
Young Writers Society

The Name Game

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Tue Nov 07, 2017 11:07 pm
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LittleFox says...

The Name Game:
I came up with this little game to practice writing, and I thought it would be fun to play on here! You take a random name and make up a character with this name and to a fast free-write about them. Just go with your first thoughts when you hear the name and see how it turns out. There’s no pressure to create masterpieces so just have fun with it.

How the game will work:
1. Leave some quick feedback on the entry above yours. (Optional)
2. Freewrite on the name left at the end of the entry above you.
3. Think of a name to leave for the next person to write about. Any name will do. You can go with a common name like Robert or get weird and leave a name like Space Cat Joe for the next person.
I’ll start things off with a random name.

Jay is a 47 year old guy who is a little socially awkward, but has a very kind heart. Unfortunately for poor Jay, his good intentions can be misunderstood sometimes. Just the other day there was a sale on candy at the local super market. He picked up a bag of cheap caramels and remembered how he’d always begged his mother to buy them for him. But now that he was getting older, he just couldn’t have all that sticky candy. However he went ahead and bought the candy and decided to pass it out to the kids that played at the park near his house. Poor Jay was so disheartened when the mothers there would yank their children away when they went to accept the candy from him, scolding the young children. “Never, NEVER take candy from creepy old men!” they’d say as the glared a Jay and hauled their children off. So now poor jay is left with all this candy he can’t even eat.

Next name: Kira
Last edited by LittleFox on Wed Nov 08, 2017 5:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
"What's 'taters, Precious?"

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Wed Nov 08, 2017 4:21 am
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Steggy says...

I like this game!

So, Kira is a drop out art student because she had come to the realization that artists like Van Gogh didn't go to college. When her parents heard about this, they immediately disowned her and this caused Kira to end up living by herself or with friends. She worked at an outlet mall at one of the tacky souvenir shops that no one really goes to except for the little old ladies. Kira doesn't make a lot of money so she has to "borrow" some from her friends, who are getting tired of it with each time she calls/texts.
Kira quit her job and went on one of those "find yourself" journeys in China or Panama. No one really knows where she went because no one has heard from her since then.

Next name: Percy
You are like a blacksmith's hammer, you always forge people's happiness until the coal heating up the forge turns to ash. Then you just refuel it and start over. -Persistence (2015)

You have so much potential and love bursting in you. -Omnom

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Wed Nov 08, 2017 4:27 am
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soundofmind says...

Percy is an old cat who belongs to a 59 year old named Barbara. Percy is a bit overfed, so he's a little overweight. He's pretty lazy and mostly just lays around snoozing most of the time, but the highlight of his day is when Barbara puts him in her purse and they got for a small stroll down their street. Percy also likes bubbles and whenever Barbara blows them, Percy starts acting like a kitten again - more energy - and he actively chases after them and pops them. He's learned the hard way not to eat them though.

Next name: Sir Chip
Pants are an illusion. And so is death.


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Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:49 am
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Radrook says...

Behold Sir Chip! Knighted just yesterday morning. Briefly renown as Sir Chip for bravely placing a wood chip on his shoulder when jousting and daring the opposing knight, Sir Beastly, to gently dislodge it from his shoulder with a lance.

He met his end yesterday when Sir Beastly totally ignored the chip and went strait for Sir Chips’s chest instead. Twas totally unfair since our beloved Sir Chip was expecting the thrust against the chip, and not against his totally exposed chest. But trusting in the agreement, he failed to evade Sir Beastlie.s lance thrust and bravely took the full brunt of the impact on that vulnerable area.

But gallant to the end, Sir Chip never uttered a crie of fear or dismay despite the look of sheer terror on his emaciated face as he was dismounted and flew towards the hard ground. Ohhhh never has any other unseated knight sailed so gracefully through the ether as noble Sir Chip did earlier today. Never has any other knight managed to produce such a gloriously resounding thud as armor met stone and vertebrae met metal.

Now of course he lies humbly in his pine casket with the chip placed atop as an honor to his bravery and as a reminder to other aspiring Sir Chipper's not to follow his example because Sir Chipping can lead to the grave. Fair well Sir Chip! You will never be forgotten for the lesson you have taught us all. “Here Here!” Sir Beastly said as the crowd dispersed and sir Chip was lowered slowly into the grave.

Ignacio Garibaldi
“Defamation; is an act of impiety.”
― Kristian Goldmund Aumann, The Seven Deadly Sins

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Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:42 am
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PassionatePoet01 says...

Ignacio Garibaldi always got laughed at because of his name. When he was just five years old, he had a nickname that stuck to him for the rest of his life. "Baldi!!!" They'd call him, and they'd laugh.

He went home and cried to his parents, who comforted, and told him, that there was nothing wrong with his name, and that he was just born to make people laugh.

Years later, he decided to try to do stand up comedy for a high school talent show. He remembers how afraid he was, awkwardly walking on stage as soon as they announced his name, and stood behind the mic. He inhaled, closed his eyes, and just remembered what his parents had told him, "You were born, to make people laugh."

