
Young Writers Society

Amidst the Roses

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Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:23 pm
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StellaThomas says...

(Discussion Thread may be found here.)

The Story:

Once upon a time a beautiful princess called Briar Rose was born to grateful parents in the kingdom of Middle Country. However at her birth, Briar Rose was cursed by the Enchantress- at the age of sixteen she would touch a spindle and fall into a deep sleep for a hundred years. Briar Rose was whisked away to live in a village north of her palace- a palace that lies right in the heart of the Fairytale Continent. Now, however, sixteen years later, she and the rest of the palace lie asleep, with a thicket of roses growing around them.

They might be getting a good night's sleep, but no one else is.

In the West Country, the newly widowed Queen Snow White, assisted by the beardless eighth dwarf Clumsy and General Julian Steelblade IV, plans the invasion of Middle Country at this perfect opportunity. It's a bizarre move- rumour has it that she has conversed with a necromancer who may be able to bring King Gareth back after his brush with Asta, more commonly known across the Continent as The Wolf, But everybody knows necromancy always ends badly...

In the North Country, Briar Rose's best childhood friend was a village girl with the strange name of Beauty. Beauty is now determined to find her friend- only she's trapped in the Beast's castle. The Beast will let her go, but he wants to go with her and to do that, he needs to find The Enchantress...

In the South Country, the Crown Prince Dominic is worried about his younger brother Charming and his new wife Cinderella. The two went off on their honeymoon to Middle Country, and rumour has it they're now stuck in the forest of roses that has sprouted around the place, along with The Woodcutter, Edward.

Rumour also has it there is a Dragon there, who is in fact Prince Sebastian of the North Country under enchantment, used by the Enchantress to guard the castle. The only person of any use to Dominic is Lady Susan, a girl lately made lady-in-waiting to the new princess.

And in the East Country lives the man to whom Briar Rose has been promised since birth. Prince Taris feels it is his duty to go and save her- but does he want to marry her after all? His opinionated little sister Princess Suirin doesn't think she's worth it. And all Taris can think about is the girl who saved him from his shipwreck and sang to him on the shore. Little does he know that girl was the Mer-Princess Elia, who as we speak is trying to find a way to join him on land.

The Rules

-The usual. Good grammar is a must, and I'd prefer reasonably lengthed posts. Keep everything PG-13.
-Don't get too attached to your locations, pretty soon everyone's going to be moving into the Middle Country soon enough.
-Try and interact with everyone, not just one or two other players.
-I'll be playing the Enchantress to try and direct the story a bit, but otherwise I'm just going to let the plot play out.
-If you want your characters to have magical abilities, please run them by me first- I want no one to have too much of an upper-hand.
-Mostly, just have fun with the fairytales. Give your characters midnight curfews and three chances at everything.

How to make your profile:


With every post, please put your character's name and location (nothing too specific, but a general idea like the country they're in) at the top!


The Enchantress-Stella Thomas
Snow White-Skorpionne
Beauty- ScarlettFire
Beast-Rosey Unicorn
Charming- Eliza:)
Prince Taris- Sunshine
Mer-Princess Elia-CelticaNoir
Prince Sebastian- the Dragon- Shadowlight
Clumsy the Dwarf- Skull 3670
Lady Susan- gleek456
Asta the Wolf- the storygirl
Princess Suirin-Stella Thomas
King Gareth- Shadowlight
Praesa the Necromancer- Skorpionne
Edward the Woodcutter- Kitty15
General Julian Steelblade IV- JabberHut

You can jump in at any time. If you have an idea for a character, please let me know! While there aren't any of the named royals left to play, there are still tonnes of others- ladies in waiting, knights (I'd love Snow White to have an honour guard of seven!), thousands of opportunities. Be creative!

And let's hope we all live happily ever after...
Last edited by StellaThomas on Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:31 pm, edited 13 times in total.
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:24 pm
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Skorpionne says...

I claim Snow White.
I've learned so much from people who never existed - Unknown

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Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:25 pm
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ScarlettFire says...

Placeholder for Beauty.

