
Young Writers Society

The Cataclyx

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Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:46 pm
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Necromancer14 says...


It's the 21st century and nobody believes in magic or monsters. Of course, that doesn't mean that magic and monsters aren't real. They're just all frozen in time. Now, however, an archaeologist has found something that has disturbed their sleep, and since someone has triggered the cataclyx, well...

The past has awoken. And it is coming to conquer the present.

Spoiler! :
The world is set in modern times, but monsters are appearing. Many people have the ability to learn magic, but they don't know it (yet). What the archaeologist had found specifically was some "old bones" (which were actually a Dracolich) that animated when he touched them. He fled in terror, barely escaping. Then, he did a bunch of extensive research and found that there were a bunch of creatures that used to live in the medieval times, but people hunted them down as they were carnivorous and many of them ate humans. So, an extremely powerful wizard had made a spell called the cataclyx which would freeze all the remaining monsters in time and bury them underground, waiting to be discovered which would then release the spell and all the magic that had been trapped down there. However, that's only half of the ridiculously powerful spell, because it's also a bomb, activated when the archaeologist found the monster frozen in time. Once the bomb was activated, it was only a matter of months before all humanity was destroyed in a magic explosion targeting humans specifically.

So how did the archaeologist learn all this? Well, that's one of the questions, isn't it.

Larry Shelton: @Necromancer14
Kassandra Jaya Hüber: @LZPianoGirl
Apollus Roosevelt: @kattee
Daisy Agatha Kent: @HarryHardy
Cleopatra Astor: @Shadeflame

Just a note for newcomers: don't post here unless it's one of the chapter post thingies. Post any questions or comments in the discussion post.

Also, credit goes to @HarryHardy for the cover image.
Last edited by Necromancer14 on Tue Aug 04, 2020 3:47 pm, edited 16 times in total.
Dumbledore: "Now, it's great that you've been saving the school and all Harry, but unfortunately your grades have been a tad low, and, well... perhaps Gandalf could explain it better... hit it, Gandalf!


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Wed Jul 29, 2020 5:26 pm
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Necromancer14 says...

Larry Shelton

Larry stood in the pouring rain and shivered. He shivered not just because he was cold and wet, but because he was rather frightened. He was standing at a bus stop, but there was someone, or something, standing beside him with their back turned.

He really hoped it was a someone. If it was a something, he might get eaten for lunch.

Finally, the bus arrived. The bus was your typical blue city bus, with the brand name slapped onto the side. As Larry Shelton entered, he saw the stranger’s face and breathed a sigh of relief. The stranger was human, not some sort of goblinoid or worse. Larry knew that the chances were low for them being a monster, but he could never be sure.

Larry used to be an archaeologist. However, he had quit several weeks ago, because the job terrified him now. He thought back to the horrible event that had set off the Cataclyx, which was the horrible apocalypse that involved not only monsters, but worse…

Larry had been digging at an archaeologist site. However, this site had been drilling extremely deep into the Earth’s crust, and that’s where they had found something on the radar. Larry had gone down to see what this thing was specifically as the computer couldn’t place it, and found it to be some new sort of extinct creature’s skeleton. At least, that’s what Larry thought it was. Unfortunately, as Larry tried to dig it up, well...

I’d never been more scared in my life, thought Larry, remembering how it had started to move. And those eyes in its skull; those creepy, green-glowing eyes.

He shook himself back into reality because the bus officer wanted to see his ticket. He pulled it out and showed it to her. She hole-punched it and gave it back to him, moving on to the next person.

As the bus continued to bumble its way through the streets of New York, Larry felt an uneasy feeling in his gut. It began to make him feel nauseated. Or maybe I’m just nauseated because I ate that huge doughnut right before getting into a moving vehicle, he speculated. Whatever the reason, he felt like he needed to puke. He got up from his seat, and headed over to the sewer-smelling public restroom.

On the way there he noticed one of the passengers looking at him in a peculiar way. His uneasiness increased. Who is that? And why do they keep on staring at me? He wondered to himself. The man looked almost like a normal human, but something was off. Larry couldn’t quite place what was wrong with the stranger, but Larry knew that the stranger didn’t look quite human.

Larry arrived at the restroom and entered, rushing over to the toilet as he felt himself beginning to heave. If that man’s a monster, I’m in no position to defend myself, he noted. Well, not that I’m very good at self defense anyway. He then let loose into the toilet, feeling the sharp scratching of bile in the back of his throat as his doughnut, now wasted, poured out of his mouth in goop form.

When he finished barfing, he both felt much better and quite hungry. He turned to leave the restroom, but saw that the stranger was standing there, looking at him. How did he get past the locked door? wondered Larry, but he already knew the answer.

The man was some sort of monster. And he definitely looked hungry.
Dumbledore: "Now, it's great that you've been saving the school and all Harry, but unfortunately your grades have been a tad low, and, well... perhaps Gandalf could explain it better... hit it, Gandalf!


