
Young Writers Society

Alethia (Open/Beginning)

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Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:55 am
VuzzyCat says...


I crouch behind a rock, my wings tight against my skin. I peer over the edge and watch as the werewolves walk back into the clearing. Yesterday, I had seen these same werewolves being attacked by a dragon trainer. Now they came back to warn of Narissa. I crouch back down behind the rock and relax my paws. I feel safe, only because the werewolves attract the sirens to the other side of the pool. I can't hear everything the group is saying, but I know that the sirens are shocked and affraid.

Undesirables are dying. I was there when the last pack of werewolves was wiped out, hiding of course. And I have been watching as vampirers and sorcerers gather. Narissa is planning something, probably to wipe out the rest of the undesirables.

I stand up and spread my wings out in a strech. I shake myself quickly before walking towards the group, I might as well tell the sirens the werewolves are telling the truth. My body begins to change as I shift back into my human form. Personally, I think that my transformation is the most beautiful of all of the shape-shifting beings. I change without missing a step. In the end, I'm standing just a few paces away from the werewolves wearing my clothes (grey shirt, black pants tucked into black boots). The werewolves and sirens look up as I walk over.
I'm the author of my own life. Unfortunately I'm writing in pen. Mistakes I make can not be erased, the only option is to turn the page and start a new chapter. <3

I'm single because God is busy writing the best love story.
<3 VuzzyCat

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Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:41 am
Demoness says...

Maya Keenan

“A priest? Well then, let’s say I believe you” Maya said, trying to cover the frustration she felt inside of her. She had tried her best, using her siren-skills to seduce this vampire but she could sense he had experience with sirens and their powers for he was very causes. Maya had to use her best efforts not to show the pain and exhaustion that started to grow inside of her. Taking advantage of the gifts the ocean had given her after abandoning the life it meant, also meant she had to pay for all the magic she used. Maya wasn’t like other sirens though, so maybe she could trap him in her arms in her own way? But it wasn’t only his knowledge of sirens that was different about this one. Maya looked at him with curiosity. She was well aware that many vampires could be fooled since they were so confident that they were stronger and more powerful than any other creatures and therefore they could easily be tricked in to giving in to their desires. But this vampire seemed affected by her in a way no other vampire she’d ever run in to had… he didn’t look at her with eyes that said “You’re mine” they actually seemed to be saying “I’m yours”. He was clearly different from the other’s she’d used and for a moment she reconsidered her decision to do with him what she’d done to them. Though she quickly shook this off of her and instead she put on her most attractive, but innocent looking smile and prepared to seduce him into doing as she wished, she couldn’t give up now.
"Some say the world will end in fire;
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice." - Robert Frost

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Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:01 pm
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KindredSpiritBee says...


I sighed as I woke, and stretched out on the soft grass, my hands reaching out to find my heavy bag. It was filled with books, and more books. Each and every one about everything I could find a book on, with her limited abilities. I felt rejuvenated, as if a couple hours lying in the warm sun had replenished the strength I had fought to keep down. I had tried to stay weak, tried harder than I ever had to stay strong when I first lost control of my powers. I had figured out that if I kept my body weak, and in want of something. Anything from sunlight to food, then my powers took longer to surface. I could pretend to be a normal human being for a few days before I exploded into something that was vicious and terrifying, something that wanted every living creature's blood.
I sat up and ran my hand through my tangled golden brown mess of hair and wondered where I should go to discover what was going on. The city was too populated, the excitement would just make me lose control faster, and the plains people were always the last to know what was going on. The forest was full of too many vicious creatures that wanted to eat me instead of answer me. Then it hit me, the ocean! It was sparsely poplulated, I didn't like it there, and Sirens always knew what was going on! It was perfect! But it was so far away... I wondered how long that would take me. Three weeks at least, and by that time I would be too late to appropriately react to the problem that was rising. I didn't even know how I knew there was a problem, I just knew there was one and that I needed to find out what it was. Maybe it was my ever strengthening powers. I glanced at the sky and watched a flock of geese fly overhead. What I wouldn't give to have wings to take me where I needed faster...
An explosion of pain ripped through my back, and I gasped and curled in on myself, and waited for the change to take over me. I should have expected it, should have been more careful of what I wished for, but I didn't and now I was growing wings. My skin split at the shoulderblades and bones and feathers started exploding out of it, growing rapidly longer and bigger. CRUNCH. My bones shifted to make way for my new appendages and almost as abruptly as it started, the pain stopped, leaving me gasping and crying on the ground. My clothes were in shreds across the back and I was trembling. Slowly I got enough control over my shakes to stand up and examine the deep red wings that stretched for miles behind me. They didn't really go on for that long, but they were huge! And they made it much easier to balance. "Okay Mos, you aren't out for blood, so let's test these things out." I told myself and flapped them.
Llamas do not have six packs

