
Young Writers Society

Drallion *closed and started*

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Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:34 am
Shadowlight says...

East of the moon and west of the sun, where there horizon reaches its uttermost limits, where sky and sea melt together, lies the land of Drallion. Drallion, a forgotten age. Drallion, a forgotten world.

Come my child to the day before yesterday and the year before that. To a time of broken shields, and whispering winds. When warriors were bold, and great deeds of valor were preformed. When the world was wilder, the mountains higher, lofty as the dreams of men. When the unsettled places were far greater than civilization and when kingdoms were created and obliterated by the sword.

There is a great road, or highway that snakes through Drallion, connecting the six great kingdoms of the land. This highway is only known as The Road- it needs no other name. It is far older than any of the kingdoms and no one knows who build it. Some say it was the work of the ancients long ago, others say it was magic, while still others say it was an act of a god- who else could have so elegantly connected all the lands where the kingdoms would someday be? The Road is the lifeline, the pulse of the world. All wanderers, no mater their final destination. will walk for a time on The Road. Traders, monks, travelers, armies- all use this, most ancient of highways.

Peace has been in the land for many years, but now murmurings of war are beginning to fly, fast as a wildfire. Something has happened, someone is warmongering- but who? The rulers of Drallion are struggling to keep peace in any way they can or to make sure they come out on top- no matter the outcome. Alliances will be made and broken. Treaties signed and burned. Bloodshed seems inevitable.

Only time will tell...

Countries of Drallion and descriptions:
Spoiler! :
The six great kingdoms and empires are these:
(This SB is set in a alternate universe of the ancient/early medieval world)

~In the north is Ithirica, a mighty kingdom led by a royal house that has been in power for hundreds of years. The battle hardened troops of this country have taken over many smaller kingdoms and the ambitions of the kings seems to have no limits. In the high frigid plains are the treasures of this kingdom- their horses. Ithirica is the home of the most coveted breed of this animal. Both beautiful and hardy these beasts are sought the world over.

~ In the east there are two strong countries. On the coast nestled between the sea and The Road is the empire Tibiiwan. A strange country- the rule is not passed to the son but to the daughter. A beautiful empire ruled by a long line of empresses. The TIbiiwan Empresses have always striven for higher learning and the arts flourish here.

~On the island belt just of the eastern coast is the tiny empire of Jaipine, a wealthy sea trading country. The warrior clans of this country are some of the most highly trained and highly feared warriors anywhere. The strongest clan has been in power for over five hundred years.

~In the harsh mountains on the southeastern limits of The Road is the small kingdom of Napurr. A country of herdsmen and scattered villages, ruled by the leading religions high priest, in the capitol of Nagniss. This kingdoms wealth and power lay in the rich mines of precious metal and stones, that pepper the high red bluffs.

~The mysterious kingdom of the south is Sunuma, which lies in the steamy jungle of the same name. Mountainous temples of carved white limestone stand taller that the tallest trees cutting though the deep green growth. Priest kings rule a widely dispersed people, of smaller tightly knit tribes. They are a fierce, yet superstitious people.

~In the low Western floodplains is the mighty kingdom of Rapugypt the mightiest of the western countries. Iron fisted kings called Pharo, have ruled here for over two thousand years. Set in the center of the harsh desert of Yarl, the kingdom is secluded and has not changed in thousands of years. The land is fertile from the great river running the length of the whole country and the . It is also a rich caravan stop and connects the west to the rest of the world.

Storybook special information/rules:

Spoiler! :
-I would love it if you claimed a whole country as your own, then get others to join your royal house. If you an another member wish to team up to play a royal house, that is fine (just shoot Shadowlight a PM.)
-I encourage you to form alliances with other countries, and plot to work out fun subplots and twists. Maybe one country is going to try a alliance by marriage? Another by kidnapping another kingdoms royals? Then there are always; threats, promises, spying, covert attacks- have fun with this! We are going to try play a whole world on the verge of mass war here!
-If you don't wish to play a royal house member and only want to play (for lack of a better word) a commoner, then you can wait until those royal house slots are filled, or PM Shadowlight and she will try to get you plugged in somewhere. (I would strongly suggest you play a royal, or someone very close to a royal house though.)
-If not all the royal house slots are filled those will become non-player roles until someone wishes to fill them up.
-if you have any huge plot changing ideas or suggestions, and want to use them, just shoot Shadowlight a PM (she will keep your secret and wild horses couldn't drag it form her.)

General rules:
Spoiler! :
- Usual YWS/SB rules.
-This is a "permission" SB. So if you would like to join (and I hope you do!) Please PM me Shadowlight.
-The creator of this SB (Shadowlight) is always right. If there are disputes over ANYTHING the final word will be mine. (don't worry I don't bite)
- No Godmodding, it isn't fair to anyone.
- ALL posts must be readable, co-relate to previous posts and have correct spelling. That means no chat speak.
- No minimum word count! Just make sure all posts are more than one paragraph and help advance the plot.
- Swearing; it's allowed just don't overdo it. And keep it reasonable; No F-bombs!
- Romance is allowed but no sex scenes please. If something mildly sexual it is crucial to what you wish to write, then PM Shadowlight the final draft- it must have her approval BEFORE being posted on the SB- thanks
- Claim as many characters as you want-- just make sure you can handle them.
- Fantasy creatures are allowed, but not as playable characters and be reasonable.
- Don't God-mod. Please, it's not fair. And no Mary/Gary Sues either. They lack depth.
- Please don't double post unless there have been no new posts for at least 24 hours.
- Please have a name and place at the top of each post. Such as Name | Place OR, for example; Eliza/Town:.
- Please do not kill another person's character without permission; it's unfair, and not to forget mentioning godmodding. and besides, no one likes it when they're randomly killed.
- All NON-SB posts (besides profiles) to the DT please.
- The SB is run by Shadowlight. if you have any questions, comments, problems, or suggestions- send her a PM (she likes getting those.)

Character List

~Illegitimate son--Leahweird
~Princess-- FadingBrighter



~High Priest-- Jabberhut
~High Priestess--Jabberhut


~Very young son--Shadowlight
~Pharo's Sister--icebender28
~Pharo's brother- Shadowlight

(Slots may be created or taken away as needed. If you have any character suggestions please shoot Shadowlight a PM- she likes getting those.)

