
Young Writers Society

Alternate World: Faery Wars.

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Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:56 am
Jiggity says...

Okay, I like this storybook idea, its (to me at least) very fun. Unfortunately some of them are way too far in for me to join, so I'm going to start my own here.
Fantasy Quest RPG. No Godmoding.

Setting: Medieval. A chaotic period in which several wars have broken out; the Elves are pitched in a battle against the dwarves, while the rest of the Faery population watch in horror and the humans try to take advantage of the situation. Alliances are made and broken; Vampire and Werewolf relations are fraying, Gryphon clan fight gryphon clan, darkness looms ahead and all the while the Supreme Dragons watch on.

Character name: Thorontur (trans. power of an eagle)
Race: Elven
Position: Elven Prince
Age: 90 (young by elvish standards)
Sex: Male
Eyes: Electric blue
Height: 6'4''
Hair: Long and black
Weapons: Efficient archer but favors the blade; expert longswordsman.
Magic: Communion with the forest (he can call upon it for help, which is not always given) and flame (rudimentary grasp of it)

background, history: Thorontur has grown up in the shadows of his legendary father Calandur,Ruler of the Forest and Lord of the Elves and his brother Crown Prince Gareth. He itches to make a name of himself, to be useful. He sees the war as an oppurtunity to do so, however he has been left behind, while his father and brother ride off to defend their people. This act is a sign of supreme confidence; of arrogance, risking both their lives in the belief that Dwarves are poor opponents...
Mah name is jiggleh. And I like to jiggle.

"Indecision and terror, thy name is novel." - Chiko

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Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:54 am
zelithon says...

Character name: Yebba
Race: vampire (was a rare half breed before turned into one; she was half elf, half human, and muhhahaha half irish, i know they don't add up)
Position: romer
Age: 16 (young by any standards but easpeashally, elven and vampirin) has only been vampire for a year
Sex: female
Eyes: orange and ocean green
Height: 5'10''
Hair: shoulder length and strawberry blond
Weapons: none,(after all she is a vampire) or a scythe which she took up for a joke
Magic: typical elf and vampire stuff, but has only weak elf magic because shes not full elf, can morf into a yellow lab or a black winged wolf, foolishly likes being a lab more

background, history: after turned into a vampire she began carlessly roaming around sucking blood with her pet ferret taging along, before she was your typical... irish human elf.
Also she finds dwarf blood revolting.

(did i do dis right?)
Adults are just obsolete children, and to hell with them!

Deadpanners are backtalkers!

Atheism is a non phophet organisation

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Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:36 am
Jiggity says...

Could you make your character a full vampire who was once an elf? That would make more sense.

Thoruntor stood, poised for violence in the shadow of a great oak; whose disapproval of his actions was quite apparent. He knew because the tree was quite vocal, and not at all polite, truly he spoke like a common fir-tree!
"idiot boy, cease this foolishness immediately! Would you risk your royal blood, all in a selfish quest for glory?" said the tree in his mind. In response, thorontur grinned and looked up at the tree as if to say 'But ofcourse!" The great oak fairly bristled in anger.
The elvish sentry standing guard only a foot away, looked up, believing only that a breeze had stirred the leaves of the oak beneath which he stood. Using the distraction, thorontur slinked out of the shadows, like a sleek cat, and delivered a lightening fast blow the back of the hapless elf's neck. Turning to the tree, he bowed his head in thanks, then wheeled about ran on silent feet into the forest and away from Cirkandor; the City of Trees and his home since birth.
"Insolent monkey!!!" was the parting shot from the fuming tree.

Buoyed by a sense of freedom and a foolish, unfounded confidence thoronturtravelled throughout the night, unaware that he was being watched; stalked by hostile eyes.
Mah name is jiggleh. And I like to jiggle.

"Indecision and terror, thy name is novel." - Chiko

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Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:36 am
Myth says...

Character name: Lilith
Race: Daimon (more commonly known as demon - is that race OK or should I change it?)
Position: Mercenary/Hired assassin
Age: 18 (possibly older but she can't remember)
Sex: Female
Eyes: Tiger yellow with black rim
Height: 5'10"
Hair: Black and just below the shoulder in human form.
Weapons: Cross-bow, longsword and S-shaped blades.
Magic: Has a powerful control over air and fire elements, she can create energy balls of lighting and fire, and can levitate. She has a silver pendant to ward off Werewolves and Vampires.
Background history: She was taught by an expert assassin in the art of murder. After her human masters death she went in search of work. A human alliance of magicians hired her to kill various families of Werewolves and Vampires. She is now on the look out for an Elven Princeling. She can take on male forms but prefers to be female, when she is not in human form she appears as a raven or crow.
.: ₪ :.


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Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:52 pm
zelithon says...

Kay fine be that way, i will be an elf before i got turned into a vampire, but i get full elf powers than, plus vampireness. :? After all it is YOUR story book.
First person alowed?

I was sauntering down the path in labrador form (boy was i cute! Yet fat cause labs are always fat) when i heard an insane yell, "Insolent monkey!" i came and watched from the shadows with hostile eyes.
Adults are just obsolete children, and to hell with them!

Deadpanners are backtalkers!

Atheism is a non phophet organisation

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Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:15 am
Dargquon Ql'deleodna says...

character name : Gonrayd
race: elven vampire
eyes:green w/ hazel outsides
hight: 6'0"
hair:black spikey/messy
weapons:two long and slender daggers and a rapier
magic:elf and vampire magic, can change into a large wolf, or a hawk

background, history: when he was very young, he was sleeping in the forest he was bitten by a vampire, and was banished from his home. he preys on small caravans or random traders, wandering throught the world.

