
Young Writers Society

Arranged Marriages (second try...) ~Restarted~

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Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:03 am
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Liv says...

Totally not trying to sound whiney or....tattle taley? Or I don't know, but....did you get permission from Yubbies to do that? I don't think that was the point of the story - besides, they're getting married to stop the fighting, it's a blood alliance. And did you het permission from fiction for the Draconia stuff? Because I believe she still technically has the role of its king and queen. Also, is the guy Harrowian.royalty? Because silver eyes are reserved for them, I believe :3 Maybe I've completely misunderstood what you wrote hahaha. Sorry, you keep confusing me a bit xD we all just really love thus, so I don't want it to get off track.

*Yubbies help*

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Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:09 am
Skyguy says...

Sooooo sprry. My little brother erites a lot and he was using my computer. I had no idea, so ill delete it. ! My bad.
I will never give up... I will never give up! As long as I'm still breathing in this world... as long as I'm still standing in this world I will never give up!

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Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:57 am
Shadowlight says...


We stopped dancing- Prince August seemed far away from me, like Rhay when he was sad, I didn't want him to be sad too. I gently touched his cheek, knowing when Rhay was sad sometimes a simple touch would bring him back to reality. Augusts eyes met mine and I again felt lost in their depths.

"My apologies, princess. My mind got the best of me." He said softly, I wanted him to be happy, not sad like Rhay....I couldn't stand another person being so unhappy, but I didn't know how to convey that., so I just gave him a smile- hoping he could understand what was in my heart.

The Music was still softly playing, couples dancing around us but when I reached for his hands again to continue he didn't take them, instead he slowly lifted one of his large hands to my face and touched my cheek- my heart stopped for a split second. All my nerves seemingly focused on that spot, I could feel ever inch of his rough fingers brush my cheek, and I wondered what made them so rough, did August work with his hands? Then suddenly he began to speak- eyes wandering from mine.

"When I was a boy one of my father's knights told me a story," his hand slowly slipped down to my throat and I stiffened when he began to finger the ribbon around my neck- what was he doing?
"of a princess who had her throat taken out. 'Sir Richard,' I said to him, 'how can a girl live without a throat? How does she eat, how does she talk? Can she still play?' 'Little prince,' he said to me, 'they didn't take her whole throat. Just a little bit, to keep her from getting sick - you see, she was dying. But she can still eat, she can still play. She just can't talk.'" What was he talking about? D-did he think of me? Before now had he thought of me? My heart felt funny and my chest felt tight as I struggled to breathe.

His calloused fingers slid the Ribbon from my throat- reveling my scar, my hideous ugly scar, I watched his face for reaction- w-would he still want to marry me? a disfigured princess?
"Then Sir Richard said, 'But most importantly she can still laugh.'" His words caught me off guard- how did this Richard know all this about me? I looked into Augusts eyes questioningly, searching for something, something I didn't know what.

Then he smiled and my mind when blank, his smile lit up his whole face and made him so much more handsome. He put the ribbon back on my neck and gently touched my neck right under my chin- fingers brushing a sensitive spot. I giggled, squirming slightly and stepped back so I could get my little book and pencil I had in my sleeve. I needed to talk to him, I wanted to know more about him. Quickly I scribbled a note and showed him.

~~How did Sir Richard know all this? Why did he tell you? I was only three when that happened.~~

Spoiler! :
Liv I'm sorry- I am trying to write this after work and I am EXHAUSTED so it's not my best but it is something. I hope it can get you started. :3 Briac will be up tomorrow.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:17 pm
Liv says...

It's perfect, Shadow xD


When she first stepped back I'd thought I'd offended her, but then she began scribbling something on a pad, revealing it to me moments after, ~~How did Sir Richard know all this? Why did he tell you? I was only three when that happened.~~

I thought for a moment, wondering if I should share what I hadn't told anyone before. But after all, the girl was to be my....wife....so I should share everything....right? But beside tha, I felt as if I could already trust her.

"Sir Richard," I started, "was not only the one who taught me to fight, but one of my only true friends, even though I was so young and he so old. I suppose you understand that, as well. Sir Richard was one of my father's best and most trusted soldiers, but he had a secret he told me when I was very young."

Placing my hands lightly on her waist, I pulled her closer so I could whisper with no one else to hear, "Sir Richard looks like any other man from my country. His wife, however? Hair as black as night," I touched her black curls to convey my message, then beside her eye as I said, "eyes to match," I brushed my fingers over her cheek as I continued, "And the fairest skin I had ever seen, save Aris the day she was born. And their children? Looked just like their mother, but were saved by their father's green eyes that you wouldn't find in your country."

