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Sat May 07, 2005 11:40 pm
dreaming_mouse says...

So everyone has a fear so if you're comfortable with it why not share it with us all? I'll go first (obviously) and try to list all of my phobias. There are too many for comfort :oops:

:arrow: Planes - I've never been on one but I freeze up everytime I'm near one
:arrow: Heights - God knows why I have this one
:arrow: Underground (trains) - I'm not claustrophobic really, put me in a small space and I'm fine. Put me in a small space with hundreds of people and I'm not!
:arrow: Spiders - All because of the stupid film "Eight Legged Freak"
:arrow: People - I'm killer shy, you might think I'm a b*tch on this but irl if you met me I would run away and hide
:arrow: Death - I know it's a stupid one but I have phases every so often, I live next to a graveyard so at the moment I'm not looking out of my window

There are also things that I'm terrified off at home like walking around on my own. I've been followed three times in up the road from where I live, I'm so terrified I'm going to get grabbed I either call someone and meet up with them (even if it means waiting 2hrs for them to get back into town from college) or calling them on my mobile and talking to them while I walk around the deserted areas.

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Sat May 07, 2005 11:50 pm
Shadow Knight says...

:arrow: Spiders (AH SPIDERS! I don't know why I am afraid of them)
:arrow: Heights, like Mouse, god knows why
That's all I'm gonna put on here.
Cause i'm a one man,
I'm a one man,
I'm a one man,
I'm a one man revolution.

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Sun May 08, 2005 4:49 am
Nai says...

Only thing that really scares me.. and when it happens, I need someone, anyone, around:

:arrow: Quiet. Absolute Quiet.

Bugs don't scare me, heights don't scare me, darkness doesn't (but did when I was little) scare me, horror movies don't scare me.. Every common fear people have, I don't.
Now, i'm not saying i'm fearless...
It's just, pretty much everything that shouldn't scare people but does... it doesn't scare me. Like spiders for example. What's so scary about spiders? Most spiders are completely harmless unless you live in some exotic location with the spiders with fatal bites. That or maybe.. your allergic to spiders??
Anyway, again, i'm not saying i'm fearless. If a guy out of nowhere pulled out a knife and chased me with it, yeah, i'd be scared. If I didn't chew my food enough and tried to swallow but there was to much food and I started choking, yeah, i'd be scared. If I was at a party, my friend was drunk, and some how he ended up driving, yeah, i'd be scared.

Main focal point is: I have a phobia for complete quiet.

If I don't hear any noise or motion or movement.. I freak out. I just need some kind of sound, I don't know why. Even if it's in a public place and i'm just in some place away from where everyone else is and it's completely quiet, I still can't take it. I mean, I don't go insane and scream obviously, I just find something to make noise, I go near people, I call people, I turn music on, anything.

The only thing that remedies my phobia of that, is if i'm reading. When i'm reading, I get really, really involved no matter what i'm reading and I just drown out everything else.
Last edited by Nai on Sun May 08, 2005 5:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
ἓν οἶδα ὅτι οὐδὲν οἶδα

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Sun May 08, 2005 5:10 am
Ego says...

Small Spaces.

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Sun May 08, 2005 5:11 am
Sam says...

I have this thing about wearing anything without a collar.

Dedicated prep, I am.
Graffiti is the most passionate form of literature there is.

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Sun May 08, 2005 6:11 am
Crysi says...


I have a few.. I'm getting over my fear of heights thanks to rollercoasters lol. Spiders still freak me out, but not as much. I get claustrophobic every once in a while.. But the one thing that always freaks me out is large tanks of water. Don't ask me why. But I always get a little panicky if, for instance, I go to see the Shamu show. I still sit in the second or third row, but I've had horrible nightmares where I'm in one of those tanks and I see the killer whales coming up toward me.. *shudders* It's horrible.

I also hate tornados.. I have so many nightmares about them, and I don't know why. It seems that every nightmare I have involves at least one tornado.. So it freaked me out when I heard there was a funnel cloud spotted over the airport in our town. California almost never gets tornados, yet we've had a few this year already. It really freaks me out.

I also go crazy if I can't hear.. Like if there's so much noise around me that it's impossible to hear anything. My hearing is really sensitive, and I rely on that to hear when people are behind me or whatever. So it kind of overloads the senses and I get REALLY paranoid.

