
Young Writers Society

The Wolf Pack (STARTS September 2nd)

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Sat Aug 28, 2010 8:49 pm
Lethero says...

Plot: In the city of Arivitia there lives three races: The High Magus, the rulers, each skilled in all areas of magic, especially in destructive magic; The Pack, the defenders, they are a group of werewolves; and The Low Magus, the peasants (or slaves to be more accurate), they are good in healing magic, but it is so weak that most only have enough to heal minor cuts and bruises, but it's been known that once every hundred generations a Low Magus is born, stronger than any High Magus. Then there is the rebel group known as the Refragatio. They seek to end the High Magus tyrannical rule of Arivitia and to make life better for everyone. Sympathizers among The Pack and The High Magus have been known to support this group through political means .

Sixteen years ago, Yira was born amongst the Low Magus, but by her thirteenth birthday it was apparent she was not a normal Low Magus. Her magic was strong, strong enough to bring someone back from near death, strong enough to repel a High Mage back to the castle. Now she lives underground with the Refragatio, a key member of the organization.

Lethero and Nicarga are members of the pack who try to help the Refragatio. During a normal a patrol through a Low Magus town, their group attacks a group of Low Magus unprovoked, forced to choose between The Pack and destroying their loyalties with the Refragatio.

Veneficus, a member of the High Magus and member of the Council, tries to help the Low Magus through political means, fighting their rights in the council room. But after all his outspoken talk, someone wants out, permanently. Veneficus manages to escape, and in the process discovers the Arch High Magus's terrible plans: the eradication of the Low Magus and the Pack, thinking they are going kill him. (Note: Arch High Magus is slightly schizophrenic)

These four come together, and with the help of some friends, they will search for how the High Magus plan on doing this and stopping, and bringing down the tyrant.


High Magus: They are the rulers of the three races. They are all skilled in all areas of magic, but they specialize in destruction. The ranks among them include: Apprentice, Journeyman, Master, Supreme High Magus, Arch High Magus. The lower the rank, the less eloquent the attire. Higher rank means nicer clothes. Also, High Magus are able to use their abilities to sense the others' strengths. One's rank in the High Magus is determined by magic strength, and magic strength only gets stronger as the person gets older. The current Arch High Magus is the youngest ever, at fifty years of age, and also the most cruel, passing laws that make the Low Magus lower than low.

The Pack: The Pack is a group of Werewolves. They are the foot soldiers of the High Magus, and extremely strong/. Their ranks are: Omega, Pup, 3rd Beta, 2nd Beta, 1st Beta, Alpha, High Alpha (High Alpha has no relation to High Magus).Omega is the the lowest, reserved only for cripples and criminals. A Pup only becomes a 3rd Beta at age sixteen. An Alpha can become High Alpha only by challenging the current High Alpha. Omega wears black, unmarked clothing. Pups wear black clothing with a white paw on their right shoulder. 3rd-1st Beta wear light, flexible, black leather armor with a white paw in the center of the chest, the number of chevrons on the shoulder indicate rank. Alphas wear the same armor as 3rd-1st Beta except they have a blood red paw in the center of the chest. High Alpha's black armor has no paw. High Alpha's have no markings of rank except the number of scars they received during their fight for that rank. The Pack members always carry weapons with them because turning werewolf is very tiring. In human form, they are stronger than the average person and having sharper sense of smell. The werewolf form is the classic werewolf form, big, bulky, walks on two legs, and extremely violent.

Low Magus:They are the lowest of the low. They do all of the field work and manufacturing for the High Magus. They are servants to High Magus. Their skills are in magic, but most don't have enough to heal cuts and bruises, though once every hundred generations one is born stronger than any High Magus.

The Refragatio: Consist of mostly poor and fugitive Lower Magus. There are Pack Members and High Magus sympathizers part of it. The Refragatio seek to help the poor and get benefits to the Lower Magus through politics or violence. Their symbol is a hand holding a lighting bolt.


High Castle: A large castle made mostly of black marble, where most of the High Magus live. It is surrounded by a wall that is constantly guarded by members of the Pack.

Pack Grounds: A basic living/military barracks surrounding High Castle. The soldier barracks our closer to the castle, while the family quarters or closer to the outer edge. In the middle of these two are the training grounds which consists of schools taught with High Magus Council approved criteria, weapons instructions, and fighting classes. The family and soldier areas are decently accommodated.

Lower Villages: The rest of the land surrounding are the villages of the Lower Magus. There is farm land spread out, and large buildings where the Lower Magus create clothes and comforts for the High Magus and the Pack (Pack Members are overseers). Houses are small, and most of the Low Magus furniture and clothes are hand-made.

Underground: Not known to the the High Magus and most of the Pack, there are extensive underground tunnels from a long forgotten war. The tunnels are very extensive, with secret entrances coming out at the High Castle and areas in the Pack Grounds. The Refragatio, use these tunnels to conduct their raids, and hide any fugitive.

1 ) No god-moding
2 ) I will not restrict cursing, but it's your own fault if you get kicked for using it excessively.
3 ) 750 character count minimum.
4 ) No killing another persons character without a the creators permission.
5 ) I reserve the right to accept or deny anything that gets posted in this SB.
6 ) If there is a sex scene it should be short and with very little description.
7 ) If a person has advanced the time line of a story to the next day, everyone must move on to the next day as well, and not stay on the previous night.
8 ) If you do not wish to continue with the story any more, inform me, and I will either A) see if anyone wants the character or B) have him/her killed.
9 ) If you claim one of the 3 main characters, you will be expected to stay in the story and not back out.
10 ) I feel you are not cooperating in the story or quit posting, I will have your character killed. (If you are not going to be at the computer for a few days, inform me and I will see if anyone wants to control them while you are away.)