I watched as she pieced it together in her head, then again whispered, "You see, we were still at war back then. If my father found out he would have had to do something about it, even though Sir Richard was close to our family. And even if they were found out now, they were still together then, before this blood alliance."

"So you see, darling," I finished, "Sir Richard had a wife who knew the news of her home country, for her sister was a maid in your castle at the time. And so she told him, who told me."

~~But why did he tell you?~~ she wrote, displaying it for me.

I thought for just a moment, then smiled, "If you had a secret burning to be told to someone, to at least one person....wouldn't you tell it to the little boy likely to forget, who played with the servants and was friends with the animals in the woods? I was the only one he could tell, you see. He told me everything his wife told him. My parents never even suspected a thing. They merely thought he was teaching me to fight, to fish, to hunt. And though he did teach me all those things, he also taught me that we were the same."

~~Isn't it strange that we ended up matched? What are the odds?~~

Smiling, I laughed, "Everything happens for a reason, Saja, don't you think?"

Spoiler! :
Hope this is alright, just kinda....happened, then I couldn't do/think of anything else, you know? Hahaha. I'll change it if I need to!

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Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:14 pm
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Skyguy says...

Sighing, Natsu swalked back to his 2 friends." Carns a big bully." Grey cocked his head. "Explain to me, how, exactly do you know the princess?" Natsu grinned." I was, on a mission. No doubt though, she doesnt remember me . She was quite young. And now, shes to be wed to prince August." He turned to Travis. "The prince is a friend of yours, is he not." Travis smiled." Well, we sparred a bit, and fought side by side in the war. I wouldnt say friends. I was probably just a servant to him." He gazed off, watching the prince dance." We fought at the battle of the Dark forest. Honestly, thats when I saw him. Our ranks were weakening, ready to break, then Prince August drew his sword, and single handedly charged our opponents."

Travis smiled ruefully." Im not sure who was more suprised, us or the enemy, but neverthess, thats when I knew, I had found a king I could follow, even unto death. We carried the day." Grey dryly said." Oh yes, thats tje day when about 7000 Yililian soldiers died." Travis frowned. "But we won an extremely strategic location" Grey gazed at him then sighed." I meant no harm. Its just annoying to be part of a conversation with someone who killed your countrymen, and you killed theirs."

Natsu bit into a chicken leg."Ive never belonged to a country, just me on my lonesome." The other two glanced at his clothing." Yet you are dressed like a Harrowian assassin." Natsu took another bite, shrugging." Ya, I was ordered to guard Harrowian royalty, so im playing the pary. By the way, this chicken is amazing." The other two men turned away in disgust.
I will never give up... I will never give up! As long as I'm still breathing in this world... as long as I'm still standing in this world I will never give up!

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Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:23 am
Shadowlight says...


"Briac, do you think you could love me?" Rosemary's question caught me completely off guard and I nearly choked on my ale, the sweet beer turning sour in my mouth. SHe looked up at me sweetly, intently. I set my tankard down on the nearest table- mind whirring to try to come up with an answer.

"Wh-what? Rosemary, I've only just me-" She held up a delicate hand and I fell silent.

"I'm not asking if you love me right now, what kind of question would that be? It's just....I'm sixteen years old. Even if it weren't for the arranged marriages I would still be marrying within a few years. The only difference would be that he probably would love me before we got married. I just want to know if you think you maybe could, maybe some time after we're married?"

And for the love of God I couldn't answer her. my tongue tied itself in knots in my mouth no matter how I struggled to get the words out, struggled to say "Yes Rosemary, I could love you in time. you're a wonderful, sweet and beautiful young woman." but once again like always my thoughts and my mouth betrayed me and I couldn't answer her how I wanted. only dumbly stammered,

"I-I-It-It's been a day..." She looked momentarily stricken, I could clearly see the pain behind her eye and my heart sank- I had ruined it again... Why couldn't I just SAY what I was thinking?! Why did my tongue have to betray me time and time again? I looked at her sadly and offered my hand- trying to think of something reassuring to say, anything, something! "R-R-Rosemary...." I stuttered- cursing my childhood affliction for rearing it's ugly head so forcefully. She looked up at me, her delicate features so sweet. I struggled on. "I-It's-It's only B-b-b-been a D-Da-Day." I swallowed hard forcing out the last words, "B-b-but I-I-I, th-thin-think I C-c-could." My cheeks were on fire as I finished- I couldnt met her eyes- what would she think of me now? Stuttering like a Village Idiot..... Or Rather, like a scared child.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:24 pm
Liv says...