Edit; Profile. I made her dark skinned, hope you don't mind, Stells. ^^

Name: Beauty.
Age: 18.
Nationality: North Country.

Appearance: Beauty is a tall (about 5'4), dark skinned village girl with dark eyes and dark hair. She's slim yet athletic. Beauty is usually seen in simple clothes and always seems to be smiling.
Spoiler! :

Background: Beauty was born in a Village in the North Country to a rather curious couple. Her mother was an artist, her father an inventor. Beauty spent her younger years racing and playing in the village and surrounding area, and was only two when she first saw the baby Briar Rose. Over the years, Beauty and Briar Rose formed a friendship.

Up until about six months ago, Beauty knew exactly where her friend was. And six months ago was when Beauty heard a rumour about a castle deep in the woods to the north--from the Enchantress disguised as an elderly lady. Curious, Beauty set off in search of it. When she got there, she met the inhabitants of the castle--the servants and one very irate Beast.

The Beast was furious, but Beauty, although scared, was determined not to be intimidated by him. She stared him down and, despite feeling uneasy in the presence of the Beast, spent the night in the castle. But she decided to explore and found something Beast didn't want her to find, and when she tried to leave, Beast grew angry. He wouldn't let her near the door. Instead, he locked it and retreated to his rooms, leaving Beauty standing in the hall, staring after him.

Six months on and Beauty and Beast have heard a rumour about Briar Rose--apparently Beauty's friend is asleep in a forest of roses. Beauty wants to go and find her, but Beast isn't having it. He wants to come too.

Personality: Beauty is bold and kind yet fierce, in both loyalty and her beliefs. She's smart and loves to sneak around and hates to see anyone she likes hurt. She's also impatient, always in motion and loves to read and daydream. If Beauty is quiet and thoughtful, you just know she's plotting something or up to no good. But it's sometimes better to go through with something and then ask for forgiveness before asking permission anyway. She usually avoids conflict, preferring to talk, rather than clash swords. Beauty prefers the honest truth over lies, and highly dislikes when someone turns out to be a liar. Beauty may seem a little distant and vague, but don't be fooled. She's got a really sharp mind behind it all. She's also a little too curious for her own good.
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:42 am, edited 4 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:18 pm
CelticaNoir says...

Name: Elia Malene

Age: 19

Nationality: Atlanti

Appearance: Elia is tall for a mermaid, but average for a human. She has dark brown hair usually tied up into braids, with elegant and dark violet eyes that most people consider unnervingly piercing. She prefers dark clothing to light. While most people people think that her smile looks smug, she is actually a very kind person.

Spoiler! :
Alice_11.jpg (54.04 KiB) Viewed 774 times

Background: Elia is the middle sister of five. Most people mark her as being similar to the late Queen Alena in that they have very similar personalities and even appearances. However, where Queen Alena was an only child, Elia deals with four sisters; the eldest, Lyana, Coral, Meriam and the youngest, Liliana.

Even at a young age she was considered the logical centre of her family, unlike her brash or sometimes difficult sisters. While curious and sometimes rebellious, she never let her emotions go out of control - not even when Lyana turned sixteen and went up to the upper world, only to tell her that it sucked and that was all she needed to know about it.

When Elia turned fourteen, she found a new hobby - singing. In almost no time at all, she had become the family's most prominent singer because of the operatic heights her voice could reach. This however, their father didn't like, and forbade her to sing anymore, which left her sore and angry at him. She and Liliana made up a private concert of sorts where only friends were invited.

When she turned sixteen, of course, she followed through with the tradition of going up once to the surface. Unlike Coral, who had only spoken of scenery and sunshine, Elia had emerged near a small cottage - and two humans. An old lady that looked much like her own grandmother was reading a story to a young girl about ten years old. Fascinated by what the old lady was describing, Elia took a fancy to the upper world and all the adventures it promised. She kept going back for more, breaking Atlantis law over and over again, until one day, the old lady and the little girl weren't to be seen anymore. Even though Elia kept going back, they never came back; one day, Elia overheard some people saying the old lady had died and the little girl had been taken away.

