
Young Writers Society

Pre-Winged Ones

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 3:10 pm
fictionfanatic says...


Something shook me awake. Opening my eyes, I saw something I dread-the labs. My eyes felt heavy but I sat up. It hit me that Blaise was dead and I choked back tears. They had just left him there, not even caring that it was their fault. "I know this. This is my place." Zuri said with a crooked smile.

Rubbing my eyes with the palm of my hands I stiffled a yawn. I stayed silent and watched as everyone began to slowly wake up. When they were all sitting up I said "Well, here we are again."


It took me a minute to do it, but I finally forced myself to open my eyes and sit up. I did this only to start swaying and fall back, hitting my head. "Ow." I said to no one in particular. Slowly this time, I sat back up. "Well, here we are again." Again? I don't recall ever being here or any place like this. But then again, I don't remember anything. I just sat there quietly and acted as if I knew what she was talking about.

Scooting closer to Ellie, I wrapped my long arms around her shoulders and rested my chin on the top of her head. It was a little awkward to my arms for her to be sitting next to me, so I pulled her into my lap. As they discussed things I twirled her white hair around my index finger.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 3:20 pm
Yuriiko says...

I'm so sorry to hear about that, FictionFanatic. D:
"Life is a poem keep it in the present tense." -Sherrel Wigal

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:13 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

Sorry for not posting in so long, I have a few family issues that have to be tended to. Hope this is OK.

~Ellie May~

While Cole played with my hair, I was busy listening, waiting for an idea to spark that could get us out of here. It already put stress on me thinking we were going to die here, now I was worried about if I could get my whole family out alive. I knew I wasn't the leader, but the stress was still weighing on me, much the way I was sure it was weighing on Kaylee. The last time I had been locked in a cage, nothing good came of it. I had lost everything because I was the winged freak, and now that I had all that I could want right here, I wasn't going to let my wings distroy my dreams again.

I had the courage now, but where was the plan? Where was this magical thing that could get us out of here and back to freedom--the thing we'd yearned for if it was when we were on the island, or in society--the real world.

Focus, El. We need a plan. A plan that will help us get out. A plan that will lead us out of here and to safety. If not you, then your family.

I was ready to die for my family at this point. I'd do whatever it took to help them survive--even if that meant I couldn't live. I was prepaird to lay my life down for them.
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:42 pm
MilkNCookies says...

I was in a room. I knew no one. And just yesterday I got my wings. Now this? I DON"T KNOW ANYONE!!!! At least put me alone! I thought, in the corner where no one noticed me. Some of them were talking on how to escape. I couldn't. No. I -I - I just couldn't. No, I couldn't. I waited for someone to notice me, my head spazing. I was a bit too tired of this new adventure already, the pain, everything. I was ready for it to stop.

Sorry for the short post I wanted to pull myself in but I don't know the character's personalities, and didn't want to talk for them yet.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:53 pm
NinjaCookieMonster says...


"If you're hungry, the cafeteria should be down that hall and to the right. Also, there's some chems in the fridge, if you're hurt. Bandages as well, on the counter." I lifted my arm. "I already treated myself to some A-00A10, and there's some exelolimyne, if you want to get rid of the side effects o the y-xel."

I hopped off the metal table with another shudder. I couldn't help but think of about a month ago- they'd bound my hands and feet, and my middle, and started just... pumping me up. Eugh. I closed my eyes for a second, a little overcome. There was too much I remembered, too many details that sprung on me.

I heaved open a door and let myself in. It was a huge freezer, with, and here's the jackpot, water. They wouldn't keep water in the cafeteria, because the machinery would evaporate it in days. The freezer was our best bet. "Water!" I called, hauling a good-sized cylinder of water, giving off weird chemical smoke (oxyltresimine, splash of tresamite, that'd do the trick), out and up onto a metal table.

"I can't melt it, but it is water, I promise," I panted, grabbing a metal... something, and driving it into the ice. It split into several pieces, and I grabbed one immediately. I put one end in my mouth and sat back up on the table, letting it melt. I took it out for a second to tell them that it was purified and clean, then resumed waiting for state change.

I was helpful, wasn't I?
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:36 pm
Apple says...

Ester Alice:

I pulled myself to my feet, and waddled over towards Zuri, grabbing at the jaggered steel peice. My knee - being the dunce it was - decided that today would be the day of all days to badly play up. I quickly placed a peice of ice in my mouth before I could cringe, I didn't want the others to see I was in pain.