Squeezing his hand gently, I sat up and reached my other hand towards his face.

"Briac," I said, a smile breaking out on my own face, "You're so beautiful."

He seemed slightly taken aback, and I took the oppurtunity to stand up. "Come on Briac, let's go dance again."

He made no move to join me, so I I softly tugged on his hand, "Come on, Briac. Dance with me!"

He rose, towering over me, and we began to go back out to the dance floor.

"Rosemary!" I heard my father call, and when I turned I saw mother and father approaching us with Briac's parents.

Oh boy.

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Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:59 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

I looked away from Rhay to see my parents approaching Briac and Rosemary along with her own. "Oh no not now." I whispered and then saw Jackson along with Aris come down from the tower. He met Briac's eyes and something clicked in that moment. They broke away from their partners and started to approach each other. I grabbed Rhay's arm without thinking bringing him along with me. "Briac what's going on here?" I asked worriedly. "You killed my brother." Jackson said his voice low. My eyes widened. I knew this wasn't going to end well.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:50 pm
fictionfanatic says...


Could it be? It couldn't. After all this time, and he...the way he looked at my parents and his approaching him left no doubt in my mind - that was how he looked at me after killing Tristan...

"Briac what's going on here?" His sister asked, worry ridden in her voice. I ignored her.

"You killed my brother." I stated quietly.

Rosemary's hand visibly tightened around Briac's as she looked from me to him, seemingly inable to process at the moment.

"W-what?" He asked, taken aback at my accusation.

"A man with raven hair and brown skin," I said, my voice raising slightly with each passing word, "silver eyes to match mine and my sister's and father's."

I could see him going through in his head, trying to find the right person.

Trying to keep my voice under control, placing a hand on the hilt of my sword in my building anger, having prepared myself for this moment since Tristan's death, "I knew I knew you from somewhere! I knew it! Don't you remember!? DON'T you!? Before you were disfigured! In a battle between Harrow and Bryni you killed my brother, slashed his throat and rammed your sword through his chest, and you looked up and you saw a horrified duplicate of the one you killed. And you ran on to kill more of my comrades. TELL ME YOU REMEMBER!! Tell me that you didn't forget the reason me and my sister...your bloody fiance cried and mourned for months on end!"

*your turn, Shadowwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
Live, Love, Laugh

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Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:45 pm
Shadowlight says...


"Rosemary!" I heard her father call, and we both turned- to face our parents. But, As my eyes went to their faces they caught one of the other princes eye- Rosemary's brother- Jackson's eyes and my heart stopped for a brief instant. In the silver orbs I saw another's face for the briefest of moments and I was brought back in a moment to another time, another place. A battle field, running red with the blood of my friend and enemies, a fallen enemy at my feet and the eyes of a young man who seemed many years my junior, staring at me with pure hatred.

I broke away from Rosemary almost before I was aware of it and stepped to meet Jackson who was angrily approaching me.

“Briac, whats going on here?” Rayven asked worriedly- clinging to Tiny Princes arm,

“You killed my brother.” The words were spoken quite calmly, quietly, but the worst kind of either. The calm quiet of a burned out shell of a home. The Dead Calm and quiet of a grave- the Quiet Calm of the world before a tempest- I felt all my body go stiff- ready to fight or fly, whichever was needed. I felt rather then see Rosemary at my side- her small hands grab my arm- her gentle soft hands.... her gentle soft heart.

“Wh-what?” I said to him- already knowing of what he spoke, and cursing my stutter.

"A man with raven hair and brown skin," I could see the face and the man clearly- a proud prince on a snow white horse- leading his charging Lances towards mine. "silver eyes to match mine and my sister's and father's." I could see those eyes- those proud defiant eyes, eyes so full of hatred and malice, but full of agony when I took him down, eyes that went so dull when the life left him as my sword did.

I could remember the moment so well, I could remember his face so well... I saw it a thousand times a day- I could not sleep without him haunting my dreams on his spectral horse, the dreaded pallor over his face, the dead white eyes.... I shivered involuntarily. I was so lost in thought is wasn't' until Jackson began shouting that I was called back to the present- to the moment..

