cry softly. Suddenly, she felt an overwhelming warmth engulf her as the vision floated gently towards her and wrapped its arms around her.

"M-Mother? Why are you doing this? I lied. I cheated. I hurt thousands of people and felt nothing. I truly am a monster."

"No, Azula. You were afraid. I love you. And Happy Birthday." This last statement was the last straw and caused the frail prisoner to heave with choked sobs, all the while trying to free herself from her mother's embrace.

"No, Mother.", she cried, "I know the truth! You hate me! You always have! You never sang me lullabies or watched me practice my forms...and it hurt...more than anything."

"Shh. Just breathe. Just breathe deeply, 'Zula. I'm sorry. I wasn't there for you, and I'm sorry." All of a sudden, the broken prisoner began to feel more relaxed, and her heaving sobs became lighter. As she looked up at her mother, Azula saw something she had never expected to have seen on her mother's face. A single shining blue tear was making its way down her cheek. As she looked into her mother's eyes, Azula was greeted with a profoundly unsettling image. It was her reflection. Her wiry black hair seemed to dance about her head in wild disarray and two large, dark circles surrounded her teary eyes. By now, Azula had given up on trying to seem like none of it bothered her. Her whole world had been shattered by the Avatar and her brother. They had taken everything from her. Her honor, her throne, her place in history, and most of all, her chances of ever actually reconciling with her mother. The former princess began to tremble all over as she opened her mouth to speak again.

"Mother," she whispered lightly, "I love you too...very much. But-"

"What is it, 'Zula?", replied the vision, a hint of worry in her somber voice.

"But am I pretty?", hissed Azula wildly.

"Why, of course you are...you've always been." Azula smiled from ear to ear, tears still filling her eyes, and let out her first laugh in what seemed like an eternity. It took the form of a disturbed cackle, and actually frightened her mother.

"Well," inquired Azula eagerly, "What about my hair?" Her mother smiled gently before beginning in a tone which Azula thought was only reserved for her brother.

"Your hair...so beautiful. I always thought you had beautiful hair." Azula's eyes were filled with crazed excitement and the girl began to rock gently back and forth as if this compliment were not enough. Her mother paused as she began to search her heart for something more to add. "That day of your Agni Kai with Zuko-" Ursa paused once again and saw her daughter's lips curl into a trembling frown. She waited a few seconds before she continuing. Something about Azula worried her greatly, and Ursa began to wonder whether or not this impromptu birthday visit was doing her any good. "That day of your...coronation...I was so proud of you. But so hurt to see you two fighting. And you...you cut your hair." Azula began to hyperventilate and a psychotic glow shone brightly in her golden irises.

"No, Mother," she chided nervously as she shook her head wildly back and forth with her hands on top of it. " Stop these games. You're like Uncle! Always playing games! What do you really think of my hair? My uneven, untamed hair!" Azula pulled frantically at the single strand of dark hair that had fallen between her eyes.

"Well...I-I told you. I think it's beautiful. And I think you're beautiful." Azula rolled onto her side and crawled slowly out of her mother's embrace. The cell was filled with the sound of dry cackles mixed in with suppressed sobs. Time was running out. It was almost sunrise, and Ursa had not the slightest clue how to make her daughter feel better before her special night was over.

"Oh, Mother!" Azula screeched, "You lie so well! You lie so easily! If only I could have been more like you, Mother! If only I could have been Zu-Zu! You'd...love me for real then. This is a d-dream! Nothing more! You are a bad lie! A fake. Aren't you? Ursa frowned heavily and took a deep breath before interrupting Azula's cackling fit.

"Azula. Please come back to me. Please hug your mother. I love you. I really do." These familiar words were all the bewildered Fire Lady could muster. Azula began to sob uncontrollably and she nearly doubled over with laughter.

"You can't trick me, woman! Leave me be!", cried Azula in a cracked sob. The Fire Lady gave a shudder and looked at her daughter as tourists do a caged animal that hasn't eaten in months. Ursa gently raised her glowing blue hand and extended it to her daughter only to watch her jerk back into the darkness, utterly frightened.

"What are you trying to do to me, woman?" shouted Azula, "Don't you know what today is?" The vision sighed deeply before delivering her response.

"Azula. It's your birth-"

"Nonsense! I don't have time for your trivial little talks! You are a traitor to father and to the fire nation and you are a traitor to.." Azula began to sob even harder. "...You betrayed me and left me alone. With nobody to call..." The girl turned herself over so that she was lying on her side. Ursa could hardly make out what her daughter was trying to tell her. "W-why jjj-j why-you l-left me...Moth-Mother?" The Fire Lady felt a great lump in her throat and began to weep fresh hot tears for her fallen princess. She covered her mouth in astonishment at the awful scene of Azula rolling back and forth on the cold cell floor, a puddle of tears accumulating beneath her. It was too late.

"Azula," whispered the Fire Lady through a few uneven cries, "I just...Just know that your Mother loves you. And that...she always will...Goodbye...And Happy Birthday, 'Zula." A continuous series of piercing screams was Azula's only response. Ursa gave a frantic gasp as she realized just how long she had been out of the Spirit World. It was time for her to go, and a profound emptiness took root within her aching heart. Without a moments hesitation, the Fire Lady rose from her position and floated over her screaming daughter's shivering body and through the wall of the cell. Once again, all was quiet and, once again, only the darkness kept Azula company as her tortured weeping echoed throughout the unbroken silence of the asylum corridors.