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Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:58 pm
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KateHardy says...

Daisy Kent

Daisy Kent flashed her ID at the guards. They smiled at her and waved her through the reinforced concrete doors. She simply nodded in return, not bothering with a smile.

Inside, she passed through three more bio metric checks and made her way along a long corridor. The walls were made of steel, the drab metallic grey glinting in the stark white light. She made her way to the end of the corridor where, set deep into the wall, was a door marked "Special Agents Only".

She swiped her ID through the slot set below the handle. One retinal scan later and the door opened with a loud buzzing sound. She strolled inside.

The place was empty. Typical. Not one of these morons bother to show up early. She made her way to her cubicle. It was one of the largest ones at the office.

She sat down in her chair and looked at her desk. It was neatly organized unlike most of the other desks. Her laptop stood at the ready, flanked by her stationery. She let out a sigh as she leaned back in her chair, sinking into the comfortable leather. Turning to her laptop, she turned it on.

A familiar picture greeted her as the wallpaper appeared. A picture that she couldn't bring herself to change despite the memories it brought up. It was a young Daisy with her father and mother at the beach. Such an innocent girl. She had no idea what was about to happen to her. Daisy shook her head. She couldn't afford to get lost in memory lane. There was a day of work to get through.

She accessed their network and began to file her report on the mission she'd completed last week. Pulling up the document, she smiled at the memories as she typed away. Spy ring in Afghanistan. Now that was a classic one. She had almost filed it away completely when another agent finally made his way to the office.

She glanced at her watch. It was almost seven. She'd been in there for an hour and a half. Well that's earlier than they usually come. Interesting. The agent greeted her. Daisy grunted in reply and got back to her work, ignoring his existence. The man gulped and went about his day.

Daisy continued her report, her fingers flying over the keyboard with practiced efficiency. She had gotten about halfway through her daily report she was interrupted by a text from her boss.

It simply said: "Urgent Meeting. Report to my office ASAP"
Stay Safe
The Princess of Darkness

Hello! You? Yes you reading this. Have a nice day because you're wonderful and you deserve it!

Catchphrase loading. Please Wait...

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Tue Aug 04, 2020 3:33 pm
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looseleaf says...

Kasandra Jaya Hüber

"You know, Kassy, we'll be going to highschool pretty soon," Jane said as they walked down the hallway, "Open locker, on your right."

Kassy quickly moved out of the way of the locker, "Not that soon. Tytus applied when he was fourteen."

Jane rolled her eyes. Kassy always found a way to insert her brother or mother into a conversation, "True, but still. That's only two years."

"Whatever you say."

Kassy and Jane continued walking down the halls until they came to their homeroom. They were right on time. Jane and Kassy took their regular seats in the back row and started talking about highschool again.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!" Their elderly teacher exclaimed as she entered the classroom.

"Good morning, Mrs. Goldschmidt," the class repeated in unision.

Mrs. Goldschmidt opened her book and began writing something on the whiteboard. Another writing assignment. It seemed like every week she had a new essay, presentation, or project for them to complete in five days. This week it was a report on an important person in history.

"I really wish she would not assign us this," Jane sighed, "I have so much work."

"That's because you never turn in your homework," Kassy whispered back.

"So? Still a lot of work."

Kassy returned to facing the board. She had plenty of chores to do at home, meaning she would have hardly any time to write the paper. Mrs. Goldschmidt walked up and down the rows, handing out the rubric, "This is your rubric! Do not lose it, you only get one copy!"

Kassy sighed and held the rubric in her hand. Mrs. Goldschmidt made her way back to the front of the class and resumed teaching.

Then, suddenly, Jane let out a loud gasp and screamed, "KASSY! YOUR PAPER!"

Kassy swiftly looked back down at her paper, which was still in her hands. It was... burning. The paper was on fire and was already half disintegrated. Kassy threw the paper on the ground and quickly stomped the flames out. Soon enough, all that was left of her rubric was some burning embers and a crumpled strip of paper.

"Mrs. Hüber!" Mrs. Goldschmidt yelled. All eyes were on Kassy, "What in the name of Christ was that?!"

"I... I..." Kassy stuttered and looked around the room. She had no idea what happened, "I don't know!"

"What do you mean you 'don't know'? Principal's office, now!"

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Sat Aug 08, 2020 7:53 pm
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Shadeflame says...

Cleopatra Astor

Cleo opened the door to her vet clinic and strode inside, slipping off her coat as she did so. She was ready for the day ahead, even though she hadn't gotten much sleep last night. Not a smart move, she chided herself. You have to be alert and ready. Who knows what could happen. The door gave a pleasant ding-ling as her vet tech, Maria strode in, her brown hair already pulled back into a ponytail.

"Cleo!" Maria greeted her. "How's little Speckles doing?"

Cleo smiled back. "He's good. Hey, did you hear about the monsters on the news?"