"So what are we going to do?" Corbin asked. His voice sounded darker, a lot darker from the Corbin I knew. I looked over to see his hair fall into his eyes, his fists clenched.

Michael pressed a finger to his mouth and stood up. Looking around the room, he began to pull papers from desks and let the fall to the ground. I watched as he began to make a mess of things, as if he were on a goose chase. Before I could ask what he was doing, he placed his hand up in the thumbs up position.

"I cannot see any cameras," he said, realising that everyone was staring at him. "You can't blame me for not searching. They were everywhere when we used to live here, flaming perverts!"

I giggled through the ice, stopping myself as I realised this was the time for laughter. Blaise had just died and they left him to be eaten by some carnivorous animal. I stood. Everyone seemed in low spirits, no one wanted to do anything. The worst reck was Kaylee. Gulping down some water, I put the ice peice on the bench and wiped my numb hands on my jeans. I wasn't the leader, Kaylee was, but I was going to put my imput in!

"I have two things to say," I said in a loud voice, blushing as everyone turned to me. "One; we have to get out of here and fast. I don't know what the scientists want with us but we're doomed if we stay here. Secondly, who the hell are you?" I pointed an accusing finger at a stout girl curled into a little ball in the corner. She didn't move, as if paralyzed with fear. Everyone turned quickly, blinking in shock. How come they hadn't noticed her before? If it hadn't been for Michael's rummaging, I never would've noticed the girl.

She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it, digging her head into her lap as if that would make everything dissapear. I wish! Straining my eyes, I realised she had wings. I felt my mouth open and close like fish who was pulled out of water.

"Another winged one?" I stuttered.

Kaylee coughed into her palm and stood up, her hands shaking. "Who are you? Are you a spy for the scientists? Are you going agaisnt your own kind?" She flexed her wings as if to make a point.

The girl shook her head, still refusing to look up. Caroline stood up, and quickly hurried to the girl, placing her arm aorund her shoudlers. She whispered something into the girl's ear and giggled. The girl looked up from under her hair, as if seeing Caroline for the first time.

I coughed into my palm. "Lets do the welcoming thing later, c'mon, the scientists will be coming soon. Where ever they are?" I looked up on the roof and spotted something that cracked a smile across my cheaks. A vent. "I think I have a plan." Flapping my wings, I jumped up to the vent and pulled it out, letting it smack across the ground.
Motioning with my head, I smiled. This might just be the ticket out of here. Though of course, it wasn't. Nothing you ever wish for comes true. Ever!
I spy!

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:58 pm
Apple says...

>I will make a dude character, because frankly, we need one! XD And...he has a little secret. But I'm not going to tell you, although I am going to give it away in the profile...damn. I hope this profile is okay! :D <

Name: Light and Dark, depending on who he is. Aero is the name he goes by, though.

Gender: Dude.

Appearance: This is the outline of his apperance. Just imagine though that he has white hair when he is Light and pitch black hair when he is Dark.

Spoiler! :

Wings: Just imagine one of the wigns is white and cream, the other is as follows.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Aero has bipolar disorder. When he was younger it was only minor, that he would change different personalities. Though when the scientists stole him from his house, they made his other 'side' completely different, changing his appearance and everything. When he is Light, he is the kindest person in the world. He is one of those people who are so nice that they're very annoying. He blushes about girls and gets embarressed very easily. Light's kindness is beyond average and it he makes it his goal to make everyone happy. Dark, though, is well...dark. He is a flirt. He is sadistic and cynical. Dark will grab at your weakness and twist at your heart till your legs give way and you're his servant. In one word, Dark is evil, very evil.

Strengths: Dark is a lot stronger then Light. Because he doesn't consider another person's feelings, he is not afraid to crush anyone that gets in his way. Light on the other hand is a lot faster. As he likes to avoid danger - harming people -as best as possible, he is used to being on his feet, getting ready for a good get away.

Weaknesses: I'll start off with Dark. Dark is to cunning. He likes to plan things to a point that when the slightest thing goes out of place, he'll break down. Light, on the other hand, is too kind, and doesn't like to dissapoint people. This worked well for the scientists. Together, it's a continuous battle inside their heads; not to let each other break through. Sometimes slight part of their personalities will come out at the wrong time, destroying everything you ever planned. Most people just avoid them, though the ones that stick around are in for one hell of a ride.