So yeah. Crysi's fears. Woohoo.
Love and Light

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Sun May 08, 2005 7:01 am
Emma says...

Erm... Well...

:arrow: I hate large spaces, I feel so small. I just get that feeling of emptiness and loneliness. I just really hate big and empty spaces.. It freaks me out.

:arrow: Spiders.. Yeah I know, everyone is freaked out by those little evil long legged freaks. I am scared of large ones, baby ones an dead ones. Whats really sad is that my friend was over and i saw a spider, she killed it with a bible... And I have this mark on my wall when I was trying to kill another one (my room is white.. >.<) I get it from my mum, we cant even look at spiders on the t.v!


Lifts - well, sometimes I get that feeling that its going to snap and kill me.. >.<

and dat is dat.. Omfg..

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Sun May 08, 2005 7:01 am
Galatea says...

Hooray phobias. As Qi will attest, I am a world of irrational fears. Here they are. In alphabetical order.

Aichmophobia--needles (but really--trypanophobia, fear of injections)
Hydrophobia--water (drowning)

And just for fun, while I was looking these up I found:


Which is the fear of long words. Ironic? You be the judge.
Sing lustily and with a good courage. Beware of singing as if you were half dead, or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength.

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Sun May 08, 2005 7:02 am
Shadow Knight says...

Aniar wrote: :arrow: Quiet. Absolute Quiet.

I can never experience absolute quiet.
That's one thing that gives me sleeping problems. You see, I have this constant humming in my ears, very quiet, unless it is silent.
Emma wrote::arrow: I'm afraid of big spaces

I looove big spaces
Cause i'm a one man,
I'm a one man,
I'm a one man,
I'm a one man revolution.

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Sun May 08, 2005 8:04 am
uniaeca says...

Thanatophobia - fear of death. A lot of people say they have it but I'm yet to meet someone who starts screaming, pulse rate gets higher and has a sudden desire to throw things and to scratch themselves out of their skin.

I fear spiders to but not so much anymore I think.
Other than that I'm fine.

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Sun May 08, 2005 7:48 pm
hekategirl says...

I totally freak out if someone tries to sneak up on me, I know that doesn't sound like a phobia because NO ONE likes being snuck up on but I totally freak out if someone does.
***Honorary 11-Year-Old***


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Sun May 08, 2005 7:55 pm
Sureal says...

- Spiders (y'know, the big ones, with long skinny legs...)
- My over the top and out of control imagination (no, seriously. I can make any scene scary... which is a bad thing... I'm constantly thinking about the dead thing in the window, staring through the gap in the door, climing up the ladder on my bed and so on).

Stupid imagination.
I wrote the above just for you.

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Sun May 08, 2005 7:59 pm
dreaming_mouse says...

I'm like that lol, I love trains but you should see me on the way home. I'm like oh my god we're gonna crash! A few months ago a guy got arrested and the train couldn't leave the station, my friend made the mistake of joking saying it was a terrorist. Don't think she'll do that for a while lol

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Sun May 08, 2005 8:05 pm
niteowl says...

I used to be scared of heights, esp. roller coasters. I'm not really sure how much progress I
ve made on the roller coaster one as I haven't been on one in two years (I really need to see about going to Cedar Point this summer) but I've done high ropes courses, cliff jumping, and am currently taking a rock climbing class at Lifetime Fitness.

Here's a really weird fear: Whenever I'm around really sharp objects like paper cutters, my neck starts tingling and I'm afraid I'm somehow going to behead myself. Maybe that's how I died in a past life. O.o

And another one: I can swim around all over the place, but when I push off the wall and kick underwater, it is just SO FREAKY! I feel like I'm running out of air and the surface is so close yet so far away and I'm going to drown...and then I come up, gasp for air, and keep going.

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Sun May 08, 2005 8:05 pm
Firestarter says...

I used to be really scared of heights, but that was when I was younger.

I've never really been in a scary situation before, so that probably explains my lack of fears. Though I'm sure I'll find some one day.
Nate wrote:And if YWS ever does become a company, Jack will be the President of European Operations. In fact, I'm just going to call him that anyways.

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
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