
Young Writers Society

The Sakyrian Chronicles: Destiny, bk. 1

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Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:48 am
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Claeren says...

Entering the pub, Sirius immediately took notice of his surroundings. The ceiling was low, and there were five or six different tables spread out on the floor, with a few chairs at the counter of the bar on the other side of the room. In the corner, smoking a pipe was a haggard man who looked like he’d kill anyone if it meant he’d get a buck or two. The only other occupants besides the owner of the pub were a man with a hat pulled over his eyes, making Sirius instantly wary of him, and a woman of astonishing beauty. Sirius hadn’t noticed her at first because she sat in the farthest table from the door, and the room was steamy, making it hard to see.

Walking over to the counter where the landlord was, Sirius said, “I’ll have a glass of water and a loaf of bread.” The man looked at him strangely, but didn’t ask any questions. With his drink in hand, Sirius made his way to a table next to the one the woman sat next to. As he sat there quietly eating, the haggard-looking man got up and came over to him. Sirius noticed that the man had his hand on his knife and carefully slipped his own knife into his hand, hiding it’s presence under the table.

“You got any money?” The man was blunt and frank, if nothing else.

“Maybe. Who wishes to know and why?” The challenge in his voice was unmistakable. The man didn’t seem to like having his question avoided, either.

“You give me your money, and maybe I’ll tell you.”

“Oh, getting feisty now, are we?” Sirius pulled his hands out from under the table, and rested his head on them, thus showing his knife.

“Quit talking and give me the money. Either that, or you can watch me kill that woman over there.” The man pointed to the lady in the table over, who looked up and met Sirius’s eyes. She raised a questioning eyebrow at him, as if to inquire what had made the man decide to threaten her. He gave the slightest of shrugs, and then raised an inquiring eyebrow of his own, making a point of looking at the folds of her skirt, where the outline of several knives were faintly visible, before turning back to the man with a smirk.

“I don’t think you want to be doing that.”

“And why not?”

“Because if you haven’t noticed it already, she’s not just carrying one knife, but three. And she has the look of one who has experience with fighting. She looks as if she can do a little magic as well, which is even more incentive not to mess with her.”

“You’re lying. No way a lady that rich-looking knows how to fight. That’s practically impossible.”

Practically is the operative word, my friend,” Sirius said as he slowly stood up. His face held not a trace of humor in it as he pushed the tip of his blade at the man’s chest. “Get lost. And don’t you ever, ever threaten a person again while trying to steal from someone, got it?” He leaned in close, whispering, “If you do, you’ll have to answer to the Master of the Thieves Guild in Astrior – and trust me, he’s not a very lenient person, nor a very kind one.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Krystal looked up as she heard the door of the pub open. She stared at the male elf that entered. He was kind of tall, with black hair and blue eyes, as well as a rather pale complexion. She made note of all the weapons he had: two knives (and there were probably more), a scimitar, and a bow and arrow.

He looks nice enough, and he’s kind of handsome too, but I’ve learned to not trust appearances by now, if nothing else, she thought warily, keeping her head hidden in the hood of her blue cloak as she continued to watch the man. His eyes swept the room, stopping to linger on her for a little longer than everything else.

She was acutely aware of him as he made his way over to the table next to hers and sat down. Turning her thoughts away from him for the moment, she suddenly heard someone say, “…watch me kill that woman over there, “from the direction of the table the other elf was sitting at. She looked up and met the elf’s eyes, raising her eyebrow in query. He shrugged before raising an inquiring eyebrow of his own as he looked at the ever so faint outlines in her black pants, all very easily accessible to her, which indicated where she was hiding her three knives.

He’s either a very skilled warrior, or a highly trained thief. I’m putting my money on the latter of the two. I’d better watch the pouch that holds my money, “ she thought, and as she watched him, the elf turned to the haggard man who had walked up to him and smirk. He said something, to which the other replied. After a few moments of talking between the two men, the elf slowly stood up, his face no longer holding even a hint of humor, and Krystal caught a fleeting glimpse of steel as the elf leaned forward. He said something and the man paled, immediately walking away from the elf and making his way to the door as quickly as he could.

With the excitement over, Krystal turned back to her meager meal, which consisted only of a glass of water and a loaf of bread. As her hand clasped around her glass, she felt, rather than saw, a shadow fall over her, and looked up, straight into the eyes of the male elf that had saved her from what could have been a very bloody death on her part.

“May I sit with you?” The elf’s voice was quiet and persuasive, the kind of voice most people find hardest to disobey. Unfortunately, Krystal was one of these, however, she was prepared for something like this, and handled the situation perfectly.

