
Young Writers Society

Camp Crazy (STARTED!/ Still accepting)

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Thu May 02, 2013 2:51 pm
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NicoleBri says...

Jennifer Gray

Seeing so many people up in one cabin, I felt a little claustraphobic so I walked out of the cabin after putting my stuff up. I felt like taking a swim so I put a full piece swimsuit on because I hate showing my body off in public. Bringing a towel and a shirt over the batheing suit I walked out and seen a girl asking where to park her car, "Hey, you go to the right over there and there is a sign saying student parking." I say. She smiles and says thanks then walks out to put her car up. After that, I ran passed the guys cabin.

Before I could get to the beach I heard a guy yell, "Girl!" so I stopped mid run and looked back. A guy in a group waved at me, and they all 3 walked over, "Hey, I'm Chaise, this is Riley and Devon." he says. I looked at them and said, "Uhh.. I'm Jennifer, call me Jenny." They all 3 smiled and one said, "Ok Jenny." it sort of sounded like he never heard the name 'Jenny' before because he said it a little weird. I think that one was Riley.

"Well I got to go." I say, then walk off. They all say bye at the same time and walk behind me. "Why are yall following me?" I ask not bothering to turn around. "We aren't. We are going surfing." the guy named Devon says back. "Ahhhh..." I say.


Devon Turner

I was sitting with Riley eating my PB&J sandwich when someone else walked in. "Hey I'm Chaise." he says. I stand up to shake his hand, "I'm Devon." Then Riley chimed in, "I'm Riley." we all smiled at the same time which was kind of weird. "So what are we eating?" he asks.
I give him one of the sandwiches on the plate and he eats it. We sit around talking for a little while before deciding to go take a surf,

Walking out, we were just in time to see a girl walking out to the same place we had been going. "Girl!" Chaise yells. Riley slaps him a little but a play slap. The girl turns around and walks over to us and just looks at us. "I'm Chaise, this is Riley and Devon." he tells her. She looks at us a little crazy before saying, "Uhh.. I'm Jennifer, call me Jenny." She had a pretty name. Riley looks at her and says, "Ok, Jenny." she smiled a little at him and sort of looked at him funny.

"Well I got to go." she says and just walks off. We all tell her bye and it was a little weird because it looked as if we were following her since we were all going to the same place. "Why are yall following me?" she asks hesitantly and without looking back. "We aren't. We are going surfing." I say to her. All she says after that was, "Ahh.." then continued walking until we split ways from her to go to different places.

"Look at that water!" Riley says. It looked great. From the hotness we had here, it looked awesome to go swimming. "I think I'm just going to take a swim." I say. Then walk off not to close to Jenny so she don't think I'm following her. "Yeah let's just swim a while." Riley says. Chaise shakes his head as to say okay and they take off in my direction.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Thu May 02, 2013 3:26 pm
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ChimeraMania says...

Erina Rose

I said thanks to the girl who looked like she was going swimming. I asked where my room was and went to put my stuff up. I took my guitar back to the car with me.

I found the parking spot she was talking about. There was only one other car there, so I figured everybody else got dropped off by a parent or something. The way my mother was acting, being dropped off will never happen, not even by step-loser. Sighing deeply, I get out of my car with my guitar.

On my way to the beach, I see the girl who told me where to part walking with three guys. I'll go play over there. I looked over and found an area that looks peaceful. It real close to the beach but far away to where you can see the grass sticking out of the sand.

I went to sit down and took out my guitar. Remembering the guitar solo to Boom Boom Pow by Jeffree Star, I started to play.

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Thu May 02, 2013 5:08 pm
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ChocoCookie says...

Spoiler! :
Sorry for the late post! :33

Megan Stuart

Ms. Holly had already given the list of new-comers to Camp Crazy this year. A lot of people were coming and old ones couldn't stay soon. She smiled at me, giving me a pat on the back. There were pictures of many of them so I could recognize them. As a leader, I had to do that every year and it kind of always was a flop. I always forgot the names of some student.

