
Young Writers Society

Cuppa Mud Cafe

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Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:38 pm
jimdandy says...


"I've got nothing important needing my attention, and I'm not too sure about you but I think we're going to get pneumonia sitting in the cold like this and my place isn't that far. Unless you got something on your mind, I think it's a good idea."
I looked over at Seb, who seemed to be contemplating the offer. My eyes wandered the sky, the clouds were getting darker and the wind was picking up. A snap of a twig brought my attention to the right of me.
Tom was walking around, talking to the crows and just being himself. His suit crisp and his tie just a bit undone. I looked back at Seb to attempt to see what she thought, she chuckled a bit and leaned back against my arm.
Tom went by and gave me a wave, smiling as he went past, back to the cafe. "So? What do you think" I say looking back at Seb.
"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." - Epicurus
"I didn't lie! I just created fiction with my mouth." - Homer

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Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:14 am
artsy says...


I hesitated. "I'm..I don't know." I adjusted my jacket and pulled away from him a little. "I agree that it's not good for our health if we stay out here..." I let out a breath, thinking about this. Go over to his house? I barely knew him. Yeah, I like him, but...his house? The thought of what could happen played in my mind, and I didn't like the possible scenarios.
"You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes - you can steer yourself in any direction you choose!" - Dr. Seuss
Will Review For Food

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Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:04 am
jimdandy says...


"The cafe closed about a half-hour ago because it's Thursday and I don't feel like walking alone at this hour. But it's ok if you don't feel like crashing at my place, which is, only a five minute walk." I tried to explain the situation to Seb, who was pulling away from me. I bet she thinks I'm going to do something stupid, why would I even? Does she really think I'm that kind of guy? I wouldn't even think of it.
"I've got a spare room in my loft, kind of small but it has it's own bathroom in it and all."
Seb still didn't seem convinced, maybe this was just a lost conversation. Maybe if I - No, I don't want to completely just freak her out by telling her about my life.
"I'm as hungry as a bulldog, how about you? I can cook up a fine steak. Or maybe something else?"
Ken! Stop it! She's creeped out and she won't go. How do you know huh? Well, she is completely considering just running away from you now! No, she is just thinking of her options, plus I'm sure she'd be polite enough to say 'No' if she didn't want to come.
My mind was in complete battle again and I put my rubbed my hands on my face, trying to ward off the cold.
"Or maybe I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. I haven't had anyone over since my mother came over, but she is uhm, not with us anymore."
"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." - Epicurus
"I didn't lie! I just created fiction with my mouth." - Homer

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Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:49 am
artsy says...


I looked at him, his hands trying to clear the fog in his head. I could tell he was struggling for the right words. I felt guilty for being at a loss for words now. I moved closer to him again, putting my arm around him. "I'm sorry I got a little freaked out." I apologized. "I haven't exactly had boys ask me out before, much less invite me to their house. I didn't think you were like that, but I guess I'm just paranoid." I slipped off my alarm and leanedagainst him again.

"I can make some great pasta myself." I tried to compensate for my irrational behavior before, but naturally, my guard never let down. "And it's been a while since I've eaten a steak."
"You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes - you can steer yourself in any direction you choose!" - Dr. Seuss
Will Review For Food

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Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:42 am
jimdandy says...


I half smiled and got up off the bench. Seb looked at me and I held out my hand, she took it and put her arm in mine. It felt nice.

When we reached my loft, which really wasn't that big. Seb sat down on the couch, and I put on a few records on the player. I then went into the kitchen and got dinner rolling right on its way. Soon enough, the loft smelt like a grand New York steak house. I had also whipped up some salad and rice, sliced some oranges thinly and let the rice soak the juices.
When I set the table, I grabbed myself a glass of wine. "Anything you want to drink Seb? I'm having wine, and I'm assuming you don't drink, I got soda, water, beer and cranberry juice."
I poured myself the wine, then I went over beside the couch. "I'm going to get changed to something less grimy. Help yourself to anything, I just set the table." I excused myself and went to my room to change out of my grimy coveralls.
"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." - Epicurus
"I didn't lie! I just created fiction with my mouth." - Homer

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Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:59 am
artsy says...


I exhaled as he left the living room to go and change. I pulled out my journal and started writing some quick thoughtss down to rid my head of them. It was a good thing my mother introduced me to writing when I was little. It was one of the very few things that kept me sane. I walked over to his fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, contemplating. I'm in his house. was all I could really think of at the moment.

I glanced over at the wine on the table, not really liking the idea of him drinking any while I was over, but I did nothing. It was his house, his wine, his right to drink it. It's not like you can't defend yourself. I reassured myself. Those martial art instructors didn't teach you for nothing. You can still fight and get away if necessary.

But I was afraid that this was too good to be true more than something terrible happening to me. I looked over at my bag on the couch. I could change into my running clothes; they are more comfortable. After a moment of consideration, I took my athletic shorts and a T-shirt I got from a writer's conference when I was in high school and went to a room I soon discovered to be the bathroom. I changed quickly, stuffed my old clothes in my bag, and sat on the couch with my water bottle and a fiction book I had in my bag already.
"You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes - you can steer yourself in any direction you choose!" - Dr. Seuss
Will Review For Food

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Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:45 am
jimdandy says...


I came out, shortly after with a clean shirt and black slacks. I sat down at the table and started eating what I put down for both of us.
"Going to join me? Or you going to play shy?" I was hungry, but I ate politely, knowing Seb might think I'm a total slob eating like a wolf.