Spoiler! :
Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] (if an unusual name, please include a pronunciation key)
    [b]Age:[/b] ( Characters can be any age- just be reasonable.)
    [b]Gender:[/b] (Male/Female?)
    [b]Rank[/b] (king, queen, prince, princess, other?)
    [b]Allegiance:[/b] (country, king, self, other?)

    [b]Appearance:[/b] (description and picture-and please no anime orscene- digital paintings and sketches are fine though)

    [b]Personality:[/b] (Include likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. you can do this in points of you prefer)

    [b]Flaws:[/b] (every character has to have them- they make them interesting)

    [b]Skills/special abilities:[/b] (no magic please- unless cleared with Shadowlight first!)

    [b]History:[/b] (Every character has one, please give us a history of  reasonable length)

    [b]Up For Love?[/b] (yes/no, conditions, reasons for such?)

    [b]Other:[/b] (anything we've missed?)

The DT can be found here! topic89736.html (I strongly suggest you join to stay "in the know" .)
Last edited by Shadowlight on Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:17 pm, edited 20 times in total.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:55 am
SisterItaly says...

Name: Morgandy
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Rank Princess
Allegiance: Papa dearest, her sister and her country. Soon Itaeo, we hope.

Spoiler! :

Gandy is a natural beauty. She likes flowers, so if you bring her a pretty one she's likely to braid it into her hair. She also has a natural glow to her skin, possibly from the hours spent in the sun that left her sun-kissed. She never outgrew her freckles, they speckle her face and arms. She has her mom's forest-green eyes and her father's strong chin. She carries herself proudly and always has a bit of a skip in her step.

Personality: Gandy is a pretty happy girl, who happens to like wandering off into the forest a lot. She's reasonably good with animals, but she knows when she needs to stand her ground against one. Same goes for people. Piss her off and she's the meanest person you'll ever meet. She's spent a lot of time observing the animals that lurk around the island, and has learned to fight like one. Hence why her favorite weapon is a dagger. She claws, she bites, she pounces and tackles, she toys with you to find your weak spot.

But, she's not at all a mean or sadistic person. She likes a good fight, but she never goes looking for it. She'd rather listen to whatever stories you have to offer. Want to be her friend? Offer her a story about a far off place, maybe throw in a daring sword fight and give her an apple and she'll be your friend forever.

She's not that easily manipulated, though. If you do anything to betray her trust she'll claw your face off without even thinking about it. Same goes with if you hurt her family. She loves her family dearly, just as much as she loves the island. Being torn away from them puts her in a horrible down mood, and if she dwells on her home-sickness too long she'll eventually tear up. As far as Gandy is concerned she shouldn't cry in front of people, it's shameful. It's unladylike (not that everything she does already isn't). And it's just not grown up of her. Though, she is always everyone else's shoulder to cry on.

Flaws: She likes to spar, but she gets carried away easily. Send her a sign you have interest in her and it will go over her head. And she hates spiders-- she curls up and whimpers at the sight of one.

Skills/special abilities: She's an ANIMAL, not literally. I mean in the sense of how she fights and climbs and generally acts most of the time. She's terrific with the kiddies, they all love her.

History: So far, all we know is she's engaged to Pharaoh Itaeo and she's very loyal to daddy dearest. She's not particularly happy with this-- she's always hated the idea of being forced to marry, but if it's for her country and her daddy she'll do it.

She's always had a complicated relationship with her sister. Gandy loves the girl dearly, but she always felt she needed to get out more. Though, she can't complain about her. The girl was there for all her scrapped palms and knees and to scare away the spiders and act as if SHE was Gandy's big sister.

Up For Love? Sure? Good luck. She'll likely wear the pants in the relationship, but what she really needs is for someone ELSE to wear the pants and calm her down.

Other: She really, really likes apples. And flowers. And being complimented. And dogs. And cats.

AND, she has a very, very thick German sounding accent. Very thick. Very German sounding.
Last edited by SisterItaly on Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:22 pm, edited 7 times in total.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:13 am
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gleek456 says...

Hope you don't mind that I re-use another SB character that hasn't been used yet. :)

Name: Elaine Nicolette Aryam

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Rank Princess

Allegiance: Tibiiwan, Tibiiwan Empress, Self, Prince of Tibiiwan (her brother).

Appearance: Elaine truly looks like the Princess of Tibiiwan. With the brown, curly locks and delicate complexion, she looks just like her mother, the Empress of Tibiiwan. Elaine has dark chocolate eyes- just like her mother, and the same bright smile. She is fairly tall, though some of her dresses make her look taller than she is. Elaine has a slim figure, and is skinny- but that doesn't mean anything when it comes to sword fighting.

Now... clothing wise, she likes to wear simple gowns, and sometimes even commoners clothing. Though, the Empress of Tibiiwan always gives Elaine something fancy to wear. Elaine always wears a lily in her hair, which is why they keep a garden just for her. Whenever she's going out, she wears commoners clothing under her dark cloak, to be in disguise.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Elaine doesn't really mind that she's next-in-line for the throne, even if it was supposed to go to her brother. She does think that the throne should've rightfully gone to her brother. Elaine is known for falling in love too fast, and too easily. She is a very naive and innocent girl, she doesn't think about her feelings that much. Elaine is kind-hearted and sweet, and she's usually taken for advantage when she least knows it. Let's say that she's like Autumn by Vivaldi (you should listen to it, it's beautiful). Elaine always obeys orders, and never really tries to stand up for herself. She is always the one to pick up everyone's slack and defend them whenever they do something that their mother truly would detest.

Likes: Oh, flowers definitely! She even made a garden to keep all the flowers she wears, and her room is surrounded. Elaine really likes music too, she is picky when it comes to music. She likes simple clothing, and being treated normally.

Dislikes: Dishonesty and manipulation. She doesn't like being played with until she finds out on her own. Elaine doesn't like being a "stop by her", she is a destination. She doesn't like waiting, and is kind of impatient. Elaine hates bugs, even if there are some surrounding her flowers.

Flaws: Elaine is impatient. She can't wait, or else she'll have to leave the area and do something else. She falls in love too easily, and gets hurt and bruised emotionally easily.

Skills/special abilities: Elaine loves to ride horses. She will get on one and ride away if she could. Elaine can play the violin very well, and usually does so when she's up for it. She isn't afraid of the dark, she thinks it's just when the sun is sleeping.

