
Young Writers Society

This Godly Orphan. Chapter 2, part 1

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Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:09 pm
Dragonette says...

Hey, I'm Dragonette, and I'm a big nerd when it comes to Percy Jackson, so I decided to write a novel about it! I'm super excited about my novel and I hope that, in time, you will be too! So here is the first part of chapter one. And I know it isn't very exciting yet, but trust me, the excitement will come!
This was origonally my opening chapter, I changed it to my second chapter. To read the first chapter, go here

Sweat poured from my forehead and I quickly wiped it away before it could run over my eyes and cloud my vision. Rubing my wet hand on me pants, I pulled another arrow from behind me head and nocked it to my bow's string. In the blink of an eye I pulled the butt of the arrow back to my sunned cheek, lined up the tip to the target, and released. My arrow whistled toward the dummy, but before the arrowhead could pierce its straw chest, I already had another one latched on to my bowstring. Doing a quick 180, I pulled back and repeated the process for another dummy that had popped up behind me. Again and again, I let fly my arrows, and again and again they hit their targets with insane accuaracy.

"Faster, Ashlin, faster!" Chiron yelled at me. "And watch your stance, keep your shoulders back!"

I was tempted to retort that I was doing the best that I could, but of course "best" wasn't good enough for Chiron. And it didn't matter that the arrows were hitting their targets down to pin-point, Chiron wanted better. Of course I respected him, Chiron had been training heros for centuries, but sometimes I wondered if all of those years had finally gotten to him.

"Do some more for me, Ashlin."

I blew a strand of brown hair out of my eyes and continued to pull more arrows from my quiver. I must have hit twelve more dummies before Chiron finally told me that I had done enough and that I could continue on to the next activity in the obstical course.

Breathing hard, I lowered my aching arms and jogged over to the next asignment. Tell's apple. The great feat that that inquires that a skilled marks man shoot at an apple that is on top of another person's head.

I positioned myself behind the marks-man line and surveyed the targets. They were real, live kids with apples on their heads, and to be honest I found it quite humorous. The Demeter cabin had lost the chariot race on saturday, and, unfortionately for them, the losers end up as target practice for the Apollo cabin. Sucks for them, I thought. Some of the kids looked like they were going to faint on the spot or wet their pants, or both. I let the hint of a smirk appear on my lips. I mean, I felt some pitty, but they had nothing to worry about, we were the sons and daughters of Apollo, we never missed our mark. But enough of these pansies, lets get this done with so that I can move on to the next challenge of the course.

I squared my shoulders and looked my target in the eyes, there was no fear in them. And of course I expected that. My kid, May, was one of my best friends in this camp. She knew me personally and trusted me and my aim. May smiled, waved, and straightened her back against the tree that was behind her. Pulling out an arrow (and making sure it was my lucky one), I placed it on the string and then pulled the string taunt. I took a couple more seconds then usual to make sure I was aiming exactly right, and then loosened my hold on the arrow. I nodded in aprovment when the apple was sliced open with a juicy shlock and the tree's bark exploded in splinters.

Even though I wasn't worried in the first place, I said a quick thank you prayer to my dad before heading over to the next activity.

"Hey, Ashlin!" I stopped and turned, hearing May's voice. She held up a strand of her hair, which was now sticky with apple juice and tree sap, and covered in wood shavings. "Thanks," She called sarcastically.

"Hey, at least it's better then your blood," I yelled back, "Be thankful I hit the apple and not your head."

She stuck out her tounge and then asked. "Swimming after you're done?"

I nodded and then turned and sprinted to my next challenge before Chiron could catch me slacking. As I waited for the person in front of me to finish, I thought about how unlikely it was that I'd actually be able to go swimming today. We weren't done until Chiron said we were done, and judging from his mood today, that might not be until late tonight.

"Kay, I'm done, you can go now," my sister, Chelsea, said to me, picking up her arrows and walking away.

I selected three arrows from my quiver and carefully nocked them on the bowstring between four of my fingers. Out of all of the bow and arrow challenges, this was my least favorite. There were four work shops in this corse: in the first one you worked on shooting while moving, dodging, rolling and fighting, the second challenged your speed, the third was accuracy and the fourth was where you practiced shooting multiple arrows at one time. Obviously, this wasn't your average bow and arrow work out. This was serious stuff that could literally save your life. But even for Camp Half-Blood, this wasn't your average bow and arrow training. Chiron had taken the time to set up a special course for the Apollo cabin and told us that this was what we would be using for bow and arrow practice from now on.

This was my second time going through the obstile's cycle. The first time at work-shop four hadn't gone well. I had hit the targets with the arrows, well, most of the time. And even then, they were far from the center of the target.

So I was a bit relunctant on my second time around. And to make matters worse, I could hear Chiron's galloping hooves behind me. Without saying a word, he walked up behind me and I could feel his eyes on me, waiting to see how I would do. I thought about using the excuse that I had been out all afternoon training and was tired, for when I missed the target completely. But I knew that it wouldn't work anyways. So instead I breathed in deeply concentraited on lining up the arrows so that they would go where I wanted them to. Come on, I told myself, If you don't miss, then you don't have to even worry about making up an excuse. So, tightening my stomach muscles, I pulled back my arm, made one last adjustment to my arrows, and released...just as a loud mouth boy ran up behind me yelling, "Chiron, Chiron!"

