
Young Writers Society

Zombie Apocalypse

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Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:16 pm
Cramerx says...

Welcome to the end of the world: Zombie Apocalypse Version. A virus has spend across the globe turning the infected into flesh-eating monsters. The Rules are listed below.

-- No godmodding (Keep it as human as possible, you could die or be infected. You are allowed to have an immunity to the virus. You could be a soldier, martial artist, gymnast, Olympic athlete, ect. as long as it's HUMAN.)

-- This is a zombie apocalypse, extreme gore and violence are perfectly acceptable.

-- No Sex Scenes. Kissing and Making out are allowed

-- No killing off other characters without their permission.

Try to stay alive in this infected world. And remember, there's strength in numbers. Good Luck to you all.
Men are born without limits but learn about them throughout their years.

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Wed Jan 09, 2013 12:31 am
delilahlovve says...


The military blockade against the virus kept me on the outskirts of the "Safe Zone." Therefore, I had to battle against these infected people on my own. My family was separated from me during the testing for the infection and I had done my share of searching but in the midst of all this chaos, it felt like finding them was hopeless.

I was still at our house. I had boarded up the windows and had canned food to last me. But the fear of being alone was overwhelming. There were constant scratches and banging against the windows and doors, but I kept myself secure with our family's pistol in the closet. The exhaustion of sleep began to come over me and then there was a constant ringing of the doorbell. It had never happened before. I wondered if it was my brother or parents.

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Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:22 am
Cramerx says...

Jason Marcer

I sat down pressing my back against the wall, looking back and forth between the dead body at my open door and the sword that dripped with blood trying to make sense of it what happened: My mother opened the door not knowing who, or more precisely, what it was and the man tore my mom's throat out. By the time that I rushed in after hearing my little sister's scream, it was too late. The man had murdered her as well then immediately turned to me, growling like some kind of wild animal. I made it up the stairs, to the second floor, and into my room then slammed the door shut. He...It began pounding against the door, making it shake under the force of his blows. So I did the only thing that I could think of at the time: I unsheathed the katana that hung on the wall and stood at the ready, my entire body shaking with fear. The thin wooden door didn't hold up for long against the man. When it broke away from it's hinges and the man stumbled in, I leapt forward and swung the blade; removing his head from his body. Now here I was; sitting on the floor, shaking, my eye drifting between the man who killed my mother and sister and the blade that I used to kill him. Get up. I ordered breathing unsteadily. I got up on one knee then stood up, body still shaking, and walked out into the hallway. Still clutching my sword, I made my way down the stairs into the living room where my mother and sister were laying dead. I walked over to the phone and dialed 911, it rang 10 maybe 20 times before a answering machine picked up saying "That there are no operators available." I threw the phone against the wall in a rage. That's when I heard movement behind me, I turned my head slightly to see what was going on. And I saw my mother getting to her feet but not only that, my little sister was beginning to move too! I was overjoyed....that was until she turned around. My mother moaned then ran towards me, grabbing my throat. "M-Mom." I coughed struggling for air. I looked into her eyes, there was nothing there...they were completely white. My mother is dead...I quickly pushed my arms up, breaking her grip. I rolled across the floor and snatched my sword then spun around slashing through her torso. My sister was groaning such like my mom and a large chunk missing from her neck, blood gushing from the wound. I turned quickly allowing the outstretched blade to pass through her neck, severing her head. I clinched the hilt examining the room, painted with blood. I turned towards the open front door as I heard car alarms going off, glass breaking, and sirens. "What the hell is going on?"

Spoiler! :
Sorry, I got a little carried away.
Men are born without limits but learn about them throughout their years.

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Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:21 pm
Omni says...

Isaac Harmon

I tapped the tablet screen a couple of times. "Damn internet." I mumbled. The past few days has kept me from getting on the internet for some reason. Now it's frozen...again. I held the power button a couple of seconds, which didn't help at all. "No, no, no! This can't be happening! All of my physics homework is on here!" The tablet of course didn't respond. "I'm going to fail if I don't turn this in." Still no response. Boy, my tablet hates me.

I sighed and placed the tablet back into my bag. Since I'm going to be failing anyway, I might as well make use of my time. I plomped down on the couch and turned on the television. Most channels were static, but a local news station was still on. "Why all the problems all of a sudden?" I muttered.

"This is Channel 9 News interrupting our normal report for an emergency broadcast. A sudden outbreak of a virus in the northern hemisphere has all doctors confused. You are advised to stay indoors and avoid all contact with the infected individuals for the virus is extremely contagious..." A bang on my front door sounded throughout the house.