Elia was heartbroken; she had actually grown attached to the humans. Sad and despondent, she returned to the underworld, and kept singing to relieve her depression. But it was then that their father found out what she and Liliana were up to, and grounded both her and Lili for "quite a few years" as he says. More depressed and perhaps, angry as well, she took to leaving the castle grounds and going up to the surface repeatedly.

Personality: Elia is definitely a rebel; she's a dreamer, and a very determined one at that. While she mostly goes unnoticed from most of her sisters because she keeps her thoughts and ideas to herself, she likes it that way, because it means that she has a lot of free room to move around in. However, just because she's a rebel doesn't mean that she's not mature - she is very mature and levelheaded as opposed to her youngest sister Liliana, who she shares similarities with. She is also a very curious girl, but would rather experience something for herself than hear it from other people. And even if she seems cold at times, if you get on her good side, she'll be the best friend you ever had. She also tends to be rather impatient.
Last edited by CelticaNoir on Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:20 pm, edited 9 times in total.
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

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Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:19 pm
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Rosendorn says...

Maybe under construction

Name: He only goes by "Beast", now, to reflect his form. The Enchantress cursed him to not remember his name. He's not sure he wants his old name back— he's not the same person who got cursed in the first place.

Age: About 25.

Nationality: North Country

Appearance: As a Beast, he has long, brown fur and a face that's somewhere between a lion's (especially with his mane) a wolf's, and some sort of underworld creature— especially because he has horns visible on the top of his head. He always has two fangs sticking up from his bottom lip, and wild-cat like paws, only his claws don't retract. His tail is more wolf-like, but he usually hides it with his cloak. His eyes are the only trace of humanity left— blue, just like what he once had. You'll most often see him in pants and a long cloak.

Spoiler! :
Shamelessly taken from the movie

As a human, he barely remembers what he looked like. Only paintings— most of them destroyed or slashed— act as a reminder. He had short, caramel-brown hair that was sometimes dark brown in the right light. He used to charm with his smile. His build was muscular, because of the forest around his castle he took full advantage of hunting, riding, and other outdoor activities.

Spoiler! :
But I didn't like the movie's human form so here

Background: He grew up not needing much of anybody. His father was a high-ranking noble in King Sebastian II and Queen Halelia. He was their firstborn son, being groomed to manage estates and take his father's place. But his family did not share the King and Queen's chivalry. His father was skilled and had much power, which gave him a sense of entitlement. This transferred to his young son, who grew up to emulate his father's qualities. Because of this, he was kept apart from the King and Queen's young son after he was born. Because other people of all ages were allowed to play with the child, the then-human-Beast became bitter; he hid it with a disdain for human life.

When he was in his late teenage years, the Enchantress came to the palace. He had been present when the King said the Queen was the fairest of them all. He had seen the damage the prince-dragon had wrought. His father, worried for the family estate, and, secretly, his son's safety, sent the boy to check up, and then manage, the estate. He only got one castle of two on the land, to get him practising managing just a small plot of land.

But when he was nearly 20, the Enchantress returned. She had been watching him, and all of court, looking for those who would make the horrible mistake of insulting her again. He was a good candidate, with his father having just managed to escape. He had learned. The young beast had not.

All he'd seen was an intruder on his land. An old, female, hag, who had nothing to give but a simple stone.He turned her away and ordered her off his land, but when the guards went to escort her out of the valley, she revealed herself to be the Enchantress. She cursed him to be a beast like he treated others, and cursed his servants for blind loyalty to him. He forgot his name, but remembered everything else. The Enchantress wants him to use his time to think. And she gave him plenty of time— until the curse is broken, Beast and all his servants are immortal.

The stone she gave him became a magic mirror, the most beautiful he owns, allowing him to see the outside world he was now sealed off from. The forests around entrances to the valley are passable— but the Beast has been further cursed to be trapped within his valley. The Enchantress wasn't completely cruel to him, though. She's given his parents a relay-point to give Beast any food, money or other supplies he requires, and cursed all his clothes to still fit him despite his new form. She also told Beast that he needed to learn several lessons. His biggest was learning the value of human life, and earning just one thing: love. His parents had sent him women to try and break the curse, but they fled. His parents stopped trying years ago.

