
Young Writers Society

Seventh Shadow~ Started (4 Spots open)

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Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:55 am
EnchantedPanda says...

King Richard | Study

Suddenly King Richard heard a soft rapping on the door. He rose from his seat and walked toward the door. He opened it and found his secretary standing at the door. His secretary: Peter Formanding, bowed slowly and arose. "Sir," he started slowly, "are you ready to make your appearance at the prince and princesses party?"

King Richard hesitated. He needed to finish the letter. He cleared his throat, "of course," he replied confidently. Peter nodded, bowed again and left. I shut the door behind him whilst calling out "I'll be down there in five minutes." King Richard shut the door and returned to his desk. How was he ever going to finish the letter?

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Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:30 am
Iggy says...

Spoiler! :

*Violet - Ballroom*

Violet ran her hands over the jeweled goblet that rested in her hand, feeling the sparkling gems. She was tempted to slip it in her pocked and walk away, but it was too big. And the jewels wouldn't budge. Violet growled and shoved the cup away, turning to the crowd with an annoyed expression on her face. It was just a party for the stupid Prince, with a bunch of fat, selfish nobles wasting food they won't even eat and dancing like they know what's hot. Please. Violet's eyes narrowed when she spotted a red-haired girl waving her arms around eagerly as she chattered, her right-handed first finger displaying a lovely emerald bounty.

"Vi." Violet didn't even realize she was walking towards the girl when a deep and familiar voice snapped her out of her trance.

"What?" She blinked innocently at the dark-haired man towering over her, his handsome features set in a seducive smirk.

"Don't even try. She's got that boy stuck to her like glue." Jerr jerked his head towards a man of Violet's age, with slick black hair and smoky green eyes.

"I want the ring." Violet said in cold determination, her eyes set more on the man than his targeted object of protection.

"How do you plan on getting the.. ring?" Jerr smirked, resting a lightly tanned hand on Violet's shoulder.

"Watch me." With that said, Violet put on a sweet smile and yanked Jerr over to the people.

"Hello. I'm Violet, and this is Jerr." Violet smiled sweetly at the redhead. Her bodyguard glared at Violet, as Jerr glared at him. Oh, the protectiveness was hilarious. Such a hoot. Violet fought back a snicker, which would no doubt attract unwanted stares.

"Hi! I'm Isabelle and this Alexios!" Isabelle grinned and pointed enthusiastically at Alexios. He nodded bluntly to Violet. Violet smirked back.

"So. Why you here?" Jerr asked Alexios awkwardly, thriving to keep him distracted.

Violet turned to Isabelle. "Nice to meet you!" She shook Isabelle's hand, acccidently bumping a glass over. The liquid spilled, puddling to the ground. Violet appologized repeatedly as Alexios cleaned it up.

"I'm sorry!" Violet faked a look of distress as she got up, her hand brushing Jerr's hand. She bend down and helped Alexios clean the mess.

"It's okay Violet! Hey, you know what's funny? You're not Violet, you're white!" Isabelle laughed hard, hiccuping a little. Violet bit back a vicious remark and fake-laughed.

"Nice one, Belle."

((Yes, Violet did steal the ring. Naughty child! XD

Wicked, can I please claim the last theif and create a profile for Jerr?))
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:59 pm
Redfang18 says...

Luke| Ballroom

Although the anklet that Rose was wearing had me at the emeralds, I was cursing myself inside. Taking the anklet was going to be a little harder than I expected. Because he was wearing the anklet, I had to find some alternative way to steal it without him realizing I was really the Phantom Thief. I watched Rose fidget with the anklet, no doubt struggling to adjust it with no luck. The Phantom Thief in me said, Now there's an idea, Lucario. You can steal it without him even knowing it. You could make it look like you are adjusting the anklet when you're really stealling it.
Rose asked, "Could you help me with this?"
I answered rather kindly, "My pleasure." I got on one knee and let my fingers dance around the anklet. While my left hand fiddled around on the anklet, my other hand dug into my pocket and found a sapphire anklet just the exact size and width of the emerald one. I stored the emerald anklet in my shirt and made the sapphire anklet fit neatly on Rose's ankle.
After I stood up, Rose smiled and said, "Thanks, Luke."
I said, "Pleasure." I turned around and walked away. I took the emerald anklet out of my shirt and snickered. It will be a long time before Rose realized that the Phantom Thief was in the party and made the former the latter's victum. I knew I was on a roll now, so I decided to keep going while I was still having fun.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:44 am
FruityBickel says...


