
Young Writers Society

The Perfect Voyage ~ Starting

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Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:55 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Welcome aboard the SS. Bel Amica, the perfect voyage where all your dreams come true.

Plot: A group of people have boarded the cruise ship, SS. Bel Amica, and are now cruising in the North Atlantic, somewhere. The voyage was going fine until Lady Melissa O'Hanley turned up dead on the Magellan Deck near the pool. Now almost everyone has been called to attend the mandatory ball and most are there now. There are staff in the kitchen, engine room, the Bridge and in various other places, such as any restaurants, etc. There is the odd child or elderly person left in their room, and the odd staff member out and about but apart from that, most staff and passengers are in the ballroom. The Captain is present, leaving his Second-in-command in the Bridge along with at least two others.

Unknown to the passengers and crew (until they find Lady O'Hanley), someone on board is trying to kill off everyone on the ship, all crew and passengers regardless of age, gender and race. The engine room has been shut off from the rest of the ship and no one has heard from the crew there since the voyage began.

You are trapped on Bel Amica and you need to find a way off before you die too. Will you go to the lifeboats or find another way? How will you escape?

Setting: An 8 deck cruise-liner called Bel Amica.

The Ship:
Spoiler! :

Deck plans: Ignore the details, just take a look at each deck. Note: The restaurant on the Atlantic deck is the ballroom/dining room/kitchen area.

-Usual YWS/SB rules.
-ALL posts must be readable, co-relate to previous posts and have correct spelling. That means no chat speak.
-1000+ characters min. (Check the little box below your text!)
-Swearing; it's allowed just don't overdo it.
-Romance and Sex Scenes are allowed-Just don't be vivid, no one needs to read about details.
-Don't God-mod. Please, it's not fair.
-Please don't double post unless there have been no new posts for at least 24 hours.
-Please have a timestamp at the top of each post, this includes Name, Place, Deck, and an Approximate date and time.
-Please PM me and the creator of a character before killing them off or state in your profile if you are going to die. No one likes it when they're randomly killed.

Spots Claimed:

Skutter ~ Thomas West, Professor (Passenger).
Kyllorac ~ Zane Thomas, Cruise Director/Entertainment Director (staff/crew).
Shubhi ~ Jenna Rosewater, Model/Actress (passenger).
Yuri ~ Jamie Kyo, Model (passenger).
Rosey ~ Alex Lirian, Software Programmer (passenenger).
Stella ~ Chris Akens, Waiter (crew/staff).
Scarlett (me) ~ Isadora Norwood, Actress (passenger).
Kaywiia ~ Jessie Ridley, Model (passenger).
Isha ~ Timothy Stowers, Chef (staff/crew).
Ninja ~ Roxi Poole, Stowaway.
Skins ~ Felix Dimitri, Cleaner/Janitor (crew/staff).
Jemjive ~ Ella Cameron, Captian's Daughter (VIP).
iceprincess ~ Angelique "Angeli" Tannhauser, Student (passenger).
forsainshadow ~ Kalypso Hart, Orphan (passenger).

Character Profile:
Spoiler! :








Up for Love?


All questions to the DT please. Link to DT: topic66328.html
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:03 pm, edited 27 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:57 pm
Kale says...

Count me in. Profile later.

Name: Zane Thomas

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Occupation: Cruise Director (responsible for entertainment)

Appearance: A bit on the stout side, and quite tall, Zane would look quite intimidating physically if he weren't always smiling and laughing. He keeps his appearance clean and open, making himself look as friendly and approachable as possible, taking pains to keep his baby face clean-shaven and hair fetchingly cut. He's also more likely to dress down than up, and prefers casual and out-there to formal and conventional in his clothing.

Because he spends a lot of time outdoors, Zane is quite tanned, with his normally brown hair bleached dirty blond by the sun. His dark blue eyes are almost always twinkling with amusement, and laugh lines are clearly beginning to leave a mark upon his face.

Personality: Jovial and quite gregarious, Zane loves meeting people and having a good time. He's quite outgoing, so don't be surprised if your character finds him bearing down upon them, a huge grin plastered on his face and some form of entertainment on hand.

History: Zane grew up as part of a large and extended family. As a result, he's unused to being alone for any period of time, and gets quite lonely when not surrounded by the bustle and chatter of other people, which made a conventional office job not an option for him. Instead, he went into Entertainment and Hospitality, eventually managing to snag a job on the Bel Amica as first assistant, then head, Cruise Director.

Likes/Strengths: Crowds, parties, noise, and people in general. Due to his stature, he's also quite strong, though not as strong as he could be if he worked out. Zane is very good at organizing events and people, and he has mastered that tone of voice that brooks no argument.

