
Young Writers Society

Pre-Winged Ones

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Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:59 am
NinjaCookieMonster says...


I coughed up more water and shook my wings out, keeping my arms wrapped around my torso. "Seriously, an orange would really help out."

AJ fished one out and tossed it over. I peeled off the... peel, and ripped it apart. As AJ looked on in a weird sort of confused state, I held the spilling-over orange in one hand, to the side. "It's got... stuff... in it, that counteracts the stuff they were giving me in the labs. Maybe... maybe it'll help Jalen!"

I stood up uneasily, leaning heavily on the wall. "Jae! Jalen! D'you remember the green stuff they put in us? This gets rid of it!" I took a few stumbly steps and looked around. "Jalen?" I looked around more frantically. "Jalen! Jalen, where are you?" I broke into a run, trying to make out her figure in the dark. I looked at AJ desperately.

"Zur, she's just... probably still getting in from the storm."

I shook my head. "She was coming in with Corbin and Ester, I remember. She should be here!" I started looking for Corbin and Ester too- where they were, she should be. She better be.

And that's when I ran out of strength and fell back on the wall. Dang it.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:48 pm
Apple says...

Can someone bring me into what is happening? Sorry, I'm a little confuzzled.
I spy!

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Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:03 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Thanks ninja. And Apple, we are hiding out in a cave away from a major storm...that's pretty much it since this was kinda dead for a while.


Giving Zuri a soft smile I said "Don't worry, she'll probably be here soon." I looked around just to check if she was just hiding or something. Nope. That's when I noticed...Blaise wasn't there either! "Guys!" I said with a little panic in my voice "Blaise isn't here either!" They all looked around, doing the same thing I was.

"I'm going out there!" I took four steps before Cole was on his feet and holding me back "Hold up Kaylee, you can't go out there." Pushing him away from me I said "I have to Cole. Blaise is part of my family, I love him." Looking to everyone I said "If you guys care about Blaise and Zuri you'll come with me." Then I stalked off in search of them

The rain pelted me and the ground shook a little with each strike of lightening and bolt of thunder. Red hair clung to the sides of my face and my golden wings drooped. "Blaise! Zuri!" I screamed over the wind. Others behind me were calling for them too.

I wound through vines and bushes until I heard wolves growling. Turning to the sound, I let out a piercing shriek. Wolves were attacking two limp bodies. I heard gasps and screams from the people behind me

Running as fast as I could to them, I tore the wolf away from Blaise and broke it's neck. Blaise was bleeding everywhere and it puddled on him in a mixture of blood and rain. His eyes were foggy.

Tears began streaming down my face, though I doubt you could tell because of the rain. "Blaise!" I screamed at him. I sat above his body and lifted his head. Placing it down onto my lap I brushed his black hair away from his eyes "Blaise, come on. Get up Blaise. You'll be fine." For a moment he just looked around, confused, trying to find the source of the voice. But then his head fell to the side and his eyes went blank.

"Blaise!" I screamed. Through sobs I said "Wake up Blaise, please wake up. Blaise!"

*Just to keep things going*
Live, Love, Laugh

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Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:06 pm
MilkNCookies says...

uh... I'm just going to pull myself in. ok?
Pain was still coursing through me from the jolt of electricity and the wings I was giving but two days ago.The area around me was black as night- well, it was night. But a very dark one. rain poured by the buckets, so I scrambled to find shelter under a tree. Small tears slithered down my face, or was it rain? Smashing waves pounded on the shore; I felt alone. my wings were wrapped around my body to keep me from the cold. I stroked them gently. They felt like plastic; but at the same time, they didn't. A wolf howled;and in the faint distance I felt the pain of someone. Tumbling through the trees, I made my was toward the aching that was part of me as well.
Last edited by MilkNCookies on Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:13 pm
Apple says...

Ester Alice:

"I can hear screams!" Jalen shouted through the down pour of the rain.

Corbin looked from me to Jalen before perking his ears to the sound. I tried to listen to it myself but couldn't get anything. Slowly pulling myself to my feet, Corbin grabbed at my elbow and hauled me to a stand. I grinned at him as if to say everything was okay but it wasn't. My wound had reopened when I had tried flying and now, all I could see what little black and white dots fuzzing my vision.

"It sounded like your family!" Jalen added.

That got us. "Lead the way!" Corbin shouted urgently. Jumping into the air, I felt him pull me into his arms. I tried to push out of them saying I was fine but I wasn't as strong as I liked to think. Jalen pushed herself through the trees, rushing towards the sounds of screaming.

Corbin cursed as he lost sight of her as we broke through the trees. "She's heading for the caves!" I pointed after her soaring form. Speeding after her, I could feel his breath against the back of my neck. He was panting, I was slowing him down. I tried to move again but he only tightened his grip on me.

We dropped into the cave, water dripping from our clothes. No one looked up as we arrived. My eyes froze on blood. Kaylee whailed loudly, the others - the older winged ones - also. I felt my heart beginning to break. Corbin loosened his grip letting me escape. Stumbling over towards the group I suddenly wished I hadn't.