Maria shook her head. "Cleo," she warned. "Are you jumping to ridiculous conclusions again?"

"No! This time it's true, I swear! They cover it up quick, but you can still see reports of monsters coming up on people's social media if you find them fast enough."

Maria shook her head. "This isn't your conspiracy blog here Cleo, this is work and you are Dr. Cleopatra Astor."

Cleo sighed. "You're right, as always. What would I do without my best friend to bring me back to reality?"

"You'd float off into space." Maria grinned. "Now you have to focus. Ana is sick, so you'll have to cover for her and we'll be opening soon."

Cleo nodded and walked into the back room to get ready, pulling on her white coat. She was going to be busy today.

The day passed in a blur, and soon it was time for the last patient of the day, a Mr.-
Cleo checked her notes. A Mr. Apollos Roosevelt. Not the most normal name Cleo had seen, but not the weirdest either. One time she had a lady come in with the name of Lizard. Cleo wasn't judging though, her name was hardly typical. She stepped out into the waiting room and called out. "Mr. Roosevelt, I'm ready for you!"

The lone man sitting in the waiting room picked up a cat carrier and strode into the examination room.

"I'm Dr. Cleo Astor, and I'll be looking at your pet-" she glanced down at her clipboard, "-pig. I have to tell you, I don't often see many pigs, but don't worry. I am a highly trained professional. Do you mind?" She gestured to the carrier, and Apollos placed it on the examining table.

What's this little cutie's name?" she crooned, peering through the bars of the carrier.

"Uh. Nothing?'

Cleo straightened up. "Well, that's certainly an unusual choice, but each to their own." She uncapped her pen and prepared to scrawl it down in the records.

"No, I don't think you understand," Apollus said. "He doesn't have a name. I just never got around to it. It slipped my mind."

Cleo stared at him quizzically, trying to determine if he was joking or not. "I see," she finally said. "But he has to have a name for the records."

"I'm telling you he doesn't have a name. Can't you just write down no name or something like that?"

Cleo sighed. "Alright then. So is this just a check-up?"

Apollos shook his head. "His right front leg is hurt. I'm worried about him."

Cleo coaxed the little pig out of the cage and quickly examined it. "It just seems to be a small gash, so he should be okay." She smeared some antibiotic cream on the wound, and then wrapped it up with a bandage. "There you go little guy. He should be good now." She smiled at Apollos, but stopped as she saw the look of horror on his face.

"Duck!" he growled, leaping forwards and pushing her out of the way, his left hand wreathed in flames.

Cleo fell to the ground, and rolled away, a curse forming on her lips, but when she saw the thing that he had tackled, she stared in horror. It was a monstrous beast, the size of a Great Dane, with glowing pink eyes and scruffy yellow fur. Apollos pinned it to the ground with one hand, avoiding its slathering jaws, while with the other he sent a stream of fire towards it, barbecuing its body.

Cleo stood up, her legs shaking. "What the hell was that?" she demanded. "Why did you push me over like that?"

Apollos stared at her. "There was a monster behind you."

She glared at him. "You could have just TOLD ME instead of attacking me."

Apollos heaved a sigh. "I should probably be going." He picked up the cat carrier and turned to leave, but Cleo grabbed his arm.

"You can't go, what about the money?"

"What money?" Apollos looked confused. "I just saved your life, if anything you owe me."

Cleo scowled. "What was that thing." She gestured to the charred corpse. "And did fire come out of your HANDS? Oh my gosh I need to get a picture of this! I finally have proof!" She quickly snapped a picture of the dead corpse. "Now explain."

Apollos shook his head and pulled away. "I should be going."

Cleo grabbed his arm again. "You're explaining this to me or I'm calling the cops."
English isn't a language, it's three languages stacked up on top of each other wearing a trenchcoat.

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Tue Aug 25, 2020 12:56 pm
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kattee says...

Paul Roosevelt

Pesky humans. They lack, in every way, courtesy. It's been more than three hours since the blast of speakers and screams amplified throughout his whole room. He might've paid for a den or a chicken coop with these mental dunderheads staying. Sitting straight on his bed, he grabbed his phone and checked the time. 2:30 a.m.

He muttered all kinds of curses whilst holding his phone tightly. Rather than his phone, he flung the duvet off him.

He carried the piglet on the bedside and hurried to the lobby. He saw the employees eye him, which compelled him to look to where they landed. He was in his tattered sleeping wear. It's scorching, what do they expect? Paul's patience was running thin as he attempted to acclimate with these incorrigible pests running the place. Where was his race? Why did they cower whilst these weaklings barrel everywhere? He'd be relieved if they helped him remove those pests mouth.They have so much power, couldn't they use it? Now, he couldn't call these pests foolish when his race was also the same.

Although it was rather odd. He hadn't seen anyone like him at all. It's been yonks since he woke up beside a waddle of penguins. With their overwhelming gazes, he was at a loss. His hands were webbed with ice. The frozen touch -- everything -- was excruciating that he hit the ice so hard with his head just to set himself free. He didn't notice how much it damaged his head until he collapsed on the icefloor.

