
Young Writers Society


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Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:15 am
SisterItaly says...

Today was the big day. I was moving away. Camile accompanied me to the airport, there wasn't anything left for me here. But her of course. I was heading to LA to see if I couldn't get my acting career going.
"Flight 2-18, last call for flight 2-18." Sounded the voice from the PA system. She sighed and I turned hugging her.
"I'll keep in touch." I promised, trying not to cry. I had to be the bigger man, she would never let me forget it if I started crying. She patted my back before standing and helping me get my bags.
"You better, you may be moving far away but I can still track you down." She joked. I couldn't believe this was goodbye... We walked beside each other until we had to depart. I gave her one last smile, before boarding the plane. I sat quietly for the entire ride, not able to get her off my mind.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:37 am
eldEr says...

I was back at home, moping around the house and making my parents mad. They kept telling me to take my moping to my room so they wouldn't have to watch, but oh contraire, there is a problem with that. We have this stupid house rule about eating in bedrooms and how it's not allowed, and I needed comfort food. I had run us out of a carton of icecream and a package of strawberries. I was moving onto the choclate chips.

LA...it might as well have been half-way across the universe. And of course, Rufus just had to leave me here. Saskatoon, which was by no means LA. Not that I had any desire to move away or anything, but where he was I wanted to be.

I flopped onto the couch and tore open the top of the Chipet's package, grabbed a handful and shoved it into my mouth. Bitter. Well, for chocolate anyways.

My dad walked into the room, frowning at the site of me and all of my brown bittersweet glory. "You really need to get over yourself. He moved to LA, it's not like he's dead," he muttered, eyes narrowing thoughtfully through his glasses.

"I don't like your shirt," I muttered, shoving another handful of chocolate chips into my mouth.

"Excuse me?"


He left it at that, sitting down in an easy chair on the other side of the room. The phone rang on the end-table beside me and I almost peed myself. Flinging the bag across the couch, I jumped up and grabbed at the phone. "Hello!?"

"Hi, is Joanne there?"

I frowned. Not Rufus. Of course it wasn't Rufus, he was probably just getting into LA. "I dunno, why dont' you come over and check?" I snarled, hanging up.

My dad arched an eyebrow and opened his mouth, but I grabbed the choclate chip package and stormed up the stairs into my room before he could say anything. Rebellious me.

got trans?

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Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:58 am
SisterItaly says...

I was almost to my new home. I already had my furniture shipped there, and my cousin already set it up for me. I rushed from the cab and to the house, hurrying to get the key in the lock. I cursed loudly as I dropped my key. I bent down quickly and picked it up, getting it in the hole finally and rushing in. Plastic covers... covered everything. The place was small, but cosy. Just what I needed.

I rushed to the phone and quickly dialed Camile's numbered. The phone rang twice before someone picked up.
"Hello?" My heart skipped a beat. It was an unfamiliar Male's voice. Definitely not her dad's. Was she seeing someone? After what we did how could see go off and see someone!
"Is Camile there?" I asked, disappointed. There was a moment of silence.
"You can call me Camile if you want." Said the man lustfully. I quickly hung up the phone, obviously getting the wrong number.
"That was embarrassing." I muttered, carefully dialling her number, and making sure I got it right this time.

One ring....

Two rings....

Come one Camile... pick up!

Three rings....
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:19 am
eldEr says...

"Camile! Rufus is on the phone, get your butt down here before I hang up!" my dad hollered from downstairs.

I rolled out of bed, scrambling to my feet and racing to the door, all but yanking it off of its hinges. It was about bloody time! I took the stairs three at a time and ripped the phone from my father's hands. He muttered something under his breaht about young love and teen pregnancies, a comment that I chose to ignore.

"Ru?" I asked, grinning from ear to ear and bounding back up the steps. I don't know why I asked, I knew who it was. Post-shock or something.

"I was starting to think nobody would pick up!"

"I was starting to think you wouldn't call!"

Rufus chuckled. "How could I not call?"

"Well, for one, you could have disapeared off the face of the planet..." I started twirling a lock of light brown hair around my index finger, smiling slightly. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

"That's unlikely."

"I suppose. How's L.A.?"

"Not too bad. How're things in good ol' Saskatoon?"

I sniffed. "I'm in mourning. Things are horrible. I'm feeding off of chocolate chips and bugging the crap out of my parents." I left out that I could have gotten my mom fired for my little stunt with whoever had called earlier. He didn't need to know that. What he needed to do was come back, or send a pegasus to come get me. Either one would do quite nicely.

got trans?

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Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:36 am
SisterItaly says...

