
Young Writers Society

a year lost, at home with nothing to write about

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Wed Apr 14, 2021 1:55 am
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niteowl says...

Prompt: Grandma’s Kitchen: Focus on a single memory, or describe what you might imagine the typical grandmother’s kitchen to be like (from https://thinkwritten.com/poetry-prompts/)

10. the kitchen of memories

I didn't appreciate it back then
(children never do)
as we waited impatiently
in the tiny nook of a kitchen
for Yia-Yia's soup
to be cooked to perfection.

It's been years now
but I can still taste
the lemon-tinged orzo,
nearly burning my tongue
as I balanced on the rickety stool.

the fridge was plastered
in magnets and memories,
all our years of school pictures
and invitations to weddings anc christenings
of all the people who had loved her,
called her "Yia-Yia" just like we did.

On holidays, the little kitchen
was crammed with the board for rolling phyllo dough
and food enough to feed an army.
the women would crowd themselves in to help
while we watched TV and listened to the men
talk about everything and nothing.

I remember trying to follow her once,
the flurry of cracked eggs and ingredients
barely measured with a shotglass.
She couldn't write it down for me,
but I wish I had tried harder
to do it for her,
because I can try making it,
but it falls apart
because nothing is the same
as when she held us all together.
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:08 am
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niteowl says...

2. 7 Days, 7 Lines: Write a poem where each line/sentence is about each day of last week (same prompt source)

11. a week in the life where all the days blur together

Sunday I wondered why I waste all my weekends
Monday I tried (and failed) to get a vaccine appointment
Tuesday I drove into the office,
dreading the day they decide we can go back as normal
and I'll have to drive in every damn day.
Wednesday I tried to train at work (again)
and failed (again)
Thursday I finally threw away
the vegetables from the recipes I didn't make
Friday I thought I had
a work survival plan
until the moment it fell apart.
Saturday I was torn
between grocery shopping or putting laundry away
and ended up doing neither
and Sunday I lamented my foolishness yet again.
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:32 am
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niteowl says...

Prompt: On the Field: Write from the perspective of a sports ball {Baseball, Soccer, American Football, Lacrosse, etc.} – think about what the sports ball might feel, see, hear, think, and experience with this poetry idea!

12. On the Field

All I know in life
is sweaty hands
and dirty shoes on fake grass
and the voices overhead
telling me if I did a good job or not.

I don't understand
all the rules they make
like if I've crossed the line
or am just inches away
from whatever it is they want from me.

Sometimes they cheer for me,
sometimes they boo.
They like it when the blue men
carry me across the field
or kick me into the net,
but then they get mad when the red men
do the same thing.

Now the blue man's pointing me
to another blue man 50 yards away
"Hail Mary, full of grace" he whispers,
and I wonder how the hell he thinks
I can go that far without falling.

But as I fly through the air,
I share the hope of the captive eyes
holding their collective breath
in the stands,
and the other blue man catches me
before the red man knocks him down.

A whistle blows,
an announcement:
"The play is under further review",
more waiting, more arguing,
Was I good?
Did I do something wrong?

Finally, they say the ruling stands.
A touchdown, an improbable victory.
The blue man spikes me,
dancing with joy
and I'm glad that today at least,
I could make them happy.
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:47 am
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niteowl says...

Poem #13 ended up being a little too personal to share. Heck I'm probably not even going to say it. So here's a cool title and a few good lines.

13. unvoiced thoughts from an armchair therapist

I don't know what you're expecting
seeking religious validation from an atheist.

On the outside I can say
we'll agree to disagree,
but on the inside I wonder
how the cognitive dissonance
hasn't torn you apart yet

I hold my tongue
and pray like I still believed
that one day you'll be free
of the compulsions breaking you.
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Fri Apr 16, 2021 1:37 am
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niteowl says...

So this one started with the realization that I am just 5 reviews away from the KotGR unicorn, but then turned into an actual sorta-depressing poem because idk my mind is just like that. Might turn this into a fancy image-poem for the Poetry buddies challenge.

15. sparks

and i remember the youthful zeal
of chasing unicorns and sunsets
when dreams seemed so distant
and yet so attainable
"one day we'll be there, shining like comets"
we said without a tinge of irony
(we were too young to know what irony even was).

and now most days i live in reality
where unicorns aren't real
and sunsets are just pretty air pollution
and the world is so dark and cold,
my light is just a candle in a cavern,
a match struck against the glacier,
and i wonder how i ever thought
the world would ever want to see me shine.

but sometimes,
i feel a spark,
a fragment of that youthful hope
and i make plans and daydreams
and write stories
and when it's gone i wonder
if the bits of life are worth
all the suffering in between.

Okay I'm trying the image thing, let's see how this works.
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Tue Apr 20, 2021 1:22 am
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niteowl says...

The Ninth Step

I'm not an alcoholic,
but I know I steamrolled
over everyone in my path
when the mania took over.

