
Young Writers Society

The Rumoured (Closed/ Started)

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Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:27 pm
gleek456 says...

Discuss my friends!- http://www.youngwriterssociety.com/topic87476.html

Manhattan, New York- 1900

It's 1900, and the Great Depression already hit. Manhattan is still recovering from the devestating unemployment rate, with or without the help of the socialites of New York. Everyone knows the tragic events that happened during the Great Depression, but what really happened with all the Socialites? Sure, we've heard what happened in the newspapers, but was it truly written, or just a scandal?

Here are the main articles:

At the biggest ball of the year, Beckham Richards, otherwise known as Beck, was caught "snogging" with Rachel Wilson, one of New York's socialites. We all wonder how Beck's recent girlfriend, Quinn Willards, would react. Is New York's most adored couple done for?

The young dapper, Dmitri Marksam has arranged for his brother, Dylan Marksam, to be arranged to marry socialite Monica Harrison. This may be a good thing for Ms. Harrison, since Mr. Harrison died a few years ago, the Harrison's have been drowning in debt. But can Ms. Harrison deal with the obnoxious Mr. Marksam for the rest of her life?

Quinn Willard's beloved friend Arianna Ainsworth has been declared as "anorexic". Apparently, Ms. Ainsworth has been seen running from balls and purging, she has never been seen eating, and she has a very pale appearance. Will this socialite be able to rid of her disorder? Can her brother, Damian Ainsworth, help?

Another of our beloved socialites, Melissa Murray, has been hit by a car. Of course, the driver was very drunk, and Ms. Murray's car was hit. Ms. Murray was treated in York Hospital for a while, until fully recovering. Now, Ms. Murray is ready to make her comback as New York's socialite. But is she ready to come back into the game of love? Will she be able to come back as New York's socialite, and win Nathan McCarthy's heart?

Are all these stories true? Are all the socialites dying inside because of this, or was it on purpose? Even the most practiced smiles can hide many secrets...

Welcome to New York.

Belle Trinian's All Girls School: This very elite school is enclosed for the wealthy and girls only. Belle Trinian's is a very big school, with white-wash bricks and white panes windows. There are four wings- The Arts wing, the Sports wing, the General Education Wing, and lockers. Belle Trinian's campus has very green landscape and is filled with students from Belle Trinian's and students from Trent York's.

Spoiler! :

Trent York's All Boys School: Trent York's is the brother school of Belle Trinian's, and is located right next to the all girls school. Trent York's has four wings too, but red bricks and black window panes. Trent York's is also enclosed for the wealthy and boys. Trent York is known for their extensive sports program.

Spoiler! :

Freymoor Bar: A bar chain owned by Quinn Willards's mother, Karolyn Willards. The Freymoor bar is most likely where you'll see heartbroken or stressed citizens. Because of it's high fees, most likely the elite citizens will be seen.

Spoiler! :

Saratoga Racetrack: A racetrack chain, in which the McCarthy shares a large part of. The Saratoga Racetrack is enclosed for the wealthy, and professional jockeys participate. Sometimes, the wealthy books the area for a game of Polo.

A Midnight Adventure: A very well known restaurant chain owned by the Mr. Wilson, Rachel Wilson's father. A Midnight Adventure is enclosed for the wealthy, due to it's high fees, and many chefs and waiters are very well trained.

The In Boutique: Another well known area. The In Boutique is a big chain, and owned by Mrs. Wilson, Rachel Wilson's mother. The In Boutique is stocked with international popular clothing articles, and most likely, you will see many elite citizens of New York there.

Holland Ballroom: A very well known business. This is where most of New York's political meetings and balls are held. It's a very big building, with two floors and nice furniture.

York Hospital: A hospital located in New York, Manhattan. This is the hospital where Melissa Murray was treated in for a few days.

York Church: Where many citizens come to pray and get married. It's a very beautiful church, and most marriages occur here.