"Make sure you do a good job like Rebecca did, Megan. I'm counting on you." Ms. Holly said.

"I promise, Ms. Holly." Remembering Rebecca as how she used to be such a wonderful leader. She still contacts me. Now, that's what I call true friendship.

"Heard from your parents yet, lad?" she asks me.

"Huh? Oh, no. No, sadly. Mom's been busy with trading and dad just wouldn't pick his cell." I shrug.

"Sorry to hear that... Well, relax alright? I'm sure all the new-comers will love you."

I nod, and go back to my room. In a few hours, they'll all be arriving. I just love the faces when they're all tense. But this is Camp Crazy. Everyone gets along here. I tie my hair to a nice fish plait. I was wearing red denim shorts and a nice plain white top. Till then, I keep myself busy with some paperwork, by heart names and hot chocolate.

The time ran by as I looked at the clock and had pretty much everyone's names except one or two. I ran outside, waiting for all of them. Many people came almost at the same time. I greeted them all one by one, smiling at all of them. Everyone was gathered among the hall. Everyone were already getting along which made me happy. I clapped my hands to grab their attention and at that moment, the voices came down.

"Hey, everyone. Its so nice to have such happy faces here. Normally, everyone's nervous but I can see this is a bubbly crowd." I raise my eyebrows at them nicely and they cheer.

"Going on to introduce myself. I'm Megan, one of your leaders. I'll be guiding you through whatever you find difficulty here. So, any questions, come straight to me. So, as this is your very first day, you're all going to be free to do anything you like. Any questions?"

A guy with green eyes and brown hair shoots his hand up. I immediately recognize him-Devon. Thank god, for the lists.

"Yes, Devon?"

Everyone seemed slightly stunned that I know their names already.
"Well... Me and my friends here-Chaise and Riley were thinking to go for surfing? So..."

"All allowed." I give them a smile. "Now, I guess that's that. You're on your own, now."

I see everyone rushing off to the beaches. No one's left. Not even one of them wants to get to know me. Of course, I'm the leader. The boring one. I shake my head and go out to the beaches.

A girl comes to me whom I cannot replace too fast. "Hey, by any chance... Are you the serious or fun type?"

I chuckle. "Don't worry. Totally the fun type." I grin.

"So, is love allowed here? Just out of curiosity!" she says, laughing.

"Not really. Its okay if I get to know but don't let any of the instructors get to know about it." I reply, nodding.

"Oh, okay. Do you want to join us for beach volleyball?"

I smile. This is what I'm talking about. "Oh, you're going down." I say, making my way to the volleyball net along with her.
Spoiler! :
This girl can be anyone. =)
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

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Thu May 02, 2013 8:13 pm
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littleauthor says...

Riley Anders

I ran towards the beach the guys following me. I laid my towel down in the Aand and ripped my board into of it. I stripped off my shirt leaving me just in my swim shorts. I smiled and ran towards the beautiful blue water and dived in. Chaise and Devon followed and joined me in the ocean. I felt a hand go on top of my head and before I knew it I was under water.

"Oh your going down!" I screamed a the smirking Devon. I flipped him over and before we knew it, we were in a full on battle. I was laughing the entire way though toll we were to tired to go on.

"Ready to surf?" Chaise asked between breaths. I nodded and swam back towards the beach.

We got to the beach and found that they had started a volleyball game. I didn't really like volleyball so I kept walking.

"Rileeyyyyy!" I hear a mocking voice coming from the volleyball court. It was the leader, Megan. "What are you to chicken to play?"

" I just don't like volleyball," I replied picking up my board. The girls moaned and I rolled my eyes at them running towards the ocean one more. I walked out till I could stand anymore then jumped on my board and waited. Chaise and Devon sat on their boards next to me staring out into the ocean just like I was. Then the most perfect wave I have ever seen came into view. We immediately started to swim out to it.

" Seeya later ladies," I said to them before catching the wave. I rode up and down it putting my hand out sticking it in the wave. I was smiling the entire time. I went into a tunnel and it was beautiful. The blue water falling over my head misting my hair. I bent down low to catch speed then finally exited the tunnel as the wave slowly ramped out.

