
Young Writers Society

The Lost Heir

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Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:39 am
Maybe says...

**This storybook is brought to you today by Maybe and Lethero. Any questions, concerns, comments, or suggestions can be sent to either of us.

Setting the Stage
For your entire life, all you have known is peace. It is written about in the ancient texts, spanning back centuries upon centuries. You aren't sure of the exact definition of war, and the closest thing to chaos you have ever encountered is a busy kitchen or your own bedroom as a child. Life is simple. Poverty is scarce to the point of being almost non-existent. This is the only life you have ever known.

Today, your world crumbled. News reached your village that the King had been found dead in his chambers, and that the only heir to the throne, his young son Justin, is missing. Foul play is assumed, and now you have been called to the palace in order to join the search for the Prince and bring the villain to justice.

Who You Are
You are not human. Strictly speaking, you are only half human. You, along with the rest of your kind, have the ability to shift from a human to a single animal, as well as an in-between state that combines characteristics from both sides of your genetic makeup. The type of animal changes from person to person, and depending on what sort of animal you are determines a special gift, or power, granted to you.

You are placed into teams and given a direction, multiple destinations, and orders to search until the Prince is found. You have been chosen and placed in your team because of your animal. You are the strongest, the fastest, the bravest. In order to secure the Prince and bring the villain, or villains, to justice you must be willing and able to perform at your best. This is not a job for the weak or careless. The Prince must be returned and a new ruler must be instated before chaos breaks loose and your life becomes a whole lot more difficult.

The Animals
*Due to the limited amount of space in this storybook, a predetermined list of appropriate animals has been complied by Lethero and myself. There will be two slots open for each animal. If there is another you believe should be included, PM either Lethero or myself.

-The Bear:: As an animal, you appear as a bear. As a human, you retain a few of the physical characteristics appropriate to your animal: a large build and dark eyes. In your in-between state, you appear mostly human, save for your paws for feet, claws for nails, and bear-like ears. The gift granted to you through the bear is strength and resourcefulness. *One claimed by Mo. One left.

-The Bird of Prey: As an animal, you appear as a large bird of prey. As a human, you retain a few of the physical characteristics appropriate to your animal: feathers in your hair and sharp features. In your in-between state, you appear mostly human, save for the wings on your back and your talon-like hands. The gift granted to you through the bird of prey is heightened senses. *Both birds of prey have been claimed by Kaywiia and Moo. This animal is no longer available.

-The Hyena: As an animal, you appear as a hyena. As a human, you retain a few of the physical characteristics appropriate to your animal: a slight stoop and small limp. In your in-between state, you appear mostly human, save for paws for feet and your hyena-like ears. The gift granted to you through the hyena is your wit and cunning ways. *Both spots still open.

-The Lion: As an animal, you appear as a lion. As a human, you retain a few of the physical characteristics appropriate to your animal: wild hair and large hands and feet. In your in-between state, you appear mostly human, save for your sharp teeth, paws for feet, claws for nails, and tail. The gift granted to you through the lion is bravery and loyalty. *One claimed by AM. One left.

-The Owl: As an animal, you appear as an owl. As a human, you retain a few of the physical characteristics appropriate to your animal: feathers in your hair and large eyes. In your in-between state, you appear mostly human, save for the wings on your back and your talon-like hands.The gift granted to you through the owl is wisdom, patience, and the ability to learn the dangerous and difficult art of magic. *Both owls have been claimed by Riese and Vampyre. This animal is no longer available.

-The Wild Dog: As an animal, you appear as a wild dog. As a human, you retain a few of the physical characteristics appropriate to your animal: a small build and dark eyes. In your in-between state, you appear mostly human, save for your large dog-like ears and tail. The gift granted to you through the wild dog is agility and speed. *Both wild dogs have been claimed by Ninja and Maybe. This animal is no longer available.

-The Wolf: As an animal, you appear as a wolf. As a human, you retain a few of the physical characteristics appropriate to your animal: slightly pointed ears and sharp nails and teeth. In your in-between state, you appear mostly human, save for your wolf-like ears and tail.The gift granted to you through the wolf is unfailing hunting and tracking skills. *Both wolves have been claimed by Lethero and ficfan. This animal is no longer available.