- The SB creator (me) is always right.
- Please, no god-modding!
- Swearing is totally fine, just don't go overboard.
- Romance is allowed, it's part of the plot, but no sex scenes.
- Violence is allowed. Don't go overboard, and no gore.
- Play around with the characters! For example: Melissa may be ready for her comeback, but she might have traumas from the event.
- Please, do not say that your character is a blackbelt, can throw daggers, and anything like that. You are playing te rich citizens of New York.
- Any questions, please feel free to PM me.
- All posts have to be lengthy. Posts shouldn't be under one paragraph. It should be about 2-3 paragraphs.
- All posts have to start with te name and place, such as: Quinn Willards | Ainsworth Ball
- It's 1900, the cars are old-fashioned, you may use carriages. No thing unrealistic, such as lasers or anything lime that. You may have to do some research.

Code: Select all
[b]Age:[/b] (17-20 years)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Picture and description)
[b]Personality:[/b] (At least a paragraph)
[b]History:[/b] (2-3 paragraphs)
[b]Up for love?[/b]

Characters- Female Socialites: Closed
Quinn Willards- Gleek456
Rachel Wilson- Ignorance
Monica Harrison- *coco
Arianna Ainsworth- ReisePiecey
Melissa Murray- PrincessofDarkness

Characters- Male Dappers: Closed
Beckham "Beck" Richards- LovelessSummer
Dmitri Marksam- Gleek456
Dylan Marksam- OnigiriChan
Damian Ainsworth- IamZoomie
Nathan McCarthy- Shadowlight

Thanks for joining!
Last edited by gleek456 on Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:34 pm, edited 18 times in total.

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Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:58 am
Iggy says...

Claiming Rachel!(:<
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:24 pm
gleek456 says...

Name: Quinn Blaire Willards

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Appearance: Quinn has long, blonde curly hair and a fair complexion. She has dark brown eyes and long eyelashes. Quinn has a pale skin and rosy cheeks. Quinn is average height for her age and is pretty skinny. She has the appearance for a socialite. Quinn is seen wearing regal clothes, and is always carrying a floral printed fan. She always has her hair done like in the gif below.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Quinn is a pretty flirtacious girl, but she has a kind heart. Quinn makes sure that everyone knows who she is, and if someone doesn't, she would make sure that they would know about her status. She is pretty patient and udnerstanding, but if something seriously ticks her off, Quinn will explode. She hates getting angry, since it kind of brings out this other side of her. Quinn is easily angered by jealousy. She is a bit of a child, and will whine or complain if neccessary so she could get what she wants. Quinn is easily liked by everyone.

Quinn is a bit fiesty, and this is what she would probably do:
Spoiler! :

History: Quinn grew up in New York, to Ms. Karolyn Willards (owner of the Freymoor Bar chain). She does not know who her father is, she only believes that her mother had a one-night stand with some dapper and then disappeared. She had a pretty good childhood- her mother taught her manners, her maid always played with her, and she had a good education.

Quinn attended an all girls school (Belle Trinian's All Girl's School) with Arianna, Rachel, and Monica. The four were best friends in elementary, until they reached high school. They learned about rumours and how badly it can affect others. At first, it was Quinn who started a rumour about Rachel (she said that Rachel has never had a boyfriend before) and a feud started. The four started falling apart slowly, Rachel leaving first. Quinn forgot how Monica left, but she kept close with Arianna.

When Quinn met Beck, it was on their first co-ed field trip to a resort somewhere in New York. Belle Trinian's brother school, Trent York's All Boys School, was best known for their sports program. During the field trip, Quinn and Beck hadn't really talked at first, but it was a mishap which caused the get together. Quinn was walking near Beck's lunch table, and suddenly tripped, spilling all her lunch on Beck. Beckhelped her and they began talking, which lead to hanging out everyday and sneaking out after curfew. During summer, they were declared as a couple ever since.

Strengths: Quinn is a very understanding girl. She believes every rumour there is in the newspapers, unless they're way too ridculous. Quinn has a way with words, but can only get herself out of a situation with a clear head.