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Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:40 pm
Iggy says...

Name: Mason Hastling.

Race: Vampire.

Age: (in human years) 17; (in vampire years); 111.

Appearance: Short black hair; bright green eyes; pale complexion; 5'6" feet tall.

Personality: Mason is cold and catious when you first meet her; she warms up to you when you get to know her. She's very suspisious and trusts no one except Persephone. She's very protective of her sister and close friends. She's arrogant, cocky, sarcastic, decieveing, and alluring.

History: Mason's parents were killed by a rogue vampire eighty years ago. When a vampire by the name of Jerrson followed the scent of human blood, he found Mason and Persephone barely alive. He changed the Hastling orphans into vampires and 'adopted' them as his daughters.

Other: Gifted with the affinity for fire; she's always armed with a sword.


Name: Persephone Hastling.

Race: Vampire.

Age: (in human years) 15; (in vampire years) 99.

Appearance: Long black hair; green eyes; pale complexion; 5'4" feet tall.

Personality: Persephone's very kind and gentle. She likes to be helpful and nice. She's easily hurt and very shy; but when she warms up to you, she's opens her mouth more. She trusts too easily, and that's what makes her vunerable.

History: Mason's parents were killed by a rogue vampire eighty years ago. When a vampire by the name of Jerrson followed the scent of human blood, he found Mason and Persephone barely alive. He changed the Hastling orphans into vampires and 'adopted' them as his daughters.

Other: Gifted with the affinity for water; she's always armed with a bow and arrow.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:22 pm
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Redfang18 says...

Silver Cutthroat

The siren started to look more beautiful, which only warned me that she might try to seduce me to my demise. I knew from centuries of learning and careful practice that sirens had different ways to make a man do what they want him to do, but then again I wasn't really a man. I had no doubt in my mind she was curious about me. As I stood there watching, she seemed to put on her best of power to make me do whatever she wanted me to do. I kept my eyes on her as I said, "Don't be afraid of me, pretty lady. I don't bite. I'll be good to you and your sisters, I promise. I can be useful for you. I won't hurt you or your sisters, I swear by my eternal life."
She stared me in the eye.
I vowed, "If I dare hurt you or your sisters, may you drive a stake through my heart and watch me die." I waited for an answer, paitently keeping my calm as I looked at the siren straight in the eye.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:59 pm
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Iggy says...


"Where are we going?" Persephone whined.

"I don't know!" Mason snapped at her sister. "All Jerrson said was to travel until we find the people we're destined to meet."

Persephone adjusted the bow hanging from the crook of her elbow. "Why didn't he come with us? We're too young to-"

"Quiet!" Mason snapped. "I hear a siren's voice." Silently, she edged over to the voices.

They were almost apon the voices when snap! Persephone stepped on a twig.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:04 pm
Demoness says...

