
Young Writers Society

Aria's Randoms II

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Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:03 pm
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crossroads says...

Oh, look, another topic I made!
Yeah, well.. I found some photos and stuff and felt like sharing them with you :3

~ I took these on the school trip in Vienna.. The Schonbrunn palace, to be specific. There are much more of those taken, but I figured I can't put them all in a single post :p

Spoiler! :

While everyone was filming squirrels, I took pics of birds... I have a few more of those (though I do have squirrels too)..


It was a really clear, cold yet sunny winter early morning.. I think it's just me that makes it look apocalyptic ^^

~ Some drawings.. Well, photos of those, but I did the drawings too xD

Spoiler! :

I felt like playing with perspective.. And stairs xD It's not cleaned up, as you see, there are still lines from the sketching and I didn't really work on anything but the stairs themselves.. But it was a random thing did for fun anyway. I also started working a labyrinth in that kind of perspective.. It goes over the walls.. Yeah, I'm a bit crazy like that sometimes :3


This one is just a random girl drawing I did.. It's obviously in an equally random notebook, and made with a just as random pencil (HB or something, harder than what I usually use for drawings)..

~ Some monkey photos! From the ZOO, yes.. Terribly blurry, yes.. But monkey photos!

Spoiler! :




That last one is my favourite.. For some reason.

~ And a bug for the end :mrgreen:

Spoiler! :

How are they called in English?

. . . More than enough, ehhh.

(All are taken with iPhone camera, by the way.. That probably explains the quality :/ )
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:40 pm
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Cadi says...

That last looks like it's a praying mantis!

Your apocalyptic photo looks incredibly awesome. Dramatic skies are cool stuff.

Also, monkeys!

Also also, you draw very well. Consider me jealous :P
"The fact is, I don't know where my ideas come from. Nor does any writer. The only real answer is to drink way too much coffee and buy yourself a desk that doesn't collapse when you beat your head against it." --Douglas Adams

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Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:30 pm
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xXTheBlackSheepXx says...

Aria!!! More stuff, yay x)

Me loves the bug and monkeys. The monkey shots are all great, I think the 3rd and 4th ones are the best though. I love the action shot of the monkey leaping in the 4th, and the color of the sky and the squiggly vine in the 3rd.

Another standout shot is that one of the building. The sky really looks awesome in this, it's pulling me into the picture.

A tip on all your photography, maybe experiment with editing or a bit of lighting? So far from what I've seen from you, the pictures look kinda dark. I think the images and details should pop a little more, and sometimes all it takes is a little tweaking to get this right :)

That's pretty creative how you made the staircase drawing x) You were probably inspired by the famous MC Esher picture:


Your interpretation is pretty cool though xP

I love the girl drawing so much! Of course, character drawings are like my fav type of art, and I am just digging this xP Her expression is beautiful. I could stare at that face for a while, wondering what she was thinking. I love the shading, especially on the neck and shoulders. The hair is nice and loosely drawn too.

I don't have an awful lot of critique, but I'd love to see you draw more! These are really great to look at :)
The bad news is we don't have any control.
The good news is we can't make any mistakes.
-Chuck Palahniuk

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Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:58 pm
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beckiw says...

Heeeeey Aria!

Well, it's been a wee while since I reviewed photography/art *flexes fingers* Let's do this!

General note on photographs: They're all quite dark, which is a shame. They seem to have this dark cast over them like you've put a filter or something in front of them. Maybe it's because they're shot against the sky (That tends to make everything darker) but I wonder what camera you have? Are you using an automatic function or a manual? If a manual then you need to go a few stops up. If not then...ignore me. But it also might be an idea to have a play in some sort of photo editing programme. I'd play with the levels a little. You can use Brightness and Contrast but this tends to make a bright cast over the image whereas levels actually go colour by colour and help you improve the balance in your photos.

1. - Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No...it's a bird. This is pretty cool. I like how you've shot up directly at the bird. It's a shame you can't see more detail but this is probably a limitation with your camera and its zoom functions rather than with you taking bad photos.

2. - Ominous! This is one where you would benefit from playing with levels a little bit so that you can see if you can pick out a little more detail in the building itself because whilst the sky is pretty impressive, the building is getting lost a little and that's a shame. I like the angle as well, the only thing I might've done different is shift the framing a little more to the left because that space to the right sits a little wrong with my eye.

