
Young Writers Society

Amidst the Roses

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Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:02 am
Skorpionne says...

Snow White | Vesperwoods | West Country

Was choice always so painful?

If she invaded Middle Kingdom, she would have more land, and she would have Gareth back. It was the ideal solution. The obvious choice. And yet...

She was loathe to trust the Enchantress, and why wouldn't she be? She had given her stepmother the means to Snow's own demise. There were rumours, too. Girls trapped in castles, princes turned to beasts, princesses trapped in dreams, princes turned to dragons...It was strange how many of these rumours involved royalty. Snow White, the next in a line of royal prisoners, dangling on the Enchantress' puppet strings.

If she didn't invade, she risked death, if "no government" meant what she thought it did.

The longing and grief and anger inside her was screaming like a piping kettle now. It wouldn't be long until it exploded out of her.

Out of the corner of her eye, Snow saw Clumsy eyeing the Enchantress like something slimy and disgusting. At least she knew his opinion, and it paid to listen to dwarves, Snow'd learnt, or you ended up being strangled by a ribbon.


That one name, barely whispered in the depths of her mind, made her decision for her.

"I'll do it."
I've learned so much from people who never existed - Unknown

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Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:30 pm
StellaThomas says...

The Enchantress - Vesper Woods, West Country

"Perfect." It really was. So smoothly done. "So, I need you to go and do that for me and once I'm content, I'll bring your husband back to you in perfect condition."

"Wait- after-"

"Of course dear."

"So how will I know that you'll uphold your end of the bargain?"

"You'll just have to trust me." The Enchantress' lips curled into a smile.

The dwarf stared at her darkly, his head tipped up to see her face. "Don't trust her," he said to Snow. Snow was just staring at the Enchantress, as if she didn't quite believe what she had agreed to.

"Good. Now, run along. You have an invasion to organise."

The Enchantress walked a few steps away and took her chance to vanish. That was a job well done. Some of those princesses took persuading but they always came around in the end. It seemed that everything was in order. Charming was in her grip, Snow White doing her bidding, Prince Sebastian doing his job... Prince Taris or Princess Suirin would have to be her next target to have a full set of royals... but she would deal with that later. For now, there was necromancy to be done.

The Enchantress had many mirrors. One such mirror showed anybody you wanted to see. With her magical aptitude, it could even show the dead. It should be back-

but curses. Of course it wasn't. She had agreed to give it to that foolish Duke's son, as a way of both comforting and taunting him.

Not a problem, she told herself. She could easily do without it. The Beast could have the mirror and she could bring Gareth back without checking to see what order his soul was in.

The Enchantress left the Vesper Woods, with the mirror and waking the dead on her mind.
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:35 pm
gleek456 says...

Cinderella- Middle Country

I stared with my eyes widened at the blue dragon. Charming had the same expression on too, but he immediately pulled out his sword from the sheath. Without taking my eyes off of the dragon, I lowered Charming's sword with my left hand. I tilt my head and take a step forward.

"I've never seen a dragon before," I think out loud. I turn my head towards Charming.

"Are most dragon's like this?" I ask him. Charming shrugged and lifted his sword again.

"I suggest you turn around and head back," the dragon urged. I shake my head then turn to Charming.

"I like this honeymoon already!" I say happily. Charming looks at me strangely and turns his his eyes back to the dragon, still holding up the sword to fend him off.

Susan Madrival- South Country

I bite my lip as we stopped in front of the palace. Prince Dominic had a very confused face and asked me where the trolls were. I bite my lip harder, and look at him with sorrow in my eyes. Prince Dominic sighed and turned his horse around to face me.

"Where. Are. The. Trolls," he asked, slower this time. I turn my gaze towards the palace.

"I'm guessing that the trolls... fled?" I suggest with horrible lying skills. I hate lying. It's a sin! Mother always told me that! Then again... she also said that my father has a lot of sins.

"Susan," Prince Dominic said slowly. I let out an annoyed huff and turned to him.

"I don't know. They were never here," I confessed.