Epilogue. (WARNING: Sadder than the rest!)

*Bang. Bang. Bang.*

"Hey! 22034! Get up! It's time for your shower!" A single disgruntled prison guard kicked the door of Azula's cell open with reckless abandon. "What the-" As he stepped into the lonely cell, the scent of cold metal pervaded his senses. The prisoner was nowhere to be found and the darkness was overwhelming. "22034! Show yourself now or face Solitary Confinement!" He was much too frightened to realize that Solitary Confinement was where Azula had already been for the last seventeen months. Not even the pervasive darkness could have prepared him for what he would see next.

The guard lit a flame with his fingertips and placed it into what felt like an iron wall sconce. The cell became illuminated with a flickering orange glow. "Huh?" he thought to himself in terrified panic, "She must've escaped!" Just as he turned to go to the Warden's Quarters, the guard caught a glimpse of a peculiar scene through the corner of his eye. In the far corner of the cell opposite the cot laid prisoner 22034, shivering uncontrollably and repeating something in a tortured murmur that was hardly audible. The guard stepped cautiously over to the prisoner and turned her over. Her bony shoulder blades felt hard against his palm. "Ahh!" he screamed as he saw the face of the fallen princess. Her golden eyes were wide open and her pale lips seemed to be locked into a melancholy grin. The frightened guard caught sight of a mysterious series of etchings completely covering the wall behind her, all reading "Mother lovszz me, and I'm sixzzteen." This was what she had been murmuring all this time. He felt his blood run cold and an icy chill ran down his spine. "Pull it together, Riyu," he coaxed himself, " What do you expect, man? She's turned. These people are crazies. This happens all the time." Riyu set the still-trembling prisoner down upon the stony iron floor and made a full sprint out of the cell and towards the Warden's Quarters. Fire Lady Ursa wept quietly from the Spirit World as she watched in melancholy awe of what had become of her little Azula.

The End.
"My Wellspring of Wisdom told me so!"

-Victorique De Blois, Gosick.

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Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:30 pm
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LordFabulous says...

I know it's a bit late, OK very late, but I am submitting this work anyway!
Hope you enjoy it! :)

The Mojave’s Last Hope
Fallout, New Vegas Fanfic – Set after the Courier sides with the Legion, allowing them to take over and enslave New Vegas and the Mojave Wasteland… Enjoy a tale of new people reunited by old friendship!

Spoiler! :
The Strip
The Courier walked through the New Vegas Strip, now a mere shadow of its former glory, “Legate, You asked for me?” The Legate stood in the street, almost completely ignoring his presence, and after some time, the Courier asked again, “Legate! What is it you wanted?!” He turned this time, however he showed no expression, most of it was hidden behind his mask, which was still stained with the blood of the Chairmen, but still through his mask I could sense anger in his eyes.
“Now listen, Courier. You may be important around here, and you may have some influence, but I am your leader, and you will not speak to me in that way!” He glared at me through his mask, and the Courier couldn’t make any attempt at glaring back, it was too risky.
“But you didn’t speak… I only spoke up to get your attention,”

“I don’t care what excuse you have for your, outburst. Do it again, and I’ll have you sent to the Divide faster than the hounds, and you know them when they’re hungry!”

“Understood… Sir, what was it you wanted from me?”

“I’ve heard of a resistance movement sourcing at the Mojave outpost. They recently moved into Nipton, and they were welcomed with open arms apparently! This sort of movement cannot be allowed to continue, so you are going to get rid of them,”

“How exactly do you want me to do that sir?”

“I want them sorted, and if that means killing them, do it. If they gain support they could take back Primm and before you know it they’ll be banging on our doors! Never underestimate the power of the slaves,”

“I never did. I’ll be on my way then,”

“Go, go, I’ve got more Chairmen to kill…” The Courier left, taking one last look at the Lucky 38 before he left; ‘It used to be so beautiful, the true jewel of the Mojave… Why did they ruin this place?’ His thoughts soon digressed as he passed the tower and set out of The Strip, proceeding into the wasteland once more.

Mojave Outpost
Knight collected his ID from the security gate, and once again entered the Mojave, a look of uncertainty on his face. This wasn’t the Mojave he knew, this was entirely new; when he was here the Legion was just a small fortress on the eastern Hoover Dam, and now it’s taken over the whole wasteland! He walked over to the office building, where a soldier stood to greet him. “Welcome Major, I hope your journey was good,”

“Thank you soldier, but you know it could have been better given the circumstances of my being here…. Why can’t you get some other general to do this, I’m only a major,”

“They’re so spread out trying to hold their borders against the Legion armies; their attacks are getting more and more frequent, and this resistance may be our only chance to take back some control,”

“Ok… If I have to do this, what do you want me to do?”

“You are going to Nipton with me and some other soldiers. We’re helping spread the resistance to Primm and out to Novac. If they’re as welcoming as Nipton, this is going to go very well indeed,”

“Good to hear, but just one thing I need to know…”

“Ask away, I will at least try to answer,”

“What about the courier?”
The soldiers around the outpost froze, and all of a sudden all eyes were pointed at Knight; the soldier took a step back and cleared his throat, and a sudden look of fear appeared on his face,

“He… he’s still in the Wasteland, he’s serving as the Legate’s second in command, and that is why you are here sir,”

“What do you mean?” Knight looked worried now, but he knew what the soldier was going to say, he didn’t even have to tell him…

“You may be our only chance at getting him to see some sense. You both were close before all this, maybe he still remembers you,”

“He will, I know he will,”
They stopped talking and set off towards Nipton, the sun setting with California as the backdrop; Knight knew this was the only way to get peace, the courier had to side with them, or they would be dead by morning. He was a lethal weapon, and he attacked without mercy, without remorse, without any love for whom he killed; who would have thought that a simple messenger could become the most deadly human besides the Legate? Knight couldn’t bring himself to understand that, he could never answer that question, but he soon would have to.