"well, that was fun." Chaise said smiling. I nodded. And sat on my board as Devon came out of the tunnel. I high fived him and we swam back to the beach seeing that it looked like it was time for dinner
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Thu May 02, 2013 11:07 pm
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LadyPurple says...

Tamsin Locke.
My insides were all jumpy as we the car neared the camp. I'd have so many fun things to tell my friends back home when this was over! I just knew it.
"Camp Crazy?" my mother said from the passenger's seat. "That's a strange name...are you sure you want to go here? We could just got o the movies or something. That could be exciting too, you know."
Mom and I knew we wouldn't go see if a movie even if such a trip would actually be exciting. Mom and daddy always got home late and fell into bed exhausted. I was surprised when they said they had time to take me to the camp.
I love you guys and all, I thought. But you guys are major workaholics.
"I really do, mom. Didn't you ever go to camp when you were my age?"
"Yes," she said. She pursed her lips before adding, "I suppose if you have fun I can't complain."
She looked back and smiled. "As long as you promise to have fun, sweetheart."
I nodded, grinning back.
"We're here!" my dad called from behind the steering wheel. My eyes widened, if that were possible, at the sight of the camp. While I focused on the camp I knew my dad was focused on the group of boys who stood near a cabin.
"Be careful, Tam," my dad said, probably glaring at them.
My mom gave him a pat on the shoulder and watched me in the rear view mirror.
"Have a great time," she said.
I leaned forward to hug my dad even though the seat was in the way. he patted my arms and my mom moved to kiss my head.
"Love you!" I called as I jumped out, grabbing my bag that was in the seat next to me. Then I backed away from the car.'
My dad shouted, "we love you!" before driving away. Mom waved as they passed.
I turned to face the camp. I couldn't wait!
After I met the leader, Megan, I ended up in a hall with other campers. Some of them smiled at me and I smiled back, but I didn't really speak to anybody much besides a few girls inviting me to volleyball.
Not too bad, I thought.
Megan clapped to get our attention and everyone fell silent to listen. She introduced herself then asked, "Any questions?"
One guy, Devon is what I assumed his name was since she said it, asked about surfing and Megan gave it the 'ok'. Then I wondered something. She seemed pretty laid back. But I had to be sure.
"Going on to introduce myself. I'm Megan, one of your leaders. I'll be guiding you through whatever you find difficulty here. So, any questions, come straight to me. So, as this is your very first day, you're all going to be free to do anything you like. Any questions?"
But I couldn't just ask my question out loud like that Devon guy. So I walked waited for everybody to leave before approaching her.
"Hey, by any chance... Are you the serious or fun type?" I asked. She chuckled.
"Don't worry. Totally the fun type."
"So, uh, is love allowed here? Just out of curiosity!" I ask, feeling embarrassed already for asking. Why would I ask that? I regretted the words as soon as they were said.
"Not really," she said, shaking her head. "It's okay if I get to know but don't let any of the instructors get to know about it."
Well that was nice to know. That wasn't going to be a problem with me. I had a history of being super awkward around people I liked anyway. Camp would be over before I ever spoke to that person anyway.
"Oh, okay. Do you want to join us for beach volleyball?" I asked, remembering someone inviting me earlier.
She smiled and we headed to the volleyball net together, talking all the way there.
I got a friend on the first day. This is progress, if you ask me.
You're new? Great seas! Why haven't you gone to the Buddy System yet?

You're dealing with writers. The words "normal" and "usual occurrence" do not compute.
~Rosey Unicorn

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Fri May 03, 2013 2:11 am
winterbites says...

Spoiler! :
Okay guys I'm making a new person!
My Profile:

Name: Landon Moree

Gender: Male

Age (15-19, unless you're one of the leaders.): 18

Appearance: (description and photo please!) Image Landon a has blue eyes and light brown hair. His skin isn't tanned but its not extremally white.