Emotion: Light doesn't like being on island. He wants to back to his family and friends in the orphanage he was taken away from. He hides it though. He likes to think on the bright side, and always says he doesn't mind being stuck on a large rock in the middle of no where. Dark on the other hand, loves it. He likes being a slave to scientists. He likes sinking to their level and not being around 'commoners'. He doesn't want to return home and would rather die then be dropped back into the orphanage with large bossomed Nunns.

Mate: Not yet...Ladies, are you interested? :wink:

Other: Light cannot stand the scientists, and hates the fact what they're doing to him. Whilst Dark works for the Scientists. He joins the Winged ones as Light who is trying to help them escape, though as Dark, he is trying to only bring them down into the ground.


Light and Dark:

I whistled as I walked down the deserted hallways of the old lab. Judy had told me that this was the testing area for their experiments. She said she had a goal for me, to join them, and see how I went. I didn't want to, but she gave me that doe eyed look and I just couldn't say no. And even if I did, that would've made all the scientists angry at me...and I don't think I could deal with that. Where were they anyway? Shouldn't they be running around like a headless chooks trying to find an exit? Didn't they know that they had a time limit to beat?

I stopped and pushed my hair from my face. If they didn't escape by sun down the scientists would exterminate them. Chewing on my bottom lip, anxiousness suddenly clouded my head. I should go help them. That's what I was here to do anyway. Judy had said that I'd be a great help to them and I just love to help people! Opening a door, I came face to face with a broken mirror. I saw my appearance and grabbed at a strand of white hair.

"Your pathetic," the words came from my mouth before I could stop them. I felt anger beginning to seep through my veins and Dark trying to break through. I gulped down, grabbing onto the wall to stabilize myself. "Your stupid! You let everyone walk all over you. You're a pathetic, little worm!"

"Please," my voice returning. "Don't-"

I felt Dark vanish and I took in a deep breath. I had done it! Standing to my full height, I glanced around my head spinning from almost losing my grip on Dark. If he escaped, he'd try and kill the Winged ones, not help them. And I needed to help them! That was my mission! Walking defiantly down the hall way, I began to whistle again. I was going to help them escape. A smile broke across my cheeks. "When I find them of course!"


PS> Sorry for the long post. I just am bored out of my mind. It's been raining and I am supposed to be doing an assignment but heck I do not want to that!
I spy!

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 11:33 pm
MyStoryline says...

I'll join!!!

Name: Tyler

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tyler has hair that is such a dark red, it's almost black. He has smooth, pale skin and big emerald green eyes (the same emerald of his wings) and they are framed thickly by his red, almost black hair. He's thin, but not extremely thin. He is five feet and nine inches tall. Tyler's hair is grown so that it brushes his eyelashes.

Wings: As weird as it is, this is what his wings look like...

Spoiler! :
They're about six feet wideImage

Personality: Somehow, Tyler gets almost everyone to like him. He just has this way of switching his personality depending on who he's with. He's a pretty big lady's man too and he is a huge flirt. But when the boyfriends of the girl's he flirts with get mad at him, he has a way of twisting it so that he's not guilty. But this is all just a protective shell...he wasn't always like this. He used to be sweet and considerate. But that all changed when he started getting hurt (will post more info. on this further down.)

Strengths: Protecting himself, flirting, twisitng things around, not showing his true emotions.

Weaknesses: Being hurt, he get's angry pretty easily, but he has trouble showing his true emotions

Emotion?: Tired of being hurt

Mate: Not yet

Other: In his past...
His father left them when he was 12 years old. His mother than died from cancer the next year. He was sent to his aunt and uncle, who didn't like him at all. He was normally neglected by them, and when he wasn't his uncle was drunk and abusing him. That's when he ended up with his protective shell. He was tired of being hurt.

When he got his wings, his aunt and uncle just turned him right in.

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Sat Oct 02, 2010 11:54 pm
fictionfanatic says...

I posted a character list. I'm pretty sure I got everyone but I may be wrong
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:08 am
ForsakenAngel says...

OK you know what? I'll make a guy too! It's like 9:07 here, and boring, so I thought making a character would be more helpful and fun than if I just sat around or watched TV. So, guy coming up soon!
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:29 pm
fictionfanatic says...

OKay! And I guess that'll be the last one since we will have fourteen characters, sevengirls and seven guys
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sun Oct 03, 2010 1:02 pm
MilkNCookies says...


I watched as the people scattered about, watching the girl who whispered get up.

"I'm not a spy. Why would a spy have wings?" I asked, still veiled through my hair.

"To spy. We wouldn't suspect a fellow." the lady who yelled at me asked.