He cleared his throat, opened his eyes, and started with his opening line, "Hi everyone! Despite what you might think, no, I am not Mr. Clean. My name is Baldi, and despite me actually having hair, I decided to hide it for a purpose..." His voice fades away slightly, as he tilted his head down, and the top of the bald cap, clearly said, "GariBALDi."

The audience starts laughing, and he looks up and says, "Do I even need to explain why I'm doing stand up comedy? My name FORCED it upon me." Feeling amped up by the audience laughter, he picked up in energy and confidence, "You know, I was half way hoping that someone would throw a tomato at my bald head already, do you know how cool that would look? Right out of a video game! My mom would probably rush up to make sure that it was a tomato that hit me, instead of actual blood. Man, that'd be so cool!"

Throughout the rest of his performance, he kept getting more and more laughter, and by the time he was done, he had everyone cheering.

He won the talent show, first place, and when he was asked to comment on it, he stated, "Well, my parents always said that I was born to make people laugh."

Baldi, is now a household name, touring, and he no longer has to wear a bald cap. Now he can just write it on his own bald head.

Next Name: McKayla

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Sun May 21, 2023 3:35 pm
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NadyaStatham says...

McKayla is a talented and passionate fashion designer in her early twenties. With a keen eye for style and a flair for creativity, she breathes life into her designs. McKayla's imagination knows no bounds. Inspired by her travels around the world, McKayla incorporates diverse cultural influences into her collections. She effortlessly blends vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and unconventional materials to create stunning and thought-provoking pieces that challenge traditional notions of fashion. Her workshop is a sanctuary of fabric and sketches, where McKayla spends countless hours bringing her visions to life. McKayla's runway shows are eagerly anticipated events in the fashion industry. Her presentations are not just mere displays of clothing; they are immersive experiences that transport the audience into her world of artistry. Models such as Gig Hadid, gracefully strut down the catwalk, showcasing McKayla's daring designs that elicit gasps of admiration and awe.

Next name: Queen Genelia

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Mon Jan 01, 2024 5:51 pm
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spottedpebble says...

Queen Genelia was the most beloved queen of the Emerald Kingdom. She was going to join the Emerald Kingdom with the Opal Kingdom, something that the previous rulers of the Emerald Kingdom had tried to do many times before by starting wars and attempting to conquer the Opal Kingdom, but Queen Genelia was going to combine them through an act of love and peace. However, when the citizens of the Emerald Kingdom found out that Queen Genelia was going to conjoin the kingdoms by marrying her true love, Queen Alda of the Opal Kingdom, they revolted against her and threw her out of the kingdom, claiming that a marriage between kingdoms was evil, and that the Opalians were less than the Emeraldiens and should be their servants, not their equals. They also claimed that a marriage between Queens was disgusting and unnatural, and that Queen Genelia had gone crazy. Queen Genelia took shelter in the Opal Kingdom and in the arms of her love, Queen Alda. Together, the two Queens are now planning to take back the Emerald Kingdom in the name of love and unity and equality for all.

Next name: Darryl Smith
in any order



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Tue Jan 23, 2024 11:01 pm
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Avian says...

Darryl Smith was not who you'd think he'd be. No, he was not a middle-aged man with a receding hairline and wire-framed glasses he's had since the 90s. Darryl was, however, a young musician, keen on making his dreams come true.

Darryl played the ukulele every day. He was self-taught, courtesy of YouTube videos and crappy sheet music found online. But he was content to chase fleeting dreams of becoming a famous musician. He practiced and practiced and practiced until his fingers would bleed. And even then, he would sit at his desk and craft song lyrics until he fell asleep, overworked to exhaustion.

And Darryl thought he would make it. He just knew that someone would help him reach his dreams. He would get a contract, and find a company that would spread his music across the nation. But alas, he was turned down. Curse his parents, for they did not give him a musical name!

Darryl Smith would never make it in the indie music industry. His name wasn't creative enough to make it in their world. Thus, he vowed to never let anyone know of his true name anymore! No longer was he Darryl Smith, he would become someone else entirely!

Spoiler! :
heh... sorry if you're name is Darryl, I'm sure you're an excellent person.

Next name: Benjamin Bothamsworthinson

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Tue Apr 09, 2024 6:08 pm
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fantasies says...

Benjamin Bothamsworthinson. That was his name. Although most people called him Benny. And nobody ever spelt his last name right. Ever.
"Dear Benny Botamworthsino, blah blah bleh"
"Hey Bottomworthy! blah blah blah"
Even his teachers made fun of his name! His teachers!
Anyway, besides being made fun of for his name, Benny was a normal guy, he did okay in school, and even had a couple friends.

next name: Alexandrea Burdens
a reminder that kindness matters.

I am so glad that we can have this middle of the night bonding conversation over deep sinks
— EllieMae