History: Waiting for the Empress...

Up For Love? Yes, straight. Though, don't play around with her, she falls in love too easily. Oh, and I think there might be an arranged marriage somewhere here.

Other: (anything we've missed?)
Last edited by gleek456 on Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:27 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Tue Nov 01, 2011 3:17 pm
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Shadowlight says...


(Rapugypt is very much like ancient Egypt in many respects; setting, people, clothing, buildings, but no guyliner thank you! :) )

Name: His royal majesty, beloved of the holy one, Pharo Itaeo III (He prefers just Itaeo or Itsy in his private life-or Daddy if you're his son.)
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Rank Pharo (which is king)
Allegiance: Rapugypt

Appearance: Itaeo is surprisingly average. He isn't an Apollo by any means, yet is striking in his own way. He is of average height for a Rapugyptian man (around six feet- he is in truth 6'2") and is average weight. He is not overly muscular (no rock hard six pack) but fit with nice definition. He has expressive eyebrows and always seems to have stubble on his face. No one is sure if this is a fashion choice or he merely forgets to shave often enough.
His eyes are his most striking feature and nature- or heaven- blessed him with them. His eyes are uncommonly large with long eyelashes. The color is also unusual, in a country where almost everyone has brown eyes, Itaeo has green hazel. It is a trait that is thought to have come from his great grandmother.
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Personality: Itaeo is, in a word- steady. He is a level headed, benevolent man who is slow to anger. He is one of those people who would be described as "good in crisis". He follows the strict code of the Pharo, that was set up at the very begining of the dynasty. As it is very heavily concerned with personal honor and moral standing Itaeo can come over as having "a stick up his ass" but where he is sitting on the power ladder- it is a good thing!
He does not stand for corruption or underhandedness-you can't pull a fast one over on him! He is highly intelligent with a quick wit and sarcastic streak in him a mile wide, but he is very good at pacing himself and not going too far- most of the time. He does have a temper (who doesn't) but he has a long fuse and even when angered it doesn't last long, an apology is usually all it takes to pacify him. That being said, he will see justice done to its full extent, he is not a pushover- Because of his son, Haroun, Itaeo has a strong fatherly instinct and will try to: protect, make it "all better", and defend anyone who is near to him.

Flaws: Itaeo can come over to those who are shy as overpowering in his presence- he is very confident. He tries to shelter those around him too much. He can be reckless in his personal safety when someone else is in danger and has had several close shaves. Itaeo when a child broke his right leg and it bothers him on rare occasions, and he still walks with a slight limp. He also is a dyslexic and had a horrible time with his lessons as a child and he bites his nails when he gets stressed.

Skills/special abilities: itaeo is adept with the Rapugyptian weaponry and he is a master bowman (a favorite pastime in Rapugypt.) He is a able bodied horseman, but is a much better charioteer (again ancient Egypt.) He is terrible at chess and even worse at cards, yet is a wonderful tactician in reality- he still doesn't understand why... Itaeo has a ear for music and can pick up tunes after hearing them once.

History: Itaeo was the only child of Pharo Itaeo II and his queen Nofrejt. He had a normal childhood for a crown prince and closely followed his father wherever he went. When he was eighteen he married Amiri, a lady one year his junior and who he had been betrothed to since childhood. The two if them had fallen in love years before and he thought they would grow old together. Unfortunately that was not to be- Amiri contracted a disease that could have been easily cured, but the cure would be the death of their( at the time) unborn child. Amiri wouldn't hear of it and so she refused the cure, preferring to suffer and protect her baby. She held on long enough to see her pregnancy to the end and died only hours after her son Haroun was born. Itaeo was heartbroken and inconsolable, but as life happens, he was forced to move on when his own father died suddenly from a heart ailment. Itaeo was then Pharo of Rapugypt, and the father of an infant- He bucked up and threw himself into his work and into being a father then for the next five years. He Is devoted to his son Haroun and the two of them are very close- no one messes with the little prince, or else Itaeo does a very good impression of a raging bull.

Recently with all the upheaval going on, Itaeo's council has pressured him into marrying again- to strengthen the countries political standing and hopefully strengthen the royal bloodline. Itaeo is betrothed to the Jaipine Princess Morgandy and is to be married as soon as the noblewoman arrives in Rapugypt.

Up For Love? Sort of? He is engaged to Morgandy. Itaeo is straight as a arrow and is the kind of man who carries his heart in his hands, but his at the moment is still in pieces. He is still hurting from losing his wife and it would take a very special woman to help him move on. He would be a passionate devoted lover, once he was confident of the lady's feelings. Itaeo does have a shocking playful streak in him, and has been known to turn innocent enough statements to not so innocent sounding.

Other: Itaeo is left handed and can't whistle to save his life. He hates cats, they make him sneeze, but dogs are fine. His favorite thing is to read bedtime stories to Haroun, and he also loves to sit out alone under the trees in the garden and watch the stars wheeling above him.


Name: His royal highness, guardian of the westerners and the lone oasis- Haroun I (he is known to many though as-the princely devil.)
Age: 5
Gender: Male
Rank Prince
Allegiance: Rapugypt, his father, and his pet dog.

Appearance: Haroun looks nothing like his father- he is his mothers spitting image! He is small for his age, has large liquid brown eyes, and a smile that speaks of devilry. Haroun still has his innocent baby face and can get away with all kinds of naughtiness, but his smiles and laugh usually pacify whoever he aims them at.
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Personality: Haroun is your typical five year old boy. He is a busy, devilish, savage, who knows he is cute- a very dangerous thing. That being said he is quite the sweetheart and snuggle-bunny. He is one of those children who seems to sense what those around him are feeling and he likes to make them feel happy. He is a friendly little chap who makes friends easily and can wheedle his way under event he most salty old coots armor. He is just as curious as Curious George and gets into almost as much trouble but Haroun is willing (most of the time) to help clean up the messes he makes.

Flaws: He's a five year old busy little boy- he gets into enough trouble as it is! Haroun is terrified of thunder and lightening storms and has nightmares often.

Skills/special abilities: Haroun is one of those children who can wheedle his way under the hardest of armor and make himself a cozy spot. He love to give hugs and kisses to those he loves- be them people or animal. He is also very good at reading emotions and like his daddy, he tries to make it better any way he can.