(Hope this is okay! Tell me if anything needs to be changed!)

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Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:48 pm
Shadowlight says...

Last edited by Shadowlight on Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:06 pm
Shadowlight says...


He stared at the young woman, she didn't seem afraid of him at all! She just seemed interested that he was a dragon, but she hadn't answered his question and he could feel his fire-ice slowly building within himself.

"Woman!" he shouted slowly stalking around them, "You life depends on it- tell me something interesting abut yourself!"

"I wonder if it can fly." Cinderella said sideways to her husband as she walked a little to the left to get a better look at the pair of black bat like wings neatly folded.

Can't she understand me?! Sebastian wondered wildly. Had the enchantress sealed his tongue without him knowing it? was he doomed to be a dumb animal for the rest of his life? he had always been able to communicate with people before what was going on!?

He decided that if he could frighten them they might make a run for it-out of his forest. He reared up on on his hind legs then fell forward- roaring as menacingly as he could lips pulled back showing his rows of glittering, razor-like teeth.

Sebastian's roars were very much like the other northern dragons- being somewhere in-between the scream of a dying man, a lone wolfs howl and the roar of an avalanche-not a friendly sound to say the least.
The echos of it reverberated around the green dell and in the distance a flock of birds took wing. Cinderella and Charming both shrank back, the latter pointing his sword at the onyx scaled beast.

"Don't come a step closer!" he shouted, only a skilled eye would have detected the slight tremor of the sword point.

"Please!" Sebastian begged as the curse made him move closer, preparing for the kill. "Please, run away, leave this forest as quickly as you can."

"Charming?" Cinderella began, starting to look slightly worried as frosty smoke began pouring out from the dragons massive jaws.

"I can't turn back Cinderella." Charming said squaring his shoulders. "I must slay this beast and save my friends in the castle."

Without warning Sebastian let loose a torrent of fire-ice, encasing a rose bush directly to the couples right in rock hard ice.

Sebastian choked and coughed- he hadn't used the fire-ice in a while. Again he faced them large eyes pleading like a dying man.

"Your lives depend on it- Tell me something interesting about you!"

(Hope this is alright. If I got cindy or charming wrong please let me know. :D)
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:52 pm
gleek456 says...

Cinderella- Middle Country

I looked to Charming with a pleading look. He immediately lowered the sword a bit. I turn my gaze back towards the dragon and put my hands on my hips.

"I'm Cinderella," I introduce myself. The dragon still looks like he's waiting for something interesting.

"I'm Cinderella... and I think dragons are weak," I say with no fear at all. Charming stands up straight and lowers the sword. He gives me a strange expression.

"You do?!" he asked. I nodded.

"There. Now if I didn't tell you something interesting, what would you have done?" I asked the dragon.

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Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:19 am
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Sunshine says...

Prince Taris Reginson- East Country


A sweet, relaxing thing; especially after such a brush with death. Taris slept well for it being the middle of the day. However, in the back of his mind the image of the woman was burned into the back of his mind. In future stories, people may call it love at first sight. Yet it wasn't. It was just mere facination, the human longing to know more than they should. He knew the young woman was beautiful; he had enough sense to know that. Yet Taris was a gentleman, and one long engaged to a Princess. He knew better than to let his heart wander, although a slight tug did a number on his heart when he saw a picture of her in his mind. It could be curious, if tiredness didn't wear down on his mind. So the prince slept soundly, unaware of the cries of terror echoing around his kingdom.

Taris awoke with a long yawn. He didn't remember much of the previous day, besides the fact that he'd almost drowned and that a strange maiden had saved his life. Taris sat up, noting the dimness of his room. He had been asleep for a while. A blue tunic lay on his dresser. He grabbed it, throwing it on. A knock came at his door. Taris opened it. A maid appeared behind it, her young features marred with worried.

"Crown Prince Taris. It's good to see you awake. I trust you fare well?" She waited for a nodd, and she was not disapointed. With a deep breath and a confused look from the Prince, she continued. "Your parents wish to see you, your Highness. Immediatly."