3. - STAIRS! Dude, I love this! It's sooooo cool! And all the perspective you have going on is crazy. I suck at perspective so anyone who can do this greatly impresses me. I don't have much more to say about this. I'll just stare at it for a little longer.

4. - GIRL! I looooove her hair and how she has like these individual strangs. I can never pull that off. My hair always comes out in these massive blocks and every time I attempt to do strandy hair it just looks crap. I just love the detail in this as well, the ribbons in her hair, her shoulders and her neck. The only slight thing is, I'm not sure if it's how you've taken the photo but she seems a little squished length ways. Like someone has taken her from the sides and smooshed her together a bit lol But otherwise this is sooo good!

5 - Monkeys! I'm gonna do these guys aaaall together! Ok, so here again you seem to have this weird cast over your photos. It so odd *tilts head* This could use some levelling up in photoshop or something. Think my favourites are the third and foruth one. Third one the most though because I like the framing of the other trees around the monkey, it's purrrrdy. And I like the leaping monkey in the last one! The first two are kind of...off versions of the last two. Like attempts you made before you got them dead on in the last two.

5. - BUG! Ewwwww but ooooooh. Think this would've been cooler if you'd have gotten closer so we could see more detail on the bug. Although I dunno that I would've wanted to get closer to that! lol Otherwise it gets a bit lost in amongst the ground.

I also just read that it was an iPhone you shot on but I don't wanna go back and erase all the stuff I put (lazy). Perhaps you need to have a little fiddle with the settings on your phone? I don't know how serious you are about it though! But it might be worth a look.

Let me know if you have any questions :)


'The creation of a single world comes from a huge number of fragments and chaos.' - Hayao Miyazaki

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Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:41 pm
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FermentingFruit says...

ARIA! I made it! A little later than I’d have hoped for, but I’m still here. I like these ones, they’re all quite good lol. I won’t go through all of them, like all of the monkeys, but I’d group them all together.

Bird: You’ve got good subject matter with this one, but not a very good background. I like how the bird appears just like a sillouete (silloet, I have no idea how to spell that word lol), however, the background is pretty bland. Just the sky. There’s also too much extra space. I’d try to edit this a bit, just zoom in a bit, and try to get the sky behind it just blue, I think that’d make it pop a bit more.

Apocalyptic Building: :0. Yep. Pretty much. You stunned me with this one. I liked just about everything this one. The subject matter is great, I loved it. I liked the angle it’s at, and the lighting just adds a whole new dimension to it. I also like how the color of the sky changes, which also adds to that apocalyptic feel. Really good job Aria.

Stairway(s): I don’t even know where to start on this one. I’m not sure if you were modeling that famous one, but it looks like it, and you did a really good job if you were. Probably my favorite part of this one was how you got the upside down stairs really good, and I really liked that. My only problem with this one is how there’s not really and texture on the walls, and if you were trying for that, just ignore me :)

Girl: This is a really good drawing Aria. I have two things first though that I didn’t really like. The first thing is that I thought there was a little too much shading on her face, I’d just try and lighten that up a little bit. The second part is her arms. It looks like they poof out a little too much, but if that is what the shirt is supposed to look like, ignore me. Other than those, this was really good. I really like all the small details in this, and the stuff like her shirt and her facial features are all really good and you can tell there was a lot of time invested in these.

MONEKYS!!!!: Monkeys :D. I like these. All of these. Monkeys are awesome. There is good subject matter for each, and good lighting, and I really like how the monkeys look like sillouetes (That stupid word :(). My favorite is also the last one. The monkey jumping really adds another dimension to it, and there’s nothing distracting you from the picture, like there is in some of the others. If you really want the last one to be completely amazing, I’d just try to take out that cloud.

Mantis (Yes, that’s what they’re called lol): I like this one. I like the pose that it’s taking in this picture, but my only problem with this one is the angle. This would have been a lot better if you got it from the front, instead of its butt lol. The background, which would be the ground, I like because it doesn’t take away from the subject anyways.

Wow, that took a while. That only to me 45 minutes, but it was worth it. You should be able to get more than 25 points for an A&P review lol. Your artwork is really good, and I look forward to you putting up more, and I hope that these helped you at all :)

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"During high school, I played junior hockey and still hold two league records: most time spent in the penalty box; and I was the only guy to ever take off his skate and try to stab somebody."
-Happy Gilmore

You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.
— Madeleine L'Engle, Author