
Young Writers Society

The Laws of Time Chapter 2- The Beast

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Reviews: 5
Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:53 pm
Dr. Who says...

coming in ont the story late?


•Based on The Doctor, played by the one and only David Tennant

Adrenaline coursed though my veins at every beat of my hearts, both of them. No matter how many times I did this, I would never get over the sensation of traveling through the Space-Time Vortex. Control and chaos intertwined together as Uriel and I whooshed between alternate realities, crossing in between layers of Time, rushing past entire galaixies in the blink of an eye. In all my years, all the things I'd created--and destroyed, there would never, ever be a feeling as deep as this. To travel Time and Space simultaniously...
The journey was way too short. Uriel streched out his hand and a rift appeared in the Vortex. We passed through the rift, closing it silently behind us. I scanned Darali 7, the planet we had landed on. Smoke rose from giant craters in the ground where pearly-white Moongrass used to grow. The always-night sky of the planet should have been twinkling with stars, now it was as black as Uriel's eyes, the only light coming from the distant sun. My heart wrenched to pieces at the sight of the destruction of the planet I had helped create. I sighed in relief when I remembered that the Council of Light had decided that the planet should remain uninhabited.
A howl pierced the silence, echoing across the silent void of space. The Beast knew we were here. He was calling to us.
"Perhaps we should continue on," Uriel's voice was quiet, almost a whisper. I knew he felt the same pain I did. Perhaps more. It had been his idea to create Darali 7.
"Is there nothing we can do..." I paused, drawing in a ragged breath, "to repair the planet?"
"We cannot. The Beast must be stopped before he creates more destruction."
My blood boiled as I thought about the thousands of other planets we had created burning and mutilated like this one.
"Lets go," I said through my teeth. I waved my hand, and the rift in the Vortex appeared once again.
There was no joy this time as a rode on the back of Time and Space, just determination as hard as steel, and anger, burning anger, consuming me in a fire of whit-hot hate.
The we did not ride long when we saw it. The rift was not of our making, not smooth and flawless like the ones made by the power of the Timelords. This was jagged, rough, a huge tear in the fabric of Space and Time, the Fabric ripped to shreds, and leaking Vortex energy. We flew through the jagged rift, using our power to temporarily sew it shut before turning our attention to the planet that was now before us, or at least, should have been before us. Nothing but empty Space and a huge cloud of steam took up the space where Regada, the water planet, once was.
Uriel cursed through clench teeth, and I sank to my knees, waves of greif consuming me, my hearts squeezing tightly inside my chest.
A howling roar echoed over our heads and Uriel and I glanced up and saw HIm. The Beast.
He smirked down at us, baring his yellow fangs, his blue, forked tongue lapping the air as his voice filled our minds.
[/i]Welcome Timelords! I have waited long for you![/i]
"Who are you?" I shouted, standing, fists clenched at my sides.
[/i]Some call me The Beast, some call me Krop Tor, some call me Satan, but you may call me Tar Lek[/i]
"Tar Lek," Uriel's voice rang out in the silence of Space, laced with authority. "You have committed a crime against the Disciples of Light, the Timelords, and against Time itself. For your crimes you will be punished, imprisoned in the Void for all of Eternity."
Tar Lek's laugh was a haunting, shrieking cry, dwarfing all the wails of lament and pain ever uttered by every species in all of Time.
[/i]You are a fool Timelord![/i] Exploding pain filled m mind and bright lights flashed before my eyes as his voice filled my head.
[/i]You rule all of Time and Space! I know your minds! You are unfit for your position.[/i] He turned his glowing red eyes on Uriel, [i/]I name you...[i/]
I looked on in horror as Tar Lek spoke Uriel's true name. Uriel screamed in silence as a shining light erupted from his body and he burst apart like so many shards of glass.
I looked from where Uriel had stood, turning my gaze on the blood-red, horned beast before me. "You...," the words chocked in my throat and I shook with an all-consuming rage. "You will pay for that Tar Lek, Lord of Worms!" Hearing his name spoken aloud, Tar Lek hurled backwards stunned momentarily. I took advantage of his momentary defenselessness and, with a cry, hurled myself at him, rushing through empty Space towards my doom.
She's my forever

If food is poetry, is not poetry also food?
— Joyce Carol Oates