You were the first victim
(though neither of us knew it yet),
suffering through my rambling thoughts
and spontaneous decisions.
Perhaps you knew something was wrong,
or maybe you believed me
when I said I was fine
(it's not like I was consciously lying).

I never told you where I went
the night the visions took me.
I just knew that I had to leave
and wherever I was going,
I didn't want you to go with me.

I don't know what they told you
when they took me away
and when I came to get my things
you didn't know what to say.

Looking back,
I hate how I left things like that,
how I never reached out
when I came back.
I think I just don't know
how to keep a friend around
when it's not easy anymore.

And if I did it now?
Intruded on your life
so much fuller than mine
with an apology for crimes half-remembered,
would you welcome me back
or would you tell me to leave forever?

Okay this is really rambly but the rhyming verse makes me want to make it a proper song?

And I don't know what they told you
When they took me away
And when I tried to come back
You didn't know what to say
Will you ever forgive me

Verse 1
You came into my life
An accident of fate,
Back then it felt like
We would always be this way

We went from strangers to secrets
in no time at all,
we were laughing and crying,
never thought it could fall

But I always find a way,
Always find a way
To break...

Verse 2 (TBD)

I was tossing and turning
Couldn't sleep at night,
Read my hospital Bible
and prayed we'd be fine
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Tue Apr 20, 2021 6:16 am
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DreamyAlice says...

Hey niteowl, Alice here!!!

You are doing an amazing job, those poems are well written. The tenth poem- the kitchen of memories- is so heart warming. I think you have lots of beautiful memories with your grandmother. I love my grandma and her presence is so important for us. It was really fun to read all your poems especially this one.

because nothing is the same
as when she held us all together.

So true our grandma is the only one who keeps our whole family together.
Best of luck for the rest of the month!!! You are doing great!!!
Imagination is a superpower. Use it well!

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Tue Apr 27, 2021 1:59 am
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niteowl says...

Thanks @ImaginativeAlice! I've really been slacking this year, but I'm glad you enjoyed what I have managed to write. I don't think I'm going to make it to 30, but I do want to make up for the disaster of last week.

17. on the other side

the end of this purgatory
is near, or so i have been told.
we will go back into a world
so like the one we left,
yet like a dream, all is askew.
it will never look the same again.

but what is there for me?
why should i reveal myself
to a world that punished me
every time i was honest?
what could an office environment
possibly grow within me
but fear and weariness and hunger?

i was hiding long before
they shut us in
because the world only burns
people like me.
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Tue Apr 27, 2021 2:21 am
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niteowl says...

18. excuses

all i am these days
is drudgery and excuses.
putting off the necessary
and even the joyful distractions
because i am too tired
or maybe i'll feel better tomorrow.

and i wonder how i am meant
to feel like i am worth something
when in fact all i can be
is piled up dishes
and trash inches from the garbage can
i don't see the need to pick up.

19. self-analysis with bad sewing metaphors

i am self-absorbed,
not because i am a narcissist,
but because if i focus on anything
other than my own functioning,
the needles i am trying to thread
will stab me straight in the eye
and i will bleed all over
the people i was supposed to be helping.

the holes are patched up fine enough
that from a distance, you don't see them
(or if you do, you are too polite
to say anything),
but i can feel the stiches
with every breath,
and i worry that
if i stop worrying about them,
they will unravel
in the most spectacular dramatic fashion
and i will be broken and naked,
crying over nothing at all.
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Tue Apr 27, 2021 3:21 am
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niteowl says...

One idea I had was to write poems based off my currently-dormant NaNo project that I absolutely do want to get back into.

20. Naveem reflects on home

is a place
I may never see again.
the red sand under my feet,
my mother singing hymns
as she prepares the holiday feast,
the laughter of my young cousins
playing tag in the backyard.

is the planet
they trained me to fight for,
a colony now poised
to supercede the ones who colonized it.
But now the fight is all but won
and i have failed them.

in dreams,
I once thought home
could be something
I built anew with you,
but that would require me
to be something greater than a coward,
a passive recipient of my expected fate.

now home
is a wormhole away,
and the only way back
is to capture you
dead or alive.
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Tue Apr 27, 2021 3:50 am
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niteowl says...

21. the truth of the gods (POV Aila)

the gods were just men,
leaving a planet in ruins
to an uncertain future.

the gods were just men
sending probes out into the void
in hopes they would be found
in that ingenious stupidity
often found on young civilizations
shortly before they are colonized.

the gods were just men,
victims of their own hubris,
their remnants now lost to nature
if they are not treasured by crows.

the gods were just men
and they would have died
if they hadn't stumbled upon
a great hole in the universe
and found a planet
green enough to destroy anew.

the gods were just men--
a truth lost to time?
or do the Councilmen know this
and let us worship lies?

the gods were just men-
no matter how much i say it,
it sounds wrong,
but i was always taught
to follow the story the artifacts told
and that is the simplest explanation.
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Fri Apr 30, 2021 6:03 am
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Shady says...

nite! <3 Sorry I'm behind on commenting, but you've done SO well with NaPo! I like the variety you have in these poems and the emotion that you manage to fit into each one.