Maya Keenan

The frustration grew inside of Maya… mere seduction wouldn’t do it with this one so maybe she had to turn to more drastic forms of action. This vampire-priest kept saying he’d do no harm to either her or her sisters. He didn’t know Maya would love for him to hurt his sister, especially her biological one. But no, Maya wanted to hurt Eira herself. She took a step closer towards the vampire and opened her mouth slightly to speak but changed her mind.
“So if you lied… I could stake you right here?” Maya took another quick step forwards and placed her palm gently on his marble chest. The vampire jumped a little but didn’t back away. Maya smiled inwardly, this was her one shot. When the vampires eyes was set on his own chest and her bony fingers she reached down the pocket of her coat with her other hand where she had another stake stored. Then with all the power she still had within her she aimed, as quick as she could and pierced the stake only a few inched near the vampires heart. Not too close to kill him, but close enough to make him enabled to harm her. Then she fell, together with the vampire down on the ground under the big oak tree. She looked at the vampire, he looked shocked and in pain and to her big surprise Maya felt remorse and regret for what she’d just done. But then her own pain overwhelmed her and she let out a final siren-call before clenching her jaws not to squeal out the pain that shot through her like lightning.
"Some say the world will end in fire;
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice." - Robert Frost

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Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:05 pm
Demoness says...

Neo Venom

Venom heard the beautiful siren-call and bounced up from his seat in front of the caravan. In difference to most the sound didn’t compel him… Venom wasn’t touched by much. He was a vampire who’d lost both his fangs and been banned by Narsissa for his uselessness. He was hated by vampires and he hated undesirable ones. He couldn’t hate Narsissa though; her lack of interest in him had only made him even more eager to prove himself to her that he’d already been. This is why he was helping Maya, even though she was an undesirable and should be slaughtered. He helped her because he knew she could help him. Fact was that Venom had grown a great deal of respect for this Siren girl and would do almost anything she told him. Now he was commanded to carry the wounded body of someone of his kind… someone she’d hurt but he didn’t mind. His kind had abandoned him, he hated the undesirable ones, but he hated Narsissa’s followers even more. Maya was the perfect companion for him and together they would gain Narsissa’s trust. Maya would get her spot amongst the powerful ones so she could do whatever it was she had to do… Venom had no idea what it was though, and he would get what he’d gain what he’d fought to win for so long. Narsissa’s heart, yes, it may be wicked but he loved her even though she’d never looked at him with anything other than hatred or worse… ignorance he felt such strong affection to her that his heart ached at every thought of her. He would win her trust back, and then he’d take her heart. To do this, he needed to do whatever Maya told him. When he reached the oak tree where Maya stood he was struck by surprise at what she had captured in her net this time.
“Curse the undesirables! Maya do you have any idea who that is?” Venom asked and stared at the vampire lying unconscious on the ground before him. Dressed in green and with pale, marble skin the vampire was easy to recognize, especially as few had as wild and dark hair as he. Venom bent down and rolled the vampires body over so that its back faced the skies. Then he ripped the forest-green tunic apart so that the skin on the vampires back became visible showing a black snake tattoo… it was no longer any doubt who the vampire was. “That’s Silver Cutthroat!” Venom said and a grin spread on his face.
“So?” Maya responded plainly and Venom finally looked up at her. She was a mess, her porcelain skin looked even paler than usually and her long hair, the color of a raven’s feather, hung heavily and tangled down her shoulders. Her piercing, black eyes were drained with pain and exhaustion. Maya could do a lot, Venom had seen the fear and pain she could spread, but that was mentally. Physically she was weak. She tripped constantly and hurt herself wherever they went and she couldn’t run at all. He’d asked her why once because he knew that even though sirens were nothing against a vampires speed and strength they were much more powerful than humans but Maya was like a toddler when it came to that. He hadn’t gotten a response though, just a threatening snarl.
“Are you okay?” Venom asked, trying not to sound as worried as he actually was.
“I’m fine!” Maya growled and fury sparked in her pit-black eyes for a second before going pack to expressing the pain she seemed to be in. “Just throw him with the others and then come get me!”
So that’s what he did, he ran through the forest and down on the road and followed it all the way to the alley where Maya had told him to park the caravan and there he threw the vampire with the rest of the traitors they’d picked up. He unlocked the door and opened it just a bit at first to make sure nobody had gotten free and were about to flee the moment he opened the door. He took a relieving breath when he noted they were safely fetched to the wooden walls that covered the inside of the caravan. He pulled the doors fully opened and didn’t meet the glaring eyes of the vampires, sorcerers or masked undesirables that had betrayed his beloved, instead he quickly put the newly captured vampire in iron-cuffs attached to the wall. Then he did the same with his ankles, pulled the stake further in, Maya was strong, but vampire skin was bulletproof material and even if wood weakened it, it was hard to pinch through. Finally Venom decided it was time to do the thing that gave him the most pleasure when dealing with vampires… he bent the jaws of the vampire open and his hands trembled excitedly as he prepared to bend out its canines.
"Some say the world will end in fire;
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice." - Robert Frost