He is still waiting for love.

Personality: He's grown cold and violently protective of his past. It's been six years since he was cursed, maybe eight, and he's given up. While his servants respect and pity himself and their own situation, and they do love each other to a degree, he hates his beast form too much to love himself in the way the Enchantress wants him to. This has led him to reject all advances; he doesn't want anybody to get close just in case they will fail in giving him what he wants. He has yet to give up his sense of entitlement completely. If somebody wants to try and reach him, they have to mean it. And he hasn't met anybody who even has the potential.
Last edited by Rosendorn on Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:21 pm
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Sunshine says...

Wow, this sounds great! I'll take Prince Taris! PM if I need to change anything. I am extremely flexiable.

Name: Prince Taris James Kane Reginson the second


Nationality: East.

Appearance: Curly brown hair that is rather poofy with thick dark eyebrows. Taris has deep, dark brown eyes. Taris has perfectly white teeth and a kind smile. He is about 5'9 with a strong, firm figure. He always has a strong, firm standing point with a regal chin. Taris has abs, but it's likely you won't see them. He is about normal weight, but I don't know what that would be for a male his age. Taris isn't a fan of the tights that are set in front of him, so he'll usually avoid him for anything but a special occasion. He likes to wear tunics in the colors of blue and green; because those are his favored colors.
Spoiler! :

Background: Born the second child of King William and Queen Lily, Taris was always treated well but never spoiled- the spoiling was left to the crown prince, his older brother Prince Leo. When Taris was five he went to the birth celebration of none other than Briar Rose. While he and his younger sister, Princess Suirin, played with Briar and her diamond encrusted rattle, the two sets of rulers conversed. They both decided that to remain in peace, they would have to marry off their two children. William and Lily didn't want to marry off their Crown Prince quiet yet, and both parents agreed that sweet Taris would be a match for the newborn princess. As they shook on it, the Enchantress appeared and, well...you know the rest.

Taris continued to live a peaceful, good life. His parents did make time for him and his father was especially enraged when a maids suggested otherwise. Taris' mother actually was around less, but she loved to tell her children stories. He always loved the Ocean, insisting to have his lessons there. A few years later, when Taris was fourteen his eighteen year old brother-none other than the Crown prince himself- was killed in battle. Prince Taris became Crown Prince. He found himself struggling, weighed down with a new unexpected weight. He is more spoiled true, but he feels awkward in his brothers job, feeling himself unfit to do the duty.

Personality: As a Prince, Taris is a natural gentlemen. Yet it's not royals and high classman who recieve his politeness. Anyone who wears a smile will find their doors opened by Taris. Taris, perhaps after hearing some of the stories of wicked rulers, believes in a life of kindness and generosity.

He is a generally sweet man and will go out of his way to make someone's day. Taris is charismatic and used to be very good natured, but lately has lost his sense of humour. Since his brother's death he has been working himself a little to hard, trying to work up to the former Crown Prince's glory. Honestly, Taris feels like Leo had been born to play the role of the East's next great king. He's just sitting in the spot, trying to hold on. The boy is easily distracted, and has a lack of common sense. Although well-informed on politics and history, geography and math, he has little to no knowlege of the outside lands. Most of his tutoring was lost on him. He has a tendancy not to think things through very clearly. The prince goes immediatly to whatever he needs to grasp on, and hangs on. He is a bit of an exaggerated personel as well, if you get what I mean. Taris plays by the books, and it can be hard to get him of it.

Taris is also over protective of his younger sister, Princess Suirin. It's a bit ironic really. He still see's her as an innocent little child, although there are doubts if she ever was one.
Last edited by Sunshine on Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:49 pm
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gleek456 says...

Save spot for me on Cinderella please!

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Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:44 pm
gleek456 says...