Back then, he felt so helpless. He didn't know how to survive -- not until he learned what this world's prize possession was: money. Time could run out of milk but these people will always yearn for money. There was neither rhyme nor reason for their greed because it was easy to get a hold of them, albeit he had a cheat sheet. Greed. The most dehumanising word he encountered. It reminded him of that blasted family he escaped from when he heard about a boarding ship.

There was that man, wearing a peaked cap with something gold (a coin perhaps?) embedded on it, standing by the entrance of the ship. He was shaking the hands of everyone who entered. Paul walked through the metallic floorboard. It was much more stable than he thought. He was about to enter when a hand blocked his way. It was the peaked cap man.

He shook its hands and was about to go on his way, but the man's hand remained unmoved. "Yer ticket, boy?"

"You need one?" He tilted his head.

He looked at me increduously, "Why 'a course! Ye cracked yer head?"

"I see. How do I get one?" Ah. So they weren't shaking hands, he thought to himself.

"Ye playin' with me?" The man shooed him off with his hand, "I got no times fer games, scoot off."

"No!" He had -- needs -- to leave. "Please! How do I get them?"

"There's no more room fer ye! 'Les you got huge money fer the lux rooms."

"Money? What kind of currency?"

The man raised his eyebrow, "Euros, got one?"

"Can I see what it looks like?"

"Oh that's it." The man looked to the right and whistled, "Berth!"

Another man, much younger, came out. "Yes, Captain?"

The Captain pointed at me, "Bring the man out. He's holding 'a the queue."

Berth looked at Paul, "Come with me, Sir," and grabbed his arm.

"No!" Paul clutched the Captain's sleeves. "If you show it to me, I might've tons!"

He snorted, "Codswallop."

"Just please." Paul begged, even cracking at the last word.

The Captain glared at him and sighed. "Yer wasting yer looks with that lack 'a pride." The Captian nodded to Berth that let go of Paul. "This lad," He brought out a bill, "doubt ye got enough."

"Wait." He looked at the bill thoroughly, from front to back. Opening his satchel, he pretended that he was rummaging it. He chanted a few words that they could barely hear and brought out a brick-wide of the said bills. "I do."

Both of their eyes went bulged. The Captain raised his eyebrows, "Where's yer ID card?"

"Uh..." He grabbed something from his satchel and another pile of bills popped. "I lost it, is this enough to compensate? I can add more if you ask."

The Captain snatched the bill and examined it, whispering "Ain't fake." He coughed, "If ye surely have more, then it's certainly not a problem."

"But Captain! We need to--"

"Silence boy, this chap here proved himself trusted."

Berth was about to protest once again when Paul handed him money. "Thank you so much." His mouth hung open as he took the cash.

"Y-yes. Welcome and enjoy your stay." He nodded and went back to his position. Those rectangle papers could turn things around in a snap.

He entered a large hotel -- two buildings adjoined by a long horizontal one. It was like a valley with two mountains, only that it was concrete. It was filled with windows and had a butterfly roof made out of solar panels. He went through a golden revolving door, heading to a vestibule, then the lobby. He found everything excessive but that's what everything this place had to make one feel. Lonely money-gleaners found comfort in luxury. His blue eyes did not fail to see suspicious looks from all-black dressed buffs.

He didn't care. An entrance with surprise will never fail to amuse him. What worries him was the piglet because it might find them uncomfortable. He gently caressed it whilst heading to the concierge, earning a raised eyebrow from the woman sitting. Ah. the ever-familiar expression. He looked at the name badge, manager. Great. It won't take too much of my time then.

Releasing a heavy breath, "Can I get a room, Ms.?"

She went back to looking at the monitor. "Any reservations?"


"Can't help you." She said, barely giving him a glance.

"Now, Now. " He leaned his arm on the concierge table, "Hotels usually have spare rooms, am I right?"

The woman clicked her tongue and eyed him from top to bottom. Such insolence. "Yes. However, those are only offered to those who can afford. If it isn't evident, Sir, our rooms are upscale."

"And?" Humans never changed, thinking that the clothes maketh the man. This woman was a clone.

"Do I need to spell it out for you? There's little time on my hands so if you could walk yourself to the door or I could ask the guards to escort you." He didn't miss the little gesture the woman did with her fingers. This was either a deja vu or this was that Captain, only this time playing as a full-time gender bender. He felt someone approached them.

"Is there a problem?" It was one of the all-black buffs. Nice to meet you, Berth Jr. How many Berth's had he encountered?

"Apparently, so." Paul said, not giving the woman any chance to speak. "Ms. Manager here doesn't want to give me a room."

Berth Jr. eyed him with raised eyebrows. "Well, the Manager must've a plausible reason for that. Given your..." Berth the Junior cleared his throat. "Please follow me out. I prefer you'd go to cheaper inns across the street."