With a small smile on his face, Rose tilted his head and watched Luke walk away. There was something..peculiar about him. What person would come up to a complete stranger and help them adjust their anklet? He wondered. But, in the end, he shrugged indifferently and went to find a seat, pulling out his sketchbook and a sketching pencil. Sighing with a mixture of content and dismay, he began to sketch out a small view of the castle, as he had seen it while he was coming in. Luke had been a nice guy and all, but Rose sincerely hoped that no one else would be as friendly to him. For some reason, he was itching to fight.
Finishing the drawing more quickly then normal, Rose threw the sketchbook onto the table beside him and watched the rest of the people in the ballroom, feeling just as out of place as ever.
Almost immediately, his sharp eyes caught sight of Luke, and since Rose seemed to have nothing better to do, he decided to watch the helpful stranger.

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Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:18 am
Liv says...

Can someone bring Chastity in? :)

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Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:50 am
Redfang18 says...

*OOC: Ask and ya shall receive.*
Luke | Ballroom

After a small while, I stored the anklet in my shirt to keep myself safe from the eyes of the law. I searched the crowd and found Chastity. I came up to her and said smoothly, "After minutes apart, we meet again, my lovely lady." I took her by the hand and danced with her once again. Behind the silver mask, I knew she was the same girl I saw three years ago. She's grown up the last time I saw her. I could tell she knew my face behind my own mask, but I didn't want to make her suspect me as the Phantom Thief. Already my fellow thieves are afraid of me because I rob them the same way I rob the rich to keep myself alive, but I still have the law on my tail, looking for ways to capture and expose me to the public. I was almost tempted to kiss Chastity in return for kissing me, but I didn't dare try.
The Phantom Thief in me chuckled and mocked, You're being a chicken, Lucario. You got a girl's arms on you, but you're not man enough to just kiss her and be done with it?! What are you, Lucario? A man or a mouse?
I dug in my pocket and found a sapphire medallion. After Chastity and I were finished with our dance, I put the medallion around her neck and was about to walk away when she held firmly on my hand. I started to wonder why she won't let go, but I was beginning to fear she found out what kind of person I really was.
Last edited by Redfang18 on Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:17 am
Liv says...

Thank you, RedFang!


As I swayed to the music, I heard a familiar voice say from behind me, "After minutes apart, we meet again, my lovely lady."

I turned to see Luke, and I smiled at him. He took my hand in his and led me to the dance floor, where we danced in the same way we had before. His emerald green eyes told me he recognized me, and maybe even knew I recognized him. It was likely. It's funny how after all this time we meet again, under much different circumstances.

As we finished our dance, I felt him clasp a necklace around my neck. After doing so, he began to walk away.

No, not again I thought to myself, tightening my grip and pulling him back towards me. He looked back to me, a hint of worry on his face.

Reaching up on my tiptoes, I whispered, "No, Luke."

With that said, I planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

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Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:26 am
Redfang18 says...

Luke | Ballroom

At first I thought she was going to call the guards on me, but feeling her gently plant a kiss on my cheek made me think otherwise. My heart started to flutter and I ended up kissing her lips before I knew it. Something inside me wanted her for himself. I wanted to hold her close, steal her away into the Phantom's Hide, and lavish her with all the bounty I've collected over the years as the Phantom Thief. I could make her a thief if I got my chance. Yes, I could do that. Eight years living alone would be wiped away by a lifetime with Chastity. She and I, master thieves together.
The Phantom Thief in me warned, Take her now and you'll be dead by the hands of the law, Lucario. Remember that your mistress is the art of stealing. You steal because you want to live.
I broke from Chastity and tried to escape her arms. Once I was free from her grip, I went on with my secret work. I walked around, keeping a close eye on anything that I could steal. Some were small as rings, but I wanted a challenge. The question was where could I find this challenge that might keep my mind off Chastity. I had not the slight inkling.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:11 am
EnchantedPanda says...

King Richard | Study/ Hallway

I put the lid on my bottle of ink and screwed it on tightly, resting the quill on the desk. I rose from my seat and left the half written letter on the desk. I pushed my chair in and walked toward the door.

I shut the door behind me and walked out of my study and down the hallway. I heard a booming voice call out grandly. "Here is King Richard, king of all Alleria."

A round of applause echoed through the hall and I walked through the double doors and entered the back of the hall. I looked around the hall at everyone until the clapping receded there was silence. I cleared my throat opened my mouth and began to speak.