A good fifteen minutes later, Taris and his sister sat in front of their parents in the throne room. The two royal's faces were lined with worry, dark wrinkles lining their ageless faces.

"There is bad news in the kingdom, my children." His father spoke first. "Two kingdoms are already wrecked in tradegy. To the point of it all...well, the King of West Country, King Gareth, is dead." Suirin and a few of the maids gasped. My father's face prolonged. "Yes. It is awful. That's not all." He sighed, motioning for Queen Lily to continue.

The woman cleared her throat, trying to make grace of the situation."Prince Taris...My son...Your fiancee, the Princess Briar Rose, well...there's this situation..."

Prince Taris blinked rapidly. He was always a bit sensitive to the matter of Briar Rose. Perhaps it was because he had never met the girl, that he could remember. His heart dropped. This could not be good news.

The King picked up where his wife had left off. "The curse...you remember the curse, don't you?" Taris nodded, of course. How could one forget? "It has happened."

That's all the man needed to say. No one of any kingdoms could ever forget such a horrid curse. An eery silence settled around the room, as thick as mist. Taris racked his brain, trying to remember the rumours and stories he had heard of the curse. He remembered the stories of an enraged enchantress, and the slight feeling of fear. The one part of the story that stuck out in his mind: The Princess being awakened by a kiss. Who else would make more of an obvious choice than he himself, her fiancee.

"So, the Princess is asleep...and only a true love's kiss can wake her." His hint was met with silence." So I, her fiancee, should rescue her. By means of kiss or others."

"No!" The Queen pushed herself out of her chair." It may be dangerous! There's no way I'm letting you go!"

A slice of doubt arouse in his throat. Prince Taris was not overly thrilled with his thought out arrangment. He felt it to be necessary, however. Another picture of the maiden popped in his head. How could he leave without giving her his thanks, a reward for her kindness? He met his eyes with his mothers, the over-protective woman who had already lost one crown prince. He had to do this. It would make everyone happier...he had to this. He had to. It was hard, but he had to convince himself.

"Mother, I must. Please, mother. You two must've given me this engagement for a reason! This is my fate!" The Prince was exagerating, and he and the rest of the room knew it well. It seemed to be necessary. "You have raised me a gentlemen and a patron of our people...this is what I must do. Please!"

Prince Taris choked down his fears. He was this far into a mess, so he must go through. He had to. Another silence filled the room. Lily sent her son dagger eyes, but the King seemed to be softening. The maid, ladies-in-waiting, and guards all seemed uncomfortable. Suirin seemed to find the whole thing amusing.

"Lily..." The King murmered. "Maybe...we should..."

"NO!" The woman screamed. "We lost one kid! We can't loose another! We can't! I won't let it happen! Prince Taris, I forbid it! This could be dangerous!" The woman frowned deeply." Forget about it! It's not going to happen! Never!" She swept out of the room in a breeze, calling after her. "I'm not going to loose you! Send a knight, please!"

Another silence. Many eyes went to the Queen's empty chair. Will took a long, deep breath.

"Sevare, prepare the horses. Cambern, prepare my son a load and a caravan." The King turned to Prince Taris. "It is up to you, my son. Go or stay. Whenever your ready, or not ready. They shall be waiting."

Prince Taris nodded. "I shall leave in the morning."


If you want, any of you can mention Taris in your posts!
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:03 pm
Rosendorn says...

Beast | Beast's castle

Of course he had let her go, so long as she promised to return. Seeing her about to cry at her friend sound asleep— and hearing Beast's explanation she was most likely the cursed girl the whole country had been talking about the past day or two, had broken his heart and his resolve to lock her in the castle.

He'd found a servant and ordered the doors unlocked, and ordered his guards to accompany her as far as they could.

Beast wanted to curse himself again for not following her as far as he could go— and curse his curse for not allowing him to make the full journey with her.She had been the first girl in nearly a decade to even hold the possibility of breaking this curse. If she didn't return...