"One mintue!" I shouted.

More bangs came from that area. "This virus cannot be cured by simple antibiotics, and doctors are trying to figure out a solution to the virus..."
Another large bang sounded.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming."

"Residents are advised to stay inside until further notice, store plenty of food and water until this situation is under control..."

I reached the front door and opened it.

To be continued...
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Fri Jan 11, 2013 9:04 pm
pjkio03 says...

Amarice Sidarth

"Isaac! Open up!"

He opened the door and frowned. "Jesus, Rice! It's ten at night and I have a test tomorrow."

"Did you see the news, Zac?" I looked at him wide-eyed, more afraid than I was used to being. I said a silent prayer to Utherus, asking him to spare me and Zac. After all, this zombie outbreak was definitely his style.

"Yeah, I'm watching it right now--"

"Lemme in." I barged in and plopped on the couch.

"Do you want to come in? Sure it's fine." I heard him mutter.

"You know I love you!" I sarcastically teased him from over my shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, so why did you come here in the middle of a night on a test night for?"
"Here's another curse: may all your bacon burn." - Calcifer, Howl's Moving Castle

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Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:58 pm
Omni says...

Isaac Harmon

"He talked to me, Zac." She said, apparently worried.

I sighed. "Not this again, Rice. I'm not trying to be mean, but I don't have time for this right now. I need to redo my report that just had to get erased when my tablet shut off." I pulled her off of my couch. "I am going to be deprived of sleep tonight anyway, and I want all the sleep I can get." I started pulling her to the door. "Goodbye, Amarice."

"No, you have got to listen to me, Isaac! This isn't just a random thing, he is planning on taking out the entire world. That virus, it isn't just a virus, it's an infection. We're talking about, like, Zombie Apocalypse infection. Utherus is mad at us and he wants to play a game."

I sighed. "This is getting ridulous, Amarice. I have work to do and you're being obnoxious. You keep that God stuff to yourself and let me work on my homework."

A thud sounded upstairs. "Probably the neighbors again, always banging on my door asking for bread. They burn through that stuff like it's candy." I started up the stairs to the second floor, which is actually the first floor.

"Don't answer that!" The thud sounded again from the floor above. "Zac, I warned you once and I'll warn you again: Don't do this."

I shook my head. "Goodbye, Amarice, I have work to do and you have other people to annoy." I reached the door and turned the knob.

Spoiler! :
This is either a zombie or a new char. I want a new person to be in on this, so who wants to help me out?
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Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:22 pm
CowLogic says...


The white hot blaze of agony that swept across my being in that split second could never be matched by anything truly human. The pain was excruciating, and I once again collapsed onto the pavement. I couldn't move- No, I could, but the slightest pull on my leg sent me spiraling back into the black hole we call nervous discomfort. I dared myself to look at the wound, but, straining my abdominals, hollow rocking a crunch to get a peak, I immediately groaned and threw up all over myself and the asphalt.

The back of my calf was in shreds; horrible, red shreds that revealed yellow muscle, purple ooze, and a lot of torn flesh. The ground beneath my right leg was blanketed by a shallow pool of blood, that looked oddly pulpy. I felt dizzy from shock, nausea, and blood loss. Trying to control my breathing, I let my gaze wander to the right, my gaze locking on the pure white pupils of the man lying next to me.

I immediately scrambled up, and immediately regretted it, my demolished leg protesting with a force that definitely could not have been compared to Gandhi. Trying my absolute best not to ignore the pain and biting my lip, I gathered myself and reexamined the man. It was obvious that he was dead, no breath resounding from his gory, torn lips, and eyes that had rolled back into his head. The man's pants were stained in the back and his skin was yellow; the veins bulged a sickly green. This type of decay didn't happen in the two hours or so that my classic gear-driven watch told me I had been out. This decay must have started when the man was still alive.

His head was bashed in, revealing multicolored brains and spraying spinal string. Lying beside the crater was the piece of concrete that I had used to inflict this damage. However, there was barely any blood. The only people I know who don't bleed when their skulls are crushed are people whose hearts don't pump anymore- people who are not living. Painting the man's sharp teeth was the blood and flesh of my leg, which he viciously grabbed, gnawing away. The man no longer resembled a human being, much less my younger brother Pete.