Ranger Station Charlie
The Courier arrived at the abandoned outpost, now a burning stack of scrapped automobiles, made complete with the collapsing power lines and the crystal clear night sky the Mojave was borderline famous for. His mind soon drifted back to his old NCR friends, Knight in particular; ‘What have I done? I’ve thrown away some of the best friends I could ever have. Knight was like a brother to me, and I tossed him away like trash! I’ll never see him again, he’ll try to kill me, and I’ll have to defend myself. I can only hope I don’t encounter him in this fight…’ He pushed this thought out of his mind, it only made him upset, and it could lower his performance; He set off into the canyon leading to Nipton, but he soon stopped to observe a small group of soldiers appear nearby. There were six of them, all armed with assault rifles and heavy armour, but one of them he recognised… It was Knight, and he didn’t look comfortable either; ‘why is he here? I can’t do it, I won’t fight him.’

Knight signalled the other soldiers to halt and lower their weapons, for just up the road stood a figure, a lone figure, the Courier, it had to be. ‘Just speak to him; I have to get him to stop this fight. I hope he still has some decency.’ Knight focused on the figure, and cleared his throat to speak;

“You there, state your business. Why are you this far from New Vegas?” The lone figure looked back at him, and it looked like he was smiling.

“I would think you knew me Knight,” he replied, “we have met before, didn’t I buy you a few drinks in Primm?” Knight grinned when he heard that voice, and those words.

“Oh my god, It is you! Come over here, we need to talk, we want to be peaceful,”

“Don’t worry about me Knight; I will keep my rifle holstered if your soldiers holster theirs,”

“Agreed, come on down, I’ll meet you in the Nipton Town Hall.”

Nipton Town Hall
Knight sat behind an old office desk, probably the seat of the old mayor before the Legion destroyed the town a while back; he was happy to be able to speak to the Courier again, he might be able to change his mind, and maybe save the people of the Mojave. The Courier entered the hall and took his respective seat on the opposite end of the table, and he too was smiling, both were happy to see each other once more, it was like two brothers reunited!
“Hello Courier, it’s great to see you again! I just wish the circumstances were a little different,”

“I agree, this is a mess, and I am entirely responsible for it,” Knight suddenly looked shocked, and lost his ability to speak for a moment, but he composed himself once more.

“What do you mean? Aren’t you happy? You have control of the Mojave!”

“The Legate does, not me. But that’s not what I want, not anymore; I miss my friends in the NCR, I miss you Knight. We used to be such good friends, and I want that back again,”

“I thought I was going to have to convince you to do this, but if you help us take back the Mojave and get the NCR in control again we can be friends, and drink ourselves under the table from the Lucky 38!”

“I’d like that, I really would. But if I did this, the Legion would turn against me; we would struggle to beat them,”

“Not with you Courier, you often underestimate your influence and abilities. If you side with us the slaves and the common people will support us as well, and then before you know it we’d be taking back the Strip,”

“But what if they don’t?”

“They will my friend; there is no denying that. The people will support you, no matter what you do, despite your slightly dark past,”

“Well it’s a risk worth taking Knight. For our friendship, I will change sides; the Mojave wasteland will go back to the people, and the NCR will have control again, it’s what’s right.”

“I’m glad you agree with me, shall we get started?”

“Let’s do it, sooner rather than later!” They both left the hall, reunited and ready to fight; their future was uncertain, but one thing they both knew was that this was right, and their friendship was worth the fight and bloodshed. The following day the NCR left Nipton, the Wasteland now theirs for the taking.
Yes, I am extremely fabulous... You got a problem with that? :P

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Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:40 pm
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TimmyJake says...

Cato --What Was He Thinking About? A Fanfic of before the 74th Hunger Games

Spoiler! :
The arena was like nothing Cato had ever seen. It was like the Capitol had taken all of the districts and molded them together to form one land which contained all different landscapes. There was the lake, off to one side. The tall forests were all around him, looking like a stead protector. And then of course, there was the field. And in the center of that, there was the cornucopia.

There were so many weapons, food, and supplies scattered all around it.
Cato was tired of being lectured by his mentor. All Brutus could tell him was that Katniss was a threat. She was someone to track down. She was a priority. And so on…
He hated to admit anything, but Brutus was right. She had receive an eleven for a score. An eleven! And he was only awarded a ten. He had no idea how the girl had bested him. What had she done? No doubt she had shown the judges her skill with something. But what?

That was his biggest fear. She had shown the judges something; something that had caught their attention and impressed them enough to give her that score. It had to have been something really amazing! But what could Katniss have done that Cato hadn’t? What made her better?

He would find out eventually, but he didn’t want to find out in the middle of the games. To find out her skill just before she slit his throat wasn’t the way he planned on. She needed to be watched, and be watched carefully. Once he found out, he would know what to do.