Weaknesses: Quinn gets angered by jealousy very easily. I don't really think that's a good trait. Quinn looks like a total snob and princess in first glance, but try to get to know her.

Up for love? No, not really. She has a boyfriend... but after the article, it's very complicated. Although... She may want love for revenge. Hehehe...

Other: Quinn speaks 5 different languages- English, French, Italian, Russian, and Portugese. Quinn plays the violin and loves flowers.
Last edited by gleek456 on Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:32 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:32 pm
IamZoomie says...

Name: Damien Ainsworth

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Spoiler! :

Personality: Damien is a silent fellow. He doesn't like to be caught up in drama and trouble but, living the life that he does, drama is mandatory. Damien is a generally nice guy, he's sweet, helpful, and a perfect gentleman. He doesn't talk much, he doesn't ask much, and he prefers his private life to be just that - private. When Damien goes out on town he has to amp up his personality a bit; he's louder, makes rash decisions, and does things he usually wouldn't do like drink, smoke, and have short romances with random people.

He says, in his defense, it's to keep the public happy, but it's really out of his control. He adopts a different personality around people who are not his close friends or family. Damien has split personality disorder. He is the only one who knows about it and other people simply think he's preforming for the cameras. He is nice to his sister, Arianna, all the time, though, no matter what. He loves her more than anything.


Strengths: He has a kind heart and good intentions. He knows how to make people feel better and can usually make someone smile. He's a friend to all and can be the nicest person you ever meet.

Weaknesses: When he goes out he makes stupid decisions and can hurt a lot of people. It's hard for him to keep friends because of the things he does when he goes out.

Up for love? I don't see why not.

Other: Damien plays the piano and violin as a side hobby and loves video games.
Last edited by IamZoomie on Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
“Some people are afraid of what they might find if they try to analyze themselves too much, but you have to crawl into your wounds to discover where your fears are. Once the bleeding starts, the cleansing can begin.”
Tori Amos

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Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:26 pm
Sassafras says...

Name: Arianna Ainsworth

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Spoiler! :

Her skin is stretched tight over her bones. Her face hollowed and thin. Ari is frail. She wears baggy clothes at home to cover her body and when she goes out her clothes never fit.

Personality: Arianna is never satisfied with anything. To her everything can be at least a little better. She complains more than she compliments and she's never happy. Ari is greedy, she always wants more, and what she wants she better get or else all hell breaks loose. She's extremely jealous, sarcastic, mean, and an all around brat. She's one to take advantage of people and to use them for her own personal gain. Ari always feels "so last year" and is actually just a sad and broken little girl in the heart, but her sadness registers to others as anger and meanness.

She gets angry at herself whenever she eats what she classifies as too much and will immediately throw it all up so it can't settle and make her fat.

History: She was raised in New York with her older brother Damien. She first started to become envious and jealous when she got old enough to see what type of life she was living. With beautiful and rich people all around her Ari never felt that she was good enough. There was always someone better dressed than her, someone with better jewels, someone who bought something before she did. One day Arianna was at a fashion show with her parents and, even though her body was perfect the way it was, Ari wanted to be a size zero like the girls walking on the stage. She went on a diet and never stopped.

Strengths: She's a manipulator and gets nearly everything she wants.

Weaknesses: She's insecure and very sickly. She has a rotten heart.

Up for love? Why not?

Other: She loves hearing Damien play and the only people she's nice to are her brother and her best friend.

(Z, I freaking love him, the guy you used as your picture. He's such an amazing model, really.)
Last edited by Sassafras on Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:27 pm, edited 3 times in total.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:40 pm
*coco says...

Monica Harrison please :D I'll have a profile up soon
Last edited by *coco on Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:01 am
Shadowlight says...

