
Young Writers Society

Hunger Games 4 - Closed

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Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:04 am
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Calligraphy says...

Link to DT: Hunger Games four DT

The Games:

Here is a link to a site that explains the games far better than I ever could: The Games.

Each player was reaped, or volunteered, and so are now forced to play in the games. If you have any questions about how they got reaped or anything else P.M. me before you post please, the sooner the better.

The Arena:

In our day and age New York, NY is one of the busiest places on earth, but now it is completely abandoned and broken down. The wind howls through the skyscrapers and houses. Snow settles onto rotting carpets. So you get the picture. It is in winter in a broken down New York. All the bridges you could use to get away are broken down. The water surrounding the arena is frozen until you start to get the real current, then you will fall through. Because the place is so big I have sectioned off a piece as you can see on the map below.

Notes: There is at least two feet of snow at all times. It is also very windy. All water is frozen besides for the middle of the river. The river water is salt water.

Animals: There are two packs of wolves that you just might encounter in your travels. Other animals include wolverines, arctic foxes, lemmings, snowy owls, arctic hares, arctic ground squirrels, snow leopards, and lynxes. (Besides for the wolf packs these are just suggestions and ideas.)

Plants: The most plants and trees are in Central park, but other places like playgrounds, sport fields, and roads also could be overgrown.

Temperature: Throughout the temperature goes from about 20 degrees Fahrenheit to 30 degrees below zero.


Spoiler! :
New York overshoot.jpg
New York overshoot.jpg (98.37 KiB) Viewed 1227 times

(You can also go on Google maps to get more details. Also the black circle is where I zoomed up to place the cornucopia.

The Outfits:

In the arena, all tributes are outfitted in:
1. A black long sleeved, tight fitting shirt (with a hood.)
2. A pair of insulated pants with black plastic coat on the outside so they don’t soak up moisture.
3. A pair of black wool socks.
4. A pair of black boots with black liners that can be taken out.
5. A black leather belt.
6. A pair of skintight gloves with two layers. The outside one is rubber for keeping moisture out and heat in, the inner layer is wool.

Deciding the Winner:

Because I want this SB to last as long as possible, I am going to be deciding the winner based on posts. In your profiles, you are going to say how much you hope to post. From that I will create an initial list of in what order people will die. After that, I will see how people's posts go, and from there I will configure the list, updating it regularly.

However, if you post ten little entries a day then you are not likely to do anything other than annoying us to death. We don't wish for you to over post and spam the SB. Instead, one or two long, plot-driving, well written and grammatically correct posts will get you far. Keep that in mind.

Also, don't pester me all the time about killing people or moving up on the list. If I tell you no then don't P.M. me for at least a week and a half if you are asking for the same thing.

Killing People Off:

Do not, under any circumstances, kill off someone that is not bold on the list or without asking permission from me or the person. Someone doesn't have to die every day; just post to further the plot some other way. If, however, they've been the last person on the list for a long time, then they must let go of their character; if they care so much, then they'll post more and better, anyways.

Also, if some people haven't posted in more than a week without saying that they will be gone, ask around the DT to see if you missed the announcement, and if nobody knows, PM them. Either they will PM back saying that you can kill them--in which it's okay--or, if they don't answer, wait a few days and if nobody's heard from them, PM me and I will probably give you permission. So, if you're going to be gone, make sure we know so you don't come back to a dead character. If you P.M. me I will freeze your spot on the list so everyone knows your gone.

On another note, once we've started, I will name all of the spots that haven't been taken. These are people that you are allowed to mercilessly kill off, either at the original battle or later on. However, I would not advise that you kill them all off at once, because they will give you opponents without offending other people, or being able to kill them without facing a mad creator.

One more note: at the bottom of your post, if you have killed any, write the names of the dead in bold. Even if they are just computer characters.

The Gamemaker:

The Gamemaker will be controlled by me. I am at liberty to make any twist in the game I so choose, of any kind. I can make up new rules on a whim, and change them to my desire. I promise to be completely fair when distributing gifts and rules and twists. I will always have a list at the bottom of this post in which I will tell who is going to win and in what order people are going to die, I will update it if I feel someone has been outstanding and their characters should last longer, if someone hasn't posted for a while, or if someone drops out.