Personality: Landon is kind and caring. Sometimes he can be a bit insensitive, but he doesn't notice. He likes to be around people of all ages. He tries his best to make friends, but sometimes, he can't.

History/ why your sent here: His parents didn't want him around. They are always tell Landon how much of a mistake he was. Sometimes he just tries to give up. But, he is hoping this camp will help him.

Up for love: Yeah, sure. Straight.

Other: Nothing.


We were all down on the beach watching the boys surf, they weren't too bad at it. Mum insisted me to bring a beach umbrella. I set it up so it was covering me and another girl. One of the boys fell of their bored and stacked, "Ouch!" I giggled.

"It doesn't hurt." The girls next to me said laughing, I still haven't leaned their names. "Have you never surfed?" She questioned.

"This probably sounds really dumb, but I'm afraid of drowning... So no, I haven't" I said looking down at my hands.

"Oh, Emma, I'm sorry." She put her hand on my shoulder.

I laughed, "No, really its fine. I like watching the waves and the cute boys in them." I laughed, the girls joined.

"Did someone called me?" We all turned around to see a smirking boy, Must be new. He has his shirt off showing his perfect chest and abs, he wasn't too tanned and toned. He was just well, if he was and ice cream, he'd be melting. The other girls had their mouths hung open too. His shorts hung low showing off his V line."Excuse me... I'm Landon." He gave us all a million dollar smile. I bit my lip and lowered my gaze to the sand that is was drawing in. Landon took off running down the beach to the water.

"Wow, was that a dream, or was he just really hot?" Erina squealed. The other girls laughed and nodded. Except me. Landon, I knew that name. And its not a regular name you hear every day. But, it couldn't be the same Landon I knew, my dorky, glasses wearing pale skinned, clumsy, best childhood friend.

He would always be over mine, cause mum thought it'd be a better environment for him. Now me being only young then, I didn't understand. But, now I do. Mum explained that his parents used to beat him and abuse him. That's why he would always have cuts and bruises, not from riding is bike, from his parents..

I cried every night, after his parents stopped him from seeing me. I was only eleven or twelve. He was much older. I remember when I was seven, and he was nine, he tricked me into kissing him. He told me something like Every best friend was doing it. Being so young, I believed him. Thinking about it made me laughed,

"What are you laughing about?" Megan smiled.

"I-I think I might know him," I smiled, from ages ago though. He probably doesn't remember me.."



I couldn't believe it, that same blonde hair, those cool blue eyes, it had to be her, Emma-May. I used to tease her about her name all the time. But, I secretly loved it. Gone are the days when she used to have short hair. We spent so much time together, like Childhood sweethearts, that's what her dad used to call us after he caught me kissing her, I kinda lied... I told her, 'Every best friend is kissing eachother these days.' She was about six or seven, so she believed me.

I don't remember why we stopped seeing eachother, probably because of my parents..She was around twelve, and I was fifteen by then. I smiled and dove into the sea. She sure has grown since then, but, it's her, I know it is..
Last edited by winterbites on Fri May 03, 2013 2:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
I've got you under a spell and I don't think I'll be letting you out~ If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do, Get Scared.

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Fri May 03, 2013 2:14 am
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Craz says...

Can I join and would it be okay to do cousins? I'll post my profiles in the DT later.
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Fri May 03, 2013 2:44 am
winterbites says...

Spoiler! :
Yup that would be great.
Want be on till tomorrow night xx
I've got you under a spell and I don't think I'll be letting you out~ If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do, Get Scared.

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Fri May 03, 2013 10:34 am
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ChocoCookie says...


We walk together to the net and grab the ball. I get to know her name was Tamsin. She was cute little girl. Obviously, a tad shy but a good friend. A group of girls are gathered up the other side. I grin to myself.

"So, whose team are you in?" I ask Tamsin.

"Your's. For sure." she laughs heartily.

"Good choice."

