
Young Writers Society

'Armies of the Gods'-(Started/Open)

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Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:28 pm
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Omni says...

Still need to make my profiles :C
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Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:27 pm
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ladcat13 says...

This sounds great! I'm totally in! Here's my spot that I'm reserving, and the description of the character.

Name: Ariannis
Age: not known, though she looks somewhere between 25 and 30, but she acts much older and more experienced

Appearance: Dark, Dark skin like, the color of coacoa. Hair is jet-black and curly, reaching down to small of back, normally left loose. Eyes peircing and dark black, very intimidating and hard not to flinch under, always a mask over emotions and never showing warmth. Full lips, not ever chapped but not with lipstick. She never wears makeup, for that matter. Her complexion is clear and even. Her jaw is strong, her eyes wide-set and slanting upwards like a cat's her cheekbones sharp and maybe a bit stark, and her nose small and nondescript. She is not necessarily beautiful, but she has strong and refined features. She shoulders are broad foor a woman's, and she is uncommonly tall. She moves with the grace of a predator. She is definitly not sexy or anything, though she isn' t too overly hard or soft or fat. She's somewhere in the middle. Her body mass is all muscle, not an ounce of fat on her. Her legs are long and shapely. She wears leggings, knee-high boots, a shirt with elbow-length sleeves, a wide belt, and an ever-present cloak That never comes off. All is tight-fitting except for the cloak, and she is almost never seen in anything else. It ranges in color depending on use, but it is always the right color or pattern to fit into her surroundings so that she could simply melt away into the shadows if she wanted to. A massive longbow of traditional wood and beeswaxed string is slung within easy reach on her back, always strung and ready. Her arrows, also in a quiver slung over her back, also have the traditional wood and feathers. But the heads are unbreakable ceramic. Rumor is that, other than the arrowheads, she makes everything herself, down to braiding the bowstring. Her belt has several scabbards on it in which rest knives of varying uses, shapes, and sizes, all of unbreakable ceramic. Hidden all over her body are similar scabbards, but with daggers in them that are perfectly balanced for throwing.

Personality: Is very mysterious, with unpredictable bouts of emotion that are often unpleasant for those around her. you never know what might set her off, the wrong word or phrase here or there that makes her react as if stung. But she can be compassionate, too. She does not tolerate injustice. But she wears an outside shell of impassiveness, taciturnity, and even hostility. She does not like personal relationships. She remains frosty and aloof with people. No one has ever seen her cry. Something happened to her when she was young that hardened and maybe traumatized her. She is suspicious, sarcastic, untalkative, andnot patient with people. But she is also modest and a just leader. When she speaks, which is seldom, her voice is deep for a woman's but authoritive. She has a pericing stare that is intimidating, like she can see into your soul. No one has ever heard her laugh, but the one time someone has heard her sing, it was haunting and enchanting and beautiful, and in some foreign language.

History/Backstory: Very little to nothing is known about her, other than her outward personality and her prowess in battle, and that she shies away from personal bonds.
No one even knows her surname.

Affiliation(Which faction? Or are you a civilian?): God of the Redeeners

Why are you aligned with them?: Just like the faction she leads, she is unpredictable and almost never takes sides beside her own or her faction's, which she is totally, single- mindedly, 100% loyal to.

Primary Weapon(Feel free to make up weapon names. But if you do, please provide a brief description): Bow+arrow

Secondary Weapon: Knives, ranging from small throwing knives to long daggers, mostly hard ceramic ones but sometimes lazer blades.

Where have you been posted?(For soldiers)(On a planet? A capital ship?): Currently aboard The Hero, the Redeemers' base ship

Other: When her partner, The goddess of hell, was around, Arianiss fought the defensive battles and dealt the politics, despite her dislike of human company, for her partner was too violentand angry to deal with politics and not subtle enough to manipulate people. Genesis fought the offensive battles and dealt with daily management, and ran a tight ship for Ariannis. They worked together very well and were very close freinds, Genesis probably the only person who could get near Arianiss emotionally and Arianiss being the only person who could get near Genesis at all. But now that her partner and dearest freind has been kidnapped ( see the first few posts) Arianiss has been doing some serious multitasking and is also seriously worn out. She's been stretched too thin and a more vulnerable, feminine, emotional side his coming out from under the hard shell. Could she now be, possibly, open to a loving relationship with another?
Last edited by ladcat13 on Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:51 pm, edited 7 times in total.