If you are in need of a gift just post in bold at the end of a post or in the DT asking nicely for it. I will post as soon as I see it if you get the gift or not. This is just to prevent people from taking too many gifts or people getting to amazing things. You can be very specific or or general when asking for something.

The Cornucopia/The Starting Line:

Blue – one
Orange – two
Purple – three
Pink – four
Yellow – five
Red - six & cornucopia
Spoiler! :
New York zoom.jpg
New York zoom.jpg (55.64 KiB) Viewed 1227 times

While all of this is available, be reasonable; you’ve read the books--most of you, anyway--and know how much stuff a person can get and still escape. Don’t have your character miraculously get to Level 6 and make away with a ton of stuff; you will get PMed and asked to change your post. Also, I will cross things out as people take them, and it's first come, first serve. Just post the things that you pick up at the end of your post in bold when you make a post. I'm going to trust you to not unfairly tip the scales by getting amazing things.

Any suggestions you have for things are appreciated.

Spoiler! :
Level 1

Thin blanket - One
Water proof 3’ x 3’ tarp - Two
Small bag holding tweezers - One
Ultra small bag holding a toothbrush and toothpaste - One
A bar of soap - Three
Pocket knife - just the knife - Two (One Left)
Water bottle - 20 oz. - empty - Two

Level 2

Hand warmers (as in small packets of chemicals that heat up or are activated when you rub them.) - three
Ear muffs - two
Iodine tablets - Four
Band aids - Five
Sewing and thread - Three
Colored yarn - One
Dry fruit - Two
Thin rope - One
Flint stones - Three
Boomerang - One
Pocket knife - including all of the little tools in it - One
Backpack holding band aids, scarf, and gloves - One
Water jug - 20 oz. - full - One
Dagger - Two
Steel pipe - One

Level 3

Small container of white face and body paint. - Two
First aid kit - containing band aids, antiseptic cream, toe warmers, and tinder - One
Flashlight - Two
Bandages - like the kind you wrap around your ankle – One
Thin white jacket (good for camouflage) – Two
Sleeping bag - one
Hand warmers (as in small packets of chemicals that heat up or are activated when you rub them.) - four
Dart gun - Two
Poison - Three
Sweat shirt - five
Knife - Four
Thermal insulated hats - Three
Water bottle - ½ gallon - full - One
Nun chucks - One
Hammer - Two
A spool of thin wire - Three
A pair of pliers - One
Snow shoes- Three
Night vision glasses - like Rue had – One

Level 4

Medium size container of face and body paint - One
Bow and Arrows - One
Sleeping bag – three
Sweatshirt – one
Snow shoes - two
Axe - Two
Sword - One
Shield - One
Big knife - One
Backpack containing - flashlight, extra batteries, iodine tablets, hooks - One
Backpack containing - poison, sweatshirt, ice pick, socks, beef jerky, crackers - One
Thick rope - One
Spool of barb wire - Two
Lanterns - Two
Sound recorder - One
Spear – One
Hat - three
Water bottle - ½ gallon - empty - Two

Level 5

Snow shoes - three
Clear tarp - two
Heavy jacket - two
Bag containing matches, water skins, dagger, spray bottle, protein bars - One
Bag containing - any three level 1 items and two level 2 items - One
Bag containing - any three level 2 items - One
Bag containing - any two level 3 items - One
Spear - Two
Sword - Three
Dagger - Four
Extra arrows - One
Thick rope - Two
Bag containing - - One
Sleeping bag – three

Level 6 Pretty much only the Careers will get anything from here.

Bushels of apples, nuts, sun flower seeds
Jugs of water
Nun chucks
Steel pipes
Sleeping bags
Night vision glasses - like Rue had
Thin and thick rope
First aid kits
Snow shoes
Heavy jackets
Sleeping bags


-> No god-modding of any kind. These are average kids, and most of them don't know squat about fighting or survival, or at most one of the two.
-> No heavy romance. They are trying to kill each other.
-> Violence is encouraged, but don't get too descriptive.
-> Only swear if it adds to your character. Don't overuse, or have a swear word every other word.
-> Don't make things to easy for your character. They could lose their life at any second, and it's going to be hard. Make sure that if they haven't drinken in a long time, then they get dehydrated and the side effects that go along with it. Likewise for everything else, also.
-> Only join if you're committed.