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Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:58 pm
Liv says...

Hello every peoples of this website. This is not Liv. I am Liv's older brother, Dakotah. I am writing this as a favor to my sister. She was grounded a few days ago, and won't be allowed on the computer. She has asked me to say that you guys can do whatever with Chastity.

Peace out writers,
Dakotah XD

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Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:15 pm
FruityBickel says...

OK, switching to first person to make it easier XD


I finally tore my gaze away from Luke and turned to face the king, who had begun speaking. His voice was just another low buzz in my ears as I once again picked up my sketchbook and began to draw, random things as I saw fit. A rose flew from my blistered fingers, through the pencil and onto the paper. I become engrossed with filling in every detail, trying to for some reason make it the best as possible. Hey, I figured, if I wanted my artwork to hang in a gallery someday I would have to have practice. I furrowed my brow at my drawing, then began to color it in with shaded pencils I had handy.
Shrieks erupted all around me, and I glanced up to see, to my horror, Cherry jumping from one person's head to the next, until she finally came to a rest on top of the king's own head and began to comb through his hair. My cheeks flushed with embarrassement as I stepped forward to claim her, and the king whirled around to face me, anger etched into his very eyes.

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Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:51 pm
EnchantedPanda says...

King Richard | Ballroom

I spun around angrily to see where it had come from. I spotted a boy walking toward the front of the hall. His head staring straight down at his feet as he shuffled forward embarrassingly. "Who did this?" I demanded. The boy raised his hand and continued walking toward the front of the stage.

"I'm sorry about what--" the boy started slowly and stiffly.

I raised my eyebrow and stared at him accusingly. "You did this?" I asked quickly and firmly not letting my gaze escape from him. He nodded and I spotted fear in his manner. "Sorry," he said quickly and quietly. I raised my eyebrows, I wasn't used to someone being so shy. I grunted and gestured that he should return to his seat. I didn't know how else to act, he was so quiet and closed up.

As soon as the words escaped my lips the boy ran to his seat and sat down quickly. I continued with my speech feeling slightly mystified and confused.

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Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:41 pm
FruityBickel says...

Rose| Ballroom/Hallway

I quickly shuffled to my seat, Cherry slung over my shoulder where she rightfully belonged. I could feel all eyes on me and my cheeks burned as I sat down, trying to ignore the stares as I took my seat and returned to my drawing. I began to mutter to Cherry angrily, scolding her. If my Dad found out what happened, he would certainly send me off to the nearest, cheapest, cruelist boarding school he could find. And to be honest, I no longer cared. I pulled my knees up to my chest and lay my sketchbook across them, then continued to shade in the rose, which I had absent-mindedly colored in gold. The King's speech was once again just a low buzz in my ears.

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Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:36 pm
gleek456 says...

Isabelle Freidrich | Ballroom

My eyes widened as a monkey jumped on top of King Richard's head. I had surpass a laugh, earning a stern glare from Lex. I nodded in sorrow and laid my eyes on the ground, to avoid laughing. King Richard continued with his speech, and I got bored. I never liked speeches. They just kill the party. I decided to follow the boy, Rose, and the cute little monkey. I plopped down in a seat right beside Rose. I stared at the monkey who was sitting on his shoulder. I begin giggling a bit.

"Um, yes?" Rose asked. I covered my mouth with my hand and looked towards the ground.

"Your monkey's so cute!" I burst, causing some glares from some partygoers. I waved the tips of my fingers to them, and they looked away.

"Um, thanks," he answered, shifting in his seat. I bit my lip to restrain myself from asking the question, but it slipped my mouth.

"Can I hold it?" I asked. Rose glared at me a bit.

"Her," he corrected me. I nodded.

(Hope this was okay!)

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Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:52 pm
FruityBickel says...


Despite myself, I had to smile as I let Cherry uncurl herself from my shoulders and walk into Belle's hand. I grinned at Belle's smile. "Yeah..normally she's not a people person, but she seems to like you." I smiled, studying Belle with renewed interest. She was an interesting figure, even to me, and I usually didn't pay attention to people unless I absolutely had to.
She noticed my stare. "Is something wrong?" she asked. I blushed and stared down at my sketchbook, not answering. "Everything's fine." I mumbled, shading at the petals even though I knew the rose was already finished. I sat back and studied the drawing next, reaching down and picking up the pencil so I could scribble my illegible signature onto the bottom of the page.

I will not condemn you for what you did yesterday, if you do it right today.
— Sheldon S. Maye