Millions of miles from home
In the darkness before the dawn
In the swirling of this storm
When I'm rolling with the thunder
But bleed from thorns
Leave a light, a light on.

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Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:54 pm
Jonathan says...

Name:Anog Ramshaft.


Appearance: He is tall and almost always wears a suit of armor and a hat like in the picture he has blond hair and a black coat he also always walks with his head in the air and strait backed which maces him look very tall.

Personality: He loves his country and he is very loyal to all home are his friends but he is rather terrifying if you are his enemy he is always moving and is very restless he hates the other races with great intensity he also talks a little bit weird he speaks the common language and a few other languages that he learned while being a soldier.

History/Backstory:He had lived all his life in on a remote planet called Athod his father had been a fighting officer in the army and had been killed by Paladin general in a battle between to battle ships.
His mother had been killed by one of the many raids that the Guardian frequently made.
He had been piked up by the army of the Redeemers and he had fought for them and had become a high ranking soldier.
He joined a ships crew and had eventually found himself on the capital ship of the Redeemers that was called the Hero.

Affiliation: Redeemer.

Why are you aligned with them?: because he loves his people and hates the Paladins for killing his father.

Primary Weapon:A saber and a smaller knife.

Secondary Weapon:Blank.

Where have you been posted: He is posted on the battle ship called the Hero.

Other: He can move extremely fast.
There seems to be nothing written here. :shock:

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Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:56 pm
Jonathan says...

There you go. :smt032 :smt032 :smt032 :smt032 :smt032 :smt032 :smt032 :smt032 :smt032 :smt032 :smt032 :smt032 :smt032 :smt032 :smt024
There seems to be nothing written here. :shock:

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Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:56 pm
Jonathan says...

I hope I can post as soon as it starts.
There seems to be nothing written here. :shock:

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Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:23 am
ladcat13 says...

Hey, i reserved a spot and made a character as a god for the Redeemers. Just to make it clear. And preferrablly on the reserved spots list.

Millions of miles from home
In the darkness before the dawn
In the swirling of this storm
When I'm rolling with the thunder
But bleed from thorns
Leave a light, a light on.

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Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:51 am
Dreamery says...

Yeah, sorry. I'll put you up there.

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Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:10 am
ladcat13 says...

Ok thxs :) :D :o :P :mrgreen: :smt003 :smt004 :pirate3:

Millions of miles from home
In the darkness before the dawn
In the swirling of this storm
When I'm rolling with the thunder
But bleed from thorns
Leave a light, a light on.

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Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:15 am
ladcat13 says...

Hey jordin,nice character. He sounds like maybe a person of importance in my army. Seeing as im the only acting god in place, Genesis being kidnapped and me being stretched too thin, would u like to be a general or sumthin? And also, when the story starts, do you think there could be some romance going on there? Arianiss is, after all, vulnerable at the moment because of her freind and fellow god, Genesis', kidnapping.

Millions of miles from home
In the darkness before the dawn
In the swirling of this storm
When I'm rolling with the thunder
But bleed from thorns
Leave a light, a light on.

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Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:40 pm
Jonathan says...

Wait this is not the DT the DT is in the link up there this is were you post your profiles the DT is the discussion thread.
There seems to be nothing written here. :shock:

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Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:41 pm
Jonathan says...

Oh and your profile was greats too.
There seems to be nothing written here. :shock:

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Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:30 am
ladcat13 says...

Well then i got dibs on a council member position. U k, i think we shoul really fill that one up. Maybe, like, a human council member for every "civilized" planet, no matter its native race. There could be nine or so members, nine civilized planets, and a Chair who manages meetings but doesnt vote. The wars that the factions are fighting are over the small ones, because the big ones are too independant to be under one fac or another. The fac members have to put at least a representitive of the fac to the smaller or less urgent Council meetings, and one of their Gods to the important/bigger/ urgent meetings. If a planet puts up a red flag, an urgent meeting is called and as many attend as are able, though sometimes not everyone can come. How does that sound, ddman?