Hi there! I'm so excited for this! If anything is wrong, please PM me, and I WILL edit. Oh, and, since there's no Prince Charming yet, like you said Stella, I made up a last name.

Name: Cinderella Glover

Age: 20

Nationality: South Country

Appearance: Cinderella has curly, blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. Some parts of her hair may look brown.Cinderella has a lovely complexion and fair skin. She is average height for her age, and is slim. Cinderella is seen wearing gowns that are easy to move in.

Spoiler! :
tumblr_ldjhxyY3hm1qekynao1_400.jpg (82.81 KiB) Viewed 1202 times

Background: I'm sure everyone knows the story of Cinderella, so I'm going all the way back. Cinderella was born into a loving family, as expected. Although, her father has been cheating on Mrs. Glover with the step-mother. Eventually, Mrs. Glover found out about this and killed herself later on, believing no one loved her. Mr. Glover didn't really care, and married the step-mother shortly. Mr. Glover was always working, pleasing the step-mother. The step-mother always assigns the housework to Cinderella. The step-sisters never really bothered about Cinderella, until she "stole" someone they fancied in school. They began treating her horribly ever since.

Personality: Cinderella is easily stressed. She isn't very short-tempered, but can release anger. Cinderella, as expected, is hard working and caring. Despite her appearance, she is excellent at combat. She loves to fight, sword fight, and is amazing at archery. Apparently, thanks to lifting all those water buckets and dishes, she gained some hidden muscles. Cinderella loves horseback riding and her Prince Charming. Cinderella loves the outdoors and to be free.

(Hope this is okay!)
Last edited by gleek456 on Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:46 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:06 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Who could I be? Any girl spots left...?
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Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:54 pm
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gleek456 says...

Hey Stella! When someone claims Charming, can I also claim a lady in waiting?

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Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:27 pm
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PrincessOfDarkness says...

Name: Prince Dominic
Age: 21
Nationality: ?
Appearance: Shoulder length brown hair. He has blue eyes. He is tall, and handsome.
Spoiler! :

Background: Prince. He is the eldest, and is very protective of his younger brother, Charming.
Personality: Mischievious and brave. He is loyal, determined and very competative.
Other: Up For Luuurve!
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Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:47 pm
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StellaThomas says...

Just a note- once we get started there'll probably be opportunity for everybody to have secondary characters. But let's give it a while with just the core few first so we can find our feet, okay? Shadowlight is also going to be playing a dragon for us :) I'll be making a DT after I've posted this profile so all further questions to the DT, please!

Name- Elvara Spidersilk, but to you lot she's just the Enchantress.

Age- 287, but ordinarily she looks just about thirty. Magic'll do that to you.

Nationality- originally from the South, but spends time all over the continent.

Appearance- The Enchantress likes to keep herself looking well, she scorns the other faeries and witches who don't follow her example. Her favourite guise is that of a tall woman with long, yellow-blonde hair and bright green eyes. However, she also often adopts the disguise of a bent-back crone in dark clothes, with crooked teeth and wispy hair. While these two are her favourites, she can be anything in between- glamours are kind of her thing. She'll always be female though, so keep an eye out for anything suspicious.

Background- Elvara is actually originally from the south, but she never knew her parents. A faerie child like her were sent straight to the orphanages by good god-fearing country parents. Elvara was picked up by Madame Violetta, the headmistress of the Continent's Magic Academy. However, by the time she was fifteen it was clear Elvara was a fully-fledged sorceress and in no need of further help or training. Beginning with small, menial tasks such as fairy godmothering, the Enchantress rose through the ranks and began developing the most revered, and the most feared, reputation for any faerie or witch ever. Nowadays all Continent children know her stories, of how she taught those twelve dancers a thing or two, of the selfish prince she turned into a Beast for insulting her.