Name: Nathan Walter McCarthy
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Appearance: Nathan is tall 6'3 and he has a willowy build. He has the "McCarthy look" with his dark hair and large puppy-dog deep brown eyes. his hair is longer than is considered fashionable but Nathan( like a true McCarthy) was never one to conform to the thoughts of the day. He has a winning smile and the natural McCarthy confidence in how he holds and presents himself. Nathan usually opts for wearing dark colored suits and coats, things that have a classic look about them. He will usually have some splash of color on him, a red waistcoat, tie, or a scarf when it is cold.
Spoiler! :
Nathan McCarthy.jpg
Nathan McCarthy.jpg (51.59 KiB) Viewed 213 times

Personality: Nathan is in a word- steady. He is the kind of man you would want watching your back. Nathan has a good all around sense of humor and is cheerful almost always. He has a lightening wit, which can get him into trouble, but his natural charm always gets him out. Though he is easygoing, Nathan has the temper of a erupting volcano when provoked, this is his greatest flaw, one he is trying to fix. Nathan is extremely loyal to his family and holds his personal honor highly. He has the tenacity of a bull dog when he is trying to figure something our or accomplish something. He is an old fashioned gentleman in many aspects of his life and has been labeled by his younger brother "Old man Doc."

History: Nathan was born the middle son of Matthew McCarthy and Elisabeth McCarthy (formerly Elisabeth Reynolds) he had a normal childhood and was sent to boarding school and then the university. his parents wanted him to be a lawyer but he found his true calling to be medicine. His Parents accepted this without much of a fuss (medicine is still a respectable profession for a gentleman.) he is now studying at the Bellevue Hospital in the psychiatric ward.

The McCarthy family is relatively new to the New York socialite scene. Nathans grandfather( of Irish/Scottish ancestry) started out with nothing and then went on to be one of the founders of the Saratoga Racetrack and made his fortune out of the horses and races. The family is still very involved with the horse-track scene and owns many high ranking horses and the contracts to many of the best jockeys. Nathans younger brother William is a gentleman jockey on occasion and causes the family much stress with the scandals he is constantly cooking up.

Nathan tries to stay away from the scandal of social life as much as possible (he doesn't want to have his name printed in any of the rag-sheets) but it is a uphill battle when his younger brother is involved. He does enjoy the parties in the moment and loves to go, after a hard day at the hospital, to the bar where he is sure to meet up with some of his friends. He loves his many nieces and nephews dearly and involves himself as much as he can in their worlds-
"Uncle Nate" is usually willing to play when their papas can't or won't.

Strengths: His high fun loving spirits, and easygoing nature. Nathan is highly intelligent and can read people easily. He rarely believes the rumors he hears unless there is solid grounds for doing so, but gets a kick out of the absurdity of many of them.

Weaknesses: His hot temper, and his tendency to become very emotionally attached to his patients at the hospital. He also will not share his own troubles with those close to him, preferring to internalize them- he doesn't want to burden anyone.

Up for love? So far no one has sparked his interest and he is starting to believe he will be the bachelor uncle forever but he is most definitely up for love ( the forever, wanting to spend the rest of my life with you kind of love.) Nathan is a romantic at heart and would love to find a lady he could shamelessly pursue- again his old fashioned-ness would make him a wonderful suitor for any girl.

Other: Being a McCarthy Nathan loves horses and own several himself. He is an excellent rider and loves a good cross country hunt or race. He also is an accomplished fencer and is often seen at the gymnasium practicing. he loves music and plays the piano very well. Nathan is left handed

(Gleek as our intrepid leader if you see anything you want me to change, or something you want me to add, please tell me. I will be most happy to oblige!)
Last edited by Shadowlight on Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:43 pm, edited 9 times in total.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:40 am
OnigiriChan says...

Name: Dylan Marksham

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Spoiler! :

Personality: Dylan is, as the news article stated, obnoxious. Everything he does is over the top and blow out of proportion. He conceited too, he knows he looks good so he flaunts it. He loves the cameras and he loves being center of attention. He'll do whatever is necessary to be on film. He's a stuck up jerk and he only does what's best for the camera and his reputation. When's he's not partying he's pretty much the same guy.

He goes every minute as if he's being filmed.