History: Haroun is only five at the moment so his experience of the world is limited. He's grown up (as far as he's gotten) living a privileged and safe life. He is the world to his father, and his aunt loved the little devil dearly so Haroun one could say is quite spoiled. But unlike many, his disposition is such that he isn't bratty at all. Haroun's knowledge of his world extend to the fr western border of Rapugypt as he went there with his father last year, Haroun being the crown prince, the western arm of the kingdom his his especial guardianship.

Haroun is terribly excited about his father marrying Morgandy. In Haroun's mind he will be getting a mommy for the first time and he dearly hopes she will like all of his pets and toys- but he is also slightly worried that she will not like him if he is naughty... a terribly hard thing for a small boy of his age- one can't be good ALL the time, it would drive one crazy!

Up For Love? He is only five. He is open for the parental or grandparent type love- the child loves almost everyone he meets, as soon as he meets them!

Other: Haroun loves to play make believe and is always pretending to be something- and drives his father crazy by not telling what. He loves the water and is always begging someone to take him to the part of the river that flows through the garden to go swimming, or to sail his small reed boats. Haroun also is able to pull very animated faces and one can always tell what he is thinking or feeling by them.


Name: Guardian of the east his royal highness Ardeth (Arry and Deth are his nicknames)
Age: 23
Gender: all Male
Rank Prince/General (the rank of General is always given in Rapugypt’s royal house to second sons)
Allegiance: Rapugypt, his brother Itaeo, and maybe someone else in the future... who knows!

Appearance: Ardeth looks similar to Itaeo. He’s almost the same height and is more lightly built- willowy almost, yet still muscular and strong. His eyes are deep brown color with shots of amber, and he can pull of “puppy dog eyes” dangerously well. His has the kind of smile that makes people weak in the knees and he knows how to use it. The most striking feature Ardeth has is that he is missing his entire right arm. He lost it in the same accident that broke Itaeo’s leg. Because he was so young at the time, the injury hampers him little now, except for some every day annoyances. He hardly notices the missing limb himself- he really only remembers he had two arms once is when someone else points that fact out to him.
Spoiler! :
Drallion Ardeth.jpg
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Personality: Ardeth is what one would expect the second son of a monarch to be. He is almost the opposite of his brother- well he would like to think he is the opposite, in truth the two are still very similar. Ardeth is a playful, good natured, easy going sort of man who loves to laugh and is the very embodiment of impertinence. He is the kind of person who can’t stand serious or melancholy things and is the first to try and lighten the mood. this is why he is so useful to his brother, who is likely to become melancholy. Ardeth give Itaeo a run for his money as often as he seems to delight in plaguing his brothers heart out. Needless to say Haroun learned many of his “naughties” from his uncle.

That being said Ardeth is a prince, and a warrior through and through. The second son of the Rapugyptian kings are always put on military tracks and Ardeth more than others took to this role with alacrity and has a natural talent for the art of warfare, having a steady and quick head on his shoulders. He is a white knight at heart and would die for those he loves without even thinking twice. His honor and moral code surpasses even that of his brother and once he give his word, he would go through hell and back to keep it. His sunny disposition and quick and sometimes biting wit give him the ability to make and keep friends- even the most unlikely people.

Flaws: Ardeth hates to be serious and always tries to make light of any situation which can get him into trouble if he isn’t careful. The lack of his arm- no matter how adapt he is without it- is still a major handicap to him and this can (in battle) lead to some very close shaves. He also is a terrible (although innocent) flirt and this can get him in no end of hot water.

Skills/special abilities: Ardeth has a bull dog tenacity and a overall lack of fear- he doesn’t believe in no win scenarios. This paired with his natural courage and battle skill make him a threatening opponent to go up against. He is a skilled fighter and can use most Rapugyptian weapons- save the bow. He is dangerously charming and can usually talk his way out of most problems, and is an honest straight shooter when talking to people.

History: Ardeth had very much the same childhood as Itaeo, surprisingly uneventful until he lost his arm in a chariot accident. That was when he was around the age of twelve and his military training (in the career sense) started soon after that- as soon as his injury was healed of course.

Then from twelve to twenty he trained and followed the high commanding general of Rapugypt around though various campaigns. He is very close to the General still although the former is retired from active duties- Ardeth has taken over that position in everything but name. His life has actually been comparatively quiet for a Royal. He is perfectly contented in his role, his rank and he doesn’t desire more power- he isn’t ambitious.

For the last three years Rapugypt has been struggling with some of the mingled tribes to it’s far eastern boarder- just before the great mountain ranges. And so Ardeth, as
the guardian of that part of the kingdom has spent the majority of his time there, quelling the upheavals. He and Itaeo are very close and keep up a steady correspondence when separated- their letters are something of a wonder and always a adventure to read. Ardeth was greatly surprised at the message from his brother of his engagement to Princess Morgandy and is returning to the capitol to be present at the ceremony.

Up For Love? He could give or take it at this point. He isn’t for, or opposed to an arranged marriage either, that is what his parents had and they learned to love. All in all Ardeth is disgustingly neutral on the whole matter. But if he did find a woman (he’s very straight,) and he did fall in love, he would be a passionate and devoted lover- the true and real life prince charming type. That being said, Ardeth is a terribly flirt! Anyone who is female and wearing a skirt is a target for him- no one is safe! He’s NOT creepy or serious- he means it in the best, innocent and fun way possible and that is how he flirts.

Other: Ardeth is horribly allergic to cats and hates them with a passion.

(Also Clothing for Rapugypt is very much like ancient egypt so yes, Itaeo and Ardeth will most likely be shirtless much of the time- have fun with that. xD )
Last edited by Shadowlight on Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:27 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Tue Nov 01, 2011 3:38 pm
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Leahweird says...

Name: Lucius (Luc to his friends)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Rank Illegitimate Son (Calls himself a prince)
Allegiance: Mostly himself, but he cares about Ithirica

Spoiler! :

Luc is tall and dark haired. He likes to leave his hair long. He knows that many consider him attractive, and he uses that to his advantage.

Charming and intelligent, Lucius is a very social person. He likes the finer things is life. He is willing to be patient, and wait until he can work things to his advantage.

He is prideful to the point of hubris, and his ambition borders on greed.

Skills/special abilities:
Lucius has trained alongside of his brother in everything a prince should know. He is fairly good with a sword, but he considers his strengths to be diplomacy and governance.