We take our places and so does the other girls. I shoot the ball up, giving it a smack and I can see the game's already getting heated up. The ball's hit back with a nice force but surprisingly, Tamsin saves it. I clap for her and give her a thumb's up. I slap the ball back to see it rolling on the sand on the other side.

"Yeah!" I hear a girl saying and hi-five's me.

I see Riley coming out, his hair nicely combed. He looks towards us. I try inviting him over. If he can go surfing, he can sure get a piece of volleyball.

"Rileeyyyyy!" I call in style. "What are you, too chicken to play?"

"I just don't like volleyball." he replies grimly. I hear girls moaning as he takes off with his board again to surf. I laugh.

"Okay, ladies. Let's take a break!" I announce and they nod in agreement.

Tamsin walks with me. I guess I should help her around and get her a few friends since I always won't be there for her. I catch Emma-the girl who came first, laughing.

"What're you laughing about?" I ask, sitting next to her. Tamsin sits next me to me.

"I-I think I might know him, from ages ago though... He probably doesn't remember me.." she replies, looking over at him.

I follow her gaze to find Landon. Oh, that guy with major hotness. Many girls have tried to get him on the hook but he's never really fallen for them. I remember the number of valentine cards and chocolates he got.

"Landon? Now, isn't that a surprise? You should go talk to him." I encourage.

"Yeah, you should." Tamsin jumps in. I smile at her.

"Oh, I don't know..." Emma says, unsure of herself.

"Give it a try! Come on, I'll help you out. I've known Landon for a quite awhile now." I wink at her, and stand up. I tag Tamsin along too.

I reach for Emma's hand. She hesitates for a second but she agrees. She takes my hand and stand's up, and we make our way to Landon who's busy surfing. The three of us come to a halt and I try to grab Landon's attention. He immediately see's me and comes down from the waves, his board under his arm.

"What's up?" he asks, grinning. He looks at Emma and I can see there's something between them.

"Emma here, wanted to get to know you. She's very nice. Look after her, will you?" I tell him and he just nods.

I give Tamsin a "We should let them be" look. She nods and we walk back. Tamsin tells me she wants to get a drink and goes off. I stand there, looking at the boys surfing-especially Riley. He was one of the best surfers I could see. He was good looking, charming and reminded me of Adam-my ex-boyfriend. But he wasn't the one I really thought he was. A playboy he was, in other words. He was gone now, that's what matters.

I see Riley speeding towards my direction and before I could realize what he was up to, he drives his board to drown myself in a whole lot of salt water. Dang. I hate it when guys do that.

"Stop zoning out, leader." he gives me a smile that almost shatters me.
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

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Fri May 03, 2013 1:18 pm
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ChimeraMania says...

Erina Rose

After playing three of my favorite songs by Jeffrre Star, I moved closer to the beach. I seen some of the girls playing volleyball and decided I'm better off not trying any sports. I look over to the beautiful waves and seen a good wave coming in. Then I seen a guy on his board swimming off to it. He's gonna enjoy that.

Not waiting to see if he does, I turn to go back to my room to change into my swimming suit. Even if I don't get into the water. I thought to myself.

After going back to the beach I see the girls have stopped playing volleyball and are stretching out on the sand. Thank goodness I brought a towel. I walk over and lay down with them.

We started talking, but I don't remember what we were saying because a fine guy walked over and said hey. His name was Landon, I think. I look over at Emma, who looks down at the sand like she's remembering something.

When Landon walked away and it looked like they weren't going to say anything.
""Wow, was that a dream, or was he just really hot?" I squealed. All the girls except Emma laughed and nodded.

"I-I think I might know him, from ages ago though... He probably doesn't remember me.." she finally says, looking back at Landon.

When Megan, Tamsin, and Emma get up and walk over to Landon I pick up my guitar again. I have started playing at random and came up with a nice tune. I started playing it over and over again. Then words, randomly, started coming out and I had me a song.

I was so caught up in my song I forgot the other girls where there. Who's names I might need to learn in the next fifteen minutes. But I just kept singing, then a lot more people where walking up from the water and stood there listing to the song.