“Of course. Why ever not? “ The question was a rhetorical one, and she didn’t expect him to answer it. Her hood was up, and she made sure it was pulled very far forward. Far enough forward so that the elf would only be able to see the lower portion of her face, the rest being hidden in shadow.

“Thank you,” the elf said, as he sat cross-legged in the chair across from her, and draped his arm over the back of it. His voice was calm as he talked.

“My name is Krystal. May I inquire as to whom I happen to have the pleasure of dining with?” Krystal’s voice was cool and collected as she stared directly the man before her.

“Krystal, huh? I feel I recognize the name from somewhere. Anyway, my name is Sirius. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure’s all mine. Why are you here, if I may ask?

“I’m from Astrior, and came here looking for a decent quest to go on. I’m running a little low on money so…” He shrugged before continuing. “Do you happen to know of any interesting ones?”

“Well, yes… yes, I do. Actually, I am looking for some companions to help me on my own quest.”

“Oh? And just what would this quest involve?”

“I need some help finding something,” she said evasively.

“Which is?”

“A blue crystal – actually, it’s a gem that only [i]looks
like a blue crystal. It’s the only one of its kind, so we won’t be having any trouble mistaking it,” she replied. “The reward will be whatever you want when we’re through – and that will be once I have presented the gem to the king.”

“Wow, that sounds like some pretty good conditions – may I accompany you on this journey?”

“Do you happen to be a thief?”

“If I do, would it make any difference? I’m not going to steal from you or any of the companions who us – unless I don’t get the reward I was promised. In which case, I’d recommend watching your purse at all times.” His easy smile never wavered as he said this, and despite the threat, Krystal couldn’t help but like him.

What a playboy, she thought, feeling both annoyed and slightly amused.

“Well, I suppose it won’t make a difference – and it might come in handy to have someone who can pick a few locks on our side,” she mused, shrugging. “In any event, we will need at least two other companions to help us in our search – do you know of any people who might be willing?”

Just then, the door to the pub opened, and in walked a girl, about sixteen or seventeen, with long white hair, clear blue eyes, and a skirt with black leggings and top. Walking in her tall black boots, she made her way to the counter where the bartender was still hanging about. Krystal noted, as she had with Sirius, the girls weapons: a bow and arrow, several knives hidden on her person (and Krystal suspected she had more), and a strange, very long, very thin sword that looked both strong and flexible at the same time. Krystal also noted the fact that Sirius did the exact same thing.

With a glass of water and a small loaf of bread, the girl looked around, and her eyes focused on their table. With small, light steps, she made her way toward them. Krystal saw Sirius reach for one of his knives.

“May I sit with you two? The other men look a bit more intimidating and less talkative then you do, and I like to sit in the company of others.” The girl smiled brightly, but even so, Sirius did not take his hand away from his knife.

Krystal decided to take the matter into her own hands. “Of course, go ahead and pull up a seat.” She smiled. “I’m Krystal by the way, and this is my companion, Sirius. What might your name be?”

“I’m Rika. Rika Sharot. You guys seemed to be discussing something important before I walked in – mind letting me in the loop?” Rika stirred her glass of water with a straw, staring at them with an easy-going smile as she rested her chin on her hand.

“We were discussing a quest. The reward will be as much money as you want once we’re done.” Krystal glanced at Sirius, imploringly. After giving her a strange look, he sighed and turned to the newcomer.

“The quest is to find a gem that looks like a blue crystal. According to our own little crystal over here,” he indicated Krystal with a grin, “it’s the only gem of its kind, and after we find it and bring it before the king of Evandor, we’ll get our reward. What say you? Would you like to join us?”

“Oh, would I! I’m running low on money, but if I could get as much money as I wanted, I’d never have to worry about that again! Are you sure you want me to come? After all, we’ve only just met.” Rika look at them questioningly.

“Yes, well, that won’t be a problem I think, seeing as we’ve only just met ourselves,” Krystal replied, raising an eyebrow at Sirius as he looked in the direction of the door. He didn’t really seem to see it, but when he noticed her looking, he grinned at her, the kind of grin that makes every woman’s heart melt in their chest.

What a playboy, she thought again, a bit more fondly. She had a suspicion she’d be thinking that a lot from now on.

“Well, let’s get to business!” Rika looked at them happily, and her smile became infectious.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

* Hope this isn't too long... :D I write too much. :roll:




<== Hurry and click, before they all die!

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203 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 203
Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:15 am
October Girl says...

wait... what? I'm so confused?

Am I another guy or am I sirus?***
We're meant to be one
I know we are...
If I am the Sky
Then you are my star... ™

Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.
— Roy T. Bennett