Gonrayd was sitting in a high branch of a tree swinging his feet and leaning his back agains the tree, staring up in wonder and awe at the stars. When looking down he saw an elf seeming to be very happy with himself pass directly underneath his perch. "hmm.... i wonder what your up too" he said slowly watching him pass by and into the distance. "why not find out, i've got nothing better to do" said Gonrayd getting up from the branch he begun to quietly jump from tree too tree, branch to branch following the strange elf.
Last edited by Dargquon Ql'deleodna on Sat Jan 28, 2006 4:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
Life's a B*tch, slap it upside the head.

Dargquon Ql'deleodna: (n) "Dar-qu-on Kel-del-ode-na" something i made up that sounded cool, partially based off of the Drow Drizzt Do'Urden's name style

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Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:34 pm
Myth says...

For the first time Lilith stopped to rest. The forest around her was shrouded by darkness, from the treetops above she heard the silent rustling of leaves and the creak of a branch as something made its way from tree to tree. She shifted into her raven guise and flapped her wings, she flew upwards and perched on an old oak tree. A dark shape was seen flitting around, it seemed to be following another figure on the ground.

She lost interest and pecked at her feathers. She cawed once at the sky and let a different darness take over her: the ever welcoming sleep.
.: ₪ :.


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Thu Jan 26, 2006 11:26 pm
Jiggity says...

Darkness was creeping in, shrouding the forest in shadows; making once friendly sounds seem sinister, once friendly eyes become predatory and gradually undermining Thorontur's confidence. His elven ears and eyes were picking up sounds; sights that suggested he was being followed, but he dismissed them as foolish signs made by a tired, overly frightened mind. In truth, he thought, he was much too tired to go on for much longer. He'd been travelling for hours and one thing was for sure; this was not the adventure he'd imagined it to be.

Scanning the path ahead, he began looking for an appropriate camping place and it was then that he heard, in the darkness to his right, a twig snap. He froze. He had not imagined that noise, slowly, he drew his unnaturally sharp longsword. Maybe now he would get some of the adventure, he had so desired. The luminous shine of the blade illuminated his grinning face, as he prepared for battle.
Mah name is jiggleh. And I like to jiggle.

"Indecision and terror, thy name is novel." - Chiko

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Thu Jan 26, 2006 11:38 pm
Dargquon Ql'deleodna says...

jumping behind the elf i tapped him on the shoulder.
Life's a B*tch, slap it upside the head.

Dargquon Ql'deleodna: (n) "Dar-qu-on Kel-del-ode-na" something i made up that sounded cool, partially based off of the Drow Drizzt Do'Urden's name style

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Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:51 am
Jiggity says...

He tensed, ready to spring and skewer who ever it was that had snapped that twig. His foolish endeavour, however, was halted by a most unprincely squeal as he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. Yelping, he leapt away; (and to his credit) tucked into a commando-like roll and came up, blade ready, former squeamishness forgotten; eyes blazing with elven fury. A fury which dissapated and melted into confusion upon seeing his attacker; another elf! An elf unlike any had seen...almost sickly looking. This, however, didnt register. All he could think of now, was that another had dared to take his kill from him. "Do you know who I am?" he demanded angrily " Do you have anhy idea who you just touched?"

"No", replied the other "but I have a feeling im about to find" he said impishly.

(Is it allowed to talk with other characters? And we can get a dwarven character in here, plz
no more elves allowed.)
Mah name is jiggleh. And I like to jiggle.

"Indecision and terror, thy name is novel." - Chiko

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Fri Jan 27, 2006 3:04 am
Dargquon Ql'deleodna says...

"so who are you exactaly, and why are you somehow special? you look like everyone else." i said examining him head to toe, seeing or sensing no difference except for the fact he was not a vampire, but those things could be fixed.
Last edited by Dargquon Ql'deleodna on Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Life's a B*tch, slap it upside the head.

Dargquon Ql'deleodna: (n) "Dar-qu-on Kel-del-ode-na" something i made up that sounded cool, partially based off of the Drow Drizzt Do'Urden's name style

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Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:09 am
ummcowsareawesome says...

Seeing the cosey little meeting going on i came out of the shadows before the taller elf could answer, i almost forgot to switch back into my normal vampiric elf self from the dog. "Hi!" i said enthusastically. They both stared at me like i was crazy.

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Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:21 am
Dargquon Ql'deleodna says...

"Hi i replied, since at the time we are sharing names why dont you share yours" i replied sarcastically, she probably wont knotice anyway. "oh and just as a warning dont touch the elf he has a problem with people touching him, very odd elf"
Life's a B*tch, slap it upside the head.

Dargquon Ql'deleodna: (n) "Dar-qu-on Kel-del-ode-na" something i made up that sounded cool, partially based off of the Drow Drizzt Do'Urden's name style

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Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:33 am
ummcowsareawesome says...

"My names Yebba" I replied not catching his sarcasim. "Whats yours?" I grinned. Then i relized he was a vampire like me. I examined them both properly, after that. The taller one was not a vampire, therefore game food, and I was as always, hungary. I did not want this other vampire to beat me too him. I g.ave my most winning smile but forgot to hide my fangs

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Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:39 am
Dargquon Ql'deleodna says...

"my name is Gonrayd" i said completly ignoring the elf, as he stared at us moving his head back n' forth in confuzion. when she smiled i noticed her fangs, hmmm another vampire/elf, just like me; but luckily for her the elf was looking at me when she smiled and showed her fangs. She could possibly be another ally, and then again possibly more; at the moment i had no intention of drinking this tall elfs blood, but she may have other ideas.
Life's a B*tch, slap it upside the head.

Dargquon Ql'deleodna: (n) "Dar-qu-on Kel-del-ode-na" something i made up that sounded cool, partially based off of the Drow Drizzt Do'Urden's name style

u can't have villains exist just 2 b villains
— ShadowVyper