Lucius grew up ignoring the rumours about his family history. When he was little, he couldn’t understand them. As he grew older, he felt that they didn’t matter. Even if his father had sired a few children before he was officially married, his parents were together now. Whatever the circumstances of his birth, he was still the heir to throne. He was raised as if he would one day take the throne. At the time it didn’t bother him that he shared all of his preparations with his half-brother.

Then his mother died, and everything changed.

The king remarried almost immediately, and suddenly Luc was forced to confront the fact that the rumours were not only very true, but that they had ramifications. Now that Benjamin’s mother was the legal wife of the king, Luc was no longer considered the next in line.

Needless to say, Luc is a bit bitter. Since both of them were technically born out of wedlock, and he is the older sibling, Luc still thinks that the kingdom of Ithirica should be his. But to take the throne, he would have to displace the brother he still cares for. Luc is conflicted about bringing conflict to his loved ones (including Addie and Marie, much to his own discomfort).

He does hate the king, though. He blames the whole situation on his father, especially since he suspects it was a blatant act of favouritism rather than actual legal procedure responsible for his change in status.

For now he is lurking around the courts, looking for a way to get himself back into power.

Up For Love? Yes, in fact he hopes to make a romantic alliance with someone to solidify his powerbase.

Lucius often ends up in the courts of other countries. Sometimes these visits are official, but mostly he just can’t be made to stay put.
Last edited by Leahweird on Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:47 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:07 pm
Betheny says...

Name: Raven Estra

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Rank: Sunuma: Warrior Queen(?)

Allegiance: To her country

Appearance: She is tall, slender and strong. She dosen't have overly defined muscles but you can see them if you pay attetion. Her face is soft and almost angelic like with piercing emerald eyes, she also has long auburn hair.

Personality: Raven is very serious when it comes to matters concerning her country, and has a warrior like attitude. Although she is kind to what are now her people, due to her origins of not coming from wealth/power.
-Likes/Dislikes: She dislikes her husband the King, as it was a forced marriage. She enjoys simply wondering through the forest on her own, or exploring some of the forgotten/unused mountain temples.
-Strengths/Weaknesses: She is deceivably strong, and as well as being able to climb fairly well she is able to box as well as the best of men, with a high endurance she is able to take as much as she gives out. While she is strong, she isn't fast nor has she a great stamina meaning she can't sustain exerting herself for too long.

Flaws: She is quick tempered, and often won't cool off until her point has been proved. Sometimes she can be in a bad mood for no aparent reason, this will often have 'knock on effects' with people she comes into contact with.

Skills/special abilities: A fantastic boxer, and isn't too bad a hunter. In short she could survive on her own.

History: Raven was born of the Estra clan, deep in the forest of Sunuma. From an early age she was subjected to been a social outcast, she had been born with a disfiguring scar that crossed over her left eye which made her vision in that eye nothing more than a blur of shape and colour. When her grandfather heard that she was being picked on, he taught her how to box. 'An ancient fighting style that hasn't chaged over hundreds of years because there was no reason to change', were the words her grandad would often say to her. He also taught her how to hunt, unfortunately he died of natural causes before her lessons were completed.
When Raven was about to turn twelve, her father was caught commiting a crime, but no-one actually knew what is was. To apease the king, he was forced to give something of worth. With nothing else to give, and no-one else to look out for her, Raven was handed over as that gift. For a year she served as nothing more than the king's maid, untill his wife dies that is. When the queen died Raven quickly became the apple of his eye, and he lavished gifts upon her in the hopes of gaining her favour. Everytime however, she simply and politely declined.
Two years later, on her sixteenth birthday, the king propsed marriage to Raven, forcing her into it with the threat of killing her remaining family: Her mother, and a younger brother. Her father had killed himself in a time of immense guilt.
Raven has now ruled as the king's second wife for a year.

Up For Love? No, unfortunately she is taken by the king in an uncomfortable marriage.

Other: N/A
j.jpg (34.29 KiB) Viewed 129 times
Last edited by Betheny on Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The world existed to be read. And I read it." - L.S Schwartz, Ruined by Reading

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Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:02 pm
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Skorpionne says...

I claim the second Jaipinian princess.

Name: Evelyn “Eve/Evie” (Eh-veh-lyn)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Rank Princess
Allegiance: Her sister, her father, Jaipine.

Spoiler! :

Not many people realize that Gandy and Eve are sisters initially. Eve has much paler skin, from spending most of her time inside.She has a very good complexion, and rarely gets spots or freckles. Her hair falls in dark brown curls to about a hand’s length past her shoulders, and she shares Gandys green eyes. (Though they look a little different in the pic)

Personality: Evelyn is her sister’s complete opposite; musical, bookish, and hopeless at anything outdoorsy.She’s also incredibly quiet, rarely speaking unless necessary, which is down to several reasons, the main one fear of embarrassing herself.

She enjoys her own company over that of anybody else, the one exception being her sister. Eve’s accumulated a lot of knowledge over the years- a very small portion of it useful.

Flaws: Very shy, socially inept, utterly useless with anything outdoorsy.

Skills/special abilities: Intelligent, observant, can play the flute and the harp to a very high level.

History: *Will add sometime soon*

Up For Love? Yes!

Other: She’s also bisexual; don’t know how that will play into things.
Last edited by Skorpionne on Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:13 am, edited 6 times in total.
I've learned so much from people who never existed - Unknown

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Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:34 am
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ScarlettFire says...

Last edited by ScarlettFire on Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Wed Nov 02, 2011 5:59 pm
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icebender28 says...

(Hey Shadow! This sounds so fun! Would it be alright if I was the Princess of Rapugypt? If that's not okay, let me know and I'll pick a different character. I can change her history or anything if it doesn't fit with something, too. Just give me the word! :D )

Name: Charlette Raven

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Rank I guess you could call her Princess of Rapugypt

Allegiance: Her country, her nephew/s, and her brother/s

Appearance: Tall, thin, has black hair that falls to her shoulders and black eyes. Her skin is slightly tan from being in the sun. She wears red, baggy pants and shirts, to help keep her cool, and usually has her hair hanging. She does put in two hairpins that her mother gave her as a birthday present. She has a huge black snake that will follow her around, and usually sits on her arm, wrapped around like some venomous bracelet.