-All normal YWS rules apply.
-No god-modding.
-No killing other characters without permission from the author, as well as Lethero or myself.
-Keep the rating 16+ or lower. That means no excessive violence or swearing, and no descriptive sex scenes.
-Please try to keep your posts at least 500 characters or more.
-Only one character per person.
-No more than two characters can transform into the same animal. That means no three bears.
-Please try to keep the gender ratios equal.

Profile Template
Code: Select all
[b]Age:[/b] (please no characters under the age of 16)
[b]Appearance - Written:[/b]
[b]Appearance - Picture:[/b] (optional - if you include please provide a picture both human and animal)
Last edited by Maybe on Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:34 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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57 Reviews

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Reviews: 57
Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:18 am
NinjaCookieMonster says...

Name: Kierso Rent

Age: 17

Gender: female

Animal: wild dog

Appearance - Written: Kierso is a tall girl, with very dark hazel eyes and fair skin. Her hair is very dark brown and on the curly side, and cut very short. She's a little awkward, being very thin and having close to no curves, and is rather twitchy. She wears a lot of loose, dark clothing, as well as a loose hat in case her ears pop up, and comes off as a bit of a shady person. Because of her short hair and less than curvy figure, she's actually mistaken for a boy sometimes. She doesn't mind terribly.

As a wild dog, she's small for her species, with slightly angled round ears, a slinky body, and a pointed face. She's still rather thin and some of her coat is wavy, and her eyes are only a shade darker than they would be in human form. Her limbs are a bit like twigs, but she's quick.

In between, she's terribly thin, like she is as human, and looks like she could fall over if you blew at her. Pretty much like she does normally. Except for the angled, round ears, that often lay more flat. Either way, they're under her hat, as to not draw attention. She looks more wild in her in-between state, skin smeared with soot and dirt, and looking slightly rugged.

Appearance - Picture:
Spoiler! :

Spoiler! :

Personality: She's jittery and skittish, likely to jump at the slightest surprise. She's very speedy and high-energy and a more nervous type of hyper. When she has a rare moment of calm, you'll find her to be just a sweet girl trying to figure herself out, but the jumpiness overrides a lot of that. She'd pick flight over fight, and though not opposed to violence, just finds running to give you less enemies. Not that there's a lot of enemy-making going on.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes running, dogs (especially puppies), tall grass, trees, roads, fruit juice, fruits in general, her sisters. Dislikes small spaces, cats, deserts, ants, fast vehicles, alcohol, fancy foods, and mushrooms.

History: Kierso was born in the midst of a tempest, and as her eldest sister likes to say, that's why she's so wild- the winds were with her at birth. She was considered an odd child, and still is. Her family are all tailors and seamstresses, so she knows how to sew, but it brings her family to tears that she wears such simple clothes, and that she's always spoiling them. She's been nicknamed Cyclone because that's what she was, running around the house in a frenzy and setting everything out of balance. She was soon set on the streets to run, and she picked up a job- deliver messages and goods. She was -is- fast and nimble, and it paid, so that's what she does, and what she loves- being the delivery girl.

Other: Has countless pockets in the folds of her clothes, with many odds and ends in them. Expect her to have any random item at any time because of this. Because of her job, she knows basically everything about the town, making her close to invaluable, in that area.

Her hat.

Spoiler! :
Last edited by NinjaCookieMonster on Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:30 pm, edited 5 times in total.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:49 am
ScarlettFire says...

Nevermind. I can't join.
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:50 am
AngerManagement says...

Can I claim the lion?
Dont tell me the moon is shining, show me the glint of light on broken glass.

Anton Chekov

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Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:02 am
Mo. says...

Name: Asavari "Sav" Williams
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Animal: Bear
Appearance - Written: As a human she has big dark eyes - a brown/green in colour, very big and full of emotion. (A small build for a bear) - short, but not any less dangerous. Beautiful long blond hair, down to her hips. Very beautiful with her big dark eyes, and curvy build - a build she gets because she is part bear (and is often coveted by many others).
As a bear, she has a light golden coat, and is one of the smallest bears around - and the smallest in her group. She has the same eyes as a bear, and a particularly soft, fluffy coat.
As her in-between state, she appears almost like an ancient goddess, of being half human and half bear. She has paws like very ritualistic ugg boots. She appears one with every part of herself in this form.
Appearance - Picture: (optional - if you include please provide a picture both human and animal)
Spoiler! :