I jumped in surprise and the arrows shot off in all different directions like young colts breaking free. I turned and glared at the boy, but he was too busy reporting something to Chiron. Tristen, who happened to be a Satyr protecter-in-training, was telling Chiron that a new kid had arrived and that he was needed at the big house. Chiron sighed, "Yes, thank you, Tristen. But next time try not to yell as if all of Olympus has gone down in flames." He said, ruffling the you Satyrs hair. Then he raised his voice so that everyone could here him, "Alright everyone, it appears that I'm needed, so guess we're done for today." Everyone stopped shooting and listened to Chiron. "You all did a good job, you may have free period for the rest of the day. See you all at supper." Everone cheered and ran back to the Apollo cabin to change into their swimsuits.

But before I left to change, I made a quick stop to check with May first. "So, I'll see you in a bit?" I asked. May nodded. "Is your sister coming?"

"I don't know," May said, looking over at her twin sister where she was having a conversation with Chiron. "It looks as though Chiron has her busy."

"Ok, well, I'll meet you down there." We both headed for our cabins.


So this is first part of chapter one. And honestly, I'm kinda dissapointed :/ But this is where you guys come and help out! So give me honest feed back! :D
Oh, and I did have some trouble with some things that you guys might be able to help my out with:
Breathing hard, Jordin lowered her aching arms and jogged over to the next asignment. Tell's apple. The great feat that that inquires that a skilled marks man shoot at an apple that is on top of another person's head.

I really don't like this sentence. It just doen'st flow, and honestly I don't know if it makes much sense. So could you guys help me re-word this?
Second, I don't have a spelling check on my lap-top, and I'm a TERRIBLE speller (I don't think i even spelled terrible right...) So if you see a mis-spelled word, please don't hesitate to correct me.

But besides that, hope you enjoyed it! And I am ready for the critisism, so bring it on! :D
Last edited by Dragonette on Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:13 pm, edited 8 times in total.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:36 pm
Deathcurrent says...

Hello! Of course I'll help re-word it, that's what we're here for. Though I can't speak for everyone else on YWS.
Breathing hard, Jordin lowered her aching arms and jogged over to the next asignment. Tell's apple. The great feat that that inquires that a skilled marks man shoot at an apple that is on top of another person's head.

Hmmm, how about:
Breathing hard, Jordin lowered her aching arms and jogged over to the next assignment. Will's Apple. This great feat required a skilled marks man to shoot the apple that sat on top of a person's head without injuring the person.

That's probably not the best, but maybe it will give you some ideas as to how to re-word it. I think you started chapter one fairly well. It pulled me into it, and I've become a fan of the Percy Jackson series so I know where you're coming from. A few things threw me off, but nothing major except this one. It threw me off which is why I'm pointing them out so you can, hopefully, fix it so that other readers aren't thrown off.

"Hey, at least it's better the your blood," Jordin yelled back.

Another thing, watch your spelling or just make sure you re-read and see if your computer didn't catch a letter you typed. It happens to me and it can really mess with your story. Other than those few things, I'm excited to read your story since Rick Riordan ended it with Percy. I hated that since we never really got to find out what happened to Percy other than saving Olympus and the world :P . I'll be subscribing and waiting (probably impatiently) to find out more about Jordin and May. Along with the rest of Jordin's friends at Camp Half-Blood!

“Logic and practical information do not seem to apply here.” -- Spock from Star Trek

"There's power in stories. That's all history is: the best tales. The ones that last. Might as well be mine."-- Varric Tethras from Dragon Age II

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Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:43 pm
Xreigon says...

Well, this was pretty good. I do have a few things that I think could make it better, though. First, I do agree with you in the sense that I think you started it off in kind of a odd place. I see what you are going for, but I think that the story could be made even better if you gave us a little background. I would love to know more about your character before you start right in the middle of the story. Another thing that I saw is that you misspelled a few words. When you said, "In the blink of an eye, she pulled the butt of the arrow back to her cheak," it should be spelled cheek not cheak. Another thing that I caught was when you said, "Before the arrowhead could pearce its straw chest," it would be pierce. Thats some of the errors that I caught. I think that it was a good piece though. Good job.

Keep Writing,
“If you don't think there is magic in writing, you probably won't write anything magical.”
- Terry Brooks

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Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:04 pm
Dragonette says...

Thanks for reviewing my story guys!

DeathCurrent, let me explain:
That's probably not the best, but maybe it will give you some ideas as to how to re-word it. I think you started chapter one fairly well. It pulled me into it, and I've become a fan of the Percy Jackson series so I know where you're coming from. A few things threw me off, but nothing major except this one. It threw me off which is why I'm pointing them out so you can, hopefully, fix it so that other readers aren't thrown off.

"Hey, at least it's better then your blood," Jordin yelled back

Well, see, May was complaining about the way the apple juice and tree sap was making her hair sticky and gross. And Jordin was just saying that she should be thankful that she had hit the apple instead of her head. But I did fix that up for you. Hope it's better.

And Xreigon, thanks for the spelling tips. Like I said, my spelling sucks... :D
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:34 am
Dragongirl says...

Ok, you said you were havind a little trouble with this bit.

Breathing hard, Jordin lowered her aching arms and jogged over to the next asignment. Tell's apple. The great feat that that inquires that a skilled marks man shoot at an apple that is on top of another person's head.

The way I see it, you don't even need it! Take it out and the story gets along fine without it because you explain what the Tell's apple is in the next paragragh.

Breathing hard, Jordin lowered her aching arms and jogged over to the next asignment. Tell's apple.
Jordin positioned herself behind the marks-man line and *servayed the targets. They were real, live kids with apples on their heads,

See what I mean?
(Also its *surveyed, not *servayed.)

Well thats about it. Nice writing, can't wait to see what happens next!

Ps. I love the Tell's apple contest. Very clever. :)
"Every writer I know has trouble writing." - Joseph Heller

~ A word to the wise ain't necessary, it's the stupid ones who need advice.~
- Bill Cosby

Revision is one of the exquisite pleasures of writing.
— Bernard Malamud