Personality: SHe keeps to herself mostly, and doesn't say much. But when she does, it's usually something importsnt or cruel. She's not exactly the kindest person, but can be if she knows you well enough. She loves her desert with all her heart, and could never imagine leaving it, but will do anything for her father.
Likes: Bickering with her brother/s, the desert, snakes, and chocolate(that means ANYTHING chocolate).
Dislikes: Hates bananas. Won't even touch them if she can help it. She hasn't really met anyone that wasn't important, so she doesn't know what to think of them.

Flaws: Sometimes, she will get the idea that she can do anything. So she gets cocky and will do whatever she wants, whether dangerous or not. She can also get very sarcastic.

Skills/special abilities: Good with swords and can throw a knife so perfectly it could kill two men and pin another to a pillar. She knows the desert perfectly and has an eccelent sense of direction, and when a sandstorm is coming.

History: She was born and raised in the palace, never leaving, which is the way she likes it. She doesn't see her father as much as she'd like to, but, "father's wishes". She's spent most of her time wandering the palace, and sitting in her room.

Up For Love? Yes, but only if he (and i mean he. She's not gay or anything) gained her trust doing something to help her in particular. She's not into guys who think they're better than her.

Other: Her snake's name is Kea (Kay-a). I forgot to put that up top.

(Hope that's better. Shadow, If I missed anything, let me know! :D Looking forward to writing with all of you! )
Last edited by icebender28 on Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
Life is to be lived, not survived.

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Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:41 pm
Shadowlight says...


(Rapugypt is very much like ancient Egypt in many respects; setting, people, clothing, buildings, but no guyliner thank you! :) )

Name: His royal majesty, beloved of the holy one, Pharo Itaeo III (He prefers just Itaeo or Itsy in his private life-or Daddy if you're his son.)
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Rank Pharo (which is king)
Allegiance: Rapugypt

Appearance: Itaeo is surprisingly average. He isn't an Apollo by any means, yet is striking in his own way. He is of average height for a Rapugyptian man (around six feet- he is in truth 6'2") and is average weight. He is not overly muscular (no rock hard six pack) but fit with nice definition. He has expressive eyebrows and always seems to have stubble on his face. No one is sure if this is a fashion choice or he merely forgets to shave often enough.
His eyes are his most striking feature and nature- or heaven- blessed him with them. His eyes are uncommonly large with long eyelashes. The color is also unusual, in a country where almost everyone has brown eyes, Itaeo has green hazel. It is a trait that is thought to have come from his great grandmother.
Spoiler! :
1 drallion Itaeo.jpg
1 drallion Itaeo.jpg (23.7 KiB) Viewed 172 times

Personality: Itaeo is, in a word- steady. He is a level headed, benevolent man who is slow to anger. He is one of those people who would be described as "good in crisis". He follows the strict code of the Pharo, that was set up at the very begining of the dynasty. As it is very heavily concerned with personal honor and moral standing Itaeo can come over as having "a stick up his ass" but where he is sitting on the power ladder- it is a good thing!
He does not stand for corruption or underhandedness-you can't pull a fast one over on him! He is highly intelligent with a quick wit and sarcastic streak in him a mile wide, but he is very good at pacing himself and not going too far- most of the time. He does have a temper (who doesn't) but he has a long fuse and even when angered it doesn't last long, an apology is usually all it takes to pacify him. That being said, he will see justice done to its full extent, he is not a pushover- Because of his son, Haroun, Itaeo has a strong fatherly instinct and will try to: protect, make it "all better", and defend anyone who is near to him.

Flaws: Itaeo can come over to those who are shy as overpowering in his presence- he is very confident. He tries to shelter those around him too much. He can be reckless in his personal safety when someone else is in danger and has had several close shaves. Itaeo when a child broke his right leg and it bothers him on rare occasions, and he still walks with a slight limp. He also is a dyslexic and had a horrible time with his lessons as a child and he bites his nails when he gets stressed.

Skills/special abilities: itaeo is adept with the Rapugyptian weaponry and he is a master bowman (a favorite pastime in Rapugypt.) He is a able bodied horseman, but is a much better charioteer (again ancient Egypt.) He is terrible at chess and even worse at cards, yet is a wonderful tactician in reality- he still doesn't understand why... Itaeo has a ear for music and can pick up tunes after hearing them once.

History: Itaeo was the only child of Pharo Itaeo II and his queen Nofrejt. He had a normal childhood for a crown prince and closely followed his father wherever he went. When he was eighteen he married Amiri, a lady one year his junior and who he had been betrothed to since childhood. The two if them had fallen in love years before and he thought they would grow old together. Unfortunately that was not to be- Amiri contracted a disease that could have been easily cured, but the cure would be the death of their( at the time) unborn child. Amiri wouldn't hear of it and so she refused the cure, preferring to suffer and protect her baby. She held on long enough to see her pregnancy to the end and died only hours after her son Haroun was born. Itaeo was heartbroken and inconsolable, but as life happens, he was forced to move on when his own father died suddenly from a heart ailment. Itaeo was then Pharo of Rapugypt, and the father of an infant- He bucked up and threw himself into his work and into being a father then for the next five years. He Is devoted to his son Haroun and the two of them are very close- no one messes with the little prince, or else Itaeo does a very good impression of a raging bull.

Recently with all the upheaval going on, Itaeo's council has pressured him into marrying again- to strengthen the countries political standing and hopefully strengthen the royal bloodline. Itaeo is betrothed to the Jaipine Princess Morgandy and is to be married as soon as the noblewoman arrives in Rapugypt.

Up For Love? Sort of? He is engaged to Morgandy. Itaeo is straight as a arrow and is the kind of man who carries his heart in his hands, but his at the moment is still in pieces. He is still hurting from losing his wife and it would take a very special woman to help him move on. He would be a passionate devoted lover, once he was confident of the lady's feelings. Itaeo does have a shocking playful streak in him, and has been known to turn innocent enough statements to not so innocent sounding.

Other: Itaeo is left handed and can't whistle to save his life. He hates cats, they make him sneeze, but dogs are fine. His favorite thing is to read bedtime stories to Haroun, and he also loves to sit out alone under the trees in the garden and watch the stars wheeling above him.


Name: His royal highness, guardian of the westerners and the lone oasis- Haroun I (he is known to many though as-the princely devil.)
Age: 5
Gender: Male
Rank Prince
Allegiance: Rapugypt, his father, and his pet dog.

