
Young Writers Society


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Tue Mar 21, 2006 8:25 pm
Dynamo says...

I've decided to create a storybook based on one of the best open-ended RPGs of its time, Morrowind! Some of you may know about it, some of you may not. Either way I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun here.

Anyways, your character's profile is require to be posted before you actually start writing. You know the routine, no god modding, no backstabbing, and no killing off or adding on new characters without first notifying your fellow writers.

Character Profile Format:


If theres anything else you want to say about your character here, feel free to do so.(goes without saying, really) In this storybook, keep in mind that just because an NPC is given a name doesn't mean he or she has any actual importance to the story, it just makes it a little more interesting.
Last edited by Dynamo on Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:56 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Tue Mar 21, 2006 9:16 pm
Dynamo says...

Me first.

Name: Kioga
Gender: Male
Race: Halfbreed (Human/Wolf demon)
Age: 19
Appearance: Long and untidy red and black hair, wolf ears, small fangs, gray eyes, height: 5'8 feet, always walks barefooted no matter what the weather is like, likes to wear no shirt, slightly longer than normal fingernails(used as claws)
Weapons: None right now, but he specializes in all types of swords (he can sometimes dual weild)
Bio: His mother died when he was about 8 years old. His father is still believed to be alive. When his mother died, Kioga was kidnapped and sold on the slave market. After 11 long and painfull years of back breaking labour, he was granted a repreave from his life as a slave and is currently being transported by ship to a continent known as Morrowind to be freed.

16 Last Seed (Day 1)

"......Hey.......Wake up.......We've arrived....."

Kioga moaned as he woke up from his deep sleep, only to be reminded of the dark, cramped room he had to stay in. It felt like the ship had finally stopped, because he couldn't feel anymore waves rocking it.

Kioga looked up and saw a dark elf watching him. "So, you're finally awake? It looked like you were having a bad dream."

Kioga replied, "I'm fine." He got to his feet and tried to wake his senses.

"They say we've reached Morrowind. It's about time, too." The dark elf looked at the doorway. "Quiet, here comes the gaurd."

A guard walked into the room and adressed Kioga. "We've reached Seyda Neen, come with me." Kioga nodded and followed the guard. When they got to the entrance to the outside of the ship the guard said, "Get yourself on deck and go to the building just across the boardwalk."

Kioga opened the floor hatch and covered his eyes as they adjusted to the bright glare of the sun. He got off the ship and proceeded down the crudly built boardwalk.

A guard stopped him before Kioga entered the building. "I don't think we have any records of you. What's your name?"


The guard smiled. "I'm sure you'll fit right in. Carry on." Kioga nodded his head in approval and entered the building. Because of his life as a slave, Kioga often kept to himself, especially around guards.

An old man was waiting for him at a table across the room when he entered. To his left, Kioga saw another guard. The old man adressed Kioga. "Good, you're here. Now, there are some forms we have to fill out before you are actually released. Do you want to fill them out or shall I?"

"I'll do it."

The old man handed Kioga some parchments and writing utensiles. "Alright. Be sure to look over the forms when you're finished to make sure everything is in order."

Kioga began to fill out the forms, quickly and quietly. When he was finished, he said, "I'm done."

"Alright. Show your forms to the guard over there and he'll let you through."

Kioga picked up the forms and showed them to the guard. After seeing the forms, the guard said, "Proceed to the next building and give your forms Sellus Gravious. He'll give you your orders."

Kioga thought the being released meant that he didn't have to follow anymore orders. Regardless, he nodded and proceeded to the next building as told.

Kioga entered the next building. The guard in the room watched as he entered. Kioga asked, "Sellus Gravius?"

"You must be the slave that's being released today. Let's have your papers then." Kioga handed his forms to the guard. The guard looked over them. Satisfied, Sellus took some papers from the nearby table and handed them to Kioga. "You're orders are to give this letter to Caius Cosades in Balmora, he will be your superior. Here's the letter and directions to Caius. Unlike doing work as a slave, you'll get paid for doing the jobs he gives you." The guard turned back to the table and picked up some gold. He handed the gold pieces to Kioga. "Which reminds me. Here's some gold to get you started. Use it to get a ride on the Silt Stryder, it's the fastest way to Balmora from here, and the safest. Whatever's left over is your's to spend on whatever you want."

Kioga had never seen that much gold at once in all his life, even though it is reletively a small amount. He thanked Sellus and left the building.

This marks the end of his old life as a slave, and the beginning of a new one as a free man.
Last edited by Dynamo on Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:00 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:10 pm
-KayJuran- says...

Free, Kioga thought to himself, but the word seemed strange to him. He could do what he wanted now, when he wanted, how he wanted. He couldn't even remember a time when he had had so much choice.

It was true, he realised, that he had officially been freed before he had even arrived in Morrowind, but now that he was here, alone and with gold in his pockets, it felt real. During the long journey in the wooden longboat, he constantly worried they would turn back, and take him to his old master. He had often thrashed about in his sleep; the only dreams he remembered were nightmares.