Districts: Author's Note: When making your character from a certain district, make sure that they are believably developed according to their district. Example: People from District 4 are going to be good fisherman, and will know how to make knots. People from Districts 1, 2, and 4 will most likely have had training, and may have volunteered. They often form early alliances. Give your characters skills from their district, and don't give them skills they would never have had a chance to learn.

Spoiler! :

District 1 (Luxury Goods for the Capitol)

Girl - Iiscraftywriter - Fern Le Rose
Guy - ultraviolet - Marco Denver
District 2 (Medicine)
Girl - forsakinshadow - Ashton Heart
Guy - DEAD
District 3 (Machinery/Factories)
Girl - DEAD
Guy - Camulaeus - Cody Borjono
District 4 (Fishing)
Girl - Elinor Brynn - Erin Crane
Guy - DEAD
District 5 (Livestock)
Girl - TheGreatIthy - Clea Little
Guy - DEAD
District 6 (Scientific Research)
Girl - DEAD
Guy - DEAD
District 7 (Lumber)
Girl - Funkymomo - Aspen Cypress
Guy - Blueskysummer - Trenton Micheals
District 8 (Weaving/ Clothes-making)
Girl - Blueskysummer - Ramie Weave
Guy - DEAD
District 9 (Hunters)
Girl - ultraviolet - Aushleanna Lamode
Guy - DaSpetsnaz - Hunter Williams
District 10 (Mathematical Research)
Girl - Skorpionne - Holly Burnett
Guy - DEAD
District 11 (Agriculture)
Girl - Lauren2010 - Ara Ordoe
Guy - Amfliflier - Kyran OleanderDistrict 12 (Coal)
Girl - Amfliflier - Steyna Cole
Guy -WrittenInStone - Gabriel Haughtings

Character Profile:

Spoiler! :
Code: Select all
[b]Name: [/b]

[b]Age:[/b] 12 - 18

[b]Gender:[/b] One girl/guy per district.







[b]Up For Alliances?:[/b] When making an alliance, be sure to PM the other character's maker so that you are clear on the terms of the alliance.

[b]Your Symbol: [/b]

[b]How much are you willing to post:[/b]


And the winner is:

Number one will die first number two will die second and so on. I will always be updating this list depending on how much people are posting. People in bold you can kill without asking anyone. People in blue are frozen. This just means that the person is gone. For example if someone went on a vacation you could look at the list and know they wouldn't be posting any time soon. If you don't like your place and you think your character shouldn't be able to last that long you can P.M. me. If you have two characters and would like them to swap places you can also P.M. me.

Iiscraftywriter - Fern Le Rose
Last edited by Calligraphy on Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:40 pm, edited 59 times in total.

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Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:25 am
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Camulaeus says...

Name: Cody Borjono

Age: 16

Gender: Guy

District: 3

Appearance/Picture: Cody is small, not very muscular and very pale from being in the labs all day. He has a shock of black and purple hair that mostly covers his large hazel eyes. His fingers are calloused from all his inventions and covered with burn marks.

History: Cody has always had a knack for tinkering. His parents were actually developers of some of the technology used in the Games, so he has an extensive knowledge of the equipment already. He spent most of his child life in the lab watching his parents build, and was giving scraps of metal to play with. With them he created 8 exact models of Disrtict 3, 22 functional toy vehicles and a small explosive. He never really learned to be social, so depends mostly on his inventions, not others.

Skills: Building weapons and inventions out of almost nothing, an extensive knowledge of the Game's technology

Weaknesses: No hand to hand fighting skills, Very little endurance, no social skills

Personality: Cody doesn't really get feelings. He understands machinery, and tries to live using cold logic; while not totally emotionless. He severely misses his home, and his parents.

Up For Alliances?: Maybe. 75% No.

Your Symbol: A metal pendant in the shape of a spoked-wheel gear.
Spoiler! :

How much are you willing to post: On a scale of 0% - 100% (100% being to post a lot) I'm at 85% but this may increase if the SB goes well.

Other:He specializes in the creation of vehicles and minor explosions. Kamikaze anyone?
Last edited by Camulaeus on Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:27 pm, edited 5 times in total.
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:34 am
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ultraviolet says...

I call a District 9 girl.
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:53 am
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Funkymomo says...

A girl from district 7, por favor. :)
Light one candle instead of cursing the darkness.

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Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:25 am
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ForsakenAngel says...