Time was rapidly approaching. Only ten seconds left until the game started. The gong was going off steadily, marking each second, each loud blast reminding him that the games were one short second closer. One more second closer to his victory.
He tried to remind himself of the reason he was there. His sole purpose was to bring glory to his district. If he accomplished that, he would be a victor in their eyes.
Brutus loved to remind him repeatedly why Katniss was a danger. “She has determination, Cato.” He loved to remind him. “From what I have seen of her, she has vast levels of strength and courage. She will be your opponent in the games. All other tributes don’t compare to her. Kill her, and you will win the games.”

It didn’t matter how much he and Brutus looked over the other tributes. He thought that the guy from district eleven-he forgot his name-was a dangerous opponent as well, but Brutus insisted that he wasn’t as dangerous as Katniss.

Seven seconds left.

He scanned the other tributes on their platforms around him. Most weren’t a threat at all; but more like just human obstacles. Only about eight of them were actual fighters… the rest? They were just young kids! They weren’t warriors. Most of them were going to be dead within the first twenty minutes. And the rest would be taken care of within the first day.

Five seconds left.

Clove was ready, balancing herself on the platform, eager for action. She was ready to go. He knew her enough to know just what she would do. Any knife she saw would become part of her arsenal. He didn’t even know if he could best her. Just by how the rest of the tributes acted, he could tell who would live that day. Both of the tributes from district 1 and 2 would survive. That was a given, especially since they were all part of a team. The boy from District 11 would survive, but Cato wasn’t sure about the girl. She looked ready to go, but she was really small and looked weak. Time would tell if she was smart enough to avoid the initial bloodbath.

Four seconds left.

The two tributes from district 12; they were the ones to watch. Both were intelligent and strong, especially Katniss. Peeta was somewhat a mule, and didn’t seem very coordinated, but he was really strong. Cato decided that both of them were definitely an adversary to watch. Those two would probably become a team if Peeta had his way. It was obvious that he was pretty far gone over her, especially since he announced it publicly.

Three seconds left.

Were they going to jump into the bloodbath, or were they going to skate out of it? That was the question. If Katniss was impulsive, she would head straight for a weapon in the cornucopia. But if she was smart, she would bide her time. Cato knew that none of the other tributes were as fast as he was. He would reach the cornucopia first. If Katniss went for something, he would have the chance to kill her.

Two seconds left.

Katniss seemed to be conversing with Peeta by using her eyes. What were they saying? The only thing that Cato could see was that Peeta was shaking his head. He knew what he was telling her. Don’t go for a weapon. It isn’t worth it.
She looked puzzled, but Cato knew that she understood perfectly what Peeta was trying to convey to her. She just wanted something very badly.

One second left.

Cato licked his lips nervously. It would be lying to say he wasn’t nervous; to say he wasn’t afraid. Who wasn’t afraid of dying? Even though he was brought up in the District 2 environment, they hadn’t taken the fear from him completely. He still felt it at times. When facing an opponent that looked much stronger and more experience than he. When he volunteered for the games. When he saw the other tributes, all kids he would have to kill. When he saw the arena for the first time. All those times he had experienced fear.

Did he regret volunteering for the games? Of course not! His sole purpose as a part of District 2 was to bring glory to his family and his district. Volunteering and winning the games would be the only way he could do that.

Time was running out. He focused on the cornucopia, trying to find a weapon that he wanted first. His eyes settled on a gleaming sword leaning against a backpack. It was the closest weapon to him, and would serve well until he got hold of a better one.
Then the gong sounded and his legs acted like a spring, propelling him forward and onto the turf. His eyes were riveted to the sword as he ran, paying no attention to the tributes alongside him.

Let the Seventy-Fourth Hunger Games begin!
Used to be tIMMYjAKE

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Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:24 pm
rhiasofia says...

Avengers fan fiction, the story of how Loki became the ruler of Midgard.