"Blaise..." his name escaped my lips. I felt tears beginning to rush down my cheeks. "No!"

A crack of thunger crashed across the sky lighting up the clouds. I turned around to stare accusingly at it, though stopped when I saw something. Something grey hurrying through the sky. It looked like a helicopter, the ones the scientist used to drop us off here. It began to sink towards the ground on the other side of the forest cloaked by the rain.
I spy!

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Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:19 pm
Apple says...

Yes! Sorry guys for the major malfunction spam post thing-o! It's all my computers fault I swear.
I spy!

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Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:25 pm
Dragonet says...


Only one word could escape my lips, "Blase."

Kaylee was holding him and instantly I felt her pain crushing my heart. I was weird like that, I could put myself in somebody else's shoes, and I could almost know exactly what they felt like.

Suddenly, the island didn't seem like a home sweet home anymore.

>Sorry it's so short, but I don't know what to write.<

Do you have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?

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Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:31 pm
MilkNCookies says...

I knew now that someone had died, from the grieving the person had. I was also fairly certian he was a boy- though I might be wrong. This was an incredible big island- that's what the scientist said this nightmare was, anyways. I tripped over several things, from roots to animals.

"Help!" I shrieked. "Help!" My voice echoed thought the dense mass of trees. "Help," I said, a bit quieter. The pull was strong, even though many a yards were spread between us. My my guessing... someone just lost a mate, or a best friend. But someone was here; that was all that mattered. My wings were soaked flat against my body, and my hair seemingly glued onto my face. I kept running, with each step my connection growing stronger. The burn in my heart... why us? Why me? I wouldn't even know the person and grieve like it was my father's deathbed. The pains of a group now punctured my heart. Each step made it worse; each step one step more onto an ever-stretching bed of needles. The wind was fierce; it tore at my wings and face. Several times I had to duck behind trees. Several more times the sudden clap of thunder enough to knock my down in shock. I was forced to hide behind a huge tree for at least thirty minutes. i had covered... what, a mile in thirty minutes? It couldn't be much farther, I kept telling myself. It was the only thing that kept me on my feet. I was rewarded when the muffled voices and exact reasons for sorrow reached me completely; a man named Blase had died today. Birds circled a bit away from me. I could see the silhouettes of the people between the trees. veyr slowly, I stepped through my only barrier protecting me from the group, and uttered:

"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:17 am
Junglelover says...

I feel really bad for not posting in so long, can someone tell me whats going on? I will try posting within a few days.
Charlie Bucket: You can eat the grass?
Willy Wonka: Of course you can! Everything in this room is eatable, even *I'm* eatable! But that is called "cannibalism," my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.

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Wed Sep 29, 2010 6:50 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Blaise is dead now and Kaylee is, well, a wreck.


Clutching his silky black hair with my bloody fingers, his blood, I buried my face in his chest and sobbed. Cries echoed around the cave. Not only mine, but others too. I reminded myself that they lost him too. Sitting up I wiped the tears from my face only to have them flood back out.

I cried for god knows how long. It was long enough to get to the point where I ran out of tears to shed. Taking in a shakey breath, I looked outside with hard eyes. "They've done so much to us." I said to them all. "They took us from our families. They put us on this horried place, which we learned to love. They gave us a new family without knowing. They put us on here again intending on destroying us. They commited murder!" I nearly screamed the last part.

Letting out a deep breath I said "Something has to be done." I looked down at Blaise and my face pulled down into a frown. He looked as if he were just sleeping. Rather depressing. I whispered very quietly, I don't even know if anyone heard not that I'd care, "I love you Blaise." Then I kissed his cool, dead lips.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Thu Sep 30, 2010 10:49 am
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Yuriiko says...


I couldn't think. I felt as if my heart had just been torn apart when I saw Blaise's still body on the wet grassy ground. The rain poured but the winged ones seemed not to care, especially Kayle who has been hurt a hundred times bigger than us.Their eyes focused towards the boy who had been once a part of our family. Resentment began settling down our minds, we knew it was the scientists.

Looking once again at Blaise's pale face, I gripped both of my knuckles hard, that you can even notice it white. This had been a hard thing to accept. Even though we barely talk with each other, I knew he would contribute a big mark into my life. Tears crawled down on both of my cheeks as I went colder and sat beside Kaylee. I placed my hand on her shoulder, just gently that she wouldn't cringe to it.

If only I had the power to raise the dead to life, I would've had to do it towards Blaise? But what was I really thinking? It was way too impossible to happen.

I happened to hear small disturbing sound as I stood up beside Kaylee. Something strange about it, I could tell. Perhaps a wolf... or a new winged one?
"Life is a poem keep it in the present tense." -Sherrel Wigal

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Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:20 am
Apple says...

