
Young Writers Society

The World Apart ~ Chapter One (Percy Jackson)

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Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:53 am
percyjackson4ever says...

A god’s betrayal

The most disgraceful night of any demi-god child started with a rat attack in a pitch dark prison cell. I know what you’re thinking, wow, this is so cliché, prison and rats, why don’t you toss a couple of skulls in there too? But before you start badmouthing the author or trashing the publisher, hear me out, listen to my story.
Now, where were we? Ah, right, rats. My night in prison is beyond description of the English language. It was really more confusing than terrifying. After almost 5 years of monster hunting and Titan wars, a few furry creatures in corner are nothing to me. I’ve been in countless of battles before but being snatched away from Camp without a fight is definitely new to me. Who could have the skills to break into camp, kidnap a half-blood and escape without commotion? What angers me even more is the fact that I wasn’t able to defend myself and save my own demi-god bottom. Heck, I wasn’t even awake when I was taken from Camp Half-Blood, the safest monster-free zone aside from Olympus itself.
My only comfort in this gods-forbid place was Anaklusmos, my celestial bronze sword, or as I like to call it: Riptide. My abductor no doubt tried to attain my magic weapon from me, but thank the gods, Anaklusmos will always appear in my pocket no matter where I go. The night could have been more bearable if my capturer wasn’t so cheap and placed a couple of candles here and there. I gotta admit, if Annabeth was here, she would definitely do something more useful than stabbing the wall with a blade and hating myself for not believing in a watch. For all these years, I have grown used to Annabeth’s strategic help in battle. It feels kinda awkward not having someone watch your back, especially when you have no idea who you’re facing.
After several unsuccessful attempts of escape, my only option was to sleep and bid my time. I had an unpleasant feeling that later on, I would need all the energy I can get to keep my ADHD brain going. Chiron’s last advice ran through my head. “Get some sleep Percy. You may be invulnerable in combat, but that only makes your body tire faster. I remember Achilles. Whenever that lad wasn’t fighting, he was sleeping. He must’ve taken twenty naps a day. You, Percy, need your rest. You may be our only hope.”
Chiron’s words ran through my mind like ice. For an immortal demi-god child of Poseidon who took a dig in the Styx, I’m still pretty slow. “Immortals are constrained by ancient rules. But a hero can go anywhere; challenge anyone, as long as he has the nerves.” Only a god or camper could give permission for an intruder to enter camp. After all my friends and I have been through, I seriously doubt that any camper would have the heart to sell me out. An avenging god? Not likely unless he’s got a hero acting under his name. Oh my gods imagine the possibility of my own family turning on me- very likely. Although I saved the Olympians from ultimate doom, a couple of Titans wouldn’t mind the opportunity to rip my throat out. It’s pretty ironic being related to the gods, huh? I guess we’re just one big happy family.
Sleep didn’t come easy. Despite the fact that rats were attacking the leg of my jeans, I was worried sick about camp. Three years ago, Luke (the hero I once admired) traveled through Daedalus’ labyrinth and attacked camp with his full scale army. We could’ve lost everything if it wasn’t for Briares, the Hundred-Handed One. The thought of losing Camp, (one if the few places I haven’t yet been kicked out of) is unbearable.
After what seems to be eternity, the prison walls began to cave in and celestial bronze bricks flew in all four direction. I figured that getting knocked out unconscious by a bunch of flying bricks wouldn’t really help my case; so once again, my sword came to my rescue and deflected the unusual attackers.
Mythological monsters? No problem! Avenging gods? Bring it on! Mysterious rocks? Don’t even get me started on that. A couple of flying rocks seemed to take up a good chunk of my energy. It’s been so long since the Titan war, the last time I’ve been in battle. As I drew in a couple of heavy breaths, the walls rearranged itself into a doorway and two figures slowly walked in. A tall slender women dressed in black silk led the way and a young teenage boy slowly followed her into the dark room. I recognized the young women at once. She was do doubt Lady Hera, Goddess of marriage and um, my father’s sister. The boy, I wasn’t sure, but he radiates power like only an immortal.
“Ah, Perseus Jackson, what a pleasant surprise,” the goddess addressed me and turned to the young boy standing behind her. “Jason, my dear, you have done exceptionally well. Although you failed to bring the others, this one will do.”
“My Lady Hera, long time no see,” I responded casually. There is no way that Hera was here to free me, and I bet that with all the gold on Olympus. Although I had made several immortal enemies in the past, Hera’s priority is not high on the list. Of all the angry gods on Olympus, why her? I silently pray to the gods- minus Hera, for a good opportunity to escape. What in Poseidon’s name is going on? I know the gods can be cruel but locking me (the hero of Olympus and Poseidon’s only demi-god child) in a cellar full of rats is an insult to my abilities.
Despite my “good attitude”, Hera ignored me point blank and focused her attention on Jason once more. “Well my boy, don’t just stand here, you know the drill; finish him off.” The goddess instructed him with held back anger.
I drew my sword. “Wait, what? Why in Zeus’s name-“
For the goddess of motherhood and marriage, maneuvering a demi-god like this is considered pretty low.
Hera sighed, “For almost 4 thousand years, the gods have used you Heroes like a stepping stone. And you, Perseus Jackson, are the jewel of their mighty collection, their most important weapon. Control you and the rest of the pieces fall directly into place. Did you really think that my father, the Titan Lord of time lost the war to a handful of amateur heroes? He is slowly getting stronger and I will help him regain power!”
My years of experience at Camp stopped me from doing a double take. A drew a deep breath and put on my most convincing expression. “Lady Hera, don’t let Kronos manipulate you. Don’t make the same mistake as Luke did. It’s not too late yet, you can still do the right thing here.”
“Mistake? What do you know about mistakes? For thousands of years I have kept the Olympians together, assisted the council and protected the family. And what do I get in return? Nothing! No worshipper, no thank-you card, no appreciation what-so-ever. In return for my assistance, my father Kronos has offers me unlimited power and riches.” Hera spoke with clenched teeth and her eyes were flared with anger.
You want anger? Two can play at this game.
“But Lady Hera, you already have power. You are a goddess. What more do you want?”
“I only want respect and dignity from my own family. Is that too much to ask? You see Jackson, there’s a new Golden age coming and you won’t be a part of it.” She looked toward Jason, “Do it now.”
I woke up drenched in cold sweat with a snoring Cyclops on the other side of the room.

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Points: 300
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Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:12 pm
KatieLuvzYew says...

This is really good! Can you continue?
You have to walk through the storm to get to the rainbow...

Besides, if you want perfection, write a haiku. Anything longer is bound to have some passages that don't work as well as they might.
— Philip Pullman