"Awww don't worry. I'm only... very far away." I joked. I could almost hear her eyes rolling. I chuckled softly.
"That's reassuring." She said sarcastically. I chuckled again. I wished I could have taken her with me, but I didn't have the money. Once my acting career kicked off I'd have her come down, and stay if she wanted. Knowing Camile, she would want to stay.
"Can you do me a favor?" I asked, smiling into the phone, I found myself twirling the phone cord. Was I turning into a chick?
"Depends... What is it?" She asked, sounding confused. I chuckled again.
"Behave." I joked, even though I was always the one to get into trouble. We both laughed.
"I'll try." She mocked. I glanced up at the clock, and unfortunately had to go.
"I'll call again soon, don't eat to much." I warned, knowing she'd eat 100LBS. maybe even eat her own weight.
"Fine, bye." The phone clicked then the dial tone sounded. I sighed and hung up the phone.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:29 pm
eldEr says...

I flung the phone to the opposite side of the bed, wondering how long I'd have to wait till he called. That's not clingy at all. He just moved, give the guy a break! I scolded myself. What time was it anyways? Near supper? Well, somehow I was starving, despite the four tons of food I had just consumed.

I grabbed the phone again, not bothering to clean up the chocolate chips, which I had managed to get all over my nice, absolutely disgusting brown shag carpet. (How long had my dad been promising me a new one of those now?) Checking the digital clock on my nightstand quickly, which read 6:02 PM, I flung my legs over the side of the bed and started towards my bedroom door.

Just as I hit the stairs, my wonderful father yelled at me to come set the table. Perfect timing, as usual. "I'm coming!" I snarled. Wow, I was a regular little snot today, wasn't I? I shoved out the guilt, placed the phone back on the hook and walked into the kitchen.

So, 6:02 my time, what did that mean in L.A? Later or earlier? Wow, I hated timezones.

I set out a pile of plates my brother had carried in, resting them in their rightful spots. I eyed the guest-seat, the one that Rufus sat in at least four days of the week. My heart dropped, and I averted my gaze elsewhere.

"Superman! Save me!" My brother squealed in a high-pitched voice that he had somehow mistaken for sounding feminine. The kid was supposed to be helping me, but what can I say? Eight-year-olds have short attention spans. He started ripping around the kitchen, making these strange sound-effects with his mouth. Which, mind you, got spit all over the floor. Yum. Eight-year-old slobber.

"Parker! Freakin' settle down!" I shouted.

He stopped to stare at me for a moment before running into the living room to continue his charades.

Sometimes, Rufus would goof off with him...my appetite was slowly declining.

got trans?

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Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:39 pm
SisterItaly says...

I slowly started taking the plastic covers off of everything. Dust from them flew up into the air, making me cough and sputter. This wouldn't be so bad, if Camile was here. We'd both be laughing and having a blast. I had to get her off my mind. She lived far away now, to far away to see. At least we always had MSN and the phone, hell I'd even send a postcard if I had to. I shook my head, maybe I'd get a dog. So I wouldn't be so lonely when I thought of Camile. But what kind of dog? Camile liked big dogs, but I didn't think they would allow those in my apartment. I sighed and resumed cleaning up my apartment.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:53 pm
eldEr says...

Supper was torture. Well, the food was alright, spaghetti, and for me, Peppercorn Ranch salad dressing. The others had meatsauce. After I finally finished (leaving half a plate of it) I got up, set my plate and cup into the sink, washed my hands. You know, all of that routine stuff that carries on after somebody you love moves to what could be another planet.

"I'm calling May and going...somewhere!" I called into the kitchen.

"Drive safe," my mom called back. My father abruptly started arguing with her about how late it was. Because apparently 6:34 PM give or take a few seconds, is very dangerous. When all the gangs come out. In Saskatoon? Give me a break.

I grabbed the car-keys from the hook and checked to see if my phone was charged. It was, and it about time! I unplugged it, grabbed my purse from the closet and shoved everything inside, making my way out the front door and into my car. Well, mom's car. No, I didn't have a car on account of letting my friend borrowing it. She drove it into a lamppost.

I took my phone from my purse again and texted May to meet me at Starbuck's in twenty minutes. It took about 10 seconds for her to reply with a, meet u there comfort food is on me. Love you May, love you.

got trans?

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Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:10 am
SisterItaly says...

Dinner for Rufus, was a T.V. Dinner for one. He Hated T.V. dinners, to him they tasted like plastic. But he ate it anyway, staring at the television, which was turned off. He had his first audition bright and early, and he wasn't even finished setting up his apartment. He sighed and figured he could finish it some other time. As he took the last bite of the cardboard/turkey he gagged.
"This tastes horrible!" He ranted to himself, thinking he was going crazy already. He dropped the empty plastic container in the trash and headed up to bed.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:41 pm
eldEr says...

"The regular?" May asked, setting her purse down on the puny table in front of me.

I nodded. "Large if you're willing to pay that much," I muttered. Gosh I was depressed. I had almost starting crying when we walked into the Starbucks shop, and I could feel more tears pricking my eyes now.

She smiled reassuringly. "Of course I am. It's not every day you're guilt struck, and it's my responsibility to make sure you have your comfort food."