Spoiler! :
I started up from my laptop, bangs tumbling out from their pins with my jerky motion, the location and dire importance of my station causing me to react quickly to such startling stimuli. I look up to the stern face of Agent Coulson, looking even more stressed than usual. Quickly, I fumbled from my chair, my usual agility hindered by the height of my heels. I quietly cursed the choice in such impractical foot wear as I looked past Coulson to see his company; the golden, muscled frame of that god from the Avengers. “Agent”, he repeated, “You’re being transferred to a new area of headquarters. Something of a…promotion” He turned on his heel, beckoning me to follow. Wobbly with excitement and adrenaline, I followed. Thor, if that was his name, turned towards Coulson once they were suitably ahead of me. In a husky murmur, he carried on a hushed, but clearly worried objection to Coulson’s behavior. Something about it not being right, as he threw his eyes back at me, then a seething “You don’t know him like I do. This will be the end of us!”
My adrenaline was replaced with fear at the way that god spoke. He was a god, an Avenger, but he sounded so, so scared. My worry was soon confirmed, as Coulson led us through several levels of security, right into a huge room. Positioned at the top center of the room was a clear cylinder of glass, occupied by the one and only Loki. Suddenly, the fear lacing Thor’s voice made sense. I looked up into the sly, cat-like face, framed with the dark hair, on that lithe, leather clad body. He was truly beautiful, and I started wondering why I had spent my entire time at S.H.I.E.L.D. hating him. “Truly, I couldn’t hate him, just look at him”, I thought to myself, before quickly shaking the thoughts from my head to look up at him. His head was tipped to the side, a smile inching over him. It was charming, but- “How…” I started, but he had moved his attentions elsewhere. “Thor, my brother” he sneered, “How nice of the two of you to bring me such a delicious little pet. I’m sure she’ll be much fun. Now, if you’ll just let me out of this.” Okay, I thought, definitely evil. And I still hate him. Thor and Coulson spoke briefly, before Coulson explained that I would be in charge of the evening shift of keeping the security technology functioning and unreached. I would have security guards stationed at each security level at all times, so I started to relax about this job. “After all, I could get used to the view”, I thought, glancing up at the still smirking Loki, before brushing it from my mind again.
In some ways, I hated this new position. The security was no more difficult to manage than what I was doing before, but it’s all a matter of atmosphere. Loki was a constant presence, always leaking into my subconscious. I would find myself caught in these waves of desiring him, and he knew. He basked in it, leaning against the glass prison and jeering at me. Yet, always, there seemed a level of gentle respect from him. I would catch him, furrowed brow, with his green eyes clouding with thought. I would get caught up in those eyes, but every time he caught me at it, that gentleness fell away, and he donned that mischievous and evil aura once more.
After a few weeks of this, Thor came to speak to his brother one evening. His presence was the kind that took you by surprise, made you jerk away and listen to every word he said. As he thundered in, I mumbled a quite consent to his advance, letting him talk in angry tones to his brother. Although I strained to hear, I could not make out a word that was said. I moved closer, trying to appear preoccupied with the screens closer to them, before hearing a harsh “Midgardian! Remove yourself from my presence!” rip between Thor’s lips, and I hurried back across the room. As I watched them, I could slowly see the tables being turned. Something that Thor said was now angering Loki, and Thor’s face slowly grew smugger and smugger.
Just as suddenly as they started, they ceased their heated banter. Thor slunk away from Loki, and his face lit as he stopped in front of me. “Midgardian.” He murmured, “I require your presence outside. I must ask you something, away from the ears of my traitor brother.” Looking back, I should have seen it in the darkened look of his eyes, or heard that rasp in his voice, but I was oblivious as I followed him to the outer room. Even as Loki called out, again and again, with increasing levels of desperation, “No, Thor, no, DON’T!” I just followed. In the outer room, he asked the security guards to go keep an eye on Loki, and not to leave that room until we got back, no matter what. Still, nothing. It wasn’t until they left, the impenetrable, hulking metal door shut behind them, that the fear spawned in my stomach, clawing and trying its best to creep throughout my body. Slowly, he moved towards me, my body pressed against the wall. I hoped that he wouldn’t try anything. I’m trained for combat, and any security guard who tried any unwanted advances would soon learn a lesson. I looked Thor up and down, realizing slowly that I could not take him, could not fight him off. He saw that realization on my face right as he had me all the way back against a corner. His eyes told everything. They were dark, and hungry, and they held true evil. I beat against his armored chest until my arms gave out, but it was no use. There, with my body battered and used, weeping harder that I had since the day my mother died, I knew what true evil was. The real evil in our lives is the evil that hides behind a façade of goodness, the glorified evil who will never face his wrongs. He left me there, weeping, and my clothes in tattered. I stumbled upwards, back to that glass, back to that beautiful man who was good enough to face what was wrong in the world, good enough not to hide behind some front of superiority.
I sent the security guards out before Loki could see me. I didn’t care that they saw me. I was beyond the point of care, as sullied and abused as I was. Even though they saw, I knew nothing would be done to Thor, at least, not by S.H.I.E.L.D. As soon as I came into Loki’s line of vision, he thundered out, beating against the glass. He beat against it until he crumpled to the floor, stuttering out apologies, telling me he was sorry, so sorry. I walked to the screens, punching in numbers and passwords, until the glass case slid downwards. He moves forward, hesitantly, hopefully. Once he passed the absent barrier, he rushed down to me, grabbing me up in his arms. He held me, his hand cupping my head. He kneeled down, holding me against his lap, still telling me how sorry he was. After a suitable amount of soothing he stood, and helped me up. Stroking my face, he leaned forwards until our foreheads pressed together. “He will pay, my princess. He will pay a thousand times over for what he’s done to you. I will treat you like the goddess you are, and I will treat him worse than the dirt beneath our feet. I promise” I nodded, slowly, letting the sincerity of his voice soak in. “We have to hurry!” I said, and we made our way away.
So, now, I bask in the wonder of seeing the world come undone at the hands of my god, my love. Thor has been imprisoned and exiled for life, and, me? I am above all, ruling to the side of Loki. He sees the smile spread across my face at the site of such chaos, and leans forward to kiss me, fingering the silk swaddling me, in the deepest green of his eyes. “Beautiful pet, you enjoy chaos too much.” He whispered coyly, “I love it.”
Your head is a living forest full of song birds
~E. E. Cummings

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Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:31 pm
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AfterTheStorm says...

When Illusions Shattered, He Broke the Mirror

A Phantom of the Opera Fanfiction

Spoiler! :
This takes place before the strange affairs at the Opera Populaire. (So Erik, our dear “Phantom”, is quite young still and is in Persia working for the shah.) I wanted to explain a short scene from his past, also explaining his deal with mirrors. xD

His shouts of agony resounded throughout the chamber, accompanying the piano crescendos in a sickly harmony of despair. Pain echoed in each powerful chord he demanded from the instrument. This time as the music rushed from him, even the aching in his heart did not encumber his thoughts from his masterpiece. As the magician’s tormented mind writhed with visions of dark notes, his fingers flew down the ivory and ebony with such grace of a terrifying beauty.