This stanza:

I never told you where I went
the night the visions took me.
I just knew that I had to leave
and wherever I was going,
I didn't want you to go with me.

Really stood out to me. It's beautiful. And chilling. And relatable. I think you did a really good job of capturing this emotion and putting it into words.

I don't know what your plans/hopes are for this last day of NaPo but I WISH YOU THE VERY BEST! You've already done so many lovely poems, well past the half-way mark, and I hope you're proud of yourself because I'm proud of you :' ) Huge accomplishment that you've clearly put a lot of effort into.

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:41 pm
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niteowl says...

Ahh thanks @ShadowVyper! I absolutely would have done a couple more poem sprints to get to 30, but I forced myself to go grocery shopping on Tuesday, was too tired on Wednesday as a result, then Thursday and Friday are my "crunch days" at work. I still might do a couple more tonight but I also have a Zoom hangout so idk. And now I have some ideas...but not really time. Ugh.

22. executive dysfunction, now extra crunchy

writing is like cereal.
you can have all the grains
of ideas in the world,
but if there is no bowl of time for them
or milk of motivation to soak them in,
they sit on the shelf.

but then one day
you have the bowl,
you have the milk,
but when you open the pantry,
you find the cereal is gone
and you can't remember how that happened,
so then the milk spoils
by the time you can get more cereal.
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:49 pm
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niteowl says...

23. lost in the corporate woods

i go in every morning
with the best of intentions
(most of us do,
and the ones that don't
are the ones who get promoted).

but you can only machete through
so many weeds of cross-country emails
under a canopy of typo-laden spreadsheets
before you look up and wonder
if there is a sun outside this place,
or if you will be here forever,
getting blamed for the fact that it is fall
and the leaves are on the ground.

Spoiler! :
I shouldn't be typing this on a work computer, probably. But I actually mostly like my job, it's just a lot sometimes.
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Fri Apr 30, 2021 8:40 pm
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Hijinks says...

Spoiler! :
Hi niteowl!! I've emerged from thread-lurking to leave a quick comment for you ^^

this is not the first time
i have woven my heart
through my fingers,

eep I know meshugenah already pointed out these lines but OH my gosh this is such a striking image <3

here, it is always january,
full of arctic air
and new years lies

I love how you combine two unrelated aspects of January - cold temperature and New Year's resolutions - for some reason I was not expecting that pairing but it works super well. I think it conveys this really interesting idea of beginnings being cold, numb and empty in their blankness instead of fresh and exciting.

butterflies-fluttering bullshit
aha this line actually has some great sound devices!

the stories that chose me -> aah I think these are some really relatable sentiments for every author/writer/poet. if this thread is anything to go off of though I think you're more than deserving of the words <33

The Tomato and The Fish -> OH MY GOSH xD This is so perfectly absurd and wonderful I adore it. I love how seriously the tomato takes itself, and then the fish is an absolutely dork, like the sense of voice here is SUPERB and the melodrama is *chef's kiss*.

through thick and thin -> this is a very serious and dark (maybe morbid? I don't think that's quite it though) take on a kind of silly sounding saying, and I think you pulled it off really well. The way you explore the ideas of "thick" and "thin" is really heartbreaking, and the final two lines pull everything together in a really impactful way <3

Thursday I finally threw away
the vegetables from the recipes I didn't make
this is so poetic in a simple, uncomplicated way and I love it

sparks -> aah this has got to be one of my favourite poems in this thread <3 the way you take such innately bright, childish, postive images and somehow make them sombre? in a way that makes perfect sense?? it gorgeous. Favourite two lines -> "and sunsets are just pretty air pollution" & "a match struck against the glacier" !

if i focus on anything
other than my own functioning,
the needles i am trying to thread
will stab me straight in the eye
and i will bleed all over
WHOAH this is such an intense stanza and incredibly effective. Totally unexpected, and yet, again, it makes total sense (are you sensing a pattern about what I love about your writing haha)

so many weeds of cross-country emails
under a canopy of typo-laden spreadsheets
aaaah <3

wHEW overall, there are a STELLAR 23 poems in this thread ! I really enjoy the twists and turns your poetry takes, and the "I was not expecting that but aaah it's genius" images everywhere in your poems. Awesome job this NaPo!!
When you're faced with something you don't understand, I think the most natural thing but also least interesting thing you can be is afraid.

-- Hank Green

(previously whatchamacallit and Seirre)

May you never steal, lie, or cheat. But if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows. And if you must lie, then lie with me all the nights of your life. And if you must cheat, then please, cheat death.
— An Unknown Bride, Leap Year