Personality- The Enchantress isn't evil. She just wants things to be just so. People on the Fairytale Continent are selfish, they're mean, they're greedy and most of all they mess things up. So she tries her utmost to get rid of such issues. Alas, with Snow White, things didn't turn out quite so well, but she likes the girl well enough these days. Briar Rose's parents dealt her a terrible insult by not inviting her to the christening. If there's one thing the Enchantress really hates, it's people insulting her personally. And when she gets angry, she tends to get even. The Enchantress is a perfectionist in every regard. She's also quite content to listen to your requests and wishes and sometimes even fulfill them- if they're to her liking. She is no doubt the most powerful person on the Continent, but she doesn't use that power, not to actually rule. But there's got to be a certain order to things, and she's got to be on top of it. So what if she tramples on a few royal fingers on the way? It's all in the name of the good continent of Faerie, right? Right?


Name: Her Royal Highness Princess Suirin Cressia Lily Reginson

Age: 18

Appearance: Short and curvy, Suirin has dark blonde hair just a few shades lighter than her brother Taris'. She has hazel eyes she inherited from her mother. Her skin's an unfashionable shade of brown for a girl of her station, but that's what comes of having a palace beside the sea. She loves to wear pale colours to contrast this and loves frills and ruffles in court, though once outside she likes her clothes to be practical.

Spoiler! :

Background: Suirin is the youngest of three children, and the only girl, so it's only natural for her to be a little spoilt. The Reginsons are a close-knit family, and Suirin was horrified when her elder brother Leo died- because now who would teach her how to ride and use a sword? After his death, she and her middle brother Taris drew much closer. Suirin has had a string different governesses as she's grown up, each one dismissed for not keeping up with either Suirin's intellect or her pride.

Luckily for Suirin, when she was born there was no convenient arranged marriage to be made so unlike Taris she is under no obligations. Suirin loves her freedom and can't imagine she'll ever marry anyone- she doesn't want a husband telling her what to do. She has seen her mother and the amount of care she has put into raising her children and how badly Leo's death shattered her. Suirin loves her family but she can't imagine having one of her own that would destroy her the way Leo's death has destroyed the Queen.

Personality: Suirin is extremely intelligent and never misses a trick. She's read two-thirds of the rather extensive library in the palace and can tell you a fact at every corner. She's also very highly-strung. She hates people patronising her- especially now she has come of age in East Country, and can be very quiet and sneaky in revenge to those who insult her (like that one time she filled the Prime Minister's soup to the brim with salt after he said that her harpsichord playing "showed promise"). Suirin is quite sure she can take care of herself- though physically she's rather weak. She carries a small dagger for protection and in the palace gardens and on the beach she can run around and play like the best of the aristocrats, but actual physical labour would send her over the edge. Her pride is injured easily but she'll recover quickly- the same cannot always be said for those who do the injuring...
Last edited by StellaThomas on Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:26 pm
Eliza:) says...

Name: Charming

Age: 20

Nationality: South Country

Appearance: Charming has brown hair and grayish blue eyes. He is 5'10, and muscular.

Background: Born the youngest of two sons, Charming has always been free to "enjoy" himself. When he was younger, his parents tried to train him as a soldier, but they soon realized the lack of discipline their son had, and let him do whatever he wanted. When he met a young girl at one of the balls, he knew it was love at first sight. For their honeymoon, Charming knew the best place to go: Middle Country. He had always enjoyed their renowned fox hunting.

Personality: Charming spends most of his time outside training or hunting. He could care less about ruling or the proper way to act. The way he sees it, that's Dominic's job. His job, he thinks, is to have fun. He loves a good sword fight, horseback riding, and, of course, his Cinderella.
There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.
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Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:19 am
Shadowlight says...

(Still under construction)

Name: Sebastian Itae

Age: 23

Nationality: Northern Kingdom

Appearance: Sebastian if he was in his human form now would be around 6'4" and of average build. He has large dark brown eyes and a devilish smile. In dragon form he is a northern dragon in every way,
Spoiler! :
Sabastian Itae.jpg
Sabastian Itae.jpg (44.9 KiB) Viewed 566 times

Background: Sebastian is/was the crown prince of the northern kingdom and only child of king Sebastian II and queen Halelia. Sebastian had been trained in the warriors arts and in the warriors code his whole life. He values honor and chivalry highly and would die before breaking that code, even after being cursed.