I looked up at her and arched an eyebrow. "I've already consumed twice my own body weight today. You don't need your wallet running dry because of me."

Her smile broadened. "You're forgetting the rules of grief. Three times your own body weight before you're done!" With that, she turned on her heel and made her way towards the lines; which, thank God, were short tonight.

I pulled my phone from my purse, tempted to text Rufus. Of course, he probably didn't have a new plan yet, and he was probably asleep. So I just sat there and stared at it until glumly until May came back, steaming mocha-cinnomon-latte with chocolate drizzle and chocolate sprinkles, extra whipped cream and mocha frappe in hand.

She handed me the latte and I drank immediate. I was rebelious, not being careful because the liquid was hot, as the cup demanded. Take that rules. I didn't even wince when it burnt my tongue to what I imagined to be a crisp.

got trans?

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Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:54 pm
SisterItaly says...

Sleep eluded me. I wanted to call Camile again. I wondered what she was doing, was she out with her friends having a good time? Was she wondering what I was doing? Did she even miss me? Did she know I missed her? Good god man, get a hold of yourself! After my audition in the morning, I was getting a god damn dog... and naming it... Rufus junior. Yes, that would pull me out of this rut, a mini me. In dog form.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:38 pm
eldEr says...

May and I hung out at Starbucks for two hours after we finished our coffees, just talking. Well, she talked, I listened to her semi-amusing stories about some hot guy with tight abs that she met in the mall yesterday. I didn't bother asking how she knew he had tight abs, I just listened, nodded, laughed when expected.

I really could care less about the guy from the mall. He wasn't Rufus, he didn't matter.

By the time I left, it was around ten. My parents wouldn't be thrilled, but I could move out if I really wanted. They had officially lost all rights to grounding me. Of course, I had no cash, and therefore I could not move out.

"Camile! Come in here quickly!" my mom's voice shouted when I closed the door behind me. She sounded frantic, horrified.

I rushed to the living room to see her stooped over my brother, who was laying on the couch. "What's wrong with him?" I asked, legs suddenly weak. Sure, the twerp was irritating, but like every sister, I was secretly proud to call him my brother, and if anything happened to him, I would never be able to live it down.

"I...I don't know. He's having a really hard time breathing, and he keeps zoning in and out..." she sounded like she was on the verge of bawling her eyes out.

"Did you call the ambulence?"

She nodded. "I just hung up before you walked in the door. They should be here soon."

I frowned. "Where's dad?"

"He had to go to the hospital on an emergency call at around nine. Some woman's going into premature labour."

I groaned and started pacing across the living room floor. My brother kept sputtering, coughing, wheezing. He screamed once or twice before the ambulence finally pulled up. They wouldn't let me go with them.

I clawed at my cell-phone desperately, hardly thinking about the face that I was probably waking him up. I needed to talk to Rufus.

got trans?

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Mon Sep 06, 2010 5:21 pm
SisterItaly says...

I was laying on the couch, trying to sleep when my cell rings. At first I don't pick it up, figuring it was nobody. Then my senses kicked in and it clicked in my head. Who would call at this hour unless it's important? I shot up and dropped my cell phone,half expecting it to shatter and break into a million pieces. I sighed in relief when it didn't. I quickly swooped down and picked it up, there shining on the caller I.D. was Camile. My heart pounded happily as I answered the phone.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:45 pm
eldEr says...

"Hey Camile," Rufus' voice came through the line, groggy, but somewhat cheerful. Looks like I'd have to break the mood.

"Rufus?" I squeaked, fighting off a wave of panicked tears.

"What's wrong?" His voice had gone from happy to hear from me to downright concerned. I had obviously woken him up, but he didn't sound mad about it. Which was good.

I fell onto the couch and rested my forehead in my free hand, trying to compose myself before answering. "It's my brother..." was all I could manage.

For a moment all I could hear was Rufus breathing. It was only giving the panick more time to grow. "What's wrong with him?" he asked finally, concern edging his voice.

"I don't know. He's in pain. The ambulence just came and got him." I started crying then. I hated feeling this helpless, but what could I do?

got trans?

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Tue Sep 14, 2010 8:21 pm
SisterItaly says...

"Camile, calm down, I-I'm sure he's fine," I tried to reassure her, which wasn't working because I was begining to panic, Camile's family was like my second family to me.
"I don't know Rufus... he was pretty bad..." She sobbed, I hated to hear her cry, and could imagine how she looked.
"Just imagine I'm there patting your back," I offered a weak joke, and successfully got a small laugh. "You better call me when he gets out. I gotta go, and be up early tomorrow. Be have and be careful," I joked again.
"I'll try." she muttered, I smiled, laying back down.
"That's the spirit." I chuckled, followed by a yawn.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

Maybe what most people wanted wasn't immortality and fame, but the reassurance that their existence had meant something. No matter how long... or how brief. Maybe being eternal meant becoming a story worth telling.
— Roshani Chokshi, Aru Shah and the Nectar of Immortality