Dislikes/Weaknesses: Being alone, funerals, silence, and seafood. Zane can come off as a bit needy and clingy if left alone for too long. He also cannot stay quiet for prolonged periods of time. In addition, Zane happens to be allergic to most seafood, a fact he laments of loudly.

Up for Love? Nope. He's got a girlfriend back home.

Other: He is so the type to start blubbering and making a general nuisance of himself at the most inconvenient moments.
Last edited by Kale on Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Secretly a Kyllorac, sometimes a Murtle.
There are no chickens in Hyrule.
Princessence: A LMS Project

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Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:43 pm
Kaywiia says...

Name: Jessie Ridley

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Spoiler! :

Personality: She's sweet, and tries to be nice, but can get snappish if you ask too many questions. Mainly, though, because she is hiding on big secret. She is fun-loving, and charming. She doesn't ask for much out of life, and isn't a diva. She has a high self-esteem, and almost always is smiling. She is a big dreamer, and has a big heart. Despite her secret, she stays positive.

History: She was born with severe low blood sugar, something that should have kept her from being a model from day one. But her mother, seeing her daughter's beauty, wouldn't let that stand in her way. She pushed her to keep her disease a secret, and Jessie was cast as a model. She struck it rich, and lived the good life. What Jessie could never explain to anyone was the fainting spells if she went to long without sugar. She would bribe doctors to keep her disease from the press, and the modeling company. They wanted flawless, healthy models. The doctors took the bribe, and told the agencies Jessie worked for that she simply wasn't eating enough. This never helped, though, because the companies kept sugar out of almost everything she ate. After a particularly bad fainting spell on a runway in New York, her agent (Tanya Banks) has sent her on this trip in hopes the relaxation will help boost her health, and are crediting her fainting spells to stress.

Likes- Sunshine, cupcakes, the beach, swimming
Strengths- Beauty, lying, she's positive, self confident

Dislikes- Fainting, her disease, her agent
Weaknesses- Her disease, she's not physically very strong, she has to wear contacts

Up for Love?: sure
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:53 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Thanks for joining, Kaywiia.

I will edit a profile in here later.

Edit: Profile.

Name: Isadora Norwood.

Age: 25.

Gender: Female.

Appearance: Isadora is tall with dark brown hair and grey-blue eyes. She's slim and athletic, and likes to wear jeans and black high heels.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Isadora is kind and gentle (usually), if a little snarky. She tends to be rather nasty to people she's just meet and has a longtime nemesis from when she first started acting. She has a rebellious nature hidden behind a shy, kind but somewhat snarky attitude. Sometimes she's a little too confident and often in trouble with her agent. She's smart and talented, but her downfall is the temper she keeps saying she doesn't have. She often acts before thinking and can be quite sneaky at times. Absolutely loves and adores her four-year-old daughter.

History: Born in Sydney, Australia on July 12th, 1984 to Alec Norwood and Phoebe Norwoord, Isadora was raised with pretty much no rules (except "Tell us where you are/where you're going", "Call or text if you need us" and "Home by 2 in the morning"...), and lived like she had nothing to lose. By the time she left school, she was stunning and had always been brilliant in her Drama classes. At 18, a Hollywood talent scout saw her and asked her to come over and work there. She did just that and excelled, until she got married at 21 to a particularly nasty man by the name of Michael Ellis. They had a child together, a girl named Sonya. Isadora has recently divorced him while she was working on a new movie, "Way of the Warrior", and then decide to join the cruise. She's semi-famous and has no idea what's in store on this voyage.

Likes/Strengths: Likes; Cruising on a ship, acting, starring in movies, watching movies, reading, drawing, her daughter and both men and women. Strengths: Isadora is fast on her feet, has had training in martial arts, fencing and archery. She's a good mother.

Dislikes/Weaknesses: Dislikes; Her Ex-husband, death, blood, dark & confined spaces, her stalkers and some of her co-stars. Weaknesses; Dark, confined spaces. If she were to be locked in, say, a cupboard of some kind, she would panic. Badly. Deep water-she is intensely freaked by it--not the best idea for her to be on a cruise-liner, is it? Her daughter, if anything were to happen to her.... Let's just say it'd be bad.

Up for Love? Yes, of course she is. Recently divorced.

Other: She's a semi-famous actress and bound to be recognised. Has an Ex-husband and a four year old child.
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:58 pm
Kaywiia says...

Is my profile okay? I tried not to God-Mod. I had to get creative, because I wanted to have her be a model....
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:01 pm
ScarlettFire says...