At this ghostly sight, my vision began to blur and a primal rage, that is impossible to describe on paper filled my veins and seeped through my eyes. All I can say is that it was like looking through a red film. I felt- infected, I don't know. All I know is that conscious decisions and behavior abruptly stopped, and I felt as if I were in a dream state, as I slowly and painlessly got up, and instinctively stumbled around, gaining balance, ignoring the huge, bloody hole in my leg. This animal-like thing I had tripppily become was now on the move, shambling as mobile as the damaged leg could carry it. I couldn't feel or control anything, just hazily and unclearly observe. The one thing I did feel though was hunger- for flesh. I stumbled for what seemed like miles, until out of no where, my vision cleared as suddenly as it fogged and I collapsed.

Waking up to horrible, horrible pain, such a pain that I could not even muster a scream, I found myself slumped on the porch of an unknown house. Panicking, I clawed at my leg, a very bad decision, one that led to more pain, and made a silent yell. I tried again, but no sound came out. I was hyperventilating, and I ripped myself off the ground, trying to turn the locked knob of the door. I sobbed and banged on the wooded entrance again and again, bellowing quiet cries, and stopping when I heard a voice yell something. I listened, but no other sounds came. I once again used the very last of my energy to wham away at the door. Another yell occurred, one that I could barely discern above the pounding of my heart, and I slumped against the door.

It was opened and I was greeted by the perplexed expression of Isaac Harmon, a local of the town and best friend of my little brother Pete. Behind him, with a look of complete shock, stood Rice Sidarth, another member of the resident brat pack.

Out of nowhere, this time fast as lightening, my vision filmed over again, processing that red glow. My mind quickly left my body and I was once again an animal, just in time to have the violent urge to bite the quickly inbound arm that was headed for mine. But before I could lunge to eat the helping hand, my mind rushed back into my body and my vision was once again clear. Isaac was shouting into my hear, but I couldn't understand because of a lessening ring in my ears. He had grabbed my arm and was leading me to the couch, yelling over and over again, "Holy ****! Holy- Smitty do you hear me?!? Mother of- Rice! Call 911! Do it! Holy **-"

The girl was already in possession of the land-line, shaking it and quivering like a monster truck in neutral, and she shouted, "I'm trying to! The ******* phone is dead!"

As I was led to the couch, my working ears registering the shouts of hopeless people, I started to laugh and sob at the same time, growing louder and louder until it was the only thing penetrating my ear drums. I cackled like a lunatic, all the while collapsing onto the couch, vision flickering on and off, feeling higher than a kite and sicker than a cow. In the background, the TV was on, the news channel blaring it's cry: "The virus is spreading as we SPEAK! Those infected become animals. They cease to be human! They cease to be LIVING!" I once again started to laugh, but passed out, giggling over the blood that poured from my once triangular calf.
The course skin of a thousand elephants sewn together to make one leather wallet.

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Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:20 am
Cramerx says...

Jason Marcer

I switched my grip on my sword, pressing the back of the blade against my forearm. Walking cautiously down the pathway in front of my door towards the sidewalk, the sounds echoed through between the houses feeding my sudden paranoia that made me tense up with every movement. I suppose it was to be expected after my family was murdered then came back to life and tried to kill me, it kind of surprised me that I was still thinking clearly. A ear-piercing shriek turned my attention to a house down the street. I ran down the middle of the street till I reached the house: one of the front windows had been broken out and the door was laying just inside. And I could just barely make out a few figures moving inside. I practically leaped across the sidewalk and through the front door. A man was laying on the floor in a pool of blood, he was still alive but barely. The figures that I saw from outside was a girl who was being attacked by a man, creature, who she was desperately fighting him, it, off. "H-Help me." She cried weakly. I jumped over the couch and used the sword to slash through his arm, blood poured from it's shoulder. It instantly turned from the girl to me, it growled grabbing at me but I stepped to the side then ran the sword through his neck. His body fell to the ground with his head. The girl sat on the floor with her back against the wall, staring at the bloody corpse on the ground. I reversed my grip the on the sword again then bent down next to the girl "Are you okay?"
Men are born without limits but learn about them throughout their years.

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Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:21 pm
Omni says...

Isaac Harmon

My vision was blurred, then dimmed to almost nothingness. I groaned almost soundlessly. My vision cleared a bit, and I could see blood all around me. It wasn't mine, I was pretty sure. It was someone else's. Rice!

I suddenly remembered what had brought me to the floor, or was it a who? No, it was definitely a what. The corpse of Smitty had grabbed me as I laid him, no it, on the couch. Amarice had thrown a vase at it's head, and it pushed me against the wall, where I slipped in the pool of blood that had came from Smitty's body.

