
Young Writers Society

Creatively Titled Poetry Challenge

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Tue May 19, 2020 5:08 pm
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Hijinks says...

Maze of dying ghosts

A silvery breeze stirs my mind, whispering
seductive thoughts. Imaginary vapours
swirl through the air, yet the dew-like dreams
slip between my tactless fingers.

I am willfully lost in this maze of mist,
a fog of false truths that obscure reality.
Wraiths haunt my imagination and I pretend
that they are more than ghostly reflections
shining upon the lake of my desires.

The wistful water evaporates at my eager touch
thwarting even this destructive wish to drown.
Ghosts rush upwards, evading my greed and
dispersing mists reveal horrible truths as I
struggle to hide within the haze. Gravity pulls me down,
burying me in harsh and haunting consciousness.
When you're faced with something you don't understand, I think the most natural thing but also least interesting thing you can be is afraid.

-- Hank Green

(previously whatchamacallit and Seirre)

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Thu May 21, 2020 1:41 pm
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kattee says...

is it too late to sign up for this round?
If you want some sweet reviews to your poems, short stories, and essays, come by Katteelogue.

Have a lovely day❤️

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Thu May 21, 2020 3:54 pm
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looseleaf says...

(this is definitely not my best poem, but i tried lol)

Spoiler! :
Ghosts of Change

During the night,
as the wind billows,
the darkness is
forming over the hill.

Over the years,
the night has seen
many changes to
the quaint little town,
that it lies in.

The darkness soars overhead,
looking to see any familiar sights,
but is filled with dread when all
it sees is streetlights and cars.

The night has seen
many changes to this town,
from its destruction,
to its rebuilding,
to where it is today.

The night can't do anything
about these changes,
but it disappoints him on how
the humans look over what is good.

The old buildings,
the old people,
the old traditions,
all that was good,
was changed for the "better."

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Fri May 22, 2020 3:31 am
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kattee says...

There will be no eliminations- anyone is free to join or leave at any time.

Note: I'm holding on to this haha. I couldn't help but write a poem related to the challenge.

I sauntered past a silhouette that painted my shadow
Into the palette of grays and blacks intertwined
With ghastly oak trees clad in blood,
Towering over tombs lounged by ghostly figures.

The rough road prickled my wrinkled skin
That’s covered in strips of white ancient cloth.
I exhaled sewage air with teeth turning into fault lines
And lips smoldering into fire flakes.

I staggered past a group of ghouls and held on to my tiny
Doppelgänger whose other hand clutched an orange head
She used to encase her gems wrapped with immortality.
She handed me a piece to which I shooed away,

“I’ve had enough candy,” I growled.

We halted near a decaying tomb guarded by
A faceless man whose enchanting gems
Are cluttered on a shattered pedestal loomed out
By Lady Ghost and her black crooked nails.

Tiny held out her hand and screamed, “Trick or treat.”

Spoiler! :
Title: Halloween
If you want some sweet reviews to your poems, short stories, and essays, come by Katteelogue.

Have a lovely day❤️

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Sun May 24, 2020 4:39 am
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alliyah says...

whoops I'm a little late to the party! revision

Earthen Ghost,
where did you die -

is it far too late
to pay my respects,
tack some flowers
to your fire grave?

did anyone mourn
when the lakes melted
or notice when you
stopped your spinning
'round the sun -

we're too busy it seems
always two steps late
to the day that hasn't
yet begun, forgetting
the sun in our pocket

we let our fingers linger
too long over candle wax
and didn't mind the scorch
because pain is just
one of those inevitables

our hands were burnt to ash,
so they couldn't blame us
when they found our fingerprints
lurking where the grass had been
pulled from the roots,

it's not my fault,
i'm only ever careless

apathy was written into my veins
the day they decided electricity
is imagined because no one could
understand how bees make honey
when they're always gardening

but this isn't about stealing
it's about pollution, people deny
that smoke sometimes
does more damage than fire;
but you can't forget it.

you know i won't take
the blame, but i do regret it
enough to know the difference
between lake-swimming and
pool-drowning, isn't as stark
when there aren't any fish left.

Edit I edited it and threw it over in the Lit Center: matricide. Title inspired by Katteex's thoughtful comment, thank you!
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

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Sun May 24, 2020 11:43 am
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kattee says...


Spoiler! :
it's funny that you set your poem during spring, meanwhile, mine's in autumn. Also, are these dialogues of two people talking or just one person who has an internal battle in his/her mind? And what did you mean when you said, "Mow the lawn
Or it'll be used my moles"?
I really like the message you're trying to say! How people deem this springtime ghost as their own personal entertainment, not really caring about his/her identity. It reminds me of the actors and actresses we look up to. We're more interested in their drama than who the person really is.


Spoiler! :
It's interesting that you've put yourself in a corpse's point of view! Quite scary actually (in a good way). When you said "Leading my own funeral" was the person buried alive. This reminded me of the story about where the word "Saved by the bell" came from.


Spoiler! :

I love the second stanza! your poem has a similar message to gravitem's but this hit me more on the issue about bullying. There are a lot of instances where at least one or two people in high school get alienated by the whole batch or class just because they feel like he/she is weird. And from what I know, that creates a lot of negative mental and emotional impact.


Spoiler! :
love how descriptive your poem is! I'm not sure if this is what you're trying to say but I interpreted these ghosts as the narrator's conscience. How he/she tries to ignore them at first, but as he/she gets closer and closer to fulfilling this desire to die, she has to face these ghosts. The moment she finally did, they were already too frightening that they impeded him/her to pursue death. It's really deep!


Spoiler! :

What you're trying to convey through your poem is really nice. We're the ghosts, right? (I hope I didn't misunderstand). I think what you're trying to say is that humans have a really short life in contrast to darkness so that's why in the perspective of darkness they can be considered ghosts. I hope you can try expounding more on that. But, anyways, I like the moral of your poem!


Spoiler! :

Your poems never cease to astound me! I've read a lot of your poems during NaPo and I love most of them. I had to search if there was a myth about an "Earthen Ghost," in case but I didn't find one. After a re-read, I realized you were literally pertaining to the Earth and that you were tackling climate change and pollution issues. I love the message and imagery! From what I understood, the Earth is transitioning into a ghost instead of our "Mother" because we are apathetic about the effects of our own inventions to it. That we have no right to call it our mother if we're the one causing its gradual death.
If you want some sweet reviews to your poems, short stories, and essays, come by Katteelogue.

Have a lovely day❤️

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Sun May 24, 2020 4:53 pm
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Shadeflame says...

Hey! Do you think I could join for the next challenge? I don't have enough time to do this one right now, but I should be free soon. :D
English isn't a language, it's three languages stacked up on top of each other wearing a trenchcoat.

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Sun May 24, 2020 5:02 pm
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alliyah says...

Wow! Love the diversity in the first week of poems - and have to admit I'm kind of a fan of writing/reading this dark--brooding poetry that came out of the "ghost" prompt. Big thank you to Katteex for your comment too! :]

Looking forward to the next Challenge @RoseandThorn!
you should know i am a time traveler &
there is no season as achingly temporary as now
but i have promised to return

I feel like if I was the mafia I’d leave a voicemail.
— Tuckster