Personality: Very feisty attitude, and although she's only short, you would not want to mess with her when she's in "fight" mode - which she only recently discovered after her outrage towards the kings death. Very pronounced and loud - not afraid to say what she thinks, and maybe regret doing so later. She lives in the moment, and doesn't spare time to worry or fret, and listens to her instincts.
She only feels totally at peace when she is surrounded by nature in the wild.
Likes/Dislikes: Like loud "doof-doof" music. Strong personalities. Being the bad one. Expressing her inner rebel./People who make a statement about her that she does not approve, being told she's wrong, being ignored.
History: Born and raised in the Kings land. Has a strong fascination with her inner rebel, and loves to be the loud tomboyish one - much unlike her quiet, serene sisters. The youngest in her family, and has always hated being the baby of the family. Has always been troublesome in that she cannot contain herself, and is familiar with a not very well known concept of anger.
Other: Up for love. :)
Mo. was here. :) mwahahaha

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169 Reviews

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Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:40 pm
Lethero says...

Scarlett, besides my spot as a wolf, it's first come first serve. If you want that position as a wolf, you better hurry up and claim before someone else does, otherwise you'd have to be someone else. The same for you, Anger.

A few notes that Maybe and I discussed that wasn't put up is the technology and weapons. Though it sounds medieval in time period, it is actually set in a world with technology not much different than our own. The few difference is most motorized vehicles are powered by magic. They also have hovercraft like vehicles that are also powered by magic. As for the weapons, there are no guns, bombs, etc . . . There are only swords, bows, and the like.


Name: Dimov

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Animal: Wolf

Human:Dimov stands at least six feet tall, with amber eyes. A scar is visible across his left eye. The scar is visible in all his forms. His skin is white, and his hair is pitch black resembling more like the smooth fur of wolf than hair. His ears are slightly pointed and his teeth are sharp. Wears dark clothing and boots.
In-Between" Dimov's in-between form is almost like the classic werewolf. His entire body is covered in sleek black fur, his ears resemble wolf's ears, his mouth is elongated into a muzzle, he can still walk on two legs, has opposable thumbs, and a tail
Animal: In animal form Dimov is an almost normal wolf with sleek black fur and amber eyes. What makes him different from a normal wolf is that when he stands on all fours he is taller than the waist height of a human form.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Mostly a loner, but fiercely loyal to his few friends. Nothing much to him except, he doesn't like to be annoyed, and gets very irritated if someone wakes him up. Does not consume any alcohol, and looks down on people who do.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes the quiet, enjoys teaching others his martial arts skills, and likes concentrating on a battle. Dislikes people, being woke up, alcohol, and talking about his family or how he got his scar.

History: He grew up in an abusive home where he received his scar when his father beat him in a drunken rage. So as soon as he was old enough to get a job, he ran away. Went to a martial arts dojo for a few years and practiced hand-to-hand and sword combat. After he received top status in his martial arts he began working as a trainer. The king's son was one of his beginner students. His preferred weapon is the katana.
Last edited by Lethero on Sat Jul 31, 2010 6:20 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Fly, Fight, Win . . . in Air, Space, and Cyberspace.
-Air Force Mission Statement-

Integrity First
Service Before Self
Excellence In All We Do
~Air Force Core Values~


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42 Reviews

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Reviews: 42
Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:22 pm
Kaywiia says...

Name: Renadolda (Renda)

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Animal: Bird of Prey/Buzzard

Appearance - Written: She has a very exotic look in human form, being that her animal form originated in africa. She has tattoos running up her left arm (but not one on her chest) , mostly of birds or an assortment of spirals. She also has a band of symbols tattooed around her wrist, but wont tell anyone what it means. Her feathers on her head grow in one little patch on the left side of her head. The feathers are white. In her bird form, she is mostly black, with a white stomach. She always has a sharp look about her in bird form.

Appearance - Picture:
Spoiler! :

Spoiler! :

Personality: She is very hard to understand, and talks nonsense a lot. She likes to talk in riddles, or in metaphors. She takes everything very literally, and has her own opinion on everything. She is considered very wise for her age, and has an answer for every question. She is very good with medicine and plants, and could name a tree just by feeling it's leaves. She is also a great storyteller. Some people say she's mad, but no one knows for sure. She can make anything seem sensible, and is very open minded. There is a lot of mystery around her, and most of the rumours about her aren't true, or maybe they are, no one knows.