Appearance: Haroun looks nothing like his father- he is his mothers spitting image! He is small for his age, has large liquid brown eyes, and a smile that speaks of devilry. Haroun still has his innocent baby face and can get away with all kinds of naughtiness, but his smiles and laugh usually pacify whoever he aims them at.

Personality: Haroun is your typical five year old boy. He is a busy, devilish, savage, who knows he is cute- a very dangerous thing. That being said he is quite the sweetheart and snuggle-bunny. He is one of those children who seems to sense what those around him are feeling and he likes to make them feel happy. He is a friendly little chap who makes friends easily and can wheedle his way under event he most salty old coots armor. He is just as curious as Curious George and gets into almost as much trouble but Haroun is willing (most of the time) to help clean up the messes he makes.

Flaws: He's a five year old busy little boy- he gets into enough trouble as it is! Haroun is terrified of thunder and lightening storms and has nightmares often.

Skills/special abilities:

History: (Every character has one, please give us a history of reasonable length)

Up For Love? (yes/no, conditions, reasons for such?)

Other: (anything we've missed?)
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Thu Nov 03, 2011 2:10 am
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creativemuse1 says...

Not done yet.
Name:(if an unusual name, please include a pronunciation key) Gaius Marcellaus.
Age: ( Characters can be any age- just be reasonable.)
Gender:(Male/Female?) Male
Rank (king, queen, prince, princess, other?) King of Sunuma
Allegiance: (country, king, self, other?)Sunuma, His queen, and child.

Appearance: (description and picture-and please no anime orscene- digital paintings and sketches are fine though)
Spoiler! :

Personality: (Include likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. you can do this in points of you prefer)
He likes to keep things clean. Kind of a neat freak. Strict. Kind. Thoughtful. Loving. Hateful. Hot Tempered. Flirtly. Persuasive. Cunning. Sly. Dictator. Honest. Truthful. Unfaithful. Believes in the gods.
Likes: taking naps. women. His soldiers. Training. War. Practicing. Hunting. Playing sports with the other soldiers. Wrestling. Praying to the gods. Eating. His family. Helps the poor. Helping his people. Liars. Cheaters. Dogs-own 2.
Dislikes: he doesn't trust his wife, so he avoids her until he finds a new wife. Cats-allergic. Wife-beaters. Theives-yet he steals all the time. Murderers-yet he kills all the time and execute the offenders of murder. Tibiiwan-even though he likes the empress there.

(every character has to have them- they make them interesting)His love for his daughter. Women. Too power-driven. Determination. Strict. Politeness.

Skills/special abilities: (no magic please- unless cleared with Shadowlight first!) he is good at sword fighting. Fist fighting. Wrestling. Axe swinging. Club swinging.

History: (Every character has one, please give us a history of reasonable length)His father and his father's father ruled Sunuma for centuries. A maiden predicted that his line and the kingdom of Sunuma will die with him and he fears that prediction even though most people deemed it untrue and treasry against the king. They offered to execute the woman but he spared her life. He also ended up marrying the Maiden and having a child. The Maiden died from a diesease that was similar to the smallpox. He remarried to a young woman. He knows she does not love him. Gaius cheats on her with the women in his court and rumor has it that three women have bore his children. No one knows if that is true or not. All the women were the same age as the king. As much as he loves his child even more than his new wife, he feels uncertain wheither or not she can run the kingdom after he is gone. There was a battle between the Sunumas and the Tibiiwans. The Tibiiwans lost because Gaius killed their king which he did not know that the ruler is a woman.
Up For Love? (yes/no, conditions, reasons for such?) Yes even though he is having affairs with the women in his court.

Other: (anything we've missed?)
Last edited by creativemuse1 on Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
:)Life is full of hard times and good times. Lift your chin up, Ladies and Gentlemen.

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Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:36 pm
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creativemuse1 says...

Name: (if an unusual name, please include a pronunciation key) Seray (Se-ray: like an xray.)
Age: ( Characters can be any age- just be reasonable.)
Gender: (Male/Female?) Female
Rank (king, queen, prince, princess, other?)Queen
Allegiance: (country, king, self, other?) Tibiiwan, her child, her councils and country.

Appearance: (description and picture-and please no anime orscene- digital paintings and sketches are fine though)
Spoiler! :

She usually wears black or white as way to show that she is still in mourning. Her hair is long and she wears it like that. On special occasions, she wears different color dresses.
Personality: (Include likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. you can do this in points of you prefer)
She is very virtuous. She has faith in the gods and herself. She is kind hearted. Loving. Caring. Dutiful. At times, selfish. Giving. Forgiving. She has a great memory. Calm. Reasonable. Logical. Smart.
Likes: her family, riding, watching the soldiers train. Disguising as a peasent so she can walk around her kingdom. Dancing, holding parties on special occasions. Visiting the grave of her former husband. reading. writing letters. Learning how to cook with the chefs. Law-abiding citizans. Singing. Playing with her hair.
Dislikes: Sunuma and their king. Liars even though she lies alot. Theives-punished harshly. Murderers and cutthroats. Her daughter's behavior. Suitors. Poor peasents which is ironic because she helps them. Law-breakers. The harp instrument. War but will go if forced to. Killing. Her son's behavior.
Flaws: (every character has to have them- they make them interesting) She is too trusting. Thinks too much of duty. She is always working. She is too optimistic. A bit playful. Strictness.

Skills/special abilities: (no magic please- unless cleared with Shadowlight first!) She can use a bow and arrow but only as a pass time sport and not in battle. She can sing, dance, and play the lute.

History: (Every character has one, please give us a history of reasonable length) For 3 generations, her family have ruled the kingdom. She married a peasent man who owned a farm on the outskirts of the city. Together, they had two children. Her husband was in a battle against the Sunuma kingdom. He died by the hand of the Sunuma king. Grief-strickened by the news of what had happened, she vowed her kingdom stay at war with Sunuma. The councils disagree with the matter; they feel it would be better if they were united by marriage or by alliance. She dwindles whether or not to do that. Seray can't bear to think her own children married to a Sunuma prince or princess. She had for a time made alliances with other countries and kingdoms. Seray hopes to avenge her husband's death. Seray hopes to give the crown to her daughter but seeing the way she acts, Seray doubts she will be able to handle being Empress. The biggest conflict is who will be the successor. If she gives it to her son, then the woman ruler line that have been going on for centuries will end. If Seray gives it to her daughter, than the kingdom might fall under siege by an enemy. Seray wants any potential successor to prove themselves.
Up For Love? (yes/no, conditions, reasons for such?) No. She is a widow and will always love her former husband. She vowed she will never marry again. She feels she has too much to think about; her child and her country.