"Really now?" He tried to put the pig down, but it snuggled on his neck. He had to feel the pocket and with a wide smile held on a card in a way that all of them could clearly see. "Is her reason plausible enough for you if I use this?" He couldn't feel more satisfied by the looks he elicited from their faces.

But it shifted from shock to fear to their usual suspicious gaze. He didn't expect that.

"Where'd you get that?" The woman's voice alarmed. Paul stopped himself from rolling his eyes.

"If it isn't evident, Ma'am," He mimicked. "it's mine." She eyed the guard and he nodded.

"Sir, I'd like to confiscate that from you," the guard held out his hand, "And wait in the security room for verification."

"Pardon me?" Lil Berth Jr needed to be taught manners. His words -- to a guest -- weren't a request, they were a command.

"You heard me."

"And how long will that take?" Paul was dumbfounded, these elitist pests. I'd swat you, but I don't want to steep that low.

"Around six to seven hours. When the hotelier's awake."

Paul pulled his head frustratingly. "Enough." He took out his phone and dialled a number. After a few rings, he yelled, "Sabrina!"

"W-what?" She complained with a groggy voice. "Do you know what time it is!?"

"That's the point. I want you to call the hotelier so they could give me my room!"

"Huh? Aren't you --"

"Well, I'm already here, aren't I?" He continued ruffling his hair. "Just. Call. Them. I'll be staying here for quite some time."

"Alright. What hotel's that?"

"Gemina," he then hung up. He looked at the two and sneered, "Just wait for a few minutes. You'll be receiving a call."

After a quarter passed, the guard began, "Let's not waste our time --" The telephone rang.

"Good morning, Manager speaking." She knitted her eyebrows. "Yes?" Her eyes went wide and looked at Paul. Paul replied with a smug look. The call ended and she straightened up her skirt, "Mr..."

"Roosevelt." The woman's lips were quivering and it couldn't be more entertaining for him.

"Y-yes." She got out of the concierge table, "I'll le-lead you to yo-your room, Mr. Roosevelt."

"Shouldn't you just ask someone to? You're rostered here."

Berth Jr. coughed and the other two faced him, "Sir Roosevelt still hasn't been verified..." He's voice lowered at the last word, seeing that the woman held a piercing gaze. She'd be a great actress with such a shift.

"Mr. Roosevelt had been verified. Politeness is practised to such an esteemed guest." Paul was sure he heard this phrase before, only a little bit different.

"Ah..." The guard looked back and forth from the woman and Paul and coughed. "Without a doubt. I'll be on my way."

The woman led him to the lift. It was a long yet amusing time up, seeing her glancing at him and averting whenever he returned the favour. They arrived at the very top floor. He was led to a double-door made out of limestone with a circle window in the middle. There was a stained glass Cross in the middle with blue and yellow colours surrounding it. The woman attached the card and a red light started scanning it. The door automatically opened.

They were greeted by a large drawing room lounge. Three long sofas and side tables en-squared an ottoman table with succulents on them. There was no view. The windows were lapped by thick firebrick curtains. It was perfect. Why did he reject this again? He could get quite used to this. "This is the key, " she gave him the card, "is there anything else you want, Mr. Roosevelt?"

"Crepe. A blueberry crepe with bananas and cream cheese."

She nodded, "It will be delivered as soon as possible," and turned to leave.

"Ah wait." The woman, already out, turned her head. "Ms. Manager, kindly prepare your bags afterwards." Her mouth hung open whilst he snickered. "Tell Ber--that guard as well. If I see you both tomorrow, you might not get an extra pay."

He closed the door, preventing her from saying anything else. She should've seen that coming. It's all Greek to him how they were hired in the first place. What kind of employee disrespect their guests? He looked at the time, 3:17 a.m., and dumped himself on the sofa. He felt the piglet on his shoulder move towards his chest, feeling the same exhaustion he had. He couldn't even walk to the room, fearing that his limbs would crack.

"Witch!" He opened his eyes. He was environed by red foliage. The leaves were easily blown by the wind and every footstep he took brought out a crunch. Looking at his legs, he was running. Since when did he get here? He looked over to the loud screams at his back. There was a mob holding pitchforks and torches. "Seize that witch!"

"Burn him!"

"No. Drown him!"

He panicked and raced out as fast as his legs could go. He was wary of tripping since one wrong move could be the end. They would catch up to him and they'd do whatever they wanted. He looked at the hairs on his arms, they stood. It made him aware of the bruises all over his skin. The leaves started reducing and he was faced with a vast open land. He wanted to get back to the forest because it's an easier hideout but he couldn't control himself. He continued running in a straight path.

"Get him!" He heard them cry. What he feared most greeted him because he found himself at a dead end. Planning to run back to the forest, he looked back. They were all there. Still and silent. All were just watching him with their beastly gazes. He took a few steps backward. A twig snapped, it somehow snapped them out from something as they resorted back to yelling. "Kill him!"