He shook those thoughts from his head. He was free now, and he would make use of it. But where to go? Seeing a friendly looking sign showing one building to be a shop and tavern, he made his way up the rickety, wooden steps and pulled the door open.

The shopkeeper downstairs stared at him as he entered, his eyes watching him from across the room, but he directed Kioga to the tavern, which turned out to be on the next floor.

Without introducing himself to any of the others in the tavern, Kioga stood near to the bar, fingering the gold in his pockets. A fair-skinned, dark-haired woman stood behind the counter, and she turned her eyes on him, introducing herself in a friendly tone and manner.

"I'm Elone," she said, "What can I do for you?"
"There you go - sausages à la bread!" - Blue.

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Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:51 pm
Dynamo says...

Kioga thought people would be put off by his wolf ears or other features. Then again, he had seen some strange looking people himself. Cat people, lizard men, orcs, and elves of all types. Kioga figured now that he was one of more "normal" looking type of person here.

"I'll have some water."

With a cheerful smile, Elone poured him a glass of water. Kioga paid one gold piece for it. After he took a drink of his water, Elone asked, "So, where are you heading?"

"Balmora. I have to deliver a letter to someone." Suddenly, there was a roar outside in the distance. It was loud, but at the same time it sounded gentle. Nonetheless, it startled Kioga all the same. "What was that?"

"That must be the Silt Stryder."

Sellus Gravius mentioned something about Silt Stryders before he left the boathouse. Kioga still didn't know much about Morrowind or the creatures that live in it. "What's a Silt Stryder?"

"It's a long legged insect that we use as a way to travel in Morrowind."

"How can people ride on insects?"

"A Silt Stryder's legs alone are about four stories high. They're big enough to carry five people at a time."

"If they're so big, then how do people get on it?"

"Special ramps have to be made for the Silt Stryders in order for people to safely get on and off the thing." Elone realized something. "Wait, did you say you were heading to Balmora?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well you'd better hurry then. The Silt Stryder is about to leave and there won't be another one until tomarrow."

In a panic, Kioga put the glass of water on the counter and began to run out of the building. "Thankyou!" He shouted to Elone before he left.

When he left the building he saw the Silt Stryder preparing to leave. He ran towards it and boarded just in time. The Silt's driver said, "Cutting it a little close, aren't we?"

"Sorry about that."

There were a few other people on the Silt Stryder. He didn't recognized any of them. He must have been the only slave that was freed he thought. The Silt Stryder suddenly rocked forward and began walking towards Balmora.

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Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:57 pm
Dynamo says...

17 Last Seed (Day 2)

The Silt Stryder arrived at Balmora the next morning. Balmora was a small city. Clouds in the sky above always kept the city a little darker than most places. Kioga followed the directions given to him and arrived in front of Caius Cosades' house. He knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. He heard a voice from inside the house. "Come in." Kioga opened the door and walked in.

The room was small and cramped. The only light came from a candle on the table. A man stood on the other side of the room. The man wore no shirt. "Yeah, what do you want?"

"Are you Caius Cosades?"

"That's me."

Kioga walked up to him and handed him the letter. "I was told to deliver this to you."

Caius opened the letter and read it. When he was finished, he said, "So you're Kioga? I thought you'd have a little more meat on you." He put the letter on the table. "By order of the Emperor, I hereby welcome you into the Blades."

"The Blades?"

"We are a the Imperial Intelegence service for the Emperor. Basically we're spies."

"Why would the Emperor have any interest in me?" Kioga asked.

"Beats me, but that's what he wanted. Before you do anything you should establish an identity for yourself as a freelance adventurer, so you don't look suspicious or anything."

"How do I do that?"

"You should join a giuld. There are two guilds in Balmora, The Fighter's Guild and The Mage's Guild. It doesn't matter which one." Caius took some gold from his pocket and handed the pieces to Kioga. "Here's 200 gold. Buy yourself a weapon, some armor, and some new clothes while your at it. You don't want people to think you're still a slave by wearing those rags, do you?"

"No, sir."

"When you've joined a guild, come back and I'll give you your first assignment."

Kioga bowed his head and left the house. He went to the blacksmith and bought an iron longsword. He also bought iron shoulder plates, gauntlets, greaves and boots. After that he went to the clother shop and bought some dark red pants to wear under his iron greaves. He still wore no shirt though.

After that, he headed over towards The Fighter's Guild. Conveniently, both The Fighter's Guild and The Mage's Guild were right beside each other. He walked into The Fighter's Guild and was greated by a 40 year old woman wearing bonemold armor, a much stronger armor than iron or steel. "Hello. Are you here for business, or do you wish to join our guild?"

"I'd like to join your guild. My name is Kioga."

"My name is Eydis Fire-Eye. I'm the leader of The Fighter's Guild stationed in Balmora. Before I can let you join the guild I have to put you through a test."

Kioga asked, "A test?"

"Yes. You'll have to fight one of the other members of the guild, not to the death of course. Weither you can join the guild or not will depend on how well you fight. You think you're up to the task?"

Kioga nodded. "I'm ready for whatever you through at me."