Other: (anything we've missed?) The family owns a lot of pets. They own parrots, dogs, cats, horses, wolves. The animals live in the gardens and the back area of the palace.
Last edited by creativemuse1 on Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
:)Life is full of hard times and good times. Lift your chin up, Ladies and Gentlemen.

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Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:15 pm
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Betheny says...

Confirmed and aproved by Shaddow. If anyone has issues PM me and we'll sort something out.

Name: Raven Estra

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Rank: Sunuma: Warrior Queen(?)

Allegiance: To her country

Appearance: She is tall, slender and strong. She dosen't have overly defined muscles but you can see them if you pay attetion. Her face is soft and almost angelic like with piercing emerald eyes, she also has long auburn hair.

Personality: Raven is very serious when it comes to matters concerning her country, and has a warrior like attitude. Although she is kind to what are now her people, due to her origins of not coming from wealth/power.
-Likes/Dislikes: She dislikes her husband the King, as it was a forced marriage. She enjoys simply wondering through the forest on her own, or exploring some of the forgotten/unused mountain temples. She likes her step-daughter although it can be awkward for Raven give that they are practically the same age.
-Strengths/Weaknesses: She is deceivebly strong, and as well as being able to climb fairly well she is able to box as well as the best of men, with a high endurance she is able to take as much as she gives out. While she is strong, she isn't fast nor has she a great stamina meaning she can't sustain exerting herself for too long.

Flaws: She is quick tempered, and often won't cool off until her point has been proved. Sometimes she can be in a bad mood for no aparent reason, this will often have 'knock on effects' with people she comes into contact with.

Skills/special abilities: A fantastic boxer, and isn't too bad a hunter. In short she could survive on her own.

History: Raven was born of the Estra clan, deep in the forest of Sunuma. From an early age she was subjected to been a social outcast, she had been born with a disfiguring scar that crossed over her left eye which made her vision in that eye nothing more than a blur of shape and colour. When her grandfather heard that she was being picked on, he taught her how to box. 'An ancient fighting style that hasn't changed over hundreds of years because there was no reason to change', were the words her grandad would often say to her. He also taught her how to hunt, unfortunately he died of natural causes before her lessons were completed.
When Raven was about to turn twelve, her father was caught commiting a crime, but no-one actually knew what is was. To apease the king, he was forced to give something of worth. With nothing else to give, and no-one else to look out for her, Raven was handed over as that gift. For a year she served as nothing more than the king's maid, untill his wife dies that is. When the queen died Raven quickly became the apple of his eye, and he lavished gifts upon her in the hopes of gaining her favour. Everytime however, she simply and politely declined.
Two years later, on her sixteenth birthday, the king propsed marriage to Raven, forcing her into it with the threat of killing her remaining family: Her mother, and a younger brother. Her father had killed himself in a time of immense guilt.
Raven has now ruled as the king's second wife for a year.

Up For Love? No, unfortunately she is taken by the king in an uncomfortable marriage.

Other: N/A
Last edited by Betheny on Sat Nov 26, 2011 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The world existed to be read. And I read it." - L.S Schwartz, Ruined by Reading

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Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:15 pm
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Leahweird says...

Name: Darrion (Dary)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Rank Prince
Allegiance: Tibiiwan, his mother and sister

Spoiler! :

Small and fair, Dary seems very young for his age. It bothers him that many call him “pretty” rather than handsome. He gets his colouring from his father, but he has the brown eyes of his mothers family.

A pleasant boy, Dary doesn’t seem like he’s truly 18. He tries to be solemn and studious, but he doesn’t always succeed. Mostly he is known for being enthralled with everything he meets.

Dary is still rather naive, and somewhat spoiled. He also has a temper, and tends to make poor decisions when he is angry.

Skills/special abilities:
While he tends to neglect his studies, Davy adores riding and fighting. However, he has never been tested on an actual battlefield.
Darrion is the treasured son of the Tibiiwan empress. Although he is not the heir, he loves his homeland and wants to do whatever he can to protect it. His dreams of glory, however, have so far remained unrealised.

Up For Love? Yes. He’s shy around girls though.

Other: He adores his family, and looks up too his older sister.

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Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:41 pm
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KindredSpiritBee says...

Name: (if an unusual name, please include a pronunciation key)Reilana Forsyth
Age: ( Characters can be any age- just be reasonable.)20
Gender: (Male/Female?)Female
Rank (king, queen, prince, princess, other?)Daughter of High Priest and Priestess
Allegiance: (country, king, self, other?)She is loyal to her parents but most of all to her own heart.

Appearance: (description and picture-and please no anime orscene- digital paintings and sketches are fine though) Blonde hair, blue eyes and soft features. She's tiny in both height and stature.
Spoiler! :

Personality: (Include likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. you can do this in points of you prefer) A hopeless romantic whose emotions run very close to the surface. She cries when shes mad, sad, embarrassed and even when she's happy. She's very stubborn and strong willed even when she's bawling her eyes out, but has no survival skills at all. She is the classic girly princess...

Flaws: (every character has to have them- they make them interesting) She's a total crybaby and is sooo gullible. She is also very naive and has been extremely sheltered all her life

Skills/special abilities: (no magic please- unless cleared with Shadowlight first!) She's a singer. She has always been told that she has the voice of a songbird and it's true.

History: (Every character has one, please give us a history of reasonable length) Her parents raised her far away from violence and pain, and in her lifetime she has endured very little so far. She learned how to read when she was three and developed a love for romantic legends, and her greatest wish has always been to fall deeply, madly in love with someone at first sight. She loves to sing and is accomplished on several musical instruments. Her parents arranged a marriage to help them make an alliance just recently and she just barely found out about it. To say she is displeased is an understatement...

Up For Love? (yes/no, conditions, reasons for such?)But of course!

Other: (anything we've missed?)nope...
Llamas do not have six packs

pain is that feeling when you are feeling hurt, but it never goes away leaving me hurt. oh it hurts.
— Dragonthorn