I turned wearily to Rice. She was wrestling with the automaton body and she was losing. I tried to get up, only to have a massive concussion slam my head. I screamed and hit the floor. The scream resonated through the house and Rice's scream fell into harmony with mine as it echoed across the dead neighborhood.

I looked at Rice, silently praying to God to let her live, even though the depths of unconsciousness gripped me. As my eyes closed, I saw a flash of something metal.
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Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:35 am
CowLogic says...

Spoiler! :
Man, you left me in a hard position here, my friend. Let's what comes of Smitty and his late brother's friends.


I can't comprehend the force that made me do it.

It happened so fast I couldn't think about it- I DIDN'T think about it, because once again, I experienced a horrifying out-of-body-experience, a tantalizingly terrible relapse of human emotion and reason, becoming once again a horrible beast. Through my red tinted eyes, I saw the whole thing, but wouldn't- couldn't stop it.

Isaac was still panicking, and I was still laughing my distraught *** off, realizing the full scope of what has become and what will become. My little brother, my kid brother, dead. I automatically assumed that I was the one to kill him, but it seems to be apparent now that he was already dead, already turned into one of these... things that were terrorizing the world, one of those things that I seemed to become periodically. In a state that is greater than shock itself, I was quietly, ominously, jubilant, crooning a disgusting laugh at the ceiling.

And as the horror-stricken Mr. Harmon laid me down on the couch, obviously concerned about something far more disturbing than my pitted, hemorrhaging leg, that danged red glow filtered into my gaze once more. Without knowing what I would do next, my hands flew upward, grabbing the poor kid's neck with bloody, sweaty hands, and throttling. I slowly pulled his face towards my open mouth, and he desperately, and to no avail, tried to wriggle free. When I was two inches from taking a chunk out of his ear, a hard object connected with the beck of my head. The weakly projectile had come from the direction of the girl, who had panic written across a face that displayed determined eyes.

I shrugged off Zac, sending him slip-sliding across the bloody hardwood floor, and turned my full animal rage and hunger towards Rice, who wasn't even old enough to drive. I leaped at the girl, and by now, my true conscious had begun to be aware of the happenings around my autonomous body, yet it could do nothing but cringe and emit imaginary screams and wait for it to be over.

We rolled across the floor, her keeping me just out of reach of the infecting bite, but quickly losing control against her larger, stronger, nemesis. Then something happened that made my figurative heart just about break. The monster, heretofore describing this entity that was certainly not me, smashed the girl into the leg of a table. Her nose broke instantly and sprayed out a generous helping of blood that immediately faded to a steady stream. The real damage was inflicted by the five pound brass paperweight lying on the end-table. It jolted off the top and landed point first into her shoulder, the side of it knocking against her skull. The skin of her left shoulder deflated, spitting out blood from veins of a still-pumping heart whole feet across the floor. With that, she was out for the count. My whole vision was an array of red, some of which was red in real life, too.

Perfectly timed, the spell ended. My eyes were once again color functional, and I fell down on one elbow, spazzing and regaining motor control. Too weak and to terrified to even feel the ungodly pain in my calf and the deep-rooted sting of a mild concussion in my head, I began to weep. These were not the tears of pain, or the tears of joy. They were neither the tears of disappointment, nor the tears of injustice. These were tears of guilt, remorse, and hopelessness. Before today, you probably never saw me cry before. Today, you could've seen the river that flowed from my eyes bleeding into the Euphrates River.

I could not believe the damage that had occurred. Around me lay disheveled furniture, two unconscious and injured teens, and the pooling, intermingled blood of Amarice "Rice" Sidarth, Isaac "Zac" Harmon, and Clyde "Smitty" Smith. And it was all my fault. I knew perfectly well that I had not chosen to do this, that my body and my stigmata of all illnesses forced me to, but I still felt as if I was truly evil.

I laid there, crying for who knows how long, until I heard the door slam shut. Standing under the frame was a very shocked Mrs. Harmon, hands releasing paper grocery bags filled with bug-out supplies and mouth gaping, still clad in her nurse's scrubs, intaking the carnage around her.

I tried to make words come, but they wouldn't and I merely collapsed again onto the ground, crying and asking God why, why me.

The only answer was the stare of Isaac's medically trained mother, a stare of interrogation, horror, and anguish.