Characters:(Note: Must request or be asked to play Yira, Nicarga, or Veneficus)
Lower Magus:
1) Yira (claimed by kidashka)
2)Lyrca - CardDragon

The Pack:
1)Lethero (claimed by Lethero)

High Magus:
2)Helena Vultribe - retrodisco666

Character Bio Outline:


Age: (no character under 16)





Appearance: (Human and Werewolf for Pack members)




Lethero's Bio:

Name: Lethero

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Pack

Rank: 2nd Beta

Weapon: Short swords

Appearance:Lethero in his human form has black hair that’s always a mess, light blue eyes which change to amber when he reaches eighteen, his skin is tan, and stands about six feet tall. At age sixteen he wears the basic pup-in-training uniform which consists of black pants and a black shirt with a white paw print on the left shoulder. His hair kept short during his training years, but lets it grow out to his shoulders when he reaches age. His arms are covered in scars from fights and training exercises. In his werewolf form his entire body is covered in black fur, he stands on two legs, his mouth elongates into a muzzle, he has sharp claws and teeth.

Personality: Lethero doesn't agree with the way the Lower Magus are treated. After he saved a Lower Magus from being beaten by his fellow comrades, he is approached to join as the Refragatio. He will fight to the death for what he believes in and for anyone he considers a close friend.

History: Lethero group up on Pack Grounds with his mother his entire life. Went to training at the standard age of six, trained and graduated at sixteen. When he was seventeen, he become 2nd Beta. He is sent on regular patrols through the Lower Villages with his squad.
Last edited by Lethero on Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:09 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:22 am
CardDragon says...

Name: Lyrca

Age: 17
Gender: female

Race: Low magnus-The Refragatio

Rank: beginner

Weapon/Magic: Long sword.

Appearance: Has White colored hair and is 5 feet 6inches tall. Thin,but muscular and has olive colored skin.
Personality: cold and Icy.

She was split from her parents when she was nine. When they where murdered by 3rd beta members.
Since then she has evaded from working for the High magnus. For years she lived with an old man, who taught her to fight and gave her a sword. He was later revealed to be a pack member, who then wanted her dead. She nearly escaped ,
and fell into a tunnel where the Refragatio found her and invited her in.

Wants to avenge her parents whatever the cost.
[color=#FF0000]I AM SICK PHANTOM![/color]

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Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:04 pm
Lethero says...

topic68856.html Discussion Thread
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Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:31 pm
Lethero says...

The start date will be pushed back to September 2nd.
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Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:58 pm
retrodisco666 says...

Name:Helena Vultbridge

Age: (no character under 16) 39

Gender: Female

Race: High Magus

Rank:Supreme High Magus

Weapon/Magic: Entropy magic. (Death magic and weakness)

Appearance: (Human and Werewolf for Pack members) She is around five foot two. She has ginger hair in a knot twist, though it has wisps of grey running through it. She has thunder storm grey eyes and think square glasses. She has a small cut on her lower left lip.

Personality She is very bold. She stands up for what she believes in. If she disagrees with something she will say it. She has always tried to help the Low Magus but always has been stopped. Some High Magus felt that their positions would be compromised if they got to much help so she helped in secret. She has a very strange sense of humour and it comes out at the most inappropriate times.

History:Has been trained in magic all her life and it is all she has ever known. She was a very young apprentice and never knew her parents. She has always wanted ot help people which her old tutor tried to reinforce in her to make her a better person, but when she got a new one at the age of seventeen he tried to stop it. He was scared that the low Magus would become to powerful and over run the high ones. She helped regardless. He helped the new high arch Magus get into power and they have been deceitful ever since, she can tell this even though she is no longer an apprentice. She knows something is wrong and will do anything to stop it.

Other:Has been helping Low Magus for sixteen years.

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Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:54 pm
kidashka says...

Name: Yira

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Race: Low Magus

Rank: n/a

Weapon/Magic: Yira has magic even stronger than that of a High Mage, mostly specialising in healing magic.

Even after three years of decent food and shelter, Yira still has the slightly underfed appearance of a Low Mage, and is below average, height-wise. She despises having long hair and keeps it at a short length.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Yira is energetic, optimistic and determined. She understands and cares about other people, strongly valuing her relationships with others, though she has a tendency to be hard on herself. She doesn't understand impersonal reasoning, and gets frustrated when forced to deal with logic and facts without any emotional connection. Due to this, she has difficulty making well-balanced decisions, often becoming influenced by her feelings rather than sense. Yira has a hot temper, and will often judge things too quickly without understanding the whole situation.

History: Up to the age of thirteen Yira had lived a normal life - one of hard work and fear. That is, until her village rebelled against a new law that had been passed in the middle of a crop shortage - one that would have meant starvation for the entire village. A High Mage came to put an end to the revolt, injuring many of the adults in Yira's village and almost killing her father.
Barely a teenager, Yira had been excluded from the danger of confronting a High Mage - however, when her father was hurt no-one could stop her from trying to help. Despite people's warnings that it was pointless to try and save him with the weak magic of a Low Mage, she desperately tried nonetheless. To her shock as much as everyone else's, her father recovered.
As the High Mage saw this and realised the significance of Yira's actions, he tried to kill her to remove the threat she posed to the High Magus supremacy. Unfortunately for him, Yira managed to hold her ground, and he chose to leave and spread the word of her existence.
Fearing the counterstrike from the High Magus, Yira's parents sent her to hide with the Refragatio, where she has been living as a refugee for the past three years.

Other: n/a

@ Lethero: Is this okay? :)
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Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:08 am
Lethero says...

It's fine.
Fly, Fight, Win . . . in Air, Space, and Cyberspace.
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
— William Shakespeare