Millions of miles from home
In the darkness before the dawn
In the swirling of this storm
When I'm rolling with the thunder
But bleed from thorns
Leave a light, a light on.

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Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:01 am
ladcat13 says...

Here's my Council member:

Name: Damien Threndon

Age: 45 yrs

Appearance: His hair silvered kinda early, he says it runs in the family. He keeps it cut close until the crown of his head, where it is longer and neatly split to one side. His brow is not very prominant. His eyes are grey-green and kindly, with laugh lines around them. They seem to draw you in and make you trust him, to tell him the truth about everything bad you've ever done and then burst out crying like a little child. His nose was broken at some point and never quite healed quite straight, and though you can' t see it from the front, you can see it when he turns his head. But other than that, it is fine-boned and also not too prominent. His cheekbones, on the other hand, stand out a little more, which lengthens his jowls and makes his face look quiet, wise, and civil. His complexion is a little on the tan side, because he did and still does a lot of traveling. He is a little taller than average height with shoulders that are a little on the broad side and modest muscles, not bulky but definitely hardened. He keeps himself in shape. He normally wears light blue, navy blue, or grey suits with a black or grey tie and a crisp white shirt underneath. Brown Italian loafers, to complete the picture. He also carries around a brown leather briefcase that looks like it has seen iits share of heavy use. He carries EVERYTHING in there and is never seen without it.

Personality: Despite his professional look, he eaves his hands in his pockets and walks with a perpetual spring in his step. He often whistles a happy tune. He doesn't need to talk a lot or crack cheesy jokes. He has a quiet subtle humor. He smiles a lot and likes to make others smile. He has a kind of fatherly attitude toward everyone and people naturally like and trust him. But when he gets into serious debate mode, everyone had better get out of his way. He is intimidating in this form. He will do anything to get what his people need and want. He is fiercely loyal to them. He is a formidable politician and is very, very skilled at manipulating people. He often uses that fatherly demeanor of his against people.

History: He grew up in a small town on a small planet that did not have a representative, instead looking to the nearest "civilized" planet for government. He was one of many children of a farming family. He really didn't care about politics until the governor of the state happened to be traveling through when his hovercar broke down. He stayed a few days in their town, during which time Damien had the chance to meet. Damien instantly admired him and was all questions about the governor's job. He was so inconsolable that the governor, who had seen the potential in him, invited him to come to the city and see what the governor did firsthand. His parents were delighted both to get rid of another one of their children and that their little boy was going to the big city. After he reached the city, it was all downhill from there. He quickly became the governor's assistant, then co-manager, then replacement, then the planet's representative, then an official for the big planet, then the big planet's representative in the Council. he was a natural and still is. He strives for right for smaller planets, since he came from one and fully knows of the injustices they suffer, especially now with the faction wars

Affiliation: He is a Council member and represents one of the nine large planets. I'll pick one when we've come up with names and descriptions of them.

Primary Weapon: He actually does carry around a standard-issue city police lazer gun with the typical "stun" and "kill" settings that only need to touch the body once. One of his many "friends" was a city cop and gave him unofficial police training, as well as getting him a gun and a hidden weapon permit, so that he knows how to defend himself.

Other: Has a wife and one daughter, who he doesn't talk about much at work they are not public figures. And also, there is ABSOLUTELY NO PERSONAL CONNECTION BETWEEN DAMIEN THRENDON AND ARIANNISS, my other character. They have a casual relationship as business associates and sometimes political allies. They often share opinions and vote for the same things in Council meetings. Other than that, no association.
Last edited by ladcat13 on Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Millions of miles from home
In the darkness before the dawn
In the swirling of this storm
When I'm rolling with the thunder
But bleed from thorns
Leave a light, a light on.

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Mon May 13, 2013 3:32 am
Omni says...

So apparently I forgot about this. I'm sorry, but I must leave this SB :(
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Mon May 13, 2013 12:13 pm
Jonathan says...

It looks like SB's are very low on priority.
There seems to be nothing written here. :shock:

Maybe we're all just complex human beings with skewed perceptions of each other.
— Ventomology