Eydis Fire-Eyes smiled at his answer. "It's good to see a fiery spirit like you trying to join our guild. Follow me to the dojo." Kioga followed her downstairs and into the dojo.

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Fri Mar 24, 2006 3:40 am
Karma says...

The slender young cat-woman bowed,

"My name is Maja Nuap, but you can call me Maj or Maja"

She then turned briskly, her waist-length fiery hair swinging behind her.

Eydis smiled, "This is one of our best fighters, she was trained in all of the martial arts beginning as soon as she could walk, she can hit a dragonfly on the wing from twenty paces away, and is deadly with any kind of sword."

"What? She doesn't look very dangerous to me!" Kioga said incredulously

Eydis laughed, "you have to stay in the ring marked out here," they reached a dusty, log-ringed circle "for at least five minutes without her getting a knife or sword at your throat or in any killing position."


"You pick the weapon, " said Maja

"Fine. Daggers."

"No can do."

She strode over to a table arrayed with t he most amazing display of weapons Kioga had ever seen, and selected a thin, dirk-like blade.

"Pick any one, and then you'll have ten minutes to stretch" she said, and proceeded to bend so far in various directions that Kioga thought that she was going to snap her bones, and then she jogged around the perimiter of the ring a couple of times t loosen up.
While he began stretching, feeling very stiff next to this limber young woman, a crowd gathered.

((OOC: I made her know a lot of martial arts, is that OK? I got the idea because I've been trained in Aikido since I was six or seven, and I wanted to make it sort of like me...You can see my home dojo at http://www.aikidocia.org/quicktime.php))
My Karma Ran Over My Dogma
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Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:33 pm
Dynamo says...

(OOC: Sure. that's fine with me. But if this is the character you are going to be using thruought the story, don't forget to make a profile for her using the format in my first post, eh?)

Kioga looked through the weapons on the table. "Why can't I just use my own weapon?" He said to himself. As he looked through the weapons he saw one that caught his attention. It was a very exotic looking weapon. Instead of having the handle on the end of the blade, this sword had it directly in the middle. It was crafted as a two-handed weapon. The two blades of the sword were about two thirds the length of Kioga's leg each. When he picked it up, he wieghed it to see how heavy it was. Surprisingly, it was very light. Satisfied, Kioga took the sword and went into the ring.

Maja asked, "You sure you can handle that weapon?" It sounded like she was trying to taunt him.

"Sure I can." Kioga readied himself into a battle stance. "Let's do this."

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Sat Mar 25, 2006 2:45 am
Karma says...

Name: Maja Nuap
Gender: Female
Race: Half Elf, Half Cat
Age: 18
Appearance: Flame-red waist length hair, ginger ears, and small fangs, along with a tail
Weapons: Any and all, best with swords and bows
Bio: From as soon as she could walk, Maja was trained in the art of fighting, she was brought up by the warriors of her guild when her parents were killed in a raid. She loves to talk, and is not hesitant to point out others' errors
My Karma Ran Over My Dogma
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Fri Mar 31, 2006 12:54 am
Dynamo says...

Kioga watch the cat girl carefully as she paced around the ring. He waited for any sudden movements from her that would indicate an attack. Maja suddenly lunged at Kioga, aiming to knock his weapon out of his hands. Kioga spun the double bladed sword and caught her attack. Maja pushed against his sword with her dagger with surprising strength. Kioga could feel himself being pushed towards the edge of the ring.
Kioga felt something click inside his head. Reaction in an instant to the feeling he pushed against Maja's weight and somehow threw her to the other side of the ring. She landed on her hands and used her acrobatic skills to flip back to her feet. When she regained her footing Kioga saw a glimmer of surprise in her eyes as she stared at his face.
There was a mirror on the other side of the room. Kioga saw his reflection in it. His eyes had changed to a bloody red. As he looked at his reflection he felt his demon blood flowing rapidly through his veins, making him even stronger than before.

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Fri Mar 31, 2006 5:04 am
Karma says...

((OOCL Oooooh. very interesting! when I have more time, i'll try to post, but right not im studying for a math test, sorry!))
My Karma Ran Over My Dogma
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Fri Mar 31, 2006 9:00 pm
AngelBaby88 says...

Has anyone noticed how much Dynamo loves cats...lol...ok so let me get this straight do we have to give a profile than begin and does it matter what we can do.
see others how you want to be seen

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Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:19 pm
Karma says...

I'm not sure if there's magic, but yes, you do have to put up a profile. If Dynamo loves cats, that's awesome, because so do I! You should see my room. Covered in cat stuff and cat hair and dog hair!
My Karma Ran Over My Dogma
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Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:26 pm
Dynamo says...

lol. Actually, Karma was the one to come up with Maja, but yes I do like cats.

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Mon Apr 03, 2006 10:19 pm
Karma says...

*purr* :twisted:
My Karma Ran Over My Dogma
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Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:06 pm
AngelBaby88 says...

(OCC:Whoops, Ill put up a characther later...I love cats too....I have three, Toto, Murphy and Gilly...Gilly is pregant so im going to have lots of furry kitties running around.)
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Marge, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen.
— Homer Simpson