Someone's coming! Pain. Antagonizing pain erupted from the man who was coming. My head began to shake. Very deep breaths came from me. Hatred. Dark. Light. Pain. Pain. Pain! I yelped, and tried to hide in the corner.

"Shh, shh, shh," The girl who had whispered to me cooed. "What's wrong?"

"Pain. Hatred. Pain. Someone's coming. A scientist. No, assistant...." My head kept changing. "Dueling personalities. He hurts... bad. Inside." My head was still shaking as the door opened. A handsome man waltzed in, with white, short hair.

"Listen..." He began.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Sun Oct 03, 2010 5:01 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

Name: Christopher *Chris*

Gender: Male

Appearance: He's tall with sandy brown hair. He's thin, but he has muscles. His eyes are a very light--but bright--shade of blue. [He's the one in the middle]
Spoiler! :

Wings: They're a beautiful shade of black. They're huge, bigger than him, but he can carry them like they weigh nothing.
Spoiler! :

Personality: He's generally a very nice guy, but he can get a temper and when he does, back off. He can be very violent, and when he is, it's best to just let him do what he wants. He's laid back and free when he isn't in a bad situation, and he is known to have wild mood swings. He isn't that much ofa bad guy, but he's a liar, he's cunning, and he'll do anything [anything] t get offof this island... even if it means killing everyone in his path, and he'll do it without even blinking.

Strengths: He doesn't care to much to love, meaning he doesn't have to worry about killing someone close to him.

Weaknesses: He doesn't care about anyone, not even himself. He doesn't have a clue what love is, thus making it hard for him to help someone.

Emotion?: He'd like a murder every one of the people who put him where he is.

Mate: No one

Other: He doesn't generally love anything or anyone, but if you want to try to make him love you, go ahead.
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:19 pm
Dragonet says...

>Apple, cool character! It's like Golum/Smegol thing. :lol:


It was obvious that Zuri felt more confident here in the lab, which had me puzzled because I hated it. Out there I had been able to protect her and watch out for her, but in here it was just the opposite, and to me that was a little awkward.

Zuri chipped off a chunk of ice and handed it to me with a smile. I smiled back in appreatiation and studied the ice skeptically. It wasn't that I didn't trust Zuri, because I did, but the scientist was another matter. For all I know this iced 'water' could be poison, or some other weird chemical. But finally I couldn't stand my dry mouth any longer and I stuffed the ice in my mouth. After a couple of sucks, I got some of it to melt and a refreshing, cool stream of liquid went down my throat. It tasted like water, but still...

Suddenly the door swung open and everyone quickly turned. I expected to find a scientist standing in the door way, but instead I saw a boy. A winged boy. For an instant I relaxed, but then I thought how did this guy get in the building? If he was also captured then how did he get out of his cell? Maybe he's working for the scientist! With that last thought I took up my fighting stance again.



The boy had white hair, as white as Zuri's, and a set of two opposite colored wings, one red and one white. Really, they just keep coming! I thought. First it was AJ, then Zuri, Mitch, and Jaden, and then the new girl in the corner of my cell, and now this guy. It was awesome!

"Listen," the guy said panting, "you guys have to get out of here!"

Michel scoffed, "No really?" he said sarcastically.

The new guy blinked, "Yes, really. But sooner then you think. You guys have until sunset before-" Just then, something strange happened. He jerked forward and grasped the door handle with white knuckles. His hair started to change, first one strand of wild white hair to another, started turning black. I wasn't sure what to do, I wanted to help but I didn't know how! I also didn't know whether to think that he was struggling with some unknown enemy, or if I should be scared and protect Ester from him.

Finally, his hair stopped changing colors and washed all white. He stood up again. "What just happened?" I managed to ask.

He grimaced, "No time. We, er, I have to get you out of here."

Do you have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?

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Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:26 pm
MilkNCookies says...


I sat, slumped against the corner. This guy just went through more pain then I had ever. He must have weird mood swings, or something.

"And how do we do that?" One asked. He flashed a grin, pointing to the air vent.

"I tried," another protested.

"Watch." He insisted, flying up. He softly spoke some words, and whacked the vent. He then proceeded to slide it off.

"Wait. What if you're a spy?" One asked.

"Would I be trying to get you out?" He asked.

"No," She admitted, hesitantly flying up. The others followed, until it was just me.

"Come on!" The boy hissed.

"I..." I began. "I can't fly."
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


"You, who have all the passion for life that I have not? You, who can love and hate with a violence impossible to me? Why you are as elemental as fire and wind and wild things..."
— Gone With the Wind