"Push him off the cliff!" They marched forward.

"This plague was brought by this ill-fated atrocity!" Only five feet away now.

He continued stepping back and begged, "W-wait. Please stop. I'm not--" They all ran towards him and all he could do was scream. "NOOO--"

The chandelier.

He dreamt of it again. He sat up, feeling sweat all over his neck and face. He felt the piglet, who fell off his chest, sit on his lap. It was stomping its legs on his stomach. He caressed it on its heads to its ears. Sometimes, he pondered whether it could understand him or not. He opened the lampshade and saw a large black spot on the pillows beside him. Not again, he groused whilst ruffling his hair. It's another explaining to do. Although he could just make up stupid reasons -- those demented ducks believe anything anyway -- it's still burdensome.

His fear turned into frustration. He couldn't hate humans even more. He was so done with them. Done with their eyes. And those wretched stares. The first time he witnessed such sinister eyes was when he was taken by that family. He expected to wake up with the penguins and the usual frozen floor but he was surrounded by wood -- everything was made of it, even the bed. His back hurt.

He covered his face with his hands. There was nothing he could remember. Nothing but his name. He looked at his hands and they were spasming -- urging him to heave heavy breaths. Calm down. He needed to find out where he was and what happened. He limped out and the moment he grabbed the knob, someone turned it for him. It was a kid, brunette with brown eyes. He was wrapped by an oddly thick yellow clothing. Unlike him, the boy was too shocked that he flinched a step back.

"U-ugh. I din't know you're awa-wake. I was j-just."

He leaned down and combed the little boy's hair. He found the boy adorable. "Did you know who brought me here, kid?" Before anything else, the most important thing was to pay back the people who saved him.

The boy nodded his head and held out his hand. Paul raised his eyebrows. "I'll bring you to them." The boy led him out of the house. It was a medium-sized house -- possibly a tudor. "Dad!"

There were a group of men with the same jackets. They were circling around a large metallic cylinder. A man with blonde hair and green eyes turned to them. He waved at the boy, but at the sight of Paul, his eyebrows knitted.

He ran to them. "James! Why d'yu bring the lad out?"

"H-he told me too." The boy looked at him, his face red and mouth pouting.

He turned to Paul, "Ar'nt you cold, mate?"

Paul raised his eyebrow, "Not at all."

"Well ar'n't you quite a weird one," green eyes gleamed. "Are you alright now?"

Paul nodded and bowed, "Ic þancie þē"

The man raised both his hands, "Woah there, what was that?" He laughed.

"You saved me. I just want to give my utmost gratitude."

He waved his hand, urging Paul to straighten. "It's alright, lad. All I could say was how weird it was. How'd you end up there?"

Paul shook his head, "I've no idea. I can't remember anything. Perchance, it's related to the accident." For a second, he thought the man's lips twitched.

"I see..." He tapped on his lips. "I can get you checked by a doctor."

"What's a doctor?"

"E-excuse me?" The man was dumbfounded at the question. "That accident must've damaged you a lot. They're the one who'll cure you."

"Ah," Paul bowed his head again, this time much deeper, "I thank thee and am indebted to you."

"Indebted you say?" Paul nodded repeatedly. "Well, I hope you'll be of help soon."

He regretted saying those words. Indebted? He was nowhere near that. Time continued to move. He wanted to get out of there as soon as his memory came back but none did. None but one. At first, they treated him like family but after a few weeks, they started asking him for help. It gradually ended up with him doing most of the jobs. There's also the weekly interrogation. There were too many questions that his head hurt just by remembering. The people who 'saved' him were also eager to find out who he was. When they couldn't get anything from him, they'd wallop him. He'd be left off bruised whilst all they did was stare with their measly eyes. But unlike the mob in his dreams, they were too cowardly to take it any further than that.

The piglet's legs started shaking. He looked at it and it's coughing, tiny nose releasing snot. "Are you all right?" He combed its head again and noticed how hot it was. He checked the time: one in the afternoon. It was that late, huh.

He gently carried the pig, "Looks like we've to take you to the vet."
If you want some sweet reviews to your poems, short stories, and essays, come by Katteelogue.

Have a lovely day❤️

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Sat Sep 05, 2020 4:00 pm
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Necromancer14 says...

Larry Shelton

Larry frantically looked about the restroom for some kind of escape route, but couldn't find any.

"Uh, you do know that this is a one-person bathroom, right?" he asked the stranger, hoping to stall the most-likely-a-monster.

"I am not a person," replied the stranger, further confirming Larry's fears.

"Uh, well, you kinda look like a person..." said Larry, still attempting to stall. Please don't eat me, he thought.

"I do? Oh, you're right! I forgot to remove the disguise," the monster said cheerfully, beginning to morph.

Larry saw his chance. He barreled past the monster while it was busy transforming, and then he ran all the way to the back of the bus, followed by the other passengers' stares. Once he was at the back of the bus, he started opening the emergency hatch.