His immortality would continue to force him and live until love found him again.

He couldn't watch her pack; Beast limited himself to pacing his room on all fours, wanting to be selfish for the first time in months and accompany her in some hopes that his life would change. But the Enchantress had placed him under this.

He growled, deep in his throat.

Maybe she could undo it. He was so close, after all.

He wasn't sure why he wanted to follow Beauty so desperately. She had made it here unharmed, but knowing that dratted witch she wouldn't want anybody to get close to the girl— Briar Rose, as Beauty had called her. Whatever lesson Briar was forced to learn she would live through it no matter what. He wasn't sure what impossible clause would wake Briar, but knowing the Enchantress, it would be something nearly impossible to get.

These thoughts weren't helping him let go of Beauty any easier.

"Do I hear my name being called?"

Beast spun to face the Enchantress. She was the same beauty she'd turned into after he'd refused her. He tried not to growl. And shred her to bits for doing this to him. "That would be me."

She was just smiling. "Well, well, Beast. I see you haven't quite escaped your curse yet."

"No thanks to you." Now he was having a hard time keeping a growl out of his voice, the way she was toying with him. "The only girl to like me saw her friends and family in trouble. I let her go back to them, but with her having just been attacked by trolls on her way out, it's not safe in this world you created."

"So you want to follow her," the Enchantress said slowly. "Protect her."

Beast took in a breath. "Yes."
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:24 pm
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StellaThomas says...

The Enchantress- Beast's Castle, North Country

"Well." The Enchantress looked the Beast up and down. She really had been good here. All that hair, the horns... the fangs were her favourite bit, they turned him from an odd hirsute man into a real beast. Not to mention the goat's knees, the claws... and the fact that until just a moment ago, he had even been standing like an animal. The Beast was nothing short of a work of art. And this really was a surprise. "Do you know, I believe that my plan is really coming into fruition," she said, pacing in a small circle to view him from every angle. "You really... care about the girl, don't you?"

"What's it to you?" the Beast growled.

"Oh, it's everything to me, Your Grace. People all over this continent say I'm evil, but all I'm really trying to do is put a little good into the world. Now. You want to get out of this valley." It wasn't a question.

"To follow Beauty," he added, to remind her his intentions were honourable.

"Well, of course. But that doesn't stop the fact that you are asking me to end a curse early. It's not something I do very often."

There was an armchair by the fire, which the Enchantress took pleasure in sitting in. "You know, if you had invited me here five years ago you wouldn't be in this mess."

"No use looking back," the Beast growled. "Will you help me or not?"

"Now, don't be hasty. I'm thinking of a price." She stared into the empty grate. Such a cold, lonely sight. The ashes burst into bright yellow and orange flames, which warmed her and made her smile. Perfect. The Beast was quiet as she deliberated.

"I will grant you your freedom," she said at last.

"For no price?"

"Perhaps a change in the terms," she said, moving to the window. There was a famous Northern storm brewing outside. A storm just like the one there had been the night she first came here. But it hadn't happened, not quite yet. "Come. Outside."

The Beast frowned, as much as he could frown in his present state as he followed the Enchantress out of the parlour. She was quite proud of knowing her way through these stone walls even after all these years. They were barren, dull. She made the huge mahogany doors swing open, to reveal the ornamental garden outside, still tended by loving servants. There. Her eyes lit upon it. A single bush in the centre of the garden. She strode over, the Beast slowing to keep pace with her, and plucked the one red bloom that had grown there.

The Enchantress glanced up at the rumbling sky, then waved a hand over the rose. It glimmered for a moment. She handed it to the Beast.

"See this flower as your clock. When it wilts, you wilt. Understood?"

"You mean I'll die."


The rain was coming. A fat, crystal drop landed on the outermost petal of the rose, weighing it down, pushing it out. "Better get going then," she said sweetly to the Beast, and turned to leave.