The profile is fine, Kaywiia.

I forgot to mention that you can be anyone. Crew or passenger. If you claim a spot as crew, please include "Job/Position:" in your profile.

EDIT: No one can claim the Killer, I will be PMing someone once everyone has posted their profiles.
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:19 pm
StellaThomas says...

Name: Chris Akens

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Occupation: Waiter

Appearance: Tall and slim, with dark hair and eyes. Chris is naturally sallow-skinned, and looks for all the world like he could be Italian (except for the fact that he's not). Despite his slender figure, he likes to keep himself fit and many hours spent in the gym has given him an impressive set of muscles, though one probably wouldn't think so looking at him (at least, looking at him with a shirt on).

Personality: Chris has been lazy, and is paying for it. He did a mediocre degree in college, despite having brains, and thought that a job on a cruise ship would be leisurely enough. He's not a fan of hard labour, more of looking good, so waiting is perfect for him as well. He loves to have a bit of a flirt- no matter what the age of the rich women, or the other waitresses. Generally he's just planning on taking things easy. His family back home are less pleased with this, they want him to work hard and do well, and Chris is having a battle with them and with himself about what he wants to do with his life- and if he plans on ever being useful.

History: Comes from a hard-working, middle-class family, with two sisters, one of whom is extremely bright. Just a normal boy, for the most part. He and his father had a fight before he came to work on the ship but his mother is calling him regularly and begging him to try and make up.

Likes/Strengths: Likes music, can play the piano decently (and has once or twice when the entertainer has been ill). Loves a rush. Is physically strong when he needs to be, and good at climbing things (has been since he was four years old). Isn't likely to lose his temper. Good swimmer.

Dislikes/Weaknesses: Hates blood, not good in an emergency that involves it. Can be reckless if he thinks it'll be in his benefit. Can also be very arrogant and doesn't admit he's wrong easily.

Up for Love? ...Sure?

Other: Not that I know of.
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:23 pm
eldEr says...

Finally... o.e

Name: Timothy Stowers (You call him Timmy and he'll snap your neck....)

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Occupation: Chef

Spoiler! :

Personality: Timothy is very cold, and very stern when it comes to his job. He yells a lot, and is always expecting the very best from everybody. He has a ridiculous temper that's very easy to flare up and he can get quite violent if you've made it to his bad side. Of course, he won't physically harm anybody unless he sees it as absolutely necessary.
He likes to be alone more than with others, and he's often very secretive about his past and what he's truly thinking. He does have a soft spot for children, though you won't find him admitting that, as well as people who are patient enough to befriend him. Though few, his friends are people he trusts and defends.

History: His mother died in an automobile accident when he was six, leaving him and his younger sister, Jenna, alone with his father, who already had drinking problems before Timothy's mother died. They got worse very quickly and he often left in the dead of night to go to the bar.
Their father got very abusive, and finally Timothy's grandmother called social services when he was 13 and Jenna was 9. This is when Timothy first got into cullinery arts. He claimed that cooking eased his stress, though he became quite violent and took to isolating himself anyways.
They were in foster care, and ended up getting seperated. They haven't seen eachother since Timothy's 15th birthday, and Timothy has lost contact with her.

Likes: Cooking and baking, creating his own recipes, being alone, crime shows, people who get off his back when he needs them to, being in charge, power

Strengths: He is an amazing cook and is very good at creating his own original recipes. He's is very good at reading others' emotions and seeks out loopholes in everything. He's good at reading between the lines. Before he got into cooking, he wanted to be a crime scene investigator.
He's also quite strong, and is a very good swimmer.

Dislikes: Crowds, sleep, people who don't know when to leave him alone, getting bossed around, having no power over people, tight spaces, the dark

Weaknesses: He hates sleep, as he's tormented by nightmares, so he forces himself to stay awake, which renders him even more irritable and groggy come morning. He's very clausterphobic and he's secretly very afraid of being alone in the dark.

Up for Love? Sure

Other: He has scars on his arms and legs, and a few on the back of his neck. He keeps them covered and will change the subject if anybody asks about them.
Last edited by eldEr on Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.

got trans?

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Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:39 pm
NinjaCookieMonster says...

Hm... I think I'll join. Can my charrie be a stowaway?