Likes- plants, the rain, pomegranates, birds, riddles, the color marron, a good story
Dislikes- cats, the color pink, dogs, fire, stupid people, close-minded people

History: Her mother and father were important in the kings court, and were close to the king. Renda never liked the confines of the castle wall, and spent most of her days outside. She learned most of what she knows about plants from an old medicine woman who lives in a cottage by a creek. When she wasn't with the medicine woman, she went to the village, and was very observant. She learned things by watching people, and listening. Her heightened senses helped her learn things more quickly, and she could hear things people would have otherwise wanted no one to know. She learned most of her stories from the taverns around the town. When she was 24, the king noticed how much she knew about medicine, and she helped the royal doctor. Before long, the king realized she was suited for more than that, and had her help with any ailments regular medicine couldn't cure. When the prince was young, she used to tell him stories. Renda has been sent on this mission because of her medical skills, her knowledge of the lands, and her wisdom.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:02 pm
Moo says...

Bird of Prey claimed, profile will appear sometime tonight. Thanks. :D
“Poetry is old, ancient, goes back far. It is among the oldest of living things. So old it is that no man knows how and why the first poems came.”

--Carl Sandburg

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Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:16 pm
Sassafras says...

Can I have the Owl?
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:19 pm
Lethero says...

It's first-come-first-serve, Reise. If you want it, better claim it.
Fly, Fight, Win . . . in Air, Space, and Cyberspace.
-Air Force Mission Statement-

Integrity First
Service Before Self
Excellence In All We Do
~Air Force Core Values~


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Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:36 pm
Sassafras says...

Okay. I claim Owl. I'll post my profile soon.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:00 pm
Sassafras says...

Name: Lilth Brooks
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Animal: Owl

Appearance - Written: Layered black hair with various streaks of white. He has long fingers with sharp nails and silver/blue eyes. He's tall and slim with long legs and a flat stomach. He keeps his wings, which are exactly like the ones in the owl picture, folded and against his back.

Appearance - Picture:
Spoiler! :
Image Image

Personality: He's calm and collected, always there but never making a scene. He is never "out of control" or crazy, he thinks everything over before acting. He's always the one to restore order when things get out of hand and is always there to give a helping hand or a few words of wisdom. He mostly lingers in the garden and library, always studying magic and reading about world outside of the mansion walls. You can also find him in the court yard, practicing his magic.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Reading. Watching. Drawing. The moon. Rain. Flying. Flowers of all types. Chocolate. When things are in order. Studying magic. Dislikes: Eggs. Too hot weather. Unnecessary noise. Impulsive decisions.

History: Lilth was born in the garden of his family's mansion, which is the main reason of his love for nature and flowers. He has never been far away from his parent's property, always being under close watch because of his "condition". All he knows of the outside world are things he's read in books. He longs to one day break free from the castle and travel the world on air. When he turned fifteen, his parents finally thought it proper to let him have a little freedom. He now holds a job at a library.

Other: He always goes off at night for a quick trip through the air.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:05 pm
pinkangel54123 says...

I've decided to drop out of this storybook. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Last edited by pinkangel54123 on Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Want a heavenly review?

GENERATION 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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Sat Jul 31, 2010 1:40 am
Maybe says...

Name: Caine - No one is sure if this is his first or last name, or even real name, and he won't tell.

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Animal: Wild Dog

Appearance - Written: As a human, Caine is stick-thin and stands about 5'10" (177.8 cm). He has heterochromia, with one eye a startlingly pale, icy blue and the other a dark molten brown. His hair is dark brown, with natural lighter highlights and is cut raggedly at his jawline and hangs about his head in a state of constant disarray - he's long since given up trying to coax it into something decent. His facial features are sharp, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline. He has a light, almost boyish smattering of freckles across his cheeks.

In between, Caine remains much of the same as he would look as a human. The only differences are his large ears that would be seen on him in animal form, and his tail. His nails and teeth are sharper as well, but it's only noticeable if you're paying close attention.

As a wild dog, Caine seems almost unnaturally thin, though he moves about gracefully. His eyes remain the same color as when he is human, and his fur is dark brown with blond, light brown, white, and occasionally black speckles and spots. As is the same when he is human, his fur seems to have a mind of its own and is never smooth or flat.