"I knew I knew you from somewhere! I knew it! Don't you remember!? DON'T you!? Before you were disfigured! In a battle between Harrow and Bryni you killed my brother, slashed his throat and rammed your sword through his chest, and you looked up and you saw a horrified duplicate of the one you killed. And you ran on to kill more of my comrades. TELL ME YOU REMEMBER!! Tell me that you didn't forget the reason me and my sister...your bloody fiance cried and mourned for months on end!"

I flinched, what man wouldn't as such an onslaught. I couldn't even look at Rosemary, though I could feel her eyes on me. I slowly stepped closer to Jackson- hand raised.

“Please Jackson, not here, not now. Not in front of the ladies.” For once my voice didn't stutter, my tongue didn't betray me. “Of course I remember your brother, he was an honorable man, and a even more honorable warrior- I made an offering to God that is Soul have easy passage to the house of your fathers. He died with honor.

“I don't care how he died- YOU killed him!” Jackson was after blood- I saw it in his eyes in a moment. I had seen that look before- in the face of every man I met in battle.

“Jackson please-” I got no further- I saw his body coil up and I knew what he was about to do- I shoved Rosemary to the side- I couldn't bare it if she was harmed.

“Get Back Rosemary!” I cried as her brother drew his sword and lunged at me- it was a hasty strike and I dodged easily- but I knew the Knights of his kingdom, I knew what capable and deadly adversaries they were and I knew he wanted revenge. I tried to get distance- tried to get him away from Rosemary, my sister and parents.

Cursing myself for leaving my sword in my room and pulled my dagger from m belt, the guards rushed forward but I called them back.

“Duel!” I cried in my native tongue- they knew then this was a test of arms between two men, a private battle. If I died I didn't want it to spark another war. I saw the look of horror in the Mother and sisters eyes- see my father catch his breathe. No one could help me now. If Jackson wanted me dead, he could kill me if he had the chance and no revenge would be exacted on him. I almost was too late doging Jacksons next blow- Damn him, he was attacking my blind side- I just barely blocked the downward strike of his sword with the thin blade of my dagger and deflect it.

Leaping over a table and got my hands on one of the many weapons hanging around the hall- a sword, not unlike my own and turned to face Jackson again- taking as best a stance as I could.

“Yes, I killed your brother. I don't claim to be clean of his blood. But it was a battle Jackson- I did not seek your brother out to end his life!” I shouted as we battled back and forth across the hall- people scattering left and right- the guards holding those who would join back- this was a sacred fight. Jackson was a swordsman to be reckoned with- the kind our bards wrote songs about to sing on long wintery nights- he seemed to dance rather then run, his sword was an extension of his being and he used it as delicately as my mother handled her paints. He was a swordsman I would have loved to spar with- to cross blades with in a test of strengths- not in a battle to the death. I blocked and dodged his blows, I wouldn't kill him, not here in front of his sister and parents.... not now- I already took one brother and son from them. So I dodged best I could but he got me twice- once on my side- I felt the warm blood running, and once on what would have been my shoulder if that arm was still there.

I heard Rosemary's cries and I prayed she stayed back.

“Jackson please!” I tried to reason with him, “It was a battle- I didn't seek him out to kill him- he attacked me first! It was either his life or mine-and I'm not ready to die- just like today.” I beat down his guard- knowing I had to end this, and dealt him a blow on the back of the head with the hilt of my sword- knocking him out- he may have been an excellent Warrior- but he wasn't my match. I breathing hard I faced everyone in the hall, all eyes on me.

“H-he isn't hurt...though, h-h-he might h-have a headache when h-he wakes up.” Then I left, going to my room- I couldn't face all those in the hall- My parents, the other princes, Jacksons patents.... Rosemary.

Spoiler! :
Okay someone else post. xD Fiction I hope you don't mind what I did here. :3
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:19 pm
Skyguy says...

Natsu glanced at the fallen prince then up at Briac, his eyes glinting. Mariana and Grey grabeed his arms as he bent down to take his knives out of his hidden shoes. Master Shota and Teavis both helped hold the young man back." Sacrilege, he dares harm my charge!" Natsu shouted. Peole began looking as the four elite guardsman of 2 counrris held back a ferocius assassin. Carn walked up and punched Natsu in the stomach hard, knocking the man out. All of the royalty heard the whoosh of breath escape the young mans breath. Carn bowed to Rosemary." My lady, I apologize for hurting a memeber of the royal guard but there was no other way." She nodded, stunned at the force of Carn's punch. Travis and Grey dragged Natsu out of the room, as Mariana helped another Harrowian guard gently place Jackson in a resting room.