Spoiler! :
Don't really know what she was singing but I'll come up with something. :D

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Fri May 03, 2013 1:30 pm
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NicoleBri says...

Jennifer Gray

After taking a long relaxing swim, I get out and lay on my beach towel to try and get a tan on, possibly a sunburn. It was peaceful out and I was getting a little sleepy so I had to get up and start walking. Going to the girls cabin I passed by the guys, "Chaise!" I yell. He looks over at me from surfing and flips the board. I let out a smile and started walking up to the cabins.

Rushing after me, I felt his hand touch my shoulder, "Hey what was that for?" he asked in a laughing tone. I just smiled and kept walking. "Come on, don't be like that." he says. "What do you want me to be like?" I ask while we kept walking. He was sort of having a hard time keeping up with me. Devon came walking up soon enough though and was talking to Chaise about something I didn't hear.

"Come on man." Devon says. "I'll be down there in a bit." Chaise replies and then Devon walks away. "Go hang out with your male friends and those girls down at the beach." I say. Then walk up to the girls cabin door and go in. He tried to say something but the door closed to soon.

Devon Turner

I see Chaise fall off the surf board when he saw Jenny. I couldn't help but laugh. He got out quickly and went to talk to her for some reason. I waited a few minutes before going to interupt their little party going on.

"Riley is waiting on us, we are going to go exploring." I tell him. He looks at me like I'm crashing his party and says ok. I wait again before asking him to come on. "I'll be down there in a bit." he tells me, so I walk off.

Erina and Megan were sitting at the food bar looking thing drinking a drink. "Hey." I say to them. They smile at me but the only person that actually says something was Megan. "Hey surfer boy." she replies. I laughed a little.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Fri May 03, 2013 7:05 pm
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Swiftfur says...


"Swift it's only for the summer."
I sighed. My foster mum could be so pushy sometimes.
"Can't I stay here?" I whined.
She reached across the table to ruffle my hair.
"Sorry baby, you're going."
Another sigh, another frown.
"Oh, fine," I agreed grudgingly. "But only on one condition," Her eyebrows raised.
"You are going to tell me why you want me to go there."
"Oh baby, I just want you to have fun. Ever since your parents died, you've been so, so..."
"Closed off?" I supplied.
She nodded.
I stood up and trudged up the stairs to my room, flopping on the bed on my back.
Charm came over and settled on my chest.
"Oh Charm, do you really think I should go?'
She gazed at me with golden feline eyes, her black tail swishing through the air. I took it as a yes.
I got off my bed and went over to the closet to grab my tan messenger bag, rummaging through the dresser and tossing clothes into it.
I went over to my small drawer that I kept my jewelry and trinkets in and pulled out my cream feather earrings.
After slipping them on, I took out my necklace with a cream diamond set into a clear cube and fastened it behind my neck.
I scooped up Charm, grabbed my satchel, and plopped her in it.
Mom looked up from her papers spread out on the table at my approach.
"All set?" I nodded
"Let's go then!"
She made it to the door, then spun around.
"Oh, and I wouldn't mind if you got yourself a boyfriend. After all, you are 17.
"I'll give it a shot."
She smiled and opened the door.
I held the door open and gestured to the car.
"After you, your Highness."
She pinched my cheek and walked to the car, plopping her self down in the driver's seat.
"You coming?" She asked.
I grinned, closed the door and raced to the car.
Mom leaned over and opened the door for me.
I sat down next to her, taking care not squash Charm.
Charm poked out her furry head and meowed.
Mom laughed and petted her.
"So, what is this place called?"
"Camp Crazy," I replied.
I opened my messenger bag and fished out my Ipod and a pack of Trident bubble gum.
Popping my ear buds,I turned it on and selected Erutan's playlist.
I opened the pack of gum and took out two pieces, offering one to my mom.
She took it and pulled the wrapper off, then tossed it in the air, missing her mouth by a centimeter.
I laughed at her attempt . It was an old game we used to play.
I tore the wrapper off my piece, tossed it in the air, and caught it in my mouth.
"Not bad," She chuckled, pulling into the parking lot of Camp Crazy.
"Here we are. Have fun, make some friends, and be safe!"
"I will, mom," I reassured, planting a kiss on her cheek and opening the car door to start my adventure.
Home sweet camp, I thought.
Last edited by Swiftfur on Fri May 03, 2013 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You can't change the past, so live in the future, and choose your course wisely.