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Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:26 pm
Iggy says...


"Nice!" Mason hissed.

"I'm sorry, I- What the hell?" Persephone cursed as she heard the piercin siren cry. She quickly detected the noice, noticing a man and woman arguing while a man laid unconcious at the woman's feet.

"She's a Siren!" Mason breathed. With her vampire abilities, Persephone was able to detect parts of the conversation.

Persephone was about to just walk away when she saw the man pick up the unconcious one and carry him to a caravan. Ignoring her sister's hissed call, she ran out of her hiding spot and burst into the caravan. "What is going on here?!"
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:53 pm
Redfang18 says...

Silver Cutthroat
His last day as human

I woke up in a bed and found myself lying there with my young hostess's head on my chest. I couldn't believe what I just did. For once in my whole life I've committed a sin. I whispered frightenedly, "What have I done?"
My hostess awoke and said, "I knew you couldn't resist. At last, you have sinned. I had you drunk enough to make you commit the sin of adultery. It gets even better in my case. Observe yourself in the mirror."
I looked and noticed a black snake on my back. I shivered and asked, "What have I done?"
She smiled. "All you did was allow me to mark you as my own and lose your purity to me. Now that you're no longer a pure man, I can have you as my first fledgling."
I almost fell off my feet. The whole time I was in the presence of a vampire and I didn't know it until it waw too late to save myself. I couldn't get her off me as she sank her fangs in my throat and drank me to the brink of death. I tried to refuse it, but she made me drink her own blood from her wrist. I was in sheer pain as I was changed. It was an age after that when the pain subsided and was replaced with great hunger.
"At last, I've done it. I've become a maker. My name is Jade, but my maker changed my name to Sarah. Unlike my maker, I will let you keep your name, but change your last name. Since you're now one of us, your name is Silver Cutthroat."
I just laid there on the floor, being looked over by Sarah and my face full of great remorse.
"Don't worry, my son. Soon, you'll come to terms with your new nature." She kissed my forehead, sweetly like a mother.

At the present...

I woke up in a caravaan with both my wrists and ankles cuffed together. I checked my teeth with my tongue and found out my fangs were missing. I knew my tunic was ripped from the back because I felt wood against my bare back. I took a deep breath and held it as my fangs quickly came in. Using my new fangs, I picked the lock of the cuffs holding my wrists together. Once my wrists were free, I yanked a fang out of my mouth to pick the other cuffs. Once I was completely free, I yanked the stake out of my chest and got out of the caravaan. With my unaccountable speed, I ran far away from the caravaan and climbed a very dense tree. I studied my chest and watched my wound close and fully heal itself. I murmured, "That's one of the most good things you got from Sarah, Silver. Wish she was here to see that." I remained in the tree and fell asleep as the day dragged on.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:05 pm
Iggy says...

(Well then. If you're going to ignore my characters... That's hardly fair.)
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:12 pm
Demoness says...