Beauty, he thought. I know not the meaning. Then as abruptly as his haunted toccata began the song was broken, leaving the man to stare at the piano in hatred. A slight shuffle from behind him broke the musician’s bitter gaze. He looked up from his torturous instrument and stared at the window across the room. “Leave, Nadir,” he commanded, not sparing a glance at the other man in his chambers.

“Erik. Dooste man. Do not shun me away,” came the steady response.

In a fury of rage, Erik stood and turned on his Persian friend. The piano bench toppled to the marble floor in a loud crash. “Mano tanha bezar! Leave, Nadir!” Silence followed Erik’s wrath, save for his harsh breathing behind his black mask.

Nadir recognized the dangerous warning reflected in his friend’s intense, golden glare. With a bow of his head, the Persian sighed. “Fine, Erik. So be it. But know that my door is always open for you.”

“Get. Out.”

Once the chamber doors slammed behind the hurried figure of Nadir, Erik immediately fell to his knees on the warm marble. Convulsions ripped through his body as he wept. In a matter of seconds, the man ripped the dark mask from his face and exposed his disfigurement to the morning light. But no one saw. No one heard his cries. No one shared his grief.


“Such a strange word,” he whispered in a broken voice. “Alone. Beautiful… Hideous.”

He caressed the object of his concealment with slender, spidery hands as he closed his eyes, tracing the small mask patterns. “So fragile.”

Then, as if the weight of the sky was upon his defeated shoulders, Erik stood. His eyes flashed open and fierceness once again echoed within their shadowy depths. Another melody echoed in Erik’s head, this one much more resilient than its shattered predecessor. He could hear the clang of drums, the hiss of bows drawn across strings, the minor falls of brass, the pounding of an organ. The symphony swirled and crashed against his ears, urging him on, on, on.

The man clutched at his mask with a murderer’s grip. “STOP!” Erik spun on his heels while his head reeled faster. His gaze caught movement out of the corner of his eye so he turned abruptly, only to find himself staring at his own disfigured reflection. The music in his mind slowed to a soft sonata. Erik’s lanky image in the mirror watched him contemplatively, as if to insult his hideous face. The skin across his forehead was stretched too tightly in certain places, hollowed circles surrounded his haunted eyes, and tear stains streaked down his cheeks. A shaft of sunlight sifted through the bedroom windows and rested across the musician’s features like a halo.

How ironic, he thought with a crooked smile. A halo for the angel in hell. He rubbed a finger across his porcelain mask.

Then with a rapid jerk of the wrist, Erik hurled the mask at the mirror. His twisted reflection shattered into a million fragmented diamonds smashed around his dark form. “No more!” Erik hid his face in his hands. “No more mirrors. No more truth from reflections; only artifice,” he began in a fractured whisper, “only façade, only illusion forevermore.”

The symphony resounding throughout Erik’s mind returned to its original forte, this time echoing his words: Only illusions, no more truth…

Because the truth is too hideous for even a monster to bear.
"And after the storm..." ~Mumford and Sons

You can't have a rainbow without a little rain.

Got Squills?
Proverbs 31:25

Spoiler! :
Made you look.

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Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:58 pm
UshertheThird says...

This is an alternate telling of “The Story of Echo and Narcissus” from Ovid’s Metamorphoses.