"Hey! You! What do you think you're doing?" asked the officer who had checked his ticket earlier.

"Um..." replied Larry, trying desperately to think of an excuse. Then screams began filling the overheated bus air and Larry heard a loud roar.

"You need to get everyone off this bus. Now," said Larry, and then the bus suddenly swerved wildly and begin to tip over. The police woman tried to pull a walkie-talkie out of her belt, probably to call for backup.

Larry was thrown into the air, which gave him a flashback of that time when he rode a roller-coaster. Then he smashed into the emergency hatch he was trying to open, just as the monster came into sight. It was a huge humanoid with ridiculously long arms and long, matted hair. Its skin looked like the texture of a frog.

You've gotta be kidding me, thought Larry, though he couldn't tell if it was because of the troll or the fact that he had smashed his back.

Then, right when Larry thought that for sure he and everyone on this bus was going to be troll fodder, the whole bus froze in midair.

What? thought Larry, trying to comprehend what had just happened. The whole bus, along with the troll, were suspended in midair.

A few seconds went by before everyone realized that they should probably leave the bus before it unfroze. They all swarmed out of the bus, with Larry hopping out of the emergency hatch since he was right by it. Then they all just stared at the bus, which was surrounded by a glowing blue aura. Of course, after they had stopped gaping, everyone then whipped out their phones and began taking pictures.

Larry however was looking around for what had caused this. It would take a heck of an amount of energy to keep something as big and heavy as a bus and as strong as a troll in a suspension plane, he speculated. Then he saw a young girl with a strained look under her face standing under the bus, right where it was about to land, with her hands glowing the same color blue as the bus.

She walked out from under the bus, and then it fell to the Earth, exploding. Larry approached her, noticing that she looked just as shocked as everyone else. She then looked around and saw him approaching.

"I... what... that was... accident... how..." she babbled.

"What's you're name?" asked Larry.

"Kassandra," she replied. "But... how..."

Larry knew exactly what was happening. However, he felt almost as shocked as she looked. How is she so powerful? That must've taken an insane amount of energy, and she only looks slightly winded.

"I was only on my way back from school..." she said in an I'm-giving-an-excuse voice. "I didn't really try to, I was just... I dunno, it just sorta happened..."

"Wait, so YOU caused this?" came a third voice. Larry looked up and saw the police woman.

"What? no, I..." began Kassandra, but the police woman began talking into her walkie-talkie.

"Emergency. We need lots of backup. Send agent Kent."
Dumbledore: "Now, it's great that you've been saving the school and all Harry, but unfortunately your grades have been a tad low, and, well... perhaps Gandalf could explain it better... hit it, Gandalf!


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Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:08 am
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KateHardy says...


Daisy stared at the screen for a few seconds. Well this day is going to get interesting. She pressed save on the report that she had started on and locked the computer before getting up from her desk. She checked the time. Well today things are getting started early. She walked in the direction of her boss' office.

It was not a very long walk and Daisy just had enough time to straighten her suit and make sure that there was nothing out of place. She checked for the familiar weight of her weapons and made sure that they were secure. It would not do look anything but the best in front of the boss. She came to a stop in front of the steel door that separated the office from the outside world.

Taking a deep breath, she cleared her mind of all unnecessary emotions and got ready to focus only on what the exact instructions are. She gave herself one last pat down, steeled herself and then knocked on the door three times, keeping her hand steady and hiding all her nerves deep down in a dark corner of her mind.

"Come in!" came a rough male voice.

Daisy took a deep breath, before she flashed her ID at the door, causing it to unlock and then made her way inside. It was the room that housed perhaps one of the most powerful people in the entire world and yet it did not look the part at all. It was very sparsely decorated with barely anything that looked like it was even remotely comfortable. The whole area was decked out in very drab colors that inspired only a sense of boredom. the furniture was minimal clearly made with function being the one and only thing in mind. There wasn't even a tiny design on any of the chairs. If anyone had been teleported in there without context they'd think it was a very low budget office space from an ancient rundown building.

Daisy faced the desk where her boss sat. The plain steel was tarnished to the point that it barely glinted in the amber light coming from the ceiling. She forced herself to meet the eyes of Direct Austin Kane. His eyes were as black as the darkest night. They appeared to be portals straight to hell.

"Agent Kent, Good Morning," he said gruffly.

"Good Morning, sir," she replied stiffly.

"It appears we have a problem today Kent, one where your presence was specifically requested," said the man, face set in a frown.

"I gathered that from the message sir," she replied. What on Earth could be that be at this time of day?

"Precisely," he said, cracking the tiniest hint of a smile," I did not want an announcement because it appears you will be deployed on this one alone. You will have no partner."


"Not even Agent Summers," he said," unless the situation absolutely calls for it."

"I understand sir," said Daisy, bowing her head. Typical. I also have to do things alone. I hope Lena won't be mad.