Name: Roxi Poole

Age: 14

Gender: female

Appearance: Short, pixie cut blonde hair, dark green eyes, slim and rather small. Doesn't like this type of clothing, though. She'll usually be found in black cargo pants that hit the knee, black lo top Converse, and a black slim cut hoody. Never wears makeup, but does wear a silver ring with a dark sapphire in it on her thumb.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Feisty, quick thinking, impatient, sharp tongued, sarcastic- that's Roxi. She has a vulnerable, soft side that she never reveals unless she feels totally safe, or is alone. She's not a crier. She will fight back, and isn't afraid to share her opinion, as many people who know her will tell. She can be sweet and gentle when she wants to be, but she never really does. She's pretty rough and tough, and the epitome of a tomboy.

History: Roxi was born into a wealthy family, but hated it. It was always "Roxanne, do this," and "Roxanne, wear that," and constantly, "Roxanne, smile, blast it!" She took to hiding in secret places in the family estate, and was often down in the kitchens helping, or working with the cleaners to escape her family. She often hung out with the guys from the skate park and picked up a few tricks. Eventually she started sneaking out at night and skating on her own. Her parents, one day, told her they were sending her to a private girls boarding school. She blew up, essentially, and didn't come back come for a week. When she heard about the SS Bel Amica, she packed her things and took the opportunity to escape her stuffy life. Still hating her family's wealth, she stowed away, but she isn't afraid to use her family's power and wealth if it gets desperate.

Likes/Strengths: Likes- running, acting like a boy, working (she's weird like that), cool winds, animals, junk food, skateboarding, spray paint, sleeping, cold, the moon, rain. She loves "her boys"- the guys back at the skate park. Action movies, fighting, her music.

Strengths- fast, knows how to fight, stealthy, quick learner, independent. She can basically get anything due to her family, and knows it. She's a good skateboarder, and is never seen without her board. She's uncannily good with technology, and was often made fun of by the guys because of it.

Dislikes/Weaknesses: Dislikes- her family, girly girls, doing nothing, heat, rich people, vegetables, bicycles, cops, school, soup, shopping for clothes, makeup, frilly things, most flowers, being labeled, gossip, giggling. She doesn't like bubbly people unless they're actually sweet, and is strongly against drugs, tobacco and alcohol.

Weaknesses- not very strong, not trusting, conspicuous, impatient, stubborn. She doesn't admit she was wrong easily, and can be a little overconfident. She doesn't do well under pressure and can't stand being surrounded by people. Surprisingly, she's a bit of a neat freak, and is more defiant than she should be.

Up for Love? Yep.

Other: Usually wears this hat:

Spoiler! :

Loves skateboarding; uses this board:

Spoiler! :

Has a red iPod with black Skullcandy earbuds. Always has her board and that iPod with her in a gray messenger bag.
Last edited by NinjaCookieMonster on Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:47 pm, edited 5 times in total.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:40 pm
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ScarlettFire says...

Yes. Totally fine. As I said before, you can be anyone. One thing? Could you put in a little more detail? Please?
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:43 pm
Sins says...

I haven't joined a SB in a while... so why not?

Name: Felix Dimitri

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Occupation: Cleaner/janitor

Appearence: Felix is a seriously nice looking guy. He has messy dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. He's got rather tanned skin and stands at about 6 foot. He's often dressed in a shirt with braces and a pair of dark denim skinny jeans. He is always wearing his scrubby black and white converse.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Felix is an outgoing guy who isn't afraid to speak his mind. He can often come across as harsh or thoughtless, but in reality, he isn't a nasty guy. He is extremely flirtatious and is always willing to stand up for what he believes in. When he isn't flirting or playing his guitar, he's most likely to be sleeping. He often gets shouted at on the ship because he isn't putting all of his effort into his job. He does hate it, after all. He's more interested in what he looks like and having a good time with his friends. Although Felix can come across as cocky and careless, he's also very good at making people laugh. He's a bit like Marmite; you either love him or hate him.

History: Felix was born into a really religious family, which caused an awful lot of problems for him. Growing up, he was made to go to church every single Sunday, sometimes he had to go during weekdays. As a young child, he decided that he hated anything religious and that there was no such thing as God. He never told his parents this though. They would have disowned him otherwise. When it comes to his wealth, he wasn't rich but he wasn't poor either, just middle-class really. When Felix was 14, he came out as gay. His parents obviously had a lot to say about that. Days later, he moved out of his parents home and into his closest friends home. Since then, he hasn't spoken to his father and has only contacted his mother and younger sister through e-mail.

Likes/Strengths: Likes; Guys, music, partying, having a good time, sleeping, laughing. Strengths; preforming music, lying, thinking outside the box, dancing

Dislikes/Weaknesses: Dislikes; working, his father, miserable people, people who constantly get drunk, having to clean horrible things. Weaknesses; Rather dull at times, can be annoying, careless, doesn't always consider other people's opinions, grouchy if he doesn't get enough sleep

Up for Love? With a guy... sure, but I doubt that'll happen.