Spoiler! :
Through the forests of the great city Thebes, Narcissus and Echo dashed on flying feet. Both were on a chase; Narcissus after a heifer, and Echo after Narcissus.
Narcissus was a man not long seasoned by adulthood; Echo was an ageless nymph. Together they possessed more of the world’s beauty than had ever been granted to the body of a mortal. But each was doomed by a crippling curse.
Their fates were written in the stars: They would both fall in deepest love, and then perish by love’s own hand. Their yearning would never be returned, and their longing would never be satisfied; it would grow too strong for a heart to contain. Their unquenchable love would drown them both.
Speak to me now, great Muse sired by greatest Jove, and answer this of me: Did Juno revoke an unearned curse, did Venus take pity on innocent lovers, did your own Father uncross tangled stars? Or, if this has no part in your tale, at least answer this: Did the stars hide their fires, that for one night, pleasure could be granted to mortals intertwined? For, beneath such cruel skies, however else could love survive?
But the fates of Echo and Narcissus are not yet mine to tell; it is their curses that need first be spoken of. Echo had the mountains’ curse: She could not speak; she could only return sounds that were offered to her. Narcissus’ curse was of the heart, and only in passing would it reach his mind.
As Narcissus ran, he came upon a clearing in the woods. He was closely pursued by Echo, for she was madly in love with him. Her love had been swelling unstoppably at an exponential rate, ever since she first laid eyes on him that morning.
There was a small pool in the clearing, and tired from the chase, Narcissus knelt before it to take a drink. But when he looked upon the pool, he saw his reflection, and he was sent careening into love. But oh! never before has there been such a Romeo; for alas, his love could never be more than desire. Such was his curse; he could never be satisfied in love, for his lover became himself.
Echo sat beside Narcissus at the edge of the pool. She had spent the past hour preparing a speech about her feelings for Narcissus. She opened her mouth to profess her love to him before remembering she could not speak.
“I love you!” Narcissus cried.
“I love you!” Echo said gleefully.
Narcissus looked at Echo. “No, no; I wasn’t talking to you. What I mean is, I love myself.”
“I love you,” repeated Echo, but quietly this time.
“And that’s just the problem,” Narcissus said to Echo, ignoring what she had said. “It’s a disaster, really. I love myself, but I am myself. I don’t see how we could ever be together. I mean, of course, we are together, but you know what I mean. Just look at me; I’m fetching! But being my own lover, I will never feel my warm embrace, nor will I feel my soft lips on mine. I will never even look into my lover’s eyes. But oh, my love is so strong that I cannot bear it! Love this substantial could not be born from a shaft flung by Eros’ own hands, nor from a flower picked by Puck. How can I live knowing my love will never be returned? I suppose…I suppose I will be miserable and alone until the end of my days.”
“I love you,” Echo whispered.
“And so do I!” groaned Narcissus. “We both love a man who can never love us back. Such a sad tale we have; never will we feel joy, for our lines of love have been so poorly cast. If only we could find a way to sate our love. But alas, the world will not allow it to be so. I think we both shall die.” He sighed, returning his longing gaze to the water, where he could see his anguished face. He brought his fist down upon the water and cried, “Would that the world—that the Heavens!—could bend to love!”
He began to wail, and Echo wailed with him. Their shrill voices wound together, amplifying each other, and they beat the ground with their hands. The birds were frightened from the trees, while far away, the sun descended to the West.
Something crashed among the trees, and Echo and Narcissus fell silent. A man stumbled into the clearing.
“What has happened?” he asked. “I heard your screams from a dimension away. I came here as fast as I could manage.”
Narcissus stared at the man apprehensively. “Who are you, and where did you come from?”
“They call me the Doctor,” the man said. “I came from the future.”
Narcissus shook his head. “Ignore him,” he said to Echo. “He’s crazy.” Narcissus resumed gazing at his reflection.
“At least tell me what’s wrong,” said the Doctor. “I came to help you. Are you hurt?”
“I am,” Narcissus said, “but it is not a pain that sears the skin, or even one that cracks the bones. My pain is much deeper, and much stronger.”
“Much stronger,” Echo said.
“Wait, wait,” the Doctor said, as realization struck him. “I know this story! It’s the one where she loves you, but you don’t love her, so she withers away and dies. And you’re so much in love with yourself that you keel over and turn into a daisy. It’s a rather clever ending, wouldn’t you say?”
“That’s ridiculous,” Narcissus said. “If you can’t help us, Doctor, please go away. I would rather pine by my lonesome, if it’s anything to you.”
“Of course,” the Doctor said. “But I know just what you need. I’ll be right back.”
He walked away, and after a few minutes passed, he returned, followed by another man.
“I would like to introduce you to my friend,” said the Doctor, gesturing to the man behind him. “He is the greatest logician who has ever lived. If anyone can help you, he can. Sherlock Holmes is his name.”
“What’s the situation, then?” asked Sherlock.
The Doctor explained the problem of Echo and Narcissus’ relationship. While he listened, Sherlock paced across the clearing, and then he stared intently at Echo and Narcissus. Eventually, he nodded resolutely.
“I have found the solution. Before us we have a common love triangle. However, the triangle is dysfunctional, because it contains only two vertices. Either it must be expanded to become fully triangular, or it must be compressed back to linearity. Come with me, Doctor. We shall soon return, and then we will clear up the lovers’ troubles.”
Sherlock patted Narcissus on the head consolingly, and then they left the clearing. They came back after a few minutes, followed by a third man.
“This is a friend of mine,” Sherlock said to Echo and Narcissus. He nodded to the newest arrival. “He is one of the cleverest and most powerful men who has ever lived. He knows secrets of the world that even my mind cannot comprehend. His name is Harry Potter.”
“Hi,” Harry said. He reached into his robes and pulled out a vial that contained a seething liquid. He placed the vial in Echo’s hand. “Drink this. It’s a Polyjuice Potion. It’ll help.”
Echo downed the contents of the vial, and her face immediately contorted. She began to change; after a short while, she was identical to Narcissus.
The Doctor smiled. “That should fix that. We’ll be going, then.”
The Doctor walked away from the clearing with Harry and Sherlock by his side. “Where shall we be off to now, friends?” he asked. “It’s been a while since I paid Gandalf a visit. Do you think we should drop by his place? Or, perhaps…I’ve always wanted to meet that Aslan bloke…”
The voices and footsteps of the visitors trailed away into silence as Narcissus stared at Echo in wonder.
“You…you are me!” he cried. “I love you!”
“I love you!” Echo said.
They fell into each other’s arms, their love overflowing like rivers, each a current that matched its companion, joining together like a puzzle of a heart.
The will of the Heavens had been defied, and the gods wept strangled tears while the stars played songs of mourning. But that night, blooming in two mortals’ contented bosoms, love shone stronger than ever did the skies.

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Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:59 pm
TinkerTwaggy says...


(By Kenneth Oppel)

Writer's Note: The scene happens right after the two felids, Carnassial and Panthera, have managed to reach the nest of a Saurian. They found Dusk and his sister Sylph, the main characters of the book both being chiropteras, AKA prehistoric bats). The fanfiction respects the event of the original text, but of course it has been heavily modified to fit what I think should've happened to both felids, who by the way are my favorite pair of the series, with Carnassial as my favorite character.
Without further details... Enjoy!