The northern kingdom was peaceful until the year the enchantress arrived. She stayed for a time in the court peacefully enough until she thought she was slighted by the King and Queen. She heard the king say (in her presence) that the Queen was "the fairest of them all." The Enchantress flew into a rage at this. She decided to punish the royals, taking from them their most precious thing- their eight year old son. She abducted the boy and changed him into a dragon. The child turned dragon attacked his own people unable to stop. His parents refused to let any knights or warriors slay the beast as it was their own child.
The enchantress soon lost interest in him and let him have his own will again. His parents took him to live deep in the northern mountain range, in an ruinous castle that once commanded furthest pass. His mother came to this castle as often as she could to spend time with her son. Her undying love, even in his dragon form, helped him grow up not as angry, bitter, or wild as he could have.
The Enchantress let him continue like this until she had use for him- the year the sleeping princess turned sixteen and She summoned him with her magical arts. He flew from the north, until he reached the enchanted rose forest. He slowly made his way deep into the brambles to the castle which lay at its heart and there he took up his abode, within the main gates. the Enchantress left him alone again casting one final spell upon him- that he hunt down any and all who come within the shadows of the roses.

Personality: Because of his mothers influence, Sebastian grew up to be chivalrous and honorable. Even as a dragon these qualities remained in him, he still holds to his warriors code with all that remains of his human heart.
He has a surprisingly gentle nature-not easily angered or aggressive. He loves all plants but flowers especially because they so seldom bloomed in the far north. For the last few years he actually has enjoyed his life within the enchanted rose forest, even tending the bushes that surround the castle grounds into a sort of botanical labyrinth. He also has raided the sleeping castle's library for reading material (he has a love of learning-and riddles) He is intelligent, a wonderful tactician and a formidable chess player - when he can find someone to play with that is.
He is still a prince underneath all the scales and will act like one of the best when angered- haughty, overbearing, commanding and can be quite a smart-ass if he wants to be.
He doesn't think he is up for love, but he is quite mistaken and his heart will most likely prove that to him ere long. As many enchanted creatures are, he has a weakness for lovely singing voices and is drawn to any music he hears.


Gareth (King Gareth III)
Age: 29
Nationality: Western country
Appearance: Gareth used to be described as being very aristocratic and regal in his build. He was very tall (6'5') willowy, yet muscular. His face was striking for his deep set violet blue eyes and jet black hair that fell into his face. He always had a gentle smile continually on his lips. he used to dress in simple yet regal clothes and hardly ever wore his crown.
Spoiler! :
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Background: Gareth grew up having a exceptionally normal childhood. He was easygoing but yet still being fully a rambunctious boy. at age ten he suffered a severe ear infection that left him completely deaf in his right ear and also impaired his balance. As he grew older he participated fully in his duties of crown prince and assisted his father whenever he could. When his father died suddenly when Gareth was eighteen everyone had their misgivings at allowing such a young man to rule, but soon after their worries were laid to rest. Gareth was young but he had a steady head on his shoulders and took to ruling like a fish to water. He ruled quietly, contented for ten years, until he met Snow White. Gareth was on week long sabbatical, he had been ill and his physician had said rest and relaxation were paramount. Gareth went where he always did when he had any sort of break- to the mountains. On his third day out he found Snow White sleeping upon a large stone slab. He attempted to wake her but could not do so. now this is where accounts of the story differ. Gareth in truth never gave Snow white "True Loves First Kiss"- he fell on her. having left his horse at the top of the dell in which he found her, he carried her up the steep slope, lost his balance and being unable to catch himself fell full on the sleeping maiden.To his dying day Gareth never was sure if it was his accidental kiss that woke her or the fact he half crushed her. He took her back to the capitol with him (she not having anywhere to go) and as the weeks passed and she stayed on, he fell deeply in love with her. It took him time to breech the subject with Snow, but when he started perusing her in earnest, she was more than willing to accept him. the two of them were wed one year after their first meeting.
Personality: Gareth was in a word easygoing. that petty much sums up his whole disposition. He was cheerful and loved to laugh. He had a good sense of humor (albeit a little dry at times.) He was slow to anger, benevolent. Gareth was quiet by nature, more content to listen then to be the center of attention. He was a man driven by his morals and honor code and would have died before breaking it.This rigid code could make him a pain in the rear end at times, but he was a very respected person nonetheless.His greatest fault was that he refused help, even when he needed it. He didn't want to burden anyone with his problems so he internalized most of them. That is until Snow White, she was the only person who he would truly open up to about what he was truly thinking and his fears. Gareth was old fashioned in many of his beliefs and habits, this caused his mother to call him "My son, the old king". Gareth was a hopeless romantic and he enjoyed courting Snow White almost as much as she did. Then even after they were wed, for that short time, he made a game out of it. Perusing her shamelessly, to his satisfaction and her great amusement.