Other: As you can probably tell form above, he's gay. Felix is also trying to quit smoking and is trying to replace his addiction with drinking milk. Weird, I know.
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:22 am
jemjive says...

Name: Ella Cameron

Age: 19, 20 in two weeks.

Gender: Female

Appearance: Ella has a petite frame but is rather strong for her size. She has wild red hair that never stays in place. and as un-natural as it looks, it is natural. She mostly looks like this picture.
Spoiler! :
normal_358_1hayley_williams_paramor.jpg (19.55 KiB) Viewed 1197 times

Personality: Ella is extremely outgoing but not obnoxious or bubbly, she has a good head on her shoulders. She is a quick and logical thinker and is quite itelligent. She has alright patience but if she finds you annoying they run out quick. Ella can be rather bossy, but I suppose it is just the Captain Gene in her blood.

History: Ella has spent her whole life at sea, as is expected from the only daughter of the ship's widowed captain. Her mother died when she was only three years old, leaving her father to raise her on his own. While most children were taught to tie their shoes and count to ten, Ella was learning how to find the Cardinal Points, and aid navigation. It wasn't a normal upbringing but she couldn't imagine anything else, besides maybe having her mother.

Likes/Strengths: Likes: Ella like sailing, swimming, and the ocean of course. She enjoys drawing and painting, she is actually quite skilled at them both. Strengths: She does well in stressful situations, she thinks quick and makes logical decisions. She is fairly strong both physically and emotionally and has a high pain tolerance.

Dislikes/Weaknesses: Dislikes Pettiness, when people get sea-sick, obnoxious males. Weaknesses: Her emotional strength only goes so far. She holds everything in and when things get rough she will break down. Her bossiness can get on people nerves and make her very narrow minded.

Up for Love? Sure thing.

Other: She hates it when people say she is too young, she often says she is 20 just to get away from that situation. She always wears a necklace that was her mother's, even if it doesn't go with the outfit at all.
Spoiler! :
pearl_necklace_simple_coin_small.jpg (12.4 KiB) Viewed 1219 times
Last edited by jemjive on Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Your motor's unstable,
Your like an

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Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:49 am
Yuriiko says...

Name: Jamie Kyo

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Spoiler! :
Song_Hye_Kyo_0081.jpg (59.56 KiB) Viewed 947 times
She's quite tall.

Personality: She's kind of a person who you can describe as a happy-go-lucky girl. She never leaves her bedroom without even a slight touch of makeup. Her natural brownish-red hair seems to be one of her best assets. High heels and jewelries are her very best friends. She's a-not-too open person however she sometimes has the confidence to share stories of her own. A good listener she is and sometimes clumsy when it comes to solving a problem.

Her patience is up to the mountains and though 'simplicity isn't in her vocabulary', still she wants to be a help to others even in simplest ways. People might see her as an optimistic type of person, but she still too suffers from her family affairs. She covers a mask beneath the reality of her own world.

So far, she's a lovely girl although serious, when it comes to family matters.

History: At young age, Jamie together with her mother, flew off from Korea to America due to an issue that his father cheated to her mother. They live until now with Jamie's grandparents who are also fluent in speaking English. Katie grew up, having English as her first language before in Korean. There, living in prosperous life, Katie's mother rarely takes care of Katie because she's a single parent. As a result, Katie begins to love and cherish more of her grandparents than that her mother.

During her nineteenth birthday, her mother bought her a ticket, as a promised gift for her to get into SS. Bel Amica ship, as an act of celebrating her independence.

Likes/Strengths: She's very athletic; swimming and volleyball are one of her favorite pastimes. She's also fond of music and befriends too with a piano.


She's afraid of darkness, ghost and most of all, small creepy insects.

Up for Love? Yes

Other: She loves keeping journals. She's a model too.
Last edited by Yuriiko on Sat Jul 10, 2010 2:23 pm, edited 8 times in total.
"Life is a poem keep it in the present tense." -Sherrel Wigal

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Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:21 pm
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iceprincess says...

I'll post a complete profile later (maybe tomorrow)!!! :D
you'll never find another sweet little girl with sequined sea foam eyes
ocean lapping voice, smile coy as the brightest quiet span of sky
and you're all alone again tonight; not again, not again, not again.
and don't it feel alright, and don't it feel so nice? lovely.


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Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:36 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

I shall post the profile later, if I'm allowed in...pweeze...
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

Who knows anything about anyone, let alone themselves.
— Hank Green