Poised on the rim of the nest, Carnassial was staring down at the chiropteras, Panthera by his side. Behind them, a Saurian hatcheling was trying to get out of his egg. Carnassial's gaze moved from the chiropteras to the hatcheling, unsure who to eat first. He then realised that the flying chiroptera wasn't attempting to flee with his wings. Surely he wanted to protect his mate. That gave Carnassial a good reason to start with them: they would be more of a threat than mere Saurian hatchelings.
"Get the flyer, Panthera!" Carnassial said.
Despite the female felid's impressive agility, the flying prey managed to get away from her grasp. He was was only mere inches above Panthera, yet Carnassial knew she would not catch him like this. His gaze switched from the flyer to his mate: she could not fly like he did. The hungry felid jumped into the nest and pursued her, ignoring the flyer's desperate cry. he caught the female chiroptera with both paws and maintained his position.
"You're mine," Carnassial said, a light of excitation in his eye. He knew she could not escape her.
He gazed back at Panthera and saw that she had captured the flyer. He then froze seeing something that his felid mate could not yet witness: a young Saurian was rapidly approaching her, jaw wide open, sharp teeth awaiting to strike.
"Panthera, watch out!"
Carnassial released his captured prey and launched himself at the female, pushing her away from the reptile's trajectory. Both felids whirled and jumped back to face their enemy.
He was probably a few weeks old, but already twice the size of the felids. No matter how hard they tried, they would not defeat it. The felid brifely looked at the chiropteras gliding away from the nest, but he had other priorities in mind.
"Panthera, you must escape," Carnassial whispered. "We cannot defeat a Saurian."
"I will never abandon you!" she angrily replied.
"And I will not allow you or the kittens you're holding to die! I can at least buy you some time while you escape."
"No... There must be another way!"
The saurian was looking up, following the chiropteras flight to the exit. He gazed back at the two felids in front of him.
"Go!" Carnassial shrieked. "Now!"
Panthera relunctantly ran back to the cave's mouth.
Carnassial shrieked once again to attract his enemy's attention. The saurian ran towards him.
"That's right... Come and get me!"
The felid dodged the deadly jaws and flung himself towards the reptile. He scratched the monster's back with his claws, but it didn't seem to bother him at all. Carnassial tried to bite it, but he was repeatedly by the Saurian's three-clawed hands. A blow finally connected and Carnassial was catapulted to the ground by a violent headbutt. He quickly got up and fled to the nearest rock tower, the Saurian pursuing him accross the cave. He knew that once knocked out in the ground, he would be defenseless against the predator. He also knew that it was more deadly armed than he was. He would be finished soon enough.
"No," he whispered to himself". I must be smarter and quicker to excel..."
The Hyaenodons! If he could attract them to the nest, they would buy him enough time to escape and join Panthera. Maybe he would survive after all.
Carnassial surprised the Saurian with an unexpected skid and straight to the cave's exit.
After a swift series of leaps, the felid emerged from the cave, only to find a peculiar image in front of him: The hyeanodons were running straight towards him, led by Panthera.
"There he is!" she said, as if she was expecting him. "So, did you see the eggs?"
Carnassial gave her a confused stare before remarking her piercing gaze: this was an act, and she expected him to act according to whatever this act was.
"Yes I did," he finally answered. "But two of them hatched. I was too weak to defeat the hatchelings: hunger made them furious. But I'm sure you powerful beasts would be delighted to eat them yourself."
It costed him to present himself as a weak little fool in front of them, but he had no choice.
"We'll finish them," Danian barked. "Out of the way!"
The canine beasts enterted into the cave just as the Saurian was getting out of it. A furious roar resounded as the leading hyeanodon's neck was torn apart by the Saurian's powerful jaws. The others began to fight back against the monster.
"Let's get out of here!" Carnassial said.
The two felids ran for hours through the plains, trying to make as much distance as possible from them and the powerful beasts.
"Even with Danian dead, I think we might meet the hyanodons again," said Panthera.
"They will be badly wounded," retorted Carnassial. Let's go back to the valley and find our prowl.
The felids took some time to rest. Carnassial took some time to gaze at her mate, amazed by her courage.
"Thank you for coming back," he said to her. "This Saurian was too much for me."
"You were about to attract the hyaenodons into the cave anyway", she purred with satisfaction. I just happened to have the same idea."
Carnassial tenderly nuzzled her and then they carried on in search of their prowl. The felid had to flee once again, but he knew now that true rule for his survival. Sheer strenght was not enough: cunning might was the most powerful weapon he could use to lead his prowl to prosperity. And with the new hunting techniques he had seen from the hyaenodons, the felids could even hunt preys much larger that they were.
Carnassial realized how much being different was an advantage over the non meat-eating felids. He would become the master of the New World with his own methods, with his own innovations.
Last edited by TinkerTwaggy on Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Is there a limit to how much living I can live with my life? How will I know if I've gone too far?
And why did I spend my life savings on sunglasses for a whale?
I shall find the answers... to these questions."

For a short space of time I remained at the window watching the pallid lightnings that played above Mont Blanc and listening to the rushing of the Arve, which pursued its noise way beneath. The same lulling sounds acted as a lullaby to my too keen sensations; when I placed my head upon my pillow, sleep crept over me; I felt it as it came and blessed the giver of oblivion.
— Mary Shelley, Frankenstein