Can I have a district 2 female please and thankies(:
What I don't finish now, I'll get to in a minute.

Name: Ashton *Ash* Heart

Age: 16

Gender: female

District: 2

Appearance/Picture: Ash is tall and kind of thin, but not boney. She has medium length, brown hair full of large curls. She's rather beautiful, and she moves quickly when she works. She pulls her hair back into a ponytail when she's working on something, or thinking.
Spoiler! :

History: Ash would love to tell you her story, but she doesn't remember anything from her childhood. She remembers that her parents were killed when she became a teen, but she had no life, no family. The last few years of her life were horrible, as she has been running from horrible people. Ashton has been through hell and she would die to get back at the people who killed her parents, if only she knew who they were. She's never had a great life--or what little of it she remembers.

Skills: She's smart and she's great at thinking through and solving problems. She's read tons of books on medicines and she can name any type of plant that might be poisonous or helpful.

Weaknesses: She barely talks to anyone, not even her family, and things are always awkward when she does talk to someone. She's always scared she's going to say the wrong thing.

Personality: She's smart and really sweat, and she doesn't really know how to be mean to someone. But don't take advantage of that because she makes up for that in her fighting skills and her brainpower. She's a book nerd and she'll often be found reading something, or studying the plants and stuff. She loves animals and she'll do anything to help one. She's a vegitarian, which is why she has to know which plants are good and which are bad.

Up For Alliances?: Yes

Your Symbol: she carries an ankle bracelet with a locket on it. Inside the locket is the only picture of her parents she has.

How much are you willing to post: I'll post as much as I have to to keep this SB alive(:

Other: Her only true love is her love for knowledge, even if she says otherwise.
Last edited by ForsakenAngel on Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:00 am, edited 4 times in total.
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:30 am
DaSpetsnaz says...

Guy. district 9. PLEASE? *Uses puppy eyes*

I'll get my profile up later.
"Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality."


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Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:40 am
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Blueskysummer says...

Can I reserve a guy from district 7? Is it okay if I make two characters, if there are enough spots open?
Hmmm...this snake is called a "Water Moccasin" so in THEORY I should be able to strap them to my feet and cross this river like Jesus?

Hush. Optimus is speaking.

"I get it, the first rule of robot fight club is you don't talk about robot fight club." -Jack, Transformers Prime

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Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:51 am
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Calligraphy says...

Camulaeus - good character, I can't wait to see those skills. Also, please give your character a last name.

ultraviolet, funkymomo, and DaSpetsnaz - spots saved.

blueskysummer - spot saved and yes you can claim more than one character.

forsakinshadow - It will be awesome to see your storybooker skills again. Could you give your character a last name?

Camulaeus and forsakinshadow - the symbol is something to represent the teen as he or she goes into the arena. It can't have any use besides looking pretty and will be taken away if it does. It can be anything from jewelry to a rock to family airloom as long as it can be carried easily.

Thanks guys for responding so quickly.

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Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:13 am
Blueskysummer says...

Name: Trenton (Trent) Micheals

Age: 18

Gender: Male

District: 7

Appearance/Picture: Trent is a stocky, tall boy. he's well-built from helping his father in the woods, chopping trees. He has brown hair that hangs long around his face, sometimes getting in his blue eyes. He has small ears, but you can't tell because they're always covered by his hair. He's not the most attractive boy, not because he's ugly, but something about his features hover just under 'attractive'.

History: Trent was born into a middle-class family of Lumberjacks, the ones who went out every day to cut trees. Being the first born son of the family, Trent's father pushed him to learn the trade from a young age. His parents had two younger sisters and a baby brother for Trent, and he constantly worried about them, about the games, and what would happen to his family if any of them were picked. And then, one year ago, when Trent was 17, his father was hurt in an incident, crippling him and taking him from the work force. Trent was then trusted to be the man of the family, and he had to support the whole family. He was forced to submit his name many times to the reaping for rations of wheat and oil to keep everyone fed. When his name was called, it was a death sentence for his family, and him. But Trent had a plan... A plan that until then he'd only pondered in theory. Trent was going to take the Hunger Games down from the inside out.

Skills: Fire making, physical strength, endurance, fasting (long periods with little food), Charisma, basic survival, can build or find shelter.