History: (2-3 paragraphs)

Strengths: He can be charming when he wants.

Weaknesses: He's a total jerk.

Up for love? Yes.

Last edited by OnigiriChan on Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
"If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed, then we should feed our jewelry to the sea. For diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me." Northern Downpour

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Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:42 am
gleek456 says...

Awesome Onigiri! We finally have a Marksam! :)

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Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:55 am
Iggy says...

Name: Rachel Wilson.

Gender: Female.

Age: 19.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Rachel is a preppy, stunning girl who amazes everyone she meets and enchants every boy innNew York. Her chocolate brown hair and hazelnut doe eyes give her the innocent looks of a child. She can be cruel nand bitchy to people she doesn't like. If ahe hates you, she will desteoy you socially. She's extremely popular and wanted by many. She does one-night flings.

History: Rachel was born in New York to the rich Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. Mr. Wilson owns A Midnight Adventure, a facy resteraunt where you can eat outside and stroll through the garden. Mrs. Wilson owns The In Boutique, a clothing store where most of her fellow classmates shop. Rachel has gotten everything she's ever wanted her entire life. She goes to Belle Trinian's All Girls School with her ex-BFF's: Monica, Arianna, and Quinn. Rachel especially has it out for Quinn and she decided to snog Quinn's boyfriend, Beck, when Quinn walked in.

Strengths: Rachel's strengths are her money, her social status (popularity), and her looks. She's a breath-taking girl who schemes and tricks people into doing what she wants them to do. She uses her wide doe eyes to make people feel bad and obey her. She's an amazing singer who often steals the spot light from others, or uses it to draw attention to herself. Shd's very fashionable and she's been in Tae Kwan Doe since she was five, so she's really good at self-defense. She's also a sweet-talker ;)

Weaknesses: She has a firery temper. When she's pissed, she makes rash decisions on the spot. She gets jealous very easily, and will make it very clear. She doesn't trust anyone, and she hardly loves anyone. She's terrible at Math and Spanish, hating when she hears people talk in Spanish.

Up for love: Yes, but expect to get your heart broken unless she really likes you.

Other: N/A.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:25 pm
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*coco says...

Name: Monica Rose Harrison

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Spoiler! :

Monica has a slight olive complexion from her Sicilian roots. She is beautiful in a simple kind of way, with large dark brown eyes and long tufts of thick brown curls. Unlike most girls, Monica prefers simplicity over style and is often seen dressed in very modest clothing. The only item of extravagance she wears is an ornate gemstone necklace she made herself.

Personality: Even though she was born into a life of glitz and glamour, Monica has always been a shy and quiet little girl. She’s never liked being under the spotlight, and even though she is very pretty and has boys falling at her feet, she usually preferred to hide behind her confident and popular three best best-freinds Quinn, Arianna, and Rachel. Now that she’s no longer friends with them and her family is in debt, she’s constantly hounded by newspaper tabloids and reporters who seem to be just waiting for another scandal to pop up.

History: Monica’s parents never married. She is the illegitimate daughter of James “Jimmy Jo” Harrison; a former corrupt New York City treasurer and its most powerful political figure, and Victoria Piazza; a young Sicilian-American and former Broadway dancer. As a child Monica was raised by her Irish maid Margaret, because her parents were never around much; her father was always away and her mother was always entertaining guests and attending social gatherings.

In elementary school, Monica became best friends with three of the most popular girls in her class; Quinn, Arianna, and Rachel. They were the total opposite to her, they were cool, confident and feisty; like the sisters she never had, and Monica thought that their friendship could only go stronger once they reached High school. But after Quinn started a rumour about Rachel never having had a boyfriend, it seemed like all the girls did was argue. Monica soon left the group. She figured that if Quinn could do that to Rachel, than she could do it to anyone, and Monica really couldn’t deal with all that drama, not when she had enough of that to last her a lifetime.