"Mariana will watch over the young prince." A guard told Grey, who glanced at Natsu, thene nodded. Grey sighed." Natsu is such an idiot!" He shouted punching the door. Travis raised an eyebrow." Just figure that out?" Grey glared then walked away.
Last edited by Skyguy on Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I will never give up... I will never give up! As long as I'm still breathing in this world... as long as I'm still standing in this world I will never give up!

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Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:51 pm
Liv says...


Briac pushed me back with such a force, him being at least twice my size, I stumbled right in to a table adorned with glass platters and bowls serving drinks and dishes, my impact shattering everything beneath me.

I was in such a shock at his strength and the blood running down my arms that at first I didn't know what was happening until I heard Briac pleading, “Yes, I killed your brother. I don't claim to be clean of his blood. But it was a battle Jackson- I did not seek your brother out to end his life!”

Realizing what was happening before everyone I let out an involuntary scream, tears pricking my eyes. Briac killed Tristan? Now Jackson....I sprung to my feet and ran towards them.

There was a distant thud and everything went quiet.

Gaping at the scene before me, Briac standing over Jackson, I stopped struggling.

“H-he isn't hurt..." Briac said, avoiding everyone's eyes, "though, h-h-he might h-have a headache when h-he wakes up.” and he left the room in silence, no one quite knowing what to do.

After the guard apologized, I looked about the room, Jackson now missing. I was boiling with anger and began to run towards his room. I came to the door just as two men were leaving. Crossing the room with purpose, ignoring the inquiries of the guard, I grabbed the basin full of water, marched over to the bed, and threw the water on him. His eyes snapped open as he gasped with surprise, his hands immediately going to clutch his head in the agony of the migrane Briac promised.

"You're and idiot!" I yelled, a mixture of anger and intent to irritate his headache.

"Rosie," he moaned as he sat up, "Please!"

Denying his request for me to lower my voice, I demanded in a yell, "What in God's name were you thinking!? Do you have a death wish? "

"But he killed Tristan, Rosemary!" He protested

"He could have killed you! Do you wish for me to lose another brother!?" I yelled in response.

He flinched, then stated, "He already killed one of your brothers."

Grabbing the post of the bed, I yelled in demand of an answer, "How many brothers did you kill in that same battle! How many brothers and fathers and husbands and uncles and nephews and grandfathers and friends? HOW MANY!"

He made no indication that he would respond, instead wiping water from his face, so I continued in a softer tone, "Why did you kill them, Jackson? Out of a personal vendetta or to save your own life and protect your country? Huh? Do you realize how many people would jump at the chance to kill you if they knew you killed someone in their family?"

Standing, he placed a hand on his forehead and muttered sadly, "You're covered in blood. Go clean yourself up."

Lifting the basin that still resided in my hand, I threw it with all my might towards his feet and as it shattered I fled the room, tears threatening my eyes. As they spilled over a ran through the unfamiliar castle, trying each door I thought led outside until I finally found one. Kicking off my shoes that were holding me back, I lifted my skirt and ran as fast as I could to the place I didn't think anyone could find me. The stable.

Pushing open the door I looked around carefully at the horses, and approached the one in the far corner. Shedding my bothersome dress, I was left in only my under clothes and slip, and I lifted the latch to the horse's home. The horse stared at the intruder for a moment, then closed its eyes to go back to sleep. Throwing my dress in the corner, I sat on top of it and was fixing on spending the night here.

*someone can come find her now, or someone can go in to the stables in the morning looking for her. Or no one can come and she'll tire of the smell xD*

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Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:13 am
Skyguy says...

Liv, thank you for the chance to now introduce Mariana!;)