But one more thing remained on her mind. Beauty would look for the girl. While she was content to let Beast help- hadn't her intention been to turn him into a kind, selfless man (or at least creature)?- she couldn't let them near Briar Rose. The roses and the dragon would see most people off. These two had an advantage she didn't like.

"The mirror," she said to Beast over her shoulder. "As you have your freedom, you'll no longer be needing it. Consider my loan of it to you ended. I'll be taking it back."

After all, magic mirrors were dangerous when in the wrong hands. Every good woman on the continent knew that.
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:01 am
ScarlettFire says...

Beauty | The Forest - North Country:

Beauty stumbled as her skirt got snagged on a low branch. She stopped and tugged it free, tearing the fabric. She had to get to her friend. And it was a long way, or so she thought. And she was right--not that she knew that. Light rain pattered down around her as she trudged onward, trying to ignore the creeping sensation she felt in the pit of her stomach.

The forest was getting creepier with every step she took. The branches looked menacing, the trees looked like foreign creatures, leaping to attack. To say she wasn't scared would be a lie. Beauty was terrified. And worse, she didn't know what way to go, or even which way was the right way.

Beauty looked up at the sky. It was still raining, and it was getting heavier. Thunder boomed and it made Beauty jump. Second later, a flash of lightening lit up the sky, making the trees stand out in sharp relief. It startled Beauty more, to see how frightening the forest could be during a storm. No wonder people came back into town talking about monsters. The trees were ancient, gnarled and twisted things. It could have been a setting right out of a bedtime story.

When the roaring starting, Beauty started running. Even though it sounded vaguely familiar, in this setting, it scared her. And all she wanted to do was get out of that forest, and out of the valley and to her friend before she came back to look for Beast. He was probably one of the few people who had ever looked at her like she actually was someone and not an object to be obtained. She could have easily mistaken it for roaring, but she heard her name being called, and it almost, almost, made her pause.

"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:59 am
Shadowlight says...


"I'm Cinderella... and I think dragons are weak," The girl says defiantly, her husband looks at her in shock

"You do?!" he asked. she nodded with a small smile, then she turned her attention back to the dragon still pacing in front of them.

"There. Now if I didn't tell you something interesting, what would you have done?" she asks. Sebastian was about to answer when the curse kicked in again.

He didn't tell you anything interesting yet."

He turned with a snarl towards the young nobleman.

"Now you, quick!" the prince began stuttering and stammering, he finally blurted out.

"I don't like strawberries!" Sebastian sat back, his scaly ears pricked up and his hitherto slitted pupils dilated until they were as big and round as saucers.

"You don't like strawberries?" he asked incredulously. "What sort of fool doesn't like strawberries!?" then he thought better of it. "Wait don't tell me, I'd have to kill you then."

Cinderella looked at her husband.

"You don't like strawberries?" the prince shook his head. "I didn't know that- but wait. what do you mean, my good beast, that you would have to kill us?"

Sebastian tilted his head to the side, then stood. Walking back into the roses, he paused and turned.

"This is a cursed place, get out as quickly as you can." he then looked directly at the prince. "Don't try and save them, they belong to Her now." Then he vanished into the gently nodding blooms.

(Sorry I dropped off the earth! :D I wasn't really sure what to write so if I did something wrong just let me know.)
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:09 pm
gleek456 says...

Cinderella- Middle Country

Her? Who's Her? I put on a very confused face and turn to Charming.

"Who's Her?" I asked. Charming let out a sigh and sheathed his sword. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"We better go now," he said. I brushed his hand off my shoulder, then stared at where the dragon used to stand.

"No way Charming. We've gotten this far! I want to go farther," I declared with a lot of pride in my voice. Charming stared at my back, so I turned around. I grip his arm and bat my eyelashes.

Charming laughed and looked away for a second. "You really want to go farther?" I nodded. Charming sighed.

"If any of us get killed..." he trailed off. I let go of his arm and put my hands on my hips.

"Oh no, Charming. We are not going to die. Trust me," I said. I took his sword's handle and unsheathed it. I examined the blade and looked at Charming with a pleased look.