Spoiler! :
Hey there. I just wanted to ask to not describe my character turning into a zombie in your next sections. As you may have guessed he is not fully Zombie. He has a recessive trait that makes him have occasional relapses into Zombiehood, but mostly stays human. My plan is to have Mrs. Harmon patch everyone up, then everyone will discuss what to do with him, since he is obviously unstable. Have a good one!
The course skin of a thousand elephants sewn together to make one leather wallet.

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Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:20 pm
Omni says...

"Mrs." Harmon

Today was much, much, much, much weirder than my normal work days as a nurse.

Getting to work in the morning was hectic as usual. Traffic in Manhattan never let down, even in the wee hours of the morning, and today was definitely no exception.
However, that was normal in Manhattan.

Work, all throughout the day, was greusome, like normal, although the injuries coming in through the E.R. were getting worse throughout the day. There was one critical case that caught my attention. A man was rushed through the doors of the ambulance entrance. His leg was completely ripped off, not like cut off, but RIPPED off. I don't know how it happened, and, frankly, I don't care.

All throughout the day, I was packed and had no time to stop and relax, if I had, I might've seen what was happening throughout the United States.

However, that workday was still somewhat normal.

Driving home at night, though, was what caught me. There were car alarms going off all around. There were car alarms going off in the background all the time. And for the first time ever, the ride home was free of traffic. The other side of the highway was packed with cars, honking and people screaming and shouting at one another.

The ride through my neighborhood was somewhat free of stress. I decided to go to the only grocery store that was open and get the rest of the supplies on the store, which wasn't much. Things were not going normally, so I decided to get some supplies.

I got out of my car and clicked the 'lock' button on my keys. Two screams fell in line with the beep of the car locking. I ran inside, fumbled with the keys, and finally unlocked the doors. The sight I saw shocked me utterly.
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Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:59 am
Icleminiangel says...


I was reading my book- the mortal instruments it was really good- waiting for my uncle to come home. How to explain my uncle well he was crazy he was what you would call a doomsday prepper. Always spouting crap about how the world was gonna end but I put up with it because he put up with me, he took me in when I had no one else so I owed him everything. I put my book down and glanced at my watch he was taking a very long time. Too long. I dialed his number on my mobile but all I got was static.I tried focusing on my book again but the noise outside was deafening car alarms going off everywhere I even thought I heard a scream but I probably imagined it. Just then my uncle came in through the door and instead of going to the pantry where he put all the food he came straight for me and lunged for my throat with his hands. The chair fell under both mine and my uncles weight and the force of the impact and the fact that my uncle was choking me ment that I couldn't breathe and was beginning to lose consciousness. As a last attempt at getting him off of me I kicked him in the chest hard and surprisingly it worked as his hands lost their grip on my throat and I tried to stand up but fell to the floor coughing so I crawled further away from my uncle who looked up and I could see
that his eyes were... Wrong all you could see where the whites of his eyes and then I
noticed that the door was laying on the floor and the window was smashed and
enougher " person" had walked through the door and I acted on impulse and grabbed the
gun that my uncle kept on the table constantly and just shot and the thing fell to the
floor mentally thanking my uncle for forcing me to take shooting lessons I turned and
found my uncle about to attack me again and I screamed and tried to force him off of
me when this guy ran in carrying a sword I was shocked but managed to whimper "
H..help me" the mystery guy brought his sword up and chopped my uncles arm off. This didn't stop my uncle from turning to mystery man and trying to attack him. I say try because before he could do anything mystery guy stabbed my uncle through the neck with his sword and then my uncle fell to the floor and I just stared horrified he was dead. He had tried to kill me. He had always been right. " are you alright" the mystery guy asked

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Sun Apr 14, 2013 2:20 pm
Cramerx says...

Jason Marcer

The girl was shaking like a leaf, I couldn't blame her. After looking around more closely, I noticed that there was a gun laying on the floor and the man who was already dead when I came had a bullet hole in his forearm. She must be one hell of a shot to be that accurate under these conditions. I muttered under my breath. "Jaslyn." The girl spoke. So quietly that I barely managed to catch it. I turned back to her "My name's Jason. And you're safe....for the time being anyway." I didn't realize before the words left my mouth but they didn't seem all that comforting. Jaslyn was slowly starting to gain her composure. I bent down and picked up the gun; one bullet missing. She did shoot it. I walked back over to Jaslyn and laid the gun on the floor beside her "I prefer my sword. I'm going to look around a bit, stay here." I walked over the open front door, and looked around. It was silent once again: No sirens, no people, no anything. Somehow it was far more disturbing than the noise that was occurring earlier. I stepped back into the house, then started to look through rooms directly connected to the living room. It seems that whoever owns or owned as the case may be was a doomsday frantic. I opened a few doors to find boxes marked 'ammo' 'food' 'drinking water' and 'supplies'. "Whoever stockpiled this, had the right idea." I said closing the door. "My uncle." a voice broke the dead silence. (No pun intended.) I turned around, it was Jaslyn. "He's...was the man who was attacking me." I can imagine how she feels. I thought. "I'm sorry." I said lowing my head slightly. She nodded. Suddenly, I heard a loud crash from outside. Jaslyn twisted around, the gun pointed towards the entrance of the hallway. "What was that?"
Men are born without limits but learn about them throughout their years.