"Good. So you are to head out to somewhere near Pricoat Avenue where there has been a somewhat...unique report of a girl that suspended a bus in mid air."

"Wouldn't be the craziest thing I've ever heard. The last few months have been...interesting."

"Yes they have, haven't they?" said Austin. "Well if I were you I would get moving as soon as possible. We don't want to give this girl a chance to escape."

"Did they have a name?" asked Daisy. Better the poor girl get away or they will turn her into a lab rat.

"No. And I will let you handle most of the specifics to prevent any accidents, shall we say?" said Kane, giving her a very subtle nod.

"I understand sir," she said, cracking an actual smile. How did he read me so well?. " We wouldn't want an accident to befall a poor young soul."

"Exactly. Now you may leave. I expect you back with a report by sundown."

"Yes sir," said Daisy, giving him a small salute," permission to leave."

"Permission granted Kent," he said," take care of yourself out there."

"Thank you sir," she said and headed for the door. As she was about to open it, Kane cleared his throat behind her.

"Yes sir?" she asked, turning.

"Life does not always present us with what we want. Agent Summers will be the first one dispatched in case you need backup."

"Thank you sir. I hope it does not escalate to that state."

"Ah you sure about that?" asked Austin, this time a proper smile gracing his lips.

Daisy couldn't help but go a little red. "Is it that obvious?"

"Unfortunately for the rest of us, it is," said Austin," now get there as fast as you can. Try not to take an hour to say goodbye."

Valiantly attempting to snuff out the smile on her face, she headed out of the door, letting the door close itself behind her. She headed for the lounge. Please Lena don't be late today. I can't leave without saying goodbye.


"Daisy, always here by the crack of dawn," said, Lena, grabbing Daisy in a hug the moment she set eyes on her. Her blond hair only came up to Daisy's chin.

"Morning Lena," she said," you know that I have nothing better to do at home."

"You know, I happen to know about this wonderful thing known as sleep," she said.

"Ohh...is that a new invention? I've never heard of it," replied Daisy, smirking.

"I can see, Ms. Red Eyes," she said pulling away.

"I have red hair, not eyes, sure you're prescription doesn't need checking Lena," she said.

"Maybe I am color blind, but red or blue, I can see enough to say they are some of the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen," said Lena.

"Oh stop it," said Daisy, unable to stop the blush that crept over her cheeks. Why do you do this to me Lena?

"*I call it like I see it girl. So what brings you out here this early?" asked Lena.

"Oh, I have to leave for a bit," said Daisy, her smile immediately disappearing.

"Alone?" asked Lena, clearly dreading the answer by the tone of here voice.

"Yes. Apparently I have to do this alone."

"I am going to slap that..." began Lena, anger quickly overcoming her features.

"No, it wasn't his fault. They apparently asked for me specifically. Its just a little thing," said Daisy.

"Are you sure that you won't have any trouble?" asked Lena.

"You know that I can't promise you that," replied Daisy. And please don't looks so sad or I won't be able to leave.

"You better come back in one piece," she said," or you're going to regret it."

"Of course I will," said Daisy, giving her a small smile. Lena pulled her into a tight hug.

"You better be back by sundown," she whisphered.

"Yes Mom. I won't be late," said Daisy, pulling away. She gave here a cheery wave and walked off towards the exit, wiping off a solitary tear that threatened to spill at the worried look on Lena's face. Game face Kent. You have a mission to accomplish.

She stormed past the guards, not even glancing at them to acknowledge their wishes and headed for her car. It was a non descript custom built car specifically produced only for the government. Of course besides the government plates and the lack of a brand, it appeared to be a fairly average sports car but underneath the hood lay a few surprises in case of emergencies.

She opened the heavy armored door and slid inside, adjusting the holster on her hip to make sure she wasn't sitting on it. She pressed the ignition and the car quietly purred to life, barely making any noise thanks to the soundproofing all over the engine.

She checked the navigation system where a location marker had been sent to her by Austin. Oh dear, that is further away than I thought.

She backed out of her spot and made her way out of the underground parking garage of the agency, emerging through a camouflaged concrete doorway. She drove through the overgrown driveway emerging from a thick swathe of trees towards the crumbling entrance to the place. It was an ancient archway that proclaimed it to be "Creste Farms". That sign along with the several dilapidated buildings that remained above ground served as the cover for their agency. Once she was on the road, she stepped on it, hoping to get onsite in the next half an hour. She looked at the time display near the speedometer and let out a sigh. Fifteen minutes to say goodbye. I guess Austin was right.


Daisy swerved around another corner, as everyone blasted their horns at her. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Just trying to save your lives people. Jeez please cool it with the horns.

The navigation beeped letting her know that she was at the location. At first glance she couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. That's when she saw it. What the hell is going on here?
Stay Safe
The Princess of Darkness

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Love is so short, forgetting is so long.
— Pablo Neruda