Weaknesses: Will refuse to kill another tribute, tries to find the good in people (even when it's not there), overly trusting, no fighting skills.

Personality: He is a happy-go-lucky boy forced into a serious role. He still has his humor, but it'll be rare for it to surface in the games. He takes on the older-brother role for anyone he meets, and places his trust in others without fail. He holds the strong belief that if he can get all the tributes to stop fighting and join together against the Capital and Gamemakers, they can find a way to all get out alive. He preaches this to any who will listen, and will even go as far as to try to save lives in the games. He knows the Gamemakers will not be pleased with this, and is ready to deal with the consequences. He tries to find any and every loophole in the games.

Up For Alliances?: He will try to ally with anyone and everyone.

Your Symbol: A small wooden phoenix, carved by his youngest sister.

How much are you willing to post: As much as the SB allows, you know me.

Hmmm...this snake is called a "Water Moccasin" so in THEORY I should be able to strap them to my feet and cross this river like Jesus?

Hush. Optimus is speaking.

"I get it, the first rule of robot fight club is you don't talk about robot fight club." -Jack, Transformers Prime

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Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:15 am
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Blueskysummer says...

calling a district 8 girl, I'll work on the bio now.
Hmmm...this snake is called a "Water Moccasin" so in THEORY I should be able to strap them to my feet and cross this river like Jesus?

Hush. Optimus is speaking.

"I get it, the first rule of robot fight club is you don't talk about robot fight club." -Jack, Transformers Prime

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Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:24 am
Calligraphy says...

Spots saved and the profile looks good blue.

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Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:37 am
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Blueskysummer says...

Name: Ramie Weave

Age: 17

Gender: Girl

District: 8

Appearance/Picture: She's a rather plain girl, not very threatening looking. She blends into the background, with her pale skin and light blonde hair that reaches just around her shoulders. She's lanky and tall, and doesn't look like she's grown into her body, despite her older age. Her hands are scarred and her fingertips rough from being pricked so many times with her sewing needle. But don't be deceived, her sunken hazel eyes are darting, her rough fingers nimble, and her arms strong from years of working them sore day after day.

History: She grew up with loving parents, though they were hollow and broken from years in the sweatshops. As soon as she was old enough, Ramie was shoved into the sweatshops as well, forced to make beautiful Capitol garments that she could never dream of affording. At first she couldn't keep up, she'd slip or mislay a stitch, and the punishments were severe. It only took a few of those punishments to teach her to keep her head down and learn to work like the others. Her once childlike and bright eyes sunk from long days and the low lighting in the sweatshops. her once frail arms became strong and toned. her fingers became long, thin and nimble. And something inside of her started to die. Being reaped was actually a saving grace for her. it was the first time she'd felt any sort of emotion in years. Winning for her means never having to work in the sweatshops again, and the same for her parents. Losing meant her parents would continue their lives of misery. She knew she had to win.

Skills: Weaving, stitching (as in clothes, but also wounds), going un-noticed, strength, endurance, fine tuning and delicate work.

Weaknesses: Not used to the cold, not fast, shy and awkward around others, indecisive,

Personality: She's quiet, rarely talking. But when she does, it's usually something important. She's still more of a shell than a girl, but the games have ignited a fire within her, and it will continue to grow as the games progress. She has potential, and is determined to win, if not for her, then for her parents.

Up For Alliances?: Yes.

Your Symbol: A small piece of lace, not large enough to use for anything other than looking pretty.

How much are you willing to post: A LOT.

Other: ... eh.
Hmmm...this snake is called a "Water Moccasin" so in THEORY I should be able to strap them to my feet and cross this river like Jesus?

Hush. Optimus is speaking.

"I get it, the first rule of robot fight club is you don't talk about robot fight club." -Jack, Transformers Prime

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Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:39 am
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ultraviolet says...

Name: Aushleanna (Aushi) Lamode

Age: 17

Gender: Girl

District: 9

Spoiler! :

History: She's an only child, both parents in tact, so already she's doing better than most. All her life she's had someone - a friend, a relative, a boy - someone to help take care of her, to go to when she needs help or is feeling low. She realizes just how lucky she is, but in a way that she realizes she's lucky she's pretty - it's just always been that way, and she's not sure what it is like for other people. She's grateful, but her heart's not set in just how rare it is to be in her situation. Then, she's reaped. Suddenly she feels so alone, and all through training she gets by with only one thought - I have to win and get home to my family. So she's determined, and she will be ruthless - she will. Despite every part of her telling her how much she shouldn't, couldn't.