Appearance - Picture:
Spoiler! :

Personality: Caine may be not be physically intimidating, but he's intelligent and has a sharp mind. He tends to shy away from people he doesn't know and situations he's uncomfortable with in order to observe from afar until he feels confident enough to take part in whatever is going on. A long history of torment from his peers has made him suspicious, to the point of slight paranoia, and he finds it hard to trust people completely. Due to this, he often hides away random bits of information about himself, like his full/real name, because he somehow feels that it could be used against him. He can come off as rude, aloof, and disinterested upon first meeting him, and will remain that way towards you if he decides he doesn't like you. Normally, he seems a bit scattered, and his moods tend to change quite often. However, once you earn his full trust, if you manage to do so, he will become loyal to you and would even be willing to lay down his life for yours. He holds his friends in the highest regards and may seem a bit clingy, but he means well enough. He finds no greater pleasure than simply sitting down and reading, or doing research of his own, and will often try to coax or trick others into participating in his experiments. He sees himself as a scientist at heart, and when he's immersed in his books or experiments he'll often unconsciously adopt a much more lively, hyper persona and seem to forget about his suspicions and misgivings.

Likes/Dislikes: Caine takes pleasure in the simple things in life: reading, the rain, music, running, and experimenting to further his research. He dislikes nosy people, extreme cold (the fact that he doesn't have an ounce of fat on his body doesn't help), talking about his past, arrogance, crowds, and people calling him frail.

History: Caine was born fatherless. He never had a strong male influence in his life, which could be blamed for why he turned out the way he did. His mother loved him, but she died when he was five in a horrible fire. Caine was raised by his aunt, who had two children of her own. When he was young, Caine was ruthlessly picked on and teased by many of his peers because of his physical appearance. He was too skinny. He had too many freckles. His eyes were weird. He was weak, puny, and frail. He couldn't stand up for himself - and that was the truth. Caine knew that if he tried to fight back, he would fail and only humiliate himself more. He grew distant from the others, only having one or two friends, and eventually the bullies got bored and left him alone. The damage had been done, however, and Caine found it increasingly difficult to trust people, or see the good in them. As he grew older he continued to alienate himself, shoving his nose into books and experiments and emerging again hours - sometimes days - later. He left his aunt when he was seventeen, moving from place to place every few weeks, and never settled down in one place for more than three months. He was chosen to join the search for the Prince due to his speed and agility, as well as his extensive knowledge in many subjects - namely poisons, antidotes, and other things only someone addicted to books would likely know. At first he wanted no part in joining a 'team', especially not with others that could change into animals potentially much larger and stronger than him. He was eventually ordered convinced to join the search.

Other: His scientific specialty is poisons and antidotes, though he is fairly well versed in the medical field as well. Thankfully his experiments are usually harmless. He's up for love, but understand that it's going to be a process, and not an instantaneous thing. PM me if you're interested.
Last edited by Maybe on Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:25 am, edited 3 times in total.
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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84 Reviews

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Reviews: 84
Sat Jul 31, 2010 2:57 am
fictionfanatic says...

Name: Larka

Age: (please no characters under the age of 16) 19

Gender: Female

Animal: Wolf

Appearance - Written: Human-Larka has long curly brown hair. Her skin has a hint of a natural tan to it. Her big eyes are a melted chocolate color. She has ears that are tipped. Her teeth are strangely sharp, as are her nails. She normally wears boys army shorts, black tank-tops, and combat boots
In-Between-Her ears are completely like wolves and she has a tail. She still has human skin but her hair becomes more like fur. Her eyes become a little yellowish and her teeth get sharper. Her hands and feet turn into wolf paws.
Animal-She has a mixture of tan and black fur that has a slight curl to it. Her eyes are yellow but you can still see a little bit of brown towards the iris

Appearance - Picture:
Spoiler! :

Spoiler! :

Personality: Larka has a lot of energy and happiness. That is, unless you're talking about her being inhuman or about her past. In that case, she has a lot of pent up anger and she's not afraid to unleash it on you. If you're on her good side then she's a perfectly nice girl...and wolf.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes-Being happy, running, being around people, hunting
Dislikes-Her past, being inhuman, not being normal, being treated differently

History: Larka has been teased all of her life for being different. Even by her own siblings. She tried to hold in her anger but it builds up. At one point her mother said something that angered her when she was at her boiling point and she thrashed out at her, accidentally slicing her throat and killing her.

Other: None
Live, Love, Laugh

The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
— Mark Twain