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Fri May 03, 2013 8:51 pm
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Swiftfur says...

Spoiler! :
Does anyone mind if I go again just to catch up to Y'all?
You can't change the past, so live in the future, and choose your course wisely.

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Sat May 04, 2013 2:16 am
Craz says...

Devyn Garland

The wheels bumped over the loose rocks, and the engine moaned as Devyn cranked it in park. It sputtered and then died, and it seemed to have sunken in relief from the tormenting rough road they had to take to get there. Evan shook his head at the poor thing, and then got out of the car. They had carpooled together, and the entire time Evan had complained at the volume of Devyn's music like an old man.

We're late. From the student's parking lot, Devyn could see a breathtaking beach and an ongoing volleyball match, and not a soul wandered the campus otherwise. Devyn popped the trunk and heaved out all of her bags. Evan grabbed his one bag, and after watching Devyn struggle for a little while he silently shouldered her heaviest one.

Devyn looked at him thankfully. They went to the girl's cabin first (after a little searching) and Devyn found a bottom bunk near the back. She plopped her stuff on top and snagged her camera while Evan left to the boy's cabins with a simple "Meet you at the beach".

The heat was already getting to her, and she took her shirt off. She had luckily prepared ahead of time and was wearing her red bikini underneath, and she was already wearing shorts. She walked towards the beach where she could still barely see the small figures that were to be her future camp mates, and Evan caught up with her on her way to the beach.

Evan seemed reluctant to introduce himself to the guys, so Devyn tugged him over to a sandy patch a little close to the volleyball court with a nice view of the beach. He had changed into his swim trunks too, and his tattoo stuck out from his lightly tanned skin. Devyn swiveled and held the camera up to her eye, catching Evan with his quiet smile as he watched her. His smile spread, and out the corner of her eye she caught the other girls stopping their game and to look at them. Some of them began to make their way towards them, and Devyn smiled at them as they came closer.
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Reviews: 46
Sat May 04, 2013 2:34 am
NicoleBri says...

Jennifer Gray

I seen a few new camp mates walking toward the beach so I ran off to go meet them, I seen the girl in the cabin while I was there, but I guess she didnt see me.

I tapped my finger on her shoulder and she jumped. "Hi, I'm Jennifer, well Jenny, nice to meet you." I say with a smile. She puts her hand out to shake mine. "I'm Devyn and this is Evan." she replies. "Wow, two devyns (devon) in one camp. Nice." I say.

She smiles and says, "Who is the other one?" I turn her toward the bar where Devon is sitting with Megan and Erina. "The guy on the left." I say. "The one in the middle is Megan, our camp leader, and the one on the right is Erina." I say again.

After I introduced myself I pulled her off to the beach and she grabbed his hand. "Time to meet more people." I say.

Devon Turner

Looking over, I see Jenny with two other people, they looked new. "Hey look, you probably need to go talk to those new kids over there Megan." I say to her. She looks over to Jenny with a huge smile and runs off.

"So do you ever talk?" I ask to the only girl left sitting with me. "Uhh, yes. I'm Erina. Your Devon." she says. I couldn't help but smile because I hear the sarcasm in her voice. "So what do you like to do for fun?" I ask her.

She looks around thinking,"Well, I like to play the guitar, and swim. That's for sure." she replies. I look at her in awe. "Wow, that's awesome, I don't know how to play guitar but I like listening." I reply sounding a little dumb.

A few minutes later I tell her I have to go, and I walk off. She just stares at me with a smile. "She seems nice!" I hear Chaise say as he walked up to me. "Yeah. She is." I reply.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.
— Henry David Thoreau, "Walden"