
Young Writers Society

Drama monolouge help?

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Points: 922
Reviews: 49
Tue May 31, 2011 9:22 pm
MilkNCookies says...

Spoiler! :
Alright, guys. I have a monologue due soon in Drama. I just wanted to see if you guys could touch up on it a bit, and tell me it's absolutely terrible. >.< Basically, it has to start with the line 'no, no, those flashing blue lights can't be for me'. It's judged mainly on character development, then delivery articulation(which you can't help me with). Well, here it goes.

(up-stage (left) foot on stage, on bottom stage left. Is staring high up at bottom-right, sort-of center, so audience can see easily.) No, no, those flashing blue lights can’t be for me…

(stomps fully onto stage, walks to center wile talking to lights) I don’t have any money! Why much you blast your lights so tantalizingly into my eyes? What have I done to hurt you? What have I done to betray you? What did I do wrong?
I wouldn’t even be here, on forty-third avenue at one in the morning, if it weren’t for stupid Natalie Irrkson. Irrkson. How fitting. And now, I find myself asking her the same question. What did I do wrong?

I’m sorry. I truly am. Was there a valid, legitimate reason you stabbed me in the back? I mean, I was your best friend. I did tons of things for you. And you go and do this! How friggin pathetic is that? I bet you think you’re the woman now! I bet you’re popular. I bet..! I bet…(eyes drop) I bet you’ve forgotten all about me. About me, who climbed a tree, broke my arm, and still retrieved your kite. We were tight as glue. Have you forgotten all about me? Did you really throw away your best friend in exchange for the group who will hang out with you for five minutes, than abandon you for the next pretty face? You shouldn’t have done that. I’m saying this in your best interest. I have one question for you: What did I do to bother you, to hurt you?

What did I do wrong?

Don’t feel too bad, Natalie (says sarcastically). You weren’t the only reason I ran away. It stated with the divorce. No, I’m not talking about Jon and Kate or anything. I’m talking about my parent’s divorce. How they hated each other. How they only got married because they both wanted a child. Sure, they talked about who gets the money. They talked about the house rights, they even argued over the dog. But me? No. Never, not once did I come up. It’s like they didn’t even know I was watching them when they fought.

Next came the bills. Tons of them. Then, little ol’ me, in her mom’s house which was always filled with strange young men, was, again, ignored. She started dining out with her boyfriends to get food and attention. I didn’t come. Nope. I barely got food! I received the scant leftovers, if there were leftovers at all.

It was even worse when I was at my dad’s house. His dog fought with me. Clobbered me. And he didn’t do anything. Maybe, once, I remember him saying ‘Clea, get away from my dog!’ But nothing about my personal heath. ‘Course not. ‘Cause no body cares about me.

Except for Natalie. I could evade it by having the almost daily sleepovers at her house. And now, I can’t even go there. I have no escape.

*sigh* Of course, there was always running away. I mean, I had to run! I had to throw away my life; I had to start fresh.
And now, staring at the flashing blue CANDY STORE lights, I can’t help but regret not taking some of my parent’s few dollar bills, as dishonest as that is. I mean, can’t you just see the lights? Bright, painstaking blue lights taunting me. Each little bulb crying ‘Come, eat my candy!’

*Sigh* I wish I could, store. I would in a heartbeat. If only stupid Natalie didn’t…! Aug! I’m stressing over her! Well… of course I am. She ruined my life. And now look at me. I’m talking to myself. I’m going insane.

*shakes head* I minus well go home. At least I eat there. Sometimes.

No! No one can make me go home! I’ll get whatever I need from somewhere. Somewhere. Somehow. I will not go home. Not now! I’ve gotten so far. I’ve trekked across the entire state of Vermont! Well… the tiny part at the bottom that is only four miles long, but isn’t that worthy of appraise, Natalie? Huh? Could you do that?

(Pauses for a good 20 seconds, panting)

I can’t do this much longer. I can’t take it. Not knowing if I’ll live to see tomorrow! It’s tearing me apart!

(Pauses for ten seconds, about.)

I can’t do it. I’m going home. *walks off-stage*
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Gender: Female
Points: 833
Reviews: 1
Tue May 31, 2011 9:51 pm
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mvb627 says...

The only thing I would do is keep your Stage direction formatting the same. Parenthesis or asterisk but not both.
Kirby is my friend!

(o.o) <----- Raccoon is watching you.

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52 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 447
Reviews: 52
Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:03 pm
emoticon220 says...

Hello! I'm Moti, I'll be your reviewer today. First things first, I like it. Very emotional and it tells the whole story but is still short and sweet and to the point. Nitpicks:

1. Littls typo-
much you

em when they
I feel like this should be changed to "while they fought"

I did tons of things for you.
Try some different wording here. The maturity of the rest of the piece doesn't seem to match this. It seems different.

4. I agree: Keep your stage directions the same. Perhaps make stage directions parenthesis and actiosn (Sighs etc.) astriks.

Over all I like the flow and the story. It's appealing to the read and just suspenseful enough. It tells a story and sounds good.

Keep Writing.
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

Veni, vidi, scripsi ~ I came, I saw, I wrote
— steampowered