(Hope this is okay!)

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Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:05 am
Eliza:) says...

Charming - Middle Country

Charming gave a weary smile. He was most certainly learning more about Cinderella this way than he would had otherwise. "Of course, my dear."

Cinderella handed back the sword. "Good," she said cheerfully. She began to walk the opposite direction of the dragon, and he obediently followed. It was always strange how people reacted to fear.

They walked quietly through the rosebushes, but all he could think about was Her, as the dragon called her. Now, he was defying her. It seemed like every country had leader's who were affected by her. And yet, here he was, in a position that could give her power over him.

But he couldn't say no to Cinderella.

He was interrupted from his thoughts by a light tap on his shoulder. "Charming," Cinderella said, "look! It's the castle."

He looked up. For the first time, they could see the castle, almost hidden behind the roses. The gates were drawn, and one of the guards lay on the ground beside them.

"Is he- dead?" Cinderella whispered.

Charming shook his head. "No, he is only sleeping. Everyone is."

Cinderella nodded and ran up to him. Kneeling beside him, she shook him and shouted, "Wake up! You're just under a spell. Wake up."

Charming walked over and gently held her. "You can't wake them up that way. We have to find Briar Rose first." For the first time since they left the carriage, he was genuinely worried she couldn't go through with this.

"But how?" she asked.

He shrugged. "I don't know. But anyone who can talk to a dragon like you do can figure it out."
There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.
-Ernest Hemingway

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Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:28 pm
thestorygirl says...

Hey guys! I'm joining. I worked everything out with Stella already and here is my character profile.

Name- Asta Tallota (But those that have ever been in the north has probably seen the pack of wolves she lives with and calls her the Wolf.)

Age- 25

Nationality- She doesn't remember, but she is loyal to no one.

Personality- She is very sarcastic, tough, and doesn't take crap from anyone. She is an assassin, and is very skilled with a bow. Aside from her skill she also has the power to heal anything (including most inanimate objects) but not some thing extreme, like bringing someone back from the brink of death or healing a fatal wound. She could only do that if she gave them her life.

Background- She doesn't remember much from when she was a young kid, just that a pack of wolves found her. They were going to eat her but she- being 7 and ignorant- healed a wound on the alpha. Then they took her in. When she was 19 she killed all six of the dwarves except for Clumsy because she met him in the woods once. Then a few weeks ago she killed Snow White's husband. She doesn't really get the rumor that she blew down the three little pig's houses. If anything she would burn them.

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Last edited by thestorygirl on Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Nella vita vi è la distruzione, desolazione nella morte, ma c'è speranza nella rivoluzione.

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Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:44 pm
Rosendorn says...

Beast | North Country Forest

This was exactly why he'd wanted to follow her, only now he was making it worse. He'd let her go too far, trying to make the rose last as long as possible with a waterproof skin to tease more life out of the flower. But now she was at the mouth of the forest. The one that had scared so many women away.

His call hadn't worked. She was only running faster, now. More likely to get caught in the brambles.

Beauty tripped and fell, and she wasn't getting up. Beast picked up his pace just in case she was hurt.

"Beauty!" he called again, skidding to a stop just a few paces away.

She had her head covered in protection, and wouldn't look at him. Beast stayed, breathing heavily, and waited.

Eventually, she raised her hand and looked around, eyes resting on him. "Beast?"

He dropped his head and pawed up to her in reply. As she still looked at him, dumbfounded, he untangled her skirt from branches and thorns with his claws.

"Beast... what are you doing here? How..."

A paw went under her chin, closing her mouth. "I couldn't let you go out alone."

She stayed quiet until he went back to work on the final, stubborn, thorn. "But what about your cu—"

"Don't ask."

Spoiler! :
Annnnd I'm gone till Monday. Scar/others, have fun with the interaction. ^^ Beast is really trying to get on Beauty's good side to break the curse, but he won't mention the rose if he can help it. It is, however, in his breast pocket for now.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

Stupidity's the deliberate cultivation of ignorance.
— William Gaddis