Sleep Walk from Santo and Johnny came up on my record player and
I tuned in to the sweet waves of nirvana. Conjuring pictures in my mind, dancing with a red dress lady slowly. Holding her close in the middle of the ball.
And once again I snapped out of my trance and went back to eating, day-dreaming was for my own time. I got company over. How am I going to entertain Seb? She seems uncomfortable... How do I even- Ah it's a problem I can't fix.
"Foods getting cold." I say, looking over to the couch.
"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." - Epicurus
"I didn't lie! I just created fiction with my mouth." - Homer

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Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:07 pm
artsy says...


I looked over to where he was sitting, dressed up fancier than I had. I suddenly felt self-conscious for wearing a T-shirt and running shorts. Don't let the food go to waste. I closed the book and headed over Ken's way.

I sat opposite of him, my plate and utensils already set for me. "It smells really good." I admitted, picking up the fork and knife and doing my best to hold back completely pigging out at the moment. My stomach was still in knots and I was a guest. "You're right." I said, reaching for my glass of water. "It's really delicious. Thank you."
"You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes - you can steer yourself in any direction you choose!" - Dr. Seuss
Will Review For Food

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Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:13 am
jimdandy says...


The sense of company welled up inside me as I finished his meal, a twitch on my chin wiggled the feeling of longing dissipated. Knowing how long it had been since mother had been here, sitting in that chair Seb occupied. Oh the memories that conjured, childhood memoirs, and Heather. Sweet sweet Heather. The tears started to flow. I tried hiding my woes from my beautiful guest, though I believe I had failed at that. Emotions are not something I show very often, for they are my weakness in my eyes. Should they even be though? I'm not sure, just as I'm not sure with many things in this world.
"I-I think I should retire, help yourself to anything here. I'll clean up tomorrow." I excused myself and started over to my room.
"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." - Epicurus
"I didn't lie! I just created fiction with my mouth." - Homer

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Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:56 pm
artsy says...


I got up and walked after him. "Hey." I grabbed his wrist and turned him around. His eyes were turning a light shade of red and I saw that he could burst into tears. "What's bugging you?" I asked him, more concerned for him now that I saw him like this. He was silent for a while, and his eyes grew redder. I shifted my hand from around his rest to in his. My hand now holding his. "Talk to me." I squeezed his hand. "Please?"
"You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes - you can steer yourself in any direction you choose!" - Dr. Seuss
Will Review For Food

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Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:40 am
Rosamunroe says...

Keep writing !! It's great I want to know what happens next
*live and let die*

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Tue Oct 23, 2012 2:00 am
jimdandy says...


"Just memories Seb, just them. I had a little trouble with my mother before she left this realm, and then some girl trouble after that." I look over to the window sill, and see the moon half waning outside. Seb let go of my wrist as I walked on over to the half-pearl moon climbing the time of night. Why at this time am I remembering Heather?
I turn around and face Seb, gazing at me with those silvery eyes. "Heather was a very good friend of mine, since childhood y'know." The tears started falling again. "S-she always had this way with everything, just always the light of all those rainy days. And then, everything fell, after one night when we went out dancing I was driving her home. This truck t-boned the side of my car, after the impact I looked over at her, and-" I couldn't continue anymore, it was too painful to continue. I had too live with that image every day and night since it happened, grief counselors couldn't help, nor could the therapists, and I couldn't really talk to anybody who would honestly care. So I bottled it down. Now with Seb here, in my house just almost like Heather was when I invited her over. It's just so... I don't know anymore...

I started back to my room with my tears streaming down my face, and I forgot to close the door. I sat down on my bed with my hands over my face.
"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." - Epicurus
"I didn't lie! I just created fiction with my mouth." - Homer

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Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:24 am
artsy says...


I sat down on the couch slowly. I saw that his bedroom door was open, and I knew he wasn't asleep. I could see him through the open doorway, head in his hands, remembering the best friend, and possibly something else, that he lost. Did I somehow remind him of her? The thought sent a shiver down my spine. I couldn't decide if that was good or not, or if I should go in there and comfort him.
"You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes - you can steer yourself in any direction you choose!" - Dr. Seuss
Will Review For Food

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Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:27 am
jimdandy says...


I laid back on the bed. Not knowing what Seb would do, knowing I didn't remember to close the door. I wrapped the quilt around me. I tried sleeping, yet it wouldn't come to me. So there I was, in my bed tossing and turning, not sleeping only silently mourning.
Everyone dies someday. My mind, looking again for a fight.
She didn't have to that day! Resistance was futile, though I had to fight back. For my own sanity.
My mind fought on, going back to my past and bringing up what could be my future.
Though in and out of this battle, I wondered about Seb. How was she taking my breakdown? What is she thinking of this situation?
"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." - Epicurus
"I didn't lie! I just created fiction with my mouth." - Homer

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Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:55 pm
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artsy says...

Sorry about not being able to reply sooner.


I sighed to myself on the couch. I could just sit here, read the book I brought, and pretend not to notice. That'd be the easy choice. Pretending. Pretending I didn't care; pretending I wasn't already attached to Ken.

Or you could go in there and stop playing detachment.

My own conscious was going against my will. But he was breaking down in his bedroom with his guest left unsure in the living room. I lifted myself off the couch and treaded lightly to the doorway of his room. I leaned against the frame and swung the door open so it wouldn't block me from his view and vice versa.

"Would you like to talk about anything? Or at least want some company?"
"You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes - you can steer yourself in any direction you choose!" - Dr. Seuss
Will Review For Food

“Though lovers be lost, love shall not; And death shall have no dominion.”
— Dylan Thomas