
Young Writers Society

White Tree

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Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:25 pm
KaatiieBugg says...

Last January, it snowed (which never happened in Mississippi) and I happened to have my camera on me. One click and bam, this picture was born.
tree.jpg (44 KiB) Viewed 727 times
Writing: My Anti-Drug

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Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:33 pm
BigBadBear says...

This is a really nice looking tree. I think it was cleverly taken. There are only a couple things that I can critique on. I don't think I've ever critiqued photography. :S

1. The telephone wires. As small and faint as they are, they are in the way of the tree, and throw off the focus.

2. In the lower left hand corner, there is this yellowish looking pole thing. It distracts from the tree.

Otherwise, this is really good. It would look good on a Christmas card. Hehe.

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Would love help on this.

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Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:35 pm
KaatiieBugg says...

yes, yes, I noticed this right after I posted this... There's enough room to crop the picture, though, so it's not too much of a problem.... The telephone wires and yellow pole thing.
Writing: My Anti-Drug

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Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:55 pm
Sinobiblio says...

This is a nice picture, but a little drab. I would recommend a few changes--

1) Improve the contrast, so that the white stands out far more.
2) Crop out the unnecessary features. Those telephones wires have to go.

Those would help to identify the tree, so that it stands out more. Basically, we can't focus on it with so many distractions.

But nice picture :)
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Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:54 pm
pegasi_quill says...

I do agree with the above, concerning the telephone wire and the yellow pole.

But it's a great pic anyway. Sort of reminds me of Narnia, in a way...
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Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:37 pm
Fael57 says...

I believe the yellow pole is actually one of those plastic tubes that goes around a power line cable that is connected to the ground. I have one just outside my house. Anyway, except for the power lines and cable cover, I absolutely LOVE this picture. (I think there's some software you can use to cover up those powerlines). :wink:
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Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:23 pm
Scorpia says...

The snow need to show a bit more, congrats on getting snow in your state, lol. It's a pretty pic, but the power lines were bothersome. Like little flys that keep you from enjoying somthing.
Good job though, :)
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Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:53 pm

so are you meaning to tell me that before the time of the picture you'd never seen it snow before?
that's cray-z i don't know how life would be for me if i never have snow anymore.
did you go and play in it like a little kid. or were you like
" oh! snow. :("

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Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:14 pm
Wojovox says...

I think beauty is in the eye of the beholder here. You like this picture because you took it. But it's not sticking out at all to me.

Everyone else is saying it too. The powerlines, the groundcable, the background trees making it blend. Nothing seems eye opening about this picture.

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Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:25 pm
Via says...

I actually really adore this! Did you play with the contrast or was this really how it turned out? I ask because the bottom of the tree looks a bit...sunken? I'm not really sure how to put that, but it just looks like maybe the shadow feature was played with. Not that it's a bad thing, it looks awesome!

There are a couple things to complain about though:

-like others said, the telephone wires. I don't know what was next to this tree, but maybe stepping a bit to the side so you were paralell with the wires rather than perpendicular would have helped get them out of the picture? But, then again maybe not, it may have just been unavoidable.

-not just the yellow pole in the lower lefthand corner, but also that plant I think throw it off a bit. I think because that plant is a bit too close to the camera but not close enough to make it effective so it really just kind of throws it off.

Other than that, bravo ;)
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Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:20 am
ChildofEden says...

Bah, I hate it when people say all the stuff I want to say. Takes all the fun out of it. Anyhow, yes, as has been said, nixing the wires and the pole-thingy would be a step in the right direction if you ever do something serious with this picture.
Right now, it's kind of a dark shot in some aspects, what with the sky and the ground looking really close in color. If that's what you were going for, great job. If not, try some contrast. I bet it'll look really good!
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Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:38 pm
ProfessorRabbit says...

Ditto on subtracting the telephone poles. In all honesty, I don't really find anything that exciting in a picture of a snowy tree, and it doesn't look like there's much snow, either. I do understand that, in a place where it never snows, this would be more of a big deal, but I see snowy trees all the time, and there's nothing in this picture to make your tree, you know, special. It's just a tree with a light dusting of white.
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Sat Jul 12, 2008 4:12 am
M.B.Author says...

I like this picture a lot.

1. I think the telephone wires can stay and so can the yellow pole, they are cool.

2. If you made the actual tree stand out a little more, like maybe making the sides blurry or something, that pic would totally kick butt.

3. With #2, maybe boot the blackness of the trunk and branches. I that would be cool too.

I love this picture! Maybe tweeking it a little would make it better.

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Sun Jul 13, 2008 7:39 pm
gamechanger10 says...

this is a really great picture. wonderfully taken.
however, there are a few things in the background or near it that sort of distract away from the actual tree. i realize that you could do nothing about that, but, just saying.

great shot, by the way. if the camera would've been just a tad tilted, it would've shown in the picture--the big, straight tree and all.

overall, great picture!!!

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Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:51 pm
KaatiieBugg says...

thanks everybody... someone asked if that was the first time I'd seen snow, and no, it wasn't! I really love snow and I lived somewhere snowy when i was a little kid, so I did get to play in it...
I haven't edited this picture in any way, but I might check out some way to get rid of the telephone wires and yellow pole. thanks again!
Writing: My Anti-Drug

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