Mariana Clava,

I watched the young girl run out of the room. I glanced at two soldiers who were standing dumbstruck as the prince began mumbling." Watch him and dont let him leave." I ordered, leaving the room. I followed the child to the stables. I paused outside the door. I slowly enetered. The child was in her underclothes and wiped away her tears. She looked at me in fear, as I wore the armour of Bryni. I slowly placed my sword down." My lady, I cant say I understand how you feel, but I must tell you a story. Of a young boy. Not Briac though.
My young apprentice is Grey Fullbuster. He was 7 years old when I found him.The wars had just begun. In a border raid from Harrow, his entire village had been massacred. This young boy was scarred. Soldiers had repeatedly whipped him. He was bloody and homeless. As soon as our patrol found him, he led me to his home, whilst my fellow comrades searched for any other survivors. At his home, I found the brutalized bodies of his family. He couldnt speak. He didnt talk for 9 years afterwards, only in his sleep. However, what I am trying to say, is people do wicked things in war, and we must deal with it. Im confusing you no doubt-"
Grey walked into the stables a smile on his face." I began to speak after prince Briac returned injured. I fought by the prince. My lady, Briac is one of the most strongest men in the world that I know of. Not always physicaly, but in the heart. The war is over, and we cant go back. Remeber always though, remain strong, because, someone needs you. Thats what we must learn. Even when it seems the world itself is against you, when nothing goes wrong, when your fiancee is the man who killed your brother in battle, someone is always with you against the world. Heart, mind, and strength. THe three principles of the Bryni royal guard. and I believe you will be learning these soon enough, as our queen." He and mariana both bowed low to the girl.
Liv, idk if this is ok or not, but let me know.
I will never give up... I will never give up! As long as I'm still breathing in this world... as long as I'm still standing in this world I will never give up!

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Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:30 am
yubbies21 says...

The ball had been going so well. But in a moment that disappeared as Jackson’s eye hardened and he pulled away. I shouted out in confusion, be he did not hear a word. Things went in slow motion. Jackson fought the disfigured prince, Briac. Both of their swordsmanship was excellent, but Jackson has pushed to the ground. An involuntary yelp clawed its way up my throat. A little trickle of blood ran down Jackson’s forehead as he lay motionless on the ground.
Things were moving so slowly, I couldn’t form a single thought. Another princess, his sister gave him the tongue-lashing of his life. She stomped out of the room after smashing a bowl at his feet. All the guests stood in awe, unsure of what to do next.
“I’m afraid,” said one of the kings who stepped forward to speak, “that this royal ball is compromised. Everyone must leave post-haste. Myself and my kingdom will not step back into the wars we have left behind us because of this incident.” I finally recognized the Harrow king, great sadness etched into his face, tears in his kingly silver eyes. The other kings nodded their solemn heads in agreement.
Jackson fled the scene as quick as a wink. I hefted my skirts and ran after him, ignoring royal procedures. I caught August's eye for a moment, and knew he would be after me soon enough. Catching up to Jackson in one of the vast hallways, he turned around and spoke quickly.
“I apologize, Aris. I didn’t mean for…”
“Hush, be quiet.” I startled him with my impolite interruption. “Let me say what needs to be said. I understand your anger. Did you hear what your sister said? About how many people would jump at the chance to kill you if they knew you killed someone in their family? You really need to think about that.”
“I know.”

*Possibly Jackson invites Aris to meet him at the tower now?*

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Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:46 am
fictionfanatic says...

I'm not sure what to go with, because the other posts day he's in his room. Perhaps she overheard the argument? I'm just going to go with this :D hope that's alright, yubbies :)


I stated at the shattered basin at my feet, surprised at my sister's temper and the strength with which she threw it. Was she right? If she was that would mean I've wasted all this time searching for Briac, hating all Bryni. Yet she lost a brother as well and still clung to his arm when my accusations were fired.

Thinking about it I began to feel foolish - I was never like that, yet he just made me so angry and years of resentment let itself out. And in front of all those people....and oh dear God, in front of Aris and her parents.

Snapping my head up to look at the two guards left with me, putting a hand to my head when the pain from the sudden movement stung me, I requested, "I need one if you to send a message to Princess Aris for me."

They exchanged glances, and I urged, "Only one, the other can stay."

They exchanged another glance, then turned to give me a nod of agreement.

I rushed to the desk and wrote a letter to her,

Dearest Aris,

I pray that you can forgive my earlier actions. I was not in the right mind set, and only meant to honor my late brother. I'm realizing now that I was quite foolish to rush Briac like that, especially in such a setting.

If you can forgive me meet me at the tower in half an hour. I'll wait the same amount for you to come, and if you do not I shall take it as not being forgiven.


After finishing my name I folded the letter quickly, grabbed a candle to drip its wax, then stamped it so that the guard could not read it without her knowing.

Passing it to the guard, I watched him leave and hoped Aris would forgive me. As for Briac, I couldn't bare to speak with him yet, at least not tonight while I still had this splitting headache and so many who were already displeased with me.
Live, Love, Laugh

An existential crisis a day keeps the writer's block away <3
— LadyBug