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Sun Apr 14, 2013 3:01 pm
Icleminiangel says...

I guess I was in shock I couldn't stop shaking. I was still trying to process what had happened. My uncle, the man who took me in and gave me everything tried to kill me. I told mystery guy my name scince that was the only thing I could say and he said his name was Jason. Hmmm nice name. Jason picked up my gun and looked back at the guy I had shot with disbelief on his face though to be fair I didn't expect someone to be that good with a sword so I guess we were evens. He gave me back the gun well he put it down next to me anyway and said "I prefer my sword. I'm going to look around for a bit stay here" usually I would have thought of a smartass comeback about how I'm perfectly capable of walking out the front door without getting killed but given the current circumstances I couldn't and I just let him walk out of the door. I looked at the gun and after thinking about it i picked it up. Huh funny before my uncle tried to kill me the noise was deafening, now you couldn't even hear a bird. It was just too... Too quiet. Jason walked back in looking worried and walked over to my uncles various Hoarding rooms where he kept everything some of the weapons were quite cool actually and I laughed at what I imagined jason's reaction would be and tucked my dark red fringe out of my eyes. Jason walked back in looking confused so I answered the unasked question
"my uncle" he looked slightly less confused so I elaborated "he... He was the one
attacking me" he looked sympathetic but there was something else... He was... Sad. I
mentally made a note to check what happened as he said "I'm sorry" suddenly there was a loud crash outside and I turned around and aimed my gun at the door. Something was very wrong here. I started walking forwards silently still keeping my gun raised. "jaslyn don't you don't know what's out there"
"no but I can make a very good guess and say its oh I dunno some of the cast of Shaun of the dead unless Paul is real and a load of rude large-headed aliens are gonna start attacking us too" I mean Paul is an awesome movie but I doubt that was what was waiting outside for us I took enough step forward and saw it. A car had crashed and the person inside was getting attacked by at least twenty zombies. It wasn't silent anymore you could hear the groans of the undead and the screams of the poor victim. Boy I sure wouldn't want to be them right know I thought as I stared horrorstruck as blood started decorating the cars windows "get down they'll see you" I jumped as I realized Jason had followed me to the door then felt silly for jumping as I should have realized he was behind me.

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Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:21 pm
Cramerx says...

Jason Marcer

Jaslyn moved towards the door, aiming the gun to discover what the noise came from: A large group of zombies managed to make a car crash and were attacking the driver. The silence was quickly broken by the screams of the man as they tore at him, blood splattering all of the inside of the car. One of the creatures turned towards us. "Get down. They'll see you." I grabbed Jaslyn by the shoulder and pushed down so that we were both out of the thing's view. I carefully peered out the window to make sure that none of them noticed us, they didn't. I let out a quiet sigh pressing my back against the wall trying to come up a with a plan in case they did start looking in here. Jaslyn looked at me, still holding her gun at the ready

"There's got to be at least twenty out there."

"I know."

"We'll die for sure if they find us. There's too many."

"I know."

"What do we do?"

I rubbed my eyes "I have no clue. If they responded to anything other then an attack to the head or if they were slow like most of the movies show then we might stand a chance. But as far as I can tell, these things are not only stronger then normal people...they move fast too. Add that to their numbers and the fact that all it takes is one bite. So they're superior in strength, numbers, weaponry; considering that it only takes one bite to kill us, and we're also at a environmental disadvantage with all the windows & doors that they could attack from." Jaslyn looked at me a little surprised. "My father was a Marine. Most parents read Fairy tales, my father read me 'The Art Of War.' " I thought for a few minutes then turned to Jaslyn "Is there anything that your has that we might be able to use?"
Men are born without limits but learn about them throughout their years.

I just write poetry to throw my mean callous heartless exterior into sharp relief. I’m going to throw you off the ship anyway.
— Vogon Captain (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)