Other: Gareth was one of the best swordsmen in any of the kingdoms, and truly enjoyed swordplay. To him it was an art form that should be kept alive. Gareth also loved chess and any games that forced him to think outside the box and stretch his intellect to its limits.

(Stella and Skor- if you two have any ideas for Gareth PLEASE tell me! i would love your input!)
Last edited by Shadowlight on Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:27 pm
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Skorpionne says...

Name: Snow White

Age: 24

Nationality: West Country, but her mother was from Middle Country.

Appearance: Snow’s face is round, framed by long dark tresses. Her lips are always blood-red, with no need of lipstick. They stand out against her skin, which is as pale as her name. Snow was often smiling, until her husband died. Now her eyes hold a constant plea for help, which she hides at every opportunity. Her tall, slender frame is normally clothed in long skirts, and floaty sleeves.
Image Except much paler skin. (Painting by John William Waterhouse)

Background: You all know the Snow White fairytale, so I’m starting from the end of that. Snow White had little chance to enjoy her new throne and husband- two days after the wedding, King Gareth and Snow departed on a hunting trip, as is customary for a new couple in the West. While passing through a dense thicket, an arrow struck Gareth’s horse, and he fell. The fall broke his neck. The archer was never caught.

Personality: Since her husband’s death, Snow has become removed and distant. She has been found to stare at the stars, or out a distant window, for hours on end. Shreds of her old self remain, she will sometimes commit a spontaneous kind act, but most of the time she can’t bring herself to care. She was always a wild girl, and that part of her has stayed. She will abandon her courtly duties as often as she can, to ride and spar. Snow is mediocre with a sword, and will most likely never be any better, but she practises anyway. Unlike her late husband, Snow is nosy in the extreme. She prides herself on knowing everything that goes on in the West Country. Everything worth knowing, at least.


Name: Praesa Sturnus

Age: 92, human equivalent: 16

Nationality: South Country

Appearance: Image
(Note the unigoat!)

Background: Praesa was born to a knight and a healer, and trained in her mother's art. However, it was always the darker side of magic that intrigued her. When she was ten, growing up in a forest in South Country, she recieved a visit from her mother's Enchantress sister, who was able to offer her what she wanted...at a price.

Praesa would be given the tools she needed to study Necromancy, in return she would do anything her aunt asked of her, and she was only to happy to comply.

Only 6 years later, and Praesa is a fully fledged necromancer, and the Enchantress asked her first favour. Her task was to revive the leader of a certain revolution, which she did without complaint.

More than 50 years after that, and the Enchantress still hasn't revisitd, but all that might change soon...

Personality: Praesa is sensitive- to the point where it's a fault, She's constantly reading too far into what people say and do, so much so that she tends to miss the things obvious to everyone else, instead picking up on non-existant hidden meanings.

She's also prone to bustling, and prone to get panicky under pressure, the exception being whenever she's necromancing, in which case Praesa remains cooler than ice.

Praesa enjoys reading, and has a phobia of spiders. When she sees one she goes really stiff, and leaves the room only when it's as far away from her as possible.
Last edited by Skorpionne on Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:01 pm, edited 8 times in total.
I've learned so much from people who never existed - Unknown

you should no this
— Hijinks