With her father’s death, her family soon had to deal with the enormous amount of debt that he left behind, a debt that (much to Monica’s dismay) could only be solved if she married Dylan Marksam, the most obnoxious and self-centred man in the city, and the younger brother of the man she really loved, Dmitri Marksam. Monica’s mother, however, couldn’t be happier with such an alliance. She knew that the wedding will not just be the solution to her family’s debt problems, but will also be the perfect opportunity for her to reclaim her former popular status among the elite women of New York City. In fact, since Monica unwillingly agreed to the marriage a few weeks ago, her mother has been putting all her time and energy into making sure that her daughter’s wedding is THE event of the year.

Strengths: Monica has a very big heart. She is loyal to her family even though they’ve never been there for her, and has strong values about what’s right and what’s wrong.

Weaknesses: Monica’s kindness can sometimes cause her to be taken advantage of. She also lacks independence when it comes to standing up for herself. Her innocence can often cloud her judgement, and she can often get very emotional.

Up for love? Yes (even though she’s engaged). She never wanted the marriage in the first place

Other: She has been secretly in love with Dmitri Marksam since she was a little girl, but for some reason she had never plucked up the courage to tell him. It’s a decision she truly regrets now that she has to marry his younger brother.

Monica dreams of one day being able to open up her own jewellery store.
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:39 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Save Melissa please, Gleek XD
Signature Pending

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Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:42 pm
gleek456 says...

'Know what? I'll take Dmitri, and we'll just wait for a Beck and Princess to post her profile, and I'll set a deadline. :)

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Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:08 pm
gleek456 says...

Name: Dmitri Marksam

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Appearance: Dmitri has dark. brown hair and matching brown eyes. He has very cut features, just like his brother Dylan. Dmitri is pretty light skinned, and has a slight tan. Dmitri is muscular, but doesn't really have those body builder muscles. He has a bit of an aftershave look. Dmitri is always seen wearing classy suits and bright colored ties.

Spoiler! :
236px-Tumblr_llgjabMIVT1qbjyyzo1_500.png (101.62 KiB) Viewed 272 times

Personality: Dmitri is a pretty mature and smart man, unlike his brother. He has a temper, but he knows when to blow off. He isn't very obnoxious, and is more of the opposite, which is thoughtful. Dmitri is a thoughtful and kind man. He doesn't really get the whole scandal business, he only thinks it's a way citizens gain money- trashing New York's adored citizens.

History: Dmitri was born to Patrick Marksam and Felicia Ziraldo Marksam, the politically involved citizens of New York. Dmitri experienced being an only child for about a year, until his mother gave birth to Dylan. Dmitri and Dylan grew up together, and had a very strong relationship. They both went to Trent York's All Boys School, and they both met Quinn, Arianna, Rachel, and Monica, the school's neighbours. They were also classmates with Beck, Damian, and Nathan. Dmitri passed and graduated with flying colors. Dmitri studied at a university for lawyers, but dropped out after 2 years.

Dmitri read in the newspaper about the death of Mr. Harrison (a treasurer in the City Hall), and Mr. Marksam quickly filled in the spot. Thinking Monica needed financial needs, Dmitri talked Mr. and Mrs. Marksam into Dylan marrying Monica. Later, at one of their balls, Dmitri announced Dylan and Monica's engagement, to the surprise of Dylan and Monica.

Strengths: Since he used to go to law school, he is a pretty good business man. He knows about loopholes and can talk his way out of situations. Dmitri is a pretty good man, and attracts ladies easily.

Weaknesses: Dmitri is aboslutely clueless about Dylan and Monica's feelings, which will probably make him clueless about anyone else's feelings and do what he believes is right.

Up for love? Yes, I guess so.

Other: Dmitri has a dream of owning a bakery. I don't know, he just has this craving for sweets.

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Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:29 pm
gleek456 says...

Okay, I'd post this on the DT, but not everyone is involved in it yet. We can start once we get Beck and his profile. I'm going to close the SB, so someone who is already involved in this SB can take Beck. Any takers? Hm?

Act in the valley so that you need not fear those who stand on the hill.
— Danish proverb