I'm sorry, I don't think she noticed your post since she was caught up writing her own story... but maybe you can burst into the caravan after Silver is free and confront Maya and Venom about the rest of the captivated ones... ? :) We didn't mean to lock you out of the story. PROMISE ;D
"Some say the world will end in fire;
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice." - Robert Frost

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Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:18 pm
Iggy says...

(Sorry, I was a tad hurt. Persephone & Mason already burst in, maybe Maya could answe Persephone? See previous post.)
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:31 pm
gleek456 says...

Hey! Sorry, I can't do the storybook. I'm caught up with a lot of things. Sorry!

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Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:05 pm
Demoness says...

Spoiler! :
Sorry guys, I'm not good at keeping things short :P

Maya Keenan

“What now!” Maya shrieked and glared at the horses when the caravan suddenly came to an abrupt end. She stormed off to the back feeling a little wobbly at the sudden movement since she wasn’t fully recovered yet. Venom yelled something after her but she didn’t hear him, or rather didn’t bother listening. She was just about to open up the doors when she noticed they were already opened.
“Who are you?” Maya hissed when she met eyes with the pale, beauty that stood in the middle of the caravan, surrounded by her prisoners.
“I… what’s going on in here?” The vampire asked, her voice was harsh but she had friendly, green eyes. Not another undesirable-lover Maya thought but then she noticed one of the spots on the wooden walls was empty.
“What did you do? You didn’t release him did you? Because I swear if you did I’m go…” Maya began but was interrupted.
“I didn’t release anybody but I demand that you tell me what’s going on in here!” The vampire was getting impatient and Maya wasn’t in her best shape to deal with any more fanged people today.
“Venom, come here… quick!” Maya yelled and a few hundredths of a second later Venom stood by her side with one arm held out protectively in front of his Siren ally.
“Who’s she?”
“I’ll ask once more, what’s going on?” The vampire kept pushing, but Venom’s appearance had obviously made her less cocky. Not that she seemed like a tough girl to begin with, she seemed rather nice. Which might have helped her in another situation but Maya didn’t fancy the nice ones.
“I got this feeling; please correct me if I’m wrong… that you don’t really like Narissa.” Maya began… laying little weight on the words in case she was wrong.
“That’s… well, no. But that doesn’t mean I’m okay with you kidnapping people of my kind!”
“I know, you have no idea how much it pains me to do this but they’re really bad people. Me and Venom just caught them while they were doing some real damage. Tearing wolf-packs apart, attacking sirens, killing their own kinds… people like you. We just couldn’t risk have them running around Alethia on free foot.” Maya lied, and cringed her voice into sounding as remorseful and innocent as possible. She was used to acting innocent, but she had troubles faking the remorse. Thankfully the vampire in front of her seemed to relax a bit and Maya smiled inwardly and gave Venom a gentle puff on the hip, encouraging him to join the lie.
“It’s really… Eh, you know, we’re good, people… and we love the undesirable ones.” Venom stuttered awkwardly, making the vampire suspicious at ones.
“Thank you Venom, now we have to kidnap her… well, it’s just as well since you failed in keeping Cutthroat locked up!” Maya sighed and watched as the vampires face grew less suspicious and started to panic. Venom didn’t give her any chance to defend herself or run though as he simply grabbed her around the wrists and fetched her where Cutthroat had been kept before. In his shame, Venom didn’t bother to take away her fangs though; instead he just poked a stake into her chest, making her as unconscious as the others on the walls.
“Venom you’re riding in the back, we can’t afford loosing anymore prisoners!” Maya said harshly before she stormed back outside and urged the horses to move forwards again. In the far distance she heard a female yelling after her sister but Maya blocked the sound and leaned back to regain her strength which she'd lost again.
"Some say the world will end in fire;
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice." - Robert Frost

He who knows only his own generation remains forever a child.
— Cicero