Skills: Amazing at archery, decent with knife-throwing. Can gut an animal, build fires, cook over them, all that stuff. Is quiet in the woods, and has good instincts, like all good hunters.

Weaknesses: Without a bow, she'll almost definitely lose a fight if her competitor's any good. While she does live in poverty, it's not as bad as most, so she's used to always having some food, no matter how bad, so going without for extended periods of time could make a serious impact. She's used to relying on someone, so if she's alone, she's more nervous and agitated, and could be very vulnerable in certain situations. If she is with someone, and she gets attached, she'll irrationally try to save them, sometimes before herself.

Personality: More quiet, but determined, and nice. People always liked her, though she wasn't overly outgoing, though friendly enough. She can get very agitated or angry, if provoked in a certain way.

Up For Alliances?: Definitely, though probably with only one person. Maybe two, but that's pushing it.

Your Symbol:
Spoiler! :

How much are you willing to post: It depends on how the SB goes, but generally at least once a day, maybe more if I get into this. Though, for weekends, I'd count me out for the most part.

Other: Aushi is the kind of person that would naively make an in-game romance, and put her heart into it, so that's an option. But she'd almost definitely grow attached to her ally, finding it hard not only to eventually fight them, but to the point where she'd give up her life to save them.
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:46 am
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Calligraphy says...

Both characters look good. Thanks for joining again.

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Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:43 am
Elinor says...

Name: Erin Crane

Age: 15

Gender: Female

District: 4

Appearance/Picture: Erin is has a rather small frame, weighing about 125 pounds at a height of 5 feet, five inches. She has reddish-brown hair that falls to her shoulders. She has bangs, but nearly always clips them up. Her eyes are wide and blue, arched by thin, dark red eyebrows. Her skin is fairly pale and her lips are full and a natural deep red without much need for lipstick, although they are dry and somewhat cracked. Although one would hardly call her beautiful, she makes up for it by taking advantage of her family's wealth and buying the best, most beautiful clothes and just the right amount of makeup.

Spoiler! :

History: Erin lived a quiet and happy life in District 4 with her loving family, although she was also sheltered. That changed when she was thirteen and her parents were killed in a boating accident. From then on, she was taken care of by her brother, Brent, who was twenty at the time, and the two formed a strong, inseparable relationship. He had found success as a sailor and looked after her for two years, until the day her name was drawn in the reaping. She had been shake, hoping for volunteers, but none had came. Her brother had come to wish her luck, only to reveal his jealousy; he had never been picked, but always wanted to volunteer and ended up chickening out each year. She promised that she would make him proud.

Skills: She is skilled at fishing and knot-tying, like many others in her district, but her true passions like in swimming and cooking. Ever since she was small she loved to cook, mostly preparing the fish and other sea creatures her brother had caught for their upcoming meals, and she also enjoyed making the signature district bread with seaweed, but she also has a strong fondness for sweet bakery treats. Her swimming lessons came her older brother, starting from when she was four, but from the beginning she had shown an affinity for it and had become one of the best in her age group by the time she was ten; she often said that the only place she really felt at home was in the water. She is also rather skilled with a knife.

Weaknesses: Erin is somewhat timid when it comes to things like blood, and she is easily bossed around and is not used to being on her own. She doubts herself a lot and does not believe that she has potential; and despite being trained all of her life, she does not know if she will be able to kill when it comes down to it.

Personality: Erin is naturally a very kind and sweet person who will try to help others as best as she can, but she is somewhat of a coward who is reserved and also very emotional. She is confused about nearly everything that goes on her life and is also very lonely, which can lead her to break at inconvenient times.

Up For Alliances?: Yes, but only because she feels that she has to team up with the rest of the Careers, as a tribute from District 4, otherwise she would stay away from everyone else; not because she didn't want to form friendships, but because she figured doing so would only bring hurt in the ed.

Your Symbol: A silver fish-shaped hair clip.

How much are you willing to post: As often as I can - every day would be ideal, but I won't always have the time, so I am going to try to aim for four to five times a week.

Other: She is very easily emotionally swayed.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

We all share half a braincell that bounces like a windows screensaver
— WeepingWisteria