Ester Alice:

I rubbed at my eyes with the bototm of my palms, trying to banish away the tears. It wasn't working as well as I'd hoped. All my life I never would've thought that Blaise would die. Leaving us on this horrible world. He was like a father I never had. Placing my head into my hands, I began to sob loudly. Suddenly gusts of wind began to push through the area. We all lifted ourselves to our feet and turned around to see a black helicopter floating before the mouth of the cave. A man - who sat in the drivers seat - in a white lab coat pointed towards us. Large men and women jumped out from the sides. Rolling across the ground, they began to shout out orders.

Each of us winged ones stood around dumb founded, not able to move. One of the people in green uniforms lifted a large gun and shot. Something rushed out, smacking into Zuri. She rolled to the ground. I gasped, then realised there was actually a net covering her body. She pushed against the sides, screeching for help. Before I could go to her aid; more nets flew out. I moved as quickly as I could, thoughts of Blaise momentarily vanquished. Kaylee stood up, her cheeks glowing red with anger.

"You!" she pointed at the helicopter. "You have no right to disrupt this!"

Screaming she charged forward. A uniform man rolled in front of her before she could reach the bulk of the helicopter and shot sending her flying back. She shrieked once she realised she was caught. Turning to look where Corbin was, he pointed above my head. Turning, I managed to see a net soar towards me and pin me down. I beated my hands against it uselessly, trying to loosen the metal links with no avail.

"Corbin!" I shouted, searching frantically for him.

"The subjects are all imprisoned," a woman's nasally voice ricochet off of the cavern walls. She put her large ear to a radio attatched to her vest and nodded. Pointing at us as if we were nothing but insects, she motioned with her head towards the helicopter. The other soliders nodded saying something in sync in another language.

The marched towards us. Two at a time, they grabbed onto the nets and began to cart us towards the helicopter. Kaylee began to screech. I looked back to see Balise's body still lying on the floor motionless. I chocked on my sobs and tried to fight back. They weren't going to just leave him here were they? How heartless could they be? I was thrown into the cockpit, pain striking at my legs as I landed. It was impossible to break out of the nets, we were like sitting ducks!

"Let us go!" Michael yelled. AJ roared in agreement.

"Don't you realise you've already caused us so much pain!" Caroline added.

Cole's smile dissapeared, his eyes glued on Ellie. He brushed his fingers tips against her net making her stare at him from behind the metal that caged her.

"Let's get back to HQ! Where the first test awaits them." the lady said, jumping into the helicopter.
I spy!

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Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:48 pm
NinjaCookieMonster says...


I didn't give up for a second. I thrashed and pressed against the net, shouting for Jalen. I wouldn't leave her... couldn't leave her... but she was...

And the I blacked out.

Later I'd figure out that it was y-xeltresamine, a nasty mutation of knock out gas. When I woke up, I could taste something in my mouth- that was what gave Y-xel (my shortened term for the mutation) away. I sat up and almost broke down.

I was back in the labs.

I stood on trembling feet, arching my wings like a shield around me. It looked like the experiment room. I didn't like that. My skin had gone white again, and I knew I was shaking. So many.... so many tests... I closed my eyes and curled into a ball, burying my face in my legs. Over. Over. It's over. Slowly, I uncurled, wondering if I could just not breathe. I could taste the sterilizing agents in the air, smell each chemical. Buboloxymine. Priclatoxin. Kypoloxyious. I shuddered. I'd been injected with each, hundreds more. Which reminded me!

I dashed to the refrigerator and yanked it open, sighing in relief at the boxes and boxes of vials. I recognized them all. I almost cried a little when I saw A-00A10. The counteragent of the last thing they'd pumped me up with, a nasty toxin that had reduced me to a shell. Remember how I asked for citrus? This was the chemical in it, concentrated times a hundred. I took a few labored breaths and jammed a syringe into the vial.

With two more breaths and a single tear, I pushed the needle in.

I whimpered at first. I hadn't numbed my arm, but I could deal. I waited until the last drip was flowing into my blood, then pulled the syringe out and hurled it to the ground, watching as it shattered with a sort of glee. I pressed one thumb to the puncture and grabbed a roll of clean gauze, wrapping a few layers around my elbow and securing it. Glad I couldn't see any blood yet, I started shaking everyone softly awake.

"I know this." I said to myself. "This is my place." I gave a crooked smile, to no one in particular. I spoke the truth. They could survive in the wild- I couldn't be more grateful. Now I could return the favor.

My turn to keep them alive.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:46 pm
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ForsakenAngel says...

I am SOO sorry! I'm just a little lost, but as soon as someone explains what's up, and where Ellie is, I'll be more than happy to post(:
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:52 pm
fictionfanatic says...

forsakin, no one is really anywhere yet. I mean, we're in the labs but nowhere in specific.

And by the way, Hurricane Nicole flooded my basement, which had my computer in it, and my computer is no more (meaning I probably lost all my stories too :'( ) so I'm going to have some trouble getting on the computer. I'll get on whenever I can though. Just don't think I'm ignoring this, 'cause I'm not.
Live, Love, Laugh

you should no this
— Hijinks