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Title Feedback [2]

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Gender: Gendervague he/she/they
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Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:54 am
Vervain says...

Honestly, this title leaves me a little bored. I would probably skip over it at the bookstore or, if it was on an endcap, pick it up and read the blurb on the back. In a world of "make it or break it" titles, this one is definitely more of a "break it".

It raises too many questions, none of which are answered, and doesn't give us a good idea of the world or the real conflict of the story. So magic is illegal -- or a certain kind of magic is illegal -- so what? That's true of plenty of fantasy stories, I'd say more true than false these days. Fantasy almost relies on there being moral or governmental restrictions on magic to impose social conflict and stakes for the main characters.

What kind of magic is illegal? Is it harmful? Is it benign? Is it blood magic that's been outlawed, necromancy, divination, all kinds of magic? What's going on here? This title leaves me with less than a hint of the things supposed to be happening in this story.

Why should I read this story instead of another one? That's what this title needs to answer, and it doesn't, not well enough for me.

But that's my opinion.

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Bound by Lightning
stay off the faerie paths

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Sat Apr 22, 2017 2:23 am
Feltrix says...

I like it, but I feel like I've heard it before. Not in the way that it's been used, but in the way that many variations if it have been used and so it's not the most original. What it conjures to mind: A young adult fantasy novel, probably set in modern times with added magic or demons or something. There's a romantic subplot in their somewhere. I am aware that none of this actually has anything to do with binding someone or something with lightning, it just feels like it falls into that genre. I would guess that if this book were written, it would have an epic name, but the book itself would be marginal.


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Tue May 02, 2017 12:54 am
Vervain says...

First reaction: sci-fi, probably young adult or new adult, has to do with video games -- if not video games, then chess or some other strategic game. Sounds kind of cliche, not in a bad way, but in a way where the story really needs to justify the title being dramatic. This title leans on the story; if the latter doesn't impress in short order, then it's hard to believe the weight of the title.

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stay off the faerie paths

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Thu May 18, 2017 7:04 pm
Rosendorn says...

Arcane fantasy, literary, or sci fi. Not something I would pick up because brain doesn't like much of anything to do with words I have no idea about, so depending on the day I'd either pick it up because I'm super curious or pass it right by because "why couldn't the title have been a normal word that didn't need a dictionary"?


Pet Ghosts and Exorcisms
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

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Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:02 am
Vervain says...

I'm torn on this one. On the one hand, it gives the reader a good idea of the content of the story -- a good idea of how the supernatural is going to be used, and a good idea of the tone considering it doesn't seem to take itself too seriously in the title. On the other hand, as a more immature title, it runs the risk of sounding more middle-grade, and the first few pages would have to solidly cement the tone if it's meant to be more Young Adult/New Adult or adult fiction.

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The Fourth Wish
stay off the faerie paths

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Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:05 am
PrincessInk says...

The "Fourth" catches my eye, because to me, three is a rather common number used in fairy-tales and stories (such as three brothers, three quests, three horses, etc.) But, the "Wish" part didn't exactly work because it's what I see fairly often--and it's rather vague, at least in my opinion. So...if I was looking at this at the library, I might peek at the blurb if I'm still hunting for books to read and probably not if I have a few novels already in the "to be checked out" stage.


Accidentally Ghosts
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Wed Jun 14, 2017 12:55 am
Vervain says...

This title doesn't really work for me. While it successfully conveys a middle-grade, almost childish paranormal fantasy -- probably urban fantasy -- the syntax is a little too childish. And it just makes me think of "I accidentally the g.d. Batman," a joke that was pretty big a few years ago, and I don't know, it just doesn't ring right for me.

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Liar's Pawn
stay off the faerie paths

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Mon Sep 18, 2017 9:53 am
Tenyo says...

I think that title could appeal to a niche audience depending on which genre you put it in, probably some kind of mystery genre fiction, either crime or romantic. The Pawn indicates someone being puppeted, but there is a kind of intimacy in that it very specifically belongs to the Liar, and that's the thing that intrigues me. It's a teeny bit generic. Pawns and liars kind of inhabit the same plotzone, which is why I think it reminds me of genre fiction, I kind of expect a very familiar plot to be behind it.

Title: Beneath the Martyr's Tree
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Thu Oct 26, 2017 9:02 pm
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Holysocks says...

@Tenyo If I understood the google search results correctly, the title means kinda like a hanging tree? In that case, it's intriguing! I'd definitely be interested. I wasn't too sure what a Martyr was at first, evidently, so that always kind of puts distance between me and a book until I know what it means- which, I don't always look up what they mean. But your title has a certain amount of mystery to it that captures me and so I like it. c:


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Mon Nov 06, 2017 12:47 am
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Leo says...

@Holysocks (awesome username btw)

Okay, so I'm not really good at judging books by their titles. I'm more taken up by synopses than anything else, but I do find myself trying to guess what the story could be about. It reminds me of something to do with Fantasy but it also reminds me of little troublemakers causing havoc. I'd read it just to find out what it's about.

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Tue Nov 07, 2017 11:20 pm
LittleFox says...

I definitely would pick this book up after looking at the title to see what it's about. It seems like it could go several different directions. It's a little mysterious while also sounding kind of sweet.


The Wife and the Wolf
"What's 'taters, Precious?"

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Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:14 pm
Vervain says...

This title sounds a little... disordered to me. I think it's something about the way the English language orders nouns and sounds -- "The Wolf and the Wife" sounds a bit more normal, but something about this title is still off.

It also bugs me a little that there are only really two important words in this title. It could be "The Wife and Wolf" and it would flow as sensibly; or "Wife and the Wolf" or "Wife and Wolf".

It doesn't evoke a very strong image in my head, so the cover and blurb would have to be very eye-catching for me. Not bad, just generic.

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[The] Sleepers' Wake
(I can't decide whether or not I want the "The" in there -- thoughts?)
stay off the faerie paths

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Thu Jan 18, 2018 6:48 pm
Rosendorn says...

@Lareine For me it depends how specific you want the title. For me "the sleepers' wake" indicates some sort of annual event, some sort of ritual. With "sleepers' wake" it sounds like a one-off mass traumatic event. Both of them fantasy-ish, and I feel like people who might as well be dead but aren't are mourned.

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Tell Me I Did Well
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Sat Apr 14, 2018 2:46 am
Vervain says...

This feels like a very impactful realistic fiction or possibly nonfiction title. I can definitely see it on a shelf as the title of a memoir or other impactful story -- a large focus on emotion, seeking validation, and possibly a long character-based hurt/comfort plot. It doesn't sound like it's my genre, but I might flip through it if I saw it in the store.

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The Autumn Door
stay off the faerie paths

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Fri May 11, 2018 12:56 am
Jericho says...

Without knowing the idea itself, it sounds vaguely fantasy, perhaps some sort of high fantasy or alternate-world; not my cup of tea personally, but something I might look into should the blurb or cover catch my eye. If not, it could title a poetry collection or a realistic/autobiographical novel with some